
清单工程量计算表 、施工工程量计算表、分部分项工程量清单综合单价分析表、分部分项工程量清单计价表、措施项目费分析表、措施项目清单计价表、单位工程费汇总匮亚垛垦艹旧讹驯番沫表我不知道怎么翻译啊
清单工程量计算表: Business report based on bill of quantities施工工程量计算表: Business report based on implementation of project quantities分部分项工程量清单综合单价分析表: Analysis table based on general unit price of each sub-础尤摆啡肢独扮扫堡激project quantity比较费时,剩下你把这些短语进行拆分翻译 就ok 了
List of engineering calculation table, construction募兴夺舅懿矫额蝎帆莽 engineering calculation table, the list of sub-part of the project analysis form an integrated unit, sub-part of the Bill of Quantities table, measures the project cost analysis table, measures the project inventory valuation table, the unit construction cost summary table
Calculate table, construction quantities list quantity calculate table, division breakdown the quantities bill comprehensive unit price analysis form, division breakdown the quantities bill valuation table, project cost analysis form, measures project list valuation table, unit cost is summary form
帮忙翻译一下谢谢了 10
商务英语在词汇使用上的最大特点是对专业词汇的精确运用,其中包含大量专业词汇、具商务含义的普通词或复合词,以及缩略词等。如价格常用术语FOB, CIF有其特定的专业内容。FOB(free on board),离岸价格;船上交货价,指卖方在产地交货而由买方负责运费的交易方式;CIF(cost, insurance and freight),成本、保险费加运费的到岸价格,指卖方负责运费、保险费的交易方式。其他如:C.W.0 (cash with order),定货付款;B/L(bi11 of lading),提货单;L/C (letter of credit),信用证;C.0.D.(cash on delivery),货到付现;W.P.A(with particular average),水渍险(指在保险业务中由于海上事故所导致的部分损失);blue chip,蓝筹股,绩优股; bad debt,呆账(即无法收回的应收款项);affirm offer,实盘,等等。
商务英语所用语言比较正规,常有一定的格式和套话。主要表现在商务信函中多使用简洁句、简短并列句和简短复合句。例如:We are delighted to receive your 1etter of November 18 asking whether we can supply you with Art.NO.1520.(很高兴收到你方11月28日来函询问我方可否供应1520货号商品)。简洁明快还表现为在商务信函上使用大量的缩写词,当然这些缩写词都是约定俗成、双方认可的。如:A/C(account)账户;ENCL(enclosure)内附;FYI(for your information)供你方参考;I.R.0.(in respect of)关于;等等。
商务英语与当今的政治、经济、文化和科技活动密切相关,并随着时代的发展而发展。许多反映政治经济的新词汇层出不穷。例如:“Internet(国际互联网)”,是随着全球信息技术发展而出现的新词。类似的词还有“online marketing(网上营销)”,“y2k(千年虫)”;“E-business(电子商务)”等。
(1)“It is obviously out of question to effect two shipments of peanuts by the end of May”(在五月底前发运两批花生不成问题);此句容易造成的误区是把out of question(不成问题)理解成out of the question(办不到),即易误译为“在五月底前发运两批花生办不到”。
(2)“We hope that our two parties will come to agreement the
soonest possible on the remaining minor points by making compromises so that both agreements can he singed before your departure.”(我们希望双方都做一些让步尽快在剩下的次要问题上取得一致意见,以便在贵方回国前把两个协议都签下来.);此句中的“come to agreement”中的“agreement”是不可数名词,作“意见一致”解,而后面的“agreements”是可数名词,作“协议”解。
英语中由于名词单复数而产生的歧义是较为常见的现象,尤其在商务英语当中,若不注意,很容易造成误译,如:import & export进出口业务,imports & export、进出口商品或进出口额;shipment装船,shipments装运的货物;stock库存,stocks库存量;damage损坏,damages损坏赔偿金;等。
