
& , , Inc. or its affiliatesTelecommunication Solutions for Hospitality Healthcare and Business
Hospitality Healthcare and Business
Located in Kirkland Washington DuVoice has been developing software and hardware solutions for the telecommunications industry since 1990. Products include Windows based hospitality software which provides guest and staff messaging, wake up calls and a property management interface to any PBX-PMS combination. In the business market DuVoice has unified messaging system which delivers voice mail messages to email.
DuVoice partners/certifies with several technology companies to deliver turnkey solutions. These partner ecosystems include both PBX and PMS companies: PBX: Avaya, ShoreTel, NEC, Nortel, Panasonic, Mitel, Cisco, Dialogic, Microsoft, Ipitomy, Asterisk, Metaswitch and Alcatel. PMS: Micros Opera, Agilysys, Comtrol, Hilton, Marriott, Starwood, Four Seasons, IHG, Infor and many more. Call Accounting: SDD Jazz, Metropolis.
DuVoice products are installed in several thousand properties in 50 different countries through a network of distributors and dealers throughout the Americas, Europe, Asia, Africa and Latin America.
What’s New
Cherokee, NC August 2015 – DuVoice Corporation, the leading provider of guest voice mail and PMS to PBX interface software and Avaya business partner, Allied Communications have completed installation of a DV2000 system at the newest Harrah’s property, the 1400 room
Harrah's Cherokee Hotel and Casino in Cherokee North Carolina, USA.Allied Communications installed the DuVoice system along with an Avaya Communication Manager.
These systems were integrated with LMS PMS from Agylisys. ...
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Click below to see how DuVoice deployed DV2000 for 6,000 rooms in 4 Gaylord properties last month, ...
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死海文书1947年,一个牧童在死海西北端约旦河谷的克兰地区洞穴的大瓮中发现大量羊皮古代文书,后来引发一些调查队去调查寻找,找到了更多的资料.考古学家进行大规模的挖掘和搜索,一共获得古卷六百余卷及成千上万的文物残片,以放射性同位素测得其年代于公元前167至233年之间,是世界现存的最古老的&&圣经&&抄本.&&死海文书&&全古卷卷帙浩繁,共用希伯来文、亚兰文、希腊文、拉丁文四种文字写成,内容可分为两大部分.第一部分是希伯来的&&圣经&&、&&次经&&、&&伪经&&的抄本,第二部分是犹太教的激进禁欲主义教派 — 亚森尼派的一个&克兰教团&的教规,可分为&&训导手册&&、&&圣经注释卷&&、&&战争卷&&、&&感恩卷&&、&&圣殿卷&&五部分.它的内容与圣经有部分相异,还有很后来才放入的文献和一些像是&理论&的文献.除了现今可以对照确定的部分外,到底是当时的恶作剧或是某教派教徒的著作,难以确定.基督教矢口否认克兰教团和基督教有任何牵连,不过也有传说该教团是耶稣的表兄(施洗者)约翰所主持的,甚或是耶稣自己创立的,或者是耶稣的敌对者等等.以色列史所认定的祖先是亚伯拉罕.亚伯拉罕极得神的眷爱,可是神许诺给他儿子的事情却一直未见兑现,于是亚伯拉罕和婢女生下一子以斯马利.后来亚伯拉罕的元配夫人(亚伯拉罕的异母妹妹)终于受孕,产下一子以扫,于是以斯马利和其母被驱逐出门.天使(可能是米迦勒)照顾他们不致饿死旷野,后来以斯马利成了阿拉伯人的祖先.以扫的次子雅各生性狡猾,被其兄憎恨而逃奔母舅家,途中在旷野与天使(拉菲尔)摔角获胜,自此改名为以色列(因他与人与神角力都获胜).从雅各起,以色列家渐渐的茁壮,在巴勒斯坦的迦南地方成为一望族.后来由于饥荒之故,举族迁入埃及.在埃及,以色列族日益庞大,终于引致埃及人的嫉恨和奴役.在摩西率领之下,以色列全族四十万人离开埃及回到巴勒斯坦建国.十二支族建成十二邦国,直至扫罗时代才成为统一王国.这王国仅仅经历扫罗、大卫和所罗门三任国王的统治即于纪元前10世纪分裂,南国以犹太族为首故称犹太国,北国仍称以色列国.200年后,北国被亚述所灭,接着南国于100年后被巴比伦所灭,精英分子多被虏至这两国.以色列人的流亡史宣告开始.在以色列人流亡的过程中,&&圣经&&的各部分以口头形式保存和演变.旧约经书和犹太传说受到了许多异族文化和传说的影响.在罗马统治下的巴勒斯坦,耶稣于公元前4年诞生(据说当初教会是要把耶稣诞生的那一年定为公元元年,但是算错了四年,以后只好将错就错了).