
Educational background: Brown University , then transferred to Oxford University.学历背景:布朗大学,后转到牛津大学
Emma Charlotte Duerre Watson (born 15 April 1990) is an English actress and model. She rose to&&playing Hermione Granger in the Harry P she was cast as Hermione at the age of nine, having previously acted only in school plays. She starred in all eight Harry Potter films, alongside Daniel Radcliffe and Rupert Grint. Watson's work on the Harry Potter series has earned her several awards and more than &10 million.&In 2007, Watson announced her involvement in The Tale of Despereaux and the television adaptation of the novel Ballet Shoes, which was broadcast on 26 December 2007 to an audience of 5.2 million. The Tale of Despereaux, based on the novel by Kate DiCamillo, was released in 2008 and grossed more than US$86 million in worldwide sales. In 2012, she starred in Stephen Chbosky's film adaptation of The Perks of Being a Wallflower, and in 2014, she played Ila in Darren Aronofsky's&&epic Noah. She made her modelling debut for Burberry's autumn/winter campaign in 2009.&In October 2013, she was voted Sexiest Female Movie Star in a worldwide poll conducted by Empire magazine. In May 2014, BuzzFeed dubbed her the &most&&woman of the decade&.艾玛&夏洛特&杜尔热&沃森(日-)是一位英国女演员和模特,因为扮演《哈利&波特》电影系列中的赫敏&格兰杰而成名,获选出演该角色时年仅9岁,没有过任何专业演出经验,只参加过学校的文艺节目演出。艾玛与丹尼尔&拉德克利夫、魯伯特&葛林一起出演了全部8部《哈利&波特》电影,她也因此获得了多个奖项以及超过1千万英镑的片酬。2007年,沃森宣布出演电影《浪漫鼠德佩罗》和电视电影《芭蕾舞鞋》,其中前者是根据凯特&迪卡米洛(Kate DiCamillo)的同名小说改编,于2008年上映,全球票房超过8694万美元,后者也是根据同名小说改编,于日通过英国广播公司首播,吸引了520万观众收看。2012年,她出演了斯蒂芬&切波斯基(Stephen Chbosky)的电影《壁花少年》,还在戴伦&艾洛诺夫斯基的圣经史诗片《诺亚》中扮演伊拉(Ila)一角。2009年,她为巴宝莉的夏冬服饰推销活动给出了自己的模特处女秀。
Educational background:&University of Toronto, shorted for U of T, majoring in western art history and economics学历背景:多伦多大学( 简称U of T),西洋美术史和经济学双主修学
Lin Chi-ling (born 29 November 1974, in Taipei, Taiwan), is a Taiwanese model and actress. As of 2006, Lin has served as an official spokesperson for both China Airlines and . Lin's unusually fast rise to fame was noted by one Taiwanese , who
the phrase &The Lin Chi-Ling Phenomenon&.林志玲(日-),为台湾著名的模特、主持人、女演员,出生于台北市,以甜美清丽的外貌与姣好的身材成为台湾社会瞩目的焦点,更被媒体以&台湾第一名模&的称号。
Educational background:Kyung Hee University学历背景:庆熙大学
Lee Hyori (Hangul: ???; born May 10, 1979) is a South Korean singer. She&&as a member of the successfulK-pop girl group Fin.K.L, but has since become a&&artist. In 2003 she released her debut solo album Stylish which won severalDaesangs (a Korean award equivalent to &Artist of the Year&). In 2006, she was the highest-paid female singer in South Korea when she signed a contract with Mnet Media.李孝利(朝鲜语:???,日-)是韩国的一名女歌手及演员,性感符号的代表性人物,1998年以韩国歌唱团体Fin.K.L.的队长身份出道,现独立发展。
Educational background: University of London学历背景:伦敦大学
Karen Joy Morris (born 2 June 1970), better known as Karen Mok or Mok Man-wai among Chinese-speaking communities, is a three-time Golden
Award-winning Hong Kong actress and singer-songwriter.莫文蔚(Karen Joy Morris,艺名Karen Mok,日-),香港知名歌手和演员,是歌、影全方位艺人。入行至今发行超过30张专辑,参演近50部电影以及举行超过50场个人演唱会,她曾夺得中、港、台、韩国、新加坡等地所颁发的女歌手奖项,其中包括:最佳国语女歌手奖 (金曲奖)、韩国2008亚洲音乐节 - 亚洲最佳女歌手奖(中国)。电影方面,她凭电影《堕落天使》夺得香港电影金像奖最佳女配角,以及凭电影《食神》荣获提名金像奖、金马奖最佳女主角。
Educational background:Yale University学历背景:耶鲁大学
