
MPA考试是(Master of Public Administration) 专业学位的英文简称,是以公共管理学科及其他相关学科为基础的研究生教育项目,其目的是为政府部门及非政府公共机构培养高层次、应用型专门人才。
(MPA)的报考条件如下:  大学本科毕业后有3年或3年以上工作经验的人员;获得国家承认的高职高专毕业学历后,有5年或5年以上工作经验,达到与大学本科毕业生的人员;已获硕士学位或博士学位并有2年或2年以上工作经验的人员。
清除历史记录关闭MBA,英文全称为Maste of Business Administation,中文是工商管理硕士。MBA教育自1908年首创于哈佛商学院(HBS),旨在培养高层次管理人才,即企业管理决策层人才,是既有市场实践经验,又有商业管理理论的职业管理人员