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throw muck at的中文释义: 毁谤某人,中伤某人,诋毁某人
Throw muck at sb.
2015throw muck at是什么意思由沪江网提供。单词:star         
[stɑ:]n. 星,
明星 v. 以星状物装饰, 变成演员
The star of the film is a previously unknown actor.
My favourite film stars Marilyn Monroe.
We can see the stars at night.
In his last film he starred as a cowboy.
英英解释:名词 star:
(astronomy) a celestial body of hot gases that radiates energy derived from thermonuclear reactions in the interior
someone who is dazzlingly skilled in any field
any celestial body visible (as a point of light) from the Earth at night
a plane figure with 5 often used as an emblem
an actor who plays a principal role
a performer who receives prominent billing
a star-shaped character * used in printing
the topology of a network whose components are connected to a hub
动词 star:
feature as the star
be the star in a performance
mark with an asterisk
形容词 star:
indicating the most important performer or role
starstarD.J.:[st&#593:]K.K.:[st&#593r]n.1.■星, 恒星The innumerable stars in the sky are too far from us.天上无数的星星离我们太远了。2.■明星, 名角The movie star is always natural with other people.那个影星对其他人总是很自然。3.■〈正〉功名; 机遇; 运气Her star seems very much in the ascendant.她看来吉星高照。vt.1.■标示; 点缀vt. & vi.1.■主演She has starred in this new film.她在这部新影片中担任主角。
STARSTARabbr.1.■Satellite Telecommunication with Automatic Routing 自动导航卫星通信
STARSTARabbr.1.■Satellite Telecommunication with Automatic Routing 自动导航卫星通信
star 在牛津词典中的解释
starnouna fixed luminous point in the night sky which is a large, remote incandescent body like the sun星;恒星True stars were formerly known as the fixed stars, to distinguish them from the planets or wandering stars. They are gaseous spheres consisting primarily of hydrogen and helium, there being an equilibrium between the compressional force of gravity and the outward pressure of radiation resulting from internal thermonuclear fusion reactions. Some six thousand stars are visible to the naked eye, but there are actually more than a hundred thousand million in our own Galaxy, while billions of other galaxies are knowna conventional or stylized representation of a star, typically one having five or more points星形the walls were painted with silver moons and stars.墙上画了许多银色的月亮和星星。■a symbol of this shape used to indicate a category of excellence(表示等级的)星级the hotel has three stars.该酒店是三星级的。[asmodifier]MPs suggested giving ferries star ratings.国会议员建议给各艘渡船标上星级。■an asterisk星号■used in names of starfishes and similar echinoderms with five or more radiating arms, e.g. cushion star, brittlestar[用于海星或类似的棘皮动物的名字中,如: cushion star, brittlestar]■a white patch on the forehead of a horse or other animal(马或别的动物前额的)白斑■(亦作 star connection)[usu. as modifier]a Y-shaped arrangement of three-phase electrical windings YY形三相电绕组■(亦作 star network)[usu. as modifier]a data or communication network in which all nodes are independently connected to one central unit星形网络(所有的节点各自独立地连接到中央处理机上的数据网络或通讯网络)a famous or exceptionally talented performer in the world of entertainment or sport(娱乐或体育中的)明星,主角a pop star.