
r /> 3 I’m called home by a cadaver from the sea, Although it’s dead, it speaks with living lips. 一具尸体海上来, 虽死仍能把口开。 4 Riddle me, riddle me, what is that,Over the head and under the hat?下有头,上有帽; 这是啥,可知道? 5 A riddle, a riddle, as I S A hundred eyes and never a nose.谜啊谜,真稀奇, 百只眼,没有鼻。 6 What is lesser than a mouse, And hath more windows than a house?什么东西身材小, 开出天窗真不少。 7 The sun cooked it, the hand broke off it, The foot trod on it and the mouth enjoyed it. 太阳烧,双手剥, 双脚踩,嘴里咬。 8 East and west and north and south,One hundred teeth and never a mouth.走遍东西和南北, 百只牙齿没有嘴。 9 Long legs, crooked thighs Little head and no eyes.小腿长长大腿弯, 脑袋不大没长眼。 10 Four fingers and a thumb, Yet flesh and bone have I none.五个手指我都有, 不长肌肉和骨头。 11 I tremble at each breath of air, And yet can heaviest burdens bear.见风它就抖, 重负能承受。 12 Cut me up in pieces and bury me alive, The young ones will live and the old ones die. 切成小块,将我活埋, 小的传代,老的淘汰。 13 When I am old, I cast my skin, Whereby I do come young again.老来蜕下一身皮, 返老还童有新衣。 14 What has a bad but never sleeps. And has a mouth, yet never eats?有床不睡眠, 有口不吃饭。 15 What is it that has a tongue but never talks, Has no legs but always walks?有舌不说话, 无腿常走道。 16 Use me well and IScratch my back and I am nobody.面面相对,谁看是谁; 抓我后背,谁看没谁。 17 Runs smoother than any rhyme, Loves to fall but never climb.我的韵律嘴流畅, 只爱下来不爱上。 18 A house full, a hole full, And you cannot gather a bowl full.屋里满,洞里满, 装不起来一大碗。 19 Lives in winter, Dies in summer, And grows with its root upwards.冬天长, 夏天亡, 它的根须朝上方。 20 He who has it doesn’t tell it, He who takes it doesn’t know it, He who knows it doesn’t want it.有它不自招, 拿它不知道, 知道不想要。 21 It flies without wings, Between silken strings, And leaves as you’ll find It’s guts still behind.一样东西没翅膀, 丝线之间穿梭忙; 来了一趟又一趟, 身体后面拖肚肠。 22 It runs up the hill, And runs down the hill, But in spite of all, It still stands still.一会上山坡, 一会下山坡; 仔细看一看, 原地在停泊。 23 I have a thing and rough it is, And in the midst a hold I There came a young man with his ginne, And he put it a handful in.一样东西毛茸茸, 中间有个大窟窿; 英俊少年兴冲冲, 伸手进去暖烘烘。 24 Behind the king’s kitchen there is great vat, And a great many workman working at that, Yellow is their toes, yellow is their clothes, Tell me this riddle and you an pull my nose. 大罐放在厨房里, 一帮工匠出力气, 黄色脚趾黄色衣, 猜出谜来刮我鼻。 25 Riddle me, riddle me, rot-rot-rote! A little wee man, in red oat! A staff in his hand and a stone in his throat, If you’ll tell me this riddle, I’ll give you a groat.小东西,挂树梢, 身穿一件小红袄; 手拿一根小木棍, 一粒石子口中咬。 26 On the hill there is a green house, And in the green house there’s a white house, And in the white house there’s a red house, And in the red house, There are a lot of little black and white babies. 山上有座绿房子, 里面有座白房子, 进去还有红房子, 许多黑白小孩子, 住在这座红房子。 27 In daytime I have nothing to do, And am left quietly in a corner, But at night I’m brought our, And swallow fire and flame. 白天无事可做, 悄悄坐在角落; 夜晚被人取出, 用来吞焰吃火。 28 As round as a hoop I am, Most But being night, then am I long, As any snake, I say. 白天身上缠, 围成一圆圈; 待到黑夜时, 长蛇身倒悬。 29 Runs over fields and woods all day, Under the bed at
