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黑龙江省哈尔滨市第六中学2012届高三第二次模拟考试 英语
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This article is about the television series.
For other meanings, see .
The Invaders is an American
television program created by
that aired on
for two seasons, from January 10, 1967 to March 26, 1968. , who had provided scores for
and , provided scores for The Invaders as well.
The series was a
(Season One was produced in association with the
- or as it was listed in the end credits, "The American Broadcasting Company Television Network").
stars as architect David Vincent, who accidentally learns of a secret
already underway and thereafter travels from place to place attempting to foil the aliens' plots and warn a skeptical populace of the danger. As the series progresses Vincent is able to convince a small number of people to help him fight the aliens.
It was notable that normally at least one individual, often a key figure, such as a USAF intelligence officer ('The Innocent'), a police officer ('Genesis', 'The Spores'), a U.S. Army major ('Doomsday Minus One'), or a NASA official ('Moonshot') would become aware of the alien threat and survive the episode in which he or she was introduced. In 'The Leeches' a millionaire () survives an alien abduction after being rescued by Vincent, while in 'Quantity: Unknown' a scientist () is convinced of alien technology, in 'The Saucer' guest stars
witness an alien saucer's landing. In the second season larger groups of surviving witnesses were featured in episodes (an entire group in the episodes 'Dark Outpost' and 'The Pursued') and three scientists in 'Labyrinth', most significantly millionaire industrialist Edgar Scoville () who became a semi-regular character as of December 1967, heading a small but influential group from the episode 'The Believers'. Later episodes saw the military involved ('The Peacemaker') as Vincent's claims were now clearly being taken more seriously. In 'The Miracle' (guest star ) after an alien encounter Vincent manages to retain a piece of alien technology both as evidence and for examination by both his group and the authorities.
It can be seen that an undercurrent of at least partial credulity among authority figures regarding Vincent's claims was depicted, even in the first season, as in early episodes such as 'The Mutation' where a security agent (Lin McCarthy) is keeping an eye on Vincent (and ends up inclined to believe him), while in 'The Innocent' The USAF Officer () guns down an alien who self-incinerates in front of him, tying in with Vincent's claims,(while at the end of the episode after apparently disbelieving Vincent he then phones USAF security to run a full background check on an officer Vincent claimed was an alien), in 'Moonshot' the NASA official () is fully expecting Vincent to arrive, and in 'Condition: Red' a NORAD Officer and staff witness an alien UFO formation onscreen, and are left convinced. Each of these incidents are kept to just the individual episodes, yet any possible hinted official backing (or at least 'semi backing'- hinted at as possible in the episode 'The Condemned') of Vincent might explain how with no apparent regular job or income he could travel all over the USA with expensive cameras, hired cars, and stay in good accommodation, while taking on the Invaders...with Vincent simply being apparently 'dismissed as a crank' to the public by the authorities (though apparently then not so by many key characters in episodes - in 'Doomsday Minus One' Vincent has been invited by an Army Intelligence official and then is given classified information, in the two-part 'Summit Meeting' he's present at a top security meeting without any question, while in 'Condition: Red' he's allowed into NORAD without question, etc...) thus viewers were left to draw their own conclusions as to the situation regarding Vincent's actual standing.
Some controversy arose regarding the sudden ending of the TV show after season two as it was deemed no proper ending had been written (unlike 'The Fugitive'), yet the final season-two episode 'Inquisition' does stand as some kind of series conclusion where Vincent finally convinces a key figure, an initially sceptical special assistant to the Attorney General (), that the Invaders have arrived, after first defeating an alien plan with a special weapon (the aliens withdrawing all their key personnel from Earth prior to its use), the closing narration being that Vincent, Edgar Scoville, and the now convinced Special Assistant will join forces as the vanguard to watch for any return of the Invaders... thus this episode could be deemed to have seen Vincent achieve his goal of 'convincing disbelieving authorities' at least and the Invaders plans at least temporarily thwarted, leaving the door open for any possible later sequel or spinoff show, etc.
Neither the Invaders nor their planet were ever named. Their human appea they were only shown in their true form in one episode, "Genesis", in which an ill alien researcher loses his human form and is briefly seen immersed in a tank of water. Unless they receive periodic treatments in what Vincent called "regeneration chambers", which consume a great deal of electrical power, they revert to their alien form. One scene in the series showed an alien beginning to revert, filmed in
and with pulsating red light.
