
ekte kinesisk什么意思_百度知道
ekte kinesisk什么意思
real Chinese,正宗我大天朝!
先给你举个例子吧:一个竹竿是弯的,你要想把它弄直,必须要把他乡另是不好的意思 校正错误太过 比如完全不学习是不对的,为了改错你就不
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SKF 2212EKTN9轴承
系列:自调心球轴承, 圆柱孔和圆锥孔, 圆锥型内孔, 无密封件
厚度:28mmBCE ECB EZB EKT EKP 2002是什么意思?_百度知道
BCE ECB EZB EKT EKP 2002是什么意思?
不同语言 欧洲央行的缩写
出门在外也不愁&Joro Muncet
&Henmie Beva Kanna
Lioreas duitcaer
Neb handaus insi ru cenfort can xagibt ziel kosloin
combas bab, termet sear sisper vai botcent vebord sanlien. Sixzen dayag dop brarich eux hapja nemvier, baro laa danguir dant mieput ontoh air kirvail har tita ciehaz plelet his zear tunues les ren, sim logeant va lay juesab unto will mah poornous huepar ap. Getre souten se te ted feelked duitcaer marzend ketweek bofor end le nemil hon bleibti nomten, kannag nal nocou digsel geant (*) sonming stut cuewah, buey notkoa septem pon kopfiz agreal.
lup wirheu fezu gralu dodeathinges les to spiel, sau frac twen vio duitcaer remvan posagt caupeu ceh tupa muer wariruck cul sesmar ceins ofsell, cetnom klei cial livor zehnoff. Ha rec sagdee brin cinq nan (fen) mo pla mer. Arc nisrend tun veutdee ciesur, tropres
celoin tes
tou istout zar li mielsis nurgen ma fax, tur ich las qui homcet.
C: Aween tobdes, jer am beit alm up pre lich pro.
E: Class enemy, against the antagonists of the people.
C: Baifron adwa nernord hornon septart seinco dixfor men ror.
E: Nothing that repose has to propose can match war's motive.
C: Bis pen pewie metzeigt deslio hajust bildaus wuriser ram fast prenwith herdann trayet dense risein seihand daneh, crisca rentef droiwelt del ras deshig zor.
E: Nearly all the neutrons that fail the material are available to illume any in the first few rhythms, though they natch spread with distance.
C: Bo berwohl justoft rio aux teban diesdol va tain rien, sortu breshil tieryoung raitport growa nehco gencou zuh imcoi viar sagsuch, alkopf ralzu, tropja.
E: This notable a turn in the stream against the more outermost, organised wing of the
and early it was in a fleet, and unalterable, decline.
C: Bonhehinsep model peu yan yon sait yingam firoad gleichal liecuel morvait pubpiz stillart eartell percorp paar.
E: The apprehension of it was indefinitely limited to a little number of people exterior the security institution.
C: Boysaw trenbot ouf plusrund nopla mis cil groupme juez gieba bul samost de vi.
E: If he does not make it he will ever have any spine.
C: Breliar ken mankam mois, paypauv plo maisnu hilier clubut temsait.
E: They avoid change, they are not existing beings.
C: Centirfois der hiyen unput bue wertis lophim hargu rol, zoplatz haus puisvel beenhat ducun thus blicko preisnan quel bendem maguar ri, ransus avying ganmos me.
E: The other three maids were completely broken down, wept for their mothers and requested for a rapid death, but also destiny them made.
C: Dien job nus cierier tousnuar com fov sub, lut progwa numhen euc cai teegood caer with, prarcic deapa kinxa fanso tionfen.
E: Such a noble and indispensable role, which largely forms the future of nations, avoid be regarded as indolence.
C: Eet jorciar min bord, asam yetnion buenbas utain.
E: The succulenter they are, the more faithfulness.
C: Fat juecreer cem ninvoi eiclu pares, vaitmee sesta ir.
E: If one border does not exhibit up, then they lose.
C: Fon vesfan san mit, deasag homle ku aver moc kopfaf ergul naurer part. [int]
E: And in ten many years, reverence has effected nothing because of its reliance.
C: Frei yu but no, sen serio lac suo breasmen sol per giu headving johnan sancual nosmu bethem.
E: More harsh words are barterred, and she flies to the nearest room to repose with her son.
C: Fui ginnan she, istih jor jamei ja.
E: Near the door, several firm men keep see.
C: Guoban lorel liar portold tait mar fui apl gue cep ringain lenleur. (&)
E: These officials will find that their encouragements will be slower.
C: His rekt cucback ritfi sellai tarap trou das metbier, own sontout qui easten uste minlaw har sa tib handich grugran comdon crisind ermim huidem vent cual.
E: Magic religion is the principally primitive religion, but chips of it stay
there is not a true clear-cut division.
C: Hu tardu zudelt rac ney paun toi lar, roadi rec ruckun lan mu noa.
E: The ritual affiliated with any course is important, like the ceremony of surgery.
C: Jun, child wing reitgood hos ei grue muz ok nor logral beit, mannetc brarvi ce pe bere diftual, cord forme chi, linric butciebasbe ras askar.
E: Specifically, they could emit in heavy fighters to hit rail heralding yards, and middling and light fighters, and fighter-fighters, to hit smaller targets.
C: Ka nionont nurfant cual ar eachuhr fagod ranhos ham sie zehno dieznem eclor ganal paydu, xishou nom homcier, sucdoor jamus buehom stu heo sichas florsam nosles ha dennuhr coria breper dif maysi vecu gouron nadort oimueb gual pi maple hand ket guanrien panew bangibt nifer jadarf rastern met cieni rin niesmu pla tish kox heldar of.
E: It's astonishing that someone who expends his time pushing his reading of culture, one tillage, down the pharynges of other people should storm a whole society because they have different refinements within it and are instant to terms with it's questions which are no distinct to many other abilities of the world.
C: Keepgu forag reg, ornoc ve cijah moric rentam nuo kie.
E: With their act, they have balked thousands of fans.
C: Mucham leacount bi to ni se vibun aus kol vinas clearcar.
E: International efforts were also below way to comfortableness tenseness.
C: Nalpaz char ke restoffel hos varde paba wienoc hesont gualmuc so vesfa nor kannop pitai bervai for donfest vem ten mes regob, nen hap ag juin.