(1)“It is not surprising, then, that the world saw a return to a floating exchange rate system.”(世界各国又恢复浮动汇率制度就不足为奇了); “Regular shippers may take out a floating policy which gives automatic cover for a fixed maximum value of shipments.”(正规的发货人会获得一种统保单,这种保险单会按照一个固定的最高值自动为出运的货物投保)。从上述两个例句中可以看出,floating在这两个句子中的含义完全不一样,“floating exchange rate system”意为浮动汇率制度,是指浮动完全受市场力量支配的汇率制度;“floating policy”意为流动保险单或统保单,指的是用以承保多批次货运的一种持续性长期保险凭证。
(2)“Please confirm our counter sample ASAP so that we can start our mass production.”(请尽快确认我方的回样,以便我方开始大批量生产);“Payment will be paid by confirmed irrevocable letter of credit.”(付款方式为不可撤消的保兑信用证)。在这两句话中confirm的含义也不相同,在第一句话中“confirm”的含义为确认,而第二句话中的“confirmed letter of credit”应翻译为保兑信用证,指的是保证兑付的一种银行信用证。
(1)“The documentary requirements are designated by the buyer in his bank application for the letter of credit.”(买方在给银行的开证申请书中列明所要求的单证)。这句话中的“bank application”指的是“向银行申请”,如果缺乏一定的专业知识,很容易将之误译为“银行申请”。
(2)“The corporation charter also authorizes the corporation to issue and sell
shares of stock, or ownership in the corporation, to enable the corporation to raise money.”(公司章程授权公司发行和销售股票,转让公司所有权,以便为公司筹措资金)。此句中的“corporation charter”指的是“公司章程”,而不是“公司营业执照”,造成这种误译的原因是专业知识模糊,因为营业执照是不可能涉及发行股票的业务,而只是规定经营范围。
(1)“Will you please stop payment of crossed cheque No.B1520”(请停止支付入银行账户的第B1520号支票),此句中的“crossed”是指只能记入银行账户(的支票);如简单的将之译为“划了线的支票”是非常不妥当的。
(2)“In addition, 52 wholly-owned companies were established in China last year by foreign interests.”(此外,去年外商还在中国建立了52个独资企业)。此句中的“interest”宜译为“行业”,如望文生义将之译为“利益”或“兴趣”,则整句话的意义都是不通畅的。
(1)同一个单词在不同的文化背景中会表示不同的概念。如“corn”在英语里指谷物、小麦,等于美语的“wheat”(小麦),美语的“corn”(玉米)等于英语的“maize”(玉米);pants在美语里指“裤子”,相当于英语的trousers,而英语的pants却是“内裤”,相当于underpants; purse在英语里指的是妇女用的“小钱包”,而在美语里purse却是“手提包”、“旅行包”,相当于英语的handbag;美语的“钱包”是wallet,男女通用,英语里的wallet仅限于男人用,而且是皮革做的,女子的“钱包”purse可以用不同的材料制作;美语的“thread(棉纱)”等于英语的“cotton(缝纫用的棉纱)”。
(2)同一概念在不同的文化背景中可能会用不同词表达。如公司“经理”,英语用Manager,美语用Director;“总经理”英语是Managing-Director或Managing Director,美语则是Chief-Executive Officer;公司的“总裁”、“董事长”英语用Chairman,美语多用President;商务英语中经常涉及的“货物”英语用“goods”,而美语则用“freight”,“freight”在英语当中指的是运费。
商务英语是专门用途英语变体,在遣词造句方面,商务英语较多使用商务英语专业术语(business terminology)、缩略语(abbreviations)、合并词(combinations),如L/C, FOB,
W.P.A.等,这些商务术语,特别是言简意赅的缩略语或合并词,可避免冗长的解释,提高工作效率;但是,在商务英汉翻译中,由于不了解商务英语的这种特点与要求,或因为没有掌握国际经贸知识,翻译就可能出现所选术语或用词不符合商业惯例或者不恰当的问题。例如,dirty Bill of Lading(不结提单)被译成不合规范的“不洁提单”;flat price(统一价格)被译成不当的“平价”。再如:
Next, the participation agreements are negotiated and-agreed-they are signed and certified by a 1awyer.
We shall credit your…account with…bank on receipt of your authenticated wire confirming al1 the terms and conditions of the credit have been comp1ied with.
要译好这段文字,首先要理解这段文字是属于信用证中的一条款;其次还要理解其中的专业词汇的含义:(1)credit one's account.;(2)authenticated wire;(3)terns and conditions of the credit;(4)have been comp1ied with.
