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2015 年英语四级考试复习资料(翻译训练题)翻译题目 复杂的汉字(Chinese characters)书写体系是中国古代文化遗留下来的瑰宝。 而这一体 系正面临着退化的命运。 随着电脑和智能手机的迅速发展和普及, 年轻人拿起笔却写不出字 来的现象越来越常见。若不借助电子产品的帮助,很多人难以写出 10 万个日常用字。为此, 中央电视台开播了一档汉字听写比赛(Chinese Character Dictation Competition)节目, 以引起人们对汉字的重视,帮助观众提高汉字书写能力。 表达难点 1.第 1 句中的“是中国古代文化遗留下来的瑰宝”如果逐字对译为 isa treasure left over by Chinese ancient culture,则出现英文表达逻辑错误,left over by 应后接施动 者,而 Chinese ancient culture 显然不合适,故“遗留下来”应省译,而用介词 of 表达 “汉字简体系”和“中国古代文化”之间的所属关系。 2.第 3 句“随着??的现象越来越常见”可套用句型 with?comes a commonly seen phenomenon that.年轻人拿起笔却写不出字来的 “现象” 的同位语, 由 that 引出, 译为 young people are barely able to write with pen In hand,“拿起笔”可译为时间状语从句 when they take up the pen,但不如介词短语 with pen in hand 来得简单、地道。 3.第 4 句中的“很多人难以写出 10 万个日常用字”可套用句型 sb. find it hard/difficult to do sth.,译为 many people find it hard to write 10,000 characters frequently used in daily life. 4.最后一句中的“以引起??,帮助??”,两个并列结构均表目的,故将其译作状语 to arouse?and improve?。 参考译文 The complex writing system of Chinese characters is a treasure of Chinese ancient culture. But this system is facing a decline. With the rapid development and popularity of computers and smart phones comes a more commonly seen phenomenon that young people are barely able to write with pen in hand. Without the help of an electronic product, many people find it hard to write 10,000 characters frequently used in daily life. Thus, the CCTV launched a program, &Chinese Character Dictation Competition&, to arouse people's attention to Chinese characters and improve the audience's handwriting ability. 翻译题目 中国的体育运动经历了几千年的发展,但直到 1949 年中华人民共和国成立才成为一项 国家事业。在过去的 50 多年中,我国的体育运动取得了可喜的成绩。2008 年,北京成功举 办了第 29 届奥运会,使这次奥运会成为弘扬奥林匹克精神(Olympic spirit)、促进世界和 平、增进各国人民友谊的一次盛会。目前,为更好地发展中国体育,一个全国范围的体育运 动网已经建立起来了。 表达难点 1.第 1 句中的“直到 1949 年??才成为一项国家事业”中“直到??才”采用 not? until 句型。“中华人民共和国成立”可处理成修饰“1949 年”这个时间的定语从句,译作 when the People's Republic of China was founded. 2.第 2 句中的“体育运动取得了可喜的成绩”如果直译成 the sports have made great achievements 则表达有误,因为“取得成绩”的是“人”,但此句不用强调施动者,故译 为 great achievements have been made in sports,表达更地道,也符合英语常用被动语 态的习惯。 3.第 3 句中的 “使这次奥运会成为??的一次盛会” 表结果, 故用分词短语作结果状语, 译作 making it a grand gathering,定语“弘扬奥林匹克精神、促进世界和平、增进各国 人民友谊的” 较长, 故将其处理成定语从句, 用三个并列动词来表达: that carried forward? promoted?, and enhanced?。 4.最后一句中的“一个全国范围的体育运动网已经建立起来了”虽然形式上是主动的, 但意义上却表被动,故翻译时需转Q成被动语态,译作 a nationwide network for sports has been set up.“为更好地发展中国体育”表目的,故将其处理成目的状语 to develop China's sports in a better way. 参考译文 China's sports have undergone thousands of years of development. But it was not regarded as an undertaking of the state until 1949 when the People's Republic of China was founded. In the past 50-odd years, great achievements have been made in China's sports. Beijing hosted the 29th Olympic Games in 2008 successful, making it a grand gathering that carried forward the Olympic spirit, promoted world peace, and enhanced the friendship among people of the world. Now a nationwide network for sports has been set up to develop China's sports in a better way. 翻译题目 中国传统婚礼反映着中国的哲学思想。 婚礼上总是用红色的东西来表达祝福和尊重。 这 是因为中国人将红色看作是幸福、成功和好运的象征。婚姻不仅是一对新人的结合,也象征 着两个家庭的结合。 邀请亲朋好友来参加婚礼体现着人与人之间的关系和礼节(formality)。 婚礼上奏乐的声音通常很响,响到足以让自然“听到”,同时也证明婚姻的重要性。 表达难点 1.翻译第 2 句“婚礼上总是用红色的东西??”时,为符合英语表达习惯,应“增译” 出动作执行者,表达为 people always fill?with red things.“来表达祝福和尊重”表 目的,故将其译作目的状语 to express blessings and respects. 2.仔细分析可发现,第 3 句“这是因为中国人将红色看作是幸福、成功和好运的象征” 中的“这”指代前面―句的论述,故可以将此句和前一句合译,用表原因的连词 for 引出状 语从句 for they?。“红色”在翻译时要增译 the color 才符合英语“形合”的特点。定 语“幸福、成功和好运的”较长,故将其处理成后置定语,用 of 引出,表达为 of haziness, success, and good luck. 3.第 5 句中的主语“邀请亲朋好友来参加婚礼”可用分词短语 Invitingrelatives and Mends to the wedding 来表达。主谓人称和数相一致的原则,此处主语是指一件事情,故 谓语用第三人称单数形式。 4.最后一句“声音通常很响,响到足以??”,如果逐字对译为 the sound is always loud, and loud enough to?译文显晦涩,按英语避免重复的表达习惯,“省译”一个 loud. 参考译文 Traditional Chinese weddings reflect Chinese philosophy. People always fill their weddings with red things to express blessings and respects, for they regard the color red as the symbol of happiness, success, and good luck A marriage is not only a combination of the couple but also the symbol of the unity of two families. Inviting relatives and friends to the wedding symbolizes the relationships and the formality between people. The sound of musical instruments in the wedding usually loud enough to make nature know and to demonstrate the importance of the marriage. 翻译题目 在中国视频网站上,英剧已然成为新的焦点。中国一些主要门户网站近日已经发布近 1000 集英剧。这些网站开始探索新的市场。中国著名的视频网站一搜狐日前也在运营英国 频道,其中既包含英剧,也有英国音乐。 相比于美剧,英剧更短小精悍,也更深奥。根据 中国一家公司的报告显示,中国的英剧爱好者多为受过良好教育的年轻一族。 表达难点 1.第 3 句“这些网站开始探索新的市场”与前一句关联性较大,主语都是“网站”,故 将其处理成前―句的目的状语,译为 to explore the new market. 2.在翻译第 4 句“中国著名的视频网站――搜狐??”时,把“搜狐”置于句首,同位 语 a famous video website in China 紧跟其后,是较地道的英文表达。“其中既包含英剧, 也有英国音乐”处理成 that 引导的定语从句,置于先行词 channel 的后面,not only?but also 结构表示“既??也??”。 3.第 5 句中的状语“相比于美剧”用短语 compared with/to American shows 来表达; 可置于句首或句末。 4.在翻译最后一句中的“根据中国一家公司的报告显示”时,“增译”出动词“发布” (release),表达更精准,符合英语表达习惯。“受过良好教育的年轻一族”用两个并列的 形容词 young and well-educated 来表达,既清晰又简洁。 参考译文 British dramas are the new focus for Chinese video websites. Some major websites in China have recently released about 1,000 episodes of British dramas to explore the new market Sohu, a famous video website in China, is running a British channel that includes not only TV dramas, but also British music. Compared with American shows, British dramas are shorter and more sophisticated. A report released by a Chinese company shows that British drama lovers in China are mostly young and well-educated. 翻译题目 为了让人们更好地记住年份,我们的祖先用 12 只动物来代表年份。即“十二生肖” (Chinese Zodiac)。每一年由一种动物代表,每隔 12 年进行一个循环,从鼠开始,以猪为 结尾。每一种动物还有其独特的文化内涵(cultural connotation).例如,牛年出生的人据 说“勤奋、冷静、可靠”,虎年出生的人则“强大、勇敢、但又急躁”。十二生肖在亚洲的 其他国家,如韩国和日本也很流行。 表达难点 1.第 1 句中的“为了让人们更好地记住年份”,如果直译成 in order to make people remember the years more easily.表达不够地道,有中国式英语的感觉。“让人们”是汉 语中约定俗成的表达,翻译时可“省译”,此处表达为 to order to remember 即可。“即 ‘十二生肖’”可紧跟上文,用 which 引导的非限制性定语从句来表达。 2.第 2 句中的“每隔 12 年进行一个循环”可以用 every 12 years comes in a circle 表达,主语 every 12 years 为整体念的单数名词。“从鼠开始,以猪为结尾”用现在分词 短语 beginning with Rat and ending with Pig 来表达,作“循环”的后置定语。 3.第 4 句中的“牛年出生的”宜处理成后置定语,用分词短语 bornin the Year of Ox 来表达。“据说??”译为 is said to?。 4.