
&文|朱兆伟&“干一行爱一行”,干一行就要成为这个行业的专家。“活到老学到老”,身处学习型社会,职场人更要不断学习。进入在线教育行业之后,我就成为了多知网的铁杆用户。通过多知网,我了解教育行业的动态,学习各家的经验。我一直采取“去伪存真”的态度,持续几年下来,我收获颇多,成长许多。近几年,多知网每年都会出版一本《培训行业这一年》,我一直是这本书的忠实粉丝。去年,我写了一篇读后感。发表之后,文章受到了很多小伙伴的欢迎,我也多了很多微信好友。前两天,我在出差的高铁上,又再次通读这本书,感触颇多。我将读书后的所思所想记录下来,形成本文,奉献给大家。&一、2016年,在线教育的几点深刻反思2016年是波澜壮阔的一年,模式多,变化多。作为局中人,我奋斗在第一线,有收获的喜悦,也有痛苦的反思。反思1&&不是“互联网 教育”,而是“教育 互联网”年,互联网“野蛮人”高举着颠覆的大旗进入教育行业。一时间,“互联网 ”大有席卷天下之势。但是,经过几年的疯狂发展,在线教育在16年开始回归理性。互联网并不能颠覆教育,在线教育是一个垂直细分行业。在线教育更要遵循的是教育规律,如论如何在线教育还是要回归到教育本质。以俞敏洪为代表的教育人们有深刻的感悟。互联网思维成为主要的思考模式,移动互联网更多起到链接的作用,先进的技术和智能硬件提升着教育行业的效率。&反思2&&用户数没有那么重要,客户数更加重要。以前,在线教育还会像互联网一样跑马圈地。用户数是极其重要的KPI指标,公司的估值和融资对用户数依赖性很大。如果产品有了一定的用户数,再加上创始人会讲故事,公司就能融到很多钱。但是,这一切在2016年发生了很大变化。忽如一夜北风来,在线教育进入寒冬。很多在线教育公司没能挺过这个寒冷的冬天。投资者变得更加理性,更加关注产品价值和商业价值。用户数没有那么重要,客户数才更加重要!&反思3&&免费真不好使,收费也许是真理。很多人把“免费入门,增值收费”和“拉新,留存,转化”当成互联网的真谛,我亦如此。于是,很多在线教育公司高举免费大旗,拉新用户,跑马圈地,寄希望转化赚钱。为了拉新用户,在线教育公司祭出众多招数:用户补贴,存量打增量,建立代理渠道等。公司花了很多钱,用户终于回来了。但是,用户更多是奔着补贴而来,对产品没有粘性,留存都很难,更不用说付费转化。过了一段时间,公司突然发现没有钱了,商业模式还没有找到。于是,公司就垮掉了。公司为用户提供有价值的产品和服务,理应获得商业回报。用户不是担心花钱,而是怕无用。我们在学校推广时,一听到免费,学校反而更加担心,校长会一再问“有什么陷阱吧?”有点“农村人不懂城里人,套路太深”的意思。引用书中的一句话来做这部分的小结。“泡沫破灭,实力玩家脱颖而出,这轮资本寒潮不是挽歌,而是新生前的洗礼。”&二、直播成为在线教育盈利的救命稻草在线教育虽然很火,但是盈利很难,这已经是公开的秘密。直播兴起之后,由于模式简单,很多在线教育公司将直播当成了盈利的救命稻草。“天价网红老师”成为教育直播2016年最热的词。多家在线教育公司纷纷杀入直播领域,好未来的学而思网校和海边直播,学霸君的不二课堂,作业帮的直播课,猿辅导和粉笔网等。按照不同的分类标准,教育直播模式可以分为,班课和1对1,C2C和B2C等。在此,笔者做下简单的名词解释。1对1就是一个老师对一个学生上课。班课就是1个老师面对N个学生上课。当N数值较小时,这就是小班课。当N数值较大时,这就是大班课。C2C模式,就是老师自己开课,组织课程内容,学生自主选择听课。这是散户模式。B2C模式,就是公司统一设计课程体系,提供整体服务流程。这是统一组织行为,越来越多的在线教育公司采用这种模式。统一教研,提供标准化的服务。我总结了一个在线教育的盈利公式。商业毛利润=(客单价-获客成本)*客户数无论何种模式,我们只能通过控制三个变量,来更获取更多的商业利润。一对一业务的客单价高,班课的客单价低。直播技术在职业教育取得了巨大的成功,直播技术能否在K12领域再次复制成功,我们还需要再观察!笔者真心希望直播千万不要成为以前的网校。&三、传统的课外培训行业加速拥抱互联网“互联网 ”初入教育培训行业时,培训行业更多是被动防御。经过几年的洗礼,培训行业越来越成熟。现在,传统的培训行业也在主动求变,引入互联网思维和先进的互联网技术。(这部分内容部分源自我的讲座《传统的线下教育和新兴的在线教育融合的正确姿势》)1、招生方式的变化。以前,培训行业的主要招生方式是地推、电销、会销、续报等。现在,网络推广(SEO/SEM)早就成为培训行业的标配。教育社群成为越来越多公司的一种重要招生手段。互联网的一些精细化运营手段逐渐被运用在培训招生中,取得了奇效。2、管理方式的变化。经过多年的发展,培训行业的管理方式越来越先进。&在线教育时代,培训公司的开设更加容易。如果缺管理工具,那就用校宝或者跟谁学(天校/百家宝)吧;如果缺教研体系,那就用高思教育的爱学习吧;如果缺校长培养,那就听听腾跃社区等的课吧。好未来正在努力进入数据时代,他们希望通过互联网将各个事业部链接在一起,打通数据壁垒,减少资源的浪费,形成一个真正的整体。&3、培训课堂引入科技元素PAD已经进入一些高端培训学校,培训公司致力于打造“智能课堂”。16年,更加廉价的抢答器取代PAD成为培训课堂上的智能硬件。双师课堂模式成为16年的热点话题,新东方和好未来都在试点这一模式。虽然,双师课堂这个概念很新鲜,但是,双师模式早就存在。远古在线教育时代的电大和网校,很多都采用这种模式,职业教育领域的达内科技也一直在用这种模式。双师课堂只是新瓶装旧酒而已。&4、服务开始变得智能化一些校区采用了智能设备,学生进入校区,刷卡,即可在电子显示屏看到自己所在的教室。这样,培训机构可以压缩教务人员数量,节省了人力成本。以前,培训结构采取纸质试卷进行入学测试。现在,培训机构引入互联网技术后,进门考和出门测变得更加智能。以前,每到报名期,一些大型机构门口排起了长龙,这是家长在排队报名。现在,家长可以直接通过APP进行报名,续费,查课,了解进度……互联网让一切变得更加便利。&互联网思维越来越成为培训机构的思考方式,先进的互联网技术正在逐步改变着培训行业,教育资源的使用效率更高,教与学的效率也会更高。&四、中小学英语外教竞争日益惨烈51Talk成功在美国上市之后,中小学英语外教市场进入超级白热化。51Talk、vipabc、哒哒英语、VIPKID、一起作业网的UStalk等太多知名企业在这一领域厮杀,创业者们就不要进入这一领域了。笔者觉得公立校体系内的阅读领域还有一定的机会,尤其是分级阅读。中小学英语外教市场的客单价较高,虽然用户数并不多,市场规模还是相当可观。获客成本、续费率、完课率和老用户转介绍比率是一些重要的衡量指标。&&五、关于2017年的几点预测2016年已经过去,2017年在线教育将会何去何从?笔者在此大胆做几点预测。1、2017年将会成为教育测评年。在线教育不仅仅是在线学习(直播、答疑等),在线教育还有其他模式。