Sensualize 是什么意思?His love is spiritualized aac, not sensualized. 是什么意思?

158 Bleecker Street
Ron Anderson (guitar) and Brian Chase (drums and electronics) will perform at 8pm sharp.&
Also performing will be: Dinmachine, Glockabelle, John 3:16&
485 Dean St
I will be playing guitar with Cosmos Report a Japanese Free Improve ensemble, who are making a very rare appearance here in New York. & The band is lead by&Koji Suzuki.&
Ron Anderson (guitar)
Cosmos Report is&Koji Suzuki(saxophone) KenYa Kawaguchi(bamboo flute) Katsunori Hiroi(drums,percussion) Tatsuo Yanagihara([Electric Uplight Bass) &&
Casa Max Rojas
Calle Máximo Rojas No. 12, a 5 minutos del Casco de Santo Tomás y metro Popotla
Mexico City
Actos sonoros y lectura de poes&a.Homenajes a los poetas Max Rojas y Ram&n M&ndez Estrada.M&USICA,&, Caos del T& (aka Marcos Hassan),&.POETASRefugio Pereida, Pancho Zapata, Valent&n Arcadio, Ana&s Blues, Gustavo Alatorre y m&s por anunciar...Presentaciones de libros y revistasExposici&n escult&rica_____________M&s informaci&n en los siguientes d&as.
Cuauhtémoc 91, Colonia Roma, Cuauhtémoc
Mexico City
Price: $35 MXN
Oblique Quartet's Tlaloc Beat is available as a CD, Digital Download, or Streaming at&
Also performing:
505+1/2 Waverly Ave
Isabelle Duthoit and Franz Hautzinger are amazing deep listening improvisators from Europe.& Last year&s gig that we did together at JACK was one of my favorite concerts of 2014. JACK has invited us to perform there again this year and I have added Michael Evans on drums.
Isabelle Duthoit - voice, clarinet
Franz Hautzinger - trumpet
Michael Evans - drums
Ron Anderson - bass
Manhattan Inn
632 Manhattan Ave
Electric Guitar Duet & Ron Anderson and Zachary Pruitt
&Also Andrew Hock & Solo Guitar, Ava Mendoza & Solo Guitar,& Jon Lipscolmbs Trio
Tiny Montgomery inside Threes Brewing
333 Douglas Street
Ron Anderson (guitar) Chris Cochrane (guitar) Lucas Collins (drums)
121 Ludlow, Second Floor
Ron Anderson (guitar) Brian Chase (drums) Richard Hoffman (bass)
&The first gig of 2015 with this powerful improvised trio that can create some big noise, but other times can land into a sea of ambient sounds. &
Avenue C and 2nd street
Price: $25
I love playing these end of the year events, it is always a great hang and the money goes to support The Stone.
John Zorn (sax) Uri Caine (piano) Ned Rothenberg (sax) Kenny Wollesen (drums) Charles Bernstein (poetry) Sofia Rei (voice) Nate Wooley (trumpet) Steve Swell (trombone) Ilhan Ersahin (sax) Ron Anderson (guitar) and many special guests
152 Ludlow
Ron Anderson (guitar) Brian Chase (drums) Richard Hoffman (bass)
I really like playing in this trio, we will be playing improvised and composed music.
Here is a video from our first gig last July.
I'm really&excited to see Cellular Chaos again and also hear XblankX perform live.
121 Ludlow, Second Floor
(650) 400-5100
Price: $10-20 dollar floating donation.
Performing: WvS, Aaron Moore, Robert L. Pepper (Pas Musique), Claudio Quartero (Argentina), Ron Anderson, Sarah Bernstein, Eric Barry Drasin, Lauren Lee, Matt Luczak, Nisi Jacobs, David Grollman, Ken B. (Bloater), and Kevin Bud Jones
Two duos and three acts of trios. Two predetermined duos and three surprise trios with the above musicians.
THE EVENT STARTS EARLY!. So please be there by 8:00 to settle in and enjoy the frequencies.
Freddy's Bar and Backroom
627 5th Avenue
A great night of music put together by Chris Cochrane and Kevin Bud Jones.
8pm - Kevin Bud Jones / Chris Cochrane - Duo 8pm
9pm - Chirs Cochrane and Ron Anderson (guitars), Kevin Bud Jones (electronics), Brian Chase (drums)
10pm - Airport 7 10pm
505+1/2 Waverly Ave
Price: $10
Ron Anderson (guitar) Maxime Petit (bass) Daniel Carter (horns, winds)
I will be playing tomorrow night with Maxime Petit who is a visiting bass player from Lille, France, master saxophone player and a very old friend of mine Daniel Carter and maybe a last minute guest drummer. Also on the bill Levy Lorenzo (percussion, electronics)/ Tim Dahl (bass)/ Max Jaffe (drums), Ava Medoza (guitar) James Corrigan: "B-Line," a piece is for 6 electric guitars, 1 electric bass, and one percussionist
La Iglesia Santa Cruz
176 Saint Nicholas
Price: $10
I&m doing another duet gig with guitarist Ava Mendoza.& The last time we played together was in February and it was really amazing. &Here is a short bit from that performance.
&Also on the bill this night: William Parker- solo, and Michael Foster/James Ilgen Fritz/Andrew Barker.
627 5th Avenue
Price: $10
Prospect Range
1226 Prospect Ave
A Night of Duets
I'm looking Prospect Range is in my neighborhood so I can easy walk there.& I will be playing on my Vintage Korg MS-20 with Russ Alderson on amplified doumbek.
Also performing will be:
Chester Hawkins + Robert Pepper Luciernaga + Aeronaut Lazurite + Thermos Unigarde
Home Audio
69 Clifton Place
Brian Chase - drums, Richard Hoffman - bass, Ron Anderson - guitar.
121 Ludlow, Second Floor
Once again I will be one of the guitarist performing with Elliott Sharp in a 12 guitar performance of SyndaKit.
Here is the complete list of players.
Elliott SharpCristian AmigoJames MooreAnders NillsonJames IlgenfritzTaylor LevineLily MaaseRon AndersonBen TyreeAva MendozaMarc SloanZach Pruitt
121 Ludlow, Second Floor
Price: $10
9pm Chase/Anderson/Hoffman
- drums and percussion
- electric guitar Richard Hoffman - electric bass
Trio feat.