Meryl Streep (born Mary Louise S June 22, 1949) is an American actress of theater, film and television. She is widely regarded as one of the greatest film actresses of all time.&Streep made her professional stage debut in The Playboy of Seville (1971), before her screen debut in the television movie The Deadliest Season (1977). In that same year, she made her film debut in Julia (1977). Both critical and commercial success came quickly with roles in The Deer Hunter (1978) and Kramer vs. Kramer (1979), the first of which brought her an Academy Award nomination, and the second, her first win, for Best Supporting Actress. She later won the Academy Award for Best Actress for her roles in Sophie's Choice (1982) and The Iron Lady (2011). With 18 Academy Award nominations, winning three, Streep has received more Academy Award nominations than any other actor (male or female) in history.&Streep has also received 28 Golden Globe nominations, winning eight, more nominations and more competitive (non-honorary) wins than any other actor (male or female) in history. Her work has also earned her two Emmy Awards, two Screen Actors Guild Awards, a Cannes Film Festival award, five New York Film Critics Circle Awards, two BAFTA awards, two Australian Film&&awards, five Grammy Award nominations, and a Tony Award nomination, among several others. She was awarded the AFI Life Achievement Award in 2004 and the Kennedy Center Honor in 2011 for her contribution to American culture through performing arts, the youngest actor in each award's history. President Barack Obama awarded her the 2010 National Medal of Arts. In 2003, the government of France made her a Commander of the Order of Arts and Letters.梅丽尔&斯特里普(日-),生于美国新泽西州,美国女演员。许多观众与评论家评价她为美国电影史上最伟大的女演员之一,已获得18次奥斯卡提名,为史上获得最多表演奖提名的演员,并分别获得第51届(1979年度)奥斯卡最佳女配角奖、第54届(1982年度)及第84届(2011年度)奥斯卡最佳女主角奖。梅丽尔&斯特里普也是至今获得金球奖最多的女演员:五次电影最佳女主角(三次剧情类,两次音乐与喜剧类)、两次电影最佳女配角以及一次连续短剧与电视电影最佳女主角。
Educational background: Harvard University学历背景:哈佛大学
Natalie Portman (born Natalie H June 9, 1981) is an actress with dual American and&&citizenship. Her first role was as an&[en]orphan&taken in by a hitman in the 1994 action film L&on: The Professional, but mainstream success came when she was cast as Padm& Amidala in the Star Wars&&trilogy (released in
and 2005). In 1999, she&at Harvard University to study psychology while still working as an actress. She completed her bachelor's degree in 2003.&In 2001, Portman opened in New York City's Public Theater production of Anton Chekhov's The Seagull. In 2005, Portman won a Golden Globe Award and received an Academy Award nomination for Best Supporting Actress for her performance in the drama Closer. She won a&&Award for Best Female Performance and a Saturn Award for Best Actress for her starring role in V for Vendetta (2006). She played leading roles in the historical dramas Goya's Ghosts (2006) and The Other Boleyn Girl (2008). In May 2008, she served as the youngest member of the 61st Annual Cannes Film Festival jury. Portman's directorial debut, Eve, opened the 65th Venice International Film Festival's shorts competition in 2008. Portman directed a segment of the collective film New York, I Love You. Portman is also known for her portrayal as Jane Foster, the love interest of Marvel superhero Thor, in the film adaptation Thor (2011), and its sequel, Thor: The Dark World (2013).&In 2010, Portman starred in the psychological thriller Black Swan. Her performance received critical praise and earned her an Academy Award, her second Golden Globe Award, the Screen Actors Guild Award, the BAFTA Award and the Broadcast Film Critics Association Award in 2011.[/en]她在1994年的独立电影《这个杀手不太冷》中首次担纲演出,随后因演出电影《星球大战》三部曲中的帕德梅&艾米达拉一角而更广为人知。在拍摄星球大战电影期间,波特曼同时修完了哈佛大学心理学学士学位。她曾表示:&比起当电影明星,我更喜欢当聪明人。&&2001年,波特曼与梅丽尔&斯特里普、凯文&克莱恩、菲利普&西摩&霍夫曼等人合作,演出由纽约公共剧院制作的契诃夫的戏剧《海鸥》。2005年,波特曼以《偷心》顺利夺得金球奖最佳女配角奖。2008年5月,她以27岁之龄,成为第六十一届戛纳电影节最年轻的评审委员。波特曼亦于2008年挑战导演一职,她的导演处女作《Eve》并担任第65届威尼斯电影节短片项目的开幕片。年,她凭电影《黑天鹅》里人格分裂的芭蕾舞者角色,横扫金球奖、演员公会奖、影评人票选奖与英国影艺学院奖,并荣获第83届奥斯卡最佳女主角奖。