16年上半年起,进公立校成为在线教育的一条重要赛道。这是因为体制内的学校是学生们最主要的学习场所,学校内最主要的场景就是考试和作业。教育测评是公立校的痛点和刚需。16年出现了多家教育测评公司。国家也在提倡分层教学,分层学习。因材施教是所有真正教育者们的梦想。要想做到这一点,教育大数据最关键。通过测评工具进行数据收集,利用先进技术进行数据挖掘,利用人工智能进行数据转化,这是这个行业的基本逻辑。步骤比较多,需要很强的技术和雄厚的资本,教育大数据一直是大难关。随着赛道越来越清晰,教育大数据逐步成为现实。数据驱动学习,智能成就未来。智能学习/自适应学习必将是未来的主场景。在此,笔者大胆预测,2017年将会成为教育测评年。&2、在线教育将会进一步洗牌,年底,在线教育将会回暖16年,在线教育泡沫破灭,神话终结。表面上看,在线教育进入寒冬期,一批在线教育企业死掉。实际上,资本更加理性,整个在线教育行业开始去伪存真,更加务实。寒冬将会持续到一段时间,更多在线教育公司死掉,赛道将会更加集中。笔者个人预计,17年底,在线教育将会回暖。&3、2017年,在线教育商业模式将会逐步清晰资本不再只关注用户数和活跃度,更加关注商业模式。资本是在线教育的指挥棒。各家在线教育公司正在努力追寻商业盈利。也许,在2017年,在线教育将会出现几种可复制的盈利模式。K12在线教育是一场马拉松,我们还是要做好长跑的准备。&最后,我还是用上年的一段话来结尾。读《培训行业这一年》,我们不要纠缠一字一句,我们要跳出书本,俯瞰全书。透过各企业一个个连贯的动作,我们就会发现教育行业这些年的变迁,发现一些规律和趋势。书就这样越读越薄,人就这样越读越厚!如果有机会,我们可以组织一个读书会(线上或者线下),一起读本书,一起讨论,一起头脑风暴,收获会更多。&(本文作者为明教育集团学信科技COO朱兆伟,曾做过教师、个人站长、产品经理,整体负责过运营。个人微信号gladzhu)
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In , China education and training industry is characterized as follows:
1, There are many education and training institutions but few large ones.As of the end of 2013, China had boasted a total of 112,300 education & training institutions but few of them could achieve annual revenue of more than RMB1 billion. The companies with higher proceeds consist of New Oriental Education & Technology Group, Inc., Xueda Education, TAL Education Group, etc., and the three’s revenue in 2013 was respectively up to USD1.055 billion (RMB6.437 billion), USD347 million (RMB2.116 billion), and USD287 million (RMB1.764 billion). The overwhelm majority of companies sees their annual revenue of less than RMB1 billion.
2, Competition pricks up, and the training institutions with weak comprehensive strength are merged or exited the market.During , the number of education & training institutions in China fell from 230,600 to 112,300, a sharp drop of 51.3%. It is worth noticing that large training organizations with better quality of training activities and more competitive strength established well-known brands and got highly recognized among consumers and in the market, thus ceaselessly expanding the learning centers, take example for Xueda education whose learning centers rose from 32 in 2007 to 462 in the first half of 2014.
3, Policy environment for private education gets better and further open.Chinese Government encourages and guides private capital into the education sector and continuously consummates relevant financial and tax policies. For instance, in March, 2013, the Decision of the State Council on Accelerating the Development of Modern Vocational Education was issued, which pointed it out that “to release the opinions on encouraging and supporting the development of private education, to implement the policies and measures about the development of private education, and to attract social capital into education sector”. The draft of Several Opinions on Further Encouraging Social Forces to Run Education has been finalized for the moment, which covers many domains of private education such as classified management, school-running admission, school-running financing channel, financial investment mechanism, etc.