Chris Pitsiokos - alto saxophone/compositions Kevin Shea - drum set Max Johnson - bass
1214 Surf Ave.
Price: $10
Two nights of revelry with eight musical daredevils..
Organized by Chris Cochrane and Brian Chase.
Come for the music, stay for the meet a lover on the boardwalk, or at the Freak Bar next door (the venue is adjacent to the Circus Sideshow)... Kiss a man that's a woman, or a woman that's a man...?
"Contort Yourself," as it's been said&
In order of appearance:
Doors at 7
Sets at 8, 9, 10, 11 Admission $10 {each act alone is worth the price of admission, just sayin...}
TWINS OF ELDORADO is a modern art song ensemble featuring vocalist Kristin Slipp and trumpeter Joe Moffett. A highly experimental and collaborative duo, Slipp and Moffett explore/explode conventions of sound, voice and meaning, taking the art song format in new and interesting directions. Twins of El Dorado has performed in various settings including acclaimed venues such as The Stone and Issue Project Room in New York and Jordan Hall in Boston.
GOOD FOR COWS is: Devin Hoff (Nels Cline, Ben Goldberg, Xiu Xiu) -- upright bass Ches Smith (Mar Ribot, Secret Chiefs 3, Xiu Xiu)-- drums It's a long-running, collaborative duo...
COLLAPSIBLE SHOULDER is: Brian Chase (Yeah Yeah Yeahs, NYC improv, etc) - Drums Michael DuClos (Robert Quine, JG Thirlwell, The Elegant Too, etc) - Bass Kevin Bud Jones (Airport Seven, Dog eat Dog, etc) - Synth Chris Cochrane (John Zorn, Zeena Parkins, Thurston Moore, etc) Hive like in energy, the band alternates between startling driving angular rhythms and dynamic drones. They have opened for Tunde Adebimpe&s Higgins Waterproof Black Magic Band and Marc Ribot's Ceramic Dog
KID MILLIONS AND JIM SAUTER: Jim Sauter is a saxophonist and founding member of Borbetomagus. Kid Millions continues to be one of the most acclaimed and pioneering drummers in New York. His work began as a principle member of Oneida and follows with his own group, Man Forever, which has performed at the Met and bridges the gap between avant-rock drumming and classical percussion ensemble styles. Collaborations and performances include those with Spiritualized, Jim Sauter and William Basinski.
JON CATLER is a guitarist/composer living in NYC. He has released over a dozen recordings of original music, written the book 'The Nature Of Music,' and is Co-founder of the American Festival of Microtonal Music and the World Out Of Tune Festival. Catler has performed worldwide in various Just Intonation tuning systems, and designs fretting systems for guitar, including the 64-tone JI and 12-Tone Ultra Plus systems, made available to the public through FreeNote Music.
75 DOLLAR BILL: Rick Brown plays percussion and homemade horns, and Che Chen plays electric guitar
"&Che Chen&s guitar: a cut-rate Japanese model sketching looped figures inside old Arabic modes, pushing jagged sound through a small amplifier...the drummer Rick Brown sat on a square wooden box, building odd or compound rhythms, turning them around and blurring distinctions between downbeats and upbeats& One couldn&t do without the other." -Ben Ratliff, for the NY Times
H&ASSLICHE LUFTMASKEN is a metal band led by Nick Didkovsky (guitar/voice), with Josh Lopes (guitar), Jesse Krakow (bass), and Jon Lango (drums).
RON ANDERSON / NONOKO YOSHIDA / BRIAN CHASE "Ron Anderson is among the lifers forming the vital backbone of the NYC new-music scene" - Time Out New York
Ron Anderson - Nonoko YoshIda - Brian Chase - drums
112 Rivington St
PAK - Ron Anderson (bass) Alex Cohen (drums)
Infantephant - David Bodie (Drums), Eric Fitzgerald (Guitar, Voice) and Keith Abrams (Bass)
Nebula Smile - A guitar and drum duet from Detroit.
Price: adv \2300 door \2800 (+drink)
Ron Anderson (bass, voice), Tatsuya Yoshida (drums, voice), Nonoko Yoshida (sax)
with Vampillia
Price: adv \2000 door \2500 (+drink)
Ron Anderson (bass, voice), Tatsuya Yoshida (drums, voice), Nonoko Yoshida (sax)
with the Noup, Ketch
Price: adv \2000 door \2500 (+drink)
Ron Anderson (bass, voice), Tatsuya Yoshida (drums, voice), Nonoko Yoshida (sax)with Sax Ruins, Ippen, Deadpudding, the Utopia, 5cm Asshol
Price: adv \2000 door \2500 (+drink)
Ron Anderson (bass, voice), Tatsuya Yoshida (drums, voice), Nonoko Yoshida (sax)
With Sax Ruins, Kyoka, HIROYUKI, THE MONDOLOID FUNK,&Kawada Yusuke, Hideaki Takimoto, VJ Tsujita Naoto, QUINCY MCQUEEN
Ron Anderson (bass, voice), Tatsuya Yoshida (drums, voice), Nonoko Yoshida (sax)
with Sax Ruins, Space Grinders, DJ Ogura
Price: adv \2500 door \2800 (+order)
Ron Anderson (bass, voice), Tatsuya Yoshida (drums, voice), Nonoko Yoshida (sax)
Ron Anderson (bass, voice), Tatsuya Yoshida (drums, voice), Nonoko Yoshida (sax)
Ron Anderson (bass, voice), Tatsuya Yoshida (drums, voice), Nonoko Yoshida (sax)
with tako jizo, kachi kochi mushi
Price: charge \2500 (+order)
Ron Anderson (bass, voice), Tatsuya Yoshida (drums, voice), Nonoko Yoshida (sax)
with SAX RUINS, Ryoko Nonoko Sax duo
Price: adv \2500 door \3000 (+drink)
Ron Anderson (bass, voice), Tatsuya Yoshida (drums, voice), Nonoko Yoshida (sax)
with SAX RUINS, Ryoko Nonoko Sax duo
Ron Anderson (bass, voice), Tatsuya Yoshida (drums, voice), Nonoko Yoshida (sax) - See more at: ./gig#sthash.H0olaqAe.dpuf
Ron Anderson (bass, voice), Tatsuya Yoshida (drums, voice), Nonoko Yoshida (sax) - See more at: ./gig#sthash.H0olaqAe.dpuf
Price: adv \2500 door \2800 (+drink)
Ron Anderson (bass, voice), Tatsuya Yoshida (drums, voice), Nonoko Yoshida (sax)
with Conti, Gilgongo, Le Silo
505 1/2 Waverly Ave.