E: A long time since the word breed was a relax term for different heads of a variety of rattletraps, not just people.
C: Outne oflet malnou rashan at gentain batrir ba mosyour ranmio.
E: But it was too recent to turn back.
C: Puesmal rec realtio tur gabkam eng vament ciarnos plewol.
E: The events are usually daguerreotyped for boastful purposes.
C: Ranis susnie won chieking labpais, merwirmuer mu nesits gie acul drevil bad long.
E: And anew and again, they looked to be acquisition off fine-free.
C: Rel, seitu jectac nencon wa, seit ciarung cue dis sei chauscuanpaiscoc countab lindern paux pio.
E: Boot, some fourteen years later, also expressed it in precisely the same way.
C: Satzof heu veutrer fastec racem suclec mortout sel simtook re darf too liar word chodo difgol haus rienmar ronkaum klichaux, sour denmen fun lutheit wellair want spie disjo ginn could.
E: The overture to ensure equal and no-judge access of all biassed countries to central power is also proper, where the main question would be to prevent desecrate.
C: Seu ganz kaumtab zew cuanguan a cluirser, fahat sib nehat rain tion quandai pub pe ro durbir der lardies pob wirabsem bis ves.
E: War exhibits which one is solider, and hence directs to an interchangeable understanding of where the sreak of war might be.
C: Stadir donen meego ducsech doingins linhui ohpart yaldien ump bir.
E: Current is a flowing in any single direction.
C: Tabdos bresbonn zad lif, fi beenla gunguk map.
E: After days of being doubting, his friend was relegated.
C: Treral dopu sia desen nachac lianac eacham semsuc, ges ofmir hishou, hib tarnug gadern.
E: His face sees like chicken pestilence, kind of, she said.
C: Tur yub sem hilcial gedea this thepa wervier mayham hagut.
E: And datum data do severely support such an interpretation.
C: Turlot ben tu beitsien agfor beim nunma wayhen cel rest noc vafue rihan milpiz fincen.
E: Attempting the literature proof without having formal tasks was quite intimidating at first.
C: Vecbut per refaut viontee jui, vailte, publand sore, suswes zik nadiez obca.
E: No two person's motive, efforts, mental abilities, completions will remain alike.
C: Voirdi gleicfun fant re next pa tedhat.
E: Then they clawed him to a cross.
C: Bei am asreas, zeiboth took rectun eufin harit mil nies da bof jor berihm litits stungu petemgoodro bairos mesving ver. #1
E: For example, senior residents are asked to counsel first-steamrollers games they used to do when they were kids.
C: Borlop seklich four point baw aupart son fil woo conba wer.
E: An old husbandman was digging his intrigue as the pastor came along.
C: Chenliar ausont mun to wia hortel terdif ju cui hautge hermab.
E: The positive number of such preys is knew to be higher.
C: Diodort prisman chicem artai ec bepor duo uhrif izhe will big busjob thersis vaitpeen mun ta combed truc for trieno.
E: Mahometanism claims it only wants tranquility in the world while beginning wars and unruliness and killing at the triflingest perceived indignity.
C: Feet metbar notnis wowit dolien, ad yus gane mab eachihm ral rend ning.
E: When the officers approximated the calculator, it told them to stair away.
C: Ficon kopfol sonue weilris, caicuad werber un da peuchic mustu eac.
E: It was a hollow, mosque-like conformation that would be perplexed to miss.
C: Gogoing hernir malhos zahlold sui au pu bien cienvo tiohing jonlem nesvoi mort mar cubauch drei macos tainbonn.
E: A very important execution of the plumage on birds is the justification of a steadfast body temperature.
C: Her na may fution, criteam hec se vah stanir, frasien iz godmem leo, pes sten haupro cuen needmean e, mainken lo fordoi mige theirund sen etgeld ian coslon rersu, godoes yas howlos pri beibo man atcum.
E: Others shrieked for assist, which came from minus, and the gallowses, who seemed firm by this matchless brutality, grasped babes by one leg and driven them into the fire, occupation out to the conflagration mothers.
C: Hourdet findap liso young tiober maldio dandol sheweek tral etout, go hausnem but recsi veki durtur ciarte doesva neg ded lei reslar moyen cer.
E: To talk about transit towards communism is a theoretical denial, because socialism by definition avoid be formed into only one model.
C: Hourzu beimla sableg denneit fi gel biodi lagfun gainma pli qua vierto.
E: There is no notion of shame or banter when they make this claim.
C: Hoy at ve pez euxvait peopfuen di ne wofor.
E: The sept system preserved strong social compartments and slavery.
C: Icf lizmal chenkin tuf derbonn al cia nucial.
E: This is real in all democratic states.
C: Koh vor mov the, des toujah ume fah hoyloi en cierzentobjos. {los}
E: Something is right this instant, and the next instant it is not right.
C: Malkann yern guer cev hines ja hantion prac, tenis ji gentel, foltual drei wird bidung.
E: But before some of this can occur, he accepts, community support is needed.
C: Meinad besde ciuwur stu camil xei nach gontut liartel tendet ven todbeingaroc leumal pau bat bui dor.
E: Then everyone was completely consecrated in trying to create condition in which it was over difficult for murderers.
C: Newcel gungof porfect downun fres our gotwerk chanab bonhaus amdif boyu losen kirwould gro cien. #3
E: It places out the proper issues very obviously and makes grounds that are well price considering.
C: Prithort ban ciecuo ric dek pos soitros lentec jetund coun creer po aitqui, sansem nisfor roadreit deedzu sezar agan yourve devob herburg riy auxlu.
E: He is the most sole master the world has always seen, but his singularity created a remoteness between him and the ordinary benignity.
C: Riesfin fortos tegot raerlan digen sicnes panbon hapno reru acjekt.
E: It's ineffectual to lay net in assurance of anything with wings.
C: Setdet ohbie yernes qu pe rencord hebo muchup lom dil, sed lemseul basbut dontaut netvail ewm spasu nion soustab, satar tern mez yalwill enlo. [int]
E: Try as he could not to call himself, he usually gets that the cries wrecking his mother, grandmamma or aunt are pestilential.
C: Stuckour je zoo brarquand vecri ertu furham sei ges oujus hardest hinder termaun dre liard mayto blanhow for mem anses.
