consciously or unconsciouslyplus是什么意思思

新一年,转变你的观念&&&& ---揭开灵魂不老谜题
原作者:Oliver Sacks
新年愿望是 要自由。
NEW Year’s resolutions often have to do with eating more healthfully, going to the gym more, giving up sweets, losing weight — all admirable goals aimed at improving one’s physical health. Most people, though, do not realize that they can strengthen their brains in a similar way. & 新年的愿望通常都是吃得更健康,多去健身房,戒掉甜食和减肥--所有一切关于提高身体素质的目标。但是大多数人没有意识到其实自己可以同样地强化大脑。 While some areas of the brain are hard-wired from birth or early childhood, other areas — especially in the cerebral cortex, which is central to higher cognitive powers like language and thought, as well as sensory and motor functions — can be, to a remarkable extent, rewired as we grow older. In fact, the brain has an astonishing ability to rebound from damage — even from something as devastating as the loss of sight or hearing. As a physician who treats patients with neurological conditions, I see this happen all the time.
& 尽管大脑的一些区域已经由于天生或早期童年生活影响而定性,但其他区域--特别是在掌管高级认知功能(如语言和思想),感官功能和运动机能的大脑皮层中--可以在成年后再次成长发育到非凡的程度。事实上,大脑有种惊人的能力,可以从损伤中复建--甚至从毁灭性的损伤像失去视觉或听觉。作为一名治疗有神经损伤病人的外科医生,我时时见证它的发生。 For example, one patient of mine who had been deafened by scarlet fever at the age of 9, was so adept at lip-reading that it was easy to forget she was deaf. Once, without thinking, I turned away from her as I was speaking. “I can no longer hear you,” she said sharply.
& 就好像曾经我的一个病人,她九岁时由于猩红热失聪,但她非常精通读唇法以至于很容易让人忘记她其实听不见。有一次我无意识的在和她说话时转过身背对她,她急切地说:“我听不到你说什么了。” “You mean you can no longer see me,” I said.
“你意思是看不到我了。”我说。 “You may call it seeing,” she answered, “but I experience it as hearing.”
“你会把它称作看,”她回答,“但对我来说是听。” Lip-reading, seeing mouth movements, was immediately transformed for this patient into “hearing” the sounds of speech in her mind. Her brain was converting one mode of sensation into another.
&读唇,看见嘴唇的动作然后在她大脑立马转化成这段话的声音让她“听”到。她的大脑在从一种感官模式转移到另一种。 In a similar way, blind people often find ways of “seeing.” Some areas of the brain, if not stimulated, will atrophy and die. (“Use it or lose it,” neurologists often say.) But the visual areas of the brain, even in someone born blind, do no instead, they are redeployed for other senses. We have all heard of blind people with unusually acute hearing, but other senses may be heightened, too.
& 同样的,盲人也可以找到“看”的方法。大脑的某些区域如果没有受到促进就会萎缩更甚死亡。(“不用则废”神经学家如是说。)即使有些人天生失明,但他们大脑的视觉区域不会消失。取而代之,大脑会重新调动其他感官。我们都听说过失明人士有异于常人的敏锐听觉,但其实其他功能也以得到提升了。 For example, Geerat Vermeij, a biologist at the University of California-Davis who has been blind since the age of 3, has identified many new species of mollusks based on tiny variations in the contours of their shells. He uses a sort of spatial or tactile giftedness that is beyond what any sighted person is likely to have.
& 再举个实例。加州大学戴维斯分校的生物学家Geerat Vermeij教授,他自三岁起就失明。他根据外壳的细微变化发现了很多软体动物的新品种。他运用了一般视觉正常人所没有的三维空间想象力和触觉感知力。 The writer Ved Mehta, also blind since early childhood, navigates in large part by using “facial vision” — the ability to sense objects by the way they reflect sounds, or subtly shift the air currents that reach his face. Ben Underwood, a remarkable boy who lost his sight at 3 and died at 16 in 2009, developed an effective, dolphin-like strategy of emitting regular clicks with his mouth and reading the resulting echoes from nearby objects. He was so skilled at this that he could ride a bike and play sports and even video games.
