
Digestive brilliance of breast milk unravelled, Monash University
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Digestive brilliance of breast milk unravelled
Scientists have discovered that human breast milk forms into highly organised structures during digestion in the body.
The study by researchers from the
at Monash University has been published in the journal Angewandte Chemie.
Researchers believe this self-assembly process might be key to releasing the nutrients in human breast milk to ensure an infant&s healthy development.
The findings, which show for the first time the structure of human breast milk during digestion, could potentially be used to develop new food supplements and nutritional formulas that are easily digested.
Funded by the Australian Research Council (ARC) and led by Dr Stefan Salentinig and Professor
from MIPS, and in collaboration with the , the team looked at the nanostructure of milk to gain new insights into how milk interacts with the digestive system.
Lead researcher Professor Ben Boyd said while the nutritional value of human breast milk and other types of milk are well known, little research has been conducted into the detailed structure of milk during digestion and how the fats in milk interact with the digestive system until now.
&Human breast milk is key to the survival and development of humans, yet until now we had no idea of the rich structure formation when it is digested,& he said.
&By finding out what happens to milk during digestion it will allow us to better understand how the essential nutritional components for building brain tissue and other parts of the body are absorbed. Potentially we could use these findings to design more effective food and nutritional supplements,& Professor Boyd said.
The research team developed an &artificial tummy& to simulate digestion, including tests that mimicked people with an underdeveloped digestive system such as a pre-term infant. The structures formed in the digesting milk were then studied using specialised instruments at the , revealing that highly organised structures are formed from the by-products of milk when digested.
Professor Boyd said the results indicated that in people lacking normal mechanisms to aid digestion, the structure of milk adapts to overcome this. This finding may be particularly important for premature infants, whose digestive system is often not fully functional.
&We suspected that the fats in milk form structures to aid the digestive process but until now we&ve not been able to prove this. The Synchrotron was essential to this work because it allowed us for the first time to see what happens during the digestive process& he said.
&We need to do further work, but this study suggests that if you&re lacking normal mechanisms to aid digestion, then there is a compensatory system present in human breast milk that adapts to allow those individuals to survive,& Professor Boyd said.
The research into human breast milk builds on previous work by the MIPS team on cow&s milk, which also revealed a highly organised structure.&
Professor Boyd said the major difference between cow&s milk and human breast milk is that with the latter it contains enzymes that enable the highly organised structures to form all on it&s own. Whereas with cow&s milk to induce digestion you have to add something & an enzyme called lipase, to kick-start the digestive process.
&Nevertheless in both cases, the highly organised structures are formed on digestion of mammalian milk, whereas subjecting soy milk to the same digestion process does not result in the formation of these structures,& he said.
&The next step is to actively link the formation of these very interesting structures to the absorption of digestion products & we expect that different structures will have different abilities to transport and release nutrients.&
&Understanding this link will allow us to design more nutritious supplements and infant formulas, as well as give new insights into why these structures form under some conditions and not others,& Professor Boyd said.
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出门在外也不愁Typhoid gene unravelled - Medical News Today
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Adapted media release
People who carry a particular type of gene have natural resistance against
fever according to new research published in Nature Genetics.
Lead researcher, Dr Sarah Dunstan from the Nossal Institute of Global Health at the University of Melbourne said the study is the first large-scale, unbiased search for human genes that affect a person's risk of typhoid.
Enteric , or typhoid fever as it more commonly known, is a considerable health burden to lower-income countries.
This finding is important because this natural resistance represents one of the largest human gene effects on an infectious disease.
"We screened the human genome to look for genes associated with susceptibility to, or resistance from typhoid.," Dr Dunstan said.
"We found that carrying a particular form of the HLA-DRB1 gene provides natural resistance against typhoid fever.
This gene codes for a receptor that is important in the immune response, by recognising proteins from invading bacteria."
Typhoid is contracted, by consuming food or water contaminated with the bacteria, Salmonella Typhi or Paratyphi. It has been estimated that typhoid causes 200,000 deaths a year globally, and infects 26.9 million people per year.
"If we can understand this natural mechanism of disease resistance, then we can use this knowledge to help develop improved vaccines for typhoid fever, but also potentially for other invasive bacterial disease,"
Better treatments and vaccines are needed for typhoid fever as the infecting bacteria are getting increasingly more resistant to
treatment, and the current vaccine is only moderately effective and does not protect against paratyphoid fever, which is increasing within Asia.
This work was conducted in patients from Vietnam with findings then replicated in independent patient cohorts from Vietnam and Nepal
Adapted by MNT from original media release
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Typhoid gene unravelled
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The research collaboration was between the Genome Institute of Singapore and Oxford University Clinical Research Units in Vietnam and Nepal.
Source: Eureka
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University of Melbourne. "Typhoid gene unravelled." Medical News Today. MediLexicon, Intl., 13 Nov. 2014. Web.8 Sep. 2015. &/releases/285273.php&
University of Melbourne. (2014, November 13). "Typhoid gene unravelled." Medical News Today. Retrieved from.
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