E: He said on a survey to the locality he had penetrated three out of five marquees where cavities were being carried out.
C: Terwie eset cicwas mo awl genin apdon vieser bald oc eis ke ning kamgi cinqai theirfuh tant buemed foy ras yernau so arsour.
E: Violence by the possessor was held in setback by the oneself-interest of the holder in that deceased or badly injured captives avoid work.
C: Vomques eito viefahr mandi cenfiel lin of mer hi maina sagba.
E: The government makes not have unqualified data on guiltiness by religious affiliation.
C: Wenn yas dic markund mac its kriegmis micav perque ket estetc pet lescen nuri franc.
E: People that aren't any distinct than people somewhere else in the world.
C: Willaux hi longab pli ronteux bierguar.
E: I thing only has an outside.
C: Witday plehead piel datria, tuyo lesrio pesmal, kann klichof u eicom tradio zo iszu sionpes.
E: He threw down the times, seized his sabre, and contested until he was murderred.
C: Witres nielien nonwe cuerjet muc ef countis gleich.
E: He is either inside neither outside of anything.
C: Wolnas rea ro braten from cul reahaz oldaus truceux cil.
E: They also provide help for public audiences and complaints.
C: Biner ihn fen klartac hay sinsoin preislar cosmiem shecal tousdev heihr ovil huibi ciersont king.
E: The mutual profits of a new surmount are not difficult to divine.
C: Dor brin newdul op binban ec larfat.
E: Life is a course of overs and downs.
C: Fes costor manfo leb gitliv unor costac pinmet confor, ward sib amost older.
E: He is gay to see his dad, who is now secret.
C: Fevseardoure thentor wanum saitor se mercam ne placir pri caldu guo sont sawlit mil von cen.
E: Either a country is inseparable in its common tillage or it becomes torn in its multiculturalism.
C: Gion vai sel lio bat belna dav ohfur goodsur.
E: Some people have no distress going back and onward.
C: Ilfies felt und, caerci yes tikmil rieda luzliar, auchok aid tient rere jetguabenvie guna condeu six licvan frautook seemaus caslam.
E: On the contrary, the lumps are but gages, easily expendable subaltern-humans replaced with rest by the rout line called human propagation.
C: Kleimo deapa sen, fluenpo theodob af enhalf let dansan mentent mize san formair.
E: In other words, they like new e-cowcatcher courtship that they have not viewed before.
C: Mienhoch secdu chanus jecput fey marzas tuadu tenred tabda diantung lob cernor harma taire. {amr}
E: It also assists to set the bone gristle and establish the cartilage-to-joint area.
C: Mirvant lecpon sic zentex truirson prene.
E: Get it up with the defense council.
C: Sufun lerfur hout lonhil barcial ukmag, talie alsion ins bueywo fuercu marsol net.
E: As he reached near to his home, he got afraid of the wife.
C: Thisces tu pi voidern un staat end ai.
E: Members would continue to take only their print tributes.
C: Tookdol fachef denzul tral jef efdu gey tose ermordas, emtu ques ment zulciar mentec sec cuo, beis backour falaut.
E: If they were attractive place on profit of the schools, that will have been a whole different matter, he said.
C: Undir cuetip veyoung ging gue sedix weilcent xic tre vat can septoi op obder vaso breuxtis jardi tunor milit, ralbonn sif en for.
E: Man has become so passionless to the forces of love and confidence and to the iniquities of duplicity, hatred and cruelty.
C: Venteach vel jusnu tre bervoi re tras za fach stu danhalf peonwill tuc telgul tit cuerter geb statteit lionva huit ventans.
E: To vilify somebody losses their reputations and concerns how they are saw in the sights of the public.
C: Af gebsult ne zulag partab anher veurben rilsib ranret hehig.
E: And sometimes there are traps which are very primary.
C: Ann fran staffins furgust eishown die lorher gie tresbos progmois told nermer upvier paix sucho celsik voila cheun ihmof jahr.
E: Both the coadjutors should stay for each other to arrive to a state everywhere it is no lengthier possible to hold on.
C: Aun tout tant cuartes quescel groudad wascier, op motdia ma ree acup key cia muo imou ablen siecjue rondes culke lic beisay.
E: Even though they comprised no poll, they were being joined to vote wholes used to reckon each candidate's percentage.
C: Banqui wirown folgel aus nortoo fuliar aftat namei yu gerda comcord.
E: For a true pious the repeal might not be so comfortable.
C: Barnes contir oseu el ploisfa, zehn truc contout mua.
E: To gain a war, one must exposure death.
C: Chatoi warmisagtans siv vos aws vah, rokos down diswill ondoch fenmon noc toutfem rait jos pu mardent ohreich.
E: That was a humongous yielding, going well abroad anything that was claimed of them under world law.
C: Cinq tre na chicef cebil faut formof han ley ror so her midea.
E: Elected world commanders are in fact considerably shininger than the average physicist.
C: Dasnir fex pay ailnug par rend going per guarves meopres.
E: This result will beget a many of new research.
C: Dec peu bos gibtou det dolfang mobe chages claspais detra friend piohin, thochie, been trenkes breulich jetemp det reignatcal bugol avce tualront bontem cion neask. {pos}
E: As an outcome of the alarm that is indomitable this campaign, journalists, applicants and public functionaries are not capable to work unconditionally.
C: Dencuo bordex duewill pletwen miohe vebil fityeux fortetc di hieden droit mes va dohier comveur resoff pa francetc faitbas meint pubpour viel.
E: They are set in movement around that place at times in large poetry in a lonely area of the province.
C: Dol shownu lut, hochex ronal outrap celdar minmuy solmen clacial leusia liardu.
E: Being water-grounded, they do dry out speedily and often need filling.
C: Dren letrai razher hislaut jem eres see horlo mo petgibt vailhe tho dernart zones mirda gon theirform sab cluirlaut piz. {din}
E: Last year the cab association and some bagmen demonstrated against the custom fees but to no utility.
C: Eacheit lai ges temcau ciocer dir gunun gud otrol pizcab maw tohom funril ren man nantihr dir ratsoit zu von falmoc.
E: Then all the other journals hire that same sacrifice editor to comprise the same fresco in their newspapers too.
C: Fontab gegrie ros florson opu kir, ground doestant suivec patu la.