With long tongue hanging out, A- waiting for a bone. 白天田间林中走, 晚间相伴宿床头; 长长舌头伸在外, 张开大口等骨头。 30 First you see me in the grass. D Next I am in dainty white, Then I fly away. 生在绿草地, 浑身穿黄衣; 转而换白衣, 飘东又飘西。 31 Round as a biscuit, D All the Mississippi River, Can’t fill it up. 身体圆圆像饼干, 它的深度像只碗, 搬来密西西比河, 不能把它来灌满。 32 It has cities, It has forest, It has rivers, but no fish, What is it? 有城市,没房屋; 有森林,没树木; 有河流,没鱼虾; 这东西,是何物? 33 We have a horse W He is never alive, And never will be dead. 有匹无头马, 常把衣服挂; 过去不会叫, 将来死不了。 34 What has roots nobody sees, Is taller than the trees, Up, up it goes, And yet it never grows? 有根看不见, 有树在下边; 不见它长高, 却上九重天。 35 I have a little house, Which I Without doors, without windows, And if I want to go out I have to break through the wall. 我有一小屋, 独自一人住; 没门没窗户, 只好破墙出。 36 To ease men of there care I do both rend and tear Their mother’ Yet though I do, there are but few that seem to take it ill. 我给人类帮忙, 撕碎母亲胸膛; 我的所作所为, 无人说我猖狂。 37 If I stand still and don’t move, My occup But if I move and don’t stand still, Then I can usually make them be silent. 我若不摇动, 住户闹哄哄; 我若勤摇动, 住户不起哄。 38 I live in a study,b I feast on the muses but am ne’ Can run over English, o’er Latin, O’er Greek, But none of the languages ever could speak. 住在书房不识字, 熟读诗书无所知; 各种语言我都啃, 张口结舌省吱吱。 39 A thousand berries on the moor, That none They grow during a beautiful night, But they will vanish when the sun shines. 荒野地上有浆果, 从来不能摆上桌; 一夜结出丰硕果, 太阳出来全逃脱。 40 In what place of the earth doth the sky seems To be no larger than a yard, or twain? Which? I pray thee, Tell me 何处观天天不大, 方圆不过磨盘大; 问君去到哪里坐, 观天只有咫尺涯。 41I haunt, all pale, the Fortune has fashioned me a bloody name, For greedy gulps of red blood are my fare. No bones, or feet, or arms at all have I, Yet bite with three-forked wounds unlucky men, And by health-bringing lips thus conquer care. 长在脏水里, 赫赫有名气; 人称吸血鬼, 不长手和臂。 全凭尖尖嘴, 专把人血吸。 42 There is a thing that nothing is, A ‘Tis sometimes tall and sometimes short, It joins our walk, it joins our sport, And plays at every game. 一样东西不是东西, 它的名字早有人起; 各种时间长短不一, 一起散步一起运动, 还跟我们一起游戏。 43 You owe me (an answer to) a riddle, It is not your head, nor your foot, It is not your clothing, nor your hair, It is not a member of your body, Yet it is not you, and you cannot guess it. 不是你头,不是你脚; 不是你衣,不是你帽; 不是身体,你身上找。 44 There is a hill, And on that hill there is a house, And in that house there is a closet, And in that closet hangs a coat, And in that coat there is a pocket, And in the pocket is President Lincoln. 一座小山高高耸, 一幢小屋在山中, 衣柜放在屋当中, 一件上衣挂柜中, 衣服上面有口袋, 口袋里面有总统。 45 This thing all things devours, Birds, beasts, trees, flowers, Gnaws iron, Grinds hard stones to meal, Slays king, ruins town, And beats high mountain down. 什么能把万物吞, 鸟兽花草难生存; 钢铁尚且遭磨损, 顽石也要化成粉; 弑君还要毁城镇, 能使高山短几寸。 46 In spring I am gay In handsome array, In summer more clothing I When older it grows, I filing off my clothes, And in winter quite naked appear. 春季里来喜洋洋, 梳妆打扮更衣忙; 夏季多穿厚衣裳, 秋凉脱去夏时装; 冬季到来雪飞扬, 赤身裸体露肩膀。 47 I have no head, and a tail I lack, But off have arms, and legs, I dwell in the palace, the tavern, the cot ‘Tis a beggarly residence where I am not, If a monarch were present (I tell you no fable), I still should be placed at the head of the table. 