4, Vocational education rises as a national strategy.In June, 2014, the State issued the Decision of the State Council on Accelerating the Development of Modern Vocational Education and the Modern Vocational Education System Construction Planning (). Before 2020, the proportion of medium and large enterprises participating in running vocational education schools should be above 80%. Bolstered by policies, the education & training institutions and enterprises have successively set foot in vocational education. By the end of September, 2014, 26 listed companies in the A-share market have been involved in vocational education.
5, Traditional education and training institutions make more investment in online business.In , online education attracted the massive inrush of capital, and internet firms, venture companies, startups and otherwise all have made arrangements in online education. Also, traditional offline education & training institutions (New Oriental Education & Technology Group, Inc., TAL Education Group, Xueda Education, Juren Education, Longwen Education, Huatu Education, etc.) made more efforts in online business and mainly built O2O model by dint of their offline business. For example, New Oriental Education & Technology Group, Inc. has established a blended learning platform by depending , an intelligent recorded online learning platform by relying , and an open live online education platform by dint . Besides, Weixue Mingri, which is co-funded by New Oriental Education & Technology Group and Tencent is exploring mobile learning field.
China Education and Training Industry Report,
mainly deals with the following:Development of various education schools, students and training institutions in China (including kindergarten, junior school, junior high school, high school, higher education, education & training institutions, etc.);Development environment of education and training industry (involving education investment, education expenditure, National Medium- and Long-term Planning for Education Reform and Development ();Development of vocational education (covering overview, vocational education funds, secondary/higher vocational education, industry policy, development trend, etc.);Development of private education (relevant policies, number of various private schools, enrolled students and faculties, etc.) Education & Training industry analysis (including the status quo and scale of the market as well as the market size and competition pattern of market segments like K-12 education, language training and vocational training);11 leading companies in education and training industry (including profile, operation, revenue structure, learning center, student enrollment, development strategy, etc.)
