As one of his famous%2famous是什么意思思

>>>The famous British inventor George Stephenson was born in 17..
The famous British inventor George Stephenson was born in 1781 and died in 1848. One of his__16__important inventions was the train.& He _17__his first train when he was forty-four years old. When he was experimenting with the __18__engine on the train, he met with __19__from the government, the newspapers and the gentlemen in the country. They said that the noise and the smoke would __20__ cows, horses and sheep, that the _21__ would burst or that the hot coals from it would __22_ their houses. At that time, __23__people believed what they said. George Stephenson __24__the people that the train could go on small _25_, could pull carriages __26_goods and passengers and there was __27__to them. It was a very __28__ matter for him to __29__ them believe. However, after _30_,
and the first train that __31__by Stephenson himself __32_ what he had said. The first day _33_the people along the way _34_the noises of the train __35__ and saw it running quickly to them, they ran back home as quickly as they could and closed their doors tightly, for they thought it a genius(妖怪).They did not dare to come out until it had passed. 小题1:A.veryB.a lotC.most D.much小题2:A.made B.bought C.introduced D.did小题3:A.electricalB.soil C.steamD.oil小题4:A.success B.troubles C.people D.pleasure小题5:A.kill C.interest D.take away小题6:A.smoke B.noise C.driver D.engine小题7:A.pull downB.blow awayC.set fire to D.pass小题8:A.most B.few C.only a few D.the rich小题9:A.said B.spoke C.told D.warned小题10:A.roadsB.rivers C.steam D.rails小题11:A.short of B.full of C.empty of D.without小题 great dangerB.dangerous C.a lot of danger D.few danger小题13:A.easy B.difficult C.pleasant D.light小题14:A.get B.cause C.make D.force小题15:A.sometime B.some time C.a few times D.sometimes小题16:A.was sold B.was driven C.was pulled D.helped小题17:A.believed B.seemed C.sensed D.proved小题18:A.of B.when C.while D.for小题19:A.caught sight ofB.listened to C.heard D.thought小题 the distance C.on the far D.from the distance
小题1:C小题2:A小题3:C小题4:B小题5:A小题6:D小题7:C小题8:A小题9:C小题10:D小题11:B小题12:A小题13:B小题14:C小题15:B小题16:B小题17:D小题18:B小题19:C小题20:B试题分析:文章介绍了George Stephenson在方面火车时所遇见的种种困难,最终他克服别人的不信任,发明了火车。小题1:C 词义辨析。A非常;B很多;C最;D…得多;这里指火车是他最重要的发明。小题2:A 动词辨析。A生产;B买;C介绍;D做;指他在44岁的时候生产制作出第一辆火车。小题3:C 常识题。A电气的;B土壤;C蒸汽;D油。人类历史上最早出现的是蒸汽机。小题4:B 名词辨析。A成功;B麻烦;C人们;D快乐;指他遇见了来自各方面的麻烦。小题5:A 动词辨析。A杀死;B买;C使。。。感兴趣;D拿走;人们说火车的声音能杀死牛羊等。小题6:D 名词辨析。A烟;B噪音;C司机;D发动机。指人们认为火车的发动机会爆炸。小题7:C 短语辨析。A毁坏;B吹走;C使…着火;D通过。人们东西燃烧的煤会烧着房子。小题8:A 词义辨析。A大多数;B很少;C只有一些;D富人。大多数人都相信以上所说。小题9:C 动词辨析。A说;B讲;C告知;D警告。他告诉别人火车可以跑在小小的铁轨上。小题10:名词辨析。A道路;B河流;C蒸汽;D铁轨。句意同上。小题11:B 形容词辨析。A缺少;B充满;火车能拉动充满货物和人的车厢也不会有什么危险。小题12:A 上下文串联。句意同上。小题13:B 形容词辨析。指他要让别人相信是一件和困难的事情。小题14:C 动词辨析。Make sb do sth让某人做某事。ABD三项都接sb to do sth.小题15:B 词义辨析。A某时;B一段时间;C几次;D有时;指过了一段时间,他做到了。小题16:B词义辨析。A被卖;B被驾驶;C被拉;D帮助。指火车被他驾驶着。小题17:D 动词辨析。A相信;B似乎;C感觉;D证明。指他自己驾驶的火车证明了他说的话。小题18:B 语法分析。When引导的是一个定语从句,修饰先行词the first day.小题19:C 动词辨析。A看见;B听(动作);C听见;D认为。指人们听见了远处火车传来的声音。小题20:B 词义辨析。A附近;B远处;句意同上。点评:本文是对George Stephenson发明火车的的故事的讲述,本篇文章一定要注意上下文串联,注意动词词义的辨析和语法的分析。