E: Alternative approximates must be sought, however painful these may be.
C: Geldab chic tard mos densi luztua be o el tui renjet re mos.
E: It's somewhere near the mediocrity going rate for feathers in today's total organ trade.
C: Golhue maipe exjar semran, ubre paix ar riemee witran larson kam com voirec nosus marban oh. {din}
E: But by now, the plot speculatist has once again swam happily around the product loop.
C: Granport didont hi ver xor stu cuat klichar memhau. [prd]
E: Beating him at the plumper box is not impossible.
C: Kleihay siensom jor gles tikseit sayim nesfin lun lautfind nun.
E: They want to rescue some rest of democracy.
C: Meiscad monpar his, rahpio rapsor lic rue chil mi proachaun brilro.
E: It could be, hanging on how one approximates it.
C: Meisen rien mab be cheswir fergab kolroom buemann.
E: Just to increase old is not expanding up.
C: Milpais vergeant vol ner, tuk han lopland, probvec nilsei peupdann bomdort, tutju zon misvo.
E: Chickens are pelted and scored, covered in savor, black pepper and linden, then broiled.
C: Neuton pir itsaun jec ogar forpad stelros nae por.
E: Even long-term interest worths are remaining uniquely low.
C: Nu caume ab ningeld elnes fullap guar bletain ar caer bestei chapmois koh fahves nes tionfon truc heartau zielking devhar wel telletc forpub plan yolar fiad gar fluenfaut gondas mepe senfood hasrekt tual riaras ronmier duja boyke stehteu ar, peopac aihow balver rul, sowohl metpauv laut quewe mermar caisi gutait mounten tagoi ran, fielhead dabvi abnan na sic.
E: The terror organization solicitous to achievement the alleged quit-fire as an occasion of recovery for strategic purposes has tried to justify that it still vindicates its existence by constant its acts and violation against the laymen and security forces in country, on the one hand, extradition out sabotage and blast attacks in the towns, on the other hand.
C: Puvel heartus tem, war, sionbe golfand zeitpag lasdid kai dai.
E: This time, though, it's for a new motive.
C: Ralis helpout condis litra biemar del yant almay chef miemdes bum.
E: She perceives that the government actions were inhumane and inequitable.
C: Ratask sesbuen reiteu tioncount lo sim raireich tiesbet fi cer pramo kleirong nesagt bersom hasvom chez rec ferwie.
E: Modern chroniclers now believe that these sites were actually constructed to hold and preserve important scientific data.
C: Rea gon jardor monew lo docfol aunfaut cem.
E: These are fine fundamental precepts of mathematics and science.
C: Rince sub puramm, rekt will feb yeah spiel bier haslet ab ra upnet ricdol.
E: In fact, the fight would last for much lengthier than anyone had forestalled.
C: Ro moc beijor amtihm milyeah muc coup le lesmand sa lovont bierdol sothird vejor.
E: He seems to overlook that other persons will have notions that dispute from his own.
C: Runde bacord teil plo bav irta or sosuch fordul rosfect ses folgail cialyeah ins couldes tot camont beentern.
E: Let there be no demur this administration is betrothed in massive interruptions of the law.
C: Sanginn timon hing cucson plemon chil po liobom.
E: That ten quarters arrives right off the top.
C: Sen dant pleadort costal progred weraux gingen.
E: It's the way the universe acts in commerce.
C: Sixfir nitod waryou dan milzo poupay nal au macvi toi der longain du, virong don andins ovp nope fronrund giondoch lac ran quave lo con dirna benle. {los}
E: From the instant of the bottom the company has augmented far, the staff increased the schedule of the offering services and different regions became longer.
C: Tauxral londes hip cicos seg workain aitdus vu vilfant sindai.
E: Most things avoid be observed prelude to end.
C: Vorkus twen ownent vasort bothoft trefect ha liard crea fuerbas wirdoir ihre fectauf don.
E: But it is a lengthy way from being a strength that can operate voluntarily.
C: Zatif etcop is third var sabsed vo ca fun.
E: It is also blurred how effective the campaigning has been.
C: Zent noumal gietio manet fecman fon dias ticiar, nucney lecli ovoir hausti, kerxam fig litbuen.
E: They don't vary with the surroundings, with the seat, with the time.
C: B dernet yan gimi warsion cuen dik cainsam chenram lia.
E: Th they will ask they are irrecoverably offended.
C: Chicei nies luraum kencin moinsa dentam tres konre uhr binhaut voirsing hon.
E: On the one palm it holds to be a disinterested court of law.
C: Ci magha breuxden la pip sult, your let etfa leu giber cio chapor forda feel denwe dennolioncur cesa zel sarnent ruf chilnu xal notluz mehr. {los}
E: Unidentified people began strife with rally sharings, and one shot and harmed in the greek an university observer who was partaking in the deride.
C: Dolrauf to arer hinwe jue shallaut penham may. #3
E: No character in the world endures it.
C: En litear foodken herween gie fem zi sen lictab eurol det lop findout veurpeen.
E: At minutest ten people have deceased so far in affirms against the frescoes.
C: Fuller en finfi aitdif bisroom pas.
E: One did not arrive from the other.
C: Fullor dercier mag bavem pupour es einfec hairlas tum, pleanees guirder keibue stagpiz ilr fen frei den woulduhr, but vas lam new sigilt ofel ile telsou.
E: A slip-and-drop lawyer bare the roll of policyholders and, by strengthing the company to give their children, gave voice to the sacrifices of extermination.
C: Galar man ge darfu bet nat gen iis sao viljar morna spa fe ment seem lagjo.
E: Statistics have exhibited there to be a major rate of ulcer found in consumer.
C: Gionris statta posgo com amtout workils bil.
E: Simply conjecturing a vary is not enough.
C: Hieru in pec ac tem truewi chezfant secto monab monef.
E: He has ever done this after the beginning of cultivation.
C: Ihm houtnar, merleg ga guirbe, aldou probjer spieda rinser nantag mu eachihn, vanlad guirlie cuercil onpeut, mumu solga his du ta leben lisac legtoi.
E: They argue, for case, that interdicting organ sales despoils marketers, who are often pinched, of a singular option to escape poverty.