翻译最后一句时,先译出主干(The Chinese Zodiac remains popular)。地点状语“在 亚洲的其他国家”用介词短语 in other Asian countries 来表达。 参考译文 In order to remember the years more easily, our ancestors used twelve animals to represent the years, which is called the &Chinese Zodiac&. Every year is represented by an animal and every 12 years comes in a circle beginning with Rat and ending with Pig. Each animal has its unique cultural connotations. For example, a person born in the Year of Ox is said to be hard working, calm, and reliable, while the person born in the Year of Tiger is powerful, brave, and impatient. The Chinese Zodiac remains popular as well in other Asian countries, such as Korea and Japan. 翻译题目 李白是唐朝(the Tang Dynasty)的著名诗人。他和他的朋友杜甫是唐代中期中国诗歌繁 盛时期最杰出的两位人物。他一生四处游历,写下了大约 1000 首诗篇。这些诗堪称是赞美 友情、享受大自然和饮酒作乐的模板。他的诗浪漫、豪迈,想象力丰富。作为一个浪漫主义 天才,李白把中国的传统诗歌形式推向了一个新的离度,对后世的诗歌产生了深远的影响。 表达难点 1.第 2 句中的定语“唐代中期中国诗歌繁盛时期”的中心词是“繁盛时期”(in the flourishing),“中国诗歌”是其定语,用介词短语 of Chinese poetry 来表达,时间范围 较大的“唐代中期”(in the mid-Tang Dynasty)置于句末。 2.第 3 句中的“写下了大约 1000 首诗篇”用分词短语 composing about 1,000 pieces of poems 来表达,作状语。后一句以“这些诗”为主语,跟前一句关联较大,故将其处理 成修饰前一句 poems 的定语从句,用 which 引导。 3.第 5 句“他的诗浪漫、豪迈,想象力丰富”是中文的无动词句。翻译时,把“他的诗 浪漫”转换为主干(his poems are romantic),将“豪迈,想象力丰富”转换为状语,用介 词短语 with heroic style and rich imagination 来表达。 4.最后一句可直译成并列结构, “推向??高度” 用 take?to a height 来表达, “对?? 产生深远的影响”则用 exerted a far-reaching influence oil?的表达方式。 参考译文 Li Bai was a famous poet in the Tang Dynasty. He and his friend Du Fu were the two most prominent figures in the flourishing of Chinese poetry in the mid-Tang Dynasty. He traveled around the country in his lifetime, composing about 1,000 pieces of poems which were models for celebrating the friendship, appreciating the nature and the joys of drinking wine. His poems are romantic with heroic style and rich imagination. As a romantic genius, Li Bai took traditional poetic forms to a new height and exerted a far-reaching influence on the poems of the future generation. 翻译题目 胡同(Hutong)是北京的一大特色, 有着与北京城一样久远的历史。 最早的胡同出现在元 朝(the Yuan Dynasty),如今大部分胡同是在明清时代(the Ming and Qing Dynasties)形 成的。据专家考证,“胡同”一词源 干蒙古语(Mongolian)的“井”。自古以来胡同都是北 京城里普通市民生息的场所,可以说是北京平民文化的代表。但随着人口的增加,很多古老 的胡同已经消失,取而代之的是现代化的却没有特色的高楼大厦。 表达难点 1.第 1 句中的“馆藏丰富的”用现在分词短语表达,作后置定语,译作 boasting vast collections.“一座宝藏” 可简单译为 a treasure,但不如用 a palace of treasure 来 表达语义更生动饱满。 2.第 2 句中的“但令人遗憾的是”可套用句型 it is a pity that?,此处用副词 regrettably 置句首修饰一整句则更简单,是英语中常用的表达方式。 3.仔细分析可发现,第 4 句“这一举动??良好的开端”中的“这一举动”指代前一句 的内容,故将该句处理成非限制性定语从句,译作 which is a good start?。 “为学术 馆藏走近普通大众”表目的,故将其处理成状语,用不定式短语 to bring academic collections closer to the general public 来表达。 4.最后一句进行了对比,重点为后一分句内容“国内的{校博物馆仍然有待发掘”(the domestic university museums are still waiting to be discovered)。所以翻译时,可 以考虑将这两个分句进行“合译”,后一分句作主句,前一分句则处理成用 as 引导的状语 从句,使译文结构紧凑流畅。 参考译文 The university museums boasting vast collections are undoubtedly &a palace of treasure&. Regrettably, however, this treasure has been receiving little attention. Recently, some university in Beijing announce that their museums will grant free access to the public, which is a good start to bring academic collections closer to the general public. But as many world-class university museums have long been famous attractions for tourists and scholars, the domestic university museums are still waiting to be discovered. 翻译题目 胡同(Hutong)是北京的一大特色, 有着与北京城一样久远的历史。 最早的胡同出现在元 朝(the Yuan Dynasty),如今大部分胡同是在明清时代(the Ming and Qing Dynasties)形 成的。据专家考证,“胡同”一词源 干蒙古语(Mongolian)的“井”。自古以来胡同都是北 京城里普通市民生息的场所,可以说是北京平民文化的代表。但随着人口的增加,很多古老 的胡同已经消失,取而代之的是现代化的却没有特色的高楼大厦。 表达难点 1.第 1 句中的“有着与北京城一样久远的历史”用介词短语 witha history as long as that of Bering city 来表达,以插入语形式置于主语之后,这样整个句子的中心更突出。 2.第 2 句 “最早的胡同出现在??” 翻译时转换成 “胡同最早出现在??” (Hutong first appeared?)更符合英语的表达习惯。 “胡同是在明、清时代形成的”虽然形式上是主动的, 但意义上却表被动,故翻译时转换成被动讲态,译作 Hutongs were formed during the Ming and Qing Dynasties. 3.第 4 句“自古以来胡同都是??”用完成时态 Hutong has always been?与 since ancient times 搭配,很好地表达了这种状态的延续性。 4.最后一句中的“取而代之的是现代化的却没有特色的高楼大厦”如果逐字对译为 and are replaced by the modern but not characterized high-rise buildings 则显生硬, 不如选用意为“给??让出地方”的短语 to make way for 来作前一个分句的目的状语,这 样译文更生动流畅。 参考译文 Hutong, with a history as long as that of Beijing city, is a major feature of Beijing. Hutong first appeared during the Yuan Dynasty, and most of today's Hutongs were formed during the Ming and Qing Dynasties. According to experts, the word &Hutong& came from Mongolian language, meaning &a well&. Hutong has always been the living place for ordinary residents since ancient times and it's said to be a representative of Beijing civilian culture. However, with the increase of the population, many old Hutongs have disappeared to make way for modem but not characterized high-rise buildings. 翻译题目 中国的铁路建设始于清朝(the Qing Dynasty)末年。自新中国成立后,中国的铁路得到 了飞速发展。目前中国拥有仅次于美国和俄罗斯的全球第三大铁路网。在中国,铁路是国家 重要的基翅设施(infrastructure)、 大众化的交通工具。 每逢寒暑假、 节假日, 总会出现 “一 票难求”的现象。据报道,中国将优先发展西部地区,特别是贫困地区的铁路,引导当地人 民走向致富之路。 表达难点 1.第 2 句“中国的铁路得到了飞速发展”如果直译为 Chinese railway has developed rapidly 则显平淡,此处可用 see 表示“(时代等)以?为特点,历经??”的意义,将其 译为 Chinese railway seen rapid development,这样译文更生动地道。 2.第 3 句中的定语“仅次于美国和俄罗斯的”较长,故将其处理成后置定语,表达为 only second to the United States and Russia. 3.第 5 句“总会出现‘一票难求’ 的现象”是汉语中的无主语句, 其常见的处理方式有: 增添主语;译为被动语态;译成 there be 结];使用形式主语 it。结合该句,可使用形式 主语 it, 译成 it is difficult to get a train ticket; 或并充出主语译为 Chinese travelers find it difficult to?,“一票难求”可用 find it difficult to do sth.句型来表达。 4.最后一句中的“优先发展??”和“引导当地人民走向致富之路”在原文中是并列结 构,但实际上后者表目的,故将其译作目的状语 to lead to wealth for local people, “引导走向致富之路”用短语 lead to wealth 比直译为 lead people to the path of wealth 更简洁地道。 参考译文 Railway construction in China began in the late Qing Dynasty. Chinese railway has seen rapid development since the founding of New China. Currently, China has the world's third largest railway network only second to the United State and Russia. Railway is an important infrastructure of the country and a popular traffic tool. During the summer and winter vacations, and national holidays, Chinese travellers always find it difficult to get a train ticket. It is reported that China will prioritize railway development in western regions, particular the areas, to lead to wealth for local people. 