& 作家Ved Mehta也在幼儿时期失去了视觉,他行动大部分是依靠“面感视觉”--一种依靠回声或拂过他脸颊的细微空气流动改变来感知物体的能力。Ben Underwood,这个神奇的男孩三岁时失去视力,十六岁时失去生命。他发明了一种有效的,像海豚一样用嘴发出有规律的咔哒声,然后听周围物体反馈的回声。他训练得非常好以致可以骑车做运动甚至玩电动。 People like Ben Underwood and Ved Mehta, who had some early visual experience but then lost their sight, seem to instantly convert the information they receive from touch or sound into a visual image — “seeing” the dots, for instance, as they read Braille with a finger. Researchers using functional brain imagery have confirmed that in such situations the blind person activates not only the parts of the cortex devoted to touch, but parts of the visual cortex as well.
& 类似Ben Underwood和Ved Mehta这样曾经有过视觉体验而后失去视力的人,似乎可以迅速把通过触觉和听觉收到的信息转换成视觉图像---“看见”那些点,例如他们用一个手指阅读盲文。研究者通过大脑功能运作影像图,证实了在这样情形下盲人不仅仅动用了感官皮层,还牵动了视觉皮层。 One does not have to be blind or deaf to tap into the brain’s mysterious and extraordinary power to learn, adapt and grow. I have seen hundreds of patients with various deficits — strokes, Parkinson’s and even dementia — learn to do things in new ways, whether consciously or unconsciously, to work around those deficits.
& 人们没必要一定失明或失聪才能挖掘大脑神秘非凡的力量来学习、适应和生长。数百名我治过的有缺陷的病人,有中风的患者,有帕金森的还有甚者患有痴呆。他们都学着用新方法做事,无论有意还是无意,绕开了缺陷。 That the brain is capable of such radical adaptation raises deep questions. To what extent are we shaped by, and to what degree do we shape, our own brains? And can the brain’s ability to change be harnessed to give us greater cognitive powers? The experiences of many people suggest that it can.
& 大脑具有重要的适应性的这一现象引发了深层的问题。我们的被定性在什么程度,什么深度?被自己的大脑定性?我们大脑的能力可以被利用在给予更强的认知力上吗?人们的经历证明它可以。 One patient I knew became totally paralyzed overnight from a spinal cord infection. At first she fell into deep despair, because she couldn’t enjoy even little pleasures, like the daily crossword she had loved. & 一位我熟识的病人由于脊髓感染一夜间瘫痪。起初她完全绝望了,因为她不能感受一点快乐,即使是她爱的日报上的纵横字谜。 After a few weeks, though, she asked for the newspaper, so that at least she could look at the puzzle, get its configuration, run her eyes along the clues. When she did this, something extraordinary happened. As she looked at the clues, the answers seemed to write themselves in their spaces. Her visual memory strengthened over the next few weeks, until she found that she was able to hold the entire crossword and its clues in her mind after a single, intense inspection — and then solve it mentally. She had had no idea, she later told me, that such powers were available to her.
&&& 但是过了几周,她问人要了报纸,说最起码可以看着字谜,了解结构后看提示语找线索。当她这么做的时候神奇的事出现了。当她看着提示语时似乎答案就自己填到它们的空格里去了。她的视觉记忆力在接下来几周内强化了许多。她已经能够记住整个字谜,通过一次快速检查就理清了---之后就在脑海中填完。她自己之后告诉我,她真不晓得自己有这能力。 This growth can even happen within a matter of days. Researchers at Harvard found, for example, that blindfolding sighted adults for as few as five days could produce a shift in the way their brains functioned: their subjects became markedly better at complex tactile tasks like learning Braille.
& 这种成长可不是一天两天的事。哈佛大学的科学家发现被遮住眼睛的成年人至少要五天才能找到别的让大脑运作的方法:他们的课题在复杂的触觉任务如学习盲文时变得出奇的好。 Neuroplasticity — the brain’s capacity to create new pathways — is a crucial part of recovery for anyone who loses a sense or a cognitive or motor ability. But it can also be part of everyday life for all of us. While it is often true that learning is easier in childhood, neuroscientists now know that the brain does not stop growing, even in our later years. Every time we practice an old skill or learn a new one, existing neural connections are strengthened and, over time, neurons create more connections to other neurons. Even new nerve cells can be generated.
