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Packing the hospital bag was perhaps one of the most surreal things I’ve done! It’s a rare occasion that you know you’re going to be staying in a hospital for a few days. I have been IN the hospital for the day, but I haven’t stayed overnight before, so I’m not entirely sure what to expect – especially since I don’t know what my labor, delivery and recovery will be like.
After reading a handful of blog posts and websites about what to pack, I feel that we have a good base of things covered for different scenarios. I tend to overpack in general, so don’t be surprised if you see more than you might take. If I don’t use any of this, I don’t really care, but I’ll have a piece of mind that I brought it.
Pretty burp cloth – unnecessary but fun
2 receiving blankets – also to add some pizzazz to the bland hospital
A diaper – also probably not necessary, but I put it in for fun in case we need it on the way home or something random.
Nursing cover – if we have guests visit and I need to nurse
Baby mittens, socks and a paci (also in case of emergency)
Spare newborn outfit
Going home outfit!
Big outfit in case he is 10 pounds : )
Slippers and 2 pairs of fuzzy socks with grippers on the bottom
Extra PJ bottoms – large size!
Throw-away Hanes underwear from Target
3 nursing bras – the sleep kind
Nursing bra – the sportier, more supportive kind – for going home outfit
4 nursing camis (in case I am there for more days than 2 or need costume changes – you never know)
Going home outfit – a stretchy Five Bamboo skirt in a dark color and a nursing shirt from Motherhood
Extra nursing shirt/tank
[I imagine I will labor in the hospital gown and/or naked and/or whatever I put on before we leave the house.]
Make-up bag (empty) – to be packed before we leave for the hospital if possible
Extra hair ties, clips and inexpensive jewelry, if needed
Hair brush and headband
Tooth care
Nail file – for the baby’s nails if needed!
Facial cleanser towels and shower cap
Razor (more for underarms than legs : ) ), deodorant, my favorite facial lotion
FANCY ROSE #31 set I’ve been saving!!!
Lanolin (although I hear my hospital has this)
Prenatal vitamins
Lavender essential oil and lip balm
Disposable nursing pads (3)
Jumbo overnight ultra pads (although the thin style because I cannot stand the maxi kind)
Remember when I was obsessed with these Le Labo products I got at the Fairmont Olympic in Seattle? They sell for $65 a bottle! I knew I had to save them for the hospital – to create as spa like of an experience as possible : ) I can’t wait to use them!
Change of clothes (that he won’t miss in the next month)
Toiletries (also spare ones that he won’t miss) – I packed a new deodorant, shampoo, conditioner, a new toothbrush, toothpaste, soap and a mini cologne : )
PJs and clean shirt to sleep in
Swim suit, although I seriously doubt he will be getting in the tub
Sigh, men are so easy. I also suspect that he will pop back home at the end of the first full day for a few items, maybe a better shower, to deliver the placenta, etc.
Reading material + reference book in case I have time during the day when baby naps
Labor motivation stories to be read by my support team, if necessary
Birth wishes plan and placenta encapsulation info
Spare cell phone charger
External speaker for computer/phone
Snacks – bars, dates, a peanut butter (for hospital oatmeal breakfast!?)
Tablet (by Samsung – I LOVE it for books and quick internet!!)
Last-minute packing list
Don’t forget last minute items we can’t pack until it’s time:
I welcome your suggestions on anything I might have forgotten that you found especially helpful! I probably won’t be taking anything out though – just FYI!
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