moral obligationo2o是什么意思思

英 [ 'm?:r?l ??bli'ɡei??n ]
美 [ 'm?r?l ?ɑbl?'ɡe??n ]
[经] 道义上的责任
I have an ethical and a moral obligation to my client.
The sons and daughters all consider it a moral obligation to look after their parents.
In this view it was the moral obligation of the people to respect their government.
This is a moral obligation that only conscientious people fulfil .
Moral obligation had shifted from personal honor to communal concern.
You have a social and moral obligation to get the facts right.
1. an obligation arising out of consideration
" "he did it out of a feeling of moral obligation" "
道德规范norm of morality道德义务 moral obligation《德国民法典》German Civil code
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道德-的英语翻译-bab.la词典 ... 道德上的 moral 道德责任 moral obligation 道德责任 moral duty.
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moral hazard 道德危险moral obligation 道义责任moral 道德的;教训;道德
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moral norm 道德标准moral obligation 道德职责moral order 道德秩序
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moral rights and obligations
道德权利与义务 on the moral rights and obligations ., 论道德权利与义务.
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right and moral obligation
权利与道德义务 on relation of moral right and moral obligation ., 论道德权利与道德义务及其相互关系.
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a moral obligation
一种道德责任 she was profoundly affected by the victims of war and seemed haunted by their suffering . to her , reporting was far more than a job-she saw it as a moral obligation .她被战争死亡者深深震撼,看见他们的苦难(处于战争的水深火热),也会备受折磨。对她而言,报道远远超过了一份职业——她认为报道是一种道德责任。
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morally obliged
从道义上 the Obama camp says the superdelegates are morally obliged not to overturn the will of the people .奥巴门阵营说超级代表们从道义上不能推翻人民的决定。
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{/literal}moral obligation是什么意思_百度作业帮
moral obligation是什么意思
moral obligation是什么意思
道德义务双语对照词典结果:moral obligation[英][ˈmɔ:rəl ˌɔbliˈɡeiʃən][美][ˈmɔrəl ˌɑblɪˈɡeʃən][经] 道义上的责任; 很高兴为您解答您的采纳是我答题的动力如果你对这个答案有什么疑问,moral的翻译中文意思-在线英汉词典
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简明英汉词典moral[5mCrEl]adj.道德(上)的, 精神的n.道德美国传统词典[双解]moralmor.alAHD:[m?r“…l, m?r“-] D.J.[6m%8r*l, 6m%r-]K.K.[6m%r*l, 6m$r-]adj.(形容词)(1)Of or concerned with the judgment of the goodness or badness of human action and character:道德(上)的:对人类行为或品质好或坏的判断,或与之有关的: a moral quandary.道德上的审查;道德上的两难局面(2)Teaching or exhibiting goodness or correctness of character and behavior:教导道德的:教授或展示品质及行为上的优点或正确的:a moral lesson.公民道德课(3)Conforming to standards of what is right virtuous:合乎道德的,有道德的:在行为上符合或遵从正确或正义标准的;有德行的:a moral life.合乎道德的生活(4)Arising from conscience or the sense of right and wrong:基于良心的,道义上的:由个人良心或是非感而产生的:a moral obligation.道义上的责任(5)Having psychological rather than physical or tangible effects:精神上的:心理上的而不是身体或实体影响的: moral support.精神上的胜利;精神支持(6)Based on strong likelihood or firm conviction, rather than on the actual evidence:内心确信的:基于很强的可能性或坚定的信服,而不是实在的证据的:a moral certainty.内心的把握n.(名词)(1)The lesson or principle contained in or taught by a fable, a story, or an event.寓意:包含在寓言、故事或事件中的;或被寓言、故事或事件教导的(2)A concisely expressed prec a maxim.