据魔方格专家权威分析,试题“The famous British inventor George Stephenson was born in 17..”主要考查你对&&社会现象类阅读,历史文化类阅读&&等考点的理解。关于这些考点的“档案”如下:
这类文章通过写人记事来揭示文章的主题,显示其社会意义,一般采用顺序或倒叙来叙述。题目经常是一些细节问题。考查的方面可以是原因和其中引发的思考。阅读这类文章要理清思路。1、浏览试题,明确要求。&&&&&&在阅读文章前,最好先浏览一下文章后面的题干和选项。知道了问题后再去看文章,可使思路更敏捷,而且也便于阅读时留意文中出现的与选项有关的信息。   2、通读全文,抓住主要内容。&&&&& 在不影响理解的前提下,尽可能地阅读以便在尽可能短的时间内理解文章或段落的内容。阅读时,如遇到不熟悉的单词、词组或一时看不懂的句子,不要停下来苦思冥想,继续读下去,通过上下文的词语和句子可能就理解了。   3、抓住中心思想和段落大意。&&&&& 通读全文时,要特别注意主题句。每篇文章或每个段落都有与文章有关的句子,尤其是科技、政论性文章的主题句一般都在文章的开头或结尾,插在中间的很少。所以,文章的第一段或开头的第一、二个句子往往包含着文章的中心思想、作者的意图或全文的概述,因此要特别注意,彻底理解。   4、有针对性地仔细阅读,找寻所需信息。&&&&& 在前面的基础上,可进行有针对性地阅读了。把与问题无关的内容一扫而过,而对于和问题有关的内容认真阅读,还可以用笔在下面做出记号。再把这些信息与问题的要求结合起来,逐条分析,综合判断,找出正确答案。   5、进行合理的推理判断。&&&&& 对文章有了全面的了解之后,可以按照文章要求以及上下文之间的关系,做出推理判断。在进行推理判断的时候,需要综合考虑句型、语法、句子之间的逻辑关系、文化背景等方面的因素。   6、认真复读,验证答案。&&&&& 要用全文的中心思想统帅各个题目,研究其内在联系和逻辑关系,并依次审核那些还未打上的题目,确保理解无误。什么是历史文化类阅读:
本类题型常用的方式是夹叙夹议。叙述的目的是为了议,所以要把握其议才是主要方面。阅读这类文章,先弄清其引入的话题,再弄清里面人物对其不同的看法,然后理解作者本身对话题的观点看法或思考。 历史文化类阅读技巧:
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48X72 inch US$302
Examples of Reproductions in Museum-quality by Famous Artists
Oil Painting Reproductions and Famous Artists
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The copyright of scripts in this website is owned by Toperfect Art. Toperfect reserves the manual scripts of original version and will take appropriate legal action in the piracy and infringements of copyright.
You are welcome to purchase on Toperfect Art Factory whatever for your wholesale business or perosnal use.
The paintings for sale are in regular sizes and wholesale prices directly from Toperfect, you may contact us if want to
or custom order
please register at
our online gallery, then go to catalogue to buy beautiful reproductions.
You are welcome to click above green links to read the biography and enjoy classic paintings of 350 masters
including best known American artists and top European painters from Italy, France, Germany, Spain, Netherlands, UK and Belgium as well as other
or read techniques of oil painting reproductions in 130 most salable subjects such as abstract art,
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All of our pictures can be ordered as kinds of paint medias including pencil sketch, charcoal drawing, acrylic,
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Toperfectart recommend you to use the searching box at top of the web page if you want to find a famous painting quickly.
