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A Business Masters programme at the University of Auckland Business School will prepare you for the challenging and fast-moving business world. We offer a portfolio of coursework masters degree programmes:ProgrammePointsDurationMaster of Management180 points15 months (5 quarters)Master of International Business240 points18 months (6 quarters)Master of Professional Accounting240 points18 months (6 quarters)Master of Applied Finance*240 points18 months (6 quarters)Master of Marketing*240 points18 months (6 quarters)*Available for intake commencing September 2015.DOWNLOAD PROSPECTUS PDF (340.7 KB)BACK TO TOP ∧Career prospectsOur professional masters programmes are designed to prepare you for the workplace and help you stand out in a competitive job market. You will graduate with a strong portfolio of knowledge and skills that can be applied across a number of different industries. There is a focus on professional development throughout the programme, including career planning. Students receive support from a dedicated careers service. For more details of specific career prospects for the different programmes, see the relevant programme page. MMgt | MIntBus | MProfAcctg | MAppFin | MMktg BACK TO TOP ∧Degree structureOur Business Masters programmes are delivered in quarters. There are four ten-week quarters per year, with a two-week break between each quarter. During the first two quarters of all programmes, students study core business courses in management, quantitative analysis, economics and financial reporting, to gain a solid grounding in business before continuing on to a set of courses in their chosen specialisation. Students have the flexibility to change between specialisations before the start of the third quarter. In the first four quarters students complete four Professional Development Modules. These are an important component of the degree as they are designed to equip you with the professional skills that you will need to enhance your employability and success in the business world. Exit pathway: If you are unable or choose not to continue with your masters programme you may apply to reassign courses passed towards the Postgraduate Certificate in Management or Postgraduate Diploma in Management. For more information email businessmasters@auckland.ac.nz. BACK TO TOP ∧CoursesAll classes are scheduled Monday to Friday between 8am and 6.30pm and you are expected to be available to attend sessions during these hours. There are typically 16-18 hours of classes per week. Secure tests are held in the evenings and dates and times advised at the start of each quarter. This is an intensive programme requiring a full-time commitment of approximately 40 hours per week, including class contact hours, assignments, team-based projects and private study. A part-time study option is not available. For more details of the specific courses you will study, please see the relevant programme page. MMgt | MIntBus | MProfAcctg | MAppFin | MMktg BACK TO TOP ∧ Entry requirementsAll our Business Masters degrees are pre-experience coursework programmes. This means that applicants require little or no work experience to gain entrance into these programmes.?Academic requirementsTo gain entry you will need to have completed a bachelors degree from a recognised university or learning institution with the equivalent of at least a New Zealand B average in the most advanced courses. This can be either a degree in business* or a non-business degree in a relevant discipline such as the arts, engineering, technology, or science. In assessing your application we will take into account the ranking of the institution at which you completed your bachelors degree as well as the grades achieved in the relevant subjects. For indicative entry scores by country please see the table below.CountryEntry scoreAustraliaCredit averageBrazil7.0/10Canada3.3/4.3Chile5.0/7China (211/985)75-80%China (non-211/985)85-90%Colombia3.5/5Denmark8.0/13France12.0/20.0Germany2.8/5Hong Kong3.0/4IndiaFirst ClassIndonesia3.0/4Iran14/20Israel65/100Italy80/110 CountryEntry scoreJapan70/100Korea3.0/4.5Kuwait3.0/4Malaysia3.0/4Netherlands7.0/10New ZealandB averagePhilippines85/100Saudi Arabia3.5/5Singapore3.5/5South Africa65-70/100Sri Lanka60-65/100Taiwan75/100Thailand3.0/4UK (Honours)2.1USA3.0/4Vietnam7.0/10Note: These scores are indicative only and subject to review. *Applicants who have completed advanced course(s) in an undergraduate degree which are considered substantially similar to courses in this programme will be required to complete substitute course(s). Advice will be provided to students on a case-by-case basis.?English requirementsOur Business Masters programmes are taught entirely in English. You must therefore be able to understand, speak and write English fluently.To