没有脑袋没有尾, 有臂有腿有后背; 寻常人家都有我, 住在帐篷与宫闱; 纵有国王御驾临, 我在桌旁占首位。 48 I often murmur, yet I I always lie in bed, My mouth is wide, but larger than my head, And much disgorges, though it ne’ I have no legs or feet, yet swiftly run---and the more falls I get, move faster on. 经常呜咽从不哭, 躺在床上不闭目; 张开大口比头大, 不吃东西却会吐; 没腿没脚跑得快, 越跌跑得越迅速。 49 For ages an edifice here has been found, It is not a dwelling, A horseman for hundreds of days may ride round, Yet the end of this journey he ne’er can attain. It was not vain glory that bade its erection, It serves as a refuge, a shield, Its like on the earth never yet has been known, And yet by man’s hand it is fashion’d alone. 千年建筑历沧桑, 不是房屋和殿堂; 快马加鞭不收缰, 不知尽头在何方。 非为摆设作观赏, 抵御外敌作屏障; 绝无仅有独一样, 人定胜天美名扬。 50 Tho’ it be cold I wear no cloths, The frost and snow I never fear, I value neither shoes nor hose, And yet I Both meat and drink are always free, I drink no cider, mum, nor beer, What providence doth send to me, I neither buy, nor sell, nor lack. 天冷不穿衣, 霜雪不在意; 鞋袜不沾体, 漫游东和西; 实物不挑剔, 饮料不必提; 饮食无牵挂, 一切靠上帝。 51 A cloud was my mother, T My son is the cool stream, And my daughter is the fruit of the land. A rainbow is my bed, The earth my final resting place And I’m the torment of man. 云是母亲, 风是父亲; 儿是小溪, 女是绿茵; 彩虹作床, 地是退隐; 折磨人类, 毫不怜悯。 52O’er all the world my Empire does extend And while that lasts my reign shall never end, By all I’m loved, and almost all deceive, Yet when I promise next they all believe, To heaven I lead, but must not enter there, Elsewhere I cannot be----Earth is my sphere, If yet in vain you study for my name, Search your own heart, for there I surely am.我的帝国可以说无处不在, 我的统治会持续千秋万代; 我几乎愚弄过所有的臣民, 人们仍相信我给他以厚爱; 我指出天堂自己不能前往, 地球是我归宿不能去远方; 如果猜不出我究竟是什么, 请在心中寻找后再作思量。 53It has neither mouth, nor tooth, Yet is eats its food steadily. It has neither village, nor home, nor hands, Yet it wanders everywhere. It has neither country, nor means, nor office, Yet it is really for fight always. By day and by night there is waiting about it, I yet to all it appears. 没嘴没牙没肚肠, 一天到晚吞食忙; 没有手脚没住房, 它的足迹遍四方。 无钱无势无故乡, 随时准备上战场。 日夜有人为它哭, 为它悄悄来身旁。 54I am of general use, much in request, In all parts of the North,South, East and West. With me some do much good, and are well accepted And some much ill, as they are so affected. Many are griev’d that have not me obtain’d, And others careless when they have me gain’d, A master and a Servant both I have, The one commands me, the other is my slave. But when the Messenger for them does come, They leave me quite,and others take their room.人人要我人人用,不论东西南北中; 有人行善受称颂,有人作恶罪孽重; 有人失意心悲痛,有人得意便放纵; 我有主人来操纵, 我有仆人受操纵; 他们一旦命归西,便有别人来补充。 55 I’m a strange creature, for I satisfy women, A service to the neighbors! No one suffers At my hands except for my slayer. I grow very tall, erect in a bed, I’m hairy underneath. From time to time A beautiful girl, the brave daughter of some churl dares to hold me, Grips my russet skin, robs me of my head and puts me in the pantry. At once that girl with plaited hair who has confined me Remembers our meeting,her eye moistens. 