
吕劲松,男,汉族,1970年4月生,贵州省贵阳市人,1991年7月参加工作,1996年7月加入中国共产党,北京大学政府管理学院公共管理专业毕业,硕士研究生学历。曾任贵州省供销合作社办公室工作员、科员、主任科员、贵州省人民政府办公厅信息督查处主任科员、副处长、贵州省人民政府办公厅正处级秘书、贵州省人民政府办公厅秘书六处处长,2012年3月至2013年2月在国务院办公厅挂职任秘书三局局长助理。2012年7月任贵州省人民政府食品安全委员会办公室主任(副厅长级), 2013年11月任贵州省食品药品监督管理局党组成员、副局长、贵州省人民政府食品安全委员会办公室副主任(兼任贵州省卫生与计划生育委员会副主任、省食品药品监督管理局机关党委书记)。
协助宋宇峰同志分管政策法规处、餐饮服务食品监管处、省食品药品监督管理局稽查局、省药品审评认证中心。当前位置: >>
个人简历 - Asian Journal of Andrology

上海市斜土路2140号 200032
09/1 医学学士
职称和职务: 研究员,副所长
-科学研究: 研究设计
-教学: 研究生理论课
国际流行病学学会会员 (IEA)
1. 低频电磁场接触导致生殖功能低下的动物模型的建立和评价(上海市科委, ,2.3)
2. 先天性心脏病形成、发展和干预的基础研究(国家科技部,973,,2010.1 - 2014.8)
3. 男性更年期性腺轴功能减退及相关疾病发生机制和诊疗的研究(上海市科委,重大基础性研究,09DJ09.7.1 - )
4. 双酚A引起雄性生殖异常的动物模型比较研究及其表观遗传学特征的建立(上海市科委,,11.9.30)
5. 自愿捐精人群精液筛查指标与生物学特征的相关性研究 (山西省科技厅,科技攻关项目,,2009.1 - 2011.12)
6. 避孕节育技术方法综合评价研究(十一五支撑计划,,第三完成人)
7. 贵州农村β地中海贫血、新生儿溶血症出生缺陷综合干预模式建立及评估研究(黔科合重大专项字[,第二负责人)
8. 双酚A暴露对人类生殖功能的影响(NIH,NIOSH,1 R01 OHA2,国家人口和计划生育委员会,C1-37)
9. Multidisciplinary approaches to reproductive health in global health context (NIH/FIC, 1R25TW,
- )
10. EMF对人类男性精子质量影响的病例对照研究(美国Kaiser Foundation)
11. 妥塞敏治疗IUD置入后子宫出血过多的安全性、有效性及药物经济学评价的多中心比较性研究(日本第一制药,TSA10-011)
12. 双酚A职业暴露人群雌激素、雄激素受体相关基因多态性对生殖功能影响效应研究(上海市科委 03JC14059)
13. 全球健康的生殖健康培训规划(NIH,R25 TW)
14. 氨甲环酸治疗妇女月经过多的亚洲多中心临床试验的数据管理和统计分析(日本第一制药,TSA10-010)
1. 剖宫产对母婴健康的影响及其机理研究(国家自然科学基金 )
2. 妥塞敏预防放置IUD后子宫出血过多的临床试验(国家人口和计划生育委员会,C1-21,日本第一制药)
3. 妊娠期补锌对婴幼儿生长发育的影响(上海市人口和计划生育委员会,01JG05012)
4. RU486药物流产对继发妊娠结局的影响(WHO97823)
5. 影响围产期死亡率的生物、心理和社会危险因素(南南合作多中心研究)
6. 胎儿生长发育对儿童期感染性疾病和哮喘的影响(丹麦流行病学研究中心,已完成)
7. 性行为调查资料质量的评价(WHO96345,已完成)
8. 避孕套结合紧急事后避孕药的避孕效果研究(WHO93908,已完成)
9. 上海市未婚妇女性行为及生殖健康保健需求的研究(WHO90125,已完成)
10. 健康教育对母乳喂养和产后避孕的影响效果:上海产后哺乳和避孕行为的队列研究 (WHO91236,已完成)
11. 避孕套可接受性研究(国家计划生育委员会,已完成)
12. 计划生育管理和避孕效果综合评估(国家计划生育委员会,已完成)
1. 张艳,高尔生,梁红,程怡民,罗琳,陈爱民,袁伟*.药物流产后再次妊娠间隔与分娩并发症的关系 (Prepared)
2. De-Kun Li, ZhiJun Zhou, Maohua Miao, Yonghua He, Dandan Qing, Tongjun Wu, JinTao Wang, Xiaoping Weng, Jeannette Ferber, Lisa J. Herrinton, Qianxi Zhu, ErSheng Gao, Wei Yuan*. Urine Bisphenol-A (BPA) Concentration and the Risk of Male Reproductive Dysfunction. BMJ (Submitted)
3. De-Kun Li, ZhiJun Zhou, Maohua Miao, Yonghua He, Dandan Qing, Tongjun Wu, JinTao Wang, Xiaoping Weng, Jeannette Ferber, Lisa J. Herrinton, Qianxi Zhu, ErSheng Gao,
Wei Yuan*. Exposure to Bisphenol-A (BPA) and its Effect on the Male Reproductive System. New England Journal of Medicine.