流行歌星。[asmodifier]singers of star quality.明星级的歌手。■an outstandingly good or successful person or thing in a group杰出人才,成功人士;品质出众之物arising star in the party.那个党派的后起之秀。[asmodifier]Elinor was a star pupil.埃莉诺是一个非常优秀的学生。(Astrology)a planet, constellation, or configuration regarded as influencing someone's fortunes or personality(占星)星宿,命运,运气his golf destiny was written in the stars.他那打高尔夫球的命运是与生俱来的。■(stars)a horoscope published in a newspaper or magazine报纸(或杂志)上刊登的天宫图;星象what do my stars say?.我的星象怎么说?。(starred, starring)[with obj.](of a film, play, or other show) have (someone) as a principal performer(在电影、戏剧等演出中)使担任主角;使成为明星a film starring Liza Minnelli.莱萨?明妮莉主演的一个电影。■[no obj.](of a performer) have a principal role in a film, play, or other show(演员)主演,担任主角McQueen had starred in such epics as The Magnificent Seven.麦克奎恩曾在《伟大的七个人》这样的史诗中担当主角。[as adj. starring]his first starring role.他首次出演主角。■[no obj.](of a person) perform brilliantly or prominently in a game or other event(某人在比赛等事件中)表现出色,表现杰出Bernie Slaven starred in the win over Leeds.伯尔尼?斯拉文在战胜利兹队的比赛中表现出众。decorate or cover with star-shaped marks or objects用星形物装饰(或覆盖)thick grass starred with flowers.星星点点地长着花朵的厚厚草坪。■mark (something) for special notice or recommendation with an asterisk or other star-shaped symbol用(星号或星形标识)标出the activities listed below are starred according to their fitness ratings.下面所列的活动依照适合的等级用星号标出。[as adj., in combination -starred]Michelin-starred restaurants.有星形标志的米歇林餐馆。■make a radiating crack in (glass, ice, etc.)使(玻璃、冰等)成辐射状裂开the third bullet starred the windshield.第三颗子弹把挡风玻璃打得裂开了花。常用词组my stars!(informal, dated)an expression of astonishment(非正式,旧)[表示惊讶]哎呀!reach for the starshave high or ambitious aims有崇高的目标,雄心勃勃see starssee flashes of light, especially as a result of being hit on the head眼冒金星,目眩someone's star is rising见 risestars in one's eyesused to describe someone who is idealistically hopeful or enthusiastic about their future得意感,幸福感a singer selected from hundreds of applicants with stars in their eyes.从数百名乐滋滋的申请者中挑选出来的一名歌手。派生starlessadjectivestarlikeadjective语源Old English steorra, of G related to Dutch ster, German Stern, from an Indo-European root shared by Latin stella and Greek astēr
star 在给力大辞典中的解释
starn.[C]1. 星, 恒星; (日、月等)天体2. 星形物; 星号3. (表示等级等的)星级; 星形勋章While in Taipei she stayed at a four star hotel.她在台北逗留期间住在一家四星级旅馆。4. 命运; 星象[P1]5. (电影、体育等的)明星, 杰出人物His wish to become a football star has come true.他想当足球明星的愿望实现了。vt.1. 用星形物装饰2. 用星号标出3. 使成明星, 由……主演Yesterday we saw a film starring Charlie Chaplin.昨天我们看了一部查理?卓别林主演的电影。vi.1. 当明星, 主演She has starred in some thirty films.她主演过大约三十部影片。2. 表现出色He didn't star at that job.那份工作他干得并不出色。a.1. 星的; 星形的2. 明星的, 主角的3. 出色的, 优秀的Tony is the star player on our team.托尼是我队的主力。
短语词组:see stars1. 眼冒金星; 目眩I saw stars for hours after the bike accident.自行车车祸后数小时我都头晕目眩, 眼冒金星。The pain made her see stars.她痛得眼冒金星。thank one's (lucky) stars1. 谢天谢地There was a railroad accident yesterday morning -- you can thank your lucky stars that you didn't travel by train.昨天上午发生了铁路交通事故――你没有乘火车旅行, 真是谢天谢地。