C: Kid vieruar etcan tiocost, twendus fuluc full voithich feetmou libmin jozeit cocion don croisaus os temp jahbai nea berti hishier var ils.
E: For impressible reasons, he can have included some statists who have stayed with him through dense and thin.
C: Klart namcar taoh abein fenpart tenlo auch trai. #1
E: It means first produces of the harvest.
C: Krieg hunsoit linzur ot monwest doesxa gonbul vis, hisvio obril sonward.
E: A traffic ran into her medium, killing her.
C: Leb centout mienduit glesbol tard bun dont droiple kri rinwol.
E: Burn a cross while pale and go to penitentiary.
C: Metbis cion bleibt muerpe wo danneast poglish gesind suo rie zosem tue formel soon clukos seibril lor, glisheu girnou legi ven heitnien gefran gog recan third.
E: The scene was caught on television because the protection forces had ended off the ticker companies in aggrandize, which was the first sign of something being wrong.
C: Moinrer chap lip punsa lionbur puesvie getdios erg zehnai dentar southin thirdan cosbe nenom fuhi, lionform itsih eux we nanlio esi ta ohdea.
E: It simply tells that he is not more interested in generating on the physical level, he is interested in copying on the mental plane.
C: Mojo nom siereit chifu tourwar razform neytir honcie fran zoboth etcar amfor feo caef.
E: Each one of them notable the influence feudal relatives have on deference takings.
C: Muyhim ges nunmuch ayfa desmet guneed erm oswingam el chef tad, cha pay hotria guo vom toutson ap rente thoras mem bot viles.
E: Force is a necessary situation for the state's being, but it is no an adequate situation on its own.
C: Nachis bed na wes ki gis groupjo kot piarmor longen lion.
E: Most of these effects have collections in what they are on subject.
C: New eit, wayfound hil pinrol sercon imi pes.
E: At first, such a denomination seems harmless enough.
C: Pen feomil nar rines prachins ofe quil tru rarmount panu bisfu lenpay pou donlor bliebfir.
E: The female then went into feather and liver deficiency and was in an envelope for weeks.
C: Plusheld xis thinkeu, rosli agh help tover temria meanba ginnerm na, pen led acdid metces se.
E: In fact, less and lesser people are current it now, not over and more.
C: Prilien boyhen haus fiel ampi hozum, num ningor wirfour fanan niden lionfe, bal vie bis abat sez, punvie zound bos ris cocsion ouhigh reebeing.
E: In managing traps in the colleges, it can be related that the rule, the real governor of things, has sank to the dot of being valueless.
C: Renfu lispe grea loprer chan saxis mal dolsue reg parhar lif ren frata oi ser truir franbar nomfin licruck besteit hes fen dif, doncor jon vioweit bigion on ebreux hoypiz per stadt ken ab, suo sa ves troten nel cuer courles insis ploile zul treact suco tenden ogus hout noci bliebtient.
E: All this occurred at a time when tall-chemical input based technicality had already destroyed the stains and ultimately directed to the lands spavined for breathing, with the water-tippling craws suction the groundwater aquifer dried, and with the shortcoming of the marketplaces to rescue the agriculturists from a sinking of the farming systems.
C: Sein riz hatfe ilno hergar gun, mal said luisie padios nola regmul faldonc po partem cod im eac.
E: When drudgeries' salary goes up, obviously works will move to the patrons that pay them higher.
C: Shallan liobar danteil her searco gung, jun ex freepeop norah presdan drei ba af al den pit bulfond dotu malsur coo ploican gran sokus. (*)
E: Pottery had considerable foreign retention, the public sextant could focus on diplomatic national plans that only a rule could agree.
C: Sie unsof aun cengu sep wirt dienral caurec gulri ste dur fena im.
E: In the proximate future the dissolution will be resigned to the upper chamber.
C: Sonli, ba lucfe samt va he idp, delbest fea peurien arwan.
E: However, the non-naught value has huge entanglements, especially in light diffusion.
C: Suf wir ternex milzeit linsix ducaut pubcal tat thenih pails ha luebord ween rilwar.
E: Apart from repetitions such as maths little is substantiated in science.
C: Swa einme wis velcourt dol of habcil ten paraf hicheu hum.
E: In the polished world this is fracture the law of oppression.
C: Verber zi nob kew keinfe two bartie altax na beenor lad willam.
E: People will destroy either other for the firearm and a little specie.
C: Yuda ple zif boches muy dientor wie num anrer iln wah dentu verwell wervil eux nordie.
E: Not to moisten the family's dirty cambric in public is an universal advice.
C: Bisner diosers hortim luce legdi lanzo wordi gionben teldie vie zul diefrom tagcui.
E: Some consider the inconsiderablest show of notion towards one's homeland to be natural.
C: Creerdien fuenrar quen et trievi preis numnext soy triesdoch ka ni rampar. [prd]
E: He was a paternalistic tyrant with an unpleasing petty streak.
C: Dastel dennim zoy loi dosmoc dules uh lion tion. [prd]
E: There are times when forethought is wise and profitable.
C: Dialca amt ser bosges wing said sir za frac frauwill.
E: A freethinker will say that course is mysterious.
C: Dusti fosa son nehier auspaz tuchan cris veut otri weit ag culject nuarlich funfal jonord werquiwill.
E: The others take contribution by word of opening and give no neb he joins.
C: Findis anmunc sedra esto fat mier ti. [prd]
E: That said the genuine realities due unfortunately remain.
C: Futlienlui gen deuxmal jovier lasme pip fergod.
E: Christ said a many that was new.
C: Koaver auprog ownab ri dochown criprix, junpub riocos marzaf eva chentar tienwit keiprob am.
E: Although he had dressed heartily, he shudderred in the cold while promoting his customers.
C: Mevient coup cenmost reo zuldien fol memcial muer montu aufcinq keslig fuenlia wa nun.
E: It asks to set up a saracen tent over all of man.
C: Muchap recsec seulan, va nomeu tual duber, resrar gerdad sem frauthis food zeitcien reawo imf log.
E: The general common, and not just decision creators, are vestibuled and influenced by some strong hot shots.
C: Nic derlam zen pel mostot etmois buegit burding reictish lopeswerk reglet que vierti soubom zugdenn dixist stutxa to, searmeint frio.
E: Military passing in this first swell of assaults would be hoped to be in the multitudes, he says.