4. Yueping Shen, Yinmei Liu, Xiaoming Luo, Zongji Shen, Xin Chen, Yan Wang, Yiheng Dai, Jing Zhao, Hong Liang, Guoying Huang, Wei Yuan*. Higher Urinary Bisphenol A Level is Associated with an Increasing Risk of Unexplained Recurrent Spontaneous Abortion: A 1:2 Matching Case-Control Study in China. (Submitted)
5. M-H Miao, W Yuan, Y-H He, Z-J Zhou, J-T Wang, D-K Li. Parental exposure to Bisphenol A during pregnancy and the anogenital distance of male offspring. Archives of pediatric and adolescents medicine (Submitted)
6. Hong Liang, Er-sheng Gao, Ai-min Chen, Lin Luo, Yi-min Cheng, Wei Yuan*. Mifepristone-induced abortion and vaginal bleeding in subsequent pregnancy. Contraception (Accepted)
7. Maohua Miao, Wei Yuan*, Guoping Zhu, Xuefei He, De-Kun Li. In Utero Exposure to Bisphenol-A and its Effect on Birth Weight of Offspring. Reprodutive Toxicoloy (Accepted)
8. Bingshun Wang, Lifeng Zhou, David Coulter, Hong Liang, Ye Zhong, Yuna Guo, Liping Zhu, Xiaoling Gao, Wei Yuan, Ersheng Gao. Effects of caesarean section on maternal health in low risk nulliparous women: a prospective matched cohort study in Shanghai, China. BMC Pregnancy Childbirth. 2010 Dec 2;10(1):78. [Epub ahead of print]
9. De-Kun Li, ZhiJun Zhou, Maohua Miao, Yonghua He, JinTao Wang, Jeannette Ferber, Lisa J. Herrinton, ErSheng Gao, Wei Yuan*. Urine Bisphenol-A (BPA) Level in Relation to Semen Quality. Fertility and sterility. Doi:10.1016/j.fertnstert. [Epub ahead of print]
10. De-Kun Li, ZhiJun Zhou, Maohua Miao, Yonghua He, Dandan Qing, Tongjun Wu, JinTao Wang, Xiaoping Weng, Jeannette Ferber, Lisa Herrinton, Qianxi Zhu, ErSheng Gao, and Wei Yuan*. Relationship between Urine Bisphenol-A (BPA) Level and Declining Male Sexual Function. Journal of Andrology ): ???-???. [Epub ahead of print]
11. 梁红,杨元,苏秀娟,钟春P,袁伟. Delphi法确定出生缺陷干预综合评价指标体系及权重. 生殖与避孕 ):384-389
12. 朱虔兮,沈月平,苗茂华,高尔生,李德昆,沈维雄,梁敏红,袁伟*. 中国江南地区男性中雌激素受体基因多态性分布特征及连锁不平衡分析. 复旦学报(医学版)):356-360
13. 朱虔兮,高尔生,李德琨,苗茂华,孟炜,袁伟*. 短期内两次精液质量的比较及影响因素探讨. 中国卫生统计 ):142-145
14. Maohua Miao, Er-Sheng Gao, Ai-Min Chen, Lin Luo, Yi-Min Chen, Wei Yuan*. Mifepristone-induced abortion does not increase duration of third stage labor in a subsequent pregnancy. Paediatric and Perinatal Epidemiology ): 125-130
15. De-Kun Li, ZhiJun Zhou, Dandan Qing, Yonghua He, Tongjun Wu, Maohua Miao, JinTao Wang, Xiaoping Weng, J.R. Ferber, Lisa Herrinton, Qianxi Zhu, ErSheng Gao, H. Checkoway, Wei Yuan. Occupational exposure to Bisphenol-A (BPA) and the risk of self-reported male sexual dysfunction. Human Reproduction ): 519-527
16. De-Kun Li, Bei Yan, Zheng Li, Ersheng Gao, Maohua Miao, Dongming Gong, XiaoPing Weng, Wei Yuan. Exposure to High Levels of Magnetic Fields and the Risk of Poor Sperm Quality. Reproductive Toxicology ):86-92
17. Yonghua He, Maohua Miao, Chunhua Wu, Wei Yuan, and Zhijun Zhou, De-Kun Li. Occupational exposure levels of Bisphenol A among Chinese workers. Jounral of Occupational Health ):
18. 贺天锋,沈月平,袁伟*,朱虔兮,苗茂华,刘娜,高尔生. 432例中国女性雌激素受体α基因多态性分布. 环境与职业医学 (6):587-590
19. 崔元起,高尔生,周维谨,武俊青,袁伟*.中国6省普通有生育力男性精液质量与年龄关系研究. 中华流行病学杂志 ):899-902
20. 朱虔兮,袁伟,孟炜. 社区健康信息系统的应用与评价. 中国卫生资源 ):178-179
21. Yonghua He, Maohua Miao, Lisa J. Herrinton, Chunhua Wu, Wei Yuan, Zhijun Zhou, Dekun Li. Bisphenol A Levels in Blood and Urine in a Chinese Population and the Personal Factors Affecting the Levels. Environmental Research 2009 ;109(5): 629-633
22. 崔元起,高尔生,周维谨,武俊青,袁伟*.普通人群精液质量与血清生殖激素水平的典型相关分析. 中国卫生统计 ):55-57
23. Qian-Xi Zhu, Er-Sheng Gao, Ai-Min Chen, Lin Luo, Yi-Min Cheng, Wei Yuan*. Mifepristone-induced Abortion and Placental Complications in Subsequent Pregnancy. Human Reproduction ):315-9
24. 苏秀娟,苗茂华,马端,袁伟*. 强制性婚前检查取消前后出生缺陷发生率的meta分析. 中国公共卫生 ):
25. 张冬兰,陈兴宝,梁红,贺英勤,张洪雁,袁伟,吴尚纯. 吉林省县级计划生育服务机构避孕节育手术标准成本测算. 中国计划生育学杂志 ):660-664
26. 苗茂华,高尔生,陈爱民,袁伟*. 育龄妇女婚前及婚后药物流产的利用及并发症情况的分析. 生殖与避孕 ):673-676
27. 梁敏红,朱虔兮,高尔生,陈爱民,罗琳,程怡民,袁伟*.药物流产后清宫与继后妊娠分娩时并发症关系的临床研究. 中国计划生育学杂志):679-682
28. 窦丽霞,Julian A.Herrera,高尔生,杨秋英,程海东,丁吟秋,袁伟*. Herrera生物社会心理模型预测低出生体重.中国妇幼保健 ):
29. 张艳,高尔生,朱虔兮,程怡民,罗琳,吴尚纯,陈爱民,周利锋,丁吟秋,袁伟*. 米非司酮药物流产与继后妊娠产后出血的研究. 中国实用妇科与产科杂志 ):351-353
30. Yuyan L, Junqing W, Wei Y (Yuan Wei), Weijin Z, Ersheng G. Are serum zinc and copper levels related to semen quality? Fertility and sterility. ):
31. 朱虔兮,林侠,张敏,李丹,丁吟秋,高尔生,袁伟*. 月经卡评分估计子宫出血的有效性及其在临床研究中的应用.中国计划生育学杂志 ):471-474
32. 阎蓓,袁伟*,高尔生,李德昆. 电磁辐射对于男性生殖功能影响的研究现状. 环境与职业医学 ):423-425
33. 覃丹丹,袁伟,高尔生. 双酚A对雄性生殖功能影响的研究进展. 环境与健康 ):550-552
34. X. Lin, E.S. Gao, D. Li, M. Zhang, T.L. Zhu, L.X. Dou, W. Yuan*. Preventive treatment of extra menstrual blood loss after inserting intrauterine device with transamin in Chinese women. Acta Obstet Gyn Scan ):
35. Dan-dan Qin, Wei Yuan, Wei-jin Zhou, Yuan-qi Cui, Jun-qing Wu, Er-sheng Gao. Do reproductive hormones explain the association between body mass index and semen quality? Asian Journal of Andrology ):827-834
36. 闫蓓,高尔生,崔元起,武俊青,周维谨,袁伟*. 成年男性血清生殖激素水平与精液量以及精子密度的关系. 生殖与避孕 ):679-683.
