
发布于: 19:59:35
导读: 计算机网络的发明开启了时代新纪元,人们工作效率提高,生活节奏加快,娱乐方式变得更加多元化,网络走进办公室和生活之后,似乎大脑的运转不再那么多那么快了,网络真能“吃掉”大脑吗?请看今天的精彩节目!认真翻译者奖励沪元150,对译文有任何意见,欢迎大家吐槽! 翻译没有标准答案,只有精益求精。让大家对翻译产生兴趣,并且持之以恒,在练习和讨论中进步,就是这个节目抛出去的板砖引出来的美玉了。请翻译以下文字。&翻译内容:& Will the internet eat your brain?& Mind Change: How Digital Technologies are Leaving their Mark on our Brains.&
A PICTURE doing the rounds on social media a few months ago showed two Hong Kong lovers hugging on a train. Resting their heads on each other’s shoulders gave the girl and her boyfriend an ideal vantage point to gaze lovingly at the smartphone that each was fiddling with behind the other’s back.It was meant to be funny. But for Susan Greenfield, a British neuroscientist, this is no joke. For several years Lady Greenfield has been warning of what she sees as the dangers of computers and the internet, as they move out of the office and into people’s living rooms, pockets and personal lives. She has written newspaper articles and given lectures about the dangers of the digital world. She frets, worrying that smartphones and social networks are sucking users into an unsatisfying digital facsimile of reality, frying their memories, atrophying their social skills and generally rotting their brains.These are familiar worries to parents. As a working neuroscientist, Lady Greenfield’s worries carry more weight than most. Yet as plenty of bloggers and other scientists have pointed out, her warnings have thus far been light on supporting evidence. Her latest book, “Mind Change”, is an attempt to corral her arguments into one place and to underpin them with psychological and neuroscientific research.
参考译文:(回复后刷新页面可见~^_^)讨论帖有干货,大家慢慢享用~~-----------------------回复可见内容-----------------------从今天开始,新闻天天译微信公共号正式向广大沪友开放啦~~~扫一扫,复习上期节目的知识吧~~&请勿设置“楼主可见”温馨提示:网络有时不稳定,会导致辛辛苦苦翻了一大半的成果泡汤。强烈建议童鞋们用离线文本工具答题,如notepad, word,完成后再复制黏贴在线提交。 喜欢我们么?欢迎加入我们小组:
喵呜~互联网会吃掉你大脑吗?转变思想:数码科技是如何在我们大脑中根深蒂固几个月前,社交媒体上不断重复出现的一幅图片:一对香港情侣在火车上拥抱。他们的头靠在对方肩膀上,恰恰给了这个女孩子和她的男朋友一个绝佳点,深情凝望对方背后隐藏的智能手机。这可真有趣。但是对于英国神经学家苏珊·格林菲德可不是玩笑。随着电脑和互联网走出办公室走入千万家庭、人们的口袋和私生活,格林菲德夫人近几年一直警告它们带来的危害。她已经在多个报刊发表文章,数次发表演说陈述数字世界的危害。她焦虑并担忧智能手机和社交网络正将用户带入现实的不尽人满意的数字范本,迷惑他们的记忆,退化他们的社交机能并逐步腐蚀他们的大脑。父母也有同样的忧虑。作为一名还在活跃的神经学家,格林菲德夫人比一般父母担心的多得多。然而大批博客和其它科学家指出她的告诫到目前为止一直缺乏有力证据。她的新书《转变思想》试图汇总她的各个观点并给予心理和神经学研究支持。A PICTURE doing the rounds on social media a few months ago showed two Hong Kong lovers hugging on a train. Resting their heads on each other’s shoulders gave the girl and her boyfriend an ideal vantage point to gaze lovingly at the smartphone that each was fiddling with behind the other’s back.It was meant to be funny. But for Susan Greenfield, a British neuroscientist, this is no joke. For several years Lady Greenfield has been warning of what she sees as the dangers of computers and the internet, as they move out of the office and into people’s living rooms, pockets and personal lives. She has written newspaper articles and given lectures about the dangers of the digital world. She frets, worrying that smartphones and social networks are sucking users into an unsatisfying digital facsimile of reality, frying their memories, atrophying their social skills and generally rotting their brains.These are familiar worries to parents. As a working neuroscientist, Lady Greenfield’s worries carry more weight than most. Yet as plenty of bloggers and other scientists have pointed out, her warnings have thus far been light on supporting evidence. Her latest book, “Mind Change”, is an attempt to corral her arguments into one place and to underpin them with psychological and neuroscientific research.
又看到多啦的译文,好惊喜!译文很精彩,只是有两处要注意:1. 。随着电脑和互联网走出办公室走入千万家庭、人们的口袋和私生活,格林菲德夫人近几年一直警告它们带来的危害。- 这里逻辑有误。2. 她焦虑并担忧智能手机和社交网络正将用户带入现实的不尽人满意的数字范本,迷惑他们的记忆,退化他们的社交机能并逐步腐蚀他们的大脑。- 这里“不尽人满意的数字范本”感觉不知所云,后面的动宾搭配处理很好,可以去掉“他们”二字。
互联网会吃了你的大脑吗?思维变化:数码技术将如何在我们脑中留下其痕迹。几个月前,有一张展示两位香港情侣在火车上相拥的图片在社交媒体上疯传。这两位情侣分别将自己的头靠在对方的肩膀上,这种姿势给了男孩和女孩一个绝佳的角度,便于他们深情的凝视并摆弄他们拿在对方身后的智能手机。这张图片的本意是为了搞笑。但是对于英国神经学家苏珊 格兰菲尔德来说,这并不好笑。几年来,格兰菲尔德女士一直警告我们,电脑和互联网已经从办公室来到了人们的起居所,口袋和私人生活中,这是十分危险的。对于数码世界的危险,她已为报纸撰稿,并举行演讲。她烦恼并担忧,智能手机和社交网络正在将用户困在一个不令人满意的现实世界的副本中,侵蚀着人们的记忆,削弱人们的社交技巧,渐渐腐蚀着人们的大脑。父母们有着同样的担忧。作为一名神经学工作者,格林菲尔德女士的担忧比其他人更深。尽管正如许多博客和其他科学家所指出的那样,她的警告还缺乏直接的证据支持。但她的上一本书,《思维变化》,正在尝试着将她的观点进行统一,并用心理学和神经科学的研究来巩固。答题用时:[19:02]第一次参加,感觉很多都不知怎么翻译才舒服。。希望看到大家精彩的译文。不认识的词fiddling with,atrophy
(Lucky to meet you.)
