
你可能喜欢Fetus Growth ChartsGraphs and CalculatorsUltrasound Examination MeasurementsFetal Measurements to Weeks Calculator
&|& Fetal Measurement Growth Charts &|&
(FL HL) &|&
After the first trimester of pregnancy a multiparameter assessment of gestational age is advocated.& This should include at least two fetal measurements (usually biparietal diameter (BPD) and femur length (FL)) plus a consideration of additional parameters such as head circumference (HC), occipitofrontal diameter (OFD), abdominal circumference (AC) and humerus length (HL).Measurements in the beam axis are more accurate than those made across the axis.& Despite this, some measurements (e.g. Crown-Rump Length (CRL) and femur length) should be measured across the axis.The earliest measurement of gestational age taken in pregnancy should usually be accepted as the definitive assessment, subsequent examinations reflecting only fetal growth in the intervening period. If measurements taken after the first trimester are within one week of the gestational assessment taken from menstrual dating then the ultrasound assessment of gestational age confirms the menstrual dates. If the ultrasound measurements are in agreement and differ from menstrual dates by more than one week prior to 20 weeks a new estimated due date should be calculated and recorded. The reduced accuracy of prediction of gestational age after 20 weeks must be appreciated.At any gestation, if the ultrasound fetal measurements of each parameter are not in agreement, the reason for this difference should be evaluated. This is preferable to just averaging all values to arrive at an estimated gestational age.The wide normal range of BPD in late pregnancy must be appreciated.& It is not expected that BPD be used to assess gestation late in pregnancy.& The values from 33 weeks are intended to predict the growth in fetal head size from a known gestation.
&&&Fetal Measurements = Weeks Calculator&&It is common to make at least 2 and often 4 or 5 measurements to estimate gestational age. In most cases, BPD [Biparietal diameter], HC [Head circumference], AC [Abdominal circumference] and FL [Femur length] are used.Since all of these measurements are strongly related to gestational age, it is not usually important how they are combined. Normal +/- deviations are shown in (brackets) in the .
BPD in mm:
& Gestational Age
HC in mm :
& Gestational Age
AC in mm :
& Gestational Age
FL in mm :
& Gestational Age
[ The information provided here cannot substitute the advice of a medical professional ]
Fetal WeightNo formula for estimating the fetal 'birth weight' has achieved an accuracy which enables us to recommend its use. It should be noted that errors of about 10% are reported and that even at this level of accuracy it is disappointing. It is suggested that there may be an improvement in accuracy of about 5% in using three rather than two parameters.Estimated fetal weight calculator
This calculator uses the most commo proposed by Shephard et al. Estimated fetal weight (eFW in Kg, BPD and AC in mm): Log10(eFW)= -1.6*BPD)+(0.0046*AC)-2.646*(BPD*AC)/1000
Enter a BPD and AC Measurement in mm:
BPD in mm =
&&& AC in mm =
&grams& OR &&ounces& OR &&pounds&
Doing an ultrasound to estimate fetal weight near term is a very common practice, one still employed by many OBs, especially with large mothers.& However, research clearly shows that this is a very questionable practice.& The accuracy rate is very low, many women are pressured into interventions that do more harm than good, and even the mere PREDICTION of macrosomia () alters the way physicians perceive and treat labor. A number of studies have questioned the use of ultrasound for estimated fetal birth weight.& Given its inaccuracy and resulting interventions, this does NOT seem to be a justifiable use of the technology unless co-existing conditions like diabetes are present (even then, some research questions its use).&&However, it does remain common despite the research against it.
&&Fetal Growth Percentile Calculator:Percentile Example: Out of 100 babies, a reading of forty percent (this is the percentile value) indicates that the baby is smaller than
sixty other babies and larger than forty other babies. The mean or average is fifty percent. A value that reads below 50% indicates that the measurement is lower than the average. Thus, a value that is above 50% indicates that the measurement is above average.
