cheers w.mtwo cheers是什么意思思

英文信件最后「Cheers、Sincerely、Regards、Best Wishes」有什么区别?
(中文翻译: . Thank you so much
for an awesome translation!)There are some slight differences in connotations of each letter ending. I'll order them in increasing formality.LoveVery personal. Used between lovers, family and close friends. CheersVery casual. Used between friends. Can be used between coworkers if you want to appear very casual, at the risk of sounding unprofessional. Take careCasual and used between friends.Thanks or Thank You'Thanks' is very casual and 'Thank You' is formal. Usually used in a business setting. 'Thank You' is a great way to end an email to a stranger, especially if you are making a request or asking a question. Yours or Yours Truly or TrulyCasual or Business casual. A more personal, but still polite way to end the letter. You've probably met the recipient in real life.Best or Best WishesCasual or Business casual. A polite way to end the letter. Can be used between friends or strangers.Sincerely or Sincerely Yours or Yours SincerelyCasual, Business casual or Formal. The standard letter ending. 'Sincerely' is the most versatile ending because it can be used to end either casual or formal correspondence. If you're unsure about how to sign your letter, use 'Sincerely'.Regards or Best RegardsBusiness casual or formal. You would use this if the recipient is someone you haven't met in real life.CordiallyFormal. Used in business correspondence when the topic of the letter is serious. Sometimes used if there is a conflict between the sender and the recipient. Using an ending that is too casual for the situation may not always be inappropriate. Conversely, using a casual ending can show your self-confidence. But to do this requires you to gauge whether the recipient would like a more casual conversation.- - - - -相关答案
我来翻译@Brian的答案吧(答案过长,分批送出):这些信件结尾在语气上略有不同。我会将其按照正式程度排序,越往后越正式。Love个人性质。用于爱人,家庭或者亲密的友人。Cheers 随和性质。用于朋友。如果你希望看起来平和一点,也可以用于同事,但有不太正式,显得不专业的风险。Take care 随和,也是用于朋友的。Thanks or Thank You Thanks偏随和,而Thank You偏正式,常用于商务场合。当你给陌生人写信,尤其是请求协助,提出要求或者询问事项时,Thank You是收尾的好选择。 Yours or Yours Truly or Truly 日常交往或者商务场合都可以用,虽然有一点点随意,但还是一种礼貌的方式。一般用于你之前见过面的对象。Best or Best Wishes日常交往或者商务场合都可以用,是一种礼貌的方式。对朋友和陌生人都可以用。Sincerely or Sincerely Yours or Yours Sincerely 日常交往,商务往来或者正式文书都可以使用,是标准的结尾方式。Sincerely是最为通用的形式,无论日常和正式通信都可以使用。如果不确定怎么结尾署名,就用sincerely吧。Regards or Best Regards 商务往来或者正式文书。如果你和收信人没有在现实中打过交道,就用这个。Cordially 正式。在商务谈判场合,当信件话题很严肃的时候使用。有时,当你和收件人之间有分歧或者冲突的时候,可以使用。在正式场合使用一个随和的结尾并不一定意味着什么不恰当的事情。有的时候,这样做可以显得你很自信,谈话很随和。然而,这样做之前请了解一下对方是不是喜欢这种随和的方式。
你们这些熊孩子啊,要我怎么说你们才好。看到一个貌似清晰的图表就欢呼雀跃,忘记那些含辛茹苦把你们“养大”的老师了吗?出处也不问?研究方法也不用看?---------------------------------------------我是吐槽的分割线------------------------------------------------那个表格最早是在人人看到的,出处在此:作者是Liz Danzico---她的个人简介:所以这个图是怎么得出的呢?按照她的说法是--a scientific stu from a sample of emails received between Aug 2007 and Oct 2007。样本是1个人的邮箱(她自己),时间跨度是3个月,具体方法也没有讲明。这样的结论的可信度是要大打折扣的。这样是为什么比如sincerely会在表里出现三次。样本太小的缘故。至于答案,我比较认同 @Brian 的。个人见解,其实邮件的结尾只能做大概的分级,在细微程度的划分上,因人而异。
除了几位答主提到的语气不同,还有诸位都没提到一点,英文比较正式信或者是商业信件中yours faithfully 和yours sincerely跟开头称呼是有固定搭配的。(感谢@文鹧鸪指正拼写)参看BBC的括号里的是简略翻译Beginning
and ending the letterWe
can now begin the letter but leave as much space as possible so
that the body of the letter sits tidily in the middle part of the
you know the person you are writing to very well or are on friendly
terms, begin simply with the first name, Dear Mary or Dear
Henry.(如果跟这个人很熟或者友好,用Dear+first name)If
you don't know the person you are writing to so well, but know of
him as a named individual, start with title and surname: Dear
Mr Potter or Dear Dr Baker or Dear Miss Taylor or
Dear Mrs Cook or Dear Ms Barber. If you are not sure which
of the last three titles is appropriate in any particular case,
it is probably best to stick to Ms.(如果不认识这个人,只知这人名字,用Dear+title(Mr/Dr/Miss/Mrs/Ms,不知道女性婚否,就用Ms)Finish
this type of letter with Yours sincerely. It is not necessary
to insert a comma after beginnings or endings. If you know the person
you are writing to well, it may be appropriate to insert a closing
formula, such as With very best wishes, before the ending
itself.(结尾用Yours sincerely,前后不用加逗号。如果你跟你写信的那个人很熟,直接加With very best wishes结尾)Sign
the letter with your first name, if you are on first-name terms,
or with your full name, if it needs to be a little more formal,
but without any title. Your full typewritten name and designation
(on separate lines) should appear beneath your handwritten signature.(如果给人去信开头是那人first name,你也first name落款,稍微郑重一点,就不加title全名落款。上面是手写签名,清晰打印签名放手写的下面。)
you do not know the name of the person you are writing to, begin
with Dear Sir or Dear Sir or Madam or Dear
Madam and end your letter with Yours faithfully, followed
by your full name and designation.(如果你不知道你去信的人的名字,开头用Dear Sir或者Dear Sir or Madam或者Dear Madam,结尾用Yours Faithfully,然后落款)同时可参考‘Yours faithfully’ or ‘Yours sincerely’ in a business letter?