& 神经可塑性--大脑有创造新通道的能力--是失去了一种感官、触觉或行动能力的人康复的关键。但是它也是我们每天生活中的一部分。神经学家发现大脑不会停止生长即使当我们年老力衰,当然了孩童时期学什么都容易些。每次我们训练一种老技能或学一样新的时,显现的神经间联系是很强健的,并且一段时间后,神经元间的联系会增多。甚至还会代谢处新的神经细胞。 I have had many reports from ordinary people who take up a new sport or a musical instrument in their 50s or 60s, and not only become quite proficient, but derive great joy from doing so. Eliza Bussey, a journalist in her mid-50s who now studies harp at the Peabody conservatory in Baltimore, could not read a note of music a few years ago. In a letter to me, she wrote about what it was like learning to play Handel’s “Passacaille”: “I have felt, for example, my brain and fingers trying to connect, to form new synapses. ... I know that my brain has dramatically changed.” Ms. Bussey is no doubt right: her brain has changed.
& 我有过很多报告来自普通群众,关于在他们五六十岁时开始练习新的运动项目或乐器。他们不但变得精通,而且还乐在其中。Eliza Bussey曾是名记者如今已经55岁了,此时正在巴尔的摩Peabody音乐学院学习竖琴,但几年前她谱都不识。在给我的一封信中她提到学习亨德尔的《帕萨卡亚》:“我感觉当时我的大脑和手指试着联接起来,形成新的突触。...我知道我的脑袋戏剧性的改变了。”毫无疑问Bussey女士是对的:她的大脑确实变化了。 Music is an especially powerful shaping force, for listening to and especially playing it engages many different areas of the brain, all of which must work in tandem: from reading musical notation and coordinating fine muscle movements in the hands, to evaluating and expressing rhythm and pitch, to associating music with memories and emotion.
& 音乐是非常强劲的塑形力量,聆听、特别是弹奏要求许多不同大脑区域配合着参与:从读谱到协调手掌上肌肉运动,再到调音调和键入节奏,再最后到讲音乐与记忆和情绪紧密结合。 Whether it is by learning a new language, traveling to a new place, developing a passion for beekeeping or simply thinking about an old problem in a new way, all of us can find ways to stimulate our brains to grow, in the coming year and those to follow. Just as physical activity is essential to maintaining a healthy body, challenging one’s brain, keeping it active, engaged, flexible and playful, is not only fun. It is essential to cognitive fitness.
&&& 无论是通过学一门新语言,到新城市游历,激扬养蜂的热情或简简单单用新手段解决老问题,我们总能发现激发大脑成长的方法,在来年以及之后种种。就如同想有好身体最起码要去锻炼一样,挑战我们的大脑,让它活跃、灵活、愉悦,不仅仅是为了好玩,这同样是认知健康的基本! Oliver Sacks is the author of “The Mind’s Eye.” Oliver Sacks 是《心灵的眼睛》一书的作者。
Copyright & 2014|&&&&|&&
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Research shows we make up our minds about people through unspoken communication within seven seconds of meeting them.Consciously or unconsciously,we show our true feelings with our eyes,faces,bodies and attitudes,causing a chain of reactions,ranging from comfort to fear.
您可能关注的推广回答者:consciously or unconsciously
['kɑn??sl? ?r ?n'kɑn??sl?]
1. I intend to cease to search for a savior, consciously or unconsciously.
我意愿停止寻找救世主, 不管是有意识还是无意识.
2. You then perceive yourself, consciously or unconsciously, as an isolated fragment.
3. To suppress or restrain ( behavior, an impulse, or a desire ) consciously or unconsciously.
压抑,抑制有意识地或潜意识地压制或抑制 ( 行为 、 冲动或欲望 )
4. Cultural creation, either consciously or unconsciously, is the basic form.
文化创造是人类的基础性的文化活动形式, 分为无意创造和刻意创造两种.
5. Therefore we invite those reading these materials to cease to seek a savior consciously or unconsciously.
0){var rand = parseInt(Math.random() * (000)+100000);top.location.href='/'+encodeURIComponent(document.getElementById('s').value.trim().replace( / /g, '_'))+'?renovate='+}else{top.location.href='/'+encodeURIComponent(document.getElementById('s').value.trim().replace( / /g, '_'));};}" action="/">
consciously or unconsciously
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