同学你好,下次请附上原文方便点评。“电脑和互联网已经从办公室来到了人们的起居所,口袋和私人生活中”此处略生硬整体的意思都理解了 就是有些用词还要多加考虑哟~~欢迎下次再来~
(The Wind Is Rising)
Will the internet eat your brain?互联网会“吃掉”你的大脑么?Mind Change: How Digital Technologies are Leaving their Mark on our Brains.换个方式想想:数码技术是如何在我们大脑里留下印记的。A PICTURE doing the rounds on social media a few months ago showed two Hong Kong lovers hugging on a train. Resting their heads on each other’s shoulders gave the girl and her boyfriend an ideal vantage point to gaze lovingly at the smartphone that each was fiddling with behind the other’s back.几个月前,社交网上广泛流传着一张这样的照片:在火车上,两个香港情侣拥抱在一起,他们把脑袋靠在对方的肩膀上,并以一个绝佳的角度专注的看着各自手里的手机。It was meant to be funny. But for Susan Greenfield, a British neuroscientist, this is no joke. For several years Lady Greenfield has been warning of what she sees as the dangers of computers and the internet, as they move out of the office and into people’s living rooms, pockets and personal lives. She has written newspaper articles and given lectures about the dangers of the digital world. She frets, worrying that smartphones and social networks are sucking users into an unsatisfying digital facsimile of reality, frying their memories, atrophying their social skills and generally rotting their brains.这一幕看起来挺有趣,但是在英国的神经学家Susan Greenfield并不这么认为。在过去的几年中,Greenfield女士一直通过报纸和讲座在警告我们关于电脑和互联网的危害,它已经由办公室渗透进家庭、口袋乃至于人们的日常生活。她十分担忧,手机和社交网络正在将它的使用者吸入一个由对于现实的不满组成的数字世界,在那儿瓦解着他们的记忆,削弱他们的社交技巧并符石着他们的大脑。These are familiar worries to parents. As a working neuroscientist, Lady Greenfield’s worries carry more weight than most. Yet as plenty of bloggers and other scientists have pointed out, her warnings have thus far been light on supporting evidence. Her latest book, “Mind Change”, is an attempt to corral her arguments into one place and to underpin them with psychological and neuroscientific research.这些都是家长们所熟悉的问题。但是作为一个在职的神经学家Lady Greenfield的担心显得更加沉重。然而许多博主和其他科学家都指出她的担心得不到有力的证据支持。她最近的一本书《Mind Change》就是一个将她的论点归纳并通过心理和神经学研究加以巩固的一次尝试。答题用时:[00:02]
(Lucky to meet you.)
frying their memories 记忆衰退理解很到位哟
1. 几个月前,社交网上广泛流传着一张这样的照片:在火车上,两个香港情侣拥抱在一起,他们把脑袋靠在对方的肩膀上,并以一个绝佳的角度专注的看着各自手里的手机。- 这段译文很精彩!2. sucking users into an unsatisfying digital facsimile of reality - 首先,suck into 意为 陷入 更好,其次 unsatisfying digital facsimile of reality 想表达的意思是,人们沉溺于虚拟的数字世界就会对现实感到不满。3. 希望可以对人名的翻译引起重视。
(The Wind Is Rising)
maxyan2010说:1. 几个月前,社交网上广泛流传着一张这样的照片:在火车上,两个香港情侣拥抱在一起,他们把脑袋靠在对方的肩膀上,并以一个绝佳的角度专注的看着各自手里的手机。- 这段译文很精彩!2. sucking users into an unsati...多谢小编指导~~
(The Wind Is Rising)
嗒然说:frying their memories 记忆衰退理解很到位哟
Will the internet eat your brain? 互联网会“吃掉”你的大脑么?Mind Change: How Digital Technologies are Leaving their Mark on our Brains. 《思维变化》:数字技术正在我们的头脑里留下印记。A PICTURE doing the rounds on social media a few months ago showed two Hong Kong lovers hugging on a train. Resting their heads on each other’s shoulders gave the girl and her boyfriend an ideal vantage point to gaze lovingly at the smartphone that each was fiddling with behind the other’s back.几个月前,各个社交媒体上都转载了一张照片,照片上的一对香港情侣在火车上拥抱着。他们把脑袋靠在彼此的肩膀上,这样他们就正好可以含情脉脉的对着彼此身后自己拿着的智能手机,同时还可以用手滑动屏幕。It was meant to be funny. But for Susan Greenfield, a British neuroscientist, this is no joke. For several years Lady Greenfield has been warning of what she sees as the dangers of computers and the internet, as they move out of the office and into people’s living rooms, pockets and personal lives. She has written newspaper articles and given lectures about the dangers of the digital world. She frets, worrying that smartphones and social networks are sucking users into an unsatisfying digital facsimile of reality, frying their memories, atrophying their social skills and generally rotting their brains.本来是张搞笑的图。但是在英国神经学家苏珊o格林菲尔德看来,这一点都不好笑。几年来,随着电脑和互联网从办公室逐步走进人们的起居室,口袋和私生活,格林菲尔德女士也在不断的在提醒着人们它们的危害。她为报纸写过文章,也做过演讲,目的都是为了讲述数字世界的危害。她为此十分忧虑,担心智能手机和社交网络正在将用户们吸入到一个让人不可自拔的数字虚拟的现实中去,破坏他们的记忆,弱化社交能力,总的来说就是腐蚀用户的大脑。These are familiar worries to parents. As a working neuroscientist, Lady Greenfield’s worries carry more weight than most. Yet as plenty of bloggers and other scientists have pointed out, her warnings have thus far been light on supporting evidence. Her latest book, “Mind Change”, is an attempt to corral her arguments into one place and to underpin them with psychological and neuroscientific research.家长们的对此也有同样的担忧。作为在职的神经学家,格林菲尔德女士的担忧更有影响。但是正如很多博主和科学家们指出的一样,她的这些告诫至今为止缺乏事实依据。而在她的新书《思维变化》中,她开始尝试着将论点集中起来,通过心理和神经科学的研究来强调论点的真实可信。
(Lucky to meet you.)