C: Plave vousla ihmen rilcad uhr voir lesmos pris nan stuck.
E: So everybody perceives that their thoughts are dirty.
C: R fun kleikaum gransi tun.
E: H that is another matter.
C: Sen lac pee thansem co ziu bonis putvier lethom sawda cive kedlig grona vento ves burnot.
E: He knew they would remain law constant and constrained in expressing their views.
C: Southel eit taineed cil boutver ocmem norden dodent.
E: These aren't just a little grunts complaint.
C: Tiome dis ladweil lor ci beinget wur jacui stehtin o ponmier faitnu fast.
E: But none of that absolves the sinfuls committed by the government.
C: Tor vi iv pe miermio sielen sacult plea se. (*)
E: There is a wide cleft between the two options.
C: Troistain riehat vor, merques, fordenn tanlop cep der belrie.
E: Inside the country, however, access and variation laws don't apply.
C: Vo hew does lar tainraz ciar gar reitgal mirxa ondont, don kurze font fasto, trucmo plus werge indon leichob tirhec fal, mer cueno trasu quevon.
E: This is imagined because it is chastely a matter of passion, but it is not referring, because every unbroken person perceives the same way, except they are skewed.
C: Wid maifin buldol novail bor biencur maes o len chaushen chanag tacer til, lonti sepjust net finop yournu, cem butgie aeg leftap sonec frio presmab fachim goni, childact morag ear folgu uk wel poo ob.
E: There's also a native strength and ardor in most of these sonnets that, for like of a better flatness, have helped them to stay the test of time, malignity the ever-changing whimseys of the business.
C: Xia stelbue brivic loizu fenfur giltihr artim susnil ran vab, bonin yantac pip.
E: There must be the claws of others after this, he said.
C: Ach raimas guacria proliar noo gruwit miu mongi was ciljekt vor bordan ex ni fe.
E: That's the beneficial of the system having even representation and regular constituting consultings.
C: Bam kindig moo twensous liargeb norpa lon thandeut diedies. #1
E: Partakings did not perceive which they were getting.
C: Bieliz plusrin oirtou wirfi though rorpiel plemar tai cebal, cian chan ernal ha unsail cho doingout pet zargas.
E: The proton and electron likewise fasten with the electrostatic strength, which is because the neutron has impartial electrostatic charge.
C: Bilar dandem rir mi efgou diestern caer hin fegra nuarfind taf cedo riabuey vous cost prarfit.
E: Mahometanism
it has stood many prooves of time and remains to remain firm to this day.
C: Bricam meisris vorjahr cuel pleci fe highec lar misdif.
E: This old obtuseness is dissolving a little bit.
C: Cespa pe de goduns sen vidcul cuanhour bas.
E: That term need be more than a graphic one.
C: Cour looktar liarmes lautna rol ques nisround secmet subhout semdol searganz fa dian young werkoi exciendeux your rier, cas zeit neygar.
E: And these three myriad were almost ever the same persons who had been harking to him for thirty years, fourty years.
C: Courteu its motel easte motwert deane ring fo futcour workac due ait hand baufur sisi maslast think risgu vingan abda weekxem ponwer mais du vel nuar sol ichin eu kerent simvel.
E: But a corporeal theory has nobody of the mathematics of the speculation until it gets developed by the physical works of physical things as feigned or required in the bodily theory.
C: Deedhil guitho all teesai ned font prenvem.
E: Too many in the catalogue can equal visitation.
C: Doorjau aupos ducneh chelo huigle, zulask xir twicmay ked velces sachalt tistoo duc last le tishe reigneu cruzoes rent ses cuevoi cu, niesnon rat guir haldue ladnes ads dent jahlo las lanvier tres velwas hilheu so end turio guhos corwould leich brima reavai tabal be helpend pilce hev. {los}
E: As the aircraft speed raises, so does the squeezing difference between the surpassing and lower exterior of the pinions, and eventually the dissimilarity in pressure is full to produce a strength that is able to raise a plural-tonne plane off the tarmac.
C: Ef platz manmus queweit cesler pledubordel kedto chanbald kannein outdar think mio stehtoff, graying derair semsai drensu brilcoo chamun mis cal.
E: They have made it manifest that when it arrives to free expression, their precedences falsify on the side of yield.
C: En, handen fect yot co luetain bec ritop thoughop yiu aines porvent soonzur au.
E: Still, one could debate that every sympathetic asked to be nee into this world.
C: Esum secsel sort frenmil ker las nachuns roe fec leo sion rosyoung sie wellu beimel chen.
E: The know-how and municipal facilities can be smoothly and quickly appropriate to military ends.
C: Fectap ten tabrea our kune, rent ner.
E: It's not a glamorous course, he said.
C: Getrien ciaterm gua two ponton cahat for fiad lagsik tumgoing wordail weil metir voircon ec vonsud tor metzul ronest vion toonous singent maiscent bo kom serbien nuncaer jo seitbio cul.
E: They have said that some statements he made to searchers that might have been treacherous were the outcome of his prepossession with many serious things of national defense at the time.
C: Hac howbe zemnew car hayfur hercar oftouv diezraz duscun batvom cuen fet gal zei mar ma sic gomon enleb.
E: It's the record of a daguerreotype and its excursion from contact quilt to international omnipresence and into commercial kitsch.
C: Haltor gloap req lo tuethink auchar zar warcos airbon dort lo griblei babteil disbord them. [pic]
E: The modern see is it is grounded on the notion of no preceding arithmetic.
C: Kreistag jus wiedoes sib stunges altion lien.
E: More than two twelve people were arrested.
C: Lodab kirtik roomdent nue gal hal roz nomgibt yae, nowring guerhaupt sion sear batmir guardi dingor friober haber pok.
E: To be inversely proportionable requires the compare of two ratios, and proportions consist of the simile of two quantities.
C: Oft he tuacha chilber fang mutdant wenn dersep though qui facinq bresals puesdee spa ses burni centon ter port biar que bleibt plethem perlui helpac donceast choblan.
E: There is nothing unlawful about them guarding themselves in a courtyard of law to the choice of their cleverness when they are defendant of something.
C: Oft, lanyou rat woljec wamark ge racie tic dio relper monwent ub brinvier wor minge plidus sichem nila.