When the recipient’s name is unknown to you:Dear Sir … Yours faithfullyDear Madam … Yours faithfullyDear Sir or Madam … Yours faithfullyWhen you know the recipient’s name:Dear Mr Hanson … Yours sincerelyDear Mrs Hanson … Yours sincerelyDear Miss Hanson … Yours sincerelyDear Ms Hanson … Yours sincerelyWhen addressing a good friend or colleague:Dear Jack … Best wishes/Best regardsAddressing whole departments:Dear Sirs … Yours faithfully
大多数的答案都有一个错误:Yours sincerelyYours faithfully Best regardsBest wishes 发现了吗 第二个单词不能大写 在我们esl(English as second language)眼中可能问题不大 , 但是在商业信件 或者求职cover letter里就可能造成不好的第一印象。
试想你收到的信件的最后 此颂近祺 总是有个错别字, 你会怎么想。参考:---------从澳洲求职的流程中涉及到的信件谈谈这几个词的用法 1 cover letter 一般是第一次和对方(中介 或者 hr)联系 , 开头是 Dear Sir / Madam, 结尾就要对应放 Yours faithfully2 接下来 可能有过电话/邮件的联系 敲定面试日期 , 开头是 Dear XXX , 结尾对应 Yours sincerely3 入职后, 澳洲的人际关系距离变近的很快,日常寒暄是不用以上正式结尾,B B Thanks and regards
随便用,cheers 也见过。当然你也可以参考发件人的结尾用语, 选个同等程度的用回去。4 最后朋友之间就随便啦 。 如果有个女神给你发邮件没有结尾语, 恭喜你她不是爱死你了 就是恨死你了。
Cheers, 更像是团队之间,大家说“加油”Sincerely, 是比较正式的场合使用,套话,真诚的,推荐信,辞职信,其他正式文书等Regards, 大致像此致敬礼的感觉Best wishes/warm wishes, 友好而亲切的慰问感觉根据收件人,文章的语气内容选择就行,大多数邮件其实thanks就可以了
以下我只描述使用的场合,不解释具体单词意思(自己查字典嘛~)Cheers表示亲和,关系好才用Sincerely表示真诚,比如你表达xxx意愿,完了就可以用这个Regards或Best Regards或BR,表示尊敬,商务邮件里很常用Best Wishes当然了,表示祝愿还有Many thanks当然了,表示感谢基本可以依据以上,再根据具体信件里面讲什么而对应着用。也可以根据对方怎么用而对应着用,毕竟不同环境下不排除会有不同习惯。
庄重程度:Sincerely>Best wishes>Regards>Cheers其中Cheers多用于第二封回信,较随意些.
在英国,工作中基本上都是kind regards, 有时候best regards, 无他。。。
别的不知道。就我考G类IELTS作文task1的经验英文书信结尾通常会加上"Yours faithfully" 、"Yours sincerely"或者“Best regards”.
