以“come and eat here”以书为题的作文英语作文

必修3教案 Unit2 Healthy Eating-Come and Eat here(1)[嘉兴英语网]
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Notes to some difficult sentences1. Wang Pengwei sat in his empty restaurant feeling very frustrated. (Reading)这里的feeling是-ing用做伴随状语。王鹏伟坐在他那空荡荡的餐馆里,感到十分沮丧。Mary stood at the school gate waiting for Betty.2. Nothing could have been better. (Reading) 再好不过了。此句子相当于All his foods could have been the best. “not/no/never /nothing +比较级”句型常用来表示“没有……比……更……”,即:比较级表达最高级概念。例如: There is nothing more interesting than the film I have ever seen in the past years. 在近几年我所看的电 影中没有比这部更有意思的了。下面介绍2种带有否定词的比较句型:1) no better than:表示“和……一样;实际等于……”,如: He is no better than a beggar. 他实际上等于一个乞丐。 The invalid is no better than he was yesterday. 病人的情况和昨天一样。 He has no better a say in the matter than I have. 他和我一样在这件事上没有发言权。 2) not. . . any more than或no more. . . than:表示“同……一样不”,如: I could no more do that than you. I could not do that any more than you. 你不能做这件事,我也不能做。 He is not a poet any more than I am a scholar. 我不是一个学者,他也不是一个诗人。 This story is no more interesting than that one. 这个故事和那个故事一样没有趣味。 He is no more able to read German than I am. 他和我一样都不懂德语。3. He couldn’t have Yong Hui getting away with telling people lies! (Reading)have sb doing1)have有三种宾语补足语的形式。have sb. do sth.(have=let)have sb. doing sth. have =keep/employ(雇用)have sb. done使某人做某事;遭遇(不幸)I’ ll have him go with me.我将让他和我一块去。I’ll have him working in my company.我将雇用他在我的公司里工作。I’ll have my hair cut tomorrow.2)get away with doing sth: not be published for sth不因某事而受罚get away with sth: steal sth and escape with it or receive(a relatively light)to“偷携某物潜逃”或“受到(较轻的处罚)”I won’t have you getting away with cheating in the exam.He robbed the bank and got away with a lot of money.He was so lucky to get away with a fine for such a serious mistake.4. I thought you were a new customer and now I find you came only to spy on me and my menu. (Reading)only to do 常表示“出乎意料之外的结果”。I got to the shop only to find that the door was closed.5. I do have to rest a lot. (Reading)本句借助动词do来强调谓语动词have。I do love sports.I did come here yesterday. 6.Pengwei followed Li Maochang into a newly-opened small restaurant at the end of the street. (Reading)newly-opened是一个“副词+过去分词”构成复合形容词。复合形容词的构成有:(1)形容词 + 名词 + edkind-hearted好心的,white-haired白发的(2)形容词 + 形容词red-hot炽热的,dark-blue深蓝的(3)形容词 + 现在分词good-looking好看的,easy-going随和的(4)副词 + 现在分词hard-working勤劳的,fast-moving快速转动的(5)副词 + 过去分词hard-won得来不易的,newly-made新建的(6)名词 + 形容词life-long终生的,world-famous世界闻名的(7)名词 + 现在分词peace-loving爱好和平的,fun-loving爱开玩笑的(8)名词 + 过去分词snow-covered白雪覆盖的,hand-made手工的(9)数词 + 名词 + edfour-storeyed 4层楼的,three-legged 3条腿的(10)数词 + 名词(名词用单数)ten-year 10年的,two-man两人的7. If I had the chance to say one thing to healthy kids, it would be this: Just having a disability doesn’t mean your life is not satisfying. (Reading)If I had…, it would be…是虚拟语气在if引导的虚拟条件句中的用法。本句与现在的事实相反,从句的谓语动词用过去式;主句 的谓语动词用would/could/might/should +动词原形。If I had time, I would attend your party. If I were you, I should accept the invitation.8. His restaurant ought to be full of people. (Reading)ought to与should意思接近,大多数情况下二者可以互换,但是should谈的是自己的主观看法,ought to则更多反映客观情况,在谈到法律、义务和规定时使用。如:We should/ought to help each other and learn from each other in our work.She is your mother, so you ought to support her.We ought to go and see Mary tomorrow, but I don’t think we will.9. Tired of all that fat? (Reading)&(be) tired of厌倦,厌烦I’ let’s go out for a walk.tire out使疲劳不堪; be tired out筋疲力尽The children have really tired me out.I’ I think I’ll go to bed.10. The competition between the two restaurants was on! (Reading)be on “表示(事情)正在或将要发生”。There’s a new film on at the cinema.11. I don’t want them to remind me of her. (Reading)remind表示“使想起”,常常跟of连用。What he had done reminded me of the days when I was in the army. 他所做的一切使我想起了我在部队的那些日子。 Thanks for your gift―it will always remind me of you. 非常感谢你的礼物――它会使我经常想起你。