格言:精确表达的知觉印象或普遍真理;格言(3)morals Rules or habits of conduct, especially of sexual conduct, with reference to standards of right and wrong:morals 性道德,道德伦理:举止行为的规则和习惯,尤指性行为的伦理道德,根据正确和错误的标准来衡量:a pe a decline in the public morals.行为放荡的人;公共道德的衰落语源(1)Middle English 中古英语 (2)from Old French 源自 古法语 (3)from Latin m?3lis} 源自 拉丁语 m?3lis} (4)from m?s m?r- [custom] * see m?- 1源自 m?s m?r- [习惯,风俗] *参见 m?- 1继承用法mor“allyadv.(副词)参考词汇(1)moral, ethical, virtuous, righteous(2)These adjectives mean in accord with principles or rules of right or good conduct. 这些形容词意为符合正确或好的行为的原则或规则。(3)Moral applies to personal character and behavior, especially sexual conduct, measured against prevailing standards of rectitude: Moral 一词与个人品质及行为有关,特指性行为,依照普遍正确的水准来测量:“The fact that man knows right from wrong proves his intellectual superiority to but the fact that he can do wrong proves his moral inferiority to any creature that cannot” (Mark Twain). “人能分辨是非这一事实证明了他的智慧 较其它动物高一等; 但是他会做 错事的事实也证明了的他的 道德 较其它 不能做错事的动物低一等” (马克?吐温)。(4)Ethical stresses conformity with idealistic standards of right and wrong, as those applicable to the practices of lawyers and doctors: Ethical 强调与理想中的是非标准保持一致,如律师和医生们遵循的适当准则:“The world has achieved brilliance without conscience. Ours is a world of nuclear giants and ethical infants” (Omar N. Bradley). “这个世界取得了灿烂的一页,但却失去了良心。我们的世界是一个有核巨人和道德婴儿的世界” (奥马尔?恩?布雷德利)。(5)Virtuous implies moral excellence and lo in a narrower sense it refers to sexual chastity: Virtuous 暗示高尚的道德和高贵的品质,狭义指节制性欲的:“The life of the nation is secure only while the nation is honest, truthful, and virtuous” (Frederick Douglass). “只有当国人都诚实、正直且高尚的时候,国家生活才能得以保证” (佛雷德瑞克?道格拉斯)。(6)Righteous emphasizes moral uprightness and especially the abs when it is applied to actions, reactions, or impulses, it often implies justifiable outrage: Righteous 强调道德方面的正直而且尤指没有罪恶或犯罪的;当它指行为、反应或欲望时,它常暗示有理由的愤怒:“The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much” (James 5:16). “能预知未来的热情的祈祷者是非常正直的人” (詹姆斯5:16)。“He was . . . stirred by righteous wrath” (John Galsworthy).“他被…激起极大的愤怒” (约翰?高尔斯渥西)现代英汉词典moral[5mRr(E)l; (?@) 5mC:rEl]adj.(1)道德上的moral principles道德原则moral standards道德标准(2)精神上的;道义上的moral courage具有正义感的(3)品行端正的;纯洁的"The old gentleman claimed himself to be a very moral man, who had never told a lie in his life.""这位老先生声称自己是个很有道德的人,他一生中从未说过一次谎。"(4)能辨别是非的(5)教训的a moral lesson道德教训词性变化moraln.(1)寓意;教训The moral of this story is that crime does not pay."这则故事的寓意是,犯罪是不值得的。"The moral of the story is that 'Solidarity is strength'.这个故事的教益在于'团结就是力量'。(2)(pl) 行为原则;性行为准则现代英汉综合大辞典moral[5mCrEl]adj.(1)道德上的, 道义上的, 精神上的; 心 理上的(2)品行端正的; 能分辨是非的(3)(虽未证明但)无疑的, 当然的(4)【逻】显然的, 可能的a moral act合乎道德的行为moral standards道德标准a moral blow精神上的打击the moral sense是非感a moral teaching教训give sb.moral support给某人道义上的支持moral authority道义moral certainty确实可靠moral culture德育moral good德行moral outlook人生观moral principles道义词性变化moral[5mCrEl]n.(1)寓意, 教训; 寓言剧(=allegorical play)(2)[pl. ]道德, 伦理 (学); (尤指男女间的)品行(3)[mC5rB:l](=morale)民心, 士气(4)[古]相对者; 逼肖者corrupt moral败坏道德improve public morals改进风气She is the very moral of her mother.她非常象她的母亲。习惯用语point a moral提供一个道德上的教训; 证明[指出]一项道德真谛参考词汇moral&&&& ethical&&&& virtuous&&&&意思都含“道德的”、“伦理的”。