《基于pbr物理渲染技术规则渲染的理论》的教程,作者是杰夫·罗素(Jeff Russell)

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译者: 陈敬凤(nunu)   审校:王磊(未来的未来)源:/program/translateview/7196156
这篇教程将涵盖美术内容创作的基础知识,以及各种基于物理规则的渲染标准背后的一些理论推导(并没有太过技术性的内容),并清除一些常见的误解。杰夫·罗素(Jeff Russell)撰写了一本关于《基于物理规则渲染的理论》的优秀教程,我强烈建议你在阅...
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& 关于基于物理规则的渲染方面的一些阅读材料
Readings on Physically Based Rendering
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Over the past two years I’ve done quite a bit of reading on Physically Based Rendering (PBR) and I have collected a lot of references and links which I’ve always had in the back of my mind to share through this blog but never got around doing it. Christmas holidays is probably the best chance I’ll have so I might as well do it now. The list is by no means exhaustive, if you think that I have missed any important references please add them with a comment and I will update it.Linear Lighting and ShadingThere is probably no point in talking about PBR, without first understanding why we should do all lighting and shading in linear space. This is why:. A good introduction to the topic.. Another great introduction by Naty Hoffman. Poyton’s FAQ explains a lot of the terminology involved in gamma and linear spaces. While you are there you might as well read the
also.by John Hable.
This is covers many areas, but it has a great introduction to linear lighting+shading. There is also a
on John’s blog.. Gamma space is not all bad, this is how our eyes perceive light intensity as well as it is the preferred space for image compression and 8-bit image storing.Nutty software have a nice
of Gamma correction.Physically based reflection modelsOnce we are convinced of the importance of linear lighting and shading we can move onto physically based reflection models.Siggraph’s Physically Based Shading courses provide both an introduction (mainly by Naty Hoffman which is a must read) and in depth coverage of many PBR topics. – Presentations from Activision, Ready at Dawn, Weta Digital, Disney, SledgeHammer. – Presentations from Frostbite, Pixar, Tri-ace among others. Frostbite’s PBR presentation course notes (must read) are . – Presentations from COD:Black Ops II, Unreal Engine 4, The Order:1886 and Pixar among others – Presentations from Far Cry 3, TriAce, Disney and Pixar among others – Presentations from TriAce, ILM and Sony – Very interesting introduction to PBR, including combining PBR and Image based lighting.. There was no PBS course in 2011 but this is a very interesting talk on the topic.Peter Shirley’s “” Siggraph Asia 2012 course notesOther interesting talks from conferences includeMichael Drobot’s
presentation is well worth reading, it covers a lot of PBR related topics.Same with the video of . which describes the approach the game team followed to implement Physically Plausible Rendering on mobile platforms, baking a simplified Cook-Torrance BRDF into a lookup table and approximating glossiness using the mip levels of the texture. discusses Physically based shaders implemented in Unity GDC2014 presentation by Aras Pranckevi?ius (and ). GDC2014 presentation by David Neubelt and Matt Pettineo is also full of useful information on the game’s material and lighting pipeline. GDC2014 presentation by Nicolas Schulz describes among others the shading model used in the game. from Unite2014 () describes in depth how Unity handles PBR, good background reading as well.TriAce’s
is doing some excellent work on PBR, unfortunately many of the presentations are in Japanese only. Of special note are the “” talk from GDC 2012 and the “” talk from CEDEC 2012. The latter is in Japanese unfortunately, so if yours is a bit rusty then .The freely available “Programming Vertex
Geometry and Pixel Shaders” e-book provides a
presenting many
with shader samples.Then there is a wealth of information available through numerous blog posts:Sébastien Lagarde has written some very informative blog posts on the topic, well worth reading: l,
as well as the t. Also environment mapping (aka image based lighting) is crucial for realistic looking materials, especially metals, and this post explains . A good writeup of the topics described in the blog posts can be found in this .More good introductions to PBR by
and A good introduction to
from Simon’s Tech Blog is an important aspect of a BRDF, a great introduction from Rory Driscoll again. Energy conservation is worth pursuing even if you use non realistic lighting models like . On the topic of normalisation, Fabian Giesen shows how the
is derived and
discusses the various options for the Phong and Blinn-Phong specular.Brian Karis posted a
with many options for the various terms. Also worth reading is his Siggraph 2013 presentation on .Matt Pettineo’s
to the very interesting