Educational background:The California State University学历背景:加州州立大学又称加利福尼亚州立大学
Rene Liu (Liu Ruoying), a Chinese Actress and Singer, graduated from California State University with a
in piano.刘若英,中国女演员、歌手,毕业于美国加州州立大学(主修声乐、副修钢琴)本科学历。
Educational background:Nanyang Technological University学历背景:新加坡南洋理工大学
Sng Ee Tze (born 23 July 1978), better known as Stefanie Sun, Sun Yanzi, and known to fans as 13姐 (&13th sister&), is a Singaporean singer-songwriter. She has sold over 30 million copies of her
during the span of her career thus far. She is based in Taiwan, as she does the majority of her recordings there. Her popularity extends to China, Hong Kong, Malaysia, U.S.A.孙燕姿(日-),新加坡人,著名华语流行音乐女歌手,刚出道便被誉为华语&四小天后&之一。2000年,以首张同名专辑《孙燕姿》中的〈天黑黑〉一曲成名,获得包括金曲奖在内的亚洲各地15个最佳新人奖。并且成为连续两年专辑销售总冠军,在出道初期就取得金曲奖及销售榜认同,为当年难得&叫好叫座&的千禧新人。其后,陆续获得各地区重要奖项,并六次入围金曲奖最佳女歌手。2005年,以专辑《Stefanie》获得第16届金曲奖最佳国语女演唱人奖,并七次获得香港IFPI十大销量国语唱片奖,亚洲唱片总销量超过3000万张,是华语乐坛最有影响力和最具指标性的女歌手之一。
Educational background: University of London学历背景:伦敦大学
Jessica Hester Hsuan, or Suen Huen (born 18 August 1970, is a British Chinese actress
based in Hong Kong.宣萱(日-),香港著名女演员,曾被誉为&千禧年代无线五大当家花旦之一&。
Educational background:Kyung Hee University学历背景:庆熙大学
Yoon Eun-hye (Korean: ???; born October 3, 1984) is a South Korean actress, director, singer,
and model. She debuted as a member of girl group Baby V.O.X, staying with the group from 1999 to 2005. Yoon has since moved on to acting and is best known for starring in the television dramas Princess Hours (2006), The 1st Shop of Coffee Prince (2007) and Missing You (2012).尹恩惠(韩语:???,日-),韩国艺人、女演员、模特儿及女歌手。1999年以韩国女子歌手组合Baby V.O.X出道。2006年首次出演电视剧《宫》并在年末MBC大赏上获得&最佳新人演员奖&,从此转型为演员;2007年凭借电视剧《咖啡王子一号店》饰演高恩灿角色获韩国演技奖百想艺术大赏电视剧部门&最佳女演员奖&;2012年凭借正统爱情剧《想你》获得&最佳人气女演员&和&韩流明星奖&。
Educational background:New York University学历背景:纽约大学,简称 NYU
Anne Jacqueline Hathaway (born November 12, 1982) is an American actress. After several stage roles, she appeared in the 1999 television series Get Real. She came to prominence after playing Mia Thermopolis in the Disney film The Princess Diaries (2001) and in its 2004 sequel. Since then, Hathaway has starred in dramatic films such as Havoc and Brokeback Mountain, in 2005. She has also starred in The Devil Wears Prada (2006) with Meryl Streep and in Becoming Jane (2007) as Jane Austen.&In 2008, she won several awards for her performance in Rachel Getting Married, also earning an Academy Award nomination for Best Actress. In 2010, she starred in the box office hits Valentine's Day, Tim Burton's Alice in Wonderland, and Love and Other Drugs and won an Emmy Award for her voice-over performance on The Simpsons. In 2011, she had a voice role in the&&film Rio. In 2012, she portrayed Selina Kyle in Christopher Nolan's The Dark Knight Rises and Fantine in Tom Hooper's Les Mis&rables. Her performance in the latter earned her rave reviews and several accolades, including the Golden Globe Award, the Screen Actors Guild Award, the BAFTA Award and the Academy Award for Best Supporting Actress. People magazine named her one of its breakthrough stars of 2001, and she appeared on its list of the world's 50 Most Beautiful People in 2006.安妮&雅克琳&海瑟薇(日-),生于美国纽约,美国电影、舞台剧女演员,奥斯卡最佳女配角奖得主。《人物》杂志封她为2001年最佳新星,2006年列她为世界上50个最美丽的人之一。其多项演出成就(包括主演公主日记系列电影)令她被杂志称为&甜心女伶&。她亦被誉为&茱莉娅&罗伯茨和奥黛莉&赫本的综合体&。其演技风格接近朱迪&加兰与奥黛丽&赫本,她也公开表示嘉兰是她最喜欢的女演员之一,而斯特里普是她的偶像。2013年,在第85届奥斯卡奖上,海瑟薇凭借《悲惨世界》获得最佳女配角奖。
Educational background:Dongguk University学历背景:东国大学
