
恭喜您选择了在新西兰Rotorua Boy's学校读您的中学。 梅西大学(Massey University)非常开心确认你与Rotorua Boy's学校的关系。我们是全球性的新西兰大学,我们学校与社区可教学来自全球各地的学生,将近100个国家,大约34000学生,并且取得了惊人的成就。在梅西(Massey),学生的生活环境是有保证的,温暖的气候,鼓励学生们去创作,启发并具有丰厚资源的的校园有三个:Auckland(Albany在北海岸),Palmerston North 和Wellington。无论你选择在那处学习,你能访问全面的学科专业计划,计划涵盖了商业,创意艺术,人文,社会科学,科学的教育。梅西大学认为NCEA计划(项目)是一个可行的方法让大学录取本科生。该大学保证为所有大学内的本科学位课程和大学录取的所有其他要求每个符合规定的标准的NCEA毕业生进入大学。凭借超过80年的学术卓越的教学和研究,梅西大学在新西兰发展上扮演着非常重要的角色。现在,新西兰有信心在世界的大舞台上站稳脚。作为一个国家,我们能提供世界上最好的创造力想像力与求知欲。梅西大学作出的贡献改变了整个新西兰的命运转轮,它改变了所有事情,包括学生,资源还有学友。期望你的到来,梅西大学的合作学校:Rotorua Boy's学校祝你学业成功。Kind regards(给予你最好的问候).梅西大学对Rotorua Boy's学校的贡献表示肯定,Rotorua Boy's学校为梅西大学准备了高水准的与具备在大学学习的国际生。新西兰学校不单单在教学质量与学科设备上有声誉,它们对国际生的住宿生活也有着大的贡献,寄宿家庭给学生提供了很好的生活保证。所有的国际生都得到国家教育证明(证书),证书由新西兰素质权威中心认证并于大学颁发。一些学校还提供国际性的剑桥国际考试或者学士学位,同样的,也是由大学颁发。Auckland大学会公布每一个学科(研究)的有保证的分数,还有所有在Rotorua Boy's学校的国际学生在Relevant bachelor 的计划(项目)会被保送去大学如果他们达到了基本要求。大学非常乐意与Rotorua Boy's学校合作,让Rotorua Boy's学校的学生有更好选择。大卫贝克主管国际办公室Auckland 大学2011
同学你好,祝贺你进入Rotorua Boys中学进行中学阶段的学习。我们(梅西大学)很乐意承认与Rotorua Boys中学的合作关系。我们是新西兰的国际性大学,有来自世界各地100多个国家的34,000名学生,并和出国留学结构保持着良好的合作关系。梅西大学保证为国际学生提供温暖舒适的居住环境和良好的学习氛围。我们有三个现代化的资源丰富的校区,分别是:奥克兰校区,北帕莫斯顿校区和威灵顿校区,我们鼓励学生在创新进取的学习环境中超越自我。无论你选择在哪儿学习,你都将会进行一系列的大学本科课程学习,这些课程包括:商业学到艺术创造学,人文科学到社会科学,科学。梅西大学组织NCEA培训,以此确保所有的NCEA学生能够达到各项入学标准。梅西大学以超过80年的教学和研究贡献在新西兰教育界扮演着举足轻重的角色。梅西大学如今更以崭新的姿态站在了国际教育的舞台上。新西兰是一个锐意进取,改革创新的国家,而梅西大学的全体成员以及毕业校园则为推动整个国家进入新篇章提供着切实有效的动力。我们期待着您从Rotorua Boys毕业而进入梅西大学。祝您学业顺利!以上是第一篇哦,要采纳哦
我靠 这么长
我推荐一个好办法楼主自己在百度 一个词一个词的翻译 罗列下来
不懂不通顺的话 大家再帮你理理
重要程度相当于西方的圣诞节,翻译内容,我很高兴很期待,我要回到我的乡下老家和父母一起过春节了,不然出了批量质量问题,这个节日对中国来说,是德语词汇吧,不过工作 来不得半点马虎,一年中最长的假期了,我用google翻译了下是暖气循环的意思,就得整改,我们车间冬天有暖气了,一个周的假期,冬天温度在15~20°左右吧。
你邮件中提到的&quot, Heizschleifen &quot,他们还真是有些抱怨和不高兴呢,你还真是个心里学家呀,是问题就得面对,是不是你要表达的意思,,连我们车间工人心里想的都猜到了,
I’m not sure whether this is what you meant, The heating system in our factory is working in the winter and it’s fairly warm with a temperature between 15-20 °C, The ‘Heizschleifen’ must be a German word, It is one of the longest holidays in China and it is as important for the Chinese as the Christmas for you in the western world, I will have to go back to my hometown in the countryside to enjoy myself with my parents there for the Spring Festival, they did complain about it,Hi buddy! You are really somewhat a psychologist as you guessed what my workers thought, Since we found the problem, we’ll have to remedy and rectify it because there permits no carelessness in work, We are having a one-week holiday from 8th Feb for the Spring Festival (Chinese Lunar New Year), otherwise we would be in big trouble in case of any batch quality failure, I am filled with happy and joyous expectations!, right, As I tried to translate it with Google, I found its meaning to be ‘heating circulation’, When I found the cause of the problem,
&quot, I will go back to my hometown in rural area, If we discover any problems, The temperature ranges from 15 to 20 degrees Celcius, I am happily looking forward to it!,psychologist&quot, having my holiday with my parents, Otherwise it will be in trouble if the quality goes wrong,The word &quot, Its importance is equivalent to that of Christmas in the West, they were really unhappy and complaining, This is Chinese New Year, you used in your email should be a German word, You could deduce what our workers were thinking, I used Google translation and found that it means &quot, &quot,, Our factory has central heating in winter, This will be the longest holiday in a year,Our company will be on holiday from 8 February onwards for one week, It is relatively warm, as the saying goes, you are a &quot, After I found out the causes,a work ill done must be twice done,heating loops&quot, am I right, indeed,Heizschleifen&quot, we must take action to correct the mistakes, However,My dear old friend,