Siggraph 2013 presentation expands on some PBR topics and adds pointers to source code. by Jeff Russell, another good, maths free, introduction to PBR.John Hable has started blogging again, his
blog has many worth reading posts on PBR.A very useful
with lots of information on BRDFs.An easy to follow
in NDFs by Joshua BarczakSteve Anichini describes (among others)
while Spencer Luebbert from a tech artist’s point of view., discusses the non-photorealistic approach to PBR taken for this game., follows Brian Karis’
up discussing adjusting the Unreal 4’s PBR model from mobile platforms.Nathan Reed has written 2 very informative posts about Photometry and Radiometry, useful to understand light measurement units: , .In
Sébastien Lagarde and Charles de Rousiers discuss realistic camera implementation in the context of PBR.This series of posts Implementing a Physically Based Camera:
is although worth reading.If you don’t mind reading academic papers, some links to the original publications for various BRDFs, another survey of popular BRDF models, early paper on PBR, touches many PBR related topicsMorgan McGuire et al describe a nice method to achieve
without actually prefiltering the cubemaps with good results. by Eric Heitz, with an updated version .PBR Tools is a very useful tool for visualising a large number of BRDFs as well as creating your own. is another useful tool for viewing PBR models. It also comes with a .Seb Lagarde has modified AMD Cubemapgen to
is another a useful tool for baking diffuse irradiance and specular pre-convolved environment maps.There is a free Photoshop plugin for PBR material painting created by Andrew Maximov . He also offers some PBR textures through his.PBR for ArtistsThe maths of PBR is only half the story and mainly concern the graphics programmers. The other half, of more interest to artists, is how to author the texture assets. In contrast to the first days of PBR, there are now a few great presentations that focus on PBR texture authoring. by Chris-t-ian Schüler, a very easy to follow introduction to PBR without the maths. No texture authoring in this one but well worth a read by artists. from GDCEurope 2013 by Sébastien Lagarde and Lauren Harduin cover a lot of aspects of PBR and provide artist guidelines for texture authoring. by Stephen McAuley from Siggraph 2012, including capturing and colour correcting textures. by Yoshiharu Gotanda, another good set of guidelines on how to author maps for PBR () by Pierre-Yves Donzallaz provides another good non-maths introduction to PBR, describes Crysis 3’s lighting pipeline and provides guidelines for environmental art. explains why the team moved to PBS, describes the art pipeline changes provides a high level overview of the game’s lighting system.
alsohas some info on the game’s PBS.Defrost Game’s
is another good math free introduction to PBR.A great “PBR for artists by an artist”
by Andrew Maximov.A good, maths free and artist friendly,
by Marmoset. While you are there, it is worth reading their
articles as well.An easy to read and comprehend
by John Hable.The
is a good, easy to understand, summary of many PBR related topics.Wolfire’s intro to .You can also find a modular implementation of the BlinnPhong BRDF model with demonstration of the impact of each term and sample source code in
(shameless plug).Physically based lightsPhysically based shading focuses on how a material responds to light that bounces off the surface in a plausible way. To get better results one should consider the type of light that shines upon the surface as well. Point lights, typically used in games, do not have a counterpart in the real world so several attempts have been made recently to model more realistic, area, lights in games. by John Snyder (Microsoft Research). by Lagarde and Harduin talks about how they added area lights to the gameSame with
by Karis, a WebGL demo based on the techniques presented . has also put area lights to good use with great resultsA very interesting introduction to
by Sam MartinBRDFs in deferred rendering environmentsA variety of BRDFs can easily be implemented in forward rendering architectures. Things become harder with deferred shading though due to the typically low amount of information we can store in a g-buffer. Anisotropic BRDFs are even harder to support, due to the need for a tangent vector. In many cases a single BRDF is enough to represent a variety of materials if you have the capacity to store glossiness and specular colour in the g-buffer. There are cases you might need more though. Some pointers to how people have address this problem so far:Bake BRDFs in a 3D lookup table, each layer representing a different BRDF and within each layer addressed by (N.L, N.H). This method was used in .Another approach is to store Material IDs in the g-buffer and during the lighting pass branch to select the desired BRDF. This is the method used in .At