词义辨析:同义:vt.使成为注意中心headlineexcelfeaturen.星体heavenly body同义参见:somebodysunqueenprimeherodecorationheroine
star 在现代词典中的解释
starstar[st&#593:]n.1.■星; 恒星2.■星宿; 命运; 走运的阶段3.■[常用复]星标; 星符; 星状物; (美军的)星章4.■明星, 名角, 名家5.■星形连接(线)6.■马额上的白斑7.■[英]初次坐牢的犯人8.■(=star fish)【动】海星9.■【林】?a fixed star恒星a film star电影明星His star was in the ascendant.他那时正在走运。词性变化star[st&#593:]vt.( starring)1.■用星(形物)装饰, 加星号2.■使成为明星, 使演名角They starred her for the first time.他们第一次让她当主角。star[st&#593:]vi.1.■星一般地闪烁2.■主演, 担任主要角色He has starred in many pictures.他曾主演过许多部影片。star[st&#593:]adj.1.■星的2.■名演员的3.■最好的; 卓越的4.■主要的继承用法star-chamberadj.1.■秘密的, 专断的starcraftn.1.■占星学star-crossedadj.1.■命运不佳的star-domainn.1.■星形域star-driftn.1.■【天】星流star-dustn.1.■星团, 宇宙尘2.■幻觉starfish[&#712st&#593:fi&#643]n.1.■【动】海星star flowern.1.■【植】美洲七瓣莲; 星形花植物(如伞形虎眼万年青)star-followern.1.■(天文导航)星体跟踪装置star-gazevi.1.■凝视星辰2.■耽于幻想stargazer[&#712st&#593:&#609e&#618z&#601(r)]n.1.■占星家, 天文家, 空想家2.■【动】眼镜鱼3.■[谑]专爱看女明星的人starlight[&#712st&#593:la&#618t]n.1.■星光词性变化star[st&#593:]adj.1.■有星光的starlit[&#712st&#593:l&#618t]adj.1.■星光照耀的star-mopn.1.■海星网star-navigationn.1.■天体导航star-shapedadj.1.■星形[状]的starshipn.1.■恒星飞船star-spangledadj.1.■星点散布的, 星印的; 星光灿烂的; 美国(公民)的starstonen.1.■星彩石2.■星彩蓝宝石star-studdedadj.1.■星罗棋布的; 星光灿烂的stardom[&#712st&#593:d&#601m]n.1.■电影明星, 舞台明星; 明星地位starlessadj.starlesslyadv.starlessnessn.starlet[&#712st&#593:l&#618t]n.1.■小星, [口]小女明星starlikeadj.starwardadv.,adj.1.■朝星星地[的]习惯用语as [like] the stars in multitude1.■多得象繁星一样be born under a lucky [an unlucky] star1.■生在幸福[不幸]中be through with one's star1.■好运过去了, 交了恶运, 不走红了believe in one's star1.■相信自己的运气blazingstar1.■【植】矮百合2.■[古]引人注目的人[物]curse one's stars1.■诅咒自己的命运guiding star1.■路星; 指路明灯lone star (state)1.■[美]孤星州(得克萨斯州别称)march by the stars1.■【军】看星行进My stars (and garters)!1.■[口] 哎呀! 好家伙!One's star has set.1.■某人声望下降了; 某人不走红了。One's star is in the ascendant.1.■福星高照, 正走运。Pole Star1.■北极星; 指导者, 向导rising star1.■后起之秀see stars1.■[口]眼里冒金星Seven Stars (=Seven Sisters)1.■昂宿星团; 北斗星团thank one's stars1.■觉得运气好, 觉得幸福The stars were against it.1.■没有这样的运气, 作不到, 没有办法。this star1.■[诗]地球tin star1.■[美俚]私家侦探trust to one's star1.■相信自已的运气under the stars1.■在星空下up-and-coming star1.■后起之秀star it1.■成为主角或明星; 成为观众注意的中心Stars and Stripes1.■星条旗(美国国旗)stars in one's eyes1.■有愉快的感觉, 盲目乐观stars in their courses1.■沿着轨道运行的星辰; 命运特殊用法amylum star1.■淀粉星状晶artificial star1.■假星binary star1.■双星blue star1.■蓝星brittle star1.■【动】海蛇尾clock star1.■校钟星, 时星closed star1.■闭星形combinatorial star1.■组合星形cosmic-ray star1.■宇宙线星裂dark star1.■暗星date star1.■日历星轮daughter star1.■双星期day star with disk (not transferred)1.■周历轮部件Demon star1.■恶魔星disintegration star1.■蜕变星double star1.■双星形driving star1.■驱动星轮dwarf star1.■矮星early-type star1.■早型星earth stars1.■地星emulsion star1.■核乳星eruptive star1.■爆发星evening star1.■昏星extrinsic variable star1.■外因变星falling [shooting] star1.■流星field stars1.■场星five-pointed star1.■五角星flare stars1.■耀星giant star1.■巨星helium stars1.■氦星high-velocity stars1.■高速星hot star1.■高电流起弧hydrogen star1.■氢星indicator driving star1.