Isabelle Duthoit (Clarinet, voice), Franz Hautzinger (trumpet), Brian Chase (drums), Ron Anderson (bass)
I have known Isabelle Duthoit from many years and she is one of the most amazing improvisers to be found in Europe. She is coming to North America to do a series of concerts with Austrian trumpet player Franz Hautzinger. I have decided to play bass for this gig and have invited&Brian Chase to join us.
Born in 1970 in Montargis. Classically trained Isabelle Duthoit is moving quickly towards today&s music working with various ensembles and composers. It finds its rightful place in the world of free improvisation. With the Trio Sofa, project photo phonographic and music, she tries to play the sound (music) in a sound and visual territory daily, listening space and slip into vitality & without staging. As has always been attracted by her voice, she has developed only a singing technique singular language before language. She sings and improvised solo and duet with Phil Minton. In 2008, she was a resident at the Villa Kujoyama in Kyoto (Japan) to perform a solo vocal performance in relation to the sound world of Noh and Bunraku theater. From 1995 to 2005, it is committed to the creation and improvised music by creating Fruits Festival Mh&re &fields of improvisation& with Jacques Di Donato. Since 1997 she teaches clarinet and improvisation at the Conservatoire Departmental Evry (Essonne).
Detours often lead to more thrilling goals because they open up new perspectives. Franz Hautzinger has taken long and bendy detours and turned to many dead ends, he has spent years without instrumental activity and has made a hopeful new start. All this, those victories and defeats, this &History from the Total Crash to &Emergency Individualism&&, as he himself described it, made Franz Hautzinger the highly profiled musical personality that he is today.
The conscious decision to avoid electronic sound sources but to still comprehend the development of digital music on the trumpet & the quarter tone trumpet purchased in 1997 & were decisive stages for the creation of Franz Hautzinger&s sensational solo trumpet CD &Gomberg& (2000) on which he presented this new until then unheard cosmos of sound that he had developed on his instrument. Hautzinger positioned himself with &Gomberg& at the front line of the international improvisation avant- collaborations and CD records with Derek Bailey, the &AMM& veterans Keith Rowe and John Tilbury as well as Axel D&rner, Christian Fennesz or Otomo Yoshihide, and Sachiko M followed. The step into the world of decelerated sound microscopy and from 2003 on the re-discovery of musical sensualism, the confrontation of his trumpet sounds with groove and tunes (&Regenorchester XI& and XII) can be considered as important stages in his development. Franz Hautzinger teaches at the Vienna Music University since 1989, is a member of the Berliner Ensemble &Zeitkratzer& since 1999 and received comissions from Klangforum Vienna amongst others. He is a globetrotter whose unmistakeable musical signature is known from Vienna to Berlin, London to Beirut, or in Tokyo, New York, and Chicago. Franz Hautzinger has shown that even in times where postmodernism is history an instrument can still be reinvented.
Brian Chase plays in the Yeah Yeah Yeahs. He was ranked at #50 in Gigwise's list of The Greatest Drummers of All Time. He has performed in a number of experimental duos with other musicians such as Stefan Tcherepnin and Seth Misterka, with whom he released a CD Duo on the Australian Heathen Skulls label in 2007.Other musicians he has played with include Jessica Pavone, Mary Halvorson, Moppa Elliott, and groups Oakley Hall, Blarvuster, and klezmerfusionists The Sway Machinery. In May 2010 the Chase/Misterka Duo performed at the Melbourne International Jazz Festivaland then a month long Australian tour. A second record The Shape of Sound was released to coincide
Brian Chase plays in the Yeah Yeah Yeahs. He was ranked at #50 in Gigwise's list of The Greatest Drummers of All Time. He has performed in a number of experimental duos with other musicians such as Stefan Tcherepnin and Seth Misterka, with whom he released a CD Duo on the Australian Heathen Skulls label in 2007.Other musicians he has played with include Jessica Pavone, Mary Halvorson, Moppa Elliott, and groups Oakley Hall, Blarvuster, and klezmerfusionists The Sway Machinery. In May 2010 the Chase/Misterka Duo performed at the Melbourne International Jazz Festivaland then a month long Australian tour. A second record The Shape of Sound was released to coincide. - See more at: http://www./gig/#sthash.fKSLKz8Q.dpuf
Doctor Mora 7, Centro, México D.F. C.P. 06050
Mexico City
OBLIQUE QUARTET - Ron Anderson (guitar),& Marco Fierro (analog synths), Carlos Fierro (bass), Azael Gonz&lez (drums)
I&m very excited to perform my first concert in Mexico City with a new band called OBLIQUE QUARTET.& Also on the bill this evening is Mexican sound artist VER&ONICA MOTA. Facebook announcement -
&Carlos Fierro, is a bassist who has spent 23 years playing in various projects ranging from free jazz to grindcore, through free improvisation and noise. Currently, Carlos Fierro performs frequently with his duo Weedcore AMUF Atom. They have at least 20 albums or EPs released in Mexico, England and Germany. Carlos Fierro has performed and / or collaborated with: Undress Beton, Reed Evan Rosenberg, Juan Jose Rivas, Rogelio Sosa, Mario de Vega, Gabriel Lauber, Itzam Cano, Darrell Zimmerman, Germ&n Bringas, Manuel Rodr&guez, Rodrigo Castel&n, Joe Volume, Archangel Constantini, Iv&n Abreu, Tana Barbier, Lisa Gervassi, Sergio S&nchez, Amed Balt&zar, Amira Balt&zar, Rodrigo Ambriz, Asael Ramirez, Enrique Arriaga, I&igo Barandiaran, Gudinni Cortina, Ricardo Dorantes, Antonio Dominguez, among others.