【高考链接】常考动词十五类动词是英语中最活跃的词类,是句子的核心成分。一、连系动词类1.变化类表事物发展变化的过程,如become,& go, turn, grow, get, fall等。2.感觉类表人体部位的感受,如feel, smell, taste, look, sound appear, seem, look等。3.状态类表事物所处的状态,如keep, come, run, remain, stand, lie, stay, prove等。连系动词的作用是后接形容词或相当于形容词的结构作表语。除了少数几个(如feel, get, become, grow等)外,不用于进行时态和被动结构。例如:The mixture is tasted terrible.(误)The mixture tastes terrible(正)二、感官动词类常考的感官动词有see, watch, notice, observe, hear, feel, find, catch等。感官动词的主要作用是后接非谓语动词的不同形式作宾语补足语,表达不同的含义。1.后接不带to的不定式表示一个发生过或者还没发生具体的动作。I often heard the song sung, but I have never heard you sing it.When you go to watch the football watch, you will enjoy seeing the Chinese football team win.2.后接V-ing形式表伴随的动作。Seeing the sun rising above the surface of the sea, we let out a shout of joy.Hearing this, I felt my heart beating fast.3.后接V-ed形式表被动意义。After his return twenty years later, he found his home town greatly changed.Although I had learnt some English, I had never heard a word of it spoken.三、使役动词类表“致使”意义的动词称之为使役动词,如make, let, have, keep, leave, set, send等。使役动词的作用是后接非谓语动词的不同形式作宾语补足语,表达不同的含义。分以下三种情况:1. make, let have等后接不带to的不定式,表“使/让某人/某物做某事”。Don't make him do it if he doesn't want to.If you have any problems, just let me know.在被动结构中不定式须带to,但是have不用于被动结构中。He was made to apologize to the guest.2. have, keep, leave, send, set, get等后接V-ing形式,表持续性动作。I'm sorry to keep you waiting for so long.Why do you have him worrying about his lessons?3. have, keep, leave等后接V-ed形式,表被动含义。He didn't keep on asking me the time until he had had his watch repaired.I'll keep you informed as soon as I have the news.四、含情感色彩的动词这类动词有excite, inspire, encourage, interest, satisfy, delight, please, move, frighten, surprise, amaze, astonish, shock, worry, astonish, disappoint, discourage, exhaust, puzzle, tire, terrify等。情感动词后接指人的名词或代词作宾语,有V-ing和V-ed两种形式,在句中作宾语和表语,V-ed形式指人,V-ing形式则指事物。The story was so moving that everyone present was moved to tears.What disappointing result!We were all disappointed with it.Climbing a hill was tiring and we were tired when we reached the summit.五、后接不定式动词类afford, agree, choose, determine, expect, decide, learn, offer, mange, hope, want, wish, promise, refuse, fail, pretend, happen等动词,后跟不定式作宾语。Thank you for offering to help, but I can manage myself.He learned to ride a bicycle when he was a small boy.六、后接V-ing形式动词类该类动词常考的有appreciate, avoid, bear, consider, dislike, delay, enjoy, escape, finish, hate, imagine, keep, mind, miss, practise, postpone, resist, risk, stand, suggest 等。这些动词须接V-ing形式作宾语。例如;I don't mind waiting, but I've got to stand in the cold wind.Have you considered making some necessary changes to your plan?Only by practising speaking English every day can you expect to improve your spoken English.七、后接不定式与V-ing形式意义不同动词类remember, try, regret, mean, forget, stop, go on, can't help等后接不定式与V-ing形式作宾语,表达含义不同。见下表:动词&接动名词作宾语&接不定式作宾语Remember &过去发生的动作& &将来的动作try &尝试做某事&&& &努力做某事regret &对做过的事表示后悔& &对要做的事表示遗憾mean &意味着做某事& &企图(打算)做某事can't help &禁不住做某事& &不能帮助做某事go on &继续做未完成的事情& &做完一件事后,接着做另一件事forget &忘记以前曾做过某事& &忘记做某事stop &中断正在做的事情 &中断正在做的事去做别的事例如:I remember being pad, but I've forgotten the exact amount.Please remember to send me a photo of your son the next time you write to me.I don't really mean to work here, which means leaving the job soon afterwards.八、进行时态表将来意义动词类这类动词一般为表位置移动或方向性动词,如go, come, start, arrive, take, leave, move等。例如:When are going off to for Shanghai?Mary as well as her parents is leaving for California next month.九、主动表被动动词类英语中有些动词可用其主动形式表达被动含义,可分为以下三种情况:1.某些实义动词的主动形式后跟副词表示被动意义,这类动词有sell, wash, write, last, read, wear等。这种“动词+副词”结构,常表示事物内部特有的属性。This kind of cloth washes well and lasts long.The pen my father gave me as a birthday gift writes smoothly.Written in simple English, this article reads easily.2.