图:年中国幼儿园数量及同比增长图:年中国幼儿园招生及在校生人数图:年中国小学学校数量及同比增长图:年中国小学招生、在校生和毕业生人数图:年中国初中数量及同比增长图:年中国初中学校招生、在校生、毕业生人数表:年中国高中阶段教育各类型学校数量变化趋势图:年中国普通高中招生、在校生、毕业人数变化趋势图:年中国成人高中在校生及毕业生人数图:年中国普通中专招生、在校生、毕业生人数图:年中国职业高中招生、在校生、毕业生人数图:年中国技工学校招生、在校生、毕业生人数图:年中国成人中专招生、在校生、毕业生人数表:年中国高等教育各类型学校数量图:年中国本科招生、在校生、毕业生人数图:年中国专科招生、在校生、毕业生人数图:年中国硕士招生、在校生、毕业生人数图:年中国博士招生、在校生、毕业生人数图:年中国成人本科和专科招生、在校生、毕业生人数图:年中国各类学校数量图:年中国各类学校招生人数图:年中国各类学校在校生人数图:年中国各类学校毕业生人数图:年中国教育培训机构数量及同比增长图:年中国教育培训机构数量构成(分类别)图:年中国农村成人文化技术培训机构数量及同比增长图:年中国职工技术培训机构数量及同比增长图:其他培训机构(含社会培训机构)数量及同比增长图:中国教育培训机构数量分布(分区域)图:年中国教育培训机构注册学生人数及同比增长图:年中国教育培训机构结业学生人数及同比增长图:年中国教育培训机构教职工人数及同比增长图:年中国教育资金总投入及同比增长表:年中国公共财政教育支出及其占公共财政支出的比例(分省市)图:年中国教育行业城镇固定资产投资及同比增长图:年城镇居民人均年度教育消费支出表:年中国教育事业发展主要目标表:年国家人力资源开发主要目标表:年中国教育事业发展的八项任务表:年中国教育体制改革和制度创新的重大措施表:年中国教育发展规划的10个重大项目和10个改革试点图:年中国中等职业教育学校数量及同比增长图:2013vs.2003年中国中等职业教育学校数量构成(分类别)表:2012年中国中等职业教育学校数量(分设立机构)图:年中国中等职业教育学校招生人数及同比增长图:2013vs.2003中国中等职业教育学校招生人数构成(分类别)图:年中国中等职业教育在校生人数及同比增长图:2013vs.2003年中国中等职业教育在校生人数构成(分类别)表:2012年中国中等职业教育学校分科类招生、在校生和毕业生人数图:年中国中等职业教育学校毕业生就业率图:年中国中等职业教育学校毕业生就业去向构成图:年中国中等职业教育学校毕业生就业去向(分产业)图:年中国中等职业教育学校毕业生就业渠道构成表:年中国各地区中等职业教育生均公共财政预算教育事业费图:年中国高等职业教育学校数量及同比增长图:年中国高职高专院校招生人数及同比增长图:年中国高职高专院校在校生人数及同比增长表:2012年中国高职高专院校招生、在校生和毕业生人数(分学科)图:年中国高职高专院校毕业生就业率表:年中国现代职业教育体系建设量化目标表:中国职业教育重点发展领域(分行业)表:年中国民办教育相关政策表:年中国民办教育学校和培训机构数量图:年中国各类民办学校数量占比表:年中国各类民办教育学校招生人数表:年中国民办教育学校在校生人数表:年中国各类民办教育学校毕业生人数表:年中国各类民办教育学校及培训机构教职工人数图:年中国民办幼儿园数量及同比增长图:年中国民办幼儿园数量在总幼儿园数量中占比图:年中国民办幼儿园数量(分区域)图:年民办幼儿园招生人数及同比增长图:年中国民办幼儿园招生人数在幼儿园招生人数中占比图:年中国民办幼儿园在校生人数及同比增长表:中国民办大学Top20图:年中国民办大学Top100地域构成表:年中国Top20独立学院图:年中国Top100独立学院地域构成图:年中国民办培训机构数量及同比增长图:年中国民办培训机构数量(分类别)图:年中国民办培训机构注册学生人数及同比增长图:年中国民办培训机构注册学生人数(分类别)表:教育培训行业分类表:教育培训细分行业政策支持、市场需求、市场成熟度、进入门槛、资本关注的发展阶段图:年中国教育培训行业市场规模表:学前教育主要模式、核心要素及代表企业图:年中国中小学在校生人数图:年中国K-12教育市场规模及同比增长表:2013年中国中小学生课外辅导收入Top10企业及其市场份额图:年中国出国留学人数及同比增长图:年中国语言培训市场规模及同比增长表:2013年中国Top10英语培训机构及其教学模式和培训对象图:职业培训细分市场图:年中国职业培训市场规模及同比增长图:年中国IT培训市场规模及同比增长图:年中国在线教育用户数量及同比增长图:年中国在线教育市场规模及同比增长图:年中国在线教育在教育培训行业渗透率表:2013年中国主要企业在线教育业务收入图:财年新东方营业收入及同比增长图:财年新东方净利润及同比增长图:财年新东方净利润率图:财年新东方营业收入(分季度)图:财年新东方营业收入(分业务和季度)图:财年新东方学校及学习中心数(分财季)表:截至2014财年新东方学校及学习中心数量(分城市)图:财年新东方语言培训和考试辅导课程注册学生数(分财季)图:2014财年新东方付费学生人数(分业务)图:财年新东方在线业务收入及同比增长图:财年新东方销售及市场推广费图:新东方营销模式图:学大教育服务模式图:年学大教育员工人数构成图:年学大教育营业收入及同比增长图:年学大教育净利润及同比增长图:年学大教育净利率图:年学大教育学习中心数量及同比增长图:年学大教育学习中线扩张路线图图:截至2014年6月学大教育学习中心数量(分城市)图:年学大教育服务的学生人数及同比增长图:年学大教育平均每小时课程费及同比增长图:学大教育基于云计算的家教平台图:年学大教育发展路线图图:财年好未来教育营业收入及同比增长图:财年好未来教育净利润及同比增长图:财年好未来教育净利率图:财年好未来学习中心数量及同比增长图:截至2015财年第一财季好未来学习中心数量(分城市)图:财年好未来教育注册学生人数,同比增长及平均销售价格图:学而思核心课程及主要业务图:学而思服务模式图:财年学而思网校营业收入及同比增长图:年好未来在线教育布局图:学而思在线教育产品(分学生年龄)图:安博教育业务构成图:年安博教育营业收入及同比增长图:年安博教育净利润图:年安博教育净利率图:年安博教育营收构成(分业务)表:年安博教育营收构成(分部门)图:安博教育学习中心分布(分省市)图:年安博教育注册学生人数(分部门)图:达内科技公司结构图:年达内科技营业收入及同比增长图:年达内科技净利润及同比增长图:年达内科技净利率图:年达内科技毛利及毛利率图:年达内科技成本构成图:截至2014年6月达内科技学习中心及课程(分城市)图:达内科技学习中心扩张路线图:达内科技课程扩张路线图:年达内科技注册学生人数(分招生渠道)图:年达内科技注册学生人数(分季度)表:年达内科技注册学生人数(分课程)图:年达内科技每个学生平均收入图:年弘成教育营业收入及同比增长图:年弘成教育净利润及同比增长图:年弘成教育净利率图:年弘成教育营业收入(分季度)表:年弘成教育营收构成(分业务和季度)图:年弘成教育毛利率(分业务)图:年弘成教育学习中心数图:年弘成教育在线学位项目学生人数(分季度)表:弘成教育业务构成图:年弘成教育营业收入及同比增长图:财年正保远程教育营业收入及同比增长图:财年正保远程教育净利润及同比增长图:财年正保远程教育净利率图:财年正保远程教育营收构成(分财季)表:财年正保远程教育营收构成(分业务和财季)表:2013财年正保远程教育在线教育业务收入构成(分课程)图:财年正保远程教育课程总录取人数及人均消费图:财年正保远程教育课程录取人数(分季度)图:正保远程教育业务构成图:正保远程教育课程形式图:正保远程教育学员课程费支付方式图:年正保远程教育营业收入及同比增长图:财年ATA营业收入及同比增长图:财年ATA净利润及同比增长图:财年ATA毛利率(分财季)图:财年ATA净利率图:财年ATA营业收入(分财季)表:财年ATA营收构成(分业务)图:财年ATA设立的考试场次图:财年ATA营业收入及同比增长图:年中国教育集团营业收入及同比增长图:年中国教育集团净利润及同比增长图:年中国教育集团净利率图:年中国教育集团营收构成(分业务)图:年中国教育集团毛利率(分业务)图:年方直科技营业收入及同比增长图:年方直科技净利润及同比增长图:年方直科技净利率图:年方直科技营业收入(分产品)图:年方直科技营业收入(分区域)图:年方直科技毛利率(分产品)表:年方直科技毛利率(分区域)表:年方直科技来自前五大客户的销售收入及占比表:培生集团的主要子公司表:年培生集团员工人数(分区域)图:年培生集团营业收入及同比增长图:年培生集团净利润及同比增长图:年培生集团净利率图:年培生集团营收构成(分业务)图:年培生集团营收构成(分区域及主要国家)图:年培生集团在华布局图:年培生集团在中国等新兴市场营业收入图:年华尔街英语学习中心数量及同比增长图:年华尔街英语全球注册学生人数及同比增长图:年华尔街英语(中国)注册学生人数及同比增长图:年环球教育学习中心数量及同比增长图:年环球教育学习中心数量构成图:年环球教育注册学生人数及同比增长Number