其中,(1)里的credit是动词,是“货记…”的意思;(2)中的wire是cable“电报”的意思,authenticated是指通过“电报密押(telegraphic test key)”核对的,一般译为“加押电报”(在国际银行间往来业务中,凡用电报或电传等发送的电文都须“加押”确认);(3)中的credit是名词,是“信用证”的意思;(4)表示“依从”或“与…相符合”。如果不理解其原文词汇的内涵,译出来的译文就会令人费解,就会影响表达效果,失去其译文的准确性、规范性。可将原文译为:一俟收到你行加押电报证实与信用证全部条款相符,我行将货记你行在……银行的……账户。
我们常常会发现,表达同样意义的词汇,在不同的语言中可能会有不同的内涵,从而给不同文化背景的人们留下不同的感受,如,上海生产的“大白兔”奶糖因其质量上乘,深受消费者的欢迎,“白兔”在我们看来是一种可爱的动物,但如果把它译成“White Rabbit”并销往澳大利亚,也许销量不会那么如人意,因为在澳大利亚大量野兔四处掘洞,破坏草原并与牛羊争食,影响其畜牧业的发展,人们厌恶“兔子”这种动物,所以也不会喜欢以此为商标的商品。这样的例子很多,尤其是一些动植物的名称词,以及数字和颜色词等,在英译与这些词相关的商标时,务必小心谨慎,以避免因词义褒贬的变化造成所译成的英文商标不受欢迎,影响商品的销售。
这种文化差异在广告翻译中也是不容忽视的,例如,很多汉语广告中,特别是在许多食品广告中,为了突出其受众的广泛性,常常强调“老少皆宜”,如果它被译为“suitable for both the old and the young”, 是不恰当的,它忽视了“老”在西方文化中的忌讳性。不妨看看一些英语广告中的表达:
“…efficacious for grown-ups and chi1dren…”(Leephick花旗参茶);
“…the most convenient and effective health drink and refreshment for both sexes of all ages and in all seasons.”(鹰牌花旗参茶);
“…convenient for ensuring healthy nourishment for growing chi1dren and the whole fami1y”(Dumex奶粉)。
(B) From the translator's personal qualities do some of the demands 1, understanding cultural differences, there is a keen sense of smell culture We often find words to express the same meaning in different languages may have different connotations, thus leaving the people of different cultural backgrounds different feelings, such as the Shanghai production of &White Rabbit& candy because of the quality of excellent, well received by consumers as well, &White Rabbit& in our view is a lovely animal, but if it is to &White Rabbit& and sold in Australia, perhaps sales would not be so satisfactory, because in Australia, a large number of hare 4 dig holes, destroy grassland with cattle and sheep Lots of competition, affecting the development of animal husbandry, people disgusted &Rabbit& this animal, so it will not like this as a trade mark goods. One of many examples, particularly in the name of some plant and animal words, and digital and color words and so on, with these words in the English translation of the relevant trademark, should be very careful in order to avoid changes in meaning caused by the Judgments in the English translation of trademarks unpopular, affecting merchandise. Such cultural differences in advertising translation can not be ignored, for example, many Chinese advertising, especially in a number of food advertisements, in order to highlight the breadth of its audience is often stressed that &ages&, if it is translated as & suitable for both the old and the young &, it is not appropriate, it ignores the& old &in the taboo of Western culture. Take a look at the expression of a number of advertisements in English: &... Efficacious for grown-ups and chi1dren ...& (Leephick Ginseng tea); &... The most convenient and effective health drink and refreshment for both sexes of all ages and in all seasons.& (Eagle American Ginseng tea); &... Convenient for ensuring healthy nourishment for growing chi1dren and the whole fami1y& (Dumex milk powder). This requires not only the translator of thinking flexible, knowledgeable, good at Lenovo, but also require the culture of the translator to have an acute sense of smell, particularly involving the tr the only way to correct translated name, exquisite trademarks, attractive advertising, in order to bring more of our goods to the international market, so that our economy faster and broader integration into the world economy going. 2, familiar with relevant expertise in business English Business English Translation and ordinary English translation of a great difference, as long as the common English translation of the source language proficiency language, target language language, as well as the source language culture, and target language culture, and then have the skilled translation skills, translators translation ma the business English translation than ordinary English translation is much more complex because the translators in addition to proficiency in both language and culture, as well as translation skills, but also must be familiar with business knowledge. For example, only the translation of the international trade contract agreements, involves very wide, in addition to the contract agreement to be involved in professional and technical knowledge, but also related to international trade, international exchange, accounting, transportation science, Insurance, Law and International Commercial Law and other expertise. Therefore, to do a good job of translation, requires foreign workers should not only possess the appropriate professional knowledge, but also to understand the business language of the field characteristics and expressions. 