They had certain characteristics by which they could be detected, such as the absence of a pulse and the inability to bleed. Most of the aliens, in particular the lowest-ranking members or workers in green jumpsuits, were emotionless and had "mutated"
which could not move and were bent at an unnatural angle, although there were "deluxe models" who could manipulate this finger. There were also a number of mutant aliens, who experienced emotions similar to those of humans, and who even opposed the alien takeover. The existence of the Invaders could not be documented by killing one and examining the body: When they died, their bodies would glow red and disintegrate — along with their clothes and anything else they were touching — leaving little more than traces of black ash. On several occasions, a dying alien would deliberately touch a piece of their technology to prevent it from falling into the hands of humans.
The series was produced by , who was looking for a show to replace the immensely popular , which was ending its run in 1967. , the show's creator, had conceived two earlier series with similarities to The Invaders. Chuck Connors starred in
(1965) as a soldier court-martialed for cowardice, who traveled the West searching for witnesses and proof that he had acted valiantly, and
(1967) about Michael Alden, a man suffering from amnesia who was being pursued by a powerful group of people. All he could remember were the words "Coronet Blue".
Another inspiration was the wave of "alien " films which had come ten years before in the 1950s, typified by
(1956) and the British film
(1957), known in America as Enemy from Space. While these paranoid tales of extraterrestrials who lived among us,
while planning a takeover, are usually linked with a
subtext, Martin simply wanted a premise that would keep the hero moving around and that would explain why he could not go to the authorities (i.e. not only had some aliens infiltrated human institutions already, but most humans would dismiss a claim of alien invasion as a paranoid delusion), however as the series unfolded the various 'disappearances' of people in episodes (killed by The Invaders, such as Vincent's partner - James Daly - in the pilot, etc.), those installed alien figures revealed to be aliens by Vincent thus having to withdraw (such as Edward Andrews' character in 'The Mutation' etc.) plus the surviving one or two key human witnesses in most episodes (from the third episode onwards) did rather alter the basic premise of the show to something deeper and more thought provoking early on.
The basic idea of just ONE man standing between Earth being invaded by an entire alien force with advanced technology, rather stretched viewer credulity (and hardly made the aliens themselves look very impressive as Vincent consistently turned up everywhere and defeated them each week), the episodes do however have curious undercurrents both regarding the political overtones and quite subtle hints that more was going on than at first appeared, making it a far more compelling show than it first might appear, anticipating later such shows as The X Files and Dark Skies etc., which were clearly influenced to a degree by The Invaders.
The flying saucer design was influenced by two UFO photographs. The first case happened in 1965 in Santa Ana, California. On August 3, the highway traffic engineer Rex Heflin took several pictures of a flying craft, while working near the Santa Ana freeway. Heflin did not report his sighting, but the photographs were published by the Santa Ana Register on September 20, 1965. The second is the Adamski case. On December 13, 1952 in Palomar Gardens, California, USA, the contactee
took a series of photographs through his telescope, of a bell-shaped craft, today well known as the Adamski Scout Ship. The upper hull, and flat top from the Heflin case were combined with the bell-shaped outer flange and three rings of the Adamski case. The five hemispheres in the bottom of the craft seem to emulate the three semispheres in the Adamski Scout Ship.
Before each episode, an "in color" promo bumper, typical of most ABC programs of the era, appears, as ABC was the last network to adopt color programming: Next... The Invaders, In Color!
Then, following the bumper, each episode begins with a , to help set up the plot of the episode to come. After the prologue, the main title appears, announced by :
The Invaders! A Quinn Martin Production. Starring Roy Thinnes as architect David Vincent.
(A different shot of Thinnes' face was used for the second season.) This would be followed by the opening narration (by ):
The Invaders, alien beings from a dying planet. Their destination: the Earth. Their purpose: to make it their world. David Vincent has seen them. For him, it began one lost night on a lonely country road, looking for a shortcut that he never found. It began with a closed deserted diner, and a man too long without sleep to continue his journey. It began with the landing of a craft from another galaxy. Now David Vincent knows that the Invaders are here, that they have taken human form. Somehow he must convince a disbelieving world that the nightmare has already begun.
Then in a manner typical of Quinn Martin productions, Wesson would announce "The guest stars in tonight's story..." (including special guest stars), and finally, the title of the episode about to be viewed. This format, curiously, served to abruptly undermine the viewers' suspension of disbelief that had just been painstakingly established in the voiceover introduction.
The type of spaceship by which the Invaders reach the Earth is a
of a design derivative of that shown in the contestable early 1950s photographs of self-proclaimed UFO "contactee" , but instead of having three spheres on the underside, the Invaders' craft has five shallower protrusions. It was a principle of the production crew to not show them with set and prop designs and control panels that were utterly alien from the conventional human ones (such as
would later present in ).
