such a fusslight等于什么

After such a long_百度文库
After such a long
你可能喜欢> 【答案带解析】I needn’t have been in such a hurry. The...
I needn’t have been in such a hurry. The flight to Hong Kong _____ due to the typhoon.A. has cancelled
B. was cancelledC. will be canceling
D. had cancelled 
试题分析:考查时态语态。句意:我本不需要那么着急,由于台风的原因,去香港的航班被取消了。从前面needn’t have done 本不需要做,但是却做了,这是对过去的虚拟。由此看出,航班被取消的事情已经发生,说明过去的一种事实,用一般过去时,用被动语态是因为航班是被取消。故B正确。
Our mothers sat us down to read and paint, ____ all we really wanted to do was to make a mess.A. since
D. when 
A teacher’s job is not to tell the students what to believe or value, but to ___________ them to develop a worldview for themselves.A. urge
C. persuade
D. rank 
书面表达假设你是李华,请你以自己网上购书所遇到的不愉快经历,向中国某家英文报纸生活栏目写一封抱怨信。要点如下:1. 所购书中有破损、缺页现象;2. 一些书籍价格比实体书店还要贵;注意:1. 词数100左右;2. 可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;3. 开头语和结尾已给出(不计入总词数)。Dear Sir or Madame,I am a middle school student. I am writing to express my dissatisfaction and disappointment about the unpleasant experience __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________I would be grateful if you could take my opinion into consideration.Yours sincerely,Li Hua 
短文改错文中共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(∧),并在其下面写出该加的词。删除:把多余的词用斜线(╲)划掉。修改:在错的词下划一横线,并在该词下面写出修改后的词。注意:1.每处错误及其修改均仅限一词。2.只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。We are in an age when people take picture everywhere. They enjoy it even when in a museum or invited for a meal. A report shows that teens in many countries, especially in China, is always seen taking pictures update their websites with them. Besides, they are serious about getting 100 likes because of getting anything less is considered embarrassed. Some parents worry that this type of thinking is far too competitively for teens. And some teens don’t think so. “If I got wrap up in my likes or views, I’d go crazy. Never let your values be determined by how someone else thinks.” 
阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(每空一词)或括号内单词的正确形式。My name is Wil Wheaton --- and I am a nerd(怪人). It’s awesome to be 1.
nerd. When I was a little boy, people really teased me about that and
(make) me feel like there was something wrong with me for loving strange things. Now that I’m an adult, I’m a3.
(profession) nerd, and the world has changed. I think we
(realize) that being a nerd is not about what you love
about how you love.So there’s going to be a thing in your life that you love. I don’t know what it’s going to be. It might be sports or science or reading or
(tell) stories --- it doesn’t matter what it is. Some of us love Game of Thrones, while others love Star Wars. But we all love those things so much that we travel
(thousand) of miles --- which is
(probable) easy for you, but we’re still using fossil fuels, so it’s difficult--- to be around people who love the things that we love the way that we love them. That’s
being a nerd is awesome.I want you to work hard because everything worth
(do) is hard. I want you to be awesome, and I will do my very best to leave you a planet that you can still live on. 
Copyright @
满分5 学习网 ManFen5.COM. All Rights Reserved.flight 是否是可数名词_百度知道
flight 是否是可数名词
当飞行和飞跃的时候是可数名词 当飞速移动的时候是不可数名词
/ flaɪt; flaɪt/ n
[U] (a) action or process of fl ability to fly 飞行; 飞翔; 飞行的能力: the age of supersonic flight 超音速飞行的时代 * The bird had been shot down in flight, ie while flying. 这只鸟是在飞行中打下来的. (b) movement or path of a thing through the air (物体在空中的)飞行或路线: the flight of an arrow, a dart, a missile, etc 箭、 标枪、 导弹等的飞行.
[C] (a) journey made by air, esp in an aircraft on a particular route 空中的航行; (尤指飞机等的)航班: a smooth, comfortable, bumpy, etc flight 平稳的、 舒服的、 颠簸的空中航行 * All flights have been cancelled because of fog. 因为有雾所有航班都已取消. (b) aircraft making such a journey 班机: We travelled aboard the same flight. 我们搭乘同一班机. * Flight number BA 4793 will arrive in London at 16.50. 英国航空公司4793号班机於16时50分抵达伦敦.
[U, C] passage or journey through space 航天飞行; 宇宙飞行: the history of manned space flight 载人航天史.
[C] group of aeroplanes working as a unit 飞行队: an aircraft of the Queen's flight 女王专用机队的一架飞机.
[C] ~ (of sth) number of birds, insects, etc flying together or of arrows released together (鸟、 昆虫等的)群飞; (箭的)齐发: a flight of geese 一队飞雁 * a flight of arrows 齐发的箭.