身为犹太人,耶稣打破了许多犹太教传统,于是被犹太教领袖们绑赴罗马总督府要求处死.后来耶稣的门徒们遍行各地传教,在极艰苦的压迫之下日益茁壮,直到被罗马帝国接纳为国教.现代的基督教就是从希伯来人信仰的犹太教演变而来,而当时同时产生的伊斯兰教则和基督教相互影响.基督教早期是一元神论,如旧约&&以赛亚书&&所记:&我创造了光,也创造了暗.我创造和平,也创造灾祸.&意即神兼具宇宙的好与坏,善与恶俱出自神.后来吸收了波斯袄教(Zoroastrism)的宇宙二元观,才将世上的恶加在堕天的魔王撒旦头上.基督教到达了成功的顶点之际,也开始了彻底的腐化.罗马帝国崩溃后,罗马教廷成了欧洲唯一的大型政治势力,压迫、搜括、欺骗黎民无所不为,最后导致了近代的宗教革命.宗教革命后产生的新基督教派统称新教(抗议宗),现存的主要势力有浸信会、长老会、路德会和英国国教等.旧教则包括罗马教廷辖下的教会(天主教)和以君士坦丁堡为根据地、盛行东欧、俄罗斯的东正教.不过新教旧教都是广义的基督教.格诺西斯主义(Gnosticism)是在基督教崛起时于地中海沿岸萌芽的宗教思想,主张宇宙是善与恶、光与暗两大势力的战场.有不少宗教教派广义上来说都是格诺西斯主义的,甚至包括摩尼教(Manicheism)的前身拜火教(Zoroastrianism).但是狭义的格诺西斯主义不然,其教义激进大胆,倡言现世是恶魔(或邪神)所造,俗世之所以充斥着无尽的不公不义和苦难就是这个原因.因此,为了彻底否定创造神(恶魔)的成就,狭义格诺西斯主义走上了绝对的禁欲主义,以破坏恶魔的&秩序&,格诺西斯(Gnosis)是至高神,在希腊语中原意为&为拯救人类而授予的知识&.只有认识了至高神的存在才能获得救赎.为此信徒必须努力发觉封印于内心的&光&(与至高神合一的圣灵),与至高神相通之后才能达到创世恶魔.除了摩尼教(公元三世纪在伊朗创立,拜火教、基督教和佛教的综合体)外,和它近似的亚森尼派算是信奉这一类思想的教派.摩尼教圣典中的&&巨人之书&&中,有着不同于&&旧约创世纪&&的大洪水的记载:二百名被称为&古利格利&[Grigori,神之子,意思是&看守者&(Watchers)、&睁目观看者&、&不眠者&等,有如希腊神话中的百眼巨人]的天使见神所造的人类女子美貌,便与之交合、产下了邪恶狂乱的巨人族(Nephilim).愤怒的神便指示诺亚造好方舟逃命,然后以大洪水消灭了地上的万物,并将古利格利打入天牢.&&以诺书&&就是由&&以诺预言&&和&&巨人之书&&组成,而&&死海文书&&由包括了&&以诺书&&和&&旧约圣经&&的一部分组成. 《死海文书》中英文全文对照(经文卷轴)英文译本:Courtesy of the Israel Antiquities Authority (8)1.until sunset on the eighth day. And concerning [the impurity] of 2.the [dead] person we are of the opinion that every bone, whether it 3.has its flesh on it or not--should be (treated) according to the law of the dead or the slain. 4.And concerning the mixed marriages that are being performed among the people, and they are sons of holy [seed],
is written, Israel is holy. And concerning his (Israel's) [clean] animal
is written that one must not let it mate with another species, and concerning his clothes [it is written that they should not]
and one must not sow his field and vineyard with mixed species. 8.Because they (Israel) are holy, and the sons of Aaron are [most holy.] 9.But you know that some of the priests and [the laity intermingle] 10.[And they] adhere to each other and pollute the holy seed
well as their (i.e. the priests') own [seed] with corrupt women. Since [the sons of Aaron should...] 中文译本:权威的古犹太礼法:直到第8日的日落时分,我们认为每个人的尸体都是不洁的。不管尸体还有没有肉,它都必须被认作已经追随了死亡或凶手的法律。已构成婚姻的人们,他们都是圣种之子,这样,上帝的选民(译者注:即犹太人)是神圣的。上帝选民的圣洁的动物,不能让它们与其他种类交配。上帝选民的衣物,不能让它与其他材料交织。上帝选民的土地和葡萄园,不能播种其他的东西。因为上帝选民是神圣的,他是最神圣的亚伦之子(译者注:亚伦,摩西之兄,犹太教第一祭司长)。但你知道一些僧侣与俗人结合,他们互相附着,僧侣和腐坏的女人在一起,亵渎了僧侣神圣的种子。直到亚伦的儿子门必须(译者注:经文卷轴至此破残)《死海文书》中英文全文对照(历法卷轴)英文译本:1.[on the first {day} in {the week of} Jedaiah {which falls} on the tw]elfth in it {the seventh month}. On the second {day} in {the week of} Abiah {which falls} on the twenty- f[ifth in the eighth {month}; and duqah {is} on the third] {day} 2.[in {the week of} Miyamin {which falls} on the twelfth] in it {the eighth month}. On the third {day} in {the week of} Jaqim {which falls} on the twen[ty-fourth in the ninth {month}; and duqah {is} on the fourth] {day} 3.