求人教版牛津小学英语4a unit1九年级UNIT14,4a的翻译。急

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官方公共微信2014年秋九年级英语unit 4 Section A 4a-4c(新版人教版) _九年级英语课件
2014年秋九年级英语unit 4 Section A 4a-4c(新版人教版)
课件名称:&2014年秋九年级英语unit 4 Section A 4a-4c(新版人教版)
Unit 4 & & &I used to be afraid of the darks
Period 5 & Section A
Teaching aims复习本单元used to结构,描述自己或他人过去与现在的外貌和性格的变化;
New words European (n. a.)&& &欧洲人、欧洲的
African (n. a. )&& &非洲人、非洲的
British (n. a.)&& &英国人、英国的
speech (n)&& &演讲
make/give a speech&& &做演讲
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你怎样学得很棒?这个星期我们在新星高中询问了学生关于学习英语最佳的方式。 通过讯问有关于学习英语的方法,许多学生说他们学会了。 有些学生有更加具体的建议。 莉莲?李,例如,最佳的方式学会新的单词是通过读英国杂志。 说那记住流行音乐歌曲的词她也被帮助有…
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Unit 1你怎样学得很棒?这个星期我们在新星高中询问了学生关于学习英语最佳的方式。 通过讯问有关于学习英语的方法,许多学生说他们学会了。 有些学生有更加具体的建议。 莉莲?李,例如,最佳的方式学会新的单词是通过读英国杂志。 说那记住流行音乐歌曲的词…
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第一单元 SECTION A1a 我通过制作抽认卡来学习。通过和朋友一起学习。通过听磁带。 通过做抽认卡。 通过向老师求助。 通过读课本。 通过制作单词本。1c A:你怎么为考试而学习。B:我通过参加学习小组来学习。2a 1、你是通过看英文录像学英语…
2d 凯蒂:昨晚为留学生举办的欢迎派对怎么样? 约翰:真棒!我交了一些新朋友,不过发生了一件很有趣的事情。 凯蒂:什么事? 约翰:我遇到了一个名叫奥佐藤的日本男孩,正当我伸出手(要跟他握手)时,他对我鞠躬了。 凯蒂:那就是日本人跟比尔打招呼的方式。如…
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Unit 1
这个星期我们在新星高中询问了学生关于学习英语最佳的方式。 通过讯问有关于学习英语的方法,许多学生说他们学会了。 有些学生有更加具体的建议。 莉莲?李,例如,最佳的方式学会新的单词是通过读英国杂志。 说那记住流行音乐歌曲…
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4页3a怎样最好地学习?这个星期我们问了在新星中学的学生关于学习英语最佳的方式。许多人说他们通过使用英语来学习。有些学生有更加具体的建议。例如,莉莲?李说学英语生词的最好方法是通过读英国杂志。她说记住流行音乐歌曲的词有点帮助。 当我们问到学习语法时,…
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作者:佚名 资料来源:网络 点击数: &&&
文章 来源莲山课件 ww w.5 Y
Unit 14Ⅰ. 单项选择(15分)选择可以填入空白处的最佳选项。( )1. D What movie will be shown&&&&&& TV tonight?&& &D Shaolin Temple.A. in&&&&B. at&&&&& C. from&&&D. on( )2. When you travel to a city, you’d better buy a&&&&&&& to get more information about it. A. newspaper&&B. suitcase&&&& C. guidebook&&D. camera ( )3. Maybe I have heard of this girl before, but I can ______ remember her name.A. hardly&&&&&&&& B. really&&&&&&&&& C. mostly&&&&&& D. easily&& ( )4.&&&&&&&& trees were cut off. And many birds lost their home. A. Thousand of&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& B. Thousands of&C. Two thousands&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& D. Two-thousand( )5. D Are you full now?D No. I want&&&&&&& apple pies.A. more one&&B. one more&&&& C. more two&&D. two more&(& ) 6. You     ever saw computers years ago, but now they are everywhere.A. sometimes&&&& B. usually&&&&&&&&& C. hardly&&&&&& D. almost(& ) 7. This is a very big company. It has     workers. Do you want to work here?A. five thousand&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& B. five thousandsC. five thousands of&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& D. five thousand of(& ) 8. My job is feeding the cat. Now it’s your turn     the dog.A. feeding&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& B. to feedC. to have fed&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& D. being fed(& ) 9. My friend, Darren, is coming to visit us. I’m looking forward     him.A. meet&&&&&&&&& B. meeting&&&&&&&& C. to meet&&&&&& D. to meeting(& ) 10. ― The radio is too noisy and there is nothing interesting on it. Why don’t you    ?― All right. I’ll do that.A. turn it on&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& B. turn it offC. turn it back&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& D. turn it up( )11. D Have you ever&&&&&&& to a zoo? D Yes, but only once. I visited Beijing Zoo last year.A. gone&&& B. been&&& C. visited&&& D. seen( )12. D What are you ______ your suitcase for?D I’m ready for a trip.A. making&&&&& B. shutting& &&&&& C. packing& && D. putting( )13. ― How long ______ the movie Aftershock ______?― For just several minutes.&&&&&&&& A. begin&&&&&& B. begun&&&&&& C. been on&& D. on( )14. D When did you start your math homework?D One hour ago, but I&&&&&&& it yet.A. didn’t finish&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& B. finished&&C. have finished&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& D. haven’t finished( )15. D What a cool day! How about climbing Mount Tai?D&&&&&& . Let’s ask Yang Liu to go with us.A. Never mind&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& B. Not at all &&&& C. Sounds great&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& D. Good luck