■日历指示器传动星轮infrared star1.■红外星intrinsic variable star1.■内因变星jack star1.■星铁Kapetyn's star1.■卡普坦星late-type star1.■晚型星low-velocity star1.■低速星mill star1.■星形铁, 三角铁(清理滚筒用)moon phase star1.■月相盘星轮morning star1.■晨星,启明星,金星; 晨出星; 晨落星2.■晨星球3.■粘叶花month star1.■月历星轮mother star1.■母星体, 单星体multiple star1.■聚星N star N1.■型星near stars1.■邻近星North star1.■北极星nuclear star1.■【核】核星operating star1.■操作星轮optical double star1.■光学双星O-type star O1.■型星P-Cygni star1.■天鹅座P型星peculiar star1.■特殊恒星Pole Star1.■北极星, 勾阵一pulsating star1.■脉动变星R Coronae Borealis star1.■北冕座R型星radio star1.■射电星red dwarf star1.■红矮星red giant star1.■红巨星red white dwarf star1.■红白矮星reference star1.■比较星, 定标星regular variable star1.■规则变星RR Lyrae stars1.■天琴RR型星runaway star1.■速逃星RV Tauri stars1.■金牛RV型星RW Aurigal stars1.■御夫RW型星T Tauri stars1.■金牛座T型星triple star1.■三合星twinkling stars1.■闪烁星Tycho's star1.■第谷新星UV Ceti stars1.■鲸鱼座UV型星variable star1.■变星W Ursae Majoris stars1.■大熊座W型 星W Virginis stars1.■室女座W型星wind star1.■【航海】等边三角形测风法Wolf-Rayet star1.■沃尔夫-拉叶型星Zeta Geminorum stars1.■双子座S型星star of day [noon]1.■太阳
STARSTAR1.■=Satellite Telecommunication with Automatic Routing 自动导航卫星通信;2.■Scientific and Technical Abstracts and Reports 《科学技术文摘与报告》([美]期刊);3.■Scientific and Technical Aerospace Report《科学技术宇航文摘》([美]期刊);4.■Ship-Tended Acoustic Relay System船用水声测距中继系统
star 在21世纪词典中的解释
star[st&#593:]n.1.■星,星球2.■天体3.■【天文学】恒星4.■【占星术】星宿;星像5.■命运,运气;气质6.■星形;星形物7.■星标,星章,星形勋章8.■(马等前额的)白斑点9.■名演员,主角,明星10.■(体育界)名将,著名运动员,星11.■(长约23英尺的)竞赛帆船12.■[英国俚语]初次坐牢的犯人13.■【印刷】星号(即*)14.■【电工学】星形(或Y形)三相绕组15.■【核物理学】核星adj.1.■星的,星球的2.■星形的,星状的3.■明星的4.■杰出的,出色的,超群的,优秀的vt.1.■用星(形物)装饰;点缀:He starred his boat.他在他的船体上用星星作装饰。He starred the yacht racing for his country.他为他的祖国在帆船运动中曾创造过光辉。2.■使担任主角,让…做主演;使成为明星:He was starred in this film.他在这部影片中担任男主角。The Blood Line started to star her.因主演《血缘》一片,她开始走红。3.■给…加上星号;用星号表示(等级、重要性等):The commonest words are starred in this dictionary.在本词典中,最常用的单词前加有星号。He starred some paragraphs that he thought important.他把他认为重要的段落都标上了星号。4.■使成辐射状开裂:His stone didn't throw at me but starred the glass behind me.他的石头没有打中我,却把我身后的玻璃炸开了花。vi.1.■出名,有成就;表现卓著,干得出色:He has starred at his task.他出色地完成了任务。It's not the aim for her to star.出人头地不是她的目的。2.■担任主角(或主演);表演出色,成为明星:The films in which Hoffmann starred have been well received.由霍夫曼主演的影片一直受到观众的好评。3.■成辐射状开裂:The bullet struck the cement wall starring.子弹把水泥墙打开了花。be born under a lucky star生就有福,生来吉星高照be born under an evil star生不逢时,生就灾星照命believe in (或trust to) one's star相信自己的运气be through with one's star[口语]已经不走红了,好运已过curse one's stars诅咒自己的命运One's star has set.某人已不走红了。One's star is in the ascendant.正走红,正走运。see stars[口语]眼睛冒金星someone's bright particular star某人热衷的对象stars in one's eyes幸福感;快乐感过分乐观的态度(或看法)stars in their courses命运thank (或bless) one's (lucky) stars谢天谢地,自庆幸运The stars were against it.没这样的好运,没办法。under the stars在星空下变形vt.starredstarring
友情链接:throw ro,throw at,throw away的区别急_百度作业帮
throw ro,throw at,throw away的区别急
一般有“投掷”意思时用throw at(距离稍远),“扔”时用throw ro(距离稍近).throw away是“扔掉,丢掉”.
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