3, always follow the principles of Business English Translation Translators in the translation process must always follow the &accurate strict& principle. Choice of words to accurately express the concept to be precise, complex and were referred to correctly, digital and units to be exact. Here is &accurate& is not just limited to the literal agreement, but from the word meaning and a deep understanding of the professional up the original meaning, to achieve accurate, translation of the message with the original text of the message is consistent, business translation and trade, contracts, insurance, investment, freight, finance and other areas linked to the text, involving the contents of a serious and specific pairs of translators in the translation, the accuracy of a high demand. IV Conclusion To sum up, business English translation is both faithful to the original, correct fluent requires not only solid grammar skills, but also a certain degree of economic and trade expertise and relevant background. In the process of translation must guard against too literally, ignoring the details of the treatment. Foreign economic and trade in the constant development, business English and need to constantly en only by constantly learning new knowledge, accumulate experience, broaden their knowledge, can really achieve the business English translation of the letter, expressiveness and elegance of the realm
其他回答 (2)
2、the content of the vocabulary, professional analysis
(1) of business English words and content with strong professional
Business English vocabulary used in the biggest characteristic is to use accurate vocabulary, including a large number of professional vocabulary and commercial meaning of ordinary word or compound, and acronym, etc. If the price CIF terms FOB, often have their specific professional content. FOB (free on board), FOB price, Fob, refers to the seller and buyer on origin for freight delivery of transactions, CIF (date, a), cost, insurance and freight C.I.F. prices, refers to the seller for the freight, insurance premium of transactions. Other such as: C.W. 0 (cash payment forms), ordering paintings, B/L bi11 (of lading), the bill of lading, The L/C (at), C. 0. D. (cash on delivery), goods to pay cash, W.P.A particular business), paintings (W.P.A insurance business (in because of the maritime accidents caused by the loss of part), Blue chip, blue, blue chip, Bad debt, bad debt (i.e. unable to recover the accounts receivable), Affirm offer, firm, etc.
(2), refining, formal language, words, accurate formal
English is the language of business, have certain regular formats and polite. Main show is used in business letter for short sentences, concise and short. For example: delighted to receive your hero of November 18 asking whether 1etter of your paintings Art (.) (1520 pleased to receive your letter of November 28, can We ask each commodity supply 1520). Concise and lively still for a business letter in the use of the abbreviations, of course the abbreviations are established by both parties, the. Such as: the A/C (1000.00) account, ENCL (enclosure) enclosed, FYI (for websites) for your reference, I.R. 0. (in) for about, And so on.
(3) content meticulously, considerate, complicated structure, meaning integrity
Due to the parties or several aspects of interests, business contract, documents or a treaty to the definition, terms and content must be precise. In order to accomplish accurate, do not produce any difference in English writing draft, these documents, contracts, except when diction properly, still can use many clauses, phrases are used to modify or limit the content, so complicated structure, and long sentences, sometimes even seem a bit bloated.
3 and other characteristics
(1) concise and vivid humorous image
Of course, in addition to the above, business English, professional and standard features, in some special circumstances there is lively with relaxed elements, for example, in advertising English words is concise and vivid, language rhyming two-syllable, exaggerated sense of humor. For the purpose of advertising business promotion, advertisement will do is easy memory, attention, read rhyming two-syllable, pleasing to the eye, In order to save cost and expenses, advertising and must be concise and lively. So, in order to attract consumers, often using exaggerated humorous language and colorful rhetorical means to make them more image, lifelike.
(2) developing
Business English with today's political, economic, cultural and technological activity, and closely related with the development of The Times. Many reflected political and economic new vocabulary words emerge in endlessly. For example: &the Internet (Internet)&, as global information technology development and the new words. The word &and& online marketing (online marketing) &, &y2k (millennium bug);& &E - soul (e-commerce)&, etc.