[in {the week of} Shekania {which falls} on the eleven]th in it {the ninth month}. On the fifth {day} in {the week of} Immer {which falls} on the twe[n]ty-third in the te[nth {month}; and duqah {is} on the sixth {day} in {the week of} Je]shbeab {which falls} 4.[on the tenth in] it {the tenth month}. On the [si]xth {day} in {the week of} Jehezkel {which falls} on the twenty-second in the eleventh month [and duqah {is on the} Sabbath in] {the week of} Petahah {which falls} 5.[on the ninth in it {the eleventh month}]. On the first {day} in {the week of} Joiarib {which falls} on the t[w]enty-second
and [duqah {is} on the seco]nd {day} in {the week of} Delaiah {which falls} 6.[on the ninth in it {the twelfth month}. vacat The] se[cond] {year}: The first {month}. On the sec[on]d {day} in {the week of} Malakiah {which falls} on the tw[entieth in it {the first month}; and] duqah {is} 7.[on the third {day} in {the week of} Harim {which falls} on the seventh] in it {the first month}. On the fou[r]th {day} in {the week of} Jeshua {which falls} [on] the twentieth in the second {month}; and [duqah {is} on the fifth {day} in {the week of]} Haqqos {which falls} on the seventh 8.[in it {the second month}. On the fifth {day} in {the week of} Huppah {which falls} on the nine]teenth in the third {month}; and duqa[h] {is} on the six[th {day} in {the week of} Happisses {which falls} 中文译本:在7月12日Jedaiah降临的第一日在8月25日Abiah降临的第二日Duqah是8月12日Miyamin降临之周的第三日在9月24诶Jaqim降临之周的第三日Duquh是9月11日Shekania降临之周的第四日在10月23日Immer降临之周的第五日Duqah是11月9日Shbeab降临之周的第六日在11月22日Hehezkel降临的第六日Duqah是11月9日Peahah降临之周的安息日在12月22日Joiarib降临之周的第一日Duqah是12月9日Delaiah降临之周的第二日转出第二年:第一个月,在1月20日Malakiah降临之周的第二日Duqah是1月7日Harim降临之周的第三日在2月20日Jeshua降临之周的第四日Duqah是2月7日Haqqos降临之周的第五日在3月19日Huppah降临之周的第五日Duqah是(译者注:卷轴破残)Happisses降临之周的第六日(译者注:历法卷轴至此破残)------------译者注:我一直认为这个卷轴可能与EVA中的使徒有关,但是无奈缺乏特定的宗教历史知识,无法翻译一些专有名词,请对宗教有研究的朋友帮忙翻译一下。也欢迎大家继续踊跃讨论。《死海文书》中英文全文对照(圣歌卷轴)英文译本:1.Column 19: Plea for Deliverance (A Noncanonical Psalm)2.Surely a maggot cannot praise thee nor a grave worm recount thy loving-kindness. 3.But the living can praise thee, even those who stumble can laud thee. In revealing 4.thy kindness to them and by thy righteousness thou dost enlighten them. For in thy hand is the soul of every 5. the breath of all flesh hast thou given. Deal with us, O LORD, 6.according to thy goodness, according to thy great mercy, and according to thy many righteous deeds. The LORD 7.has heeded the voice of those who love his name and has not deprived them of his loving-kindness. 8.Blessed be the LORD, who executes righteous deeds, crowning his saints 9.with loving-kindness and mercy. My soul cries out to praise thy name, to sing high praises 10.for thy loving deeds, to proclaim thy faithfulness--of praise of thee there is no end. Near death 11.was I for my sins, and my iniquities have
but thou didst save me, 12.O LORD, according to thy great mercy, and according to thy many righteous deeds. Indeed have I 13.loved thy name, and in thy protection have I found refuge. When I remember thy might my heart