37. 袁伟,窦丽霞,高尔生.结合计划生育优质服务开展生殖道感染防治的必要性和可行性. 中国计划生育学杂志 ):465-466.
38. 陈海林,高尔生主编,王健,袁伟副主编. 避孕药具研究与应用的未来发展趋势. 生殖与避孕杂志社 2006; 上海
39. Julian A. Herrera, Gao Ersheng, AKM Shahabuddin, Dou Lixia, Yuan Wei, Mohammad Faisal, Pravat C. Barua, Halida Akhtner. Periodical assessment of the prenatal biopsychosocial risk to predict obstetric and perinatal complications in Asian countries . Colomb Med 2006; 37(supl 1):6-14.
40. 袁伟,窦丽霞, Julian A.Herrera,杨秋英,程海东,高尔生. Herrra模型在中国上海预测早产的应用研究. 中国妇幼健康研究(原国外医学妇幼保健分册) ):1-3
41. 窦丽霞,袁伟,彭猛业,高尔生. 我计划生育机构开展生殖道感染防治的现状. 中国计划生育学杂志 -735
42. J.A. Herrera, A.K.M. Shahabuddin, Gao Ersheng, Yuan Wei, R.G. Garcia, P. Lopez-Jaramillo. Calcium plus linoleic acid therapy for pregnancy-induced hypertension. International Journal of Gynecology and Obstetrics ):221-227.
43. 崔元起,袁伟,刘英惠,楼超华,林侠,高尔生.上海市婚检青年性行为调查资料一致性的影响因素分析.中国妇幼保健 ):911-914.
44. 耿国柱,窦丽霞,袁伟,陈爱民,武俊青,高尔生.锌与幼儿生长发育的关系. 微量元素与健康研究 ):18-22.
45. C. Yimin, Y. Wei (Yuan Wei), C. Weidong, W. Xianmi, W. Junqing, L. Lin. Mifepristone-induced abortion and birth weight in the first subsequent pregnancy. International journal of Gynecology and Obstetrics ): 229-235.
46. 袁伟,林侠,窦丽霞,刘英惠,楼超华,高尔生. 上海市婚检青年(男女)性行为调查资料的可靠性评价. 生殖与避孕 ):94-98.
47. 袁伟,耿国柱,陈爱民,武俊青,张子豹,高尔生. 农妇妊娠期补锌对幼儿生长发育的影响.复旦学报医学版 ):496-501.
48. Julian Alverto Herrera, AKM Shahabuddin, Mohamad Faisal, Gao Ersheng, Yuan Wei, Dou Lixia, Timothee Gandaho, Patricio Lopez-Jaramillo. Efectos de la suplementacion oral con calico y acido linoleico conjugado en primigravidas de alto riesgo. Colomb Med -37.
49. Aimin Chen, Wei Yuan, Olav Meirik, Xianmi Wang, Shi-Zhong Wu, Lifeng Zhou, Lin Luo, Ersheng Gao, Yimin Cheng. Mifepristone-induced early abortion and outcome of subsequent wanted pregnancy. American Journal of Epidemiology ):110-117.
50. Wei Yuan, Henrik Toft S?rensen, J?rn Olsen, Olga Basso. Prenatal maternal alcohol consumption and hospitalization with asthma in childhood: A population-based follow-up study. Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research ):765-768.
51. 程怡民,袁伟,菜卫东,张文敏,王铁燕,王燕,吴世仲,周利锋,罗琳,高尔生. 北京、上海、成都三市剖宫产的影响因素研究. 中华流行病学杂志 ):893-897.
52. 王炳顺,宫丽昆,高尔生,袁伟. 常规致畸试验窝效应的统计处理及统计软件实现. 中国卫生统计 ):201-204.
53. Wei Yuan*, Kirsten Fonager, Jorn Olsen, Henrik Toft Sorensen. Prenatal factors and use of anti-asthma medications in early childhood: A population-based Danish birth cohort study. European Journal of Epidemiology ):763-768.
54. 梁霁,钱序,杨秋英,高尔生,袁伟. 校园内放置避孕套自动售货机对大学生的影响评估.中国妇幼保健 ):369-372.