Dear friend,you are a real phychologist who can even correctly guess the minds of our workers in workshop.They really felt complaining and unhappy after i found the reason out.Working shouldnt be sloppy and if a mistake show up in the work,we should reform it,otherwise,a serious trouble
will appear when quality problem happens in quantity.
Whether Heizschleifen
showed up in your email is German?I translated it into the meanings of heating circle,I dontt know whether it is right and whether it is the meanings that you were trying to express.we have a cool heater in our workshop, inside is around fifteen to twenty in winter.
we will have a week's holiday from February 8th,which is the the longest holiday in a year.The festival in China is as important as Christmas in the west.I will
celebrate spring festival with my parents in my hometown,I'm looking forward to it.完了,不知写得好不好,对不对,谢谢支持。
Old friend, you really are a psychologist, even our workshop workers think have guessed, I find the reason, they really are some complaints and unhappy, but careless, is the problem we have to face, must reform, otherwise the batch quality problems, you could be in trouble. Your email that & Heizschleifen & is the German vocabulary, I use Google to translate is heating circulation means, do not know right, is it right? You mean? Our shop has a central heating in winter, is still relatively warm, winter temperature in the 15~20 degrees. Our company in February 8th to have a holiday, a week of vacation, the longest vacation of the year, the festival of China, the important degree equivalent to the Western Christmas, I want to go back to my hometown with my parents during the Spring Festival, I am very pleased to look forward to
求英语高手帮我翻译下下列游戏中的英语单词:Campaign \ Multions \ Options \ Profiles \ Mods \ Dem劭称娩哨榈纫民酆漠味o Loop \ Credits \ Easy \ Medium \ Challenging \ Veteran \ Realistie \ Al Auto Balance
Campaign:战役模式Multions:军火,军需品Options:选项Profiles:情景模式Mods:模式Demo Loop:演示Credits:游戏币Easy :简单Medium:中等Challenging:挑战Veteran: 老手Realistie:现实的Al Auto Balance:自动平衡智能这些单词在日常翻译和游戏中的意思会有所差别,就象Credits,平常我们会将它翻译成荣誉,但是在游戏中它是游戏币的意思
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Campaign 运动,行动Multions (不好意思不知道)Options 选项Profiles 侧面Mods (不好意思不知道)Demo Loop 演示Credits 信誉Easy 简单Medium 介质Challenging 挑战Veteran 老手Realistie (不好意思不知道)Al Auto Balance 武器平衡
Campaign 战役 Multions 各种各样的,倍数 Options 选择,选择权,选项 Profiles 侧面,人物简介Mods (可能是模式)Demo Loop 演示 Credits 信誉,荣誉,信任 Easy 简单 Medium 介质,手段;中等的Challenging 挑战 Veteran 老手 Realistie (不好意思不知道) Al Auto Balance 武器平衡
小弟英语水平太差,改了n次都没过,请哪位哥哥姐姐帮帮忙,小弟我只有二十分,不胜感激! 机器翻译的就不要贴上来了··
Abstract: In recent years, campus culture and corporate culture docking problem has been more and more widely by the University of attention. University culture and corporate culture docking, for the achievement of higher education personnel training, to promote the employment of college graduates zero distance, to create institutions of higher learning school characteristics, and have significant and far-reaching practical significance. To this end, innovative practice model, for the current campus culture and corporate culture docking weak points, from institutions of higher learning, entrepreneurship, material culture, practice activities and positively explore campus culture and corporate culture an effective way to docking.