(1)moral指“行动上、思想上遵照普遍接受的道德标准的”, 如:a moral woman有道德的 女性。(2)ethical 指“伦理的”、“合乎道德的”, 尤指“合乎职业道德或规矩的”, 如:an ethical lawyer有道德的律师。(3)virtuous 指“有道德的”、“善良的”、“正直的”, 如:She was such a virtuous woman that everybody respected her.她是个有道德的女性, 人人都尊敬她。用法词典moral(来自拉丁语moralis<mos,mores道德的)英文相关词典moralethical&&&&good&&&&honorable&&&&just&&&&law-abiding&&&&reputable&&&&respectable&&&&right&&&&righteous&&&&upstanding&&&&virtuous&&&&immoral&&&&immorality&&&&美国传统词典moralmor.alAHD:[m?r“…l, m?r“-] D.J.[6m%8r*l, 6m%r-]K.K.[6m%r*l, 6m$r-]adj.(1)Of or concerned with the judgment of the goodness or badness of human action and character: a moral quandary.(2)Teaching or exhibiting goodness or correctness of character and behavior:a moral lesson.(3)Conforming to standards of what is right virtuous:a moral life.(4)Arising from conscience or the sense of right and wrong:a moral obligation.(5)Having psychological rather than physical or tangible effects: moral support.(6)Based on strong likelihood or firm conviction, rather than on the actual evidence:a moral certainty.n.(1)The lesson or principle contained in or taught by a fable, a story, or an event.(2)A concisely expressed prec a maxim.(3)morals Rules or habits of conduct, especially of sexual conduct, with reference to standards of right and wrong:a pe a decline in the public morals.语源(1)Middle English (2)from Old French (3)from Latin m?3lis} (4)from m?s m?r- [custom] * see m?- 1继承用法mor“allyadv.参考词汇(1)moral, ethical, virtuous, righteous (2)These adjectives mean in accord with principles or rules of right or good conduct. (3)Moral applies to personal character and behavior, especially sexual conduct, measured against prevailing standards of rectitude: “The fact that man knows right from wrong proves his intellectual superiority to but the fact that he can do wrong proves his moral inferiority to any creature that cannot” (Mark Twain). (4)Ethical stresses conformity with idealistic standards of right and wrong, as those applicable to the practices of lawyers and doctors: “The world has achieved brilliance without conscience. Ours is a world of nuclear giants and ethical infants” (Omar N. Bradley). (5)Virtuous implies moral excellence and lo in a narrower sense it refers to sexual chastity: “The life of the nation is secure only while the nation is honest, truthful, and virtuous” (Frederick Douglass). (6)Righteous emphasizes moral uprightness and especially the abs when it is applied to actions, reactions, or impulses, it often implies justifiable outrage: “The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much” (James 5:16). “He was . . . stirred by righteous wrath” (John Galsworthy).英汉法学大词典moral n.道德 英汉航海大词典moral n.工作精神 英汉化学大词典moral adj.道德的,精神上的;n.教训,是非的原则 英汉经贸大词典moral n.工作精神 英汉计算机大词典moral adj.道德的(精神上的);n.教训(是非的原则) 英汉心理学大词典moral 道德的 英汉医学大词典moral n.道德上的,精神上的 英汉中医大词典moral n.道德上的,精神上的
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indivisible obligation
不可分债务 ... individual rights 个人权利 individual wealth 个人财富 indivisible obligation 不可分债务 ... 法学不可分债务不可分之债双语例句This text first proposed construction of the indivisible obligation.本文首先提出了不可分之债的构建.}


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