55. 高尔生,肖绍博,武俊青,袁伟主编. 避孕节育优质服务与知情选择. 中国人口出版社 2002;北京
56. 陈爱民,高尔生,袁伟,丁吟秋,周利锋. 产前检查孕妇的药物流产和手术流产史情况. 生殖与避孕 ):164-168.
57. 陈锡宽,袁伟,武俊青,高尔生. 实施避孕节育知情选择的障碍及其对策. 生殖与避孕 ):183-187.
58. Wei Yuan*, Olga Basso, Henrik Toft Sorensen, Jorn Olsen. Fetal growth and hospitalization with asthma during early childhood: a follow-up study in Denmark. International journal of epidemiology ):1240-5.
59. Wei Yuan, Olga Basso, Henrik Toft Sorensen, Jorn Olsen. Indicators of fetal growth and infectious disease in childhood - a birth cohort with hospitalization as outcome. European Journal of Epidemiology
60. Junqing W, Qiuying Y, Jianguo T, Wei Y (Yuan Wei), Liwei B, Yuxian L, Yumei Z, Kangshou Y, Weiqun L, Lu C, Ersheng G. Reference value of semen quality in Chinese young men. Contraception 5-368.
61. 袁伟,等. 加强计划生育技术服务机构能力建设的调查. 生殖与避孕 ):361-363.
62. 高尔生,陈锡宽,袁伟,等. 贯彻技术服务管理条理,推进避孕节育知情选择. 生殖与避孕 ):307-311.
63. Wei Yuan. The impact of foetal growth on the subsequent risk of infectious disease and asthma in childhood. Danish Medical Bulletin 0-290.
64. Wei Yuan*, et al. Maternal prenatal lifestyle factors and infectious disease in early childhood: A follow-up study of hospitalization within a Danish birth cohort. Pediatrics : 357-362.
65. 武俊青,袁伟,等. 上海市城乡结合部流动人口中已婚育龄妇女的婚育状况研究. 中国计划生育学杂志 7-112.
66. Wei Yuan*, et al. A population based cohort study of birth and neonatal outcome in older primipara. International journal of Gynecology and Obstetrics 3-118.
67. 袁伟,等. 母乳喂养中添加副辅食的状况及影响过早添加辅食的因素分析. 生殖医学杂志 -82.
68. 涂晓雯,袁伟,等. 产后暴露于无措施的性行为及其影响因素分析. 生殖与避孕 -47.
69. 薛丽,袁伟,等. 上海市已婚妇女初产后避孕方法的选择和转换. 生殖与避孕 -41.
70. 武俊青,陶建国,丁吟秋,袁伟,等. 健康教育对哺乳喂养的促进作用. 中国公共卫生 3-746.
71. 楼超华,袁伟,等.中断哺乳原因及中断哺乳对以后哺乳时间长短影响的分析. 中国公共卫生 9-501.
72. 高尔生,楼超华,袁伟主编. 哺乳与产后避孕行为研究. 上海医科大学出版社 1999;上海
73. 杨娟,袁伟,等.避孕套的有效性、安全性及研究进展. 生殖医学杂志 7-119.
74. 杨娟,袁伟,等.哺乳期闭经的影响因素分析. 中国计划生育学杂志 5-498.
75. 杨娟,袁伟,等.婚前体检男女青年使用男用避孕套的意愿性研究. 生殖与避孕 2-113.
76. 杨娟,袁伟,等.产后早期母乳喂养行为分析. 中国公共卫生 0-533.
77. 涂晓雯,袁伟,等.上海市未婚妇女的首次性行为. 中国公共卫生 7-639.
78. 高尔生,袁伟主编. 中国少数民族生殖健康. 中国人口出版社 1997;北京
79. 高尔生,涂晓雯,袁伟,等.上海市未婚女青年避孕方法应用状况及其影响因素的分析. 中国人口科学 -64.
80. Yuan Wei, et al. Evaluation of health education on breast-feeding and its affecting factors. Progress of Social Science Research on Reproductive Health. Edited by Gao Ersheng and Iqbal Shah. Beijing. China Population Publishing House. 6.
81. Tao Jian-guo, Yuan Wei, et al. Analysis on the Induced Abortion of Major Nationalities in China. Progress of Social Science Research on Reproductive Health. Edited by Gao Ersheng and Iqbal Shah. Beijing. China Population Publishing House. .
82. 袁伟,等. 中国九个少数民族常用节育措施的停用情况及节育效率分析. 中国计划生育学杂志 1996; 4(增刊): 13-18.
83. 袁伟,等. 婴儿死亡率及影响因素. 避孕方法使用动力学. 中国人口出版社 0.
84. 邱淑华,袁伟,等. 农村妇女避孕知识状况. 避孕方法使用动力学. 中国人口出版社 .
85. 高尔生,贾永兴,袁伟. 江苏省农村1-4岁幼儿死亡概率及影响因素. 中国卫生统计 ):35-38.
86. 高尔生,袁伟,等. 江苏农村育龄妇女避孕方法可接受性研究. 生殖与避孕 ):12-18.
* 通讯作者
NAME: Yuan Wei
SEX: Male
December 21, 1966
NATIONALITY: The People's Republic of China
Department of Epidemiology & Social Medicine
   Shanghai Institute of Planned Parenthood Research
2140 Xie Tu Road,Shanghai 200032
PhD in Medicine
Aarhus University, Denmark
School of Graduate Students,
Shanghai Medical University (SMU)
School of Public Health,
Shanghai Medical University (SMU)
SPECIALITY: Reproductive epidemiology and biostatistics
POST HELD: Professor, Epidemiology
Deputy Director, SIPPR
1.Institution: Shanghai Institute of Planned Parenthood Research
From: 08/2001
to: present
Duties and Responsibilities:
-Project management
-Research Activities: to prepare proposal
to execute project
to analyze data
to develop report
-Teaching Activities: course of Medical Demography
in Shanghai Medical University
-Management of research group
2.Institution: Danish Epidemiology Science Centre, Aauhus University, Denmark
From: 10/1997
to: 07/2001
Duties and Responsibilities:
-research assistant
3.Institution: Shanghai Institute of Planned Parenthood Research
From: 08/1994
to: 09/1997
Duties and Responsibilities:
-Project management
-Research Activities: to prepare proposal
to execute project
to analyze data
to develop report
-Teaching Activities: course of Medical Demography
in Shanghai Medical University
-Management of research group
1.Health Statistics
2.Medical Demography
3.Reproductive Epidemiology
1.People's scholarship (first rate) from nation, , 1989
2.People's scholarship (second rate) from nation,
3.Rong & Lin scholarship, from a private foundation of professor Rong & Lin, 1991
4.Gao Feng-tian Physiology scholar, from a private foundation of professor Gao Feng-tian, 1988
International Epidemiological Association (IEA)
Shanghai Population Association
Shanghai Family Planning Association
International Society for Developmental Origins of Health and Disease (DOHaD)
1.Computer operation
2.Data management and analysis
3.Software used: SAS, SPSS, EPI-INFO, etc.