* Portraits Oil Painting for Sale of Classic Art
- Famous Painters da Vinci,
and drawings
are different handmade art supplies. Both acrylic painting and oil portraits can't be painted as drawings on paper, they are canvas art.
is one of the great antique portrait painting by the most famous Italian artists during Renaissance, , who made many famous drawings
, classic landscapes and
. They keep pace with Michelangelo's
Toperfect online stores and studio supplies custom made small or large oil painting portrait, you may
search European classic paintings for sale and select frames, or ask us to create portrait from photograph instead of purchasing masterpiece replicas.
* Post-impressionist Flowers Painting for Sale, Landscape Art and Portrait
- Famous Artist van Gogh.
flowers painting are confusable pictures sometimes, they are familiar art for sale at the market and appeared in the great paintings of art by the Dutch
post-Impressionism top artist
who had influence on 20century art by his well-known works
Toperfect art factories also supply acrylic painting from other top Netherlands oil painting artists, China frames sold well,
and new replica of famous oil painting reproductions in high techniques but low cost.
* Impressionist Landscape Painting and Canvas Reproduction
- Famous Artist Monet
Landscape oil painting is similar with
and , but usually there is no
and boat in landscapes.
is someth in fact,
floral art is more close to
subjects and , more close to still life fine art.
As one of top French painters,
painted European famous paintings of impressionist beach, , and some big pics of floral world such as
, and more.
Toperfect online shop sells old oil painting reproductions of scenery on canvas with good materials, we sell framed beautiful landscape copies in museum quality, colored or black and white works from own art workshops and portrait gallery.
* Antique Masterpieces by Famous oil painting Portrait Artist
- Famous Artist Botticelli.
Antique art here means old masterpieces such as
by great Renaissance portraitist.
World-class artist
one of the best known Italian masters
because of his portrait oil paintings in the late 19th
century. High skills with old materials and techniques were shown in his originals such as ,
. We suggest that
you search these antique pictures by top European artists and handmade oil painting for sale in our Catalogue.
Toperfect is a famous shop of landscapes, we supply free tips of acrylic art and big pics.
* Modern Art, Contemporary Oils Artist, Acrylic Paintings for Sale
- Famous Painters Klimt, , and Jack Vettriano.
Modern and Contemporary Art are
different concepts, the first means art oil painting from late 19th century to 1970s, the second means nowadays, both acrylic
and oil painting are popular during the two periods.
is one of top Austrian
painters, he used new materials such as gold leaf and special techniques to
create mod his famous handmade replicas are
is a modern Polish artist whose reproductions
are popular for home decor, is "the first woman artist to be a glamour star".
Botero works are also popular as the products of oil painting wholesalers, the contemporary Colombian figurative artist
painted proportionally exaggerated in all the
subjects of still lives, landscapes and portraiture so that Botero art is called "fat" figures or "large people".
The European famous Scottish artist of contemporary paintings is ,
he is well-known by ,
You may find modern portrait oil painting and contemporary acrylic art at our gallery. Toperfect
art factories also supply discount oil painting frames that cost little from Xiamen.
* Impressionist Oil Painting Landscapes and Ballet
- Famous Painters Degas and Gauguin.
Sometimes we spell
impressionist when talk about the oil painting movement of European art genre. Subjects of landscape, portrait, animal,
and ballet are familiar in Famous impressionist art with oil. The French oil painting artist
is well known by
his masterpieces of
and female human body such as , .
Another top French impressionist is , he paved the way to Primitivism art and pastoral themes by his great
as well as landscape art painting with countryside animal.
Toperfect's paintings for sale are from big shop for you to buy pics in good materials, these famous art reproductions are same beautiful.
* Baroque Artists of Portrait Painting
- Famous Painters Rembrandt and Rubens.
Oil painting portraits in
is with crowded compositions and dramatic scenes. As one of top Holland artists,
is famous for , .
