investigative journalism狗带是什么意思思

英 [ ?n'vest?g?t?v ]
美 [ ?n'vest?ge?t?v ]
It took internal whistle-blowing and investigative journalism to uncover the rot.
Duncan Campbell is nationally known for his investigative work.
The paper has earned respect for its investigative journalism.
Investigative journalists and political activists have also been victims.
Kolosvetov said all investigative procedures are now underway.
Vladimir Markin is a spokesperson for Russia's Investigative Committee.
ADJ (尤指新闻工作)调查性的
Investigative work, especially journalism, involves investigating things.
搭配模式usu ADJ n
The paper has earned respect for its investigative journalism.
这份报纸的调查性新闻报道为其赢得了尊敬。 investigative reporter.
1. designed to find informatio
" "a fact-finding committee" "
" "investigative reporting" "
??  研究型(investigative)(Investigative):具有聪明、理性、好奇、精确、批评等人格特征,喜欢智力的、抽象的、分析的、独立的定向任务这类研究 …
- 基于1410个网页
英语新词汇与常用词汇的翻译(I3) ... investigative ceporting 调查性报道 investigative 调查的 investigator 调查人.
- 基于86个网页
...entional) 实际型(realistic) 研究性(investigative) 进取型(enterprising) 艺术型(artistic) 六种性格类型组织行为学Chapter 4.
- 基于67个网页
《疯狂英语2003合集全部文本》(三) ... ) injection n. 注射 ) investigative a. 研究的, 好研究的 ) mainstay n. 支柱, 中流砥柱.
- 基于45个网页
调查员 TOEIC词汇汇总 ... infection 感染 12. investigator 调查员 13. outpatient 门诊病人 16.
- 基于1050个网页
调查 高二英语必修五单词列表_百度文库 ... investigate v. 调查 investigation n. 调查 blame v. 责备.
- 基于12400个网页
研究 常用英语单词和词组大全 ... invention 发明 investigation 研究,调查 Invitation to offer 邀请发盘.
- 基于4450个网页
探讨 产前超声诊断胎儿食管闭锁的探讨 Investigate the diagnosis experiences of fetal esophageal atresia on antenatal sonography查看全文下载全文导出添加到引用通知.
- 基于1346个网页
审查 法律词汇_翻译家() ... 审裁小组 tribunal 审查 investigate 审察员 censor.
- 基于746个网页Dec 21, 2011 : Re-experience the conference with these photos from Kiev. See you in Rio!...
Aug 18, 2011 |
After the Norwegian massacre - The Swedish journalist Lisa Bjurwald and Andrea Roepke will speak of their experience with investigating right wing movements.
Aug 3, 2011 |
The British journalist Nick Davies will speak at the Global Investigative Journalism Conference in October in Kyiv about his investigations for The Guardian of the illegal telephon
Re-experience the conference with these photos from Kiev. See you in Rio!...
Practical info on arrival, registration and getting in out of the conference....
About GIJC 2011
GIJC 2011 is organised by
in close cooperation with Ukrainian centres for investigative reporting.
is an integrated part of the conference, and the
will get a sister for Russian speaking colleagues.}


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