1.Native: Chinese
2.Foreign: English
Poor Fair Good Excellent
Poor Fair Good Excellent
1. Animal model study on the effect of low-frequency electromagnetic-field on reduced fertility(Shanghai Commission of Science and Technology, ,2.3)
2. Basic research on the development and intervention of congenital heart disease (Ministry of Science and Technology,973,,2010.1 - 2014.8)
3. Study on the mechanism and treatment of Gonadal axis dysfunction and relevant disorders(Shanghai Commission of Science and Technology,Key project in basic science,09DJ09.7.1 - )
4. Comparative study of animal model on the effect of BPA on the malformation of male reproduction in relation to their epigenetic characteristics(Shanghai Commission of Science and Technology,,11.9.30)
5. Semen indexes of voluntary donators in relation to other biological characteristics (Shanxi Shanghai Commission of Science and Technology,,2009.1 - 2011.12)
6. Comprehensive evaluation on contraceptive mothods(National eleventh 5-year plan,,第三完成人)
7. Exposure to Bisphenol A and reproductive effect in human (NIH,NIOSH,1 R01 OHA2,NPFPC C1-37)
8. Multidisciplinary approaches to reproductive health in global health context (NIH/FIC, 1R25TW)
9. A case-control study on the relationship between exposure to EMF and human semen quality (Kaiser Foundation)
10. A multi-center, randomized, comparative study for evaluating and comparing the efficacy and safety of Tranexamic Acid with control drugs in treatment of IUD-induced Uterine bleeding in Chinese women(Daiichi Pharmaceutical Co.Ltd,TSA10-011)
11. Interactive effects of estrogen& androgen receptors and Occupational exposure to Bisphenol A on human reproduction (Shanghai Science& Technique Commision 03JC14059)
12. 全球健康的生殖健康培训规划(NIH,R25 TW)
13. A
multi-center study on the treatment of menorrhagia with Tranexamic Acid in Asia (Data management and statistical analysis)(Daiichi Pharmaceutical Co.Ltd,TSA10-010)
1. The effect of Cesarean section on maternal and infants' health and its mechanisms (National Natural Science Foundation of China )
2. Clinical trial of the preventive effects of Transamin on uterine hemorrhage after IUD insertion (NPFPC
C1-21, Daiichi Pharmaceutical Co.Ltd)
3. The effect of Zn supplementation during pregnancy on the growth and development of infants (Shanghai Family Planning Commission 01JG05012)
4. The effect of RU486 induced abortion on the outcomes of subsequent pregnancy in China (WHO 97823)
5. Evaluation of the prenatal biopsychosocial risk score to the prediction of maternal and perinatal complications in Asian partners countries (South-south collaboration)
6. The impact of fetal growth on asthma and infectious diseases during childhood(Danish Epidemiology Science Centre)
7. The assessment of the quality of sexual behavior data in Shanghai (WHO 96345)
8. Contraceptive efficacy of a combined contraceptive regimen of condom and postcoital emergency contraception (WHO 93908)
9. Study on the needs and unmet needs for reproductive health care among newly married women in Shanghai (WHO 90125)
10. Impact of health education on breastfeeding and contraceptive behavior: A cohort study of postpartum breastfeeding and contraceptive behavior in Shanghai (WHO 91236)
11. Study on acceptability of condom (State Family Planning Commission)
12. Comprehensive evaluation of family planning management and contraceptive effect (State Family Planning Commission project)
1. Hong Liang, Er-sheng Gao, Ai-min Chen, Lin Luo, Yi-min Cheng, Wei Yuan*. Mifepristone-induced abortion and vaginal bleeding in subsequent pregnancy. Contraception (Accepted)
2. Maohua Miao, Wei Yuan*, Guoping Zhu, Xuefei He, De-Kun Li. In Utero Exposure to Bisphenol-A and its Effect on Birth Weight of Offspring. Reprodutive Toxicoloy (Accepted)
3. Bingshun Wang, Lifeng Zhou, David Coulter, Hong Liang, Ye Zhong, Yuna Guo, Liping Zhu, Xiaoling Gao, Wei Yuan, Ersheng Gao. Effects of caesarean section on maternal health in low risk nulliparous women: a prospective matched cohort study in Shanghai, China. BMC Pregnancy Childbirth. 2010 Dec 2;10(1):78. [Epub ahead of print]
4. De-Kun Li, ZhiJun Zhou, Maohua Miao, Yonghua He, JinTao Wang, Jeannette Ferber, Lisa J. Herrinton, ErSheng Gao, Wei Yuan*. Urine Bisphenol-A (BPA) Level in Relation to Semen Quality. Fertility and sterility. Doi:10.1016/j.fertnstert. [Epub ahead of print]
5. De-Kun Li, ZhiJun Zhou, Maohua Miao, Yonghua He, Dandan Qing, Tongjun Wu, JinTao Wang, Xiaoping Weng, Jeannette Ferber, Lisa Herrinton, Qianxi Zhu, ErSheng Gao, and Wei Yuan*. Relationship between Urine Bisphenol-A (BPA) Level and Declining Male Sexual Function. Journal of Andrology ): ???-???. [Epub ahead of print]
6. Liang Hong,Yang Yuan,Su Xiujuan,Zhong Chunli,Yuan Wei. Determining evaluation index system and weights of comprehensive intervention on birth defect with Delphi method. Reproduction and Contraception ):384-389
7. Zhu Qianxi, Shen Yueping, Miao Maohua, Gao Ersheng, Li Dekun, Shen Weixiong, Liang Minhong, Yuan Wei*. Distribution Characters and linkage disequilibrium analysis of estrogen receptor gene