翻译题目 风水(Fengshui)是一门使人与环境达到和谐的艺术, 是中国哲学在环境上的反映。 人们 相信自然环境影响人的命运。他们期望通过调整建筑的设计与布局,达到人与环境和谐,并 使人得益于环境。 风水也有迷信(superstition)的一面。 如今风水在中国城市的年轻人中已 不太时兴,但在中国的农村、香港、台湾地区以及新加坡和马来西亚,风水仍然流行。 表达难点 1.第 1 句含有两个分句,翻译时可把前一个分句“是??艺术”看作“风水”的同位语 译出,后一个分句作为句子的主干。定语“一门使人与环境达到和谐的”和“中国哲学在环 境上的”都较长,可采用&n + of +?&的所有格形式,表所属。 2.第 3 句分句较多,信息较零散,但仔细分析可发现达到人与环境和谐,并使人得益于 环境“是目的,而” 通过调整建筑的设计与摆设 “是方式, 故翻译本句时宜改变句子的语序, 把表示目的内容作为句子的主干,而”通过调整“则译成 through 引导的方式状语置后。 3.第 4 句“风水也有迷信的一面”,可译成“be of + n.”的结构,强调“具有??特 性”。 4.在最后一句中,地点状语“在??马来西亚”很长,故翻译时将其置于句末,避免句 子头重脚轻,也更符合英语的表达习惯。 参考译文 Fengshui, an art of harmonizing people with their environment, is the reflection of Chinese philosophy in environment. People believe that the natural environment affects people's fortunes. They expect to achieve harmony with the environment, and benefit from it through adjusting the design and layout of their houses. Fengshui is also of superstition on its side. Nowadays it is not much popular with young Chinese in the cities, but it is still welcomed in Chinese rural areas, Hong Kong and Taiwan as well as countries like Singapore and Malaysia. 翻译题目 “汉语桥”世界大学生中文比赛(the &Chinese Bridge& Chinese Proficiency Competition for Foreign College Students)是由国家汉办(the Office of Chinese Language Council International)主办的大规模国际性比赛。到目前为止,这个一年一度 的比赛已经成功举办了 12 届。 今年的决赛共有来自 77 个不同国家的 123 名选手(contestant) 参加。 该赛旨在激发各国学生学习汉语的兴趣及加强世界对汉语和中国文化的了解。 同时, 这个比赛也建立起中国年轻大学生和其他国家学生之间沟通的桥梁。 表达难点 1.第 1 句中的定语“由国家汉办主办的”较长,故将其处理成后置定语,用过去分词短 语 sponsored by?引出,表被动。 2.第 2 句中的“已经成功举办了 12 届”形式上为主动句,其含义却表被动,译成英文 时要采用被动语态,故译作 has been successful held for 12 times. 3.第 3 句“今年的决赛共有来自 77 个不同国家的 123 名选手参加”如果直译成 the finals of this year had 123 contestants?,不符合英文表达习惯:翻译时,先确定好 主要结构(a total of 123 contestants participated in the finals)。“来自 77 个不同 国家的”作主语的后置定语,用介词短语 from 77 different countries 来表达。时间状语 “今年”置于句末。 4.最后一句中的 “建立起中国年轻大学生和其他国家学生之间沟通的桥梁” 如果逐字对 译为 builds a communication bridge between Chinese young college students and students in other countries 则显重复隆9省笆∫搿绷礁觥把敝械囊桓觯选爸 国”和“其他国家”处理成后置定语,表达为 between young college students of China and other countries. 参考译文 The &Chinese Bridge& Chinese Proficiency Competition for Foreign College Students is a large-scale international competition sponsored by the Office of Chinese Language Council International So far this yearly event has been successfully held for 12 times. A total of 123 contestants from 77 different countries participated in the finals this year. The &Chinese Bridge& Competition aims to arouse the interest of students in various countries in learning Chinese and strengthen the world's understanding of Chinese language and culture. It also builds a communication bridge between young college students of China and other countries. 翻译题目 据报道,北京市教委(Beiiing Municipal Commission of Education)将对高考(the college admission test)进行改革。英语的分数由 150 分减为 100 分,而语文由 150 分增 至 180 分。现行的高考制度中,语文、数学、英语三门考试分数相同。有关官员称,此次高 考改革方案既是―个符合实际的决定, 也是一项关乎民族自豪感的重大举措, 因为它强调了 母语学习的基础性重要地位。但是,也有专家称此次高考改革只是微调,不会削减英语本身 的重要性。 表达难点 1.第 2 句“英语的分数??,而语文?”由两个结构相同且语义相对的分句组成,故可 用 While 引导从句表对照。“由??减为/增至”可表达为 decrease/increase from?to, 如果分别加上趋向副词 down 和 up,则表达更[晰。 2.第 3 句“现行的{考制度中,语文、数学、英语三门考试分数相同”,如果逐字对译 为 In the current college admission test, the scores of English, Chinese and maths are equal 则因主语太长而使句子显得头重 脚轻。故翻译时,将主语转换为“{考”,用 动词 weigh (权衡) 作谓语, 把形容词 “现行的” 转换成副词 currently, 整句译为 Currently, the test weighs English, Chinese and maths equally,简洁流畅。 3.翻译第 4 句中的“改革方案”应采取“减词”译法,直接表达为 reform,省去“方 案”一词不译。汉语中为了行文 需要的范畴词在英译时可省略不译。 4.最后一句中的“不会削减英语本身的重要性”可直译为 it would not reduce the importance of English,但不如介词短语 without reducing?来得简单。 参考译文 According to the report, the Beijing Municipal Commission of Education plans to reform on the college admission test. The English score will decrease from 150 points down to 100 points while the Chinese score will increase from 150 up to 180 points. Currenfly, the test weighs English, Chinese and maths equals. Officials concerned said that this refrom was not only a practical decision but also a matter of national pride because this change highlighted the fundamental importance of mother tongue learning. But some experts claimed that the reform was just a minor adjustment without reducing the importance of English. 翻译题目 京杭大运河(the Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal)是中国古代劳动人民创造的一项伟大 工程。有着 2500 多年历史的大运河是世界上最古老、工程最大、里程最长的运河。春秋时 期(the Spring and Autumn Period), 吴国(the State of Wu)开凿了从扬州到淮安的运河。 后来历经几个朝代的翻修扩建,才形成现今的京杭大运河,运河北通北京南至杭州,全长约 1794 公里。它对中国南北地区经济、文化发展与交流起了巨大作用。 表达难点 1.第 1 句中的定语“中国古代劳动人民创造的”较长,故将其处理成后置定语用表被动 的过去分词短语 created by working people in ancient China 来表达。 2.第 4 句中的“后来历经几个朝代的翻修扩建”翻译时“增译”了副词 successively 很好地表达出“连续几个朝代”之义。 3.倒数第 2 句中的“北通北京至杭州”翻译时动词分别用了 reach 和 extend to,避免 了用词重复,而且 extend to 很好地表达出运河贯穿南北的走向。“全长约 17%公里”处理 成伴随状语,译作 with a length of about 1,794 km. 4.最后一句“它对??起了巨大作用”可套用句型 it has played a great important role in?。译文中使用现在完成进行时态,表达出“起作用”的“持续性”。 参考译文 The Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal is a great project created by working peopple in and it China. With a histoiy of more than 2,500 years, it is the longest, largest, and the most ancient canal in the world. In the Spring and Autumn Period, the State of Wu dug a canal from Yangzhou to Huai'an, Later on, the canal had been successively restored and expanded in several dynasties to the existing Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal. The Grand Canal reached Beijing in the north and extended to Hangzhou in the south with a length of about 1,794 km. It has been playing a veiy important in promoting the economic and cultural developments and exchanges between the north and the south areas in China. 翻译题目 迄今为止中国园林(Chinese Garden)已有 3000 多年的悠久历史。中国园林不仅是一种 建筑形式,更是中国文化的标志。它集传统建筑、园艺、绘画和雕刻(carving)为一体,具 有高超的艺术水平和独特风格。 中国园林体现了中华民族的创造力和审美观。 中国园林种类 繁多,其中以江南的苏州园林最为著名。苏州园林以其幽静、 优雅与和谐闻名于世。 表达难点 1.第 1 句中的“迄今为止”为时间状语,翻译时常将其放在句首,表达为 up till now, 与之搭配的时态是现在完成时态。 2.第 2 句为系表结构,用句型 not only?but also 连接两个并列表语。此句主语重复 了前一句的“中国园林”,故此句用 it 替代 Chinese Garden,以避免重复。 3.第 3 句中的“具有高超的艺术水平和独特风格”说明了中国园林的特点,可不用单独 译成一句,而处理成 with 引导的伴随状语,置于句首。 4.第 4 句“中国园林体现了中华民族的创造力和审美观”中的“体现”使用短语 give expression to 来表达,比简单用单词 show 等更为生动。 5.倒数第 2 句“中国园林种类??”