they use the stencil buffer to store the material ID and render each BRDF in a different pass.And of course you can always forward render special-case BRDF materials. This is the approach followed recently by Ryse: Son of Rome to .Not directly related to deferred rendering, being more of a material authoring pipeline, Material Layering is receiving a lot of attention lately after ,
successfully demonstrated the variety and complexity of materials that can achieve. In short, with this technique we bake parameters of a specific BRDF (that express different materials) into textures which can then be blended before the lighting pass either offline or in the shader. In The Order:1886 blending of different BRDFs is also supported albeit at a greater cost.Importance SamplingYou will hear
being mentioned in the context of PBR, image based lighting and area lights, quite a lot so it is worth having an idea what it is all about. In short it is a method of sampling a function, image, cubemap etc with a set number of samples by assigning larger weight to important areas of the sampled function (or image, or cubemap). This way we can achieve better representation of the signal without actually increasing the number of samples. This method was feasible only in offline rendering but GPUs are catching up., a method of sampling environment maps for image-based lighting using BRDFs. Some more information about this work . The original page is not there anymore, you can try your luck with . uses importance sampling to sample area lightsIf you have the ShaderX7:Advanced Rendering Techniques book it is worth reading the “Efficient post processing with Importance Sampling” chapter by Toth, Szirmay-Kalos and UmenhofferTonemappingNot directly related to PBR, but when normalising a BRDF the specular highlight intensity can easily reach values above 1 and appear to burnout. For that reason we typically combine PBR with a tonemapping solution. A few pointers to get you started:, Matt Pettineo provides a showcase of
popular tonemapping operators with sample code.Hable’s
presentation as well as his
provide a lot of valuable background info on tonemapping.Angelo Pesce’s
is another good introduction to the subject providing many useful insights by Alex Vlachos details Valve’s HDR pipelineThe Programming Vertex, Geometry and Pixel shaders ebook has a nice
as well.A nice
showcasing the Reinhard tonemapping operator (). which introduces the colour pipelines behind modern feature-film visual-effects and animation is also relevant.Shader AntialiasingAgain, this topic is not directly related to PBR, but it is a shame to make all that effort to create realistic materials only to have specular highlights crawl and shimmer as the camera moves and surfaces look flatter at a distance.Togsvig presented a
to adjust the specular power based on the mipmapped normal variation. Stephen Hill has created a
of this technique.Stephen Hill’s
Siggraph talk as well as the related blog post on
are a must read. by Dan Baker details the Specular AA technique used in Civilisation 5 as well as describing the specular aliasing problem., the specular AA method used in
is based on, calculates an
for each texel of the normal map using all normals from the highest-resolution mip level that contribute to a single lower-resolution texel. This NDF is then convolved with the BRDF. The produced BRDF that properly accounts for the variance of all normal map texels for a specific pixel.In
Matt published a sample application that implements and showcases popular specular AA techniques including Frequency Domain Normal Map Filtering, well worth a look. Siggraph 2014 presentation also has lots of good information on antialiasing in PBR pipelines.I focused on materials readily available on the Internet. There are books worth looking at if you want to find more info though, such as: by Matt Pharr and Greg Humphreys, with source code, by Tomas Akenine-M?ller, Eric Haines, and Naty HoffmanHigh Dynamic Range Imaging: Acquisition, Display, and Image-Based Lighting 2nd edition by Erik Reinhard, Wolfgang Heidrich, Paul Debevec, Sumanta Pattanaik, Greg Ward and Karol Myszkowski“An Efficient and Physically Plausible Real Time Shading Model” by Christian Schüler in ShaderX7 – Advanced Rendering TechniquesAs I’ve already mentioned, this list is not exhaustive, if you think that I have missed an important link or topic please add it to the comments sections.Enjoy!Edit 22/10/2015 – Added Wolfire’s intro to Physically Based RenderingEdit 16/08/2015 – Added Siggraph 2015 PBS course link
Edit 21/02/2015 – Added Allegorithmic’s PBR guides and Tri-ace’s Siggraph 2014 talk.