polymorphisms in men of South Yangtse River, China. Fudan University Journal of Medical Science ):356-360
8. Zhu Qianxi, Gao Ersheng, Li Dekun, Miao Maohua, Meng Wei, Yuan Wei*. The difference of semen quality in Short term and its influence factors. Chinese Journal of Health Statistics ):142-145
9. Maohua Miao, Er-Sheng Gao, Ai-Min Chen, Lin Luo, Yi-Min Chen, Wei Yuan*. Mifepristone-induced abortion does not increase duration of third stage labor in a subsequent pregnancy. Paediatric and Perinatal Epidemiology ): 125-130
10. De-Kun Li, ZhiJun Zhou, Dandan Qing, Yonghua He, Tongjun Wu, Maohua Miao, JinTao Wang, Xiaoping Weng, J.R. Ferber, Lisa Herrinton, Qianxi Zhu, ErSheng Gao, H. Checkoway, Wei Yuan. Occupational exposure to Bisphenol-A (BPA) and the risk of self-reported male sexual dysfunction. Human Reproduction ): 519-527
11. De-Kun Li, Bei Yan, Zheng Li, Ersheng Gao, Maohua Miao, Dongming Gong, XiaoPing Weng, Wei Yuan. Exposure to High Levels of Magnetic Fields and the Risk of Poor Sperm Quality. Reproductive Toxicology ):86-92
12. Yonghua He, Maohua Miao, Chunhua Wu, Wei Yuan, and Zhijun Zhou, De-Kun Li. Occupational exposure levels of Bisphenol A among Chinese workers. Jounral of Occupational Health ): 432-436
13. He Tian-feng, Shen Yue-ping, Yuan Wei*, Zhu Qian-xi, Miao Mao-hua, Liu Na, Gao Ersheng. Distribution of Estrogen Receptor αGene polymorphisms in 432 female population of China. Journal of Environmental and Occupational Medicine ):587-590
14. Cui Yuanqi, Gao Ersheng, Zhou Weijin, Wu Junqing, Yuan Wei*.Association between age and quality of semen in Chinese males with normal fertility. Chinese Journal of Epidemiology ):899-902
15. Zhu Qian-Xi, Yuan Wei, Meng Wei. The application and assessment of community health information system. Chinese Health Resources ):178-179
16. Yonghua He, Maohua Miao, Lisa J. Herrinton, Chunhua Wu, Wei Yuan, Zhijun Zhou, Dekun Li. Bisphenol A levels in blood and urine in a Chinese population and the personal factors affecting the levels. Environmental Research 2009 ;109(5): 629-633
17. Cui Yuanqi, Gao Ersheng, Zhou Weijin, Wu Junqing, Yuan Wei*. The canonical correlation analysis on the semen quality and serum hormone among normal Chinese male adults. Chinese Journal of Health Statistics ): 55-57
18. Qian-Xi Zhu, Er-Sheng Gao, Ai-Min Chen, Lin Luo, Yi-Min Cheng, Wei Yuan*. Mifepristone-induced Abortion and Placental Complications in Subsequent Pregnancy. Human Reproduction ):315-9
19. Su Xiujuan, Miao Maohua, Ma Duan, Yuan Wei*. 强制性婚前检查取消前后出生缺陷发生率的meta分析. Chinese Journal of Publid Health ):
20. Zhang Donglan, Chen Xingbao, Liang Hong, He Yingqin, Zhang Hongyan, Yuan Wei, Wu Shangchun. Cost calculation of contraceptive operation provided by county family planning service facility of Jilin province. Chinese Journal of Family Planning ):660-664
21. Miao Maohua,Gao Ersheng,Chen Aimin,Yuan Wei*. Analysis n the utility and complications of medical abortion of women in reproductive age in different marital status. Reproduction and Contraception ):673-676
22. Liang Minhong, Zhu Qianxi, Gao Ersheng, Chen Aimin, Luo Lin, Cheng Yimin, Yuan Wei*.Clinical study on the relationship between curettage after medical abortion and labor complications of subsequent pregnancy. Chinese Journal of Family Planning ):679-682
23. Dou Lixia, Julian A.Herrera, Gao Ersheng, Yang Qiuying, Cheng Haidong, Ding Yinqiu, Yuan Wei*. Application of Herrra biopsychosocial model in predicting low birth weight. Maternal and Child Health Care ):
24. Zhang Yan,Gao Ersheng, Zhu Qianxi, Cheng Yimin, Luo Lin, Wu Shangchun, Chen Aimin, Zhou Lifeng, Ding Yinqiu, Yuan Wei*. The association between mifepristone-induced abortion and postpartum hemorrhage of subsequent pregnancy. Chinese Journal of Practical Gynecology and Obstetrics ):351-353
25. Yuyan L, Junqing W, Wei Y (Wei Yuan), Weijin Z, Ersheng G. Are serum zinc and copper levels related to semen quality? Fertility and sterility. ):
26. Zhu Qianxi, Lin Xia, Zhang Min, Li Dan, Ding Yinqiu, Gao Ersheng, Yuan Wei*.Effectiveness and Clinical Application of pictorial chart in estimation of menstrual blood loss. Chinese Journal of Family Planning ):25-28
27. Yan Bei, Yuan Wei*, Gao Ersheng, Li Dekun. The effects of exposure to electromagnetic fields on male reproduction. Journal of Environmental & Occupational Medicine ):423-425
28. Qin Dandan, Yuan Wei, Gao Ersheng. Effects of Bisphenol A on male reproductive function. Journal of Environmental Health ):550-552
29. X. Lin, E.S. Gao, D. Li, M. Zhang, T.L. Zhu, L.X. Dou, W. Yuan*. Preventive treatment of extra menstrual blood loss after inserting intrauterine device with transamin in Chinese women. Acta Obstet Gyn Scan ):
30. Dan-dan Qin, Wei Yuan, Wei-jin Zhou, Yuan-qi Cui, Jun-qing Wu, Er-sheng Gao. Do reproductive hormones explain the association between body mass index and semen quality? Asian Journal of Andrology ):827-834
31. Bei YAN, Er-sheng GAO, Yuan-qi CUI, Jun-qing WU, Wei-jin ZHOU, Wei YUAN*. The relationships between serum reproductive hormones and sperm density as well as semen volume in Chinese adults. Reproduction and Contraception ):679-683.