&Azael Gonzalez is a young drummer on an upward trajectory with solid musical training. At only 13 years old he recorded his first album for EMI Music in 2003 with his first band Ellie. In 2012, Azael was invited to record and play with bands like Kill Aniston, Mood Fu and Joe Volume. Recently, Azael is presented with two of his most recent projects Muuk (Experimental Rock) and Annapura (Hardcore). Azael Gonzalez has performed and / or collaborated with: Lilo, Annapura, Muuk, Kill Aniston, Mood Fu, Joe Volume, TLUPR, A Letter For, At Lisbon, Via Da Voi, Goodbye Kristen and Ellie.
&Marco Fierro is a composer and musician with a history of 23 years creating cutting-edge music. He plays drums and analog and digital synthesizers. His projects that range from punk to ambient, drone to experimental electronics. Lately, Marco Fierro is writing and recording the music for what will be their debut album Burstbot. He has performed and / or collaborated with: Undress Beton, Reed Evan Rosenberg, Juan Jose Rivas, Rogelio Sosa, Mario de Vega, Gabriel Lauber, Itzam Cano, Arcangel Constantini, Iv&n Abreu, Tana Barbier, Lisa Gervassi, Sergio S&nchez, Amed Balt&zar, Amira Balt&zar, Rodrigo Ambriz, Asael Ramirez, Enrique Arriaga, I&igo Barandiaran, Gudinni Cortina, Ricardo Dorantes, Antonio Dominguez, among others.
&Veronica Mota &is a sound artist residing in Berlin, Germany, since 2002. Her sound works have received great attention in Europe, Australia and the United States. In Germany Ver&nica Mota has produced a number of sound works which have been presented as part of contemporary dance pieces, performance, film, radio and live concerts. Her creative collaborations have been with artists and musicians living in Berlin: Miriam Wuttke (Performance Art), Jon Evans (Live Music / Performance Art), Annie Stubbs (Music), John Murphy (Music), Alain Ledezma (Music ) and Miro Mastropasqua (Film), among others. Also, Veronica Mota Galindo has participated in group exhibitions featuring audio/video as well as performance art in Germany, England, Spain, Czech Republic, Poland, Slovenia and Italy.
505 1/2 Waverly Ave.
Ron Anderson (guitar), Ava Mendoza (guitar)
Also performing: Pulverize the Sound (Mike Pride/Tim Dahl/Peter Evans) and Sweet Banditry (Louise Jensen/Tom Blancarte/Brandon Seabrook/Kevin Shea).
245 Grand Street
PAK will be Ron Anderson - bass, Alex Cohen - drums, Nonoko Yoshida - sax.
with Pyrrhon and Couch Slut.
121 Ludlow, Second Floor
(650) 400-5100
PAK is Back!& Ron Anderson - (bass, voice)& Alex Cohen (drums)
Also performing: Chris Pitsiokos (sax, electronics)& Brain Chase (drums)&&
Avenue C and 2nd street
Price: $25
John Zorn (sax) Uri Gurvich (sax) Eyal Maoz (guitar) Ron Anderson (guitar) Chris Cochrane (guitar) Sylvie Courvoisier (piano) Ikue Mori (electronics) Shanir Blumenkranz (bass) Michael Nicolas (cello) Don McKenzie (drums)
JOHN ZORN ANNUAL END OF THE YEAR IMPROV WEEK&A STONE BENEFIT A special week of benefit concerts featuring some of the most exciting improvisers in New York. John Zorn will be appearing with a different lineup every night so come on down multiple nights and help support The Stone! All proceeds go to help pay our rent and upkeep. DEC 25&29
505+1/2 Waverly Ave
Ron Anderson (guitar) Start Popejoy (bass, keyboard) Michael Evans (drums, percussion)
Also performing will be CHRIS PITSIOKOS + PHILIP WHITE& &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& SUPERLITH (DAN BLACKSBERG + JULUIS MASRI)& & & & & & & & & & & & & & & && BRANDON SEABROOK + PASCAL NIGGENKEMPER + MIKE PRIDE
505+1/2 Waverly Ave
&This will be the third in a series of music events with Ron Anderson as curator. The concept is to have four exciting, powerful, new or experiment, avant-goups or solo performers each from different musical genres.& Each group or soloist is strictly limited to 30 minutes of performance time.
&Ron Anderson (guitar) Brian Chase (drums)Ron Anderson is a self-taught rock composer who starting experimenting with new rock concepts, noise, free improvisation while in high school in the mid 1970&s. In 1980 he was one of the founding members of Rat At Rat R in Philadelphia. He moved to New York City&s Lower East Side in 1982. He started working in his home recording studio experimenting with tape editing, found sounds, noise, and improvisation. He combined these elements with composition and released his first LP entitled Fever Dream in 1987.& Ron moved to Oakland, CA in 1989 and shortly thereafter formed The M they released a total of 6 CD&s. &He and The Molecules were introduced to the European music community at the Musique Action Festival in Nancy, France in 1993 and since then he has been a regular on the European festival and club circuit, as well as touring in Japan, Canada and the United States. After living in Geneva, Switzerland for one year, he moved back to New York City in 1999 where he formed PAK. He has collaborated with many musicians on numerous projects. &He appears on over 60 releases, most recently Chris Pitiokos, Weasel Walter, Ron Anderson & Maximalism (CD) - Eleatic RecordsBrian Chase plays in the Yeah Yeah Yeahs. He was ranked at #50 in Gigwise's list of The Greatest Drummers of All Time. He has performed in a number of experimental duos with other musicians such as Stefan Tcherepnin and Seth Misterka, with whom he released a CD Duo on the Australian Heathen Skulls label in 2007.Other musicians he has played with include Jessica Pavone, Mary Halvorson, Moppa Elliott, and groups Oakley Hall, Blarvuster, and klezmerfusionists The Sway Machinery. In May 2010 the Chase/Misterka Duo performed at the Melbourne International Jazz Festivaland then a month long Australian tour. A second record The Shape of Sound was released to coincide.
Ava Mendoza/Tim Dahl/Matt Nelson/Nick PodgurskiAva Mendoza is a guitarist from Oakland, CA who has been active for the last decade playing her own music and in many different groups. She has toured throughout the U.S., Europe and recorded or performed with a broad spectrum of musicians including Tune-Yards, Fred Frith, Carla Bozulich, Nels Cline. Critics have called her "Oakland's avant-jazz virtuoso" - Village Voice),& "a wizard on a semi-circle of effects pedals, but& equally adept with FX-less technique," NPR.