可把前半句处理为句子的主句,用 there be 句型 来表达;后半句采用“介词 among +关系代词 which”引导的非限制性定语从句的形式,表 达为 among which?。 参考译文 Up till now, Chinese Garden has had a long history of over 3,000 years. It is not only a kind of architecture, but also a symbol of Chinese culture. With superb artistic levels and unique styles, Chinese Garden is a combination of traditional architecture, gardening, painting and carving. Chinese Garden gives expression to the creativity and taste for beauty of Chinese people. There are many lands of Chinese Gardens, among which Suzhou Garden in the south is the most famous. Suzhou Garden is known for its peacefulness, gracefulness and harmony. 翻译题目 在中国,交通安全是一个难题。据公安部(the Ministry of Public Security)统计, 去年有 6.2 万人死于交通~故。最近出台的新交规(new traffic regulations)正是改善交 通安全的最新举措。 新修订的交规大大加重了对违规司机的处罚力度。 更为严厉的处罚必定 会迫使司机遵守交规。专家表示,要想提升交通安全,就需要采取各种综合措施来配合,而 交通法规只是解决我国交通安全问题的其中一个方面。 表达难点 1.第 2 句中的“据公安部统计”用短语 according to the Ministry of Security 来表 达即可,“统计”一词可省略不译。 2.第 3 句中的“最近出台的”较长,可处理成后置定语,用过去分词短语 put into practice recently 来表达,也可简单译作 recent,“出台”略去不译,不影响句意。 3.第 4 句“大大加重了??处罚力度”如果直译为 increase the punishment,则稍显 生硬,不如选用意为“在某人身上实施??”的短语 impose?on,而“大大加重了”可转 换成形容词 much heavier,整个表达为 impose much heavier punishment on,更符合英 语表达习惯。 4.最后一句中的“要想提升交通安全”表目的,用不定式短语 to achieve better road safety 作目的状语,简洁明了。“就需要采取各种综合措施来配合”缺少主语,翻译时宜 采用被动语态,译为 various and comprehensive methods are needed,而句中的“采取” 和“配合”两词因句子意义已表达完整可省略不译。 参考译文 Road safety has become a problem in China. According to the Ministry of Public.Secondly 62,000 people died from traffic accidents last year. The new traffic regulations put into the practice recenty are the latest measure to improve road safety. The newly revised regulations impose much heavier punishment on drivers who violate traffic rules. The severer punishment will surely force drivers to follow traffic regulations. Experts say that to achieve better road safety, various and conmprehensive methods are needed, and traffic regulations are only a part of the solution to the road safety problems in China. 翻译题目 西湖是中国最著名的旅游景点之一。它位于浙江省省会杭州,水域面积约 6 平方公里。 几个世纪以来,西湖一直以来其秀美风景和文化古迹(cultural heritages)而闻名于世西湖 三面环山,一面临城,春夏秋冬各有特色,将自然历史,艺术巧妙地融合在一起。每年西湖 都会吸引上千万的游客到杭州观光旅游,杭州也因其自身的魅力,被称之为“人间天堂”。 表达难点 1.第 2 句“它位于浙江省省会杭州,水域面积约 6 平方公里”是并列结构,如果翻译时 也采用并列结构,则句子结构稍显松散,故将前一分句处理成非谓语形式,用过去分词短语 located in Hangzhou?作地点状语,后半句译为句子的谓语成分。 2.第 3 句的时间状语“几个世纪以来”用介词短语 for centuries 来表达即可, “几个” several 可不译。 3.第 4 句分句较多, 前两句意思紧密, 可合译成一个独立的句子。 后半句的 “春夏秋冬” 不必一一道出,只需译为 in different seasons 或 in four seasons.“将??融合在一起” 可处理成“春夏秋冬各有特色”的伴随动作,用现在分词短语 combining?来表达。 4.最后一句中前后两分句主语不同, 翻译时, 可以 “西湖” 为主语, 表达为 the West Lake attracts?,再用 which 引导的非限制性定语从句来补充说明杭州,引出后―分句的内容。 这样一来,整个句子结构清晰,语义联系更紧密。 参考译文 The West Lake is one of the most famous tourist attractions in China. Located in Hangzhou capital of Zhejiang Province, it covers a water area of around 6 square kilometer. For centuries, it has been well-known for both its beautiful landscape and cultural heritages. The West Lake is surrounded by mountains or three sides and the remaining side is connected with the city. It has its unique features in different seasons, combining skillfully nature, history and art. Every year, the West Lake attracts tens of millions of visitors to Hangzhou, which is known as “paradise on earth” because of its charm. 翻译题目 舞狮(lion dance)是中国的一种传统舞蹈形式,在重大节日和隆重活动中经常可以看 到。舞狮起源于三国时期(the Three Kingdoms Period),至今已有 1000 多年的历史。舞狮 一般由两人表演,一人舞狮头,另一人舞{身和狮尾。表演者在锣鼓(gongs and drums)音 乐的伴奏下,表演狮子的各种动作。舞狮随着华人移居海外而闻名世界,尤其是在东南亚国 家,但每一个国家和地区都有自己的舞狮风格。 表达难点 1.第 1 句的后半句用 which 引导的推限制性定语从句来表达, 这样句子结构更紧凑顺畅。 “经常看到”可以译为 we can often see?,但用被动形式 can be often seen?更符合英 语常用被动语态的表达习惯。 2.第 2 句中的“起源于三国时期,至今已有 1000 多年的历史”是一个并列结构,如果 译成 and 连接的并列句则译文结构松散,表达平淡,故将后半句处理成介词短语 with a history of over 1,000 years. 3.第 3 句中的“舞狮一般由两人表演”可逐字对译为 lion dance is usually performed by two persons.但汉语呈现以动词为中心的特征,而英语呈现以名词为中心的特征,故把 “表演” 由动词转换成名词更佳, 表达为 there are usually two performers in lion dance. 后半句“一人舞狮头,另一人舞狮身和狮尾”,是对前面的“两人”的补充说明,可以分译 成一个独立句子,也可以处理成“逻辑主语+ v.-ing”的独立主格结构。 4.第 4 句中的“锣鼓音乐”在翻译时应准确表达其意义“由敲打锣鼓发出的音乐”,故 采用“名词+过去分词短语”作后置定语的形式,处理成 music played by gongs and drums. 5.最后一句由三个小分句组成,前两句意思联系紧密,为同一个意群,第 3 个分句含转 折意味,故整个句子可处理成由 but 连接的并列句;或者是分号连接的并列句,中间加上表 转折的 however. 参考译文 Lion dance is a form of traditional dance in China, which can be often seen in important festivals and great events. With a history of over 1,000 years, lion dance can date back to the Three Kingdoms Period. There are usually two performers in lion dance, one handling the lion's head, and the other playing the body and the tail. They perform all kinds of lion's movements to the music played by gongs and drums. As the Chinese migrate abroad, lion dance is famous all over the world, especially in Southeast A however, each country and region has its own dancing style. 翻译题目 七夕节(Double Seventh Festival)是中国最具浪漫色彩的传统节日。每年农历(lunar calendar)七月初七就是七夕节,亦称“乞巧节”。七夕节起源于中国古代牛郎(Cowherd) 和织女(Weaver Maid)的爱情神话,他们的故事感动了一代又一代的中国人。许多有情男女 会在七夕的晚上祈祷自己的姻缘美满,期望“有情人终成眷属”。近年来,越来越多的都市 青年男女把这个节日当作“中国情人节”(Chinese Valentine's Day) 表达难点 1.第 1 句中宾语“节日”前有三个并列的形容词作定语中国“、”最具浪漫色彩的“和” 传统“,翻译时应按照英文的表达习惯来排列。离中心词由远及近的排列顺序为:性质描述 类、 体积类、 形状类、 年龄类、 颜色类、 来源类、 质地类和用途类。 故译文为 the most romantic traditional Chinese festival.”色彩“是汉语的行文习惯,翻译时减省不译不仅不会产 生歧义,还能保持英文句子简洁流畅。下文的”青年男女“中的”男女“亦可用类似的翻译 方法来处理。 2.第 2 句的中文语序是“??七月初七是七夕节”,原文的主语较长,直译不符合英文 的表达习惯,故翻译时调整语序,将“七夕节”改为句子的主语。句末的“亦称‘乞巧节’” 中的“亦称”理解为“也被称作”,用表被动的过去分词短语 known as?表达,置于句首 作状语,这样句子更紧凑流畅。 3.第 3 句中后一个分句的“他们的故事”指代的正是前面的“爱情神话”,故该分句可 用 which 引导非限制性定语从句,对“爱情神话”进行补充说明。 4.第 4 句中的“期望”是“祈祷”的伴随动作,故用现在分词短语 hopingfor?来表达。 5.最后一句中的谓语“把??当作??来过”较口语化,其实际意思是“把?当作?来 庆祝,故”可译成 celebrate?as?。 参考译文 The Double Seventh Festival is the most romantic traditional Chinese festival. Also known as &Qiqiao Festival& it falls annually on the 7th day of the 7th month of the lunar calendar. The festival came from an ancient Chinese romantic fairy tale about the Cowherd and the Weaver Maid, which has deeply moved generations of Chinese people. Many men and women in love usually pray for a happy marriage on that night, hoping for &a happy ending for true love&. In recent yean, more and more youths in cities celebrate the Double Seventh Festival as Chinese Valentine's Day. 