& A fetus is considered normal if they are between 10th and 90th percentile. &
&&&&& Enter Gestational Age& (weeks)&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&
&&&&& Enter Measurement&& &&&( mm &or& grams for Estimated Fetal Weight &)
&&percentile[ The information provided here cannot substitute the advice of a medical professional ]
Weight converter : Imperial and MetricConvert : Pounds (lb) and Ounces (oz) &>>>>& Grams (g) &&&&&&
Pounds (lb) &
Ounces (oz) && >>>" onclick="getresults5();" type="button" class="drop3"> &&
Grams (g)&Convert : Grams (g) &>>>>& Pounds (lb) and Ounces (oz) &&&&&&
Grams (g) & >>>" onclick="getresults();" type="button" class="drop3"> &&
Pounds (lb) &
Ounces (oz)1 pound [lb] = 16 oz = 454 grams [g] &&?&& 1000 g = 1 Kilo [kg]Estimated Fetal Weight Percentile Chart
Gestational Weeks = Estimated Fetal Weight Percentile Chart +/- 1.28 Standard Deviation[&A fetus is considered normal if they are between 10th and 90th percentile&]
Avg&Estimated Fetal Weight
+/- SD 1.28
Gestational Weeks
146g (5oz)
181g (6oz)
223g (7oz)
273g (9oz)
331g (11oz)
399g (14oz)
478g (1lb)
568g (1lb 5oz)
670g (1lb 7oz)
785g (1lb 11oz)
913g (2lb)
1055g (2lb 5oz)
1210g (2lb 10oz)
1379g (3lb)
1559g (3lb 7oz)
1751g (3lb 13oz)
1953g (4lb 4oz)
2162g (4lb 12oz)
2377g (5lb 3oz)
2595g (5lb 11oz)
2813g (6lb 3oz)
3028g (6lb 10oz)
3236g (7lb 2oz)
3435g (7lb 9oz)
3619g (7lb 15oz)
Fetal Growth Percentile Charts:Measurement Charts:
(FL HL) &|&
BIPARIETAL DIAMETER AND HEAD CIRCUMFERENCE&&The BPD and OFD are measured on a transverse axial section of the fetal head which includes the falx cerebri anteriorly and posteriorly, the cavum septum pellucidum anteriorly in the midline and the thalami. The BPD is measured from the outer edge of the nearer parietal bone to the inner edge of the more distant parietal bone. The OFD is measured perpendicular to the BPD.FEMUR AND HUMERUS LENGTHThe long bones are measured with the bone across the beam axis. The strong acoustic shadow behind the femoral or humeral shaft and the visualisation of both cartilaginous ends indicates that the image plane is on the longest axis and is the optimal measurement plane. The calipers are placed along the diaphyseal shaft excluding the epiphysis.ABDOMINAL CIRCUMFERENCEThese measurements are more appropriately used in the assessment of fetal growth, particularly in the second half of the pregnancy, than in the assessment of gestational age. It is, however, an appropriate measurement in the second trimester to demonstrate normal fetal proportions.The abdominal circumference is measured at the level of the liver and stomach, including the left portal vein at the umbilical region.&
&&&Ultrasonic Fetal Measurement Standards&&If we assume a fetus is growing normally, biometric measurements are determined by gestational age, and we can estimate the gestational age and thus the due date. When the date of the last menses preceding conception is known, it is usually a more accurate estimate (+/- 5 days) of EDCWhen using ultrasound to estimate gestational age, remember that we are assuming the fetus is growing normally. Conditions which alter fetal growth will make the estimates less reliable. Although many embryonic and fetal structures can be measured, only a few measurements are easy and repeatable enough for widespread use. The most common are:Gestational Sac:The first element to be measurable is the gestation sac of the early pregnancy. The gestational sac is measured in three dimensions, and the average, the Mean Sac Diameter (MSD) used for estimating gestational age. It is useful between 5 and 8 menstrual weeks with accuracy of +/- 3 days . As a rough rule of thumb, the MSD + 30 = Menstrual Age in days.Embryonic Crown-Rump Length:The length of the embryo on the longest axis (excluding the yolk sac) constitutes the crown-rump length. This is among the best documented parameters to date the embryo, with accuracy of +/- 3-5 days. As a rough rule of thumb, the CRL + 6.5 = Menstrual Age in Weeks.Biparietal diameter (BPD):The transverse width of the head at it's widest. We measure from the the leading edge to leading edge of the bones, because this leading interface is most distinct. Since the head is oval, the error induced by small errors in positioning is small, making for a repeatable, robust measure.Head size is determined largely by brain growth which is relatively independent of nutritional (maternal/placental insufficiency) growth retarding processes, and head growth is often relatively "spared" in such growth retardation.The BPD best used after 12 weeks.Accuracy is +/- 1.1 week 14 - 20 weeks,+/- 1.6 weeks 20 - 26 weeks,+/- 2.4 week 26 - 30 weeks,and +/- 3 - 4 weeks after 30 weeks.Femur Length:The femur length is a repeatable measurement with accuracy similar to the BPD. It is effected by skeletal dysplasias, but since these are rare, it is a reliable measurement which confirms measurements of the head. It is best measured after 14 weeks.It is common to make at least 2 and often 4-5 measurements to estimate gestational age. In most cases, BPD, Head Circumference, Femur length, and Abdominal circumference are used.Since all of these measurements are strongly related to gestational age, it is not usually important how they are combined. Most modern ultrasound machines include computerized biometric analysis programs used to easily calculate your Estimated Due Date or EDD or EDC.&
&&&Ultrasound Fetal Measurement Standards ChartNOTE: +/-
Standard deviations shown in (brackets).& Measurements are for completed weeks.&&
Ultrasonic Fetal Measurement Standards Chart
Standard deviations shown in (brackets).& Measurements are for completed weeks.