Insect Ark - Dana SchecterInsect Ark is the new solo project from Dana Schechter, known for her work with Bee and Flower and M. Gira&s Angels of Light (Swans). Based in Brooklyn, INSECT ARK is composed and performed as an analog-electronic hybrid: one woman, a sampler, a bass, a lapsteel and a keyboard.&Creating her personal soundtrack to the human psyche&s underbelly, Schechter&s sounds weave a brooding, textural landscape, a starless night spiked with sparkling moments of light and flash. Intimate and cold at the same time, this foray into her aggressive and experimental musical side braids a strong sense of melody into the twists and turns with delay drenched lapsteel, distorted synthesizers and bass, and sparse drum programming.
Anthony ColemanAccomplished keyboard player and composer Anthony Coleman has gained recognition as an inspired player and talented standout of the avant-garde and klezmer-oriented jazz coming out of N.Y.C.'s downtown. Coleman has performed and recorded with just about every musician involved in this downtown scene, including John Zorn, Elliott Sharp, David Moss, Dave Douglas, David Shea, Gary Lucas, David Krakauer, Marc Ribot, Coleman has received commissions for his compositions from various ensembles including Bang on a Can, Concert Artists Guild, and the Crosstown Ensemble.
This will be the second in a series of music events with Ron Anderson as curator.The concept is to have four exciting, powerful, new or experiment, avant-goups or solo performers each from different musical genres.& Each group or soloist is strictly limited to 30 minutes of performance time. - See more at: http://www./gig/#sthash.1PHBLPuS.dpuf
This will be the second in a series of music events with Ron Anderson as curator.The concept is to have four exciting, powerful, new or experiment, avant-goups or solo performers each from different musical genres.& Each group or soloist is strictly limited to 30 minutes of performance time. - See more at: http://www./gig/#sthash.1PHBLPuS.dpuf
This will be the second in a series of music events with Ron Anderson as curator.The concept is to have four exciting, powerful, new or experiment, avant-goups or solo performers each from different musical genres.& Each group or soloist is strictly limited to 30 minutes of performance time. - See more at: http://www./gig/#sthash.1PHBLPuS.dpuf
This will be the second in a series of music events with Ron Anderson as curator.The concept is to have four exciting, powerful, new or experiment, avant-goups or solo performers each from different musical genres.& Each group or soloist is strictly limited to 30 minutes of performance time. - See more at: http://www./gig/#sthash.1PHBLPuS.dpuf
This will be the second in a series of music events with Ron Anderson as curator.The concept is to have four exciting, powerful, new or experiment, avant-goups or solo performers each from different musical genres.& Each group or soloist is strictly limited to 30 minutes of performance time. - See more at: http://www./gig/#sthash.1PHBLPuS.dpuf
1333 H Street NE
Washington DC,
Sonic Circuits Festival is an annual six day internaitional music&fesival&held in Washington, DC.&Sonic Circuits seeks to expose audiences to cutting edge contemporary music that defies genres, and offer artists new platforms to present their music and opportunities to network and collaborate with artists from around the world.
1307 Dodds Ave
Price: $10
&The Molecules with Korybantes (Evan Lipson Bob Stagner Rick Weaver) and Red Okra King
1045 Haywood Road
Price: $5 – 21/up // $7 under 21
with Malcolm Tent, Blood Summer, Dharmamine, Vin Zetro.& The Molecules will play second.
331 E. Market St
It was 16 years ago that we last played in Louisville. Once again we are very happy to be playing with our friends in Ut Gret.
4590 Liberty Ave
412 682 0320
We will performing with the great Microwaves. they did a gig with PAK many years ago and we love them!& /pages/MICROWAVES/
The Red Room
425 E. 31st Street
The Molecules love Baltimore!& Not sure what Baltimore think of us, but the vibe of the city fits us like a glove. With Imaginary Friends (Mike Allender on Ekdahl Polymgamist)
1248 N Front St
The Molecules east coast tour moves south.& With Philadelphia&s Pyramid Minds an improvisational group with ambient, minimal, and trance tendencies, led by Jeff Daniels (Burden, Blackest Lava), "The Moo Noo", and Travis Woodson (Split Red, Electric Simcha). And Superlith - Trombonist Dan Blacksberg (who has performed with Anthony Braxton Quartet and Archer Spade with Nick Millevoi) and Casio keyboard modifier Julius Masri (Electric Simcha, Avant-rock band Lionshead, and Chakra Khan/Air Pirates also with Millevoi) formed Superlith, an experimental musical duo based out of Philadelphia.
Experi-Mental Festival 5 @ Goodbye Blue Monday
1087 Broadway
This will be our first concert of the East Coast tour.
1928 Telegraph
The final concert of The Molecules tour du California with Gentlemen Surfer.
Next The Molecules will continue on the East Coast starting in New York City on Friday September 27th.
247 S. Main St.
Los Angeles,
It has been a long time since The Molecule have played in Los Angeles, andwe are very happy to be playing with Upsilon Acrux.
Other bands to be To be announced.
3519 Cajon Blvd.,
San Diego,
630 Bushwich Ave
Price: $10
Ron Anderson (guitar) Stuart Popejoy (bass, keyboard) Brain Chase (drums)
Also performing are Chris Pitsiokos (sax)&Weasel Walter (drums) Tim Dahl (bass) and Mosenek (chuck bettis and mick barr)
505+1/2 Waverly Ave
Price: $10
This will be the second in a series of music events with Ron Anderson as curator.The concept is to have four exciting, powerful, new or experiment, avant-goups or solo performers each from different musical genres.& Each group or soloist is strictly limited to 30 minutes of performance time.