Edit 22/12/2014 – Fixed HDR Workflows broken link and added Cinematic Colour paper suggested by Kyle HaywardEdit 30/11/2014 – Added Physically based camera links kindly suggested by Seb Lagarde, PBR in Unity kindly suggested by Aras Pranckevi?ius, Antialasing PBR with LEADR mapping SIG2014 presentation and Marmoset’s Preparing textures for PBR article.Edit 23/11/2014 – Added Siggraph 2014 Course links, Unreal 4 PBR on mobile, Nathan Reed’s Photometry and Radiometry blog posts and PBR for Costume Quest 2 article. Also added new section about Tools for PBR.Edit 27/07/2014 – Added Bioshock Infinite PBR posts, PBR Encyclopedia, and Photoshop PBR Plugin.Edit 11/04/2014 – Replaced broken WebGL gamma correction demo link, thanks to Peter Liu for the heads up.Edit 27/03/2014 – Added Crytek’s GDC2014 presentation, “The tech of Crytek’s Ryse: Son of Rome” suggested by Sébastien Lagarde and the BRDF wiki page suggested by Peter Liu.Edit 23/03/2014 – Added “Physically based shading in Unity5”, “The Order: 1886” GDC2014 talks as well as Hable’s Filmic Worlds blog links.Edit 25/02/2014 – Added “Introduction to PBR for artists” article by John Hable to the PBR for Artists section.Edit 23/02/2014 – Added “Introduction to PBR” article by Marmoset to the PBR for Artists section.Edit 11/01/2014 – Added “Understanding the Masking-Shadowing Function in Microfacet-Based BRDFs” technical report as well as Russell’s “Basic Theory of Physically-Based Rendering” article.Edit 31/01/2014 – Added PBR for Artists video by Andrew MaximovEdit 03/01/2014 – Added
“An Efficient and Physically Plausible Real Time Shading Model” ShaderX7 book chapter reference kindly suggested by Sébastien LagardeEdit 31/12/2013 – Added a few missing links kindly suggested by Sébastien Lagarde and Aras Pranckevi?ius
译者: 张乾光(星际迷航) 审校:陈敬凤(nunu)