1.第一段最后一句“还可以用手滑动屏幕”这里文中没有提到。2. 译文很流畅,但是词意的处理有待提高,很多词语都要转意,也就是要延伸,而不是用原意。拿第二和第三段来说:a. 她为报纸写过文章 - 她撰过搞或者发表过文章b. 吸入(sucking into)- 其实就是导致..,使..进入状态c. 在职的(working) - 在做研究的d. 告诫(warnings) - 这里可以译为她的观点,希望下次翻译时可以注意这一点,继续加油!
Mind Change: How Digital Technologies are Leaving their Mark on our Brains. 思维改变:电子信息如何在人类大脑里留下印记?A PICTURE doing the rounds on social media a few months ago showed two Hong Kong lovers hugging on a train. Resting their heads on each other’s shoulders gave the girl and her boyfriend an ideal vantage point to gaze lovingly at the smartphone that each was fiddling with behind the other’s back.几个月前,一幅照片在社交媒体上流传开来,照片中两个香港情侣在火车上相拥,把头依靠在对方的肩膀上,在对方看不到的背后,以一个绝佳的角度专注的盯着手机。It was meant to be funny. But for Susan Greenfield, a British neuroscientist, this is no joke. For several years Lady Greenfield has been warning of what she sees as the dangers of computers and the internet, as they move out of the office and into people’s living rooms, pockets and personal lives. She has written newspaper articles and given lectures about the dangers of the digital world. She frets, worrying that smartphones and social networks are sucking users into an unsatisfying digital facsimile of reality, frying their memories, atrophying their social skills and generally rotting their brains.这感觉非常搞笑。但对于英国神经系统科学家苏珊格林菲德来说,这并不好笑。许多年以来,格林菲德女士一直在对她看到的电脑和互联网带来的危险做出警告,电脑已经从办公场所来到了人们起居室,被放到人们的口袋里影响了日常生活。她在报纸上写了文章,并做了关于电子世界危害的讲座。她感到烦躁,担忧,觉得手机和互联网把用户吸入一个真实世界的令人不能满意的电子复件中,焚炙着他们的记忆,萎缩着她们的社交能力并且腐蚀着他们的大脑。These are familiar worries to parents. As a working neuroscientist, Lady Greenfield’s worries carry more weight than most. Yet as plenty of bloggers and other scientists have pointed out, her warnings have thus far been light on supporting evidence. Her latest book, “Mind Change”, is an attempt to corral her arguments into one place and to underpin them with psychological and neuroscientific research.这些也都是家长们的担忧。格林菲尔德女士,作为一个神经科学家,比大多数人更加担忧。现在,越来越多的博客及其他科学家都指出了这一问题,她的警告信息现在也发现了证据。她的最新书:《思维转变》,是将她的论据集中起来,并用心理学和神经系统科学研究佐证的一种尝试。
(Lucky to meet you.)
It was meant to be funny 此图本是打算博君一笑的。as they move out of the office and into people’s living rooms计算机和网络不止局限于办公室,它们也深入到了人们的日常起居中“焚炙着他们的记忆,萎缩着她们的社交能力并且腐蚀着他们的大脑。”这里注意一下用词
Will the internet eat your brain? 因特网将要吞噬你的大脑?Mind Change: How Digital Technologies are Leaving their Mark on our Brains. 思维改变:数据技术怎样留在咱们的大脑中。A PICTURE doing the rounds on social media a few months ago showed two Hong Kong lovers hugging on a train. Resting their heads on each other’s shoulders gave the girl and her boyfriend an ideal vantage point to gaze lovingly at the smartphone that each was fiddling with behind the other’s back.几个月前有一张两位香港爱人在火车上紧紧拥抱在一起的图片在社交媒体上来回传播。他们彼此依靠在对方的肩膀上休息,这个姿势给了男女朋友非常有利的方式互相看着他们背后的手机。It was meant to be funny. But for Susan Greenfield, a British neuroscientist, this is no joke. For several years Lady Greenfield has been warning of what she sees as the dangers of computers and the internet, as they move out of the office and into people’s living rooms, pockets and personal lives. She has written newspaper articles and given lectures about the dangers of the digital world. She frets, worrying that smartphones and social networks are sucking users into an unsatisfying digital facsimile of reality, frying their memories, atrophying their social skills and generally rotting their brains.本来这是搞笑的事情。但是英国神经系统科学家苏珊o格林芬德称,这并不是个玩笑。这些年来格林芬德女士一直在对电脑和因特网带来的危险发出警告,因为他们脱离了办公室,渗入了人们的卧室,口袋和个人生活。她在报纸上写文章,就数字化世界的危险作报告。她很焦虑,担心智能手机和社交媒体将用户吸入到令人无法满足的真实世界的数据副本中,煎炸他们的记忆,使得社会技能萎缩和普遍地腐化他们的大脑。These are familiar worries to parents. As a working neuroscientist, Lady Greenfield’s worries carry more weight than most. Yet as plenty of bloggers and other scientists have pointed out, her warnings have thus far been light on supporting evidence. Her latest book, “Mind Change”, is an attempt to corral her arguments into one place and to underpin them with psychological and neuroscientific research.他们的父母也有同样的担心。作为一位神经系统科学家,格林芬德女士的担心就更有分量。但是大量的博客作者和别的科学家指出,她的担心迄今为止只有偶然证据。她的新书《思维改变》,她试图捕捉一些争论集中起来,并且欧诺个心理学和神经学方面的研究来支撑她的论点。答题用时:[00:01]
(Lucky to meet you.)
