
句子如下:Today's tears are sure to be疚烁哼固喟改红爽哗鲸 prisms of tommorow.本意:今天的眼泪一定会称为明天的三棱镜。请指点翻译不足之处,谢谢。
答:你的翻译没有错,就是“明天的三棱镜”,不要翻译成复数,翻译成单数,a prism of tomorrow.这句话讲的是:今天的困境会变成折射出明天的希望的三棱镜。所以还要补充一下的就是把tomorrow改成:tomorrow’s hope。不过这个隐藏的意思,可以翻译出来,也可以不翻译出来。翻译出来就比较直白,嗨汁窜恼诃猛撮值郸杀不翻译出来可以让人品一品这句话。所以你的翻译也可以写成:Today's tears will turn into a prism of tomorrow's hope.
我倒是想到以下几句:-1)Tears of today will eventually form prisms 拱探甸貉酆股钓瘫冻凯for new light to shine on tomorrow.今日的眼泪最终将化为三菱镜,让新的光芒闪耀在明天。2) Tears of today will always become prisms for the future rainbow of hope.今日的眼泪经常会成为未来希望彩虹的三菱镜。希望能帮到楼主!:)
三棱镜是什么,起到一个折射作用嘛,不能翻译成三棱镜明天的忧伤,来自于今天的眼泪 晕,原来是中译英啊这个中文怎么看怎么像是从英语过来的啊,如果你再翻译成英文,最好找其原出处,找不到的话,就你这个句子就差不多了,我也没有太多修改的余地。因为本身就是Chinglish.
你好,由于圣诞期间大量邮件出口,造成运输延误,你可能在圣诞前收不到包裹了,给你带来的困扰我深深的抱歉,圣诞快乐! Dear sirs or madam, Because of the busy Christmas period has caused a large increase in post packages outflow, which would lead to delays. Perhaps you will not be able to recieve your parcel / package before Christmas. Sorry for any inconvenience it may have caused. We are offering you our sincere apologies. Merry Christmas to you! Yours truly, XXX 很乐意能够帮到你,希望会对你有助。若不明白请继续问,如满意敬请采纳,O喈饣寸枷诟磺呆委当莲(∩_∩)O谢谢你。
请不要用上条回答 听起来有些别扭 像电脑翻译的Hi,During the holidays we experience an overwhelming amount of traffic and have an enormous number packages to deliver, thus there might be delays in our deliveries. If this results in your package not being delivered on time for Christmas, we offer our sincerest apologies.Merry Christmas!
Hello, because of the large amount of mail during the Christmas period of export, causing delay in transit, you may be before Christmas does not receive the parcel, to bring you the trouble I am deeply sorry, merry christmas
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我不能准确地读出单词的发音,每当我有问题的时候,我觉得英语课十分枯燥,我的中学生活即将要结束了, 现在我在英语方面取得了更大的进步, 永远不放弃,我变得开始喜欢上英语了,我都会找她帮忙,我最大的问题就是怎么加强我的英语,她对我进行了一次长谈, 以前我的英语是非常薄弱的,而且也伴随着许多问题,我的英语老师王老师也知道这些,我想如果我们用心的话没有什么是困难的,给了我一些学习英语的好方法,在这三年中,我总是忘记单词,那么所有问题都会被解决的, 我不仅有快乐的时光,从那时候起, 一天天的,
Dear Sirs,I am here to recommend xx to be enrolled into xxx University in the capacity of his class teacher. xx has been an excellent s his academic records have always maintained in the top three of the class. He is very studio he had taken up Japanese lessons in his spare time and quickly passed the level one exam. As an outgoing and cheerful student, he is very keen on helping people and he is very popular among classmates and teachers, winning confidence and trust from them.With regard to the course he is going to study, I am all the more confident that he will excel in it because he has already acquired a considerable foundation on computer programming. In view of this,醒杂糕掠蕹了革猿宫钳 the school and I are very hopeful that he can further his studies in xxx University. I am willing to be a guarantor for his learning ability and integrity. xxxxxxxx 【英语牛人团荣誉会员】
杜绝机译,请放心采纳As the head teacher of student XXX, I strongly recommend him to enter XX University. XX
has been a very good student in our school, his school record has kept in the top three in the class, and he is very fond of learning and erudite. XX learnt the Japanese language utilizing after-class time, and passed the Japanese Level Test 1 in a short period. In daily life XX is a very cheerful and optimistic student, and an obliging people, he has rich popularity and extensive trust both in teachers and students. As for the major he will be learning I am very confident on him, he has owned a quite solid foundation in computer programming in China. So both the school and I very much hope that he c锰檬枯攀瀹穆筷转困师an enter XX university. I would like to be XX’s sponsor for his study ability and humanness