这些词的使用区别如下:当收信人的姓名不知道时,用下例格式:Dear Sir ... Yours faithfullyDear Madam ... Yours faithfullyDear Sir or Madam ... Yours faithfullyDear Sirs ... Yours faithfully (收信人是一个部门或整体)当已知道收信人的姓名,(但比较正式,不是显得太熟)用下例格式:Dear Mr Hanson ... Yours sincerelyDear Mrs Hanson ... Yours sincerelyDear Miss Hanson ... Yours sincerely收信人是好朋友或同事或邻居,关系比较亲密,使用下例格式:Dear Jack ... Best wishes/Best regards
best regards.公司签名规定的范本就用这个。所以就习惯了。
上面的那个表格确实比较虎,但是顶多是参考了。考虑到语用中的语态带来的语义位移影响,实际操作并没有那个表格那样严苛。熟悉不熟悉的那个指标个人认为不怎么靠谱。对中国人有用的划分是,你表示的是,我给你跪了,还是你给我跪下,还是我们都跪下,还是我们都站着。这个思路不解决,用好用不好,地道不地道且放在一边,我们使用英语作为第二语言的孩纸,绝对蒙圈。这是第一语言和第二语言使用的自然属性导致的,不服不行。要表示我至少没跪下的,就是那堆regards, all the best之类;表示我反正跪下了的,是那堆thanks(这里说到many thanks的用法,英国人我给你跪了就是这个“多谢”,常见某学生的39.5变成40的时候);表示你差不多跪一个的Sincerely需要考虑场合(你收到的起诉书往往是sincerely结尾的)。这个要说的是社会关系。额外的cheers是怎么个意思。看了楼上所谓澳洲人喜欢cheers和美国人的best regards之类的思路,我觉得不是很有意义。首先,语言是在特定情境下的situational judgement,不基于情境的判断都是逻辑是靠不住的。其次按照国别分析会陷入一个问题——主要到你谈到的是两个移民国家,移民国家的特点就是都不是本地人。据我所知,每年英国移民澳洲8万人,是全市最主要的澳大利亚人口输入来源。Cheers这个故事表示的是,原自英国的,有钱移民澳洲还要自己做生意的跟你一个中国人发信件的时候,用了Cheers。Cheers的意思是无比放松的告诉你,爷这辈子也没有给你跪的机会,看见你,安全感爆棚。说到这,就是,其实所有的敬语,其实本质上是没有什么过多的字面意思的。它们只是在表述信件沟通的两群人(包括法人)之间的关系。所以,涉及到应用,那么以我自己的经历,信件分两种,即可分类。一种信件起到告知作用,另一种需要采取行动。告知类信件无论是谁发起,双方按照信息流上下级关系选择跪不跪。采取行动按照命令流关系选择跪还是不跪。大概就靠谱了。一个词儿而已。他们都知道中国现在用的汉语很粗鄙,很少有敬辞的问题,所以搞不懂其他语言的礼节很正常啊。谁让我们早就不是礼仪之邦了呢。
If you start with "Dear Mr.", should end with "Your sincerely"If start with "Dear all/nickname", should end with "Best wishes/Best regards".----via pod cast, being professional in English.
首先,Best Wishes和其他3个词不是同类阿。Best wishes是一个祝福语,并不是用在最后记名的地方。用法:Best Wishes Yours Sincerely,Name--------------------------------------------大家都说了Sincerely/Regards和Cheers大致区别是正式和非正式。Sincerely在信中不单用,一般都是Yours Sincerely. 这个非常正式。并且是要对认识对方才用。如果双方不认识,但要非常正式,就用Yours FaithfullyRegards一般也不单用,一般用的是Best Regards/Warm Regards/Kind Regards。介于不正式和正式之间Cheers就很随意,甚至有点随便咯。在国外有时候cheers也代表说谢谢。比如Cheers, mate. Cheers, man
个人经验,在商业信函中,或者说在邮件中,1. 第一次联系,推销,建立业务关系,通常用sincerely, (Yours sincerely=I'm sincerely yours). 学校学的外贸商业函电中比较正式的这种。 2. 建立关系后,业务伙伴来往直接降为 best regards, 甚至直接br. 欧洲客户特别喜欢这样,美国人则随意的多。 甚至不用br, 直接收尾。 3. 没有见过cheers. 4. thanks一般只用过thanks for your cooperation in advance 或者最后再次致谢。 个人不喜欢用br, 经常顺手thanks/xxxx. 也没啥问题。 5. best wishes 过年,圣诞等私人场合用过,平时还是br., 一句话,br打天下。
看了高票答案觉得都不够完整。使用valediction的时候,不仅要考虑随意/正式,也要考虑对方是哪国人。美式英语:随意亲近的表示通常用Best;正式的用Sincerely, 或Yours sincerely,或Thank you。英式英语:随意亲近的表示通常用Cheers;正式书信中,Best regards常见但偏商业化(香港人不管干什么都喜欢用BR),而在standard British English中,若信件开头为Dear Sir/Madam, Dear Manager此类未特指对方姓名的称呼,则用Yours faithfully结尾,若开头称呼有具体指称对方姓名,则用Yours sincerely。如果双方实在够熟悉,或短时间多次电邮往来,为了省事也可直接署名。以上依据为自己与外国人电邮来往之观察及Business English课上所教授。至于best wishes,老实讲现实生活中我还未遇到过。好像小学初中学写英文贺卡的时候蛮常用。
谢谢小夏同学邀请。对于sincerely ,best wishes/regards一般都会用到这个,个人认为对于与刚认识的人交流落款写成这个还是很正式,很普遍,也很管用。
我通常就用两个Cheers和Best Regards,比较简单。朋友间或者同事(IT公司同事间比较随便,即使是没有见过的)用Cheers,显得随意,亲切。有时找人办事也会偶尔写Thanks。如果是写给公司外商务联系人或者比较大的老板用Best Regards,正式一点。如果是公司内商务部门也可能用简写BR。
没研究过正式不正式 一般都thanks and regards...We Heart Music
Gene Simmons, the man behind KISS and is a franchise king, has opened up a restaurant called Rock & Brews, with impresario Michael Zislis and concert promoter Dave Furano.