of Kindergartens and YoY Growth in China, Admission and Enrollment of Kindergartens in China, Number of Primary Schools in China, Admission and Enrollment of Primary Schools in China, Number of Junior Secondary Schools in China, Admission, Enrollment and Graduates of Junior Secondary Schools in China, Number of Senior Secondary Schools in China by Type, Admission, Enrollment and Graduates of Regular Senior Secondary Schools in China, Enrollment and Graduates of Adult Senior Secondary Schools in China, Admission, Enrollment and Graduates of Regular Specialized Secondary Schools in China, Admission, Enrollment and Graduates of Vocational Senior Secondary Schools in China, Admission, Enrollment and Graduates of Skilled Workers Schools in China, Admission, Enrollment and Graduates of Adult Specialized Secondary Schools in China, Number of Higher Education Schools by Type in China, Bachelor Admissions, Students Enrollment and Graduates in China, Junior College Admissions, Students Enrollment and Graduates, Master’s Degree Admissions, Students Enrollment and Graduates, Doctorate Admissions, Students Enrollment and Graduates, Adult Bachelor Program and Junior College Admissions, Students Enrollment and Graduates in China, Number of Schools in China by Type, Admission of Schools in China by Type, Enrollment of Schools in China by Type, Graduates of Schools in China by Type, Number and YoY Growth of Education & Training Institutions in China, Structure of Numbers of Education & Training Institutions in China by Type, Number and YoY Growth of Rural Adult Culture & Technology Training Institutions in China, Number and YoY Growth of Staff Technical Training Institutions in China, Number and YoY Growth of Other Training Institutions (Including Social Training Agencies)Distribution of Numbers of Education & Training Institutions by Region in ChinaStudents Enrollment and YoY Growth of Education & Training Institutions in China, Graduate Students and YoY Growth of Education & Training Institutions in China, Faculties and YoY Growth of Education & Training Institutions in China, China’s Total Investment in Education and YoY Growth, Proportion of Public Financial Budget for Education to Public Financial Expenditure in China by Region, China’s Urban Fixed Investment in Education Industry and YoY Growth, Per Capita Education Spending of Urban Residents, Main Target for the Development of Education of China, Major Objective of Human Resource Development of China, Eight Tasks for the Development of China’s Education, Major Measures of China’s Reform of Educational System and Institution Innovation, Ten Major Projects and Ten Pilot Reforms of China’s Education Development Planning, Number of Secondary Vocational Education Schools and YoY Growth in China, Number of Secondary Vocational Education Schools by Category in China, 