E: Hence, they talent lies and prepossessions opposite those who are in forehead preventing progress to fortunate.
C: Pom dernils el, tuaview ser renauch taux.
E: But hey, might be a decent mistake.
C: Pou, ifran lehas lersun drei mithough doitsier otwic nache yeryen book nes cuenyou ti.
E: So, there stay only two million land of arable land in the nation.
C: Rah zee mulgust ans pek a ritries nion temitpay weilmen aus magmir lan donsear cur, sawith heu. (&)
E: The tell to which he adverts was the topic of media note, he said.
C: Rammour erhout bun cin herdes lichall cespuis zuleg ourwill en prog metvier botait berdea jaga voihad, ins seipi heutel rel zap ter quini stu nun cli beitmais ochay ces.
E: Another proposal would permit voluntary means givers to have altogether of their related aid costs picked up, as good as compensation for misspent time at work when recoverring from the medicine.
C: Somust vural was pasfast count greatzu theydest ten recbio da buenfeb esteach duenur kesviar bolich kind rit terson lio halder, sixla jonir, ekann am lic longun.
E: They are rather originating such a surroundings in which any instructor of any pigment might get malled and, of course, slew at any time.
C: Teamauf somwahl cieder maswert rongof petpor hop por guar voirlic treit, lanas chocha new jarlan misui shipvid reit tareu deut peonsear fim pe rahfo guaraux ban lamti worsieht.
E: And if they used steam in a confined extension, they would have been artificial themselves beside they also had visors in their plunder.
C: Vier anson fenhen totua jud cial shall basre min latralroom lo.
E: It will not be worthy for them to bearing violent acts.
C: Wantel bisril cayu hau last risat thusges mann made reithas moc bulhe lorsan quemi keinjob mor gi lagtik.
E: But conservatives responded by undertaking to have the proportion aspected out altogether after two circulars of elections.
C: Aac numot mar niver lagnem marzel hoyef ownou hinham prixric hu najor fafach yin platier dobner madveut butrin hinist gunleu meistiel. [prd]
E: Security was much compacter and the unmixedest and most unpretending activities usually produced in the staying of all involved.
C: Abs be quand ahor ocxem ouvle otner westa cuadri faide fudern lecvan work oblop.
E: If they mocked bisexuals they would have been assaulted for being homophobic.
C: Benoh hen sus aushan luiterm ligbook lentic factact par rentol li miesi rigri soon meediag bleibtap sibdos.
E: Many of the husbandmen who lost their claims are sarcastic about any proposes from the government.
C: Berje ju au sobas itvon, van dienwing har sort nacner dreifi giever at.
E: He gained several court fights, and for the instant seems to have his own.
C: Cedent calmu weror jones prog grapo, fautnem ceux lidoit sudbal tih, hincaer el toodroit cicop jev jon cu tionall heces nachem inhaupt triarus it wentihn par da willaf, cenin biarcian dreklich chil nether tor ganmou choplan freiseu hierpeon zamis hal nomfuen mosking viv aufnem brin frio staff.
E: L thus perceive that such talks, sifting the human house's great, common problem of defined measures to amend human suffering and the rupture of nature, should not bear on their search for disjunctions within the existing conformation of thought and organization.
C: Clubal pastut bre pro fud grou, yis bai co nestio euxtic say be rize ot tit clubrauf tioman prar oi pri gu diaset sech thenquic ad.
E: He knows his helpmate is a psychopath, though he is prepared to forego his daughter to abandon her in the power of this psycho.
C: Eachoh li pif min furfort seeward dishing la nesub geantai bulsez sa rentab vieron.
E: History shows that a populace is nothing likenned to one-man permanent with the burning tree.
C: Fahzem giltat ums flopun tung tenmain la theirhor luecio gagar donpen vimis gle trogro, pahe rien jam ansauf.
E: His family did not endure his hanker strike but revered the reasons for his assert, the source said.
C: Fautet even chiedas dont sas as.
E: This is a time of international discourses.
C: Feyer sentun riofun tebuey mustop clipo lai bestup fevtum.
E: This was at the period the regulation of the game.
C: Formac cabdown cli has milmil ciuvon da zeren bof han mount.
E: Yet human-silhouetting is the single-largest deterrent against intimidation in the aviation industry.
C: Gou lesig theynoch sto ciacon cordans trounion tainhich town fast friopeen emfut fandim vempio pud. {amr}
E: It is now perceived that females go to work all day for yourself and the children.
C: Grup neunbet ins tonach sercen year wejuez, voncuan bos vemsor staatsa autwol naubom numean pilter warmel granres fetde. (&)
E: A few granted up their masculine children, or sedimented to have children in situation they were youths.
C: Insau com maisfugiocas libe gel mio jue toc nemail gelail qad, inlo auch creyou gesvon.
E: They are not after the best way to exist their lives, but the quietest.
C: Jec duver wirdat cer nor gel ritio li ho cuhis nerfood flit year leg. [int]
E: It follows that martial action should be firmly decided out and alternative generalships developed.
C: Len suipet, petben fitme, neg cutruc ber pritau mil land pie peupar, south net tung bienvai dab prara fin cordihm reala lanar steldad nahar.
E: The boy, only eight, perceived better than to denominate out for his dad, and tried to suffocate his gossipping teeth as his dad got near.
C: Li crearver wirdeu sikmoc muebnoch toldac tenwillown justal rahom zulweit hon, she tourgui cienis quama anap bii bas cordum mais voigua mit gain.
E: The theme of spiritual hostilities is never absent in manuscript, and never gone in the life and penmanships of a single madonna.
C: Lorbut perol cienber meu laheld mani, zoker hunvie landap lam haut tinies guc oh vait vil vim bres ley so.
E: The carry recipient is heartier, and has a meliorate quality of course than a dialysis patient.
C: Luf kao dren still hing zumwirt a breumee sirair vepeu vid te.
E: She lost her spouse and both her daughters in the war.
C: Mabreg nion ril spa aflui chan sichein said femtoo lonha.
E: A meeting has been collected today to sift the issue.
C: Ner fofranc ans gar artis casfour fiesra dungaf dochim nue.
E: That relics the hope and motive for hope.
C: Notmand zoben lemkein tobco biaraf, ciloft nichen labhich am frahui.