Target Center
Kiss / Def Leppard / The Dead Daisies
“You wanted the best, you got the best!”, so is the classic stage intro for Kiss, who come to town alongside fellow hard rock legends, Def Leppard.& At least two of the best anyway, as Paul Stanley and Gene Simmons lead the now-Rock Hall inducted band in what will no doubt be a highly pyrotechnic and entertaining show.
Though Def Leppard’s &guitarist Vivian Campbell continues to bravely battle Hodgkin's lymphoma, he refuses to let it sideline him and expect him and the band to play all the 80s/90s classics during their hour+ set.
Down Under-formed band The Dead Daisies begins the evening, featuring ex-INXS singer Jon Stevens and an A-list of supporting players.
Best of all, KISS and Def Leppard jointly are supporting members of the armed services by partnering with numerous military organizations for the tour.
Tour dates:
08/15/14&& East Troy, WI& Alpine Valley Music Theatre08/16/14&& Tinley Park, IL& First Midwest Bank Amphitheatre
08/17/14&& Minneapolis, MN& Target Center
08/20/14&& Des Moines, IA& Wells Fargo Arena
08/22/14&& Noblesville, IN& Klipsch Music Center
08/23/14&& Clarkston, MI& DTE Energy Music Theatre
08/24/14&& Burgettstown, PA& First Niagara Pavilion
08/26/14&& Cuyahoga Falls, OH& Blossom Music Center
08/28/14&& Maryland Heights, MO& Verizon Wireless Amph. St. Louis
08/29/14&& Tulsa, OK& BOK Center
08/31/14&& The Woodlands, TX& The Cynthia Woods Mitchell Pavilion
Summer Set 8/15, 8/16, 8/17
Wu Tang, Big Gigantic, Bassnectar
Summer Set Music & Camping Festival
Summer Set Music Festival, not to be confused with the band , is wrapping itself up over the weekend (August 15-17), in, where else?, Somerset, Wisconsin.
Too many bands on the bill, but the big headliners that played were recently-reformed Wu-Tang Clan, Chromeo and Cults.
Sunday's bands:
Umphrey's McGee
Chance The Rapper
Flying Lotus
Cedric Gervais
Green Velvet
The Floozies
Kids Like Us
The Main Squeeze
R.A.S. Movement
The Polyphonic Spree just played the Varsity Theater in Minneapolis, near the start of their 2013 tour for their upcoming album, Yes, It's True (coming out August 6th).
The Polyphonic Spree
Time to “reach for the Sun”!
Dallas-based choral symphonic rock band The Polyphonic Spree is back on the road for their Psychphonic Tour in support of last year’s Yes, It's True and just-released &remix album Psychphonic (Kirtland Records). Expect a gang of robed singers to crowd the small Cedar Cultural Center stage and an unavoidable feeling of glee to fill the audience.
The oddly named Catbath opens, composed of former members of Nightosaur, Hot Rash, and Skipper, as well as a current member of MiddlePicker—what’s that mean?—arrive early to find out.
Tour dates:
Academy Of Contemporary
St. Louis, MO
Blueberry Hill's Duck Room
Milwaukee, WI
Turner Hall Ballroom
Minneapolis, MN
Cedar Cultural Center
Evanston, IL
Cincinnati, OH
Taft Theatre
Ferndale, MI
Cleveland, OH
Music Box Supper Club
Boston, MA
Brighton Music Hall
Brooklyn, NY
Brooklyn Bowl
Philadelphia, PA
Prince Music Theatre
Washington, DC
Carrboro, NC
Atlanta, GA
Loft At Center Stage
Jefferson, LA
Southport Hall
Dallas, TX
Gilley's Dallas
Lewis & Clarke since 2009's Light Time EP, but having previously worked with the likes of Bat For Lashes’ Natasha Khan and Strand Of Oaks’ Timothy Showalter, Rogai has not been dormant during his time away from the spotlight.
Strand Of Oaks
w/ Christopher Denny
Strand of Oaks can attest to the healing power of music.
The project is essentially singer-songwriter Tim Showalter who plays somewhat dark folk rock and was sidelined last Christmas as Showalter and his wife were involved in an icy car accident with two semis that left him concussed with all broken ribs on his right side.& The resulting HEAL (Dead Oceans Records) is a revelatory insight into Showalter’s near-death trauma.
