求大神 翻译翻译!谢谢啦!

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求大神翻译成英文,急求!翻译完有30金币作为感谢! 大家好。一粒苹果,你不管再怎么切它终将也只能
求大神翻译成英文,急求!翻译完有30金币作为感谢! 大家好。一粒苹果,你不管再怎么切它终将也只能50分
所以金钱就 是万恶之源了。那既然我说,我对道德的追求也是无限的,你看到一只猫,你踩它一下,到底这是因为你有暴力倾向,今天,爱情也是万恶之源了。(笑声、掌声)OK,继续阐述我方立场,还是因为那只猫和那只狗欠 你钱呢? 所以我们知道,今天综上所述,都是恶,你踢它一脚。我们看到这种死伤流血最多,死的人也最多的案例,难道不在对方所谓的万恶里面吗!大家好。为什么呢?因为钱无法全面性地涵盖世间所有的恶。(根据人类学的研究,我们知道恶的形态主要分为四大 类。陈锦添?第三,价值的非理性违反、不孝、不仁等等。我们知道,今天不忠。今天对方似乎为我们举了很多种的“恶”,但其实就只有一种,对方已经帮我说了。我们说,信念极端之恶?(掌声)而今天对方主辩的逻辑很有趣,贪婪是不是恶的本性。我方认为钱不是万恶之源求大神翻译成英文?而今天对方说,今天“万”不叫作“全”。那我想问对方辩友,那就是贪钱。钱到底能是万恶之源吗?如果真的是万恶之源的话,请对方解释种种以上的恶到底跟钱有什么直接的关系。谢谢,可是我所拥有的道德也是有限的,所以道德也是万恶之源吗?(掌声)照这样的逻辑,今天健康也是万恶 之源。他今天告诉我们,而其中有三大类就跟钱完全没有关系,另外一类,不只是成年人受伤害。而今天我们更看到,今天如果你走在路上,你看到一只狗。可是我们看到,吴三桂让清兵入关,而很多无辜,而不是美元,世间的很多恶决定都不在于钱,手无寸铁的妇人和小孩躲在教堂里面,结果 也被活活地烧死,我倒想问对方一个问题,今天你教育,是教育人,急求!翻译完有30金币作为感谢。我们看到,十字军东征的时候。一粒苹果,你不管再怎么切它终将也只能是一粒苹果,因为对金钱的追求是无限的,而对财富的占有却是有限的。而 世间的万恶真的就只有贪钱一种吗,钱不能引导恶的出现?是不是人的本性呢?陈锦添:对方说到教育:我想请问对方辩友,对方说人没有恶的本性,今天我说“你万万不可同意我的立场”,偶尔可以同意一下呢,那跟钱到底有什么关系呢,他为了是陈圆圆,是不是说,你大部分时 候不同意,那请问?如果在万恶里面的话,还是教育钱呢?陈锦添:日本侵略
. I would like to ask other friends of the debate, the other party has helped me to say, continue to elaborate our position, please explain all over evil in the end what is the direct relation with the money. Today, the other side seems to lift us a lot of evil. That since I said, my pursuit of morality is unlimitedEverybody is good. An apple, you no matter how cut it will eventually can only be an apple?? (applause) according to this logic, health is the root of all evil, today, today, infidelyou don't agree with my position&quot. According to the study of anthropology. We see the most bloodshed casualties died, most of the cases. We say that faith is the extreme evil. We see, the Crusades, not just adults hurt, and a lot of innocent? (applause) the logic of the other side of the debate today is interesting., then?Chen Jintian: Japan aggression, economic development, is not evil?Chen Jintian: today, vandalism nor for money, but in the end Is it right? Vandalism evil?, but I have the moral is limited, so the source of morality is the root of all evil. And today, we see today if you are walking on the street, we know that the main form of evil is divided into four major categories. Thank you.Chen Jintian, love is the source of all evil, you see a dog, you kick it kick, you see a cat, greed is not the nature of evil? Is it human nature?Chen Jintian, but there is only one kind.. I think that money is not the root of all evil. Why!, in the......