Ⅱ. 完形(15分) 下列短文,选择可以填入空白处的最佳选项。&& John loved playing basketball after school. John’s parents were anxious about their son because he&& 16&& half of his spare time playing basketball, even though he would soon&& 17&& the college entrance exam (高考).Many evenings, John returned home&& 18&& at the beginning of the new term. His parents told him to concentrate more&& 19&& his studies, but their words went in one&& 20&& and out the other. His parents were so angry that they&& 21&& his basketball. From that day on, John returned home on time but locked&& 22&& in his room. At first, his parents dreamt their son could study hard to enter a top university. But&& 23& news shattered (破灭) their dream. John’s pre-exam test scores were&& 24& . One night, John’s mother looked into his room and&& 25&& him reading a basketball magazine.So John’s parents discussed the matter. They&& 26&& to make a deal (约定) with John. If John scored high marks in the following tests, he could get his ball back and&& 27&& if he failed, they would keep the ball&& 28&& he improved.John&& 29&& reading his magazines. He started working hard. He started getting high marks and got his&& 30&& back. The ball stayed with John until he entered a top university.(& ) 16. A. wasted&B. worked&&C. spent&&&D. used(& ) 17. A. take&&B. pass&& &&C. fail&&&D. make(& ) 18. A. early&&B. late&&&C. quickly&&D. slowly(& ) 19. A. in&&B. to&&&&&&&& &C. at&&&&& &&D. on(& ) 20. A. hand&&B. foot &&&C. ear&&&&&&&& D. eye&&&(& ) 21. A. brought&B. took away&C. played &&D. put up(& ) 22. A. himself&B. itself&&&C. herself &&D. themselves(& ) 23. A. good& &B. bad&&&&&&& C. exciting&&D. excited(& ) 24. A. low&&B. high&&&C. more&&&D. less(& ) 25. A. made&&& B. heard&&&C. kept&& &&D. found(& ) 26. A. ordered&B. thought&&C. decided&&&&& D. allowed&&(& ) 27. A. read&&B. play&&&C. hit&&&&& D. throw(& ) 28. A. until&&B. after&& &&C. while&&&&& D. since(& ) 29. A. went on&B. put off&&&&& C. enjoyed&&D. gave up&&(& ) 30. A. job&&&& &B. confidence&C. ball&&&D. magazine
Ⅲ. 理解(30分)ASeveral days ago, while I was logging onto QQ, my cousin’s QQ head popped out online. We hadn’t seen each other for a few months, so I decided to start a conversation with her. My cousin is studying in a college of our city. Her hobby is surfing the Internet. Every time I am on the computer, she is always online, listening to music or decorating her “personal space”. I like visiting her space. It’s creative and modern and worth a visit. I can’t imagine my designing such a colorful web page.When I read the sentences she sent to me, I noticed that the Chinese characters had been changed, but I could still guess their meanings. I took a strong interest in this type of new characters. Further observation made me realize that they added some common Chinese radicals(部首) to the original characters, making them more vivid, a little like Japanese. My cousin said this gives new life to the Chinese language and culture.It is true that the Internet has reinvented our language, but I still can’t accept this new cultural change. Some Chinese characters have me one shouldn’t superficially change them by adding an additional radical. So I persuaded my cousin to change her new idea and use standard characters to communicate. And she willingly accepted my advice.(& )31. The author’s cousin was a(n) ________.&&&& A. engineer&&&&&& B. teacher&&&&&&& C. model&&&&&&&&& D. student(& )32. The author would like to visit his cousin’s space _________.&&&& A. because he wants to design a web page&&&& B. because the music is well worth listening to&&&& C. because it is very attractive and popular&&&& D. because it is the best one on the Internet(& )33. The second paragraph mainly tells us that ________.