8pm& Merrill Clark - performing world premiers of his compositions - Outlands (the Imaginary Jam with Bruce) - Give a Human something Bright and Shiny - Where the Big Kids Play. Mr. Clark&s compositions have been performed throughout the United States, Europe and Brazil, and he has been awarded many honors, including the 1972 Winner in Composition of the American College Jazz Festival which resulted in his conducting a concert of his works at the Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts in Washington, DC, in 1973. He has written many works in a wide variety of genres, from unaccompanied solo works like to large scale orchestral works, including a musical theater piece, two bass concertos, a viola concerto and many chamber works. Mr. Clark has compiled a double CD of chamber music for wind instruments titled, Heart Songs and Science Projects, and will soon release Twisted Bits of Sound for Amplified String Quintet and Percussion. Brenda
Vincent (electric violin) Jason Hwang (electric violin) Joel Rudin (electric viola) Matt Goeke (electric cello) Tia
Vincent-Clark (electric guitar and vocals) Merrill Clark (electric contra bass)
Annette Aguilar (percussion and conductor) &
9pm& Valerie Kuehne - Cellist and performance artist Valerie Kuehne is a cross-pollinated work of chaos fusing together music, performance art, narrative, and experimental curation. After moving to New York to study Philosophy at The New School, Ms. Kuehne has systematically bifurcated her time between touring the planet, performing in as many unexpected settings as possible, and building a community for experimental music and performance art in New York. &Ms. Kuehne&s work operates under principles of surprise, and investigates obsession, comedy, decay, forensic pathology, sex, hypnogogia, viscera, death. She created and composed for the ensemble Dream Zoo and is one third of the improvised music trio Prehistoric Horse.
10pm& Chris Pitsiokos (sax, electronics) Weasel Walter (drums) Ron Anderson (guitar) -& Weasel Walter and Ron Anderson are both cornerstones of the New York avant-music scene. Since the early nineties, these improvisers and composers have lived a parallel musical existence: Weasel with his band The Flying Luttenbachers and Ron with The Molecules and PAK. Over the last 30 years they have performed with a long list of some of the most creative musicians on the planet and they collectively appear on nearly 200 commercial releases. This night they will be joined by relative newcomer Chris Pitsiokos who has had an incredibly active performance schedule in the last 18 months. Recently, the trio was in the studio recording a new CD that is scheduled for release in July on Eleatic Records and will be available at the performance. &
11pm& Les Rhinoceros && &formed in 2008 by bassist and composer Michael Coltun. a trio consisting of bass, guitar, and drums. Les Rhinoc&ros&was the first release in Tzadik&s new spotlight series - a series focusing on &exemplary young bands with great dedication, passion, talent and imagination." The series came to life after executive producer&John Zorn&heard Les Rhinoc&ros and knew he wanted the band as part of the &Tzadik Family&. Thus the Spotlight Series was born as a means to release this album and, going forward, other albums by exceptional young artists handpicked by Zorn."
Web Streaming at
Interview with Ron Anderson and Chris Pitsiokos on WKCR's Afternoon New Music.& They will be talking about SUBGENRE a new music series held at JACK in Brooklyn and their new CD release with Weasel Walter called MAXIMALISM.
Prospect Range
1226 Prospect Ave
Price: $5+ donation
Synthesizer duo! - Ron Anderson, &Al Margolis&
&Al Margolis - Activist in the 1980s American cassette underground through his cassette label Sound Of Pig Music, co-founder of experimental music label Pogus Productions. Active under the name If, Bwana since 1984, making music that has swung between fairly spontaneous studio constructions and more process-oriented composition.
Also performing on this evening&s bill is: Marcia Bassett, Andrew Lafkas, & Barry Weisblat,Silent Isle trio (Anastasia Clarke with Russ Alderson & Sandy Gordon), John Truscinski.
121 Ludlow, Second Floor
(650) 400-5100
Price: $10 per set
Ron Anderson (guitar) Sylvie Courisier (piano)& Chuck Bettis (electronics) Michael Evans (drums)
Chuck Bettis was raised in the fertile HarDCore soil, nourished within Baltimore's enigmatic avant garde gatherings, and currently blossoming in New
York's downtown musical tribe. He utilizes electronics and throat for his sonic protest research. &Presently he is working on improvising, recording, or composing with an array of musicians from around the world.
& Sylvie Courvoisier is a pianist, composer, sideman and band leader .Born In Lausanne, Switzerland, Courvoisier moved to New York in 1998 and has lived in Brooklyn since that time. She has led several groups over the years and has recorded over 40 records for different labels, notably ECM, Tzadik and Intakt Records. Courvoisier has performed and recorded with John Zorn, Mark Feldman ,Yusef Lateef, Ikue Mori, Erik Friedlander, Herb Robertson, Tim Berne,Susie Ibarra , Joelle Leandre among others. Since 1997, she performs regularly in solo and in Duo with Mark Feldman. She is a member of M co-leads the Courvoisier/ Feldman Quartet and is the leader her own quintet "Lonelyville". Since 2010, she has been working as a pianist and composer with the new project of the flamenco dancer Israel Galvan "la Curva". Awards include Switzerland's 1996 Prix des jeunes cr&ateurs , Zonta Club's 2000 Prix de la Cr&ation, and Switzerland's 2010 Grand Prix de la Fondation Vaudoise de la Culture
&Michael Evans is an improvising drummer/composer whose work investigates and embraces the collision of sound and theatrics, combining ordered systems with intuitive choices of sound making using found objects, homemade instruments, the theremin and various digital and analog electronics. He has worked with a wide variety of artists&
nationally and internationally.
Here is a link for tickets to the NYX II festival&
505+1/2 Waverly Ave
Price: $20
$20 at the door with free beer until the keg runs dry.
Featuring performances by: Radical 2 Duo Rick Burkhardt thingNY Ron Anderson Xenia Rubinos Ashley Phillips
Michael Foster Stuart Popejoy Ikechukwu Anthony Ufomadu
and hosted by the Duke of JACK: Jason Quarles
505+1/2 Waverly Ave
Price: $10
168 Delancey St.
Yesmisolga Records and the
Delancey present four unique talents of the no wave/ post rock/ art
rock scene who will converge in New York on May 15th. Collectively this
trio of groups has revolved around the Micheal Gira (Swans) axis for
more than 20+ years. Additionally, Ron Anderson (Molecules, PAK and long
time collaborator of Ulan Bator) will play his vintage Korg MS 20 and
Ulan Bator was produced on Young Gods. Many members are long standing members of Faust as well. Gira says of Ulan Bator: "one
of the best french bands in the last 300 years!" Ulan Bator's first
ever US tour will promote its new album "En France, En Trance"available
only on the US tour. A live broadcast of Ulan bator can be heard on
Brian Turner's WFMU show on May 7th. This show will be a Bon Voyage
party for Ulan Bator and will be the last chance to see them on this
Dana Schecter (Insect Ark) is known from her work with
Angels of Light and Bee and Flower. Insect Ark is a solo project,
described as having "A weighty drone vibe, beautifully drawn-out space
filled with low-end waves crashing, gorgeous guitar textures, intriguing
siren calls" (Dusted Magazine, March 2013). Tonight will be the Vinyl
record release party for Insect Ark's new EP, "Long Arms".