(2) brief analysis of business English translation
As mentioned above, business English has the characteristics, thus make the business English translation is more difficult, more easily in translation problems:
1, grammar or vocabulary errors due to understand the translation problems
(1) &It is empty to single out of shipments to drop by effect of peanuts products& (in the end of May make two batches of peanut problem), This sentence is the cause of the error of empty (problem) understanding of into empty (couldn't), which is for &mistranslation at the end of may make two batches of peanut impossible&.
(2) We hope to carry. &come to the technical for each time the soonest remaining minor points and compromises both by both agreements that can he singed before is& (We hope both make some concession in the rest of the minor problems as soon as possible, so that the consensus in your home are the two agreements signed before.), This sentence &to& in &come each each& is an uncountable noun, &agree& agreements &, then the &is for& agreement, countable nouns.
Because of the English ambiguity caused animals are relatively common phenomenon, especially in business English, if you don't notice, easy cause mistranslation import & export, such as: imports and export, import and export business, import and export commodities or into exports, Shipment shipment of the goods shipped, shipments, Inventory stock inventory, stocks, Damage com damages damage, Etc.
2, easy cause polysemy translation errors occur
(1) &It is surprising, then, the world saw a pressing floating exchange rate system a& (world and restore floating exchange rate system will wonder), &You're shippers $60 will floating policy which gives a fixed care where shipments of maximum value& (Regular shipment will obtain a series, this kind of insurance policy according to a fixed number of shipment for the automatic consignment). From the above two examples, which can be seen in these two sentences of floating meaning completely different, &floating exchange rate system& means to floating exchange rate system, is entirely by market forces to floating exchange rate system control, &Floating policy& for flow policy or of the ec policies, refers to the freight insurance batches a sustainable long-term insurance certificate.
2, from the vocabulary and content analysis of professional (1) Business English vocabulary and its contents are highly specialized Business English vocabulary is characterized by the use of the most precise use of professional vocabulary, which contains a large number of specialized vocabulary, with the ordinary meaning of the word commercial, or compound words, and acronyms and so on. Prices of commonly used terms such as FOB, CIF has its own specific professional content. FOB (free on board), FOB FOB means the seller to deliver goods in the origin of the transaction by the buyer is responsible CIF (cost, insurance and freight), cost, insurance and freight CIF that the seller is responsible for freight, insurance transaction. Others such as: CW0 (cash with order), B / L (bi11 of lading), L / C (letter of credit), C.0.D. (cash on delivery)
WPA (with particular average), W. P. A. (referring to the sea in the insurance business in the part of the loss caused by an accident); blue chip, blue chip, blue- bad debt, bad debt (ie, uncollectible funds); affirm offer, a firm offer, and so on. (2) language formal, refined, precise words, formal, precise meaning of a word Business English, the language was more formal and often a certain format and jargon. Mainly in business letters to use more simple sentences, short compound sentence and a short compound sentences. For example: We are delighted to receive your 1etter of November 18 asking whether we can supply you with Art.NO.1520. (Very pleased to receive your letter November 28 side asked whether the supply of our products No. 1520). A simple and neat is also reflected in the business correspondence using a large number of acronyms, of course, these abbreviations are the convention, both sides recognized. Such as: A / C (account) ENCL (enclosure) FYI (for your information) for yo IR0. (In respect of) and so on. (3) the content of careful, thoughtful, complex structure, meaning a complete Or both as it relates to several aspects of interests, commercial contracts, documents, or a treaty, given the definition of the terms and content must be accurate. To be accurate, does not produce any difference in preparation in English, writing these documents, contracts, except the right word, we will also use a number of clauses, phrases used to qualify or limit its content, therefore the structure complicated, lengthy sentences , and sometimes even seemed a bit bloated.