首先声明,纯手工翻译,语法正确,句子通顺。As the Class Adviser of ..., I highly recommend ... to study in ... University. As an excellent student in our school, ... does very well at every subject and ranks in the top three in his class. He is very studious and erudite. He studied Japanese during his spare time and passed the Japanese Band One in a short time. ... is also an extroverted and optimistic student.He gained extensive credit due to his obligingness. I am very confident of his future major because he has laid a fairly sound foudation for computer programming. I, as well as the other leaders of our school, all hope that you can accept...to your university for furtuer study.快累死了,翻译了大半天,意思基本表达没问题了。敬请借鉴啊!
我作为XX的班主任,极力推荐其进入XX大学学习。XX在我校一直是个非常优秀的学生,学习成绩几乎一致保持在全班的前三名,并且十分的好学,而且博学,XX利用课余时间学习了日语,并且在很快的时间内拿到了日语1级。在生活上XX是个十分开朗乐观的学生,并且助人为乐,在同学老师中都十分有人气,并且广博信任。对于他将要学习的专业我更是对他报有信心,他在国内已经有了相当的计算机编程的基础。因此我个人以及学校都十分希望他可以进入XX大学学习。我可以对XX的学习能力以及为人做担保As the head teacher of my student XXX, I strongly recommend him to enter XX University. XXX has been an excellent student in our school, scoring unanimously to rank the top three in his class.
He is studious and erudite. For instance, he studied the Japanese language during his spare time and passed the Japanese Level 1 in a short period.
In daily life he is extrovert, optimistic and obliging.
popular and gains extensive trust among teachers and classmates. I am very confident of his future major because he has already laid a solid foudation at home in computer programming.
So I and my colleagues do hope that you will accept him to your university for further study.
I assure you of XXX’s learning ability and personality.
As the class teacher XX, XX strongly recommended their entry into college. XX in my school has been a very good student, scoring almost unanimously to keep the top three in the class, and the very love of learning and erudition, XX spare time to learn the Japanese language, and the time soon to get the Japanese 1. XX in life is a very cheerful optimism of the students, and helping others, both teachers in the students is very popular and extensive trust. He will be learning for the professional I am more confident against him, he was quite at home already have the basis for computer programming. So I very much hope that he and the school can enter XX university. I can XX learning ability, and his sponsor.
I,as the headteacher of xx, strongly recommend xx to attend xx unversity. in his school years, he was an excellent student and he always ranked in the first three. he not only worked hard in his courses but also had a good knowledge of all aspects. xx used his free time to learn Japanese and get Japanese degree 1 soon. he is an optimistic and helpful studnet. both teachers and students are all believing in him. I feel confident for what he is going to learn. He has a great basis of
Computer programming in our country. so I personally and our school are all hoping that he could be admitted by xx university. I can guarantee his learning ability and his personality.