Ron Anderson is a multi-instrumentalist and consummate traveler who
appears on over 60 recording through out the world. Tonight he will play
his original Korg MS20. He started playing with Ulan Bator in 1998
while living in Geneva. He has also performed and/or recorded with &
WRIGHT, JOHN ZORN and many more.
Martin Bisi needs no
introduction, as an indie rock performer and record producer. He has
realized albums by Sonic Youth, Swans, Bill Laswell, Boredoms, John
Zorn, Foetus, etc etc...Bisi continues his history of sonic excess and
which can be ambient and disorienting, and swings between
heavier post-rock and indie songs, and intimate and entertaining
121 Ludlow, Second Floor
(650) 400-5100
Price: $10-20 dollar floating donation.
Ron Anderson will perform a short solo on his classic Korg MS-20 synthesizer at
Robert L. Pepper (PAS) and Damien Olsen present: Ambient-Chaos Night - A SPECIAL APRIL FOOL'S DAY Event
Short but sweet 10-15 minute sets!
The event starts early. So please be there by 7:30 to settle in and enjoy the frequencies.
Performing Acts:
Schedule of appearance:
1) redgreenblue 2) Jazzfakers (Solo Sets) 3) Kerwin Williamson 4) David Grollman 5) Krystal Grant 6) Ron Anderson 7) Carey Burtt 8) Glenn Cornett and Robert Pepper 9) Luke Schwartz (guitar) + Vasu Panicker (keyboards)
505 1/2 Waverly Ave.
Price: $10
&Joe Merolla (bass), Ron Anderson (guitar), Nonoko Yoshida (sax) Kenny Grohowski (drums) will be playing an improvised set of music at Stuarts Popejoy's monthly series Aural Dystopia.
Joe Merolla/Ron Anderson/Nonoko Yoshida/Kenny Grohowski&9pm:
Louise DE Jensen/Mike Pride
505+1/2 Waverly Ave
Price: $10
Ron Anderson (guitar) Stuart Popejoy (bass) Michael Evans (drums)
Mike Pride (drums) Mick Barr (guitar)
Andrew Hock (guitar) Davindar Singh (bari sax) Nick Pogurski (drums)
Matt Nelson (sax/electronics) Tim Dahl (bass) Jason Nazary (drums)
294 Troutman Street
Price: $10
The first concert of the new year and another amazing gig at the Freedom Garden!
Chris Pitsiokos (sax, electronics), Weasel Walter (drums), Ron Anderson (guitar)
Mick Barr (guitar), Kevin Shea (drums) Tim Dahl (bass)
Elliott Sharp Solo
183 Lorraine St
Ron Anderson will be the music DJ and perform on the MS-20 synthesizer at an exhibit of
Keith McMenamy and his new realistic paintings of abstract life forms.
Avenue C and 2nd street
Price: $25
John Zorn (sax) Ikue Mori (electronics) Anthony
Coleman (piano) Ron Anderson (guitar) Eyal Maoz (guitar) Brian Chase
(drums) Uri Gurvich (sax) Ilhan Irsahin (sax) Nonoko Yoshida (sax)
Avenue C and 2nd street
Price: $25
John Zorn (sax) Ikue Mori (electronics) Anthony
Coleman (piano) Ron Anderson (guitar) Eyal Maoz (guitar) Uri Gurvich
(sax) Brian Chase (drums) Ilhan Irsahin (sax) Nonoko Yoshida (sax) Ty
505 1/2 Waverly Ave.
Price: $10
Bassoon, SARCAUSTIC, Elevator Rose, Blipvert - curator Ron Anderson
Bassoon -& Stuart Popejoy (bass, keyboards) Sean Moran (guitar) John Mettam (drums)
Bassoon is an instrumental metal trio. &Bassoon occasionally avails itself of sheet music onstage, but don&t let that give you the wrong idea. The power trio is one of Brooklyn&s heaviest and most challenging, bringing to mind a mixture of Melvins-style avant-sludge and daredevil &70s fusion.& Time Out New
SARCAUSTIC - Ron Anderson (guitar) Tim Dahl (bass) Weasel Walter (drums) Just one rule prevails: The music has to be it direct, to the point, powerful, with no sentimental bullshit.&
Elevator Rose -&Performing "Worker's Union" by Louis Andriessen
Vasu Panicker (synth) Fred Trumpy (drumset) Joe Fee (electric bass) Ela Polak (violin) Adam Forman& (mallets)&with guests from Luke Schwartz (guitar), Paul Pinto (piano), Jeff Young (violin) Pat Muchmore (Cello) Joe Tucker (percussion)
Elevator Rose is a contemporary-classical group. They perform great "classical" music written during the last 50 years. For this performance they will be lead by Vasu Panicker and will perform as a larger ensemble with guest musicians from Quiet City, thingNY, Anti-Social Music, and Innovox.
Blipvert & Will Redmound (electronics) &The term &Blipvert,& first used in the Max Headroom TV series, refers to an unrelenting stream of information resulting in a state of complete sensory overload. In a live setting, BlipVert&s highly frenetic and unpredictable performances make each show an experience to remember.
121 Ludlow, Second Floor
(650) 400-5100
Price: $5-20 dollar floating donation
&&Ron Anderson, Lawry Zilmrah, David Tamura Synth Trio
&The Restrictor &Pulcinella/Spreaders Duo Spectrum is a new loft space dedicated to experimental and music.
The event starts early. So please be there by 7:30 to settle in and enjoy the frequencies.
121 Ludlow, Second Floor
(650) 400-5100
Price: $20 suggested donation at the door
Featuring performances by members and directors of the contemporary music ensemble Hotel Elefant.
