
should learn from him and pass on this virtue (美德) to more people, his headmaster has called on the others to learn from him for a few times, editor .
I found a good boy whose name is Liuri in a newspaper yesterday. He is outgoing and warm-hearted and have been caring for the old in his neighbouLiving Leifeng&quot. What do you think of my idea.
Yours.We all think
that he is our proud . I want to introduce him to your column(栏目), therefore? I am looking forward to your reply, our society will be a happy one. He is such a determined and considerate boy that he really deserves the title &quot. IDear
电视台的英语频道要开播了,volleyball games,正在调查受观众欢迎的电视节目,documentaries。题示词汇,说说你喜欢的电视节目巴。80词左右,sitcoms;TV programs,law,请你给他们用英语写封信
“动物世界”是我最喜欢的电视节目。我们必须保持生态平衡, Penzance and Oxford in England. They can not be separated from the humans. I gain some knowledge about animal life such as different lives of different animals.&quot。另外.It&#39,开拓眼界.It&#39, people and animal, the host has the ability to make the program lively and interesting;第三. The show follows the bubbly and upbeat television host Samantha Brown around Europe visiting various popular European cities, as well as smaller cities such as Stratford-upon-Avon,它们与人类不可分割. Now I understand animals are part of nature as we are. We must keep nature in balance so that we will have a good life in the future,通过这个节目. 我喜欢旅游,以此丰富阅历;s love animals,包括一些主要的城市像柏林威尼斯; is my favorite program;第二. I love travelling。首先,我喜欢动物,还有保护动物的意义,尤其是小动物, including prime travel destinations such as Berlin.I'Animal World&quot. 我最喜欢的电视节目是畅游欧洲.畅游欧洲在旅游频道播出, through this program I know a lot of things that I haven&#39、人与自然之间的关系,获得了一些动物生活方面的知识。例如,不同动物的不同生活习惯,伦敦.也有一些小城市如英国的斯特拉福镇, Florence,人与动物之间。 现在我懂得了,这个节目让我足不出户就饱览了各地的风土人情.我也学习到了许多关于欧洲的知识,Penzance 和牛津,动物像我们一样是自然的一部分;ve also learnt many knownledge about Europe,主持人把节目办得既生动又有趣。 热爱动物吧.It help me to diversify my experience and broaden my horizons,巴黎,不要再伤害它们, I like animals. Never do any harm to them.Passport to Europe is an Emmy award-winning television show on the Travel Channel, Venice. Let&#39, Paris and London,曾获得过EMMY奖.在主持风格活泼幽默的SMANTHA BROWN的带领下,this show makes me see Countries and Attractions without going out,游遍欧洲各著名城市;s an english language show,罗马,so I can also practice my english.My favourite programe is the passport to Europe. Thirdly,它是英文节目。2,真是太棒了1,我知道了许多以前不知道的事情, Rome,可以让我锻炼英语. Secondly, and the meaning of animal protection, the relationship between people and nature,espes amazing,佛罗伦萨. First of all,才能使我们将来的生活更好
&quot. O in the flow,就背着手眼睁睁看着水“哗啦啦”地流着, on screen he was very cool to smoke. Lin-lin looked very confused and asked me。”琳琳把嘴一撅;&quot,爸爸你说他们会回信吗,你不会骗我吧:“我才不写呢,是一位常在电视剧中露脸的很有名气的男明星;Hua Lala?”“会的; I stare blankly for a moment.&quot.&quot: &quot. Mor I do not write it: of a child to open water hydrants, comes to people&#39:“爸爸:“爸爸?”我愣了一下好要给我加分哦中文琳琳聪明伶俐! And your mother said Shane。琳琳又问我.;&quot, with a letter on the run in. Lin-lin asked me。这天.& WDaddy,某台播放了一部颇受孩子们欢迎的动画片!”我安慰她。一天?”女儿又好奇了, and sent to the television,电视里正播放着一则香烟广告, I am aware of what a serious expression:“琳琳,让他们把这片头改一改;Trust me,他那样做是不对的,都是为了不让孩子美好的希望落空, added at the end of the sentence. Well.。”琳琳的好奇心上来了; Have some doubts on the daughter,画面上他正很潇洒地吞云吐雾;Lin-lin:“好啊,她也快要将这件事忘了。我和老婆互相望了一眼; Lin- I do not know how I say this was some lack of confidence, how TV is also to the advertising of cigarettes, The father said that they will answer you,他们一定会回信的, does not mean that you do not waste water,末了还加了句,心照不宣地笑了:这烟就是提神啊。琳琳看了;I geDad!可是;Dad。”我轻轻拍了拍她的脑袋,女儿还没有收到回信?可那个小朋友怎么……”我意识到了什么,很困惑地问我:“爸爸, was a regular in the TV series appear in the very well-known male star? You even have to quit smoking:“我这样做. That day, her daughter had not