在过去的两年多时间里,我已经阅读了相当多的有关基于物理规则的渲染方面的文章并且我还收集了大量的参考文献和链接,我一直有计划通过这个博客来将这些的参考文献和链接进行分享和整理,但是一直也没有做这个事情。圣诞假期可能是做这个事情最好的机会,所以不如就利用这个假期把这个事情给做了。名单并不详尽,如果你认为我错过了任何重要的参考文献,请在评论里面把它列出来,我会阅读这些评论并对文章进行更新。线性空间的照明和渲染 这个部分有可能和谈论基于物理规则的渲染没有什么关系,但是如果不首先理解下为什么我们需要在线性空间进行所有的光照和渲染,那么直接讨论基于物理规则的渲染可能就是个空中楼阁,很容易在讨论中迷失。下面列出了为什么需要在线性空间进行所有的光照和渲染:·。这篇文章是对这个主题很好的一个介绍。 ·。这是由内特霍夫曼做的另外一个很棒的介绍。 ·。Poyton的最常见问题解释了很多与伽玛和线性空间有关的名词。如果你看了这篇文章的话,你不妨也看下关于颜色的最常见问题。 ·,作者是约翰哈勃。这篇文章覆盖了很多领域,但是它对于线性空间和渲染的介绍非常的棒。高动态光照渲染效果在约翰的博客上面也有记录。 ·。伽马空间并不全是坏事,它非常恰当的表示了我们的眼睛是如何感知光线强度的,所以它是图像压缩和8位图像存储的首选。 ·Nutty software有一个很棒的关于伽马校正的。
基于物理规则的反射模型 一旦我们了解到并坚信线性空间的光照和渲染的重要性,我们就可以继续深入开始了解基于物理规则的反射模型了。 SIGGRAPH 的基于物理规则的渲染课程既包括了导引部分(主要是内特霍夫曼的讲座,这是必须要阅读的材料)也有对很多基于物理规则渲染的主题的深入讨论。
- PPT来自 DICE, Unreal, Unity, Pixar, ILM,部分PPT还有视频录像; – 来自动视、Ready at Dawn、维塔数码、迪士尼和Sledgehammer 的演示。 – 来自寒霜、皮克斯、Tri-ace以及其他一些团队的演示。 寒霜团队的基于物理规则的渲染的演示课程笔记(必读材料)也是可以从网上获得的。 – 来自《使命召唤:黑色行动II》、虚幻引擎4、《教团:1866》、皮克斯以及其他一些团队的演示 – 来自《孤岛惊魂3》、TriAce、迪士尼、皮克斯以及其他一些团队的演示 – 来自 TriAce、 ILM 和索尼以及其他一些团队的演示 -一个非常有趣的对于基于物理规则渲染的介绍,包括了基于物理规则渲染和基于图像光照的融合。。在2011年的会议上没有任何基于物理规则的渲染方面的课程,但是这篇文章非常的有意思,值的一看。彼得·雪莉的““来自Siggraph亚洲2012年的课程笔记。 会议里面其他一些有趣的演讲 l迈克尔卓波特的的演讲非常值得一读,它涵盖了大量基于物理规则的渲染的主题。 lGDC2013年的一个视频。 lUnite2013关于,它描述了游戏团队如何在手机平台上实现基于物理规则的渲染,将简化过的Cook-Torrance的烘焙到一个查找表中并用纹理的Mip等级进行光泽度的估计。 l讨论了如何在Unity里面实现基于物理规则的着色器。 l《》:Aras Pranckevi?ius 在GDC2014的演示(以及笔记)。 l:由大卫纽波特和马特帕提尼尔在GDC2014上所做的演示,这里面在游戏材质和光照管线方面有大量的有用信息。 l:尼古拉斯·舒尔茨在GDC2014上所做的演示描述了在游戏中使用的其他渲染模型。 l来自会议Unite2014,深入描述了Unity如何处理基于物理规则的渲染,也是很好的背景阅读材料。
TriAce的研究部门正在做有关基于物理规则的渲染方面一些非常出色的工作,遗憾的是很多的演讲只有日语版本。特别值得注意的有GDC 2012年的演讲””和CEDEC 2012的演讲“”。不幸的是后面这篇文章还是只有日语版本,所以如果你想阅读这篇文章的话,请看下。 电子图书《用顶点着色器、几何着色器和像素着色器进行编程》是可以免费获得的,它对提供了一个很好的导论,并且有很多着色器的例子提供了各种不同的 下面是从无数博客文章里面提取出来的丰富信息: 塞巴斯蒂安拉加德已经就这个主题写了许多非常见闻广博的博客文章,非常值得一读:、以及。另外环境映射(也就是基于图像的光照)对于看上去逼真的材质也是非常关键的,特别是对于金属而言。这篇文章解释了。在博客文章中描述的这个主题是一个很好的书面记录,可以在这篇文章进行查看。 更多关于基于物理规则的渲染的比较好的导论,作者是和。 关于的一个很好的介绍,来自西蒙的技术博客。 是非常重要的一个方面,又是来自罗里·德里斯科尔的一个很棒的介绍。即使你使用的是非真实的光照模型比如漫反射之类的模型,能量守恒也是一个值得追求的目标。关于归一化这个主题,费边吉森在文章《Phong高光的归一化因素》里面展示了具体是如何进行推导的,《Blinn-Phong归一化》讨论了Phong和Blinn-Phong高光的各种归一化选项。 布莱恩·卡莉丝有一篇很棒的文章《》,里面对各种条件设置了很多选项。他在Siggraph 2013的演示《》也非常值的一读。 马特·佩蒂内奥针对《》在Siggraph 2013的演示发表了一篇非常有意思的文章,扩展了一些基于物理规则的渲染方面的主题并且添加了很多源代码的地址。 杰夫·拉塞尔的《》是另外一个关于基于物理规则的渲染方面很棒的不怎么要求数学的引论。 约翰哈勃又重新在他的博客上开始连载文章了,他的博客“”有很多关于方面值得一读的文章。