brave, and upon thy mercies do I lean. Forgive my sin, O LORD, 15.and purify me from my iniquity. Vouchsafe me a spirit of faith and knowledge, and let me not be dishonored
ruin. Let not Satan rule over me, n neither let pain nor the evil 17.inclination take possession of my bones. For thou, O LORD, art my praise, and in thee do I hope 18.all the day. Let my brothers rejoice with me and the house of my father, who are astonished by the graciousness... 19.[ ] For e[ver] I will rejoice in thee. 中文译本:为了解救的诉讼(一首Nocanonical圣歌)一只蛆虫当然不能赞美你,一只尸虫也不能例举你的慈爱但活着的人们能赞美你,甚至是陷入迷途的人们也能赞美你!在启示中,你用你的正直和对他们的仁慈启蒙了他们,因为在你手心里的是每个生灵的灵魂!所有你给予呼吸的肉体,安排我们,噢,上帝!按照你的仁慈,按照你的宽恕,按照你正义的行为上帝已经注意到了珍爱名声与良知未泯的人们的声音神圣的上帝履行正义的行为,用仁慈和宽恕为他的圣徒冠礼我的灵魂脱离了出来赞颂你的名字为你争议的行为而高唱颂歌,来宣布对你虔诚永不会停止我的罪孽曾经使我接近死亡,我的邪恶把我出卖给了尸虫,但你拯救了我!噢,上帝。按照你伟大的宽恕,按照你正义的行为我真正地爱着你的名字,在你的保护下我得到了庇护。当我想到你的力量,我的心就会变得勇敢,并且依靠于你的宽恕。原谅我的罪孽,噢,上帝。并且洗清我的罪恶,赐予我信念和学识的灵魂,请别让我在堕落正感到耻辱,别让撒旦和不圣洁的信念控制我,别让痛苦和邪恶占据了我的骨头。噢,上帝,这是我的赞美,日日夜夜对你的赞美!让我的兄弟为我而欣喜,让父亲一家为我的礼貌而惊讶……[]我将永远为你感到高兴--------译者注:这是死海文书的第一篇卷轴,也是我以前翻译过的,再次贴出来,希望能够得到大家的重视;也请大家一起分析分析与EVA的关系何在,谢谢 《死海文书》社团法则卷轴中英文全文对照And according to his insight he shall admit him. In this way both his love and his hatred. No man shall argue or quarrel with the men of perdition. He shall keep his council in secrecy in the midst of the men of deceit and admonish with knowledge, truth and righteous commandment those of chosen conduct, each according to his spiritual quality and according to the norm of time. He shall guide them with knowledge and instruct them in the mysteries of wonder and truth in the midst of the members of the community, so that they shall behave decently with one another in all that has been revealed to them. That is the time for studying the Torah (lit. clearing the way) in the wilderness. He shall instruct them to do all that is required at that time, and to separate from all those who have not turned aside from all deceit.These are the norms of conduct for the Master in those times with respect to his loving and to his everlasting hating of the men of perdition in a spirit of secrecy. He shall leave to them property and wealth and earnings like a slave to his lord, (showing) humility before the one who rules over him. He shall be zealous concerning the Law and be prepared for the Day of Revenge.He shall perform the will [of God] in all his deeds and in all strength as He has commanded. He shall freely delight in all that befalls him, and shall desire nothing except God's will...中文译本:按照他将要包容自己的洞察力这样包容他所有的爱和恨每人会去与地狱的人争论或争吵他将把他的政厅秘密地设在诈骗犯中间并用知识去劝诱他们,让他们去选择真理与正义戒律的行为。他们会追随他神圣的地位并都将遵守时间的法则他将用知识去引导他们,在行业中教育他们求知,在社团成员中让他们明白真理这样他们会对每一个曾经抢掠过他们的人举止宽容那是学习torah(犹太教的全部经文——译者注)所需要的时间——为荒野扫清道路他将教育他们去做那时需要的全部,并且与那些还没转变过来的诈骗流氓绝交这是品行的法则,是主人那时尊敬地对他所爱的与永远憎恨的人的守则,是对地狱的人们的守则,是秘密的灵魂他将像上帝的奴仆一样离开财富与利润,在有人为他制订法则前表现得谦卑,他将对法律变得热情并准备着复仇的那一天当他成为主宰时,他会不择手段地用全部力量去履行上帝的旨意,他将使一切降临在自己身上的事变得愉快,并且他会毫无所求除非上帝需要……


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