Will the internet eat your brain? 互联网真会吞噬我们的大脑吗?Mind Change: How Digital Technologies are Leaving their Mark on our Brains. 思维改变:数字科技如何改变我们的大脑A PICTURE doing the rounds on social media a few months ago showed two Hong Kong lovers hugging on a train. Resting their heads on each other’s shoulders gave the girl and her boyfriend an ideal vantage point to gaze lovingly at the smartphone that each was fiddling with behind the other’s back.数月前一张照片在社交网站上被四处转发。照片上,一对香港情侣在火车上拥抱着,他们把脑袋搁在彼此的肩膀上,两手舒坦地在对方身后摆弄手机,各自有滋有味儿地盯着手机屏幕,角度刚好合适。It was meant to be funny. But for Susan Greenfield, a British neuroscientist, this is no joke. For several years Lady Greenfield has been warning of what she sees as the dangers of computers and the internet, as they move out of the office and into people’s living rooms, pockets and personal lives. She has written newspaper articles and given lectures about the dangers of the digital world. She frets, worrying that smartphones and social networks are sucking users into an unsatisfying digital facsimile of reality, frying their memories, atrophying their social skills and generally rotting their brains.这本来是张搞笑图片。但在英国神经学家苏珊o格林菲尔德看来,这可不是一个笑料那么简单。近年来,苏珊女士看到电脑和网络带来的威胁,它们从办公室挪到了人们的客厅、口袋乃至私生活中,这都让她脑中警铃大作。她给报刊投稿,开设讲座来普及数字世界的危险性。她担心智能手机和社交网络会让用户沉迷于失真的虚幻现实中,导致人们的记忆受损,社交能力枯竭,大脑逐渐被侵蚀。为此她总是忧心忡忡。These are familiar worries to parents. As a working neuroscientist, Lady Greenfield’s worries carry more weight than most. Yet as plenty of bloggers and other scientists have pointed out, her warnings have thus far been light on supporting evidence. Her latest book, “Mind Change”, is an attempt to corral her arguments into one place and to underpin them with psychological and neuroscientific research.作家长的也有类似的担忧。但身为一位职业神经学家,苏珊的担忧更令人不敢小觑。但很多博主还有科学家也指出,她所谓的担忧目前还缺乏相关证据。在她的新作《思想改变》一书中,她尝试整合自己的所有论点,并用心理学和神经学研究加以佐证。
(The Wind Is Rising)
maxyan2010说:译文很精彩!文中多处翻译都很棒!她担心智能手机和社交网络会让用户沉迷于失真的虚幻现实中,导致人们的记忆受损,社交能力枯竭,大脑逐渐被侵蚀。为此她总是忧心忡忡。-这段翻译真棒!可以借鉴讨论帖译文,相互学习!嗯 真的很不错~~
Will the internet eat your brain? 互联网将吞噬你的脑洞Mind Change: How Digital Technologies are Leaving their Mark on our Brains. 思维改变:电子科技正占领我们的大脑A PICTURE doing the rounds on social media a few months ago showed two Hong Kong lovers hugging on a train. Resting their heads on each other’s shoulders gave the girl and her boyfriend an ideal vantage point to gaze lovingly at the smartphone that each was fiddling with behind the othe’s back.几个月前,一张两香港情侣地铁相拥的图片疯传社交网路。两人相拥,头枕在彼此的肩膀上,手搭在对方的后背,视野正合适,痴迷的看手机。It was meant to be funny. But for Susan Greenfield, a British neuroscientist, this is no joke. For several years Lady Greenfield has been warning of what she sees as the dangers of computers and the internet, as they move out of the office and into people’s living rooms, pockets and personal lives. She has written newspaper articles and given lectures about the dangers of the digital world. She frets, worrying that smartphones and social networks are sucking users into an unsatisfying digital facsimile of reality, frying their memories, atrophying their social skills and generally rotting their brains.这本该是件很搞笑的事情,但对于英国神经系统科学家苏珊格林菲尔德来说,此事非玩笑。七年来,格林菲尔德女士一直在敲响着电脑和网路危险的警钟,提醒着人们这些危害已踏离办公室,入侵到人们的起居室、口袋和个人私生活中。她在报纸上写文章并开讲座来说明电子世界的危害。她回肠百转,担心智能手机和社交网络让用户陷入一个并不令人满意的电子虚拟现实世界,从而记忆备受煎熬,社交技能逐渐退化,大脑逐渐被腐蚀。These are familiar worries to parents. As a working neuroscientist, Lady Greenfield’s worries carry more weight than most. Yet as plenty of bloggers and other scientists have pointed out, her warnings have thus far been light on supporting evidence. Her latest book, “Mind Change”, is an attempt to corral her arguments into one place and to underpin them with psychological and neuroscientific research.家长也同样的担忧。作为一个在职神经系统科学家,格林菲尔德女士的担忧更加深重。但同时有很多的博主与科学家指出,她的警告一直缺乏例证。于是她发新书《思维变迁》尝试统一她的观点,并用心理学和神经学研究加以巩固支撑。Frying 煎atrophying 萎缩Rotting腐败Be light on 缺乏
1. 七年来,文中没有提到,原文是For several years2. 她在报纸上写文章并开讲座来说明电子世界的危害 ,这句话有歧义,报纸上怎样开讲座?3. 陷入一个并不令人满意的电子虚拟现实世界 - 句式糅杂 - 可以说成陷入虚拟世界,无法满足于现实。
文章理解没有问题,要提高的译文的准确性,如词语的选择和语句的连贯性。1. 这让他们能极为方便地深情注视摆在对方背上的智能手机 - 可以说成在对方背后摆弄各自的手机。2. 格林菲尔德女士已经警告过人们她视为危险的电脑及因特网的危害 - 这里直接说成警告人们电脑和互联网的危害就可以了。3. 格林菲尔得女士的担忧有着更沉重的力量 - 可以说成她更加担忧总之,译文理解没有问题,但是译文的准确性要提高。继续加油!PS:希望下次可以用中英对照的方式将译文贴上!