Both portraits are great European masterpieces in high techniques.
Portraits are popular from another German famous artist . His favorite subjects are Counter-Reformation altarpieces
and history pictures of mythological and allegorical portraits. These antique art paintings on canvas include
, Assumption of the Virgin Mary,
* American Indians, U.S. Cavalry Paintings in Oils and Acrylic
- Famous Artist Remington.
The classic Native American art depicts western life including ,
and old American West images. These artworks can be painted as acrylic painting, too.
The top famous American oil painting artist of
his battle landscapes and cowboy portrait painting for sale are salable at our art gallery.
Toperfect studio and workshops offer custom made fine art. You may find favorite photograph
and purchase framed
, cowboy, horse animals and the U.S. Cavalry at our online stores.
* Impressionist Still Life Paintings
- Famous Painters Manet and Renoir.
Most subjects, such as
for kids, and
, can be painted in
assorted styles including impressionism, , abstract and .
But floral garden is always supplied as impressionist landscape oil painting reproduction.
We supply acrylic pictures replica and frames from China art factories in ,
and sell handmade Portrait oil painting reproductions of ,
is a great portrait on canvas, it is by one of the most famous French oil painting artists
whose masterworks depict flower and
, and oil painting portrait .
Another European top painter is ,
his French art painting Dance at Le Moulin de la Galette is top sold at Toperfect
* Vivid Landscape Oil Painting of Floral Scenery with Animals in Countryside
- Famous Artist .
A key feature of American landscapes by Thomas Kinkade is the lighting highlights and saturated pastel
colors influencing Western art. He is contemporary top living artist in America who portrays
with Yellow Rose and rose gate.& Stipple skills is used to depict countryside animals near floral house such as
,, , fowl,
and . These vivid landscape painting reproductions are suitable to
Toperfect exporter sell famous paintings for sale, some are handmade replica
but sell in low prices.
* Art Reproductions of Italian Boat Paintings Scenery
- Famous Painter .
Seascape with boats is beautiful oil paintings, so the subject is adopted by many antique and modern great
artists, they painted a large number of classic landscape paintings. Italian top
artist Canaletto is famous for his Venice landscape oil paintings that is treasure of European art especially the well known masterpiece
Toperfectart direct sale reproductions of Italian , you may find hundreds of seascape paintings on canvas at our gallery online.
* Germany Expressionism Oil Paintings for Sale
- Famous Painters ,
August Macke is a Germany oil painting artist and became famous for his artwork
that is a personal interpretation of chromatic Cubism, in style of Expressionism and Fauvism.&
Another top German artist Franz Marc painted many abstract art in similar styles with Macke such as red horse.
Toperfect art manufactures both artists' paintings in oil and acrylic media, sell
and abstracts copies in their styles as
well as other famous painters from the world.
* Realism Portrait, Children Painting Kids by Female Artist
- Famous Painters
Many artists tried to depict
subjects in their paintings, among them French realism artist Bouguereau and American female artist Mary Cassatt are prominent.
People like academic painter Bouguereau because of his emphasis on the
and techniques stroking
portrait face of kids, girls and angels in the works such as
As one of top American oil painting artists, Mary Cassatt created images of the social and women, mother and children in warm
purple tone with emphasis on the intimate bonds, she is the best known female portrait painter so far.
Toperfect is an art reproductions wholesaler who supplies famous paintings on canvas of ,
sell , as well as .
* Landscape Oil Paintings of European Water Scenery
- Famous Painters .
Landscapes fall into several styles such as classical, impressionism and modern techniques including abstract, cubism and
surrealist, etc. The familiar subjects in a landscape painting are cloud, forest, ,
Well known that English artist John Constable's landscape oil painting, in half classicism style, is famous and very popular at Toperfect art gallery.
with a horse conveys a vigor and expressiveness of John Constable .
Handmade replica after discount of European masterpieces by UK famous painters is for sale at Xiamen and Dafen art
factories of art reproductions, subjects cover scenery, animal, and water scenes.
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