In recent years, college campus culture and enterprise culture, the problem has been more and more extensive dock by universities. College culture and enterprise culture, education to realize the goal of higher talents, promote the employment of college graduates, zero distance higher colleges, creating characteristic of significant and profound realistic significance. Therefore, we need to constantly innovation practice mode, in view of the current campus culture and enterprise culture, from weak docking colleges, the enterprise spirit, material culture, practice activities, actively explore the campus culture and enterprise culture of the effective way.
在我国工业化进程中,以单片机应用为主的嵌入式系统对国民经济的发展起到重要的推动作用。单片机由于控制功能强、可靠性帜瘫鹃嘿浜寡决坦砍康高和体积小、价格低等特点。在智能仪器仪表、工业测控、家用电器等领域有非常广泛的应用。本设计利用嵌入式系统和仿真技术,完成了一个汽车转变信号灯系统仿真工作。硬件设计部分主要由AT89C51芯片、LED显示以及其他辅件等组成。软件设计是依据现代汽车系统的特点,通过Proteus 和KEIL联调,使得系统除具有基本的紧急,刹车,右转弯,左转弯,停靠功能外,还具有左转弯时刹车,右转弯时刹车,左转弯时刹车闭合紧急,右转弯时刹车闭合紧急,刹车时紧急等功能。
求英语高手帮忙翻译下 ,请不要在线翻译的那种。谢谢了 ,大恩不言谢
The process of industrialization in China, to single-chip embedded system applications based on the development of the national economy play an important role. Single-chip control functions as a result of strong, high reliability and small size, low price. In the smart阉场管缮攮攘归郓害违 instrumentation, industrial monitoring and control, home appliances and other fields have a very wide range of applications. The use of embedded system design and simulation technologies, the completion of a motor vehicle signal change in the work of system simulation. Mainly by the hardware design AT89C51 chip, LED display, as well as other accessories such as the composition. Software design is based on the characteristics of modern automotive systems, through the FBI Proteus and KEIL, making the system in addition to basic emergency, brake, right turn, left turn, call functions, also have left turn when the brakes when the brake and turn right, left closed when the emergency brake turn, right turn when the emergency brake closed, when the emergency brake functions.
In the process of industrialization in China, mainly in SCP application of embedded system for the development of the national economy plays an important role. SCM due to control function, high reliability and low cost, small volume. In the intelligent instrument and industrial control, household appliances and other fields have a very wide range of applications.This design using the embedded system and simulation technology, complete a car for system simulation signal transformation. The hardware design is mainly composed of AT89C51 chip, LED display and other auxiliary parts etc. Software is designed acc糖孝挫臼诮铰殆歇刀忙ording to the characteristics of modern automobile system, through KEIL, Proteus and alignment with the basic systems, emergency brake, turn right, turn left, dock, it has left turn, turn right when braking when braking, turn left, right and closed emergency braking during emergency brake closed when turning, the emergency etc. Function.希望可以帮助你!
In the process of industrialization in China, mainly in SCP application of embedded system for the development of the national economy plays an important role. SCM due to control function, high reliability and low cost, small volume. In the intelligent instrument and industrial control, household appliances and other fields have a very wide range of applications.This design using the embedded system and simulation technology, complete a car for system simulation signal transformation. The hardware design is mainly composed of AT89C51 chip, LED display and other auxiliary parts etc. Software is designed according to the characteristics of modern automobile system, through KEIL, Proteus and alignment with the basic systems, emergency brake, turn right, turn left, dock, it has left turn, turn right when braking when braking, turn left, right and closed emergency braking during emergency brake closed when turning, the emergency etc. Function.
The process of industrialization in China, Application to single-chip embedded systems based on the development of the national economy play an important role. Single-chip control functions as a result of strong 、 High reliability and small size, low price. In the smart instrumentation, industrial monitoring and control, home appliances and other fields have a very wide range of applications.The use of embedded system design and simulation technologies, the completion of a motor vehicle signal change in the work of system simulation. Mainly by the hardware design AT89C51 chip, LED display, as well as other accessories such as the composition.Software design is based on the characteristics of modern automotive systems, through the FBI Proteus and KEIL, In addition to making the system have a basic emergency, brake, right turn, left turn, call functions,Also have left turn when the brakes, turn right when braking, Closed when the emergency brake turn left, turn right when the closure of emergency braking, emergency braking and other functions.


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