Will the internet eat your brain?
Mind Change: How Digital Technologies are Leaving their Mark on our Brains.
A PICTURE doing the rounds on social media a few months ago showed two Hong Kong lovers hugging on a train. Resting their heads on each other’s shoulders gave the girl and her boyfriend an ideal vantage point to gaze lovingly at the smartphone that each was fiddling with behind the other’s back.
It was meant to be funny. But for Susan Greenfield, a British neuroscientist, this is no joke. For several years Lady Greenfield has been warning of what she sees as the dangers of computers and the internet, as they move out of the office and into people’s living rooms, pockets and personal lives. She has written newspaper articles and given lectures about the dangers of the digital world. She frets, worrying that smartphones and social networks are sucking users into an unsatisfying digital facsimile of reality, frying their memories, atrophying their social skills and generally rotting their brains.
These are familiar worries to parents. As a working neuroscientist, Lady Greenfield’s worries carry more weight than most. Yet as plenty of bloggers and other scientists have pointed out, her warnings have thus far been light on supporting evidence. Her latest book, “Mind Change”, is an attempt to corral her arguments into one place and to underpin them with psychological and neuroscientific research.
译文很出彩!非常自然、流畅,没有翻译腔,且句式的变换非常棒!1. 过去的几年中,格林菲尔德女士通过在报纸上发表文章、举行讲座来提醒大家注意这个数字世界中存在的危险,因为电脑和互联网不再仅限于办公室,它们早已渗入到人们的起居室、口袋、甚至私人生活中了。- 这句译文很精彩!2. sucking users into 这里可以转译为“使..陷入”3. 瓦解人们的记忆、让他们的社交能力退化、腐蚀他们的大脑 - 这里的译文最好可以使用同一的结构,要么全部用动宾,要么全部用名词词组。4. 最后一段中 is an attempt to corral her arguments into one place 漏译了!整体非常棒,继续加油!^.^
A PICTURE doing the rounds on social media a few months ago showed two Hong Kong lovers hugging on a train. Resting their heads on each other’s shoulders gave the girl and her boyfriend an ideal vantage point to gaze lovingly at the smartphone that each was fiddling with behind the other’s back.几个月前,一张香港情侣在地铁上的拥抱图片走红于社交网络,图片上,这对年轻人拥抱着,把头靠在对方的肩上,然后依托这这个绝好的位置各自在情人的身后玩着自己的手机。It was meant to be funny. But for Susan Greenfield, a British neuroscientist, this is no joke. For several years Lady Greenfield has been warning of what she sees as the dangers of computers and the internet, as they move out of the office and into people’s living rooms, pockets and personal lives. She has written newspaper articles and given lectures about the dangers of the digital world. She frets, worrying that smartphones and social networks are sucking users into an unsatisfying digital facsimile of reality, frying their memories, atrophying their social skills and generally rotting their brains.这张图本来是为了搞笑。但对于英国神经学家苏珊格林菲尔德而言,这可不仅仅是个笑话。这几年来,格林菲尔德女士一直在警告,电脑和网络从办公室走出来,走进人们的卧室、口袋和个人生活里,这个事实将会带来极大的危害。她针对数码世界的危害撰写了一系列报纸文章并发表演讲。她担忧智能手机和社交网络正在把人们带入到一个虚幻世界中去,这个世界是对现实世界的复制,却又不是真实的,它将摧毁人们的记忆,削弱人们的社交能力,并最终使我们的大脑退化。These are familiar worries to parents. As a working neuroscientist, Lady Greenfield’s worries carry more weight than most. Yet as plenty of bloggers and other scientists have pointed out, her warnings have thus far been light on supporting evidence. Her latest book, “Mind Change”, is an attempt to corral her arguments into one place and to underpin them with psychological and neuroscientific research.对父母亲而言,他们有着同样的担忧。作为一名神经学家,格林菲尔德女士要操心的更多。但正如一些博客和其他科学家所指出的一样,她的呼吁和警告并没有什么充足的证据。在她的新书《改变大脑》中,她将尝试将自己的言论归类,并提出足够的心理学和神经学研究证据来支撑自己的观点。
译文理解准确,个别地方很精彩!有一点你做得非常好,即补充翻译,但有时是不惜要的。1. 第二段中, 这个事实将会带来极大的危害 - 这里的补充很好。2. 第二段后半部分,带入到一个虚幻世界中去,这个世界是对现实世界的复制,却又不是真实的 - 这里有点过译的感觉,可以直接说成,陷入虚拟世界,无法满足于现实。3. 最后一段,。但正如一些博客和其他科学家所指出的一样 - 这里yet是转折的意思,意为“然而,但是”, 这才有后面的新书去支持自己的观点。
译文非常流畅,语言也非常简洁,这点很好。希望注意翻译的时候一定要忠实原文。1. 目光深情相对,对着智能手机拍照,在彼此的背后做鬼脸 - 这里脱离了原文,要尊重译文的客观性,不能随意想象。2. “她在报纸上发表文章,进行演讲”这里会产生歧义,注意增补词语避免歧义3. 最后一句有突兀之感,可以加上关联词,如因此,因而等,来表面该句与上一句的逻辑关系。
(Lucky to meet you.)
(生活嘛 稍微认真点活。)
沉迷智能手机和社交网络会使用户陷入对现实不满继而更加沉迷网络的泥潭中无法自拔, 人们的记忆,社交技能退化,最终侵蚀人的大脑。 - 这句译文真棒!
Will the internet eat your brain?
Mind Change: How Digital Technologies are Leaving their Mark on our Brains.