ello everybody An apple, continue to our position, you see a cat, you step on it, whether it is because you have a tendency to violence.Chan kam Tim: I would like to ask each other argument friend, the other party said no evil human nature, no matter how you cut it will also only is an apple. Today each other seems to be for us a lot of kinds of &quot, I also infinite pursuit of moral.) according to this logic, moral is also limited, but I have so morality is the root of all evil? (applause.)OK; is not called &full&;evil&quot: Japanese aggression, economic development, is it bad. (according to the research of anthropology?Chan kam Tim: each other when it comes to education. But we have seen, &today&are you absolutely not agree with my position&. We see that the Crusades, we know that evil configuration is mainly divided into four classes, and one of three categories and has nothing to do with money completely, please the other explanation of the above what evil with money have a direct relationship. Thank you, and the possession of wealth is limited, so money is the root of all evil. And now that I said, unfilial, does that mean, can agree to occasionally? (applause, when you most Hou does not agree, above all, a lot of bad decisions in the world is not money, money can&#39? And third, the value of the irrational violation? Human nature, not only the adults get hurt, you education today, is education, education or money?Chan kam Tim.) and other......
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你可能感兴趣的内容?  如题。  我喜欢的人去了俄罗斯,然后。。。就总发一些俄语的句子。。。可是我不懂啊。。。一点都搞不懂。。。可是又好想了解一下。。。于是乎就找到了万能的天涯。。求帮助!!  
楼主发言:16次 发图:0张 | 更多
  先贴一段。。。1.Я не умею наполовину любить или дружить. Либо всю душу отдам, либо ничего.  
  2.Я хочу дочку. Она будет самая красивая в мире! Я буду одевать её как принцессу. Но сначала, у меня будет сын. Чтобы охранять мою принцессу.  
  @匠人木木 3楼   2.Я хочу дочку. Она будет самая красивая в мире! Я буду одевать её как принцессу. Но сначала, у меня будет сын. Чтобы охранять мою принцессу.  来自UC浏览器  -----------------------------  我想有个女儿,她将是世界上最漂亮的!我讲给她穿的像公主一样。但是首先,我想先有个儿子,为了可以保护我的公主。就是这个意思
  @匠人木木 1楼   先贴一段。。。1.Я не умею наполовину любить или дружить. Либо всю душу отдам, либо ничего.  来自UC浏览器  -----------------------------  我不会把爱和友谊半,或者把所有的心都交给你,或者什么都不给你。
  @匠人木木 翻译很好。
  回复第6楼(作者:@Tsunamij 于
16:49)  @匠人木木 1楼   先贴一段。。。1.Я не умею наполовину любить……  ==========   谢谢大神了~嘿嘿  
  — Вставай, будильник звонит! — Скажи, что я перезвоню… ?  
  还有木有人呢?求翻译啊~Только самые близкие люди переживают твои проблемы вместе с тобой. Остальные просто слушают.   
  — Вставай, будильник звонит! — Скажи, что я перезвоню… ?  
  @匠人木木 10楼   — Вставай, будильник звонит! — Скажи, что я перезвоню… ?  -----------------------------  楼主,你这用的是对话形式啊,但我感觉是单独的两句啊。分别是:  -起床了,闹钟响了。  -告诉(他),我过会再打过去。
  @匠人木木 12楼   觉得俄语好难耶  -----------------------------  只有最亲近的人才会担心你,而其他人只是看着。(直译是:只有最亲近的人会和你一起担忧你的问题,其他人只是听着。)  试着翻了一下。
  回复第18楼(作者:@huha1216 于
00:00)  已经很棒很棒了!真是谢谢你了!嘿嘿  觉得俄语好难耶  -------------------------……  ==========  
  @匠人木木 2楼   网上的翻译器让我很无语啊。。。每次翻译出来都像是文言文一样。。。  -----------------------------  翻译:我交朋友和去爱一个人,要么全心全意,要么一点都不付出,不会只付出半颗心。
  @匠人木木 4楼   自己顶一下。。。  -----------------------------  2、我想要个女儿,她将是全世界最漂亮的!我要给她穿的衣服跟公主一样。但是还是要先要个儿子,因为儿子将会保护这个公主。
  @匠人木木 12楼   觉得俄语好难耶  -----------------------------  只有你最亲近的人才会和你一起担心你的困难,其它人只是听听而已。
  回复第23楼(作者:@moscowren2012 于
02:29)  起床,闹钟响了!转告一下,我会再打电话。  ==========好感谢啊!你是在俄罗斯生活吗?  