这是一个非常有用的,这上面有很多关于方面的信息。 史蒂夫·安尼切尼描述中了《生化奇兵》中是,而斯宾塞·鲁波特从一个技术美术的视角来描述了基于物理规则的渲染系统。 在里面所使用的基于物理规则的延迟渲染系统,讨论了这个游戏是采取了哪些基于物理规则的渲染方法来获得非真实感。 ,是对布赖恩·卡里斯在上如何针对手机平台来调整虚幻引擎4的基于物理规则的渲染模型的演示的后续讨论。 纳森瑞德写了两篇关于和非常有信息量的文章,对于理解光测量单位非常有用。 在这篇文章里面,塞巴斯蒂安拉加德和查尔斯德卢赛尔讨论了如何在基于物理规则的渲染系统这个上下文中实现具有真实感摄像的相机。 这个系列文章实现一个基于物理规则的相机:,很值的一读。
如果你不介意阅读学术论文的话,这里有一些各种的原始文献。 lll。l。l。l。l。l。l,关于流行的模型的另外一项调查。l,基于物理规则的渲染早期的一篇文章,涉及到了基于物理规则的渲染的很多话题。l摩根麦奎尔等人描述了一个很好的方法来实现,不需要预先对立方体贴图进行过滤就能得到很棒的效果。l由艾瑞克海茨发表的《》,这里有一个。 基于物理规则的渲染系统的工具 l迪斯尼动画的浏览器对于大量的是一个非常有用的工具,同时在这个工具中还能创建你自己的并可视化。l是查看基于物理规则的渲染模型另外一个有用的工具。它还配备了一个。l勒布拉加德修改了AMD的来给基于物理规则的渲染系统创建预先进行好卷积的环境贴图。l是烘焙漫反射光辐照度和预卷积环境高亮光贴图的一个非常有用的工具。l安德鲁·马克西莫夫创建了一个免费的用于基于物理规则的材质绘制的。他还在他的上提供了很多基于物理规则的纹理。 给艺术家使用的基于物理规则的渲染 基于物理规则的渲染里面的数学部分只是整个故事的一半,而且主要是面向图形程序员。而另外的一半其实更多的是艺术家感兴趣的部分,是关于如何创作纹理方面的资源。相比较基于物理规则的渲染刚出现的日子,现在专注于基于物理规则的渲染纹理的创作方面有一些非常棒的演示。 l克里斯舒勒的是一个很简单的对于基于物理规则的渲染的介绍性演示而且不涉及任何数学部分的内容。这里面虽然没有任何纹理创作的内容但是对于艺术家而言非常值的一读。lGDCEurope2013上由塞巴斯蒂安拉加德和劳伦哈勃演示的涵盖了很多基于物理规则的渲染方面的内容并且给艺术家如何进行纹理创作提供了指引。l斯蒂芬麦考利在2012年Siggraph大会演示的,也包括了纹理捕获和颜色校正。l作者是五反田义治(Yoshiharu Gotanda)的,是如何创作基于物理规则的渲染贴图的另外一套指南。l皮埃尔-依夫唐纳兹所做的提供了另外一个不涉及数学部分的基于物理规则的渲染的介绍,描述了孤岛危机3中的光照管道以及对环境贴图提供了指导。l解释了团队为什么要逐步使用基于物理规则的渲染系统,以及从游戏光照系统这一系统的概述描述了美术资源管道的变化。 也有一些关于游戏基于物理规则的渲染系统的介绍。lDefrostGame的是另外一篇很棒的完全设计数学的对基于物理规则的渲染的介绍文章。l安德鲁·马克西莫夫有一个非常的视频。l马默赛特有一篇很棒的也是完全不使用数学对艺术家很友好的文章。如果你阅读这篇文章的话,还有几篇文章也值得一读,分别是和。l约翰哈勃的是一篇很易懂的阅读材料,并且对基于物理规则的渲染做了一个比较全面的介绍。l是一篇很棒也很容易理解的文章,里面对很多基于物理规则的渲染相关的主题进行了总结。l沃尔菲儿有一篇关于基于物理规则的渲染方面的介绍文章很不错,名字是。你还可以在上找到对于BlinnPhong这个模型的一个模块化实现,里面有源代码和关于各个参数具体是对最后效果如何进行影响影响的一个展示。
基于物理规则的光照 基于物理规则的渲染的关注点在于材质是如何对光照进行响应的,光照是否能以一种合理的方式在材质的表面发生反弹。为了得到更好的结果,也应该考虑下照亮材质表面的光照的类型。点光源,通常在游戏中使用,并没有在现实世界中具有相对应的光照情形,所以最近有一些尝试在对更真实的区域光照进行建模。l
的艺术和渲染,作者是拉加德和哈丁,关于他们是如何在游戏中增加区域灯光的讨论。l ,作者是卡里斯,这是一个,演示的是这里面说的技术。l