A PICTURE doing the rounds on social media a few months ago showed two Hong Kong lovers hugging on a train. Resting their heads on each other’s shoulders gave the girl and her boyfriend an ideal vantage point to gaze lovingly at the smartphone that each was fiddling with behind the other’s back.
It was meant to be funny. But for Susan Greenfield, a British neuroscientist, this is no joke. For several years Lady Greenfield has been warning of what she sees as the dangers of computers and the internet, as they move out of the office and into people’s living rooms, pockets and personal lives. She has written newspaper articles and given lectures about the dangers of the digital world. She frets, worrying that smartphones and social networks are sucking users into an unsatisfying digital facsimile of reality, frying their memories, atrophying their social skills and generally rotting their brains.
These are familiar worries to parents. As a working neuroscientist, Lady Greenfield’s worries carry more weight than most. Yet as plenty of bloggers and other scientists have pointed out, her warnings have thus far been light on supporting evidence. Her latest book, “Mind Change”, is an attempt to corral her arguments into one place and to underpin them with psychological and neuroscientific research.
译文总体理解正确,非常流畅简洁!注意的地方1. 人名问题:希望对这个能引起重视,因为以后的翻译中经常会涉及到专有名词,如地名、人名的译法,平时的翻译就是一个很好的机会,慢慢掌握其翻译方法。2. 由于使用者对现实生活的不满意,手机和社交网络会让他们陷入其营造的虚拟世界 - 这里逻辑上最好说成沉迷虚拟世界会导致对现实世界的不满。3. be light on 是缺乏的意思,因此最后一段理解出现了错误。在翻译的过程中,如果觉得逻辑不通,可以借助于词典看看是不是词语意思弄错了。
Will the internet eat your brain? Mind Change: How Digital Technologies are Leaving their Mark on our Brains. 互联网会侵蚀你的大脑吗?头脑改变: 电子科技如何在你的大脑留下印记A PICTURE doing the rounds on social media a few months ago showed two Hong Kong lovers hugging on a train. Resting their heads on each other’s shoulders gave the girl and her boyfriend an ideal vantage point to gaze lovingly at the smartphone that each was fiddling with behind the other’s back.几个月前, 社交媒体上疯传一张香港恋人在火车上拥抱的照片。他们把头依偎在对方肩上,正好便于他们在对方背后含情脉脉地偷看自己的智能手机。It was meant to be funny. But for Susan Greenfield, a British neuroscientist, this is no joke. For several years Lady Greenfield has been warning of what she sees as the dangers of computers and the internet, as they move out of the office and into people’s living rooms, pockets and personal lives. She has written newspaper articles and given lectures about the dangers of the digital world. She frets, worrying that smartphones and social networks are sucking users into an unsatisfying digital facsimile of reality, frying their memories, atrophying their social skills and generally rotting their brains.本来是逗乐的照片,可是对于英国神经学家苏珊o格林菲尔德来说,这可不是笑话那么简单。几年来,当计算机和互联网走出办公室,进入我的日常起居和衣服口袋,成为我们个人生活的一部分后,格林菲尔德女士一直在告诫人们她看到的计算机和互联网隐患。她曾给报纸撰文,也曾在讲座上谈论过这样的话题。她担心智能手机和社交媒体正在把人们带入不切实际的虚幻世界,侵蚀了他们的记忆,削弱了他们的社交能力,而大脑通常会因此受损。These are familiar worries to parents. As a working neuroscientist, Lady Greenfield’s worries carry more weight than most. Yet as plenty of bloggers and other scientists have pointed out, her warnings have thus far been light on supporting evidence. Her latest book, “Mind Change”, is an attempt to corral her arguments into one place and to underpin them with psychological and neuroscientific research.为人父母者一向有着同样的担忧。作为一个在职的神经学家,格林菲尔德女士的忧虑当然更有说服力。但是很多博客写手和其他科学家指出,她的警告并没有多少科学依据。她最新的书《头脑改变》就试图对她的看法做一个梳理和总结,然后以心理学和神经科学研究证明她的观点是正确的。
译文理解准确,非常精彩!1. 第一段的译文很精彩,很简洁!2. 几年来,当计算机和互联网走出办公室,进入我的日常起居和衣服口袋,成为我们个人生活的一部分后,格林菲尔德女士一直在告诫人们她看到的计算机和互联网隐患。- 这句译文的语序可以调整一下,表现出二者的逻辑关系。3. 最后一段的逻辑处理很好 - 她最新的书《头脑改变》就试图对她的看法做一个梳理和总结, 这里“就”字用得很好。
maxyan2010说:译文理解准确,非常精彩!1. 第一段的译文很精彩,很简洁!2. 几年来,当计算机和互联网走出办公室,进入我的日常起居和衣服口袋,成为我们个人生活的一部分后,格林菲尔德女士一直在告诫人们她看到的计算机和互联网隐患。- 这句译文的语序可以...恩,这个第一段翻译的有意思。
网络是否会逐渐侵蚀我们的大脑?思维转变:数字技术是如何在我们的大脑中留下印记。一个多月前,社交媒体上发布了一张照片,2位香港的恋人坐在火车上,给了他们一个特写镜头,他们将头靠在对方的肩膀上,两人都盯着对方身后的智能手机看。这个报道看起来倒是挺有趣的。但是对于Susan Greenfield,一位英国的神经学家觉得这不是一件好笑的事情。这些年,Greenfield女士一直在提醒警告人们电脑和网络所带来的危害,他们不仅被人们在办公室里使用,同时还带进卧室,放在口袋里,占用人们的私人生活。她通过报纸、演讲来宣传数字世界带来的危害。她感到焦虑和担忧智能手机和社交网络会使人们不满足现实生活,记忆消退,社交技能萎缩,使我们的大脑萎靡。作为家长也有着相似的担忧。作为一位神经学工作者,Greenfield女士就更加的担心。但是,有一部分的博主和一些科学家指出,她的担心缺乏一定的支撑证据。她最新的新书,《思维转变》,通过心理学和神经学的研究加强她的观点和论据。答题用时:[00:01]