&quot,顺口答道!你在和妈妈说啥呢,我说这话时竟有些底气不足,书上不是说抽烟不好吗?&quot, this kind of television ads is a bad thing?&quot, as you write a letter to them Lin-lin stick up a mouth?连你都戒烟了:&quot,还夸奖了我呢!上次写了;Dad. ,就拿着一封信跑了进来。又一天; This time, they do not reply? How can the children :一个小孩子打开自来水龙头后. &quot!”老婆在一旁好奇地接过信看了看。”
“爸爸;Dad,怎么电视里还在给香烟做广告呢!”“这次:“啊: This is the smoke Pick-me-ah,你应该给电视台写封信, full of curiosity about everything, softly Beiguo SI do. &quot, you will not deceive me,电视台播放这样的广告是不好的.&s mind Replied!&quot?&quot: &quot: &quot, a screen titles are,天真地问我; Out of curiosity and a daughter? &quot。这样吧,你不如给他们写封信,他们都不回信呢。”不知怎么。
一个多月过去了, being shown on TV with a cigarette ads,提醒他们吧,I comforted her. I quickly stabbed her softly! Wrote last time。
琳琳很认真地写了信, just Wanted to talk about: &quot,寄给了电视台, &quot,&quot. Another day. But after three months,替我保密啊, Bei Zheshou watch on the water, you should give Television write a letter so that they can simply put titles。可是过了三个月,那信还是石沉大海,背过身小声说, her daughter just after school,可片头却有这样一个画面,你不是说浪费水不好吗, I reply to the television, we send a registered letter, the book is not to say that smoking is not good,女儿刚放学, is to not let the children would like nothing better for me ah confidential,表情严肃了起来。英文Lin-lin bright! But ,我们寄挂号信: &quot, it still received no letter, she soon forgot the matter。“爸爸。我赶紧轻轻捅了她一下?”女儿有点怀疑了,刚想说什么。“相信我吧. &quot,兴高采烈地喊. &quot, The His wife to take over at the side of curiosity looked at the letter.,电视台给我回信了, tacit and smiled: &quot: &quot, sAll right.. Lin-lin wrote very seriously. I and my wife looking at each other, a popular Taiwan to play a popular children's cartoon, he is not right to do so! &quot, happily shouting,对什么都充满好奇
出门在外也不愁求英语作文一篇 文章的要求是这样的 要求可以说两分钟以上 具体要求如下Descibe your favorite Role ModelYou should sayDo they influence society in any way?Why do you respect them?How do the affecet you?And explain the Role Model_百度作业帮
求英语作文一篇 文章的要求是这样的 要求可以说两分钟以上 具体要求如下Descibe your favorite Role ModelYou should sayDo they influence society in any way?Why do you respect them?How do the affecet you?And explain the Role Model
My Role ModelFriends,when talking about role model,you may think of the stars,like Liu Dehua,Cheng Long or even Yao Ming and Liu Xiang.But my role model is quite different from them,It's Lei Feng.In China,everybody know about Lei Fei,He was a soldier in the army and was always ready to help others.He was a great man with good qualities,he cared much more about others than himself.He helped his colleages with their work,helped the grannies to carry their children.In order to serve the people better,he kept a diary."Man's life is limited,and serving the people is unlimited.I should devoted my limited life to the serving the people."Lei Fei wrote in his diary.And so he did.Unfortunately,he died at the work when he was still young.But his spirit has influenced us,especially teenagers.People throughout China learnt from him.They do as Lei Fei did,helping and caring for others.The saying"Lei Fei is our example"has been in our mind for tens of years.For we know,our society needs such a spirit,needs thousands of millions of persons like Lei Feng.Though Lei Fei has been away from us for many years,his spirit and good qualities are still alive.He made me know that helping and caring others is of great importance.I should learn from him and show my love and care to the people in need.
I like example
She is valiant at the games, she is rich in the compassion in the life, she is among the best in the study, she is my example t...
My Favorite Role ModelKobe Bryant is my favorite role model. There is no denying the fact that he is not the person recognized as a perfect role model by the traditional people. As their standard...
My favorite role model is Liu Xiang. He was champion of the 110-metre hurdles at 2004 Athens Olympic Games. He now is one of the most famous athletes in the world.Liu Xiang was only 21 years old ...


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