Southern pre-country blues folk singer Christopher Denny to open the show.
Tour dates:
Bloomington, IN
Russian Recording
Goshen, IN
Ignition Music Garage
Chicago, IL
Schubas Tavern
Milwaukee, WI
Pabst Theater
Minneapolis, MN
7th Street Entry
St. Louis, MO
Off Broadway Nightclub
Kansas City, MO
Denver, CO
Salt Lake City, UT
Kilby Court
Seattle, WA
Tractor Tavern
Vancouver, BC
Biltmore Cabaret
Portland, OR
Doug Fir Lounge
San Francisco, CA
Santa Cruz, CA
The Crepe Place
Los Angeles, CA
San Diego, CA
The Casbah
Phoenix, AZ
Last Exit Live
Dallas, TX
Three Links Event Center
Austin, TX
Waterloo Records
Austin, TX
Lamberts Downtown Barbecue
Birmingham, AL
Atlanta, GA
Nashville, TN
Durham, NC
The Pinhook
Washington, DC
Brooklyn, NY
Rough Trade
Central Market House
Arden Gild Hall
Philadelphia, PA
Boot & Saddle
Philadelphia, PA
Boot & Saddle
Toronto, ON
The Legendary Horseshoe Tavern
Philadelphia, PA
Union Transfer
Kingmaker were a British indie rock group, founded in Kingston upon Hull in 1990.
The group was formed during their gap year by school friends Loz Hardy and Myles Howell.…
Kingmaker w/
When I saw that Kingmaker were playing at the Garage in Burnsville, Minnesota, I was really excited.
After all, we haven't heard much from this British band since the 90s (they broke up in 1995 but reformed in 2010).
But alas, this Kingmaker band is a hardcore band from Chicago.
With the recent Sleeper
because fans of
may be disappointed to find out that, this Sleeper is actually a Minneapolis DJ.
I suppose there's only so many names to go around, but still...
Anyway, Kingmaker are touring with Seeker, a metal band from Dallas, and Widow, a metal band from Houston.
Tour dates:
08/15 Haysville, KS - KC's Too
08/16 Salina, KS - Indian Lodge
08/17 Oamha, NE - THe Hideout
08/18 Des Moinse, IA - Underground Rock
08/19 Cudahy, WI - Metal Grill
08/20 Burnsville, MN - Garage
08/21 Barrington, IL - Penny Road
08/22 Evansville, IN - The Hatch
08/23 St Loise, MO - Fubar
Wrapping up their "'Merica F*ck Yeah Tour'" this week w/ Dog Fashion Disco and The Bunny The Bear, Psychostick are taking a break in July to reboot and get back on the road
What's next after Psychostick's
"'Merica F*ck Yeah Tour'"?
Starting today (Friday 08/15), the band is back on the road for
"The Blood, Guts, and Sprinkles Tour" in August with One Eyed Doll and Wild Throne.
What's next? Possibly "Touring 'Til We're Dead! Tour".... Whatever the tour is, they sure look like a lot of fun.
The Blood, Guts And Sprinkles Tour w/ One Eyed Doll, Wild Throne:
08/15 - Newport, KY @ Thompson House
08/16 - Beckley, WV @ Muncheez
08/17 - South Bend, IN @ Cheers Pub
08/19 - Chicago, IL @ Reggie's Rock Club
08/20 - Milwaukee, WI @ The Rave
08/21 - Minneapolis, MN @ First Avenue
08/22 - Eau Claire, WI @ Hipps Pub-N-Grub
08/23 - Missouri Valley Fair Grounds
08/24 - Williston, ND @ DK's Lounge
08/25 - Minot, ND @
'O'riginal Bar
08/26 - Fargo, ND @ The Aquarium
08/28 - Des Moines, IA @ Vaudeville Mews
08/29 - Pontiac, IL @ Freaksters Roadhouse
08/30 - New Albany, IN @ The Rustic Frog
08/31 - Knoxville, TN @ The Concourse
09/02 - Raleigh, NC @ The Maywood
09/03 - Charlotte, NC @ Amos Southend
09/04 - Destin, FL @ Club LA
09/05 - Orlando, FL @ Bombshells
09/06 - Jacksonville, FL @ Aqua In
09/07 - Tallahassee, FL @ Atmosphere
It's that time of the year again: the Minnesota State Fair! We went last year to see Wilson Phillips at the Leinie Lodge Bandshell inside the State Fair. As we mentioned, the MN ...
Toby Keith, Aretha Franklin, Kid Rock, more
Good news: The Minnesota State Fair is here!
That’s somewhat bad news as well, as it signals the end of what’s been a very pleasant summer, but the Grandstand has a few noteworthy acts on their main lineup, starting with the opening weekend which brings in tastes of country, classic soul, and straight-up rock.
