
adv. 远远地;非常n. 路;方向;路程;方法;风俗;方面
Silvertown way, was that the road?
He asked me the best way to London.
His principal hope was that Clara would have missed her way.
I'm quite disoriented. Which way is north?
It's an awful long way.
We've a fair way to go yet.
There are several different ways we can tackle this problem.
Freezing isn't a bad way of preserving food.
Each nation has its own customs and way of life.
He quickly accustomed himself to this new way of life.
A long delay might cripple me in a way.
We may be able to help you out in some way.
The men lost their way in a sandstorm and crossed the border by mistake.
How do the birds find their way on these enormously long journey?
How she wished she could succeed with him, in her own way.
Meggie, sometimes, things just don't happen the way you want them to.
They wound their way through the narrow valley.
The ship nosed its way slowly through the ice.
If he's out of shape, he's probably not happy about the way he looks.
Personal interests and concerns may get in the way of a good gauge of the situation.
In 1986, China launched a nationwide large-scale poverty-relief program in a planned and organized way.
The orphan in whom you took an interest is now doing well in the drapery way.
The way of a manager who decides to leave and walks away - no chance.
If you speak standard English anywhere round our way, people tend to view you with suspicion.
The region was split three ways, between Greece, Serbia and Bulgaria.
It's my right of way, so that lorry must stop or slow down until I've passed it.
Incoming fire has the right of way.
His ideas were way ahead of his time.
1.to a great degree or very much (right smart' is regional in the United States)
Way over budget
Way off base
the other side of the hill is right smart steeper than the side we are on
1.how something is done or how it happens
her dignified manner
his rapid manner of talking
their nomadic mode of existence
in the characteristic New York style
a lonely way of life
in an abrasive fashion
2.how a result is obtained or an end is achieved
a means of control
an example is the best agency of instruction
the true way to success
3.a journey or passage
they are on the way
4.the condition of things generally
that's the way it is
I felt the same way
5.a course of conduct
the path of virtue
we went our separate ways
our paths in life led us apart
genius usually follows a revolutionary path
6.any artifact consisting of a road or path affording passage from one place to another
he said he was looking for the way out
7.a line leading to a place or point
he looked the other direction
didn't know the way home
8.the property of distance in general
it's a long way to Moscow
he went a long ways
9.doing as one pleases or chooses
if I had my way
10.a genera used in the expression in the way of'
they didn't have much in the way of clothing
11.space for movement
room to pass
make way for
hardly enough elbow room to turn around
12.a portion of something divided into shares
the split the loot three ways
1.They paved the way for the agrebent.
2.His snubbing way had irritated her.
3.I say so by way of example.
4.There is no best way to prune.
5.He shouldered his way through the crowd.
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In A 3 Way
与,)最新SNL爆笑短剧(Digital Short)。
与, Serg()最新SNL爆笑短剧(Digital Short):《In A 3 Way》,这是《Dick In A Box》《Mother r》的续集... [查看全部] 。
Your mom says, &Hi& — Jinx!
Yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah
Yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah
Yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah
Yeah yeah yeah no no
Yeah yeah yeah, yeah yeah yeah
Yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah
Summertime in the city
And everybody's having sex
You know I just got a page from a girl that I met last week at the Payless
Shoe stores
I also have a cutie to call who likes the way I knock on her boots
Well let's help them back
Let's handle that
In two-to-six hours,
We'll meet back here and regroup
Now let's shoop
Roll up to her crib with some Bartles & James
Hop off the buss with the Alizé
Now hold up player, whatchu diggity-doing here?
I should diggity-ask you the same
And she sang
Hey, boys I want you both
I hope that you think that's cool
(Say word?)
I know most guys won't freak together
She forgot about the Golden Rule — a huh huh
It's OK to put us in a three-way
It's not gay when it's in a three-way
With a honey in the middle there's some leeway
The area's grey in a one, two, three-way
Normally, I don't get down with dudes
But tonight is a special exception (Great)
See you're my best friend
Through thick and thin
Now it's time to make a triple connection
Lights off
Here in the dark (Here in the dark)
It's so hard to tell (So hard to tell)
Where her body ends (La la)
And my homie's begins (Ew wee)
This rule dates back (The Golden Rule)
To ancient Greece (Takin' about Cesar)
We're two Jack Trippers and a Chrissy
The new Three's Company
It's OK to put us in a three-way
It's not gay when it's in a three-way
With a honey in the middle there's some leeway
The area's grey in a one, two three-way
Fellas. Get ready.