32. 袁伟,窦丽霞,高尔生.结合计划生育优质服务开展生殖道感染防治的必要性和可行性.中国计划生育学杂志 ):465-466
33. 陈海林,高尔生主编,王健,袁伟副主编. 避孕药具研究与应用的未来发展趋势. 生殖与避孕杂志社 2006; 上海
34. Julian A. Herrera, Gao Ersheng, AKM Shahabuddin, Dou Lixia, Yuan Wei, Mohammad Faisal, Pravat C. Barua, Halida Akhtner. Periodical assessment of the prenatal biopsychosocial risk to predict obstetric and perinatal complications in Asian countries . Colomb Med 2006; 37(supl 1):6-14.
35. Yuan Wei,Dou Lixia, Julian A.Herrera,Yang Qiuying,Cheng Haidong,Gao Ersheng. Application of Herrra Biopsychological Model in predicting preterm delivery in Shanghai. Chinese Journal of Maternal and Child Health Research ):1-3
36. Dou Lixia,Yuan Wei,Peng Mengye,Gao Ersheng. Current situations of RTIs prevention and treatment in family planning system. Chinese Journal of Family Planning -735
37. J.A. Herrera, A.K.M. Shahabuddin, Gao Ersheng, Yuan Wei, R.G. Garcia, P. Lopez-Jaramillo. Calcium plus linoleic acid therapy for pregnancy-induced hypertension. International Journal of Gynecology and Obstetrics ):221-227.
38. Cui Yuan-qi,Yuan Wei,Liu Ying-hui,Lou Chao-hua,Lin Xia,Gao Er-sheng.Analysis on influential factors of consistency of data on premarital couples sexual behavior in Shanghai. Maternal and Child Health Care of China ):911-914.
39. GENG Guo-zhu,DOU Li-xia, YUAN Wei, CHEN AI-min, WU Jun-qing, GAO Er-sheng. The Relationship Between Zinc and Children's Growth and Development. Study of Trace Elements and Health ):18-22.
40. C. Yimin, Y. Wei (Wei Yuan), C. Weidong, W. Xianmi, W. Junqing, L. Lin. Mifepristone-induced abortion and birth weight in the first subsequent pregnancy. International journal of Gynecology and Obstetrics ): 229-235.
41. YUAN Wei, LIN Xia, Dou Lixia, LIU Ying-hui, LOU Chao-hua, GAO Er-sheng. Reliability Assessment of Data on Premarital Couples' Sexual Behavior in Shanghai. Reproduction and Contraception ):94-98.
42. YUAN Wei, GENG Guo-zhu, CHEN AI-min, WU Jun-qing, ZHANG Zi-bao, GAO Er-sheng. Effects of Zinc Supplementation of Rural Pregnant Women on the Growth of Offspring in Early Childhood. Fudan University Journal of Medical Sciences ):496-501.
43. Julian Alverto Herrera, AKM Shahabuddin, Mohamad Faisal, Gao Ersheng, Yuan Wei, Dou Lixia, Timothee Gandaho, Patricio Lopez-Jaramillo. Efectos de la suplementacion oral con calico y acido linoleico conjugado en primigravidas de alto riesgo. Colomb Med ):31-37.
44. Aimin Chen, Wei Yuan, Olav Meirik, Xianmi Wang, Shi-Zhong Wu, Lifeng Zhou, Lin Luo, Ersheng Gao, Yimin Cheng. Mifepristone-induced early abortion and outcome of subsequent wanted pregnancy. American Journal of Epidemiology ):110-117.
45. Wei Yuan, Henrik Toft S?rensen, J?rn Olsen, Olga Basso. Prenatal maternal alcohol consumption and hospitalization with asthma in childhood: A population-based follow-up study. Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research ):765-768.
46. Yimin Cheng, Wei Yuan, Weidong Cai, Wenmin Zhang, Tieyan Wang, Yan Wang, Shizhong Wu, Lifeng Zhou, Lin Luo, Ersheng Gao. Study on the occurrence of cesarean section (CS) and factors related CS in China. Chinese Journal of Epidemiology ):893-896.
47. Wang Bingshu, Gong Likun, Gao Ersheng, Yuan Wei. An introduction to the statistical methods and applied software for litter effects in teratology study. Chinese Journal of Health Statistics ):201-204.
48. Wei Yuan*, Kirsten Fonager, Jorn Olsen, Henrik Toft Sorensen. Prenatal factors and use of anti-asthma medications in early childhood: A population-based Danish birth cohort study. European Journal of Epidemiology -768.
49. Liang Ji, Qian Xu, Yang Qiuying, Gao Ersheng, and Yuan Wei. The impact of condom vending machine in university campus on university students. Chinese Maternal and Child Care ): 369-372.
50. Edited by Gao Er-sheng, Xiao Shao-bo, Wu Jun-qing, and Yuan Wei. Quality of care and informed choice in family planning. Chinese population press 2002; Beijin.