翻译题目 提到中国体育不能不说乒乓球。乒乓球为中国A得了无数个世界冠军(championship), 给国人带来无穷的喜悦与自豪感。此外,乒乓球一直是中国人最喜爱的运动之一。无论在学 校、社区(residential areas),还是公园、广场,都可以看到乒乓球和人们挥拍的身影。 上至花甲老人,下至年幼孩童都可以挥上几拍,这也是乒乓球被称为中国国球的另一原因。 表达难点 1.第 1 句“提到中国体育不能不说乒乓球”可套用句型 When?we cannot avoid mentioning sth.来表达“当??时不能不说??”的意思。该句中“提到”和“说”意义 相近,翻译时应避免用词重复。“提到”用短语 when it comes to 来表达,也可通俗地说 成 when we talk about?。 2.第 2 句中“A得了??”和“带来??”为并列结构,翻译时,可将其直译为 and 连接的并列结构,也可将后半句译成现在分词短语 bringing Chinese people a lot of happiness and a sense of pride,作伴随状语。 3.第 4 句中的“都可以看到乒乓球和人们挥拍的身影”这个句子中,主语因约定俗成而 省略,这种“无主语句” 在汉语中频频出现,翻译成英文时往往要根据主语的重要性进行 相应补全或译成无主语的被动句,此处宜将主语 you 补充出来。该句中“挥拍的身影”省译 更符合英语表达习惯,只需译出“看到乒乓球和人们”即可。 4.最后一句中的“花甲老人”和“年幼孩童”分别用 elder people 和 children 来表达 即可,不必译出“花甲”、“年幼”二词。在处理一些为了行文需要而存在的中文表达时, 应采取“减词”的翻译策略,否则译文反而显得累赘或违背英语表达习惯。 参考译文 When it comes to China sports, we cannot avoid mentioning table tennis. This sport has helped China win countless world championships, bringing Chinese people a lot of happiness and a sense of pride. In addition, table tennis has always been one of the favorite sports of the Chinese people. You will see table tennis and its players everywhere, no matter in schools, residential areas, parks or squares. Both elder people and children are able to play it more or less. This is another reason why it is called the &Chinese National Ball&。 翻译题目 在中国,风筝具有独特的艺术价值。风筝首先出现在春秋时代(the Spring and Autumn Period)的战争中。随着时代的发展,现在风筝已成为一项世界性的体育和休闲活动。风筝 的主要材料为竹子和纸, 并加以各种绘画来装饰。 风筝具有各种形状, 如昆虫、 金鱼(goldfish) 和云彩等,大的可达数百平方米,最小的甚至可以放在信封里。这些富有魅力的风筝反映了 手工艺人(craftsman)的高超技艺。 表达难点 1.第 2、3 句都是论述风筝的发展,语义顺承,故考虑将其合译为一句,而重点放在现 在的状况,所以把后一句处理成主句,前一句用过去分词短语引出,表达为 first appeared?,now?it has become?。 2.第 4 句宁的两个分句“风筝的主要材料为竹子和纸”及“并加以各种绘画来装饰”的 逻辑主语不同,分别是 “材料”和“风筝”,若按原文字面来译,需译成两个句子,较繁 琐, 故考虑将两个分句的主语统一为 “风筝” , 承前用 it 指代风筝, 译为 it is mainly made of?and decorated with?,表达清晰顺畅。 3.倒数第 2 句中的 “风筝具有各种形状” 可处理为 with 引导的伴随状语 With different shapes such as?。最后两个分句语义上表对比,可译成 while 引导的并列句。“大的可达 数百平方米”可译成 a large kite can measure hundreds of square meters 或 a large kite can be as large as hundreds of square meters. 4.最后一句中的“富有魅力的”,不少人首先想到的词是 charming,这里也可以译为 attractive.“手工艺人的高超技艺”中的中心词是“技艺手工艺人的”可处理成后置定语 of the craftsmen. 参考译文 The kite is considered to have unique artistic value in China. First appeared in the wars of the Spring and Autumn Period, now with the development of times, it has become a worldwide sport and leisure activity. It is mainly made of bamboo and paper and decorated with various kinds of paintings. With different shapes such as insects, goldfish and cloud, a large kite can measure hundreds of square metere while the smallest can even be put into an envelope. These attractive kites show the superb skills of the craftsmen. 翻译题目 马可。波罗(Marco Polo)是来自意大利的著名旅行家。他于 1275 年到达元朝(the Yuan Dynasty)的首都。从那时起他在中国游历 17 年,访问了中国的许多城市。回到意大利后, 马可。波罗与他人合作,写下了《马可。波罗游记》(The Travels of Marco Polo)。在这 本游记里,马可。波罗描绘了一个辉煌的东方世界,详细介绍了中国的著名城市。该书一出 版,就受到了欧洲人的热烈欢迎,激起他们对东方文明的兴趣。 表达难点 1.第 1 句中的定语“来自意大利的”可作后置定语,译为 comingfrom Italy,但直接 用介词短语 from Italy 更简单地道。 2.第 3 句中的“他在中国游历 17 年”可理解为“他花了 17 年在中国游历”,故可套用 句型 spend (time/money) in doing sth.。经过仔细分析可发现,“访问了中国的许多城 市”算是游历中国的伴随动作,故用现在分词短语 visiting many cities around it 来表 达。 3.第 4 句中的“写下了《马可。波罗游记》”可看作是“与他人合作”的结果。翮译时, 把“与他人合作”(cooperate with others)译作谓语,“写下了《马可。波罗游记》”(to write a book named The Travels of Marco Polo)译作结果状语。此处要增译 a book 来具 体指出。 4.最后一句中的“激起他们对东方文明的兴趣”可处理成与“受到欢迎”并列的结构, 译作 and aroused their interests in Eastern cultures,但将其处理成表结果的状语, 即用现在分词短语 arousing their interests in Eastern cultures 来表达,句子的层次 更丰富、逻辑更强。 参考译文 Marco Polo was a famous traveler from Italy. He arrived at the capital of the Yuan Dynasty in 1275. From then on he spent 17 years in touring China, visiting many cities around it. After he returned to Italy, he cooperated with others to write a book named The Travels of Marco Polo- In this book, Marco Polo described a glorious Eastern world, and introduced in detail some Chinese famous cities. After its publication, the book was warmly welcomed by the Europeans, arousing their interests in Eastern cultures. 翻译题目 近年来,随着中国政治及经济实力的不断提升,学中文的外国人越来越多。据统计,全 球约有三千万人正在学习中文,而这一人数还在不断增加。在加拿大,虽然觉得汉语十分难 学,但人们学中文的兴趣却与日俱增。 他们喜欢中国文化,也意识到学习中文预示着更多 的机遇。如今,孔子学院(Confucius Institute)遍布世界各地,致力于推广中国文化及语 言。 表达难点 1.第 1 句中 “随着中国政治及经济实力的不断提升” 用 as 引导状语从句, 译为 asChina's political and economic power is on the rise,名词短语“政治及经济实力”作为一个 整体,故谓语动词用单数形式。 2.翻译第 2 句时,根据英语表达习惯,把“全球” 转换成状语, 用短语 aroundthe world 来表达。“人数”直接用 number 表达,谓语动词用现在进行时 is increasing 来表达“不 断增长”之义。 3.第 3 句“虽然??,但??”的结构不能译为 although?, but?,但可译为 although?, still?。 “觉得??难”可套用结构 sb. find sth. difficult 来表达。 “人 们学中文的兴趣却与日俱增”可逐字对译为 the interest of people's learning Chinese is growing,但主语部分太长,句子显得头重脚轻;再者主语是 interest,与前半句的主 语 people 衔接不协调,故应保持主语为“人们”,用人称代词 they 来代替,以避免重复。 4.最后一句“孔子学院遍布世界各地”翻译时可加上短语 set up,使句子意思更完整, 译文读起来更顺畅。“致力于推广中国文化及语言”用现在分词短语 committing itself to promoting Chinese culture and language 来表达,这里 to 是介词,后接动形式。 参考译文 In recent years, as China's political and economic power is on the rise, more and more foreigners are learning Chinese. According to statistics, there are about 30 million people learning Chinese around the world, and this number is still increasing. In Canada, although people find Chinese very difficult, they still show growing interest in its study. They like Chinese culture, and also realize that learning Chinese may mean more opportunities. Today, Confucius Institutes are set up worldwide committing itself to promoting Chinese culture and language. 翻译题目 和亲(peace-making marriage)政策可以追溯到西汉时期(the Western Han Dynasty)。 当时西汉政府为了缓和与匈奴的关系,将公主嫁给匈奴部落(Xiongnu tribes)的首领。人们 对和亲一直有着不同的看法。有人对和亲持肯定态度,因为和亲可以停止战争,与少数民族 建立和平友好的关系而另一些人则认为和亲政策是―种妥协和投降。 总的来说, 和亲政策有 利有弊,应放在当时的历史环境下来考虑。 表达难点 1.第 2 句中的“为了缓和与匈奴的关系”表目的,故将其译作状语 in order to?放在 句末。而“将公主嫁给??”作句子的谓宾成分,译作 marry its princesses to?。 2.第 4 句“有人对和亲持肯定态度,因为??”的后半句可用 as 引导的原因状语从句 来处理。 3.倒数第 2 句“而另一些人则认为和亲政策是一种妥协和投降”可套用句型 consider sth. (be/as) sth.,译作 others consider the policy a kind of compromise and surrender. 4.最后一句中的 “应放在当时的历史环境下来考虑” 处理成由 which 引导的非限制性定 语从句,并用被动语态来表达,译为 which should be considered?,其中“环境”应选 用 circumstance,而不能用 environment,因为后者指的是自然生态环境,而非文中表示 的人文社会历史状况。 