Food on a stick, the great outdoors, and music filling the air- sounds like a good way to enjoy summer’s last days.
Acts this week:
Thu., Aug. 21- Toby Keith with special guest Colt Ford
Fri., Aug. 22- Aretha Franklin with special guest The Four Tops
Sat., Aug. 23- Kid Rock with special guest Blackberry Smoke
For a show that was reportedly had a pre-sale of 800 tickets, it sure felt really sold out as bodies crushed us in the front at Portugal. The Man's show at First Avenue in Minneapolis ...
Cultivate Festival
How much would you pay to see Portugal. The Man, Grouplove, The Mowgli's, and Vintage Trouble together on one bill? How about FREE, courtesy of
This is an unbelievable deal!
If you've never seen these bands, get there early for a good spot.
Bring fold-able chairs or blankets. Let's hope it doesn't rain.
Although this will be Minneapolis' first Cultivate Festival, the festival started in 2011 in Chicago.
2014 is the first time the Denver-based burrito chain is expanding to Minneapolis.
Spokesman Chris Arnold said festivals in other cities have drawn between 25,000 and 40,000 people... but based on seeing the turnout for the Internet Cat Video at Walker Art Center last night, I would think higher!
Anyway, the concert I was referring to was for Kansas City's Making Movies, a band that sings in both English and Spanish. They played at this tiny coffeehouse called The Beat Coffee
Making Movies
After attending the Cultivate Festival, you still have enough time to head over to
the Cedar Cultural Center for their "The Cedar's 25th Anniversary Dance Party", free courtesy of Target.
Headlining the show will be Making Movies, who I've previously seen and described them as "a band that sings in both English and Spanish".
Description from the Cedar:
A night of regional world music goodness, ticket giveaways and other fun. Featured acts are Making Movies (Kansas City, MO), De La Buena (Milwaukee, WI), and Worldwide Discotheque (Minneapolis, MN).
As a thank you to all who have kept us going through the past 25 seasons, and with help from Target, this event is free and open to all!
Beer specials: $4 Pabst tallboys!
Grand Prize: One lucky winner will go home from this event with our first ever Cedar Passport! We will be selecting one random winner (must be present to win) during the course of the evening. The Cedar Passport winner will gain free access for themself and a +1 to all on-site Cedar events in the 26th Season (certain res non-transferable, no cash value).
MS MR at Man Made Music's Primetime Salon at Soho House, New York (10/03/12).
Photo credit: Marisa McGrody
MS MR is an electro-pop duo from New York. Their latest EP, Candy Bar Creep Show, is available now. You can check the songs out via streaming on their
Attention DJs: they are making it super easy for you to play around with their songs by offering
of all their songs from Candy Bar Creep Show EP in individual "stems" format.
These are basically all the layers and tracks to produce the final song.
For instance, you can just get the isolated vocal tracks and dub it with other beats if you don't care for their version.
If you decided to remix their songs, send it in to them (their email is listed in your download) by October 31st.
Winners will get their remix on MS MR's official album next year.
Earlier this month, Man Made Music featured MS MR as part of their "Primetime Salon" at Soho House in New York. The television/brand industry event included guests from American Express, ABC, Universal Music, MTV, Fiji Water, Lippincott, Sony Music, National Geographic and DirecTV.
Man Made Music founder, Joel Beckerman explained why he loves MS MR, "They infuse real emotion into the often cold electronic music realm in ways that really touch us.
We expect big things from this band!
It was a pleasure to bring them to the attention of all our friends in media and branding."
I did listen to their free streaming songs and I have to say it's pretty chill.
I was expecting more upbeat powersongs, especially because I saw their touring mates Grouplove
and called their music "happy and cheerful."
It should be interesting to see how MS MR's downbeat songs compare to Grouplove's more upbeat songs.
Dates with (*) indicates with Grouplove.
10/17 Knoxville, TN @ Bijou Theater *
10/18 CMJ @ Bowery Ballroom at 10PM
10/19 CMJ @ Public Assembly at 4PM
10/23 Nashville, TN @ Cannery *
10/24 Norfolk, VA @ NorVA *?
10/26 Pittsburgh, PA @ Altar Bar *?
10/27 Rochester, NY @ Water St Music Hall*
10/29 Washington, DC @ 930 Club *?
10/30 Washington, DC @ 930 Club *?
11/01 Philadelphia, PA @ Electric Factory*
11/02 New York, NY @ Terminal 5 *?
11/03 Boston, MA
@ Royale *
Psychic Twin just released "Gonna Get Her", a special 7" from Lefse Records as part of the label's single series.
Check out their video directed by Alessandra Hoshor and Addison Adams, it premiered on .
Psychic Twin will be heading out on tour tomorrow, starting with Minneapolis. I will swing by to check out her set at 7th Street Entry … but she probably knew that.