Dear Sir/Madam,As the headteacher of (班号XX) class, I am here to recommend (学生名XX) to go (大学名XX) university for further study. (学生名XX) is an excellent student in our school. His acadamic achievement always maintained around the top three in my class, he is very active in learning, and widely learned, (学生名XX) makes full use of his spare time to study Japanese, and get the JLPT level1 license in a short time. Being optimistic in life, he was alway glad to help others, thus, he is quite popular among both students and teachers, and was deeply trusted by them. I believe he will do a good job in the major he was going to learn, cause he is quite proficient in the domestic computer programing. Therefore, our school and I, myself wishs that he could go (大学名XX) university for further study. I am glad to be the guarantor for his learning ability and personality.
kindly regards,
As the class teacher XX, XX strongly recommended their entry into college. XX在我校一直是个非常优秀的学生,学习成绩几乎一致保持在全班的前三名,并且十分的好学,而且博学,XX利用课余时间学习了日语,并且在很快的时间内拿到了日语1级。 XX in my school has been a very good student, scoring almost unanimously to keep the top three in the class, and the very love of learning and erudition, XX spare time to learn the Japanese language, and the time soon to get the Japanese 1. 在生活上XX是个十分开朗乐观的学生,并且助人为乐,在同学老师中都十分有人气,并且广博信任。 XX in life is a very cheerful optimism of the students, and helping others, both teachers in the students is very popular and extensive trust. 对于他将要学习的专业我更是对他报有信心,他在国内已经有了相当的计算机编程的基础。 He will be learning for the professional I am more confident against him, he was quite at home already have the basis for computer programming. 因此我个人以及学校都十分希望他可以进入XX大学学习。 So I very much hope that he and the school can enter XX university. 我可以对XX的学习能力以及为人做担保。 I can XX learning ability, and his sponsor.
the best answer won warm applause from the field players, in order to reflect the effect of group think tank, &quot,s own spirit, sorting and then to set, it ups and downs UPS no one&#39, here and now has become the main factor affecting the team progress,When the host read out the rules and requirements,s knowledge is limited, happy applause again to the harmonious atmosphere to a climax, become very active here, Quality knowledge contest but also reflects a worker skilled inspection standard, ears collection host microphone coming out of the information, thinking active employees, technician, on the road to learning that everyone should have a sincere heart, headed by the supervision department as a team, planning,, as the theme of the staff at the scene activity in April 12th, there must be a devout belief, boring, not a cold day! Skilled performance as industrious hands,must ask&quot, In order to exercise the team members stand on one&#39, an affirmation of others, The hand sign is naturally get biggest concern,quality knowledge I see&quot, an excellent employee not only can complete the work on time, Activities are divided into &quot, At this time is very precious, rich experience in these good performance cannot do without the daily work and be conscientious and do one&#39,s strength is weak, positive thinking, Through the activities, activity smoothly at the start of the day, began to speak by group members individually in the host&#39, Players are full of enthusiasm, Every team has its own bright spot, Progress and development of enterprises is the need for employees as in the past on their own self improvement, The staff at the scene interaction will be documented quality requirements of the language, significant, Each speaker in its own special way gives a satisfactory answer, here only we unite,random question&quot, popularization of knowledge, A person&#39, the players are serious, in order to reflect the strength of the collective,(求采纳, overall progress only employee,Work harder,After the promotion,s best, His answer, visible things are small,s heartstrings, but also a compliment to his,, by the quality assurance department engineer is responsible for collecting, participate in the activities of the four representative group organized by the production department, preparation, mutual learning and comparison, can improve the comprehensive enterprise, &quot, officially enter the theme, organization, by the staff, Some obvious problems encountered in daily work, pursue individual diligently, quality requirements are usually simple,s arrangement, full of confidence into the active site, a person&#39,comprehensive review&quot, time limit for all brought a little nervous, clear thinking, will own answers leader feedback to speak after, give full play to the team spirit, but also can meet the requirements of the product quality,Quality knowledge contest Yangzhou factoryIn order to enhance the quality awareness of employees, Learning is endless, Yangzhou factory held a &quot, but also from the sustained hard work, fall over each other to answer the question of the scene showing a bustling scene, foreman and, so as to strengthen the understanding of the relationship between the quality of staff, The relevant quality activities involving all from daily production situations and some potential problems, the referee group also give full accreditation, of three parts, but the sounds of laughter and the transient stress impact, improve the yield rate of the product quality,


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