参考译文 The policy of peace-making marriage can date back to the Western Han Dynasty. At that time, the government of Western Han married its princesses to the heads of Xiongnu tribes in order to smooth out the relationship between the two parties. People always have different opinions towards the policy. Some people hold a positive attitude towards it, as peace-making marriage can put an end to the war and build up a peaceful and friendly relationship with the minority groups. Others consider the policy a kind of compromise and surrender. Generally speaking, the policy peace-making marriage had its pros and cons, which should be considered under the historical circumstance at that time. 翻译题目 在中国,9 月 10 日的教师节(Teacher's Day)是一个很重要的节日。这一天,人们用各 种方式表达对教师的敬意。近年来,许多专家一直希望变更教师节的日期。一些研究中国传 统文化的学者提出,教师节应该有其历史文化内涵。不久前,相关部门拟将教师节改至 9 月 28 日。那天被认为是孔子(Confucius)诞辰日。作为“先时”(First Teacher),孔子是 中国历史上最重要的教育家及哲学家。 表达难点 1.仔细分析发现,第 2 句“这―天??”跟第 1 句语义联系紧密,故将两句“合译”, 用 on which 引导的非限制性定语从句来引出第 2 句的内容。状语“用各种方式”用介词短 语比 a variety of ways 来表达,置于句末。 2.第 3 句“近年来,许多专家一直希望??”时态宜用现在完成进行时,表示动作的延 续性,译作 for some recent years, many experts have been hoping to??。 3.第 5 和第 6 句“不久前,相关部门拟??9 月 28 日,那天被认为是??”意义上有 关联,都提到同一日期,宜“合译”,以 9 用 28 日为先行词,后一句用 which 引等的定语 从句来表达。 4.最后一句中的状语“作为‘先师’”用介词短语 as the First Teacher 来表达。时 间状语“中国历史上”按照英文表达习惯将其置于句末,表达为 in Chinese history. 参考译文 In China, the Teacher's Day on the September 10 is an important day on which people express their respect to their teachers tn a variety of ways. For some recent years, many experts have been hoping to change the date of Teacher's Day. Some scholars in traditional Chinese culture suggested that the Teachers' Day should have historical and cultural associations. Not long ago, the department concerned considered moving Teachers' Day to Sept 28, which is believed to be the birthday of Confucius. As the First Teacher, Confucius is the most important educationalist and philosopher in Chinese history. 翻译题目 《清明上河图》(Along the River during the Qingming Festival)是中国名画之一。 它为北宋(the Northern Song Dynasty)画家张择端所作。现收藏于故宫博物院(the Palace Museum)。《清明上河图》宽 25.5 厘米,长 525 厘米。画卷里,画家描绘了北宋清明时节都 城的自然风光和人们的日常生活。 《清明上河图》内容丰富,绘有大量的人物、树木、动物、 车辆、建筑和船只。因其具有很高的历史价值和艺术价值,《清明上河图》被视为国宝。 表达难点 1.第 2 句中的“它为??所作,现收藏于??”如果逐字对译为比 was painted by? and it is kept 稍显生硬、不够顺畅。宜将前半句处理成状语用表被动的过去分词短语来 表达,译作 Painted by Zhang Zeduan.“北宋画家”则用同位语 a painter in the Northern Song Dynasty 译出。 2.第 3 句中的“宽 25.5 厘米,长 525 厘米”可采用句型??centimeters wide and? centimeters long,也可便用 has a width of?and a length of?句型。 3.倒数第 2 句“《清明上河图》内容丰富,绘有大量的人物、树木??”宜把前半句处 理成主句,后半句用介词 with 引出,表伴随状态,译作 the painting is rich in contents with a large number of humans, trees?。 4.最后一句中的“因其具有很{的历史价值和艺术价值”可处理成原因状语,用介词短 语 for its very high historic and artistic values 来表达,使得译文结构紧凑、语言 简洁。 参考译文 Along the River during the Qingming Festival is one of Chinese famous paintings: Painted by Zhang Zeduan, a painter in the Northern Song Dynasty, this painting is now kept in the Palace Museum. The painting is 25.5 centimeters wide and 525 centimeters long. In the painting, the painter had captured the natural scenes and daily life of people of the capital during the Qingming Festivial in the Northern Song Dynasty. The painting is rich in content with a large number of humans, trees, animals, canines, buildings and boats. The painting is considered as a national treasure for its very high historic and artistic values. 翻译题目 2010 年世界博览会(World Expo 2010)于 5 月 1 日至 10 月 31 日在中国上海举行。世博 会吸引了 190 个国家和 56 个国际组织参展。 超过 7300 万中外游客参观了世博园, 参观人数 是历届世博会中最多的一次。 这届会的主题是 “城市, 让生活更美好” (Better City, Better Life),体现了人类对更适宜居住环境、更美好生 薪的愿望。在世博园里所有的展馆 (pavilion)中,中国展馆是最受欢迎的场馆之一。 表达难点 1.第 1 句既有状语,又有地点状语,―般地点在前、时间在后。 “(活动)在??举行” 可套用句型 sth. was held in?,用被动语态。 2.第二句可逐字对译为 the Expo had attracted?to attend the Expo,或可意译为 190 countries?participated in?,省略“博览会吸引了”不译,不但没有影响原意的表 达,还能使译文简洁明了。 3.第 3 句 “超过 7300 万中外游客参现了世博园” 中的 “游客” 可用 visitors 或 tourist, 由于“参现”用了 visited,选用 tourists 来表达可避免重复,“参观人数是历届世博会 中最多的―次”是对该句中“7300 万”的补充说明,故将其处理成分词短语作状语,译作 reaching the largest number of attendance in all Expos. 4.第 4 句中的“体现了??”是对前半句的补充说明,可用非限制性定语从句来表达, 译作 which reflects?, 也可用分词短语 reflecting?来表达。 参考译文 World Expo 2010 was held in Shanghai from May 1 to Oct. 31. 190 countries and 66 international organizations participated in the Expo. More than 73 million tourists from home and abroad visited the Expo Park, reaching the largest number of attendance in all Expos. The theme of the Shanghai Expo is &Better City, Better Life&, which reflects human's wish for a more livable environment and a better life. The China Pavilion was one of the most popular pavilions among all in the Expo Park. 翻译题目 维吾尔族(Uygur)是中国的一个少数民族。维吾尔族人喜欢喝奶茶,吃肉和用面粉烤制 的馕(nang)。他们有自己的语言和文字。他们的文学具有一种独特的民族风格,其中“阿凡 提的故事”(the Story of Afanti)中国各族人民的喜爱。维吾尔族是个能歌善舞的民族, 每逢节日和婚礼,他们都会邀请客人和他们一起跳传统民间舞蹈。他们的民歌优美动听,被 广泛传唱。 表达难点 1.第 2 句中的定语“用面粉烤制的”较长,可将其处理成后置定语,用分词短语 baked with flour 来表达,表被动。 2.在第 3 句中,“语言”侧重指口头的,而“文字”则侧重指书面的,故该句可译为 They have their own spoken and written languages.该句也可对应地译为 They have their own languages and characters. 3.在第 4 句中,“具有??风格”可用 be of?style 来表达:“其中??”可用 among which 引导的定语从句来表达,将前后两个分句连接起来,使分句间的语义关系更加紧密。 4.倒数第 2 句较长,后两个分句“每逢??”和“他们都会??”之间语义联系紧密, 可合译为一个句子,第 1 个分句则单独另成一句。在“维吾尔族是个能歌善舞的民族”中, “能歌善舞”的施动者是“人”,而非“民族”,故需译为 The Uygur people are good at?。 “每逢??”作状语,可译为 in festivals and wedding ceremonies,置于句末。 参考译文 The Uygur is a Chinese ethnic minority. Uygur people like to drink milk tea, eat meat and nang baked with flour. They have their own spoken and written languages. Uygur literature is of a unique ethnic style, among which the Story of Afanti is favored by all ethnic groups in China. The Uygur people are good at singing and dancing. They will invite guests to join them in their traditional folk dance in festivals and wedding ceremonies. Their folk songs sound beautiful and are widely sung. 翻译题目 在中国,水稻生产是国民经济的重要组成部分。中国人早在公元前 4000 年就开始了水 稻种植,而后逐渐传播到世界各地。目前,中国是世界上最大的水稻生产国,水稻产量占世 界产量的 26%.我国水稻主要种植于长江(the Yangtze River)沿岸及南方各省份。米饭是中 国人,特别是南方人,非常重要的主食(staple food)。此外,水相还可以用来酿酒、制糖 及用作工业原料。 表达难点 1.第 2 句中的“早在公元 4000 年”可用短语 as early as 4000 B.C.来表达,置于句 首。