10/03 Minneapolis, MN 7th Street Entry *
10/05 Madison, WI High Noon Saloon *
10/06 Iowa City, IA Blue Moose Tap House *
10/16 New York, NY Pianos (CMJ Showcase)
10/18 Urbana, IL Canopy Club #
10/23 New York, NY Mercury Lounge $
* = w/ Hundred Waters
# = Blitzentrapper
$ = Damien Jurado
New York's duo MS MR recently remixed Twin Shadow's "Hurricane."
You can check it out on their .
Use the link since it's impossible to search for anything on their page.
Personally, I'm not a fan of Tumblr or Pinterest, because of their limitations, but loads of bands and casual bloggers love it.
MS MR explained their love for the website, "We like to think of it as a cultural collage and feel like it's the perfect platform for what we want to present with this EP [referring to Candy Bar Creep Show]. It has been such an incredible source of inspiration and support…"
Their debut 4-track EP is Candy Bar Creep Show, which you can pick up on .
MS MR is heading on tour with Grouplove:
10/14 - New Orleans, LA @ HOB *
10/16 - Atlanta, GA @ Masquerade *
10/17 - Knoxville, TN @ Bijou Theater *
10/18 - 22 New York, NY @ CMJ Festival
10/23 - Nashville, TN @ Cannery *
10/24 - Norfolk, VA @ NorVA *
10/26 - Pittsburgh, PA @ Altar Bar *
10/27 - Rochester, NY @ Water Street Music*
10/29 - Washington, DC @ 930 Club *
10/30 - Washington, DC @ 930 Club *
11/01 - Philadelphia, PA @ Electric Factory *
11/02 - New York, NY @ Terminal 5 *
11/03 - Boston, MA
@ Royale *
* with Grouplove
PS, I think we can do coverage on their New Orleans show - I'll keep you posted.
Remember Voltaire Twins?
They were the subject and song of the show for
These real-life Australian twins (Jaymes and Tegan) just recently wrapped up their "Apollo EP National Tour", in support of their latest EP of the same name.
Apollo EP was released four months ago, you can stream the entire EP on their .
Twin Cabins (the solo project from Nacho Cano) was recently was interviewed by , where they also premiered the video for "Lakelove."
Twin Cabins' debut album, I'm Sure, came out last August.
Virginia Beach's Red Clover Ghost is a folk duo with real life twin brothers, Clint & Gibb Cockrum.
With family bands, expect a lot of vocal harmonies as only siblings can produce.
Red Clover Ghost's self-titled LP will be coming out on CD/vinyl/digital on October 23rd, 2012, via
Good Soil Records.
Listening options:
Happy holidays!
It's also Sally's birthdate week, as she was kind enough to stop in to preview Splendour in the Grass, which takes place this July 29th to 31st.
Doors at 9am, music starts at 11 and ends after midnight.
Details at .
Before we get into the meat of the matter, we did wrap up NXNE, which you can read more details at
and all my exploits and adventures and lessons learned.
I did touch a bit on Jo Williamson, not literally, but I kept running into her.
Saw Washington played twice, saw loads of other bands too.
Disappointed with Brian Wilson, but Men Without Hats, Evan Dando and Juliana Hatfield saved the festival.
Outro song is "Everybody Loves Me But You" by Hatfield.
Splendour in the Grass 2011 will be covered by the fine , but Sally and I looked over Coldplay (it was all yellow!), Kanye West (he just shows up everywhere).
A good bunch together of Isobel Campbell & Mark Lanegan, Gomez, and Regina Spektor in a block is pretty amazing.
Also, Grouplove, who I saw a , they are on the up and up.
Yelle, the French girl is pretty hot too.
Of course, Foster the People are a really good band, love their songs!
Amazed that DJ Shadow is still around, he pretty much was the first guy that made a whole album
of just entirely out of samples.
Song of the Podcast is: British Sea Power's "Georgie Ray" from their new album, Valhalla Dancehall.
More Pulp than you can stand.
Fitz & The Tantrums are playing the same night as Pulp, so Sally will have to miss out.
Britpop class of '95 article available on
spotlights on Justine Frischmann, Louise Wener, Debbie Smith, David Roundtree, and Tim Brown.
Where are they now and what they are doing.
Kind of glad to see Debbie Smith is still playing in several bands (I met her a long time ago in a bar and she asked about my t-shirt - it was my penpal's artwork of Morrissey).