&&Crown-Rump Length Measurements&&
Crown-Rump Length Measurements
&&&How many scans should I have?&As a practical matter, ultrasound scanning has proven to be so popular with patients and also their obstetricians, that almost everyone receiving regular prenatal care ends up with at least one scan anyway. The total number of scans will vary depending on whether a previous scan has detected certain abnormalities that require follow-up assessment.There is no hard and fast rule for the number of scans you should have during pregnancy.In some countries, sonograms are performed just twice during pregnancy. Once at 16 - 18 weeks to assess fetal abnormalities, and again at 32 - 34 weeks to assess age and well-being.It is now recommended that all pregnant women have a dating scan in the first trimester - ideally at 10 to 13 weeks of pregnancy - to confirm your dates. This is especially important if you are going to have any screening , as knowing the exact dates makes sure your result is accurate. Most hospitals offer a scan in the second trimester at about 20 weeks (the anomaly scan) to check that your baby is developing normally. &
&&&Related articles&&Week by week scan pictures: &
you may see used during your pregnancy.Ultrasound information :- && What happens during an ?Can the scan
of my baby?
you may see used during your pregnancy.&
&&&Week By Week Pregnancy Progress Calendar&First Trimester &
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SwaddleMe Adjustable Infant Fleece Wrap详细信息求工程求购,祥细看清单,短信报产地,价格,地苗,或袋苗发布时间: 查看次数:2969
工程名称:市政绿化清单 第1页 共5页
序号 项目名称 项目特征描述 计量
单位 工程数量 金 额 (元)
1 鸡蛋花 20cm
株 3.00    
2 凤凰木B 25cm
株 8.00    
3 凤凰木 20cm
株 19.00    
4 木棉A 25cm 株 5.00    
5 木棉B 20cm
株 3.00    
6 盆架子 20cm
株 5.00    
7 高山榕 25cm 株 8.00    
8 小叶榄仁 12cm
株 55.00    
9 大花紫薇A 8cm 株 85.00    
10 乌桕 18cm
株 20.00    
11 铁刀木 13cm
株 30.00    
12 尖叶杜英A 22cm
株 54.00    
13 尖叶杜英B 18cm
株 49.00    
14 秋枫 10cm
株 33.00    
15 海南蒲桃 16cm
株 42.00    
17 黄花风铃木A 9cm
株 36.00    
18 黄花风铃木B 7cm
株 58.00    
19 红花风铃木 10cm
株 40.00    
20 红花紫荆A 22cm 株 26.00    