“而后逐渐传播到世界各地”处理为定语从句、修饰“水稻种植”、译作 which later gradually spread all over the world,同时应将“水稻种植”译为名词形式 rice cultivation. 2.第 3 句“中国世界上最大的??,水稻产量占??”可译为并列结构 China is the world's largest?and its rice production accounts for?,但不如将后半句处理成伴 随状语,用分词短语表达为 producing 26% of world rice output 更简洁、更有逻辑性。 3.第 4 句中的 “我国水稻主要种植于??” 如逐字对译为 The rice in China is plant? 则稍显生硬。宜用主动语态译出,表达为 The rice crop in China grows primarily in?, 此处增译 crop (农作物) 表达更精准。地点状语 “长江沿岸及南方” 表达为 along the Yangtze River and in the South,置于句末。 4.倒数第 2 句的主干是“米饭是非常重要的主食”。 “中国人”用介词短语 for Chinese 译出,置于表语 staple food 之后。“特别是南方人”用 particularly the southerners 来表达,作“中国人”的同位语,置于句末。 参考译文 China, rice production is an important part of the national economy. As early as 4,000 B.C., the Chinese started rice cultivation which later gradually spread all over the world. At present, China is the world's largest producer of rice, producing 26% of the world rice output. The rice crop in China grows primarily in provinces along the Yangtze River and In the South. Rice is an important staple food for Chinese, particularly the southerners. In addition, rice can be used to make wine and sugar and used as industrial materials. 翻译题目 春节是中国最重要的节日。观看春节联欢晚会(the Spring Festival Gala)是中国人庆 祝春节的一个重要组成部分。 这个一年一度的晚会由中央电视台(CCTV)直播。 从除夕之夜晚 上 8 点开始,持续约 4 个小时。晚会节目丰富多彩,以音乐、舞蹈、喜剧和戏剧表演为主。 观众在观看节目的同时还可以通过电话、短信和互联网为 自己喜爱的节目投票。评选结果 会在 15 天之后的元宵节晚会(Lantern Festival Gala)上公布。 表达难点 1.在第 2 句中,主语“观看春节联欢晚会”可用动名词短语来表达,译作 Watching the spring Festival Gala. 定语“中国人庆祝春节的”较长,可将其处理成后置定语,用 for sb. to do sth 的形式(即 for Chinese people to celebrate the festival)来表达。 2.在第 3 句中,“由??直播”表示主语“晚会”是受动者,故用被动语态,表达为 is broadcast live by?,live 在此处是副词,“从除夕之夜晚上 8 点开始,持续约 4 个 小时”修饰的是“晚会”,因其较长,可处理为非限制性定语从句,译作 which begins at 8:00?and lasts for?。 3.第 4 句“晚会节目??,以??为主”由两个分句构成,翻译时可把第 1 个分句处理 成主干,第 2 个分句处理成状语,用分词短语来表达:“以??为主”可用动词 feature 来表达。故整句译为 It produces?,featuring songs?。 4.在翻译倒数第 2 句时,要先译出其主要结构(The audience can vote on their favorite programs of the Gala)。方式状语“通过电话、短信和网络”可译作 by phone, by text message or through the Internet. 而时间状语“在观看节目的同时”则可表达 为 while enjoying the Gala,置于句末。 参考译文 The Spring Festival is the most important holiday in China. Watching the Spring Festival Gala is an important part for Chinese people to celebrate the festival. This annual Gala is broadcast live on CCTV, which begins at 8:00 p.m. on the Chinese New Year's Eve and lasts for about 4 hours. It produces colorful programs, featuring songs, dances, comedies and drama performances. The audience can vote on their favorite programs of the Gala by phone, by text message or through the Internet while enjoying the Gala. The results of the vote are announced 15 days later in the Lantern Festival Gala. 翻译题目 2010 年,微电影(micro film)《老男孩》(Old Boy)被贴在一个视频网站并大受欢迎。 从此,微电影开始盛行。微电影的长度从 3 分钟到半小时不等。成本低廉,拍摄过程简单, 这使得很多草根艺人(grassroots artist)得以有机会来拍摄。人们喜欢在线观看电视节目 的偏好也为微电影的发展提供了绝佳的机会。 在这个快节奏的社会里, 微电影正好可以解决 人们没有太多时间来娱乐的问题。 表达难点 1.第 3 句 “微电影的长度从 3 分钟到半小时不等” 可直译为加 length of micro film can last?,这样表达更简洁、更地道。“(时间上的)不等”可以用短语 anywhere between 来表达。 2.第 4 句的成本低廉,拍摄过程简单可以译为 low cost coupled with easy shooting procedure,侧重于强调成本低的事实。“这使得很多草根艺人得以有机会来拍摄”可套用 句型 give sb. an opportunity to do sth.来表达,谓语 give 要与主语 low cost 保持主 谓一致,用单数形式。 3.preference for?为固定搭配,意为“偏好??”。倒数第 2 句的定语“人们喜欢在 线观看电视节目的”即为偏好的具体内容,故可套用这个短语,表达为 preference for watching TV programs online,此处可以根据上下文省译“人们”。“微电影的发展”中 的“发展”一词也可省译。 4.最后一句的定语 “人们没有太多时间来娱乐的” 可直译为定语从句 thatpeople don't have so much time for entertainment,但不如用介词短语 of lack of entertainment time 来得简单。 参考译文 In 2010, a micro film named Old Boy was posted on a video site and became very popular. From then on, micro films began to flourish. A micro film can last anywhere between three minutes to half an hour. Low cost coupled with easy. shooting procedure gives many grassroots artists oppoilmuties to make micro films. The preference for watching TV programs online offers a perfect opportunity for micro films. In this fast-paced society, micro films can tackle the problem of lack of entertainment time. 翻译题目 剩女(leftover women)通常指那些 30 岁或以上还单身的女性。在城市里,越来越多受 过良好教育的职业女性加入到剩女的行列, 所以剩女大多有着高收入。 虽然一些剩女宣称 “我 单身,我快乐”,剩女问题却开始引起人们广泛关注,成为一个社会问题。为此,中国的一 些地方政府开始着手安排相亲(matchmaking)活动,希望未婚女性在那里能遇到自己心仪的 对象。 表达难点 1.第 1 句中的定语“那些 30 岁或以上还单身的”较长,故将其处理成定语从句,译作 who remain single at the age 30 or above. 2.第 3 句中的“我单身,我快乐”如果直译为 I am single. I am happy 则显得两句孤 立,不如译为 I am happy being single,更能表达其之间的因果关系。 3,最后一句中的“为此”译为 in order to solve this problem,表达更具体、准确, 上下语义更连贯。 而其后的句子如果采用直译的方法, 把前后半句译成用 and 连接的并列结 构 some local government have started to?and hoped that?,则显得有些生硬死板。 仔细分析可以发现,前半句的“相亲活动”和后半句的“在那里”意思相关联,故把后半句 处现成用关系副词 where 引导的从句。 4.最后一句中的“希望??”可以直译为 they hope?,但把其处理成被动语态 be expected to,以“未婚女性”作主语更流畅,故译作 unmarried young women are expected to meet their Mr. Rights. 参考译文 Leftover women often refer to those who remain single at the age 30 or above. In the cities, a growing number of well educated and professional females join the ranks of leftover women. so most of them have a booming income. Though some leftover women claimed that &I am happy being single&, the phenomenon of leftover women began to widely attract social attention and became a social problem. In order to solve this problem, some local governments in China have started to organize matchmaking events, where unmarried young women are expected to meet their Mr. Rights. 翻译题目 姚明是中国第一位国际篮球巨星,身价(personal wealth)超过 10 亿美元。前年,姚明 因复发性足部和腿部伤病退出赛场。4 个月后,他在上海一知名学府注册入校。学校为他量 身定做了学位课程(degree program), 并主要采取单独授课的方式。据一家官方媒体报道, 这位前篮球明星对学习有着强烈的愿望。 不过姚明也表示恐怕事情太多, 没那么多时间学习。 表达难点 1.第 1 句中的身价超过 10 亿美元可处理成状语,用介词短语 with a personal wealth at more than $1 billion 来表达,简洁明了。 2.第 2 句中的原因状语“因复发性足部和腿部的伤病”可用短语 because of repeated foot and leg injuries 来表达。 3.翻译第 4 句“学校为他量身定做了学位课程,并主要采取单独授课的方式”时,宜转 换主语为 he(指代姚明),这样论述的主题才统一。将“并主要采取单独授课的方式”处 理成状语,译作 with mostly one-on-one lectures. 4. 在最后一句中,“表示恐怕”属于汉语中动词的连动式用法。而英语一句话里往往 只有一个谓语动词,汉译英时常把汉语中的动词转换为名词,故把“恐怕”转换成名词,译 作 express fear.“事情太多”可以直译为 have too many things to do/deal with,但 不如用 have a tight schedule 来得简单、地道。 