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Tour Dates
04/07/11 Boston, MA - Brighton Music Hall
New York, NY - Mercury Lounge
Brooklyn, NY - Knitting Factory Brooklyn
04/10/11 Philadelphia, PA - Kung Fu Necktie
04/11/11 Washington, DC - Red Palace
London, UK - Camp Basement
04/14/11 London, UK - Hoxton Bar and Kitchen
Indio, CA - Coachella
Quincy, WA - Sasquatch
05/31/11 Vancouver, BC - Venue
Portland, OR - Crystal Ballroom
Sacramento, CA - Harlows
Salt Lake City, UT - Urban Lounge
Denver, CO - Bluebird Theater
Lawrence, KS - Bottleneck
Minneapolis, MN - Fine Line
Chicago, IL - Lincoln Hall
06/13/11 Cleveland, OH - Grog Shop
Columbus, OH - Newport Music Hall
Montreal, QC - Club Lambi
06/18/11 Toronto, ON - The Mod Club
06/20/11 Brooklyn, NY - Music Hall Of Williamsburg
06/21/11 New York, NY - Bowery Ballroom
06/22/11 Washington, DC - 9:30 Club
06/28/11 Philadelphia, PA - TLA
06/29/11Nashville, TN - Mercy Lounge
06/30/11 Atlanta, GA - Masquerade
07/02/11 Austin, TX - Emos
07/03/11 Dallas, TX - The Loft
Tucson, AZ - Club Congress
Los Angeles, CA - El Rey
We Barbarians, Grouplove, and Foster the People stopped by 7th Street Entry on April 1st to play to a sold-out show.
Everyone in line were eager to see either Grouplove or Foster, one young lady mentioned that they were on Carson Daily and she decided to head down to see Grouplove.
We Barbarians played Minneapolis before, but claimed otherwise, jokingly stated,
"This is our first time in Minneapolis!"
They were heavy on the rhythm and the highlight of their set either the David
Byrne/Brian Eno song, "Strange Overtones" or their song "Warning".
Grouplove is based out of Los Angeles, and their debut self-titled EP was released on
January 25th via . They were
handpicked to open for Florence + The Machine last year and with the recent television appearance mentioned earlier, they certainly have a lot of buzz going for them.
The not-so-secret origin of this band seems to be about five strangers who took up residency in a home in Greece. After living together for a Summer, they grew and bonded together as Grouplove.
Lead singer Christian Zucconi explains it: "We all understood how rare it is for five
strangers to feel as close as family and create passionate music together. We couldn't just return to Brooklyn and let the music we all made fade into a memory of that summer we had in Greece."
Watching the band live, it looks to me to be between
Hannah Hooper and Zucconi, who looked and sounded quite happy and cheerful. Every photograph I have from that night shows them laughing and smiling, it's pretty infectious.
What I liked about them is the harmony of girl/boy pop vocals. Their
songs seems fun (note: no depressing Morrissey sadness here).
I didn't know their music, but I'm certain they played all the tracks off their self-titled EP, including "Gold Coast" and the closer, "Colours".
The strong performance was
"How Love Will Save Your Soul", which I know is not on their EP.
I didn't know anything about Foster the People, other that they are quite a new
band, also based out of Los Angeles.
Apparently the band hit a chord with Australia by appearing on Triple J's
Hottest 100 of 2010 for "Pumped Up Kicks". The irony: as Sally, from Sydney, have explained in the past, they don't drink Foster down there.
The other thing you should know about Foster the Band is that they have a lot of synths in their band. We're talking like three majors and two minor keyboards!
As for the performance, lots of intense singing and hand waving-action.
As I've previously mentioned, I didn't know any of the songs played, but it sure looks like the audience knew all the songs (and were singing along).
They are returning to Minneapolis, so who knows, maybe I'll see them yet again.
19 Nov 2015 - Thu
20 Nov 2015 - Fri
21 Nov 2015 - Sat
22 Nov 2015 - Sun
23 Nov 2015 - Mon
o JT's Jazz Implosion at Icehouse
24 Nov 2015 - Tue
Squeeze at Cedar
o Paper Kites at Triple Rock
25 Nov 2015 - Wed
Squeeze at Cedar
26 Nov 2015 - Thu
27 Nov 2015 - Fri
Modern Baseball at
Ne-Hi at 7th Street
28 Nov 2015 - Sat
Hippo Campus at First Ave
o Mowgli's at Varsity Theater
29 Nov 2015 - Sun
o Slow Magic at Varsity
o Texas In July at Skyway
o Together Pangea at 7th Street
30 Nov 2015 - Mon
o Born Ruffians at 7th Street
01 Dec 2015 - Tue
o Get Up Kids at Triple Rock
o Keep Shelly In Athens at 7th St
02 Dec 2015 - Wed
Lil Herb at Triple Rock
03 Dec 2015 - Thu
96.3's Snow Show at Northrop
04 Dec 2015 - Fri
o Atmosphere at Target Center
Death Cab For Cutie at Northrop
05 Dec 2015 - Sat
o Beat Connection at 7th St
06 Dec 2015 - Sun
o Alice Cooper at State Theatre
o Awolnation at Myth
07 Dec 2015 - Mon
KDWB Jingle Ball at Xcel
08 Dec 2015 - Tue
Johnnyswim at
o M?tley Crüe at Target Center
09 Dec 2015 - Wed
J Fernandez at 7th St
10 Dec 2015 - Thu
The 1975 at First Ave
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