be eligible for entrance, international students must achieve:? ? ? ? ?Academic IELTS 6.5, with no band less than 6.0, TOEFL (paper-based) 575 (TWE 4.5), TOEFL (internet-based) 90 (written 21), Foundation Certificate in English for Academic Purposes (FCertEAP) B-. If your English does not meet the required standard, our English Language Academy offers the following courses: For students who need to increase their English IELTS score by 0.5: English Pathway for Postgraduate Students (EPPS) ?For students who need to increase their English IELTS score by 1.0: Foundation Certificate in English for Academic Purposes (FCertEAP) BACK TO TOP ∧Fees and scholarshipsFeesFees are set in advance of each calendar year and will be updated on this website. All fees are inclusive of 15% GST and the student services fee, but do not include course books, travel and health insurance, or living costs. Amounts shown are indicative and only applicable to the April 2015 intake. (*except for the Master of Applied Finance and Master of Marketing, these programmes are available for the intake commencing September 2015 and the amounts shown are indicative only).International students (NZ$)Domestic students (NZ$)Master of Management$54,226.00$25,562.00Master of International Business$72,307.00$34,289.00Master of Professional Accounting$72,307.00$34, 289.00Master of Applied Finance$72,861.00*$34,964.00*Master of Marketing$72,861.00*$34,964.00*ScholarshipsScholarships are open to admitted students for any of the Business Masters programmes offered by the University of Auckland. The basis of selection will be academic merit and a written statement covering career goals and motivation.University of Auckland Business Masters Scholarships (International)The main purpose of the scholarships are to support international students to gain the skills and knowledge required to launch a business career by completing a Master of Management, Master of International Business, Master of Marketing, Master of Applied Finance or Master of Professional Accounting degree at the University of Auckland Business School. A key objective is to enhance the diversity of the class profile.? ? ? ? ?Closing date: 1 June 2015 Tenure: Up to one year Amount: Up to $30,000 each Open to nationality: All nationalities Further details: Visit this link for more information including how to applyUniversity of Auckland Business Masters Scholarships (Domestic)The main purpose of the scholarships are to support domestic students to gain the skills and knowledge required to launch a business career by completing a Master of Management, Master of International Business, Master of Marketing, Master of Applied Finance or Master of Professional Accounting degree at the University of Auckland Business School.? ? ? ? ?Closing date: 3 March 2015 Tenure: Up to one year Amount: Up to $10,000 each Open to nationality: New Zealand citizen/permanent resident/Australian Further details: Visit this link for more information including how to apply BACK TO TOP ∧Key dates The University of Auckland Graduate School of Management operates on a rolling admissions basis. This means that you can apply for entry into your chosen programme up to 12 months before the programme start date.Intake dates:April 2015 International students must apply by 1 February 2015 Domestic students must apply by 1 March 2015 September 2015 International students must apply by 1 July 2015 Domestic students must apply by 1 August 2015 Late applications may be considered subject to the availability of places.Start dates:The programme is delivered in quarters. Each quarter is 10 weeks long followed by a two week break. There are four quarters per calendar year. An orientation week will be held for each new intake of students. It is an essential part of your learning journey and has been designed to help you to develop the skills and strategies you will need for a successful transition into your studies.Programme intakeOrientation week beginsLectures beginApril 201530 March 20158 April 2015September 201514 September 201421 September 20152015 Academic datesQuarter 1 (Q1)Lectures beginMonday 5 JanuaryLectures endFriday 13 MarchQuarter 2 (Q2)Orientation week begins (new students)Monday 30 MarchLectures beginWednesday 8 AprilLectures endFriday 12 JuneQuarter 3 (Q3)Lectures beginMonday 29 JuneLectures endFriday 4 September Quarter 4 (Q4)Orientation week begins (new students)Monday 14 SeptemberLectures beginMonday 21 SeptemberLectures endFriday 27 November
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& & &本科专业学费:
& & & & & &公立大学:1.3-6.6万/年
& & & & & &私立大学:1.4-4.2万/年
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& & & & & &公立大学:2.4-10.2万/年
& & & & & &私立大学:2.4-9.4万/年
& & & & & 住宿费:800-1000元/月(市郊校区),元/月(市中心校区)
& & & & & 伙食及其他费用:元/月
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