设宴请客我就来,主妇遭罪别人爱; 我从土里长成材,须发却在土里埋; 忽有一个村姑来,大胆摘下我脑袋。 把我衣裳全剥开,然后把我做成菜; 她要想起有我在,热泪盈眶滚滚来。 56 A lady once did asks of me This preatie thing in privitie: ‘Good sir.’ quod she,‘faine would I crave, One thing which y Nor never had yet in times past, Nor never shall while life doth last, And if you seeks to find it out, You loose you Yet if you love me as you say, Then give it me for sure you may.’ 小姐笑眯眯,向我要东西; ‘我想要东西,它本不属你; 过去不属你,将来不属你; 要想探秘密,白白费力气; 爱我心不移,给我很容易。 57 My face resembles all mankind, I’m ever blind When I ‘m approach’d by ladies fair, I’m just as handsome I And when an ugly girl I view, By Jove, I’ If a beggar to me draw near, Then quick a beggar I And when a king I chance to see, I am as great a king as he. 我的脸孔像人类,遇到瞎子两眼黑; 绝代佳人多娇媚,我跟佳人一样美; 当我看见丑姐妹,我的模样正相配; 乞丐跟我来作伴,我的样子也狼狈。 碰巧见到帝与妃,我也变成帝王辈。 58 I travel o’er land, I travel neath sea, Hill, plain and ocean I speak, and my speech is short and brief, Yet it reaches the wide world o’er, To homes that are happy I And my slightest commands are law. Things of importance that secret be Are all revealed and entrusted to me, Quick as lightning my work I fulfill, Yet strange to say I am always still. 陆上行,海上行,万水千山总是情; 言简意赅一片心,天涯海角传佳音; 我给幸福投阴影,我的命令是法令; 机密大事我知情,身负重托不轻心; 风驰电掣传音讯,说出话来无声息。 59 I’m singular creature, pray tell me my name, I partake of my countrymen’s glory and fame, I daily am old, and I daily am new, I am praised, I am blamed, I am false, I am true― I’m the talk of the nation, while I’m in my prime, But forgotten when once I’ve outlasted my time, In the morning no Miss is more courted than I, In the evening you see me thrown careless by, Take warning, ye fair-----I like you have my day, But alas you like me must grow old and decay. 要想猜我费功夫,我与国民共荣辱; 旧的去来新的出,毁誉各半不在乎; 刚出来的人关注,过后忘记没人读; 清早最受人瞩目,傍晚丢掉无人顾; 花开花落天做主,你我都有黄昏路。 60 My form delights every eye, And no o Whate’er my color I’m of use, Though subje The cause of anguish and of joy, For most will smile when I am by, When I am absent, small the power, To hear Possessing me to some doth prove Their life, their soul, Others with me can ne’er agree, But qui Few think of me enough they’ve got, But all can tell when they have not. 我的形状遭青睐,价值连城惹人爱; 虽然常遭人谩骂,色彩纷呈用途大; 惹人生气逗人乐,带在身边笑呵呵; 倘若没我在身边,心中常把烦恼添;倘若身边有我在,生命灵魂有主宰; 有人用我不计划,出手大方无牵挂; 有我少见人满意,无我人人都叹息。 61 Round is my shape, as broad I am as long, Firm is my frame-work and
With double breast, and buttons round my waist, With hoops, and loops, And sta The colors, titles, and the arms I bear, B and speak my character. Ten thousand vassals at my levee stand, Come when I call, and move at my command. By me inspired, men kee I fire their rage, or
