Norman Vincent Peale老铁是什么意思思

读书的女人:只要敢想你就行 - Norman Vincent Peale_沪江韩语学习网
读书的女人:只要敢想你就行 - Norman Vincent Peale
?? ??? ?? ? ???? ??.切勿高估了自己。
?? ?? ??? ??.可是却要完全相信自己。
????. ?? ????.勤勉地准备吧。创意性地思考吧。
?? ?? ????. ??? ??. ?? ????? ??.有深度地理性思考吧。完成作业吧。绝对不要过度操劳。
? ???. ? ? ?? ?? ?? ??. ??? ?? ??? ????.要有余裕时间。想做的事都去做吧。将问题都解决吧。
?? ???? ??? ?? ?? ?? ?? ??? ??《?? ?? ?????》???.读书的女人今天为你翻开的书是Norman Vincent Peale的《只要敢想你就行》。
?? ???? ????.他非常有正义感。
???? ? ???? ?????? ??? ??.新媒体产业吸引了年轻、有创造力的人们。
???? ???? ???.夙夜不怠。
?? ?? ? ???.你很有才智。
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Norman Vincent Peale
Birth:&May 31,
1898BowersvilleGreene CountyOhio, USADeath:&Dec. 24,
1993PawlingDutchess CountyNew York, USAProtestant Clergyman, Author.
The philosopher believer and teacher of "Positive Thinking" passed away on Christmas Eve after a stroke at age 95.
He had just completed his last book at age 90, when a surprise
birthday party was held with 1,000 guests at the Waldorf-Astoria Hotel in New York City.
Norman Vincent Peale was an active speaker to the end, addressing more then a hundred organizations and groups each year. The small town of Bowersville, Ohio was his birthplace, the son of physician-turned minister, Charles Clifford Peale and Anna Delaney Peale.
He was raised and grew up in many Ohio towns due to pastoral assignments by his father...Highland, Cincinnati, Norwood, Westwood, Greenville and Bellefontaine.
He'd graduated from Methodist Ohio Wesleyan University but wasn't ready to commit to a li Peale spent a year reporting for newspapers in Findlay and Detroit, then was ordained a Methodist minister in 1922. He went on to earn a master's degree from Boston University changing his religious denomination from Methodist to Reformed Church in America in order to qualify as pastor of New York City's Marble Collegiate Church.
The historic church whose cornerstone was laid in 1851 was struggling with membership comprising barely 500 in the congregation. The Marble Church would become his home for fifty two years and under his stewardship, with his wife Ruth as partner the membership increased to thousands and was a springboard toward national fame.
He spread his gospel through sermons, syndicated newspaper columns, radio and television.
Dr. Peale hosted a weekly radio program, "The Art of Living" for 54 years ().
His philosophy that there was a connection between optimism and good health, faith, healing, stress and illness conveyed to millions during his life also served him well. With illness and stress at a minimum in his own personal life, he achieved an active old age before finally suffering a stroke a month before his death.
Hospitalized then returned home, he passed away in the afternoon the day before Christmas at his Pawling, New York farm.
His wife Ruth of 63 years was at his bedside. His service was held at the Marble Collegiate Church with his three children giving recollections of their father with Ruth announcing a determination to carry on the work of positive thinking while offering a free copy of his book "The Power of Positive Thinking" to any one who would ask by writing.
Many did, over 80,000 copies were distributed.
Ruth Stafford Peale still carries on at the age of 100.
Legacy...The Center for Positive Thinking was dedicated in Pawling, New York in 1988.
The large complex is a library displaying memorabilia covering Peale's life and a Holy Land Museum.
He was given the Presidential Medal of Freedom by President Reagan.
Peale gave back to Ohio Wesleyan University in Delaware returning as a trustee and lived to see the university build a chapel in his name.
In 1945, Dr. Peale, his wife, Ruth Stafford Peale and Raymond Thornburg, a Pawling, New York businessman founded Guideposts Magazine, a place for celebrities and ordinary people to relate inspirational stories.
It thrives to this day.
Working with psychiatrist Dr. Smiley Blanton founded the nonprofit Institutes of Religion and Health" and outpatient clinic in Boston.
Along with educator Kenneth Beebe founded "The Horatio Alger Association" which recognizes and honors Americans who have been successful in spite of very difficult times. Dr. Peale wrote 46 books.
"The Power of Positive Thinking" published in 1952, remains his best work.
Its record is staggering...20 million copies sold, New York Times bestseller list for 186 consecutive weeks and translated into 41 languages.
He was the subject of a 1964 film.&(bio by: &&Family links:&&Parents:&&&&&&Spouse:&&&&Siblings:&&Norman Vincent Peale (1898 - 1993)&&*&&*&*&Burial:
PawlingDutchess CountyNew York, USA&Maintained by: Find A GraveOriginally Created by: Record added: Jul 19, 2005
Find A Grave Memorial#
&Photos may be scaled.Click on image for full size.
&Added: May. 31, 2017
"[Saint] Paul is appealing, but Peale is appalling."-
&Added: May. 31, 2017
&Added: May. 31, 2017
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诺曼·文森特·皮尔(norman vincent peale)是闻名世界的著名牧师、演讲家和作家,被誉为“奠定当代企业价值观的商业思想家”。
诺曼皮尔(Norman Vincent Peale)是个大异端,却备受葛培理和其他教会领袖爱戴。诺曼皮尔于大约70年前将心理学/精神病学引进教会之中。
...积极心态的力量》 哈佛家训Ⅴ:积极心态的力量 正文: 积极心态的力量的作者简介 (美)罗曼·文森特·皮尔(Norman Vincent Peale): 本书的作者是罗曼·文森特·皮 积极心态的力量的内容简介 本书将要告诉你的是:热情是能够让一切都变得不同的无价之宝。
...不仅告诉你有关“积极思想”的内容,还提供给您许多可供实践的事例。 作者简介: 诺曼·文森特·皮尔博士(Norman Vincent Peale)是牧师、教育家、作家。他曾主持纽约市马柏大教堂达52年之久。
Read “How to Win Friends and Influence People, ” the classic by Norman Vincent Peale.
读一读《如何去赢得朋友和影响他人》, 诺曼文森特皮尔的经典之作。
Focus less on yourself and more on helping others. Need help? Read “How to Win Friends and Influence People,” the classic by Norman Vincent Peale.
别太把自己当一回事,更多的是去帮助他人。你需要帮助吗? 读一读《如何去赢得朋友和影响他人》
From Norman Vincent Peale’s 1952 The Power of Positive Thinking onward, self-help books proclaiming the virtues of self-esteem have become regular fixtures in bookstores.
自从从诺曼o文森特o皮尔(Norman Vincent Peale )1952年出版的一本名为《正面思考的力量》(The Power of Positive Thinking)的书上架开始,强调尊严重要性的自助性书籍在书店里长久盘踞着一席之地。
When I was in my 20s and barely employable, I bought dozens of Norman Vincent Peale tapes.
When I was in my 20s and barely employable, I bought dozens of Norman Vincent Peale audiotapes.
Norman Vincent Peale ran Marble Collegiate Church from 1932 to 1984--from the Great Depression to the American renaissance of entrepreneurial capitalism.
- 来自原声例句


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