Doin' us a chick
Helicopter dick, go! Hellicopter d*ck. Helicopter dick
Doin' us a chick
Helicopter dick
And all of that was OK
'Cuz it was in a three-way
It's right there when you see the instant replay (boom)
Maybe two is enough
That's what they'll say
But we'll say, &Hell no.&
It's a one, two, three-way
Yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah
Lady GaGa是当今欧美乐坛最具影响力的流行音乐天后。创下多项世界级记录,包括在英国单曲榜年度在榜周数最久的纪录(156周),《Bad Romance》打破美国告示牌17年点播记录,其MV也成为全世界点播率最高的影片。2011年单曲《Born This Way》,不仅在发售后3小时16分即登上美国数位销售冠军,又在24小时内于世界各地的iTunes拿下惊人的23国同时冠军之记录,是iTunes史上最畅销的歌曲。5月,美国著名杂志《》公布了今年全球最具权势名人100名,GaGa挤下蝉联冠军4年的,登上No.1的宝座,缔造出了一个新的流行时代!
Justin Timberlake
美国著名歌手,流行组合“”的主唱,“”Britney Spears的前任男友。曾经获得六座葛莱美奖。近年在歌唱道路上一帆风顺的贾斯汀也开始进军电影界,出演了《埃迪森》、《领头狗》、《黑蛇呻吟》等片,还为《》配音。
The Lonely Island
The lonely Island 是由Andy Samberg、Jorma Taccone和Akiva Schaffer组成的喜剧团队,以搞笑、独特的风格而闻名。他们来自加州的柏克莱,现在到了纽约市。他们在中学时就开始制作短剧并一直延续到现在,他们制作过一些短片、音乐(歌以及视频)以及一部大型电视试播节目,之后受到周六夜现场(SNL)创立者Lorne Michaels的关注。他们的&Lazy Sunday&,在互联网上大获成功,促使类似的SNL Digital Shorts作品的制作。艾美奖作品&Dick in a Box&、&Jizz in My Pants& 、& Like a Boss& 和葛莱美奖提名作品 & I'm on a Boat &后来在演出和互联网上获得极大成功,并促使专辑《Incredibad》的录制和发售,也让The lonely Island更向音乐方面发展。在2007年8月,The Lonely Island上演他们的第一部电影--《飞车手罗德》(Hot Rod)。之后,Andy和Justin Timberlake合唱Dick In A Box……
2010年12月该组合与美国著名歌手阿肯(Akon)合唱的RAP歌曲I just had sex,此歌是为了庆祝新年到来的一首歌曲,虽然内容并不能被所有人接受,但是却表达了歌手们愉快的心情,并且12月25日首发当天点击率超高。日,The Lonely Island携手Akon、Rihanna、Justin Timberlake等大牌发行了他们的第二张专辑--《Turtleneck & Chain》。当前位置: &
gate way是什么意思
中文翻译采空区内运输巷采空区平巷平巷:&&&&短语和例子 gate2 n. 1.〔古语〕街道,路〔一般 ...:&&&&adv. 1.= away. 2.〔美口〕…得多,远为。 ...
例句与用法1.It can control the media gate way and thus control the pc call streaming in a multi - domain network effectivelySip协议具有结构简洁、易于扩展和适于internet接入等良好的特性,它可以有效地控制媒体网关,控制pc呼叫。 2.Because of the asymmetry between sip protocol and h . 323 protocol , there are some difficulties in the course of realizing sgw ( signal gate way ) in softswitch摘要由于sip协议与h . 323协议之间的非对称性,使软交换信令网关在实现时将不可避免地遇到一些困难。 3.There are several advantages of the region , e . g . , neighbouring to world city london , within most prospective area of europe ? ? “ blue banana ” , and functioning as “ gate way ” , it is more critical that an effective regional planning system should be and has been established to provide a basement for regional development , while securing the implementation of national macro objectives in the uk as a whole这个区域的繁荣和发展具有其独特的优势,例如与世界大城市伦敦毗邻,位于欧洲最富裕的“蓝香蕉”区位内,是英国与欧洲接连的门户;但更重要的是英格兰东南部地区需要并设法建立一个有效的区域规划体系。
相邻词汇热门词汇当前位置: &
your way是什么意思
中文翻译由你做主:&&&&pron. 〔you 的所有格〕 1.你(们)的。 2. ...:&&&&adv. 1.= away. 2.〔美口〕…得多,远为。 ...
例句与用法1.Could you call by on your way home ?你回家的时候,能顺路来一下吗?2.You go your way , and i 'll go mine .你走你的阳关道,我过我的独木桥。3.What did you feel when they blocked your way ?他们挡着你的路时你感觉如何?4.I hope you can find your way home .我希望你能找到回家的路。5.I am going your way so i can give you a lift .我和你同路,可以顺便开车送你。6.If you want to study medicine , we won 't stand in your way .你要是想学医我们决不拦你。7.It's a wonder (that)you didn't lose your way in the dark .令人惊奇的是你在黑暗中竟未迷路。8.You will have your way .你总是照你的意思做。9.Shall i be in your way ?我会妨碍你吗?10.I'm sure that you inquired your way merely in order that you might see him .我相信你去问路不过是为了想看一看他而已。&&更多例句:&&1&&&&&&&&


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