
摘要: 要写好开头段首先要明确开头段的定义。很多学生对文章开头段重要性的理解只局限于给考官留个好印象,因此盲目追求过于复杂的模板套句,生搬硬套。其实,在我的课堂上,我一直都在不断提醒着我的学员,开头段的真正作 ...
We can not imagine our life without (the mobile phone)。
(An increasing use of machines) is now being witnessed everywhere.
(Fast food such as KFC and Mcdonald‘s)now could be found everywhere.
(Urbanization) has established itself as a growing trend.
There emerged a growing trend that (people are pouring into urban areas)。
More and more people are choosing (to study abroad)。
More and more people tend to believe that (more risks than benefits have been brought by air travel)。
It is not uncommon to see that (female leaders are playing an equally important role as their male counterparts in various areas)。
It is not uncommon to see (people performing everyday task and even working at home)。
People are beginning to realize (the side effects of television on family relationship)。
Several decades ago, few people could have imagined that (our life would have changed so greatly due to the use of Internet)。
(二)开头具体化。具体化的开头是6分以及6分以上文章的一大特点,即 “要让考官觉得你这个开头是完全针对题目写出来的”,要做到这一点,就必须紧紧围绕话题展开。比如下面这道题目:
The development of technology changes the way people interact with each other. In what ways does technology affect the types of relationships people make? Is it a positive or negative development?
(开头段一)As a matter of fact, the issue on the effects of science and technology is a complex and controversial one. Different individuals can hold various opinions due to their distinct backgrounds, therefore, there is no universal answer to this question. In some areas, some people believe that technology has brought benefits on people’s relationship, in other fields, others mountain that it has some side effects.
(开头段二) It is undeniable that science and technology has played an increasingly important role in modern society. The benefits brought by such trend are obvious, but problems have also been welled up. As for its influences on people‘s relationship, I believe the advantages brought by technology outweigh its drawbacks.
(开头段三) Even two decades ago, few people could have imagined that we can perform our daily tasks via computer. Now more and more people are choosing to do the shopping, banking and even work online. So how can such trend affect the interactions between modern-day people? I will give my answer in the following essay.
开头段一为典型的模板式开头,废话多,与话题关系小,毫无疑问会引起考官的反感。开头段二虽然也使用了模板句, 但运用较灵活,不足之处是背景句没有紧扣话题,虽然谈到科技影响生活但没有具体到’relationship‘。开头段三语言虽简单但紧紧围绕话题’relationships‘展开,灵活的使用了一些简短的小套句,而这样具体化的开头最受考官青睐。
Science and technology have changed people’s relationships significantly, which I believe has more benefits than risks.
It is argued that more risks than benefits have been brought by the development of technology on people‘s relationships. Personally, I can hardly agree with this opinion.
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雅思作文~ 麻烦大家帮我看一下 这篇作文这样写跑没跑题? 求指点 谢谢~
I have to admit that we are generating rubbish every day and even every single minute, supermarkets and big shopping malls in our country charge for plastic bags, because we are filling up our environment with so many plastic bags and rubbish that we cannot fully dispose of题目. Processed food packed in cans and bottle can be seen in supermarkets,plenty of advanced technology has been used into manufacturing, majorty of people prepare bags or baskets themselves when going shopping. To want degree do you agree with this opinion:, everyting is designed for the sake of &quot, even though there are still some problems we cannot handle. This. Government have given priority to educating people on protecting the evironment and how to protect the evironment. Non-profit advertisements can always be seen on the television which has exerted a subtle influnce on human&#39. In the fast-;. Those processed food enable people to store them and take them out to eat when necessary.As a result, I hold a positive attitude, the disposal of the cans or other packages may be difficult.-societyI believe the rubbish will be disposed someday in the future, as they can neither be degregated nor be reused. Also.
Despite the existing ithrow-away&quot, many measures have been done and the effects are remarkable,. In term of the disposal of the garbage we generate currently, in recent years. In addition.
In conclusion, every body is making an effort to enhence our evionment and the prospect is optimistic. However.Many people say that we have developed into a “throw-away society”;s behavior?The advancement of our living conditon is accompaned by severe pollution of our evironment, it is unfair to say we are living in a &quot
还有最后一段第一句。后面一段你谈的是解决办法:plenty of advanced technologies是复数,thus it can be seen····等加强连贯逻辑性,第一句话为什么要用‘despite’,比如环境污染,比较academic;少用这种‘In the fast-paced world’开头,facing to)这些问题才有的解决办法吗,仅仅一句’I hold a positive attitude‘似乎力度不够,但国外写论文是不能用的;一些小的语法或单词问题,最好语言考试时就养成习惯,政府垃圾回收工作不到位等等。最后几点建议是句子之间可多加些连接词,先分析题目,我知道很多范文里说可以用,aside from that。另外可以的话多加一个论据或给个具体的example,undisposed rubbishes;而且最好不要出现第一人称即 I?举的例子挺丰富,meanwhile,moreover,继续努力吧,如人们环保意识不足整体上写的还不错,资源浪费。个人给点小建议吧,可多加一句乱丢垃圾的影响,太模板了写的是可以的,亦不十分明确,不是应该是针对(regarding,every body可替换individuals之类的,如有更具体化的实例会更有说服力,nevertheless:倒数第二段最后一句,有损市容等:关键词‘throw-away’ society,根据你文章来看是不同意,所以introduction要写明不同意此观点!。第二段你以’for the sake of convenience‘为理由讨论了rubbishes的产生,注意问的是what degree do you agree
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  1. Introduction的作用:
  An introduction is crucial, not just for what it says about the topic, but for what it tells the reader about writer's style and approach. Unless you can introduce the subject clearly the reader may not wish to continue.
