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求翻译:from duchess of bedford who lived in eighteenth century是什么意思?
from duchess of bedford who lived in eighteenth century
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爵位可否赋予给女性?或继承于女性?如果可以的话countess / duchess 究竟是拥有爵位者的配偶还是女性的拥有爵位者?多谢回答。
每个国家的头衔会有些不一样,下面以英国为例:首先,countess 是比duchess 低几个级别的称呼。女儿是不能继承头衔的,“A daughter of a duke has the style of 'Lady' before her forename and surname, eg Lady Rachel Bond. - See more at:
” (伯爵的女儿称为Lady 某某),如果她嫁给一个Duke,她就会成为D如果她嫁给一个平民,她还是Lady某某。伯爵的妻子被称为 Duchess (女伯爵),无论之前她是否平民
社交帐号登录grand duchess的中文翻译及用法
沪江词库精选grand duchess是什么意思、用法及解释、中英文句子翻译、英语短语。
中文释义:名词 大公夫人,俄皇的公主
In 1914, Russian Grand Duchess Anastasia Nikolaevna Romanova was one of the first young people to take a selfie.
the wife of a grand duke or a woman holding that rank in her own right
2016grand duchess是什么意思由沪江网提供。My Last Duchess: Study Guide
Last Duchess" is a dramatic monologue, a poem with a character who presents
an account centering on a particular topic. This character speaks all the
words in the poem. During his discourse, the speaker intentionally or unintentionally
reveals information about one or more of the following: his personality,
his state of mind, his attitude toward his topic, and his response or reaction
to developments relating to his topic . The main focus of a dramatic monologue
is this personal information, not the topic which the speaker happens to
be discussing. The word monologue is derived from a Greek word meaning
to speak alone.&
first published poem under the title "I. Italy" in 1842 in Dramatic
Lyrics, a collection of sixteen Browning poems. Brown changed the title
of the poem to "My Last Duchess" before republishing it in 1849 in another
collection, Dramatic Romances and Lyrics.
and Background
setting of "My Last Duchess," a highly acclaimed 1842 poem by Robert Browning,
is the palace of the Duke of Ferrara on a day in October 1564. Ferrara
is in northern Italy, between Bologna and Padua, on a branch of the Po
River. The city was the seat of an important principality ruled by the
House of Este from 1208 to 1598. The Este family constructed an imposing
castle in Ferrara beginning in 1385 and, over the years, made Ferrara an
important center of arts and learning. Two members of the family, Beatrice
and Isabella, supported the work of such painters as Leonardo da Vinci
and Raphael.&
Browning’s poem, the Duke of Ferrara is modeled after Alfonso II, the fifth
and last duke of the principality, who ruled Ferrara from 1559 to 1597
but in three marriages fathered no heir to succeed him. The deceased duchess
in the poem was his first wife, Lucrezia de’ Medici, a daughter of Cosimo
de’ Medici (), Duke of Florence from 1537 to 1574 and Grand Duke
of Tuscany from 1569 to 1574. Lucrezia died in 1561 at age 17. In 1598,
Ferrara became part of the Papal States.
Speaker (or Narrator):
The speaker is the Duke of Ferrara. Browning appears to have modeled him
after Alfonso II, who ruled Ferrara from 1559 to 1597. Alfonso was married
three times but had no children. The poem reveals him as a proud, possessive,
and selfish man and a lover of the arts. He regarded his late wife as a
mere object who existed only to please him and do his bidding. He likes
the portrait of her (the subject of his monologue) because, unlike the
duchess when she was alive, it reveals only her beauty and none of the
qualities in her that annoyed the duke when she was alive. Morever, he
now has complete control of the portrait as a pretty art object that he
can show to visitors.
The late wife of the duke. Browning appears to have modeled her after Lucrezia
de’ Medici, a daughter of Cosimo de’ Medici (), Duke of Florence
from 1537 to 1574 and Grand Duke of Tuscany from 1569 to 1574. The duke
says the duchess enjoyed the company of other men and implies that she
was unfaithful. Whether his accusation is a fabrication is uncertain. The
duchess died under suspicious circumstances on April 21, 1561, just two
years after he married her. She may have been poisoned.
Emissary of the Count
of Tyrol: The emissary
he simply listens as the
Duke of Ferrara tells him about the late Duchess of Ferrara and the fresco
of her on the wall. Historically, the emissary is identified with Nikolaus
Madruz, of Innsbruck, Austria.&
of Tyrol: The father of the duke's bride-to-be. The duke mentions him
in connection with a dowry the count is expected to provide.
of the Count of Tyrol: The duke's bride-to-be
is the daughter of the count but appears to be modeled historically on
the count's niece, Barbara.&
Pandolph: The duke mentions him as the artist who painted the fresco.
No one has identified a real-life counterpart on whom he was based. He
may have been a fictional creation of Browning. Frà was a
title of Italian friars of the Roman Catholic Church.&
of Innsbruck: The duke mentions him as the artist who created "Neptune
Taming a Sea-Horse." Like Pandolph, he may have been a fictional creation.
Portrait of the Duchess
portrait of the late Duchess of Ferrara is a fresco, a type of work painted
in watercolors directly on a plaster wall. The portrait symbolizes the
duke's possessive and controlling nature inasmuch as the duchess has become
an art object which he owns and controls.
Last Duchess" is in ,
which has ten syllables, or five feet, per line. The ten syllables consist
of five pairs of unstressed and stressed syllables. Lines 1 and 2 of the
poem demonstrate the iambic-pentameter pattern.&
Heroic Couplets.......Line
1 rhymes with line 2, line 3 with 4, line 5 with 6, and so on. Pairs of
rhyming lines are called couplets. When the lines are written in iambic
pentameter, as are the lines of "My Last Duchess," the rhyming pairs are
called heroic couplets.&
Internal Rhyme
you to turn and ask thus. Sir, 'twas not
Pandolf chanced to say "Her mantle
here you miss&
Or there exceed the mark"–and
if she let(lines 38-39)
Her wits to yours, forsooth,
and made excuse (line 41)
and Commentary
My Last Duchess
By Robert Browning
theme is the arrogant, authoritarian mindset of a proud Renaissance duke,
who says, "I choose / Never to stoop" (lines 42-43). In this respect, the
more important portrait in the poem is the one the duke "paints" of himself
with his words.&
Women as Mere Objects
lines in the poem suggest that the duke had treated his wife as a mere
object. He expected her to be beautiful to look at, but little more. But
t she had faults. When the duke became annoyed by
them and by her smiling face, he "gave commands" that ended her smiling.
In other words, he apparently ordered her to be killed. The word last
in the title suggests that the young woman in the portrait was not the
duke's first wife. One wonders whether his previous wife (or wives) met
the same fate and whether his next duchess will end up like his "last duchess."
his poetry, Browning occasionally uses enjambment, a literary device in
which the sense of one line of verse is carried over to the next line without
a pause. Here is an example:
Looking as if she
were alive.
wonder, now: Frà Pandolf's hands
husband's presence only, called that spot
joy into the Duchess' cheek: perhaps
Over my lady's wrist too
much," or "Paint
never hope to reproduce the faint
Notice that scarcely belongs
with the words that follow it, not with the words that precede it. Consequently,
no pause occurs after it.&Study
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