
collective conscience是什么意思_百度作业帮
collective conscience是什么意思
collective conscience是什么意思
collective conscience集体良知例:The individual is no longer wholly enveloped by the collective conscience but develops greater individuality and personality.个人不再被集体良知所完全淹没,相反则培养出更大的独立性和个性.当前位置: &
quiet conscience是什么意思
中文翻译自问无愧的良心。:&&&&adj. 1.静的,恬静的,平静的。 2.(生物)不动的 ...:&&&&n. 良心。 a bad [guilty] consci ...
例句与用法1.A quiet conscience sleeps in thunder .白天不做亏心事,夜里不怕鬼敲门。2.A quiet conscience sleeps in thunder心里坦然,打雷也照样入睡。 3.A quiet conscience sleeps in thunder问心无愧,打雷也能睡。 4.There is nothing alone that stands the brunt of life throughout its course : a quiet conscience在人生的历程中始终顶住冲击的只有一件东西:一颗宁静的良心。 5.I a quiet conscience does not occasion such paleness in the cheeks , and such fever in the hands of a man .这可不是好现象,一个内心清白的人,他的脸不会这样惨白,他的手不会这样发抖” 6.Nothing hindered me from eating heartily , and i experienced a certain sense of satisfaction and superiority , as , at intervals , i cast a look towards my silent companions , and felt the comfort of a quiet conscience within me没有什么可以拦住我吃个痛快,时不时地朝我那两个沉默的同伴溜一眼,觉得很舒服,因为我的良心很平静,便体验出某种满足与优越感。 7.If i strike with the sword , or discharge the contents of a pistol at man with whom , for three years , i have been on terms of intimacy , i must , at least , i must meet him with a heart at ease , and that quiet conscience which a man needs when his own arm must save his life .如果我把我的剑或手枪里的子弹对准一个三年来曾与我交往密切的朋友,我至少应该知道我为什么要那样做,我应该问心无愧去与他决斗,而当一个人必须用他自己的武器救自己生命的时候,是需要那种心理准备的。 ”
conscience 英[ˈkɔnʃəns] 美[ˈkɑnʃəns] n.1.良心 2.内疚;愧疚 3.凭良心 名词 n.1.良心 I had a guilty conscience about not telling her the truth.我因为没有告诉她事实真相而感到内疚.After he had committed the crime,his conscience was troubled.他犯罪后,良心上感到很不安.2.内疚;愧疚3.凭良心
conscience[英]['kɒnʃəns] [美][ˈkɑnʃəns] 简明释义n.良心;道德心复数:consciences易混淆的单词:CONSCIENCE}


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