My self obnoxious to a tyrant’s will, Who wreaks unpitying v Raking my limbs, he turns me o’er and o’er,He lugs my ears, and thumps me till I roar. 我像一个圆墩台,盘骨结实神不衰; 腰间系有两排扣,还有扣环添风采; 风光荣耀声名震,直言袒露我胸怀。 千军万马我调遣,令行禁止招即来; 鼓舞将士摆战场,收兵挂起免战牌; 得罪暴君惹祸灾,拼命打击报复来; 胡敲乱打不停手,令我惊天动地哀。 62 Seldom am I the theme of poet’s lays, Seldom does singer wa My worth’s not great, My beauty’s nothing rare, Yet some there are who think me worth their care. In peaceful state once undisturb’d I lay, Til that sad hour, that inauspicious day, When I was torn from peace and balmy rest, For oh! the helpless ever are opprest! Dragg’d-from my dark abode by some unpolish’d wight, Exposed to common vi Yet when my form is torn by sharpen’s steel, Tho’ by the hands of those perhaps unused to feel,They who unmoved the saddest tale can hear, May turn their heads aside, and drop a tear.诗人们很少把我描绘,歌手也不曾将我赞美; 诗人们很少把我描绘,歌手也不曾将我赞美; 相貌平平我没啥稀罕,却偏偏有人把我爱怜; 相貌平平我没啥稀罕,却偏偏有人把我爱怜; 和平的环境无人打扰,直到有一天传来噩耗。 和平的环境无人打扰,直到有一天传来噩耗。 求生无助我多么悲伤,家园毁坏我从此遭殃。 求生无助我多么悲伤,家园毁坏我从此遭殃。 我被掘出温暖的黑屋,光天化日真令人瞩目。 我被掘出温暖的黑屋,光天化日真令人瞩目。 我的形象被利刃撕毁,持刀之人却不觉羞愧。 我的形象被利刃撕毁,持刀之人却不觉羞愧。 纵使他真有铁石心肠,也难免流泪背向一旁。 纵使他真有铁石心肠,也难免流泪背向一旁。 63 Skilful riddles, say the name Which I, with some right, I swallow nails,----nay, do not start! They form From morn till night I bear a load Through mud and mire---o’er dusty road, Unlike a porter, (what I say is true,) I bear the porter, and his burden too! Life I contain,---good flesh and blood, From stalwa Sometimes I’m cut and hacked about when handled by a foolish slave, And help to bear them to their grave.请你细观察,猜猜我是啥? 吞下脚趾甲,一点都不差; 终日重担压,泥里水里踏; 身在重负下,浪迹满天涯; 大人与娃娃,老少都容纳; 偶遇大傻瓜,东丢又西落; 人死去坟地,还要去陪他。 64 All Cruling tyrant of the earth, To vilest slaves I How is the greatest monarch blest, When in my gaudy liv’ry drest! No haughty nymph has pow’r to run F or my embraces shun. Stabb’d to the heart, condemned to flame, My onstancy is still the same, The fav’rite messenger of Jove, And Lemnian God consulting strove, To make me glorious to the sight Of mortals, and the Gods delight, Soon would their altars flame expire, If I refuse’d to lend them fire.统治世界一暴君,要从奴隶把根寻; 君主福分难比喻,得我制成衣和屡; 闺阁千金难抗拒,甘心情愿作伴侣; 刀山火海何所惧,我的坚贞永不渝; 诸神意欲来干扰,送来旨意和训谕; 要使人类添乐趣,要使诸神的欢娱; 我若不肯捐身躯,神圣灵火无法续。 65 No wings have I, yet I have sped To earth’ No feet have I, yet I have led Fu No tongue have I, and yet I speak And e’en t I rest the weary, cheer the weak, While knave Form me may draw a thousand men Strength, Yet to me thousands come again, And find no alteration. Yet oft I prove a curse to be, To mankind’s sons and daughters, More deadly than the upas tree, Bitter as Mara’s waters.背上没有长翅膀,跋山涉水奔远方; 身上没有脚和掌,指引人们把路闯; 嘴里没把舌头长,聋子也能听我讲; 弱者见我新欢畅,歹徒见我魂魄丧; 有人见我添力量,多数见我仍照常; 我也恶语把人伤,专骂人间坏儿郎; 要比青汁更难尝,要比苦水更断肠。 66 Despite my reputation for weakness, There is almost nothing beneath the heaven that has more strength I am always dear to your eyes, I can disarm the enraged-even a tigress! ---and can soothe and move to pity my mistress. I can even make the gods themselves grow weak. What a perfect thing! Unfortunately a horrible beast has given me a bad reputation. This monster makes me cruel, And people hate me when I appear along with its name.素有软弱名,却能定输赢; 有软又有硬,无人敢看轻; 陪伴你眼睛,明亮又晶莹; 干戈能平静,恋人能动情; 应该受尊敬,美中有狰狞; 鳄鱼假惺惺,使我染血腥; 因我成陷阱,诋毁有把柄。 67 Unseen by mortal eyes, I roll M’ extensive course from pole to pole, Do wond’rous feats, Obsequious to divine ommand, In prison I am oft’ onfin’d, By artful Yet, maugre all their sublime skill, I’m acted by th’ eternal will. Depriv’d of my propitious aid, The blooming r Convulsions seiz Thus far my nature I’ve exprest: I’ll only add (t’ enhance the fame of my renown’d tremendous name) No pow’r, but what vouchsaf’d me birth, Can e’er expel me from the earth.