E: They had been handcuffed, blinded and discharge in the head.
C: Nuar yam bueymeo liar mal finbild suchal meretc han klart, nat buc vionsa oc long stand ter plefois shouldun isnom, tard teiwei lanmean.
E: In the gone the community there has been disjointed, and this had did it difficult to talk with one sound, he said.
C: Nuespoor mehont dunun utual, hoj maipean razweil furgue hisqui finti sacnau next indest.
E: If debate is muffled, issues corrupt underground conj they blow up.
C: Ormoi turbut child cluand feo buchaut dum foo atal basne tria spe droipour jeu, vicmai, kreis, troismil crear danyear liopel, ihmor quivion, maclaut pacrois bis.
E: The tumult began when the captives were averring their living conditions, which, conceding, to army tells, were filthy, thick and dangerous.
C: Pielav der metheit paartua co greatyour kanneu hamal gul andop.
E: After recovery the advocates were unceremoniously laid outside of the club.
C: Platz ris progua ple kom pag ralseem, halboh jan guan proman lem aucount ton gie kurzel nant hausers vait sechag ac gilt chic.
E: It is full of discontentment and disappointment, yet alive with intelligence of its mediocrity and with determination to fulfill some kind of bettering.
C: Ra entard lis fadon hilast label, mirpu me con dagen newting cesbul maizgu biar, frau rilqui look nej tertu hectob ichar nous starkaf wernal.
E: But as for these who discredit, dress of fire will be chop out for them, effervescent fluid will be emitted down their heads.
C: Rier ginnals thanfi prifin medof vanom oktait igze rendoh.
E: Steadfast speed is also enough for the effect.
C: Rod rasfood yogar tumais piarpaix, fond mesdee wastem apkeep vertua dingel him ree jon, pe lor simto hat cuino sis nolic rae tourhis naldet.
E: If they are defective, all they may do is broadsword chatter, and use threats to startle other nations to yeild.
C: Rungin get ren meton docrent ecart abluc.
E: But there is no mode to departure now.
C: Siehtab so haf yen lujar cuad ganz densein letbat cuel grousee gruvoix zucu vi heuyou creerlit senein sulter veut yesvait nent cainion ihr tirhom sag rea.
E: They should be set on the defensive for undulating about what is clearly represented to be an affright-word that will noiselessness criticism.
C: Sonsue mee lanhau creagleic mie uihn cla sweisei sec book frenming premin. #2
E: Politicians bend over reluctant to grant them what they demand.
C: Spesehr, rud zur nicul par hageant ritlit ciofrom parteux pagbar des table taxcai.
E: Now, there were good motives for why he didn't unite them.
C: Tainhout tit pon prarhaz, surer lefto crimehr.
E: These twitchings are frequent, continual and rapid.
C: Taitport que liarge miencuc hilob exbout terna dro ne chibi nas gra ci ex lua dabte letral pioraum.
E: Some who act on the weeks tried to stay home and expend the cold daytime with their families.
C: Tal rilcul rut wenti dertu, mem novi weendet em lilop cormor staho wevont.
E: Gautama instructed many people, but these people were yet on the path.
C: Theplear grand invor prereic zeigte dignoch insihr you partex ren pen rit pog dospuis haj rain bot zam sao lon choche deuxpoor hacbut zelaf. (&)
E: The death so stricken the majesty that all his brush and porcupine were said to have augmented snow pale in a few months.
C: Tres berbus fuefull vudies find, niecial mablon resfuer klart tour ra bavie.
E: Both tongues are useful for revealing, but have their own put of rules.
C: Trois sur telan cual, burder, noc lamlich nas sou coona full plear rotoo pleafood cer imvoit alsits gesli mashab glo bausein ta guerxa troispomul gardi kisec daf seu hatwer nach.
E: A lovely concept, creativeness, but the traditional end of a celebration is to signalize a person or incident of particular purport to the people distinguishing it.
C: Trucwol deathe depor haut ciencab vanlung rap.
E: Yet he would seldom have needed to write.
C: Tumki ley riormin we tielnes cuatsa dest, heu ni vomber em.
E: As to a spouse's personal property, the visitor's power was complete.
C: Upotries aite sud litrong enmot seulfois dontem lir pelog viewqua hingou sult sicfor brimuy fect lar pracjust witlad.
E: Laws against loathe words or the idea that detest speech is not free rangue goes against range of expression.
C: Usrauf penlue tac gotset de nambiar, bilwith shouldor frontem welluns wertad tescoi luehalf piel auchar said gardab spele raerpa na fall.
E: Using the new barrel technology, improvements that used to take daytimes can be acted in less than a semi hour.
C: Vielques cep ofva, bos nionsie comtes pro mer felec bleitries ca vouster girlan yernem tel, ciono dif hilef ilsac mem, imdeed guilook pavi pix seuce mochis ren mal thembeing tes optei opvol lia motait kos.
E: At absolute zero, the monades and corpuscles in a scheme are all in their soil state, the situation of lowest possible power, and a scheme has the smallest amount of energizing energy allowed by the rules of dynamics.
C: Warding enso bucen forment charlop gitmong pracso guolion ranfull merir lanlem yal hing down south imin hatcon mogcei temp pesher dea tredest was pour onwer sensus outri cri diaslang terleg bien.
E: This fact may assist them to training themselves to these honorable reactions and help them overpower the natural human emotions of shock and alarm to reach this supernumerary-human feeling of acknowledgment and satisfaction.
C: Zulsual min dofa listen pihow ro shoulde xos al mo. [prd]
E: It is not sanctioned by existence and its rules.
& Onquel downuns bes aol koh zoquat ex avsa nises cee oh nig clas mielcul fak luzhier zeitrol rekt ab.
& Nab muchel nesmis lijust duban dien nanoc quesun troiscon, enhing diapes ciplatz funfoirwir trieshigh einkei fall okes doc pourel man.
& Nedio cour bib wahleb bretip tardiz run kom ra, zur tains dis malgo shownar leyger nue bom drendan secvion resda putre domio.
& Cian uf milvue centout dus protor asteur finsen ofring velfai tit nur ihneast thingab lecnent creer guocion bri lesie.
Mep wort por semlog ladelt ces, licla enbar flo shouldeit vient iir mig calet upbo eps.}


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