21 红花紫荆B 15cm
株 65.00    
22 红苞木 6cm-7cm
株 40.00    
23 枫香 8cm
株 8.00    
24 宫粉紫荆 8cm-9cm
株 75.00    
25 江蒲桃 15cm
株 66.00    
26 黄槐 10cm
株 89.00    
27 黄花夹竹桃A 1.乔木地茎:8cm-9cm
株 101.00    
28 美丽异木棉 20cm
株 103.00    
29 金蒲桃 5cm 株 84.00    
30 紫薇 1.灌木冠幅:1.2-2m,苗高2.5-3m
株 234.00    
31 琴叶珊瑚 1.灌木冠幅:1.0-1.2m,苗高1.2-1.5m
株 363.00    
32 黄叶榕 1.灌木冠幅:1.0-1.2m,苗高0.8-1.0m
株 204.00    
33 七彩大红花 1.灌木冠幅:0.8-1.0m,苗高0.8-1.0m
株 268.00    
34 红花银桦 1.灌木冠幅:1.2-1.5m,苗高1.5-1.8m
株 156.00    
工程名称: 第3页 共5页
序号 项目名称 项目特征描述 计量
单位 工程数量 金 额 (元)
35 桃花 1.灌木胸径5.0-6.0冠幅:2.0-2.5m,苗高2.0-2.5m
株 105.00    
36 红继木 1.灌木冠幅:0.8-1.2m,苗高0.8-1.2m
株 100.00    
37 澳洲鸭脚木 1.灌木冠幅1.3-1.5m,苗高1.7-2.0m
株 696.00    
38 灰莉 1.灌木冠幅:1.0-1.2m,苗高0.8-1.0m
株 499.00    
39 银叶金合欢 1.灌木冠幅:1.5-1.8m,苗高1.8-2.2m
株 101.00    
40 角茎野牡丹 1.灌木冠幅:1.0-1.2m,苗高0.8-1.0m
株 112.00    
41 紫花勒杜鹃 1.灌木冠幅:0.8-1.2m,苗高1.0-1.2m
株 251.00    
42 银边草 1.花卉种类、规格:详图纸
m2 647.00    
43 粉花夹竹桃 1.花卉种类、规格:详图纸
m2 4416.00    
44 大叶龙船花 1.花卉种类、规格:详图纸
m2 820.00    
45 文殊兰 1.花卉种类、规格:详图纸
m2 289.00    
46 鸢尾 1.花卉种类、规格:详图纸
m2 7868.00    
47 红桑 1.花卉种类、规格:详图纸
m2 87.00    
48 花叶姜 1.花卉种类、规格:详图纸
m2 1055.00    
49 龟背竹 1.花卉种类、规格:详图纸
m2 401.00    
50 吊竹梅 1.花卉种类、规格:详图纸
m2 2217.00    
工程名称: 第4页 共5页
序号 项目名称 项目特征描述 计量
单位 工程数量 金 额 (元)
51 铺种台湾草   m2 27452.00    
52 海芋 1.花卉种类、规格:详图纸
m2 22154.00    
53 翠芦莉 1.花卉种类、规格:详图纸
m2 1275.00    
54 毛杜鹃 1.花卉种类、规格:详图纸
m2 2778.00    
55 巴西野牡丹 1.花卉种类、规格:详图纸
m2 526.00    
56 亮叶朱蕉 1.花卉种类、规格:详图纸
m2 818.00    
57 黄叶假连翘 1.花卉种类、规格:详图纸
m2 279.00    
58 红继木 1.花卉种类、规格:详图纸
m2 295.00    
59 蜘蛛兰 1.花卉种类、规格:详图纸
m2 4312.00    
60 银边山菅兰 1.花卉种类、规格:详图纸
m2 183.00    
61 肾蕨 1.花卉种类、规格:详图纸
m2 290.00    
62 白蝴蝶 1.花卉种类、规格:详图纸
m2 2896.00    
63 紫花马缨丹 1.花卉种类、规格:详图纸
m2 436.00    
64 黄花马缨丹 1.花卉种类、规格:详图纸
m2 235.00    
65 整理地形 1.绿化用地挖填高度在±30cm以内的平整 m2 55000.00    
66 填种植土 1.填土材料品种:种植土
3.运输:20km m3 50000.00    
在线咨询小宜电话咨询87超生报告数据BPD 8.0。HC 28.4cm。AC 27.1cm。FL5.8cm。 羊水指数14.7cm 请问这些_百度知道
超生报告数据BPD 8.0。HC 28.4cm。AC 27.1cm。FL5.8cm。 羊水指数14.7cm 请问这些
超生报告数据BPD 8.0。HC 28.4cm。AC 27.1cm。FL5.8cm。羊水指数14.7cm请问这些数据推算出来的胎儿是多重呢?


更多关于 bpd hc ac fl参考值 的文章