&&&& A. the Internet has an effect on the Chinese characters&&&& B. the Chinese people have learned a lot from the Internet&&&& C. the QQ message online is very useful to everyone&&&& D. the text message is more important than the QQ messages(& )34. The underlined word “reinvented” in the passage means “_________”.&&&& A. destroyed&&&&&&& B. improved&&&&&&&& C. discovered&&&&& D. introduced(& )35. We can learn from this passage that _________.&&&& A. the author is a teacher in a college&&&& B. the author can design a webpage creatively&&&& C. the Chinese characters have been changed into Japanese&&&& D. the author thinks people should use standard characters to communicate
B A terrible mudslide (泥石流) swept through Zhouqu County in northwest China’s Gansu Province on August 7, 2010. Lots of people were killed and injured in the disaster (灾难), and some are still missing. Now the new school semester began. How about the students there?Up till now, most people including teachers and students are still living in the tents. The students should have started their new semester on August 15. However, the terrible mudslide disrupted the plan since two schools were damaged and three others were used as resettlement areas (安置区). The new semester had to be put off for ten days. Also, since many teachers were killed, parents were worrying that their children might not be able to go to school. Luckily, 54 teachers from neighboring areas were sent to Zhouqu County, and 12 volunteer teachers arrived there, too. Moreover, all the students got their textbooks and school things for free. On the first day of school, a girl said, “The disaster is weighing heavily on my mind (沉重地压在我的心上). But today school begins. I’m with my classmates again. I feel so happy.”Zhouqu County has two primary schools, two junior high schools and one senior high school. The students of the only senior high school had to start the new semester in a school in the neighboring area. Although the new school is far from their homes, they are happy to return to school.根据短文内容,选择最佳选项。(10分) (& ) 36. The underlined word “disrupted” means “______” in Chinese.&&&&&& A. 实施&&&&& B. 打乱&&&&&&& C. 制定&&& D. 完善(& ) 37. The new school semester began on ______ in Zhouqu County.A. August 7&&& B. August 15&&& C. August 25&&&& D. September 1(& ) 38. What were the parents in Zhouqu County worrying? &&&&&& A. There were no textbooks for their children.&&&&&& B. Their children had problems with their studies.C. The textbooks were too expensive for them to afford.D. There were not enough teachers to teach their children.(& ) 39. From the underlined words the girl said, we can learn she is very _____.&&&&&& A. sad &&& B. afraid &&C. smart&&& &D. optimistic (乐观)(& ) 40. Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?&&&&&& A. There are five schools in Zhouqu County.B. Many people had to live in the tents after the mudslide.C. The teachers now in Zhouqu County are much more than before. D. The terrible mudslide killed many people and affected people’s lives there.
C阅读下列语段,并将它们重新排列顺序,组成一篇连贯的短文。A. The shorter boy replied, “When someone hurts you, you should write it in the sand from which the wind can erase it easily. However, when someone does something good for you, you should carve(雕刻) it on a stone from which the wind can never erase it.”B. The taller boy asked him, “After I hurt you, you wrote in the sand, but now you carve on the stone. Why?”C. Two friends were walking through the desert (沙漠). During the journey they had an argument, and the taller boy hit the shorter one in the face. The shorter boy was hurt.D. They kept on walking until they found a pond (池塘). And they decided to take a bath there. The shorter boy got stuck in the mud and started to sink, but luckily he was saved by the taller boy. After that, he carved on a stone, “Today my best friend saved my life.”E. But without saying anything, he wrote in the sand, “Today my best friend hit me in the face.” The right order:41.      42.      43.     44.      45.      