2013Vs.2003Number of Secondary Vocational Education Schools by Establishment in China,2012Admission and YoY growth of Secondary Vocational Education Schools in China, Admission of Secondary Vocational Education Schools by Category in China , 2013Vs.2003Enrollment and YoY growth of Secondary Vocational Education Schools in China, Enrollment of Secondary Vocational Education Schools by Category in China, 2013Vs.2003Admission,Enrollment and Graduates of Secondary Vocational Education Schools by Major in China, 2012Employment Rate of Graduates from Secondary Vocational Education Schools in China, Employment Structure of Graduates from Secondary Vocational Education Schools in China, Employment Structure of Graduates from Secondary Vocational Education Schools in China by Industry, Employment Channels of Graduates from Secondary Vocational Education Schools in China, Public Finance Budget Education Operating Expenses of Secondary Vocational Education per Student in China by Region, Number of Higher Vocational Education Schools in China, Admission and YoY growth of Higher Vocational Colleges in China, Enrollment and YoY Growth of Higher Vocational Colleges in China, Admission, Enrollment and Graduates of Higher Vocational Colleges in China by Major, 2012Employment Rate for Higher Vocational College Graduates in China, Quantitative Objectives of Modern Vocational Education System Construction in China, Key Development Areas (by Sector) of Vocational Education in ChinaGovernment Policies on Non-Government Funded Education, Number of Non-Government Education Schools and Training Institutions in China, % of Private Schools in the Total Number of Schools by Type, Admission of Private Education Schools by Type in China, Enrollment of Private Education Schools by Type in China,Graduates of Private Education Schools by Type in China, Staff of Private Education Schools by Type in China, Number of Private Kindergartens and YoY Growth in China, % of Private Kindergartens in the Total Number of KindergartensNumber of Private Kindergartens by Region in China, Admission of Private Kindergartens in China, % of Admission of Private Kindergartens in Total Kindergartens in China, China's Enrollment of Private Kindergartens in Total Kindergartens, Top 20 Private Universities in China, Region Structure of Top 100 Private Universities in China, Top 20 Independent Institutions in China, Region Structure of Top 100 Independent Institutions in China, Number of Private Training Institutions and YoY Growth in China, Number of Private Training Institutions by Type, Enrollment of Private Training Institutions and YoY Growth, Enrollment of Private Training Institutions by Type, Classification of Education and Training IndustryDevelopment Stages of Policy Support, Market Demand, Market Maturity, Barriers to Entry, Capital Concern of Education and Training Industry SegmentsMarket Size and YoY Growth of Education and Training Industry in China, Major Models, Core Elements, and Representative Companies of Pre-school Education in ChinaEnrollment of Primary and Secondary School Students in China, Market Size and YoY Growth of K-12 Education in ChinaTop10 Companies in China’s After-school Tutoring for Primary and Secondary School Students and Their Market Shares by Revenue, 2013Number of Chinese Students Studying Overseas and YoY Growth, Market Size and YoY Growth of Language Training in China, Top10 English Training Institution and Their Teaching Model & Training