也很好的使用了区域光照来得到了一个很棒的结果。l ,作者是山姆·马丁。 延迟渲染环境里面的 在前向渲染的体系架构里面各种各样的可以很容易地实现。但是如果是在延迟渲染的体系架构里面实现就会变得困难很多,这主要是因为我们可以在g缓冲区里面存储的信息量很少。各向异性的更加难以支持,主要是因为需要存储一个用来表示切量的矢量。在许多情况下,一个单独的就足以表示各种各样的材料只要你有足够的容量来在g缓冲区里面存储光泽度和高光颜色。但是还是有很多情况你可能需要存储更多的数据,这里面有一些其他人在解决这个问题的时候留下的提示: 在一个三维的查找表里面烘焙的信息,每一层代表一个不同的,并在每一层内部通过(N.L, N.H)进行寻址。STALKER中的延迟渲染引擎曾经使用过这个方法。另外一个办法是把材质的ID存储在g缓冲区里面,并且在光照pass的分支里面选择所需的。这是战地3用于解决这个问题的方法。 公司使用了另外一种方法,他们会模板缓存来存储材质ID并在一个不同的pass里面渲染每个。当然你可以永远对特殊的的材质进行前向渲染。这是《崛起:罗马之子》采用的渲染特定的的材质所采用的方法。 不直接与延迟渲染发生关系,更多的是作为材质制作管道的一部分,在迪士尼、虚幻4引擎和《教团:1866》成功的证明了通过基于物理规则的渲染可以达到的材质多样性和复杂性之后,材质分层收到了大量的关注。简而言之,利用这种技术我们可以把一种特定的(可以用来表示不同的材质)的参数烘焙到纹理之内,这样这些参数可以在光照pass之前进行混合,这个混合可以发生在离线光照里面也可以发生在着色器的处理之内。在《教团:1866》各种的混合也是支持的,只是对性能的消耗会大一些。重要性抽样 你可能已经在基于物理规则的渲染、基于图像的光照以及区域光照的上下文听说过重要性采样,甚至听说过很多次这个名词,所以对什么是重要性采样有个概念性的了解是非常值得做的一个事情。简而言之,这是一个对函数、图像、立方体贴图进行采样的一个方法,通过赋予采样的函数(或者是图像、立方体贴图)的重要地方赋予更大的权重来进行大量区域的采样。这样就可以更好的来代表信号而无需实际增加采样的数目。目前这种方法只是在离线渲染的情况下是可行的,但是图形处理单元 正在努力将这个过程可以变得实时性。l
《杀戮地带:暗影坠落(Killzone:Shadow Fall)》在采样区域光照的时候使用了重要性采样。l
如果你有《着色器X7:高级渲染》这本技术书籍的话,里面由托特、石瑞米斯卡洛斯和乌门霍夫所写的《使用重要性抽样进行高效的后处理》非常值的一读。色调映射 这个概念同样不是直接与基于物理规则的渲染相关,但是在对一个进行归一化的过程中镜面高光强度的值可以很容易地超过1并且变成过白的斑点。出于这个原因,我们通常结合使用色调映射和基于物理规则的渲染作为解决方案。下面是一些可以作为入门的材料: 1)《近距离分析色调映射》,马特佩特内罗通过示例代码提供了常用的色调映射操作符的展示。 2)哈勃的《神秘海域2中的光照》这个演示以及他的博客都提供了大量有关色调映射的有价值的背景信息。 3)安吉洛派斯的《高动态光照渲染工作流程》是关于色条映射这个主题的另外一篇很棒的介绍性文章,提供了很多有用的见解。 4)阿莱克斯瓦拉罗斯的《橙盒中的后处理》详细介绍了Valve的高动态光照渲染工作管线。 5)电子书《用顶点着色器、几何着色器和像素着色器进行编程》对高动态光照渲染和色调映射提供了一个很棒的介绍。 6)有一个很棒的WebGL演示展示了。 7)主要介绍现代故事片视觉特效背后的色彩管线,同时对动画部分也有提及。 着色器的反走样 同样,这个主题与基于物理规则的渲染之间没有直接的关联,但是付出所有努力所创建出来的真实感觉的材质只有在相机移动的时候才能捕获到高光以及闪光以及从远处看表面的时候感觉很平坦是一个很耻辱的事情。 A)托特斯维格出了一个便宜又好看的方法来基于mipmapp过的法向变量来调整高光强度。斯蒂芬·希尔给这个技术做了一个WebGL的演示。 B)斯蒂芬o希尔在Siggraph大会上所做《岩石的渲染》这个演讲以及相关的关于镜面高光反走样的博客文章是要必须阅读的内容。 C)丹贝克的《惊人的镜面高光效果》详细介绍了《文明5》所使用的镜面高光反走样技术以及遇到的镜面高光走样的问题。 D)《频域法线贴图过滤》介绍了《教团:1886》中所用的镜面高光反走样的方法,它会从最高精度的贴图里面的所有法向量计算法线贴图每个香色的NDF,这会有助于一个较低的分辨率有正确的表现。计算出来的NDF会与进行卷积。然后生成的就会对一个特定的像素提供所有法线贴图中的图素的方差。 E)在是的这篇博客文章中,马特用一个示例应用程序展示了流行的镜面高光反走样技术,也包括了频域法线贴图过滤,非常值得一看。 F)Siggraph 2014年的这篇《使用LEADR映射来做基于物理规则的渲染反走样》也对基于物理规则的渲染管线提供了大量有关反走样方面的信息。 