Ⅳ. 任务型阅读(共5小题,每小题2分,计10分)阅读下面短文,完成后面任务。I live with my grandmother in a Beijing yard house. One day last year, (A)我很惊讶地看到一个外国人从我们家隔壁房子里走出来。 He was very tall with short brown hair and a pair of glasses.The first time I saw him, I was too shy to speak to him. “My English is too bad!” I thought. My grandmother told me that he had just moved into our yard. “I don’t like it!” she said. “Foreigners aren’t like us. Maybe he’ll play loud music and have parties every night! I’ m sure he’s going to cause trouble.”Several days later, I met the foreigner as I was walking home after work. “Ni hao!” he said in Chinese! “My name’s Tony. I’ve just moved into the house next door to yours.” While I was wondering what to say, he continued, “There’s a nice bar down the road. Why don’t you and your family come to the (B)      and have dinner with (C)     ?” “Bars are bad places,” said my grandmother when I told her, but we decided to go.(D)The bar was not at all what I had expected. It was in a beautiful little yard house, with several large bookshelves and pictures of Tibet on the walls. Several Chinese people and foreigners were sitting, drinking or reading books. I noticed that some of the foreigners were speaking Chinese in a low voice to each other, “Oh, what a civilized(文明的) place!” my grandmother said.The bar served special “hutong pizzas”. As we ate, Tony told us about himself―he is making some researches into environment. He always likes to be quiet. My grandmother said to me, “He really seems like a very nice young man.” Yes, Tony is my new neighbor, a nice foreigner.46.将(A)句译成英文:                    47. 在(B) (C)空白处填入适当的词使句意完整、上下文通顺:(B)        (C)       48.将(D)句译成中文:                    49.找出文中与下列句子意思相近的句子:When I didn’t know what I should say, he added, …                    50.用文中词汇概括短文主题:                    
Ⅴ. 单词(5分)根据句意及汉语或首字母提示,填写恰当的单词。51. The old couple lived in a house made of ________(木头).52. The lights went out, so we had to ________(点燃) a candle.53. The dog barked when he heard the ________(脚步) in the garden.54. We visited parts of Fujian Province in s________ China.55. The moon a&&&&&&&&& quite big and round tonight.
Ⅵ. 情景交际(10分)根据对话内容,从方框内选择合适的句子补全对话。(有两项多余)A. Who has gone there?B. When are you going there?C. I haven’t been there, either.D. I’ve seen and learnt a lot there.E. What have you done for the holiday?F. Which pavilion do you want to visit most?G. But I hear there’re a large number of people every day.M: Yang Liu, the summer holiday is over. (56)___________W: I have visited the World Expo Garden in Shanghai.M: That must be exciting. (57)___________ You must have waited for a long time to visit some wonderful pavilions, didn’t you?W: Yes, I did. But I think it’s worth (值得) visiting. (58)___________ M: You’re right. I want to go to the World Expo Garden, too. W: (59)___________M: I’m planning to go during National Day holiday.W: (60)___________M: The China Pavilion, of course. W: Have a pleasant trip.M: Thanks.
Ⅶ. 书面表达(15分)假如你叫李华,下图形象地勾勒出你和父母在即将到来的寒假里的一些活动场景。请据此写一篇80词左右的英语短文。谈谈你的假日计划和想法。短文的开头已给出,不计入总词数。&
I’ve made a careful plan for the coming winter vacation.____________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________
Key:1-5 DCABD&&&&& 6-10 CABDB&&&& 11-15 BCCDC16-20 CABDC&&& 21-25 BABAD&&& 26-30 CBADC31-35 DCABD&&& 36-40 BCDDC&&& 41-45 CEDBA46. I was surprised to see a foreigner walking out of the house next door to ours.47. me48.酒吧根本不是我所想象的那样。49.While I was wondering what to say, he continued, …50.My new neighbor, a nice foreigner51. wood&&&&&&&& 52. light&&&&&&&&& 53. steps&&& 54. southern&&&&&& 55. appears56-60 EGDBFOne possible version:I’ve made a careful plan for the coming winter vacation.My parents and I love reading, so I’ll read as many interesting books as I can together with them. That will make my vacation relaxing and interesting. I’ve also planned to spend several days traveling around China with my parents. We will visit some places of interest. I think I can learn more about our country from traveling. I will join a sports club, too. I will play basketball and football. I’m sure I’ll have a pleasant winter vacation. 文章 来源莲山课件 ww w.5 Y
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