  For a relatively short essay written under exam conditions, the following are worth including, in this order.
  a. Definitions of any terms in the title those are unclear
  b. Some background information
  c. Reference to other writers who have discussed this topic
  d. Your purpose in writing and the importance of the subject
  e. A summary of the main points you intend to cover
  2. 写作类型:
  雅思task 2一共有两种类型,第一种为Argumentation, 第二种为Report。
  1) 给出一种观点-------Do you agree or disagree?
  Nowadays computer are widely used in education. As a result, some people think teachers no longer play important roles in classrooms.
  To what extent do you agree or disagree?
  2) 给出两种对立的观点-------Discuss both views and give your own opinions.
  Some people argue that there are no basic differences between the way men and women approach academic study. Others insist that there are big differences in areas such as organization, attitude and ambition.
  Discuss both views and give your own opinion.
  3) 分析优缺点-------Do you think the advantages/ benefits outweigh its disadvantages/ problems?
  Some people agree to adopt a new language (Such as English) that can be used by people all of the world for international communication.
  Do you think the benefits of this would outweigh the problems?
  给出一种现象 1) Why?
  2) Result?
  3) Solution?
  (1, 2) Nowadays, people always throw the old things away when whereas in the past, old things were repaired and used again. What factors cause this phenomenon? What effects the phenomenon leads to?
  (1, 3) Many species of plants and animals are dying out. What are the causes of this trend? How can we prevent it?
  3. How to write an introduction:
  1) 选立场
  2) 改写题目+表明立场
  表明立场的两种方式:1) 直接回答问题
  2) 通过让步引出个人立场
  Lectures were used in the past as an old way of teaching a large number of students. As new technology is now available for education, some people suggest that there is no justification for lectures. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
  Recent years have experienced a marked development on new technology used in education and people are focusing great attention on whether this technology can be substituted for lectures. Some people contend that new technology can replace lectures. From my point of view, I tend to disagree with this view.
  Recent years have experienced a marked development on new technology used in education and people are focusing great attention on whether this technology can be substituted for lectures. Despite those who believe that there is no justification for lectures, in my position, I am convinced that lectures are still crucial in education while modern technology is also beneficial to some extent.
  改写题目+一句话(In this essay, I will analyze问题A+问题B)
  The quality of life in big cities is worsening. What do you think the reasons are? What can you suggest as a solution?
  Today, the world's biggest cities continue to expand in size as increasingly more people are choosing to migrate towards an urban lifestyle. Often the drawbacks of this phenomenon include the worsening of the overall quality of life found there. In this essay, I will analyze the factors and solutions of this phenomenon.
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雅思考试论坛业界良心@@ 望专业人士帮我改改这篇雅思作文,我觉着还有跑题的嫌疑啊 深度不自信题目: as global trade many goods ,including some daily goods are exported to other countries ,such goods are uaually transported over _百度作业帮
业界良心@@ 望专业人士帮我改改这篇雅思作文,我觉着还有跑题的嫌疑啊 深度不自信题目: as global trade many goods ,including some daily goods are exported to other countries ,such goods are uaually transported over
业界良心@@ 望专业人士帮我改改这篇雅思作文,我觉着还有跑题的嫌疑啊 深度不自信题目: as global trade many goods ,including some daily goods are exported to other countries ,such goods are uaually transported over long distance during shipping
,Do the benefit of trend outweight the drawbacks?作文:Nowadays,with the development of the economic globalization ,there is an increasing number of global trade . but we all know that every coin has its two sides ,
so the national business also has it merits and demerits. This essay will discuss both sides of the global transportations of goods. Some people tend to think that the global business seems to be helpful to their countries'
advent .As far as i am concerd,this view may be based on the consideration that national trade can apparently enhance
intercummunication on economy culture thus to keep a ultimate relationship with other nations .To be more realistic ,we can not only profit from the exported goods but also promote the employment rate of our society and offer more jobs for individuals.Last but not least, there is no doubt that the worldwild merchandise by shipping can definitely improve the art of navigation.On the other hand ,it is obviously that only the developed countries can really benefit from this trade.Specifically,the developed offering the pricey technology and the developing offering the
low-priced labor force .It sounds not so fair for the developed more or less.Furthermore,the transportations by sea may be dangerous if met the storm or struck a rock. In conclusion,i hold the idea that the merits outweigh its weaknesses if we could seize the opportunities of the globalizationa .Above all,i feel that nations should coduct cooperation on security of marine trade by developing the technology of navigation ,especially the developed ,shoud take more responsibilities to the global trade .


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