参考译文 Yao Ming is China's first global basketball superstar with a personal wealth at more than $1 billion. Yao Ming quit the game because of repeated foot and leg injuries in the year before last. Four months later, he enrolled in a famous university in Shanghai. He is taking a tailored degree program with mostly one-on-one lectures. A state media said, the former basketball superstar had a “strong desire” for academic studies. But Yao Ming also expressed fears that he might have a schedule with little time for study. 翻译题目 皇铺(pawnshop)是中国最古老的金融行业之一。 长期以来, 它们为身处危急时刻的人们 提供现金。然而在过去的几十年间,当铺渐渐消失了。如今它们正迎来一个繁荣发展的新时 期。 究其原因就是典当行能为顾客提供快速、 便捷的金融服务。 此外, 黄金、 珠宝(jewellery)、 手表以及其他值钱的东西都可以典当。到前年底,全国已有 5000 多间典当行,总交易额 (total transaction)超过 2000 亿人民币。 表达难点 1.第 2 句中的“为(人)提供(物)可用短语 provide sth. with sth.或 provide sth. to sb.来表达,译文中分期采用这两种表达来翻译第 2 句的”为人们提供现金“和第 6 句的 为顾客提供金融服务以避免重复,第 2 句的时间状语”长期以来“可译为 for a long time, 但不如直接用副词 long 置于 have provided 之间来得简洁。 2.第 3 句中的时角状语 “在过去的几十年里” 可直译为 in/during 故 over the past few decades、也可省略 few,表示“几年”、 “几十年”时,可以直接表达为 years 和 decades. 3.第 6 句中的“黄金、珠宝、手表以及其他值钱的东西”翻译时在 gold jewellery and watches 前面增译 items(物品)来说明性质,表达为 items like gold?,使语义表达更 为清晰明确。 4.最后一句中的“总交易额超过 2000 亿人民币”可处理成伴随状语,用介词短语 with a total transaction of over 200 billion RMB 来表达即可。 参考译文 Pawnshops are one of the oldest financial businesses in China. They have long provided people with cash during desperate times. But over the past few decades, pawnshops have disappeared gradually. Now they are welcoming a new booming era. The reason is that pawnshops can provide swift and convenient financial services to customers. In addition, items like gold, jewelleiy, watches and others valuable can be pawned. By the end of the year before last, more than 5,000 pawnshops were opened around the country with a total transaction of over 200 billion RMB. 翻译题目 1958 年,一位日本人发明了方便面(instant noodle)。虽然它没什么营养(nutrition) 却因为美味并能遏制饥饿,所以在诞生后迅猛发展。目前,中国已经成为世界上最大的方便 面生产国和消费国。中国方便面的年产量大约为 500 亿包,占全球总产量的 50%以上。对于 中国这样一个人口大国来说,方便面行业的发展至关重要。它对于扩大消费和需求,特别是 赈饥与救灾方面发挥着重要的作用。 表达难点 1.第 1 句可直译为 a Japanese invented instant noodle,但为了与下文保持论述角 度的一致,故以“方便面” 作主语,采用被动语态,译作...was invented by?。时间状 语“1958 年”置于句末。 2.第 2 句中的“虽然它没什么营养,却因为美味并能遏制饥饿”表转折,可直译为 although it is of little nutrition, it can stop/kill hunger.但将前半句处理成让步 状语,用介词短语 despite its little nutrition 来表达更简洁明了,后半句则处理为主 句 it is delicious and a hunger killer,译文结构紧凑、表达生动。“在诞生后迅猛发 展”宜采用现在完成进行时态来翻译,表达为 has been developing rapidly since its birth,表动作的持续性。 3.第 4 句“中国方便面的年产量??,占全球总产量??”一句中有两个“产量”,因 英语表达习惯忌讳重复用词, 故翻译 “全球总产量” 时省略 “产量” (production)―词。 “占 全球总产量的 50%以上”可处理为前半句的伴随状语,用现在分词短语 accounting over 50 percent of the world's total 来表达。 4.第 5 句“??至关重要”可套用句型 it is crucial to do sth,状语“对于中国这 样一个人口大国来说”用介词短语 for China with such a large population 来表达,置 于句首。 参考译文 The instant noodle was invented by a Japanese in 1958. Despite its little nutrition, it is delicious and a hunger killer, so it has been developing rapidly since its birth. Now, China has become the world‘s largest producer and consumer of instant noodles. China's annual production of instant noodles is around 50 billion packages, accounting for over 50 percent of the world's total For China with such a large population, it is crucial to develop the instant noodle industry. It plays an important role in expanding consumption and demand, especially in hunger and disaster relief. 翻译题目 西安是中国古代 13 个王朝(dynasty)的首都。 毫无疑问, 它是中国历史与文化的完美代 表。西安居于“中国古都”之首,在中国历史上建都时间最长、影响力最大。它是丝绸之路 (the Silk Road)的起点,是中华文明的发祥地。西安到处都是令人惊叹的历史奇观,因此 吸引着众多的国内外游客。那里有着中国最古老、最壮观的博物馆和寺庙,其中最著名的是 拥有 2000 年历史的兵马俑博物馆(the Terracotta Warriors Museum)。 表达难点 1.第 2 句中的状语“毫无疑问”修饰整句话时,可译为 it is no doubt that+从句, 也可将 no doubt 置于系动词 is 和名词之间,译作 it is no doubt the perfect representative?。这样的表述更简洁。 2.第 3 句“西安居于‘中国古都’之首,在中国历史上建都时间最长,影响力最大”中, 可以将“建都时间最长,影响力最大”看作是“居于‘中国古都’之首”的伴随状语,用介 词短语 with the longest history?and the greatest influence 来表达。 3.第 5 句中的“到处都是令人惊叹的历史奇观”是后一分句“吸引??游客”的原因所 在,这里可以用 as 或 for 引导原因状语从句来表达,也可用一个简单的分词短语 filled with?来表状态,语义表达简洁明了。 4.最后一句中的“那里有着”可以直译为 there be 句型,但过于平淡,宜译作 It boasts?,boast 取“自豪地拥有”之义,表达较为生动。 “其中??”这个分句可用 among which 引导非限制性定语从句来表达,使得句子结构紧凑,表达流畅。 参考译文 Xi'an is the capital of 13 ancient Chinese dynasties. It is no doubt the perfect representative of Chinese histoiy and culture. With the longest history of being a capital and the greatest influence in China's history, it tops all the Chinese ancient capitals. It is the starting point of the Silk Road as well as the birthplace of Chinese culture. Filled with amazing historic wonders, Xi'an is attracting a large number of tourists from home and abroad. It boasts the oldest and most spectacular museums and temples in China, among which the most famous is the 2000-year-old Terracotta Warriors Museum. 翻译题目 中国杂技(acrobatics)有着悠久的历史和浓郁的民族特色。 它是中国人最喜爱的艺术形 式之一。杂技的表演融合了力量和技巧。它与人们的生产和日常生活有着密切的联系。表演 的道具(props)包括碗、盘子和梯子等。在旧中国,因为被封建阶级(feudal class)瞧不起, 杂技从未在剧场里表演过。自新中国成立以来,中国政府大力发展民族艺术,使杂技获得了 新的生命。 表达难点 1.第 2 句中的“最疼爱的”用 favorite 来表达,相当于 like best,故没有最高级形 式,不能译为 the most favorite. 2.第 4 句中的“与??有密切的联系”可用 closely relate to 来表达;后半句可译成 与前半句并列的句子(即 the props include?),但不如将其处理成状语表伴随,用介词 with 加独立主格结构来译出(即 with props being bowls, plates?),以使句子结构主 次分明。 3.倒数第 2 句的主语是“杂技”,杂技是“被”表演,故翻译时要采用被动语态,译作 acrobatics was never performed in theatres. 4.最后一句中的“使杂技获得了新的生命”可译成 which 引导的非限制性定语从句(即 which gives acrobatics a new life),或是用现在分词短语(即 giving acrobatics a new life)来表达。 参考译文 The Chinese acrobatics has a long history and rich national flavor. It is one of the Chinese favorite art forms. Acrobatics combines strength and skill. It closely relates to people's production and daily life activities with props being bowls, plates, ladders, and so on. In old China, acrobatics was never performed in theatres because it was looked down upon by the feudal class. Since the founding of new Chins, the Chinese government has made great efforts to develop national arts, giving acrobatics a new life. 翻译题目 中国的汽车业在近 30 年间取得了巨大的成就。在 20 世纪 70 年代,中国每年生产的轿 车还不足 3000 辆。 而在去年,我国轿车的产销量都突破了 1000 万辆,位居全球之首。中 国的品牌车已经有了长足的进步。一些中国的一流厂家,如上汽集团(SAIC)和吉利汽车 (Geely), 正开始在国外推出品牌。 去年他们出口了 90 万辆轿车, 而这个数量还会不断增加。 表达难点 1.第 1 句“中国的汽车业??取得了巨大的成就”可套用句 achievements have been made in?, 原文中的主语 “中国的汽车业” 可处理为状语, 用介词短语 in Chinese induetry 来表达。 2.翻译第 2 句“??中国每年生产的轿车还不足 3000 辆”时,谓语“生产”可用过去 进行}


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