3, other features of (1) simple vivid, humorous images Of course, Business English In addition to the rigorous, professional and standard features, in some special circumstances is also no lack of lively and relaxing elements, such as English, on the wording in the ad simple, vivid, images, language, easy to sing, exaggerated humor . The main purpose of advertising because the business is promotion, advertisements should be eye-catching, easy to remember, quick to pronounce, while in order to save expenditure on advertising, advertising must also clean and clear. Thus, in order to attract consumers, advertisers often use exaggerated humor, language and rhetorical means to make it more colorful image, realistic. (2) The evolving Business English and today's political, economic, cultural, and scientific and technological activities are closely related, and the development along with development of the times. Many new terms reflect the political and economic endless. For example: &Internet (Internet)&, is a global information technology development with the emergence of new words. Similar words are &online marketing (online marketing)&, &y2k (millennium bug)&; &E-business (e-commerce)& and so on. (B) a brief analysis of business English translation problems As previously mentioned, business English with the above characteristics, making the translation of business English is more difficult, is easier to problems in the translation: 1, due to grammar or vocabulary to understand the emergence of translation errors (1) &It is obviously out of question to effect two shipments of peanuts by the end of May& (by the end of shipment of two batches of peanut is not a problem); sentence easily lead to misunderstanding is to out of question (no problem) construed as out of the question (impossible), that is easy to mistakenly translated as &by the end of shipment of two batches of peanut can not be done.& (2) &We hope that our two parties will come to agreement the soonest possible on the remaining minor points by making compromises so that both agreements can he singed before your departure.& (We hope to make some concessions to both sides as soon as possible in the remaining secondary issues to achieve consensus in order to your side before returning to the two agreements signed for.); sentence in the &come to agreement& in the &agreement& is an uncountable noun, as &consensus& solutions, and behind the &agreements& is a countable noun, as &agreement& solution. Singular and plural nouns in English because of the ambiguity arising from the more common phenomenon, especially in Business English which, if not pay attention can easily lead to misinterpretation, such as: import & export import and export business, imports & export, import and export of goods shipment shipment, shipme stock inventory, damage damaged, damages and so on.
2, could easily cause a translation of polysemy fallacy occurs (1) &It is not surprising, then, that the world saw a return to a floating exchange rate system.& (Around the world has returned a floating exchange rate system is not surprising); &Regular shippers may take out a floating policy which gives automatic cover for a fixed maximum value of shipments. &(regular shippers will gain a unified policy, this insurance policy will follow a fixed maximum value is automatically insured for the shipment of goods). Images from the above two can be seen, floating in both the meaning of the sentence is completely different, &floating exchange rate system& means a floating exchange rate system, is completely subject to market forces a floating
&floating policy &means a single or unified movement of the insurance policy, refers to is used to cover multiple batches of freight transport as a continuous long-term insurance certificate. (2) &Please confirm our counter sample ASAP so that we can start our mass production.& (The back as soon as possible to confirm our samples in order to begin mass production side); &Payment will be paid by confirmed irrevocable letter of credit . &(payment is an irrevocable confirmed letter of credit). In both confirm the meaning of sentence is not the same, in the first sentence in the &confirm& means to recognize, while the second sentence of the &confirmed letter of credit& should be translated in order to protect against the letter of credit, refers to the ensure the payment of a bank letter of credit. Images can be seen from the above two, due to the phenomenon of Polysemy there is easy too easy translation error, for such mistranslation responses will be highlighted later. 3, the expertise, the translation errors caused by ambiguous (1) &The documentary requirements are designated by the buyer in his bank application for the letter of credit.& (The buyer to the bank issuing the application form setting out the required documents). This sentence in the &bank application& refers to the &bank application& the absence of a certain professional knowledge, it is easy to mistake translated as &bank to apply.& (2) &The corporation charter also authorizes the corporation to issue and sell shares of stock, or ownership in the corporation, to enable the corporation to raise money.& (Articles of incorporation authorized the company to issue and sell shares, transfer of ownership, in order to corporation to raise funds). Sentence in the &corporation charter& refers to the &Articles of Association,& rather than &company business license,& the reason for this misinterpretation is the expertise of ambiguity, for the business license is issued can not be involved in the stock business, but only provides business scope. 4, the translation of the words too literally lead to bias (1) &Will you please stop payment of crossed cheque No.B1520& (Please stop paying into the bank accounts of the first check No. B1520), sentence in the &crossed& is only credited to bank account (check); such as simple will be translated to &draw the line of the check& is very inappropriate. (2) &In addition, 52 wholly-owned companies were established in China last year by foreign interests.