They use a small, handheld, disc-shaped weapon with five glowing white lights applied to the back of the victim's head or neck to induce a seemingly-natural death, which is usually diagnosed as a . They also employ powerful weapons to disintegrate witnesses, vehicles and - in one episode - a sick member of their own race whose infection's side effects were resulting in unwanted notoriety. Also in their arsenal is a small device consisting of two spinning transparent crystals joined at their corners which forces human beings to do the aliens' bidding.
For many viewers, the theme of paranoia infusing The Invaders often appeared to reflect
fears of communist infiltration that had lingered from the
a decade earlier. Series creator
has acknowledged that this was intended, along with a political theme for the series as a whole. In audio commentary for the episode "The Innocent," included in the first-season DVD collection, Cohen said his knowledge of the blacklisting of Hollywood screenwriters for their communist connections inspired him to make "a mockery" of the fear of insidious infiltration of society, by substituting space aliens for communists.[]
Cohen also acknowledged he was not the first to turn Cold War fears into science-fiction drama. As noted above, such fears had influenced such films as
and especially . Cohen also stated in his commentary that the political intent inherent in some of his creations, including The Invaders, was not always appreciated or shared by left-wing producers and actors. It should be noted that in an interview shown in the special features segment included on the DVD release of Invasion Of The Body Snatchers, star Kevin McCarthy strongly denied any desire by director Don Siegel or the film's writer to connect the invading Body Snatchers to communists.
Since the 1960s, recurring public interest in UFO lore may have helped to revive interest in the television series,[] and commentary on the DVD collections acknowledges that, in private life, Thinnes has kept up a strong interest in UFO-related information.
In 1995, the premise was used as the basis for a three-hour television
(or The New Invaders).
starred as Nolan Wood, who discovers the alien conspiracy, and Roy Thinnes reprised his role from the series of David Vincent, now an old man handing the burden over to Wood. The miniseries has been released in some countries on home video, edited into a single movie. The miniseries bore very little similarity to Quinn Martin's TV show, the aliens had no characteristics in common with their predecessors besides just 'looking human', and their technology differed. David Vincent's character - who made little more than a cameo - exits the story without explanation and the miniseries has no continuity with where the TV show left off.
The pilot episode of the series, "Beachhead", was remade in 1977 for another Quinn Martin series,
(known in the
as Twist in the Tale), where it was retitled "The Nomads".
Thinnes also provided audio commentary for the official The Invaders DVD releases. He has also filmed special video introductions for every episode, which are an optional "Play" feature on the episode menus. The "in color" bumper follows each of these introductions.
The show proved to be enormously popular in France (first aired in 1969 as "Les Envahisseurs"), and it is still a local favorite, inspiring books, comics, songs, comedy skits, and even TV advertising commercials.
In Italy, it became a popular "filler" for syndicated TV stations (like other 1960's series such as
and ) in the 1980's.
The series had also a good success in South America and Germany.
Ten books based on the television series were published.
Army of the Undead by
(US, , 1967) – the same story as Halo Highway
The Autumn Accelerator by
(UK, Corgi (a
imprint), 1967)
Enemies from Beyond by
(US, Pyramid Books, 1967)
Halo Highway by Rafe Bernard (UK, Corgi, 1967) – the same story as Army of the Undead
Invaders by Keith Laumer (US, Pyramid Books, 1967)
Meteor Man by Keith Laumer (writing as Anthony Le Baron) (UK, Corgi, 1967)
Dam of Death by
imprint), 1967)
The Invaders: Alien Missile Threat by
from Whitman, 1967)
Night of the Trilobites by Peter Leslie (UK, Corgi, 1969)
The Invaders by Jim Rosin (US, Autumn Road Company, 2010)
published four issues of an Invaders comic book based upon the series in , years before
published their own, unrelated
superhero series.
The struggles of David Vincent are referenced in the
song "Bad, Wicked World" (on his 1994 album ): "An architect named David Vincent / A man too long without sleep / He took a wrong turn and people just laughed / [...] / Fist-throwing crusader / Against invaders"
magazine issue #119 (June 1968), presented a TV satire of The Invaders titled “The Invasioners”.
(distributed by ) has released the entire series on DVD in Regions 1, 2 & PAL 4.
Release Dates
May 27, 2008
September 17, 2007
November 8, 2007
January 27, 2009
February 9, 2009
July 30, 2008
Toutjian, Melissa. .
. DVD Empire.
. DVD Empire.
at Classic TV History (behind-the-scene history, episodes full credits)
informational episode Guide
informational web site
television trailer at
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