ParticipantsMarket Segments of Vocational TrainingMarket Size and YoY Growth of Vocational Training in China, Market Size and YoY Growth of IT Training in China, Online Education Users and YoY Growth in China, EOnline Education Market Size and YoY Growth in China, EPenetration of Online Education/Training in China, ERevenue from Online Education Business of Major Companies in China, 2013Revenue and YoY Growth of New Oriental Education & Technology, FY2009-FY2014Net Income and YoY Growth of New Oriental Education & Technology, FY2009-FY2014Net Profit Margin of New Oriental Education & Technology, FY2009-FY2014Revenue of New Oriental Education & Technology by Quarter, FY2009-FY2014Number of New Oriental Education & Technology’s Schools and Learning Centers by Quarter, Number of New Oriental Education & Technology’s Schools and Learning Centers by City, as of FY2014Student Enrollments for Language and Exam Training Courses of New Oriental Education & Technology by Quarter, Student Enrollments of New Oriental Education & Technology by Business, FY2014Revenue and YoY Growth of New Oriental Education & Technology's Online Education Business, FY2011-FY2017Selling and Marketing Costs of New Oriental Education & Technology, FY2009-FY2014Marketing Model of New Oriental Education & TechnologyService Model of Xueda EducationEmployee Structure of Xueda Education, Revenue and YoY Growth of Xueda Education, Net Income and YoY Growth of Xueda Education, Net Profit Margin of Xueda Education, Number of Learning Centers YoY Growth of Xueda Education, Expansion Routes of Xueda's Learning Centers, Number of Xueda's Learning Centers by City, As of June,2014Number of Students Served by Xueda Education and YoY Growth, Average Hourly Course Fee and YoY Growth of Xueda EducationCloud-based Tutoring Platform of Xueda EducationDevelopment Roadmap of Xueda Education, Revenue and YoY Growth of TAL EDUCATION GROUP, FY2009-FY2015Net Income and YoY Growth of TAL Education Group, FY2009-FY2015Net Profit Margin of TAL Education Group, FY2009-FY2015Number of Learning Centers and YoY Growth of TAL,FY2008-FY2015Number of TAL's Learning Centers by City, as of FY2015Q1Enrollment, YoY Growth and Average Selling Prices of TAL Education Group, FY2009-FY2015Core Courses and Main Business of TALService Mode of TALRevenue and YoY Growth , FY2011-FY2018Layout of TAL's Online Education Business, Online Education Products of TAL by Students' ageBusiness Structure of Ambow EducationRevenue and YoY Growth of Ambow Education, Net Income and YoY Growth of Ambow Education, Net profit Margin of Ambow Education, Revenue Structure of Ambow Education by Business, Revenue Structure of Ambow Education by Segment, Number of Ambow's Learning Centers by City, as of 2013Student Enrollments of Ambow Education by Segment, Corporate Structure of TarenaRevenue and YoY Growth of Tarena, Net Income and YoY Growth of Tarena, Net Profit Margin of Tarena, Gross Profit and Gross Profit Margin of Tarena, Cost Structure of Tarena, Learning Centers and Courses of Tarena by City, as of June,2014Expansion Routes of Tarena's Learning CentersExpansion Routes of Tarena's CoursesStudent Enrollments of Tarena by Channel, Student Enrollments of Tarena