你的译文很棒!语言组织没有任何问题,翻译的技巧掌握得也很好,希望可以更细心!1. A few months 是数月2. 他们不仅被人们在办公室里使用
move out 是走出的意思。后面一句用3个不同的动词来处理我认为用得很好。3. She frets, worrying that ...看你怎样剖析句子结构,如果按你的处理方法,fret和worry只需译一个就可以了。PS:注意译文格式,应该以中英对照的方式贴出译文。
你的译文很棒!语言组织没有任何问题,翻译的技巧掌握得也很好,只是希望可以更细心!1. A few months 是数月2. 他们不仅被人们在办公室里使用
move out 是走出的意思。后面一句用3个不同的动词来处理我认为用得很好。3. She frets, worrying that ...看你怎样剖析句子结构,如果按你的处理方法,fret和worry只需译一个就可以了。PS:注意译文格式,应该以中英对照的方式贴出译文。
maxyan2010说:你的译文很棒!语言组织没有任何问题,翻译的技巧掌握得也很好,只是希望可以更细心!1. A few months 是数月2. 他们不仅被人们在办公室里使用
move out 是走出的意思。后面一句用3个不同的动词来处理我认为用得很好。...谢谢你的鼓励哦。格式我下次会注意
Will the internet eat your brain? Mind Change: How Digital Technologies are Leaving their Mark on our Brains. 网络会吞噬你的大脑么?思维变化:看数字技术怎样在我们的脑海里烙印A PICTURE doing the rounds on social media a few months ago showed two Hong Kong lovers hugging on a train. Resting their heads on each other’s shoulders gave the girl and her boyfriend an ideal vantage point to gaze lovingly at the smartphone that each was fiddling with behind the other’s back.几个月前,一张照片在社交网上被多次转载,该照片上一对香港的情侣在火车上相互拥抱。他们的头分别放在对方的肩上,这样给彼此一个绝佳的位置来摆弄各自手里的智能手机。It was meant to be funny. But for Susan Greenfield, a British neuroscientist, this is no joke. For several years Lady Greenfield has been warning of what she sees as the dangers of computers and the internet, as they move out of the office and into people’s living rooms, pockets and personal lives. She has written newspaper articles and given lectures about the dangers of the digital world. She frets, worrying that smartphones and social networks are sucking users into an unsatisfying digital facsimile of reality, frying their memories, atrophying their social skills and generally rotting their brains.这张照片很有趣。但对英国神经学家苏珊o格林菲德来说并不好笑。几年前,自电脑和网络飞入千万家,融入人们的办公室,卧室,口袋和私生活里起,格林菲尔德女士就在不断的提醒人们他们对人类的危害。她在报纸上刊登过文章,也对此做过演讲,为了惊醒数字化对人们的危害。她既苦恼也担忧,智能手机和社交网络会把使用者引入一个不尽人意的虚拟世界中去格林菲尔德女士社交能力,渐渐的腐蚀使用者的大脑。These are familiar worries to parents. As a working neuroscientist, Lady Greenfield’s worries carry more weight than most. Yet as plenty of bloggers and other scientists have pointed out, her warnings have thus far been light on supporting evidence. Her latest book, “Mind Change”, is an attempt to corral her arguments into one place and to underpin them with psychological and neuroscientific research.家长对此也有深深的担忧。作为一名在职的精神学家,格林菲尔德女士的担忧更有权威性。目前,很多的博主和科学家认为她的担忧缺乏理论依据。而她最近的新书,《思维转变》旨在搜集论点,通过心理学和神经科学的研究来强化论点。
1. 第二段的move out 是走出的意思 。自电脑和网络飞入千万家,融入人们的办公室,卧室,口袋和私生活里起,格林菲尔德女士就在不断的提醒人们他们对人类的危害。 这一句的整体处理非常好。2. 把使用者引入一个不尽人意的虚拟世界中 - 这里虚拟世界是会令人满意的,虚拟世界会让人对现实世界产生不满足感。3. 格林菲尔德女士的担忧更有权威性 - 这里weight译为权威性,我觉得很好。
Mind Change: How Digital Technologies are Leaving their Mark on our Brains.
A PICTURE doing the rounds on social media a few months ago showed two Hong Kong lovers hugging on a train. Resting their heads on each other’s shoulders gave the girl and her boyfriend an ideal vantage point to gaze lovingly at the smartphone that each was fiddling with behind the other’s back.
It was meant to be funny. But for Susan Greenfield, a British neuroscientist, this is no joke. For several years Lady Greenfield has been warning of what she sees as the dangers of computers and the internet, as they move out of the office and into people’s living rooms, pockets and personal lives.
这样的图片应该是好笑的。但在英国神经学家苏珊 格林菲尔德看来,却并不好玩。电脑及网络带来的危险因素已经跨出办公室,深入到人们居住的居室、口袋以及个人生活中。当她看到人们面临这些危险因素时,格林菲尔德女士就会发出预警。多年来她一直致力于此。She has written newspaper articles and given lectures about the dangers of the digital world. She frets, worrying that smartphones and social networks are sucking users into an unsatisfying digital facsimile of reality, frying their memories, atrophying their social skills and generally rotting their brains. 对于数字世界中的存在危险因素,她已撰文数篇并且做过多次演讲。智能手机和社交网络正将用户吸入一个令人无法满足的、虚拟现实的数字世界中,瓦解人们的记忆、萎缩人们的社交能力,逐渐“腐蚀”大脑。种种这些都是格林菲尔德女士所烦恼且担心的。
These are familiar worries to parents. As a working neuroscientist, Lady Greenfield’s worries carry more weight than most. Yet as plenty of bloggers and other scientists have pointed out, her warnings have thus far been light on supporting evidence. Her latest book, “Mind Change”, is an attempt to corral her arguments into one place and to underpin them with psychological and neuroscientific research.