某些及物动词转为不及物动词后,其主动形式表示被动意义,如open(打开,营业),close(关门),shut(关闭),cut(切割),weigh(重), act(上演)等。The door won't shut.This shop opens much earlier than it used to.Each stone weighs 2 tons.3.某些不及物动词,如happen, occur, cost以及短语,如come out(出版),come up(出现),come into being(产生)come to one's mind想起),turn out(证明是),come about(发生),break out(爆发),belong to (属于)等,本身表被动含义,所以它们常用主动形式。The first textbooks written for teaching English as a foreign language came out in the 18th century.Suddenly an idea came to his mind.It never occurred to me to phone you.十、虚拟语气动词类insist, order, command, suggest, advise, propose, ask, require, request, demand等后接引导的宾语从句时,谓语动词须用“(should)+动词原形”。The guard at the gate insisted that everyone should obey the rules.The rule requires that everyone, young or old, man or women, have his car checked once a year.十一、省略替代类believe, think, suppose, guess, hope, expect, imagine, would like/ love, be afraid等动词用于简略回答中,后接so来替代肯定分句,用not来替代否定分句。或接to来替代前面内容相同的不定式,表示看法、意见、设想、打算等。例如:―Do you think Norman would have lent me his car I had asked him to?―Yes, I ,think so.―Will you be able to come to my birthday party?―I'd love to, but I'm too busy.注意:believe, think, suppose, guess等用于否定回答时,既可以说I believe (think, suppose guess) not,也可以说I don't believe (think, suppose guess) so,但用hope, expect, be afraid作否定回答时,只能说I hope (expect) not以及I'm afraid not 十二、否定转移类think, believe, guess, suppose, imagine, expect等动词后接that引导的宾语从句时,从句若为否定结构,常将否定词not前移到主句中。I don't think it is possible to learn a foreign language well without much memory work.He doesn't think Tom will make an excellent player.当该结构的主句主语为第一人称时,变为反意疑问句,后半句的主语和谓语简略形式应与从句保持一致,否则与主句保持一致。例如:I don't think there is anything else I need, is there?He doesn't believe he will be able to solve the problems by herself, does he?十三、带介词to的动词短语类这类短语有be (get) used to, lead to, devote…to, look forward to, stick to, object to, get down to, there is no end to等。当它们后面出现动词时,要用V-ing形式。例如:I've got used to driving in all kinds of weather.As soon as she returned home from abroad, she got down to preparing supper for children.注意区分介词to与不定式符号to He used to drive on the right and now he is used to driving on the left. (used to表“过去常常”,to为不定式符号,be used to 表“习惯于”,to为介词)I'm looking forward to seeing you soon.(look forward to意思是“盼望,期待”,to为介词。)He looked forward to see what was happening.& (look forward意为“向前看”,to see是不定式作目的状语。)十四、瞬间(非延续性动词)类这类动词常考的有go, come, leave, start, return, begin, arrive, stop, finish, borrow, lend, open, close, die, become, break, join, marry, employ, graduate等。瞬间(非延续性动词)表短暂性的动作,因此不可与表“段时间”的for/ since短语或since从句连用。例如:He has come here for three years.(误)He has been here for three years.(正)It is three years since he came here.(正)十五、计划未能实现类intend, mean, hope, wish, plan, expect, think, want, suppose等动词用于过去时态,可表示过去未能实现的愿望、想法、打算等。1.该类动词用于过去完成时后接不定式或宾语从句。I had never thought you would bring me such a nice gift.I had panned to call on you, but I was too busy to get away.2.该类动词用于一般过去时后接不定式的完成式或一般式。I'd like to have arrived on time, but I was caught on the traffic jam.
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关于come and eat here后面的三个问题?
关于come and eat here后面的三个问题?
1、come,go,try,help&几个动词用&&and& 并列另一个动词,这个动词往往是前一个动词的目的,即“来/去/试着/帮助”的目的是“做某事”.如:&come and eat there.&过来在那儿吃饭.go and visit &him 去拜访他heip and do the job 帮着做这件事try and shoot the bird.&&开枪打那只鸟试试.&2、这种情况可以用 to 代替 and,因此上面的句子也可以说——&come&to eat therego to visit &himheip to do the jobtry to shoot the bird3、在口语中,常常直接把两个动词连在一起、&come eat therego visit &him.heip& do the job&&try shoot the bird
高一英语人教版必修3 Unit2 Healthy eating Come and eat here (2)
作者:邢静 来源:原创 更新时间: 点击数:1447 
What makes them so fat?
Come and eat here
How to become healthy?


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