[C] series of stairs between two floors or landings 一段楼梯或阶梯: There was no lift and we had to climb six flights of stairs. 没有电梯, 我们得爬六段楼梯.
[U] swift passage, esp of time 飞逝(尤指时间).
[C] ~ of sth instance of sth very imaginative but usu not practical (想像力的)奔放: wild flights of imagination 想像联翩.
(idm 习语) a flight of `fancy unrealistic idea, etc that exists only in sb's mind 悬想; 异想天开: Her latest flight of fancy is to go camping in the Sahara desert! 她最近心血来潮想到撒哈拉沙漠去野营! in the first/top flight ta excellent of his/its kind 占先; 名列前茅; 同行[同类]中的优秀者: She's in the top flight of journalists. 她是出类拔萃的新闻工作者.& flight v [Tn] (in cricket) give (the ball) a certain path through the air when bowling so as to deceive the batsman (板球中)使(球)沿某路线飞行(以迷惑击球员): a well-flighted delivery 漂亮的投球.flightless adj (of birds) not able to fly (指鸟)不会飞的.# `flight-deck n 1 (on a ship that carries aircraft) deck for the take-off and landing of aircraft (运载飞机的船舰上的)飞行甲板. 2 control room of a large aircraft, from which the pilot and crew fly the plane (大型飞行器的)驾驶舱.,flight lieu`tenant officer in the Royal Air Force between the ranks of flying officer and squadron leader 皇家空军上尉. =&App 9 见附录9.`flight path direction or course of an aircraft through the air (飞行器的)飞行方向或路线: The flight paths of the aeroplanes crossed, with fatal results. 飞机的航线互相交错铸成人命惨祸.`flight-recorder n (also black `box) electronic device in an aeroplane that records details of the flight 飞行记录仪; 黑盒.`flight sergeant non-commissioned officer in the Royal Air Force next above sergeant 皇家空军上士. =&App 9 见附录9.`flight simulator device on the ground for training pilots by reproducing accurately all the conditions of flying 飞行模拟装置. flight 2
/ flaɪt; flaɪt/ n
[C, U] act or instance of fleeing or running away 逃; 逃避; 逃跑: Many soldiers fell wounded in their flight from the defeat. 许多士兵在溃逃中受伤. * (fig 比喻) the flight of capital, ie the sending of money out of a country during a financial crisis 资金外流(在财政危机时将资金转到国外).
(idm 习语) put sb to `flight force sb to flee 迫使某人逃走: The enemy was put to flight by the advancing army. 部队向前进, 赶跑了敌人. take (to) ` run away 逃走; 逃跑: The gang took (to) flight when they heard the police car. 那伙歹徒听到警车声便逃跑了.
aflight是什么意思 aflight在线翻译 aflight什么意思 aflight的意思 aflight的翻译 aflight的解释 aflight的发音 aflight的同义词 aflight的反义词
aflightaflight 双语例句1. Yes, it just the best thing that you can say about aflight.&&&&这是坐非常最好的事情了,不是吗?2. Do you have aflight to New York departing at about 10 a. m. Next Monday?&&&&你们有下周一大约下午10点腾飞到纽约的班机吗?3. 3. On his way back, he took aflight of Airbus A330 of the Hainan Airline.&&&&他已经成了中国的Pierre。4. Mr. Johnson had heard that the most dangerous part of aflight were the take-off and the landing, so he was extremelyfrightened and closed his eyes.&&&&约翰逊先生听说飞行中最危险的是起飞与降落,所以他吓得紧闭双眼。5. Mr. Johnson had heard that the most dangerous part of aflight were the take-off and the landing, so he was extremely frightened and closed his eyes.&&&&约翰逊先生听说飞行中最危险的是起飞与降落,所以他吓得紧闭双眼。6. aflight的翻译6. My vision was to shoot on aflight carrier and have fighter jets skim through the city and have my father as the fleet general.&&&&在里面我饰演一个不知道自己讨厌的将军就是自己爸爸的飞行员。7. On a scale from 0 to 100 where the iPhone that caught fire on aflight to Australia in November 2011 is 100, the exploding Galaxy S III was an 18.&&&&如果按从0分到100分评分,假如2011年11月iPhone在一架飞往澳大利亚的航班上自燃的事件得分为100;那么这次GalaxySIII在韩国自燃的得分仅仅为18。aflight是什么意思,aflight在线翻译,aflight什么意思,aflight的意思,aflight的翻译,aflight的解释,aflight的发音,aflight的同义词,aflight的反义词,aflight的例句,aflight的相关词组,aflight意思是什么,aflight怎么翻译,单词aflight是什么意思常用英语教材考试英语单词大全 (7本教材)
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