Also featuring performances by Experiments in Opera Co-founders Aaron Siegel, Matthew Welch and Jason Cady.
John Zorn appears as our special guest. Ron Anderson (guitar), Brian Chase (drums), John Zorn (sax) will be performing as a trio.
This supports Experiments in Opera's upcoming collaboration with Hotel
Elefant: an evening of 10 new short operas by 10 composers. (Sat., Feb
Avenue C and 2nd street
Price: $25
John Zorn (sax) James Ilgenfritz (bass) Ikue Mori
(electronics) Anthony Coleman (piano) Ron Anderson (guitar) Eyal Maoz
(guitar) Brian Chase (drums) Uri Gurvich (sax) David Fulmer (violin)
Nonoko Yoshida (sax) and many special guests
&I have been wanting to do one of these Improv Nights for a long time now, the musicians perform off in duets,trios, etc. and then they all play together in a large group at the end. All the money goes to the Stone to help keep it up and running.
51 Bergen Street
Price: $8.00
Ron Anderson will be part of a twenty guitar orchestra organized by the band Dither.
Dither's Invisible Dog Extravaganza! 2012
---& Dither ---& Anthony Coleman & Ashley Paul ---& Mary Halvorson & Jessica Pavone---& Victoire---& Peter Evans---& Preshish Moments---& Object Collection---& TILT BrassFEATURING: John Zorn&s Lacrosse performed by Dither Lois V. Vierk&s Jagged Mesa performed by TILTPhill Niblock&s 2 lips performed by the Dither Guitar OrchestraDither announces our third annual Invisible Dog Extravaganza! & a
raucous festival of creative music and art at the Invisible Dog Art
Center. The evening will showcase a cross-section of New York&s diverse
experimental music scene, with influences spanning jazz, classical
music, theater, electronica and the avant garde. The New Yorker dubbed
Dither&s extravaganza an &official concert on the edge& and Time Out New
York asks you to &immerse yourself in the here and now of New York&s
postclassical music scene.& There will be 10 short sets
throughout the evening, featuring a distinguished line-up of guests:
Legendary keyboardist Anthony Coleman will perform in a duo with the
multifaceted saxophonistAshley P Guitarist Mary Halvorson and
violist Jessica Pavone will present their beautiful and odd blend of
compositions, songs, Victoire will perform the artfully
honed chamber pop of Missy M Peter Evans will offer a solo set of
e Preshish Moments will produce a sonic palette of
live electronica/ Object Collection will provide an
invigorating onslaught o TILT Brass will perform
Jagged Mesa, an explosive composition by Lois V. Vierk. Dither&s offerings include John Zorn&s Lacrosse, a game piece which they
have developed in collaboration with the composer. The quartet will
also perform a set of compositions written for them by emergent
composers Paula Matthusen and Jascha Narveson, plus a new piece by
Dither member Josh Lopes. As a centerpiece to the evening, Dither will
expand their forces to an orchestra of 20 guitars to perform Phill
Niblock&s 2 lips, a monolithic microtonal composition which Niblock has
adapted for Dither for an upcoming release on Touch Music.
Corner of Avenue C & 2nd Street
Price: $10
Ron Anderson - bass, voiceKeith Abrams - drumsTim Byrnes - trumpet, keyboardMarco Cappelli - guitarNonoko Yoshida - alto sax
Ron Anderson&s PAK presents new music inspired
by Ron&s current obsession with cycling. Recently PAK has been touring
as a duet and this will be a rare opportunity to hear this powerful and
complex music played by larger group of musicians.
Corner of Avenue C & 2nd Street
Price: $10
A very rare appearance of 1990&s San Francisco Bay Area legends The Molecules.
Ron Anderson - guitar, voice, trumpetThomas Scandura -drumsJohn Shiurba - bass. voice
&Paroxysmal and
unpredictable, spazz-core trio the Molecules was
Area underground fixture in the early '90s.
Formed in 1990 by
guitarist Ron Anderson, drummer
Thomas Scandura, and bassist
Chris Millner, the
Oakland-based band went through two more
bassists, the
third being John Shiurba. The industrious
played lo they seemed to
specialize in opening for Japanese noise bands. The
oft-challenging performances predated much of today's avant-weird
by a decade, serving up a genre scramble that drew equally
prog, no wave, punk. They
managed to release several
exceptional albums and kept
up a hefty touring regimen that
included jaunts across
North America, Europe, and Japan. The
band's keen
approach to deconstructing song arrangements and
experimental willpower were adored by many Japanese noise
rockers and led to collaborations and tours with Otomo Yoshihide,
Melt Banana, Merzbow, and Ruins. This frantic and exciting
is definitely not for the fainthearted.
505+1/2 Waverly Ave
Price: $10
Ron Anderson improv duet with Mr. Special Mystery Guest.
Also Marco Cappelli&s Italian Surf Academy and BRIAN FREEZE (Stuart Popejoy, Sarah Bernstein, Brittany Anjou)
1087 Broadway
(718) 453-6343
Ron Anderson, Lawry Zilmrah, Dave Tamura, Robert Pepper
The 4th edition of the The Experi-MENTAL Festival will be held on October 5, 6 and 7, 2012.
The Experi-MENTAL Festival 4 will be a three-day music
festival concentrating on creative and experimental music performance of
all genres and artistic disciplines. The festival is run by the
Brooklyn based experimental audio/video project PAS and the Alrealon Musique label.
The festival will take place in Brooklyn on the weekend of October 5,
6, and 7th at Goodbye Blue Monday in Brooklyn, New York. The festival
focuses on new and innovative techniques of sound technique and
performance. We are focused in developing a network of experimental arts
that are supportive of their peers. It&s not about ego but about
505+1/2 Waverly Ave
Price: $10
A night of loud and intesnse NVC improv ! Ron Anderson plays with his long time friend and drummer Michael Evans.
Nick Didkovsky/Dan Romans/Tomas Ulrich 8PMRon Anderson/Michael Evans
9PMWeasel Walter/Matt Nelson/Tom Blancarte 10PMStuart Popejoy/Kevin Shea
89 Varet street
Ron Anderson will be playing once again as a guest on guitar for Den Svarta Fanan.
Joe Merolla - bass Nonoko Yoshida - alto Weasel Walter - drums
Guest: Ron Anderson - guitar}


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