be entitled to6666是什么意思思

be entitled to是什么意思_百度知道
be entitled to是什么意思
而不仅仅是从2005年开始允许的公民结合权。例如:All samesex couples will be entitl 例如. 所有的同性伴侣都将享有民事婚姻权, not just the civil partnership they havebeen allowed since 2005be entitled to
有…的资格 有权
Eg:No partner shall be entitled to remuneration for acting in the partnership
business;有……的资格Eg:You will be entitled to your pension when you reach 65.你到65岁就有资格享受养老金be entitled to
be entitled to有…的资格 有权;
出门在外也不愁be entitled to的用法和样例:
A feudal knight ranking between a knight bachelor and a baron, who was entitled to lead men into battle under his own standard.
If one side failed to honor the contract, the other side should be entitled to cancel it.
You may be entitled to reclaim some of the tax you paid last year.
We are entitled to attend all concerts.
be entitled to的海词问答与网友补充:
be entitled to的相关资料:
相关词典网站:except to the extent that是什么意思_百度知道
except to the extent that是什么意思
except to the extent that是什么意思中文翻译手机版但……除外
短语和例子 I would go except it's ...
adv. 到某种状态;〔特指〕到停止状态;关闭。 ★也常 ...
短语和例子 hire by the week 按周雇用。 ...
n. 1.广度,宽度,长度,一大片(土地)。 2.分量, ...
pron. (pl. those ) 1.〔指示代名词〕 ...
I do not , however , see anything particularly sinister in such developments , except to the extent that the internet might facilitate avoidance of rules on remittances不过,我不认为这发展有甚么不妥之处,除非互联网能够方便人们规避遵守汇款规则。 2.
Income tax is recognised in the profit and loss account except to the extent that it relates to items recognised directly in equity , in which case it is recognised in equity所得税会于损益表中确认,但关乎直接确认为权益项目的,则自权益内确认。 3.
Article xiv a contracting state shall not be entitled to avail itself of the present convention against other contracting states except to the extent that it is itself bound to apply the convention第十四条缔约国除在自己适用本公约的限度内,无权利用本公约对抗其他缔约国。 4.
Creditors whose claims have not been determined may not exercise their voting rights except to the extent that the people ' s court exercises voting rights on their behalf and provisionally determines the amounts of their claims债权尚未确定的债权人,除人民法院能够为其行使表决权而临时确定债权额的外,不得行使表决权。 5.
These terms of use govern your use of the web site and all applications , software and services ( collectively known as & services & ) available via the web site , except to the extent thatsuch services are the subject of a separate agreement这些使用条款规定了您进入及使用本网站的应用、软件及服务(总称&服务& )的条件,除非这些服务在其它协议中另有规定。 6.
These terms of use govern your use of the web site and all applications , software and services collectively known as & services & available via the web site , except to the extent thatsuch services are the subject of a separate agreement除受制于分开的协议外,这些条款决定您使用网站和通过网站提供的所有应用软件及服务合称服务。使用通过网站提供的某些服务或项目服务协议可能适用特定的条款或协议。 7.
An interactive user interface displays & appropriate legal notices & to the extent that it includes a convenient and prominently visible feature that ( 1 ) displays an appropriate copyright notice , and ( 2 ) tells the 畅畅扳堆殖瞪帮缺爆画user that there is no warranty for the work ( except to the extent that warranties are provided ) , that licensees may convey the work under this license , and how to view a copy of this license一个显示“适当的法律通告”的交互用户界面要达到以下程度:包括一个方便而显着的可视部件,且具备以下功能: (一)显示一个合适的版权通告; ( 2 )告诉用户该作品没有任何担保责任(除非它连担保责任也有提供) ,告诉受权人可以在本授权下传达该作品,以及如何阅读本授权的副本。 8.
Documentation is provided “ as is ” and all expressor impliedconditions , representations and warranties , including any implied warranty of merchantability , fitness for aparticular purpose or non - infringement , aredisclaimed , except to the extent thatsuch disclaimers are held to be legally invalid本文档按“仅此状态”的基础提供,对所有明示或默示的条件、陈述和担保,包括适销性、适用于某特定用途和非侵权的默示保证,均不承担任何责任,除非此免责声明的适用范围在法律上无效。
except to the extent that除非
出门在外也不愁求翻译:一旦客户上门,我们就应当为他们提供优质的服务 要带有be entitled to_百度作业帮
求翻译:一旦客户上门,我们就应当为他们提供优质的服务 要带有be entitled to
求翻译:一旦客户上门,我们就应当为他们提供优质的服务 要带有be entitled to
Once the customers come, we should be entitled to provide them high quality service.he is entitled to be respected 还是 to being respected?be entitled to sth 和 be entitled to do 有什么区别吗?_百度作业帮
he is entitled to be respected 还是 to being respected?be entitled to sth 和 be entitled to do 有什么区别吗?
he is entitled to be respected 还是 to being respected?be entitled to sth 和 be entitled to do 有什么区别吗?
be entitled to do sth. 对...享有权利,有权做某事 一般to后面跟的都是动词原形,为不定式少数有to后面跟动名词的,此时to为介词,后跟名词,为介宾短语.如:used to + 动名词
to being respected
to be respected}


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