肉眼凡胎看不见,驰骋世界到天边; 施威大海与桑田,唯有上帝能调遣。 人类技巧都用遍,难使我把囹圄陷; 阴谋诡计难实现,我的行动听上天; 上苍若不把我念,顷刻我的容颜变; 气急败坏难遮掩,本质暴露天性现。 我的英名扬四海,一句话儿来体现; 一旦送我到世间,无人有力把我撵。 68 I’m prized by men, in the meadows I’m found, Gathered on hill-sides, A From dale and from down, By day I am brought, Airy wings carry me, cunningly store me, Hoarding me safe. Y Drained into vats, I’m dangerous grown. I tie up my victim, and trip him, A Often I floor a foolish old churl.Who wrestles with me, And rashly would measure His strength against mine, Will straightly find himself Flung to the ground, flat on his back, Unless he leave his folly in time, Put from his senses and power of speech, Robbed of his might, bereft of his mind, Of his hands and feet, Now find me my name, Who can bind and enslave Men so upon earth, And bring fools low in board daylight. 众多男人把我爱,山间田野有我在; 光天化日把我采,轻翼展翅把我载; 煞费苦心把我埋,我若装进桶里来, 变得危险又厉害, 有人跟我来比赛, 丢人现眼难下台,不自量力跟我赛。 鼻青眼肿地上摔,躺在那里起不来。 再想逞强没能耐,头脑发昏口难开, 世人见我称奴才,四肢无力没法抬, 倒在地上把我拜,我的名字你猜猜。 69 By fate e Lo, here I st Superior none on earth I But see below me all mankind, Yet, as it off attends the great, I almost sin At every motion undertook, The vulgar all consult my look, I sometimes give advice in writing, But never of my own indicting.生来就荣耀,性情难预料; 地位数我高,一览众人小; 权贵把我靠,使我身价俏; 市侩耍奸狡,也要来讨教。 有时我教导,从不写报告。 70 I am
For those who rais’d me, I And some give out, that I entice To lust and luxury, Who punishments on me inflict, Because they find their pockets pick’t. By riding post I And only to get others wealth. 我是奸臣料,恩将仇来报; 有人中圈套,吃喝加赌嫖; 因我受恶报,破产把罪遭; 我的名誉落,别人变富豪。 71 In number we are fifty-two, A motley, quaint, We go wherever fortune sends, By some deemed foes, by others friends, In festive scenes we oft are found, In dissipation’ Four monarchies, with rogues in court, Another ta A third is armed quite savagely, A fourth lights up the other three. We have a pope, we have a deuceI pray th’ expression you’ Our commons have their apple seed, But ‘stead of fruit, a noxious weed Springs up to choke the mind’s best soil, And a false pleasur A pack of wolves-we flee the sheep, And leave them wasted hours to reap. 一家五十二口,终日东逛西走; 有的友好相伴,有的结下怨仇。 节日大显身手,娱乐厅里逗留; 四家天子聚会,各有一色袍袖。 一家忠心赤胆,一家蜜桃丰收, 一家珠光宝气,一家花草清幽。 我们都有领袖,我们都有对头; 手下有人服侍,一时难分良莠。 收获使你昏头,胜利使你忘忧; 岂料乐极生悲,苦果还在后头。 73 Look well upon me, and you’ll trace The despot mark’d upon my face, The stamp of pow’r, or sov’reign sway, To witch the E To shorten life, and rule the hour, To aggrandize, I have the pow’r; Both wealth and lands I can bestow,With joy and grief, And fire I give to beauty’s eyes, Or call up beauty’ There’s not a passion in the soul, That is not sway’d by my relief, And ling to me with firm belief That I have pow’r to smooth their pain, And bring them a happiness again. 请你看仔细,脸上有标记; 暴君有权势,人人都致意; 消闲与小憩,数我有威力; 财富与田地,都能给予你; 能使佳人喜,能使佳人啼; 感情有差异,我都能激起。 有人地位低,紧紧把我依; 以此当游戏,以此来休息。


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