Jeon Ji-hyun (born Wang Ji-hyun on 30 October 1981), also known as Gianna Jun, is a South Korean actress. She is best known for her role as &The Girl& in the romantic comedy My Sassy Girl (2001), one of the highest grossing Korean comedies of all time. Other
films include Il Mare (2000), Windstruck (2004), The Thieves (2012), and The Berlin File (2013), as well as the television series My Love from the Star ().全智贤(日-),韩国女演员,本名王智贤,15岁以时装杂志模特出道,2001年以电影《我的野蛮女友》一跃成为韩国一线女星,年间以电视剧《来自星星的你》再登演艺高峰。
Educational background:Fudan University学历背景:复旦大学
Shang Wenjie (or Laure S born December 22, 1982 in Hong Kong) is the champion of the third (2006) season of the Chinese singing contest Super Girl (or Super Voice G Chinese: 超级女声). In 2011, she also won the award for Best Female Singer at the annual MusicRadio China TOP Charts Awards.尚雯婕(日-),中国大陆女歌手,独立唱作人,毕业于复旦大学,精通法、英、德、西班牙语等多国语言,2006年《超级女声》全国总冠军而出道至今。2011年受邀参加环球青年领袖峰会,2012年在巴黎举办个人法语音乐,2013年在法国总统奥朗德访华国宴中献唱,得到两国最高领导人的鼓励与肯定。2014年尚雯婕入驻北京杜莎夫人蜡像馆。
Educational background:Wellesley College学历背景:韦尔斯利大学
Michelle Ye (born February 14, 1980) is a Hong Kong actress and producer. In 1999, she won the Miss Chinese International competition. Ye then signed a contract with TVB from 1999 to 2005. After she left TVB, She signed with Rich & Famous Talent Management Group Limited to pursue a movie career.&Ye is fluent in Cantonese, English, and Mandarin. She immigrated to the United States at age 10. She attended John Dewey High School where she won first place at the International Science and Engineering Fair in the Botany sector (1998). She was a scholarship student at Wellesley College, but left before graduating to pursue a career in the entertainment industry.&In July 1999, Ye accepted a contract offered by TVB after winning the Miss Chinese International Pageant. She had a number of leading roles in dramas such as, Eternal Happiness, Triumph in the Skies, and Lost in the&&of Love. Ye has worked as a host and MC.&In 2004, she was TVB's on-site reporter at the Olympic Games in Athens. Additionally, she was the MC for a special mid-autumn evening broadcast on CCTV.&She left TVB in June 2005 and moved on to Rich & Famous one month after to get more exposure in the movie industry. Ye also starred in a few series with ATV, China Productions, and I-Cable.&Ye published an autobiography titled Shang Shan Ruo Shui - Xuan Gong Lue in July 2006.&Apart from her acting career, she is currently owner and chairman of a production company (Michelle Ye Studios-Zhejiang Bohai Television Ltd), owner of a sushi restaurant and Vice President of the Hengdian Film Association.叶璇,日出生自浙江杭州,祖父母为中国浙江大学教授,父亲为美国华人房地产商人,继母亲为美国著名华人大律师王雪洁,10岁时跟随在美国经营房地产生意父亲移民美国纽约,中学为美国John Dewey High School,大学为美国著名大学卫斯理学院(Wellesley College)政治系一年级,1999年代表美国纽约到香港参选国际中华小姐,取得冠军及&最具古典美态奖&,香港女艺人,现时为香港红馆经理人公司旗下艺人,内地制片人,横店影视产业协会副会长,浙江横店影视职业学院表演系客座教授,浙江传媒学院电影学院客座教授。
Educational background:Emory University学历背景:埃默里大学
Fala Chen (born 24 February 1982) is a Chinese-born American actress and singer. Currently active in Hong Kong's entertainment industry, she was previously signed under Television Broadcasts Limited (TVB). Having starred in numerous Hong Kong drama series and movies, some of her notable works include Moonlight Resonance, No Regrets, Lives of Omission, Triumph in the Skies II, Turning Point, and her latest work - Tales from the Dark II. Known to be multilingual, Chen's mother tongue is Mandarin, but she is able to speak English, Cantonese, as well as Japanese, with much ease.陈法拉(日-),出生于中国四川成都,籍贯浙江奉化,美籍华人,香港著名女演员兼歌手,前无线电视旗下艺员和当家花旦。2013年与TVB约满后不再续约,并转战中国内地及香港影视界发展。
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