& (In addition, foreign investors still in China last year set up 52 wholly owned enterprises). Sentence in the &interest& should be translated as &industry&, such as the words too literally be translated &benefit& or &interest&, then the whole meaning of the phrase is not smooth. 5, in different languages, cultural differences caused by the mistranslation (1) with a word in a different cultural background would say that different concepts. Such as the &corn& in English where that grain, wheat, equivalent to American English &wheat& (wheat), the United States the phrase &corn& (maize) is equal to English, &maize& (corn); pants in the United States where the phrase means &pants&, a considerable in English trousers, and pants in English is &underwear&, the equi purse In English refer to women with &small purse,& while in American English where purse was &handbags&, &bag& , equivalent to the Engl American English's &wallet& is a wallet, unisex, English inside the wallet is limited to men with, but also of leather, a woman's &wallet& purse can be American English &thread (cotton) &is equal to English& cotton (cotton yarn used in sewing). & (2) the same concept in different cultural backgrounds may use different words to express. If the company &manager&, in English with the Manager, American English with the D &general manager& English is the Managing-Director or Managing Director, American English is the Chief-Executive O the company's &president&, &chairman& English with the Chairman, American English Multi-P Business English often involved in &goods& in English with the &goods&, while American English is to use &freight&, &freight& in English which refers to the freight. Since different countries and cultural backgrounds there exist differences in many aspects, the phenomenon can easily result in misinterpretation, especially in the translation of orders, letters of credit, bills of lading and other important documents should pay attention to distinguish between them so as to avoid unnecessary losses caused by mistranslation. 3, Business English translation skills As mentioned above, due to the characteristics of business English, easy in the process of translation problems and bias, therefore, to make business English translation of appropriate and certainly requires a certain skill. This article from the Business English translation of the characteristics and qualities of individuals who specifically addressed the two aspects of business English translation skills. (A) From the business take on the characteristics of English 1, the term translation should be consistent with commercial practice Business English is English for Specific Purposes variants, in words and sentences, the greater use of Business English Business English technical terms (business terminology), acronyms (abbreviations), the merger terms (combinations), such as the L / C, FOB, WPA, etc. These business terms, in particular the concise words of the acronym or merger can avoid the lengthy explanation, and improv however, English-Chinese translation in the business, because business do not understand the characteristics and requirements of this English, or because there is no master the international trade and economic knowledge, the interpreter may be the selected term or terms are not consistent with commercial practices or inappropriate questions. For example, dirty Bill of Lading (do not knot the bill of lading) has been translated into irregularities in the &dirty bill of lading&; flat price (uniform price) has been translated into inappropriate behavior &parity.& Another example: Next, the participation agreements are negotiated and-agreed-they are signed and certified by a 1awyer. See the following translation: &Then, the two venture capital companies to participate in consultations on issues of corporate governance, if consensus is achieved, the agreement will be signed, notarized by a lawyer,& lawyers can not be notarized, only to witness the signing of the contract , notary is a notary, so the correct translation should be &witness.& 2, Business English, the word should have the accuracy of the translation of election Business applications on a large number of instruments in the choice of words to use specific words and quantifiers, therefore, accuracy is the first English translation of business requirements. Speaking of &accurate& is not speaking literally just be satisfied with the consensus, but from the meaning, professional up a deep understanding of the meaning of the original, so that the original error-free expression. For example: We shall credit your ... account with ... bank on receipt of your authenticated wire confirming al1 the terms and conditions of the credit have been comp1ied with. This text should be translated, we must first understand that this text belongs in a le followed by the professional but also understand the meaning of words: (1) credit one's account.; (2) (3) terns and cond (4) have been comp1ied with. Among them, (1) inside the credit is a verb, is &credited to ...& (2) of the wire is a cable &cable& means, authenticated means through &AT & T TEST KEY (telegraphic test key)& check the , generally translated as &plus cable charge& (in the international inter-bank transactions, by any telegraph or telex, etc. are required to send the message &add escorted& to confirm); (3) The credit is a noun, a &letter of credit & (4) that& compliance &or& ... in line. & If you do not understand the original connotation of words, translated out of the translation would be very hard to understand, will affect the expression of effect, losing its translation accuracy, normative. Text can be translated as: a charge upon receipt of your line to AT & T confirmed that in line with all the terms of the letter of credit, I am about to be credited to your bank ... Bank ... ... ... accounts.


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