by Quarter, Student Enrollments of Tarena by Course, Average Revenue per student of Tarena, Revenue and YoY Growth of ChinaEdu, Net Income and YoY Growth of ChinaEdu, Net Profit Margin of ChinaEdu, Revenue of ChinaEdu by Quarter, Revenue Structure of ChinaEdu by Business and Quarter, Gross Margin of ChinaEdu by Business, Number of ChinaEdu’s Learning Centers, Number of ChinaEdu’s Online Degree Program Students by Quarterly, Business Structure of ChinaEduRevenue and YoY Growth of ChinaEdu, Revenue and YoY Growth of China Distance Education, FY2009-FY2014Net Income and YoY Growth of China Distance Education, FY2009-FY2014Net Profit Margin of China Distance Education, FY2009-FY2014Revenue Structure of China Distance Education (by Financial Quarter), FY2009-FY2014Revenue Structure of China Distance Education (by Business and Financial Quarter), FY2009-FY2014Revenue Structure of China Distance Education's Online Education Business (by Course), FY2013Student Enrollments and Per Capita Consumption of China Distance Education's Courses, FY2009-FY2014Enrollment Breakdown of China Distance Education's Courses (by Quarter), FY2009-FY2014Business Structure of China Distance EducationCourse Forms of China Distance EducationMode of Payment for China Distance Education's CoursesRevenue and YoY Growth of China Distance Education, FY2014-FY2017Revenue and YoY Growth of ATA, FY2009-FY2015Net Income and YoY Growth of ATA, FY2009-FY2015Gross Margin of ATA by Financial Quarter, FY2009-FY2015Net Profit Margin of ATA, FY2009-FY2015Revenue of ATA by Financial Quarter, FY2009-FY2015Revenue Structure of ATA by Business, FY2009-FY2014Number of Tests of ATA by Financial Quarter, Revenue and YoY Growth of ATA, FY2015-FY2018Revenue and YoY Growth of China Education Alliance, Net Income and YoY Growth of China Education Alliance, Net Profit Margin of China Education Alliance, Revenue Structure of China Education Alliance, Gross Margin of China Education Alliance by Business, Revenue and YoY Growth of Shenzhen Kingsun Science & Technology, Net Income and YoY Growth of Shenzhen Kingsun Science & Technology, Net Profit Margin of Shenzhen Kingsun Science & Technology, Revenue Structure of Shenzhen Kingsun Science & Technology by Product, Revenue Structure of Shenzhen Kingsun Science & Technology by Region, Gross Margin of Shenzhen Kingsun Science & Technology by Product, Gross Margin of Shenzhen Kingsun Science & Technology by Region, Revenue of Shenzhen Kingsun Science & Technology from Top 5 Clients and % of Total Revenue, Major Subsidiaries of Pearson GroupNumber of Employees of Pearson Group by Region, Revenue and YoY Growth of Pearson Group, Net Income and YoY Growth of Pearson Group, Net Profit Margin of Pearson Group, Revenue Structure of Pearson Group by Business, Revenue Structure of Pearson Group by Region and Major Country, Pearson's Layout in ChinaPearson’s Revenue from China and Other Emerging Markets, Number of Learning Centers and YoY Growth of Wall Street English, Global Student Enrolments and YoY Growth of Wall Street English, Student Enrolments and YoY Growth of Wall Street English(China), Number of Learning centers and YoY Growth of Global Education, Structure of Learning Centers of Global Education, Student Enrolments and YoY Growth of Global Education,
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