我专注于可以在互联网上找到的材料。有很多书也是非常值的一看的,如果你想找到更多的信息的话,这些书籍列表如下: 1)马特·法尔和格雷格·汉弗莱斯的《基于物理规则的渲染》,而且这里面还附带了源代码。 <span style="font-size:12.0font-family:Wcolor:#)《实时图形学渲染》,作者是托马斯阿卡尼穆勒、埃里克海恩斯和内特霍夫曼。 3)《高动态范围成像:采集,显示,和基于图像的光照》第二版,作者是艾瑞克莱因哈德、沃尔夫冈海德里希、保罗·德贝维奇、苏曼塔帕塔内克、格雷格·沃德和卡罗尔美斯科沃奇。 4)《着色器X7:高级渲染》的《一种有效的和实际可行的实时光照模型》,作者是克里斯坦舒勒。
正如我已经提到过的那样,这个阅读列表并不详尽,如果你认为我错过了一个重要的环节或主题,请把它添加到评论部分。 请享受这个过程!
文章更新记录11/8/2016编辑 – Added Deferred Lighting in Uncharted 4, Subpixel glint/details rendering links and the video recording of Intro to PBS talk kindly suggested by Naty Hoffman.<span style='font-size:12.0font-family:&微软雅黑&,&sans-serif&;color:#/10/2015编辑 – 添加了沃尔菲儿 的《对基于物理规则的渲染的介绍》 <span style='font-size:12.0font-family:&微软雅黑&,&sans-serif&;color:#/08/2015编辑–添加了Siggraph 2015 的基于物理规则的着色器的课程连接 <span style='font-size:12.0font-family:&微软雅黑&,&sans-serif&;color:#/02/2015编辑– 添加了Allegorithmic的基于物理规则的渲染指导和Tri-ace的Siggraph 2014演讲。 <span style='font-size:12.0font-family:&微软雅黑&,&sans-serif&;color:#/12/2014 编辑–添加了《高动态光照渲染工作流》的连接并添加了凯尔海沃德的电影色彩贴图建议 <span style='font-size:12.0font-family:&微软雅黑&,&sans-serif&;color:#/11/2014编辑-添加了Siggraph 2014课程链接、《虚幻引擎4关于手机设备的基于物理规则的渲染》等文章 <span style='font-size:12.0font-family:&微软雅黑&,&sans-serif&;color:#/03/2014编辑 –添加了“Unity5中基于物理规则的着色器”, “教团: 1886”与 GDC2014的演讲以及哈勃的“电影的世界”博客链接 <span style='font-size:12.0font-family:&微软雅黑&,&sans-serif&;color:#/02/2014编辑–添加了“基于物理规则渲染的介绍” 文章 <span style='font-size:12.0font-family:&微软雅黑&,&sans-serif&;color:#/01/2014编辑 –添加了 “理解基于微表面的双向反射分布函数中遮挡阴影“技术报告,还有罗素的“基于物理规则渲染的基本理论”文章。 <span style='font-size:12.0font-family:&微软雅黑&,&sans-serif&;color:#/01/2014编辑 –添加了安德鲁·马克西莫夫的” 由一个艺术家来解释对于艺术家来说到底基于物理规则的渲染是什么东西“的视频 <span style='font-size:12.0font-family:&微软雅黑&,&sans-serif&;color:#/01/2014编辑 – 添加了 书籍《着色器X7:高级渲染》里面的 《一种有效的和实际可行的实时光照模型》,感谢塞巴斯坦拉加德的建议。 <span style='font-size:12.0font-family:&微软雅黑&,&sans-serif&;color:#/12/2013编辑 –添加了一些缺失的链接,感谢塞巴斯坦拉加德和Aras Pranckevi?ius 的建议。
【版权声明】 原文作者未做权利声明,视为共享知识产权进入公共领域,自动获得授权。


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