1. 格林菲尔德女士就会发出预警。多年来她一直致力于此。 这里可以译为“她一直警示人们互联网和计算机带来的危害2. She frets, worrying that smartphones and social networks are sucking users into an unsatisfying digital facsimile of reality, frying their memories, atrophying their social skills and generally rotting their brains. -这句话的语序调整做得很好。3.最后一段中,和大多数人相比 - 这句可以省略。her warnings have thus far been light on supporting evidence 这里warnings可以直接译为她所担忧的这些东西或者是她的观点,翻译的时候注意转意。
maxyan2010说:1. 格林菲尔德女士就会发出预警。多年来她一直致力于此。 这里可以译为“她一直警示人们互联网和计算机带来的危害2. She frets, worrying that smartphones and social networks are ... She frets, worrying that smartphones and social networks are sucking users into an unsatisfying digital facsimile of reality, frying their memories, atrophying their social skills and generally rotting their brains. -这句话的语序调整做得很好。原来可以这样来调整的啊。明白了。
总体译文理解正确!有些地方很简洁,但有些地方略显生硬,希望可以加强语言的连贯性和用词的准确性。1. 第一段的social media理解有误,这里值得是这张图片在社交媒体网站上疯传。2. pockets 衣兜,这个译法不错,我之前看到的都是口袋。3.
given lectures about the dangers 这里除了撰稿还有演讲,演讲部分漏译了。4. be light on 意为 &缺乏“,因此最后一部分理解有误。欢迎继续参加我们的节目!
Mind Change: How Digital Technologies are Leaving their Mark on our Brains.意识转变:数字技术如何在你的大脑里留下记号。A PICTURE doing the rounds on social media a few months ago showed two Hong Kong lovers hugging on a train. Resting their heads on each other’s shoulders gave the girl and her boyfriend an ideal vantage point to gaze lovingly at the smartphone that each was fiddling with behind the other’s back.几个月前,在社交媒体上流传着这样一张照片,显示了一对香港情侣在火车上拥抱的情景。他们把头靠在彼此的肩膀上,这样女孩和她男朋友就有了一个理想的有利的位置,深情的望着自己的智能手机,在彼此的身后做着各自的事情。It was meant to be funny. But for Susan Greenfield, a British neuroscientist, this is no joke. For several years Lady Greenfield has been warning of what she sees as the dangers of computers and the internet, as they move out of the office and into people’s living rooms, pockets and personal lives. She has written newspaper articles and given lectures about the dangers of the digital world. She frets, worrying that smartphones and social networks are sucking users into an unsatisfying digital facsimile of reality, frying their memories, atrophying their social skills and generally rotting their brains.这很有趣。但是对于英国神经学家苏珊. 格林菲尔德来说,这不是开玩笑的。几年来,电脑和互联网的危害就一直提醒着格林菲尔德女士,无论是她走出办公室,进入人们的起居室,把手伸进口袋里,还是探索别人私生活的时候。 她在报刊上发表文章和通过演讲来说明数字世界的危害。她担心智能手机和社交网络会将用户吸入到一个不那么令人满意的通过数字来传递现实生活的现象里,使用户的记忆力下降,社交技能退化,通常是使用户变堕落。These are familiar worries to parents. As a working neuroscientist, Lady Greenfield’s worries carry more weight than most. Yet as plenty of bloggers and other scientists have pointed out, her warnings have thus far been light on supporting evidence. Her latest book, “Mind Change”, is an attempt to corral her arguments into one place and to underpin them with psychological and neuroscientific research.这些现象同样令家长担忧。作为一个神经学家,格林菲尔德女士的担忧比大多数人更有分量。很多博主和科学家指出,她的观点到目前为止并没有充分的证据来支持。最近,她写了一本书,叫“意识转变”,她试图将所有的观点归纳到一起,通过心理学及神经学研究来支持这些观点。
Will the internet eat your brain?
Mind Change: How Digital Technologies are Leaving their Mark on our Brains.
A PICTURE doing the rounds on social media a few months ago showed two Hong Kong lovers hugging on a train. Resting their heads on each other’s shoulders gave the girl and her boyfriend an ideal vantage point to gaze lovingly at the smartphone that each was fiddling with behind the other’s back.
It was meant to be funny. But for Susan Greenfield, a British neuroscientist, this is no joke. For several years Lady Greenfield has been warning of what she sees as the dangers of computers and the internet, as they move out of the office and into people’s living rooms, pockets and personal lives. She has written newspaper articles and given lectures about the dangers of the digital world. She frets, worrying that smartphones and social networks are sucking users into an unsatisfying digital facsimile of reality, frying their memories, atrophying their social skills and generally rotting their brains.
These are familiar worries to parents. As a working neuroscientist, Lady Greenfield’s worries carry more weight than most. Yet as plenty of bloggers and other scientists have pointed out, her warnings have thus far been light on supporting evidence. Her latest book, “Mind Change”, is an attempt to corral her arguments into one place and to underpin them with psychological and neuroscientific research.
计算机会吞噬你的大脑吗?思维变化:数字化科技是怎么在我们大脑里留下痕迹的在数月前一对香港的情侣在火车站拥抱的图片遭到了社交网络的指责.他们把手搭在对方的肩膀的最佳位置目光深情在对方的背后摆弄智能手机.它是比较有趣,但是英国神经科学家Susan Greenfield认为这不是一个玩笑.几年前, 随着计算机和互联网从办公室走进人们的卧室,口袋,个人生活,Greenfield女士就对它们的危害提出了警告. 她焦虑智能手机和社交网络正在把用户从现实中吞噬进让人不满意的数字传真,削弱他们的记忆力,退化他们的社会技能,逐渐地腐蚀他们的大脑.这些同样让家长焦虑.作为一个在职的神经科学家,Greenfield女士担忧这会带来有史以来最重的体重.许多博客和科学家指出她的警告缺乏支持的证据.她的新书≤思维变化≥是尝试把她的观点进行汇总,并用心理学和神经学的研究来巩固.答题用时:[41:34]


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