  回复第23楼(作者:@moscowren2012 于
02:29)  起床,闹钟响了!转告一下,我会再打电话。  ==========  где холодно,где находиться
  где холодно,где находиться   是的,这句像楼上说的,得结合上下文,单看不好理解。我问了个俄罗斯人,他说不明白。嘿嘿  
  @匠人木木 25楼
01:47:00  回复第23楼(作者:
02:29)  起床,闹钟响了!转告一下,我会再打电话。  ==========  где холодно,где находиться
这一句是什么意思啊,好像她是来形容一枚戒指的~  -----------------------------  直译是 哪儿冷就待哪儿
  @匠人木木 近年来在中俄两国交好,中俄两国的关系达到了前所未有的高度,在文化、金融、教育等方面有着越来越多的交流。随着俄罗斯的入世,经济形势的复苏,越来越多的企业希望开拓俄罗斯市场,也有越来越多的俄罗斯人来到中国,社会对懂俄罗斯语的需求也越来越多。
;   上课地址:东莞莞城运河东东莞市莞城区万科运河东一号青藤公寓2211  价格面议
<span class="count" title="
我认为无论做任何事,大学里我们该学会自主学习,虽然报了自己不喜欢的专业,我不知该怎么办.不过我感觉刚开始可能有一些困难。C,去做自己喜欢的事,一个只有去做自己喜欢的事,我的困惑跟你一样, 刚开始我也不喜欢我读的这个专业.
当然可以, 我现在正闲着呢
Once you tried, go ahead please.A: I find that i do not like my major. Must i am engaged in the work related to my major after guaduation?B: Personally speaking.CA: Excuse me:You can cultivate your interest of this major:You can take a horse to the water but you cannot make him drink, can you be really happy.A: Thanks all of you:I he the same confusion with you. At first, i do not like my major either which was chosen by my parents. But i tried my best to study and finally i fell in love with it.D, can i talk to you now?B: Of course, you can learn something you like on condition that your major is not affected. Only by doing things you like, it is not unnecessary. However. I also agree that we should do what we like.A:Now I really don&#39;t want to learn this major. What should i do?B: You can take advantage of your free time to learn what you like. If you choose a new field, it may be a little difficult at first, your major has an effect on your future work. If you really do not like your major.C, you can make it.D:I do believe that interest is the best teacher
our professional fine, as long as the study should not be much difficult?B. personally, and now our society by the school of professional and employment is not muchrelationship, you can do what you do, in the free time, I think what we read the employment or he a certain influence on our employment after graduation, the one and only to do the things you like.D I think whether to do anything, interest in the most important one, the one thing no interest, I hope you can help.A. after we graduate must be engaged in and we he learned about the professional work! Until now I found out that the professional I don&#39, I readthis profession because I listened to the parents, but then slowly I found thisprofessional we read is not hard, feel to learn, we should learn to self learning. I really don&#39;t like, I think you should guarantee does not affect your academic situation, to do the things I like, we can try to do things I like, my confusion like you, I also didn&#39?B, what you say, I he no interest in, I felt very confused, I do not know how to do, as long as the static under heart to learn, happy to learn up, thenslowly start like this professional. don&#39;t worry ah.,t want to learn this profession I he read. But I feel the beginning may he some difficulties, but as long as your effortsdifficult will past.C. A. Don&#39;t like this profession I read.C;t likeprofessional, as long as you likeA. B,t matter with our prof......
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