51. Chen Ai-min, Gao Er-sheng, Yuan Wei, Ding Yin-qiu, Zhou Li-feng. Medical abortion and surgical abortion history among women attending antenatal care. Reproduction and Contraception ): 164-168.
52. Chen Xi-kuan, Yuan Wei, Wu Jun-qing, Gao Er-sheng. The barriers to the implementation of informed choice on contraceptives and their countermeasures. Reproduction and Contraception ): 183-187.
53. Wei Yuan*, Olga Basso, Henrik Toft Sorensen, Jorn Olsen. Fetal growth and hospitalization with asthma during early childhood: a follow-up study in Denmark. International journal of epidemiology ):1240-5.
54. Wei Yuan, Olga Basso, Henrik Toft Sorensen, Jorn Olsen. Indicators of fetal growth and infectious disease in childhood - a birth cohort with hospitalization as outcome. European Journal of Epidemiology
55. Junqing W, Qiuying Y, Jianguo T, Wei Y (Wei Yuan), Liwei B, Yuxian L, Yumei Z, Kangshou Y, Weiqun L, Lu C, Ersheng G. Reference value of semen quality in Chinese young men. Contraception 5-368.
56. Yuan Wei, et al. Investigation of the capability of family planning institutions to provide technical services. Reproduction and Contraception ): 361-363.
57. Gao Er-sheng, Chen Xi-kuan, Yuan Wei, et al. Implement management ordinance of technical service and promote informed choice on contraception. Reproduction and Contraception ): 307-311.
58. Wei Yuan. The impact of foetal growth on the subsequent risk of infectious disease and asthma in childhood. Danish Medical Bulletin 0-290.
59. Wei Yuan*, et al. Maternal prenatal lifestyle factors and infectious disease in early childhood: A follow-up study of hospitalization within a Danish birth cohort. Pediatrics : 357-362.
60. Wu Jun-qing, Yuan Wei, et al. Study on the marital and parity status among married female migrants of childbearing age in the outskirts of Shanghai municipality. Chinese journal of family planning 7-112.
61. Wei Yuan*, et al. A population based cohort study of birth and neonatal outcome in older primipara. International journal of Gynecology and Obstetrics 3-118.
62. Yuan Wei, et al. Status of giving supplementary food during breast-feeding and its influencing factors. Journal of reproductive medicine ): 77-82.
63. Tu Xiao-wen, Yuan Wei, et al. Postpartum sexual intercourse exposed to no use of contraceptive methods and factors influencing postpartum contraceptive use among married women in Shanghai. Reproduction and Contraception ): 42-47.
64. Xue Li, Yuan Wei, et al. Contraceptive method choice and switching among married women after first birth in Shanghai. Reproduction and Contraception ): 34-41.
65. Wu Jun-qing, Tao Jian-guo, Ding Yin-qiu, Yuan Wei, et al. Effect of health promotion on breast-feeding. Chinese public health ): 743-746.
66. Lou Chao-hua, Yuan Wei, et al. The reasons for discontinuation of breast-feeding and the influence of discontinuation on the duration of subsequent breast-feeding. Chinese public health ): 499-501.
67. Edited by Gao Er-sheng, Lou Chao-hua, Yuan Wei. Study on the postpartum breadfeading and contraceptive behaviour. Shanghai Medical University Press 1999; Shanghai.
68. Yang Juan, Yuan Wei, et al. The progress of studies on the effectiveness and the safety of condom. Journal of reproductive medicine ): 117-119.
69. Yang Juan, Yuan Wei, et al. Influencing factors of the amenia during breast-feeding. Chinese journal of family planning 5-498.
70. Yang Juan, Yuan Wei, et al. Study on willingness rate of using condom among premarital people. Reproduction and Contraception ): 102-113.
71. Yang Juan, Yuan Wei, et al. Analysis of breast-feeding behavior during early postpartum stage. Chinese public health ): 530-533.
72. Tu Xiao-wen, Yuan Wei, et al. The first sexual intercourse among premarital women in Shanghai. Chinese public health ): 637-639.
73. Edited by Gao Er-sheng, Yuan Wei. Study on Reproductive Health of Chinese Minority Women. Chinese population press 1997; Beijin.
74. Gao Er-sheng, Tu Xiao-wen, Yuan Wei. Influencing factors of the use of contraceptive methods among unmarried women in Shanghai. Chinese population science -64.
75. Yuan Wei, et al. Evaluation of health education on breast-feeding and its affecting factors. Progress of Social Science Research on Reproductive Health. Edited by Gao Ersheng and Iqbal Shah. Beijing. China Population Publishing House. 6.
76. Tao Jian-guo, Yuan Wei, et al. Analysis on the Induced Abortion of Major Nationalities in China. Progress of Social Science Research on Reproductive Health. Edited by Gao Ersheng and Iqbal Shah. Beijing. China Population Publishing House. .
77. Yuan Wei, et al. Analysis of Discontinuation of Contraceptives Popularly used in Chinese Minority Nationalities. Journal of Chinese Family Planning Science 1996; 4(Suppl): 13-18.
78. Yuan Wei, et al. A study on infant mortality and the affecting factors. Dynamics of Contraceptives Use in Rural China. Beijing. China Population Publishing House. 0.
79. Qiu Shu-hua, Yuan Wei, et al. Contraceptive Knowledge Situation of Rural Women. Dynamics of Contraceptives Use in Rural China. Beijing. China Population Publishing House.
80. Gao Er-sheng, Jia Yong-xing, Yuan Wei. Death Probability of 1-4 Year Children in Rural Areas of Jiangsu Province. Chinese Journal of Health Statistics ):35-38.
81. Gao Er-sheng, Yuan Wei, et al. Study on Acceptability of Contraceptive methods for Married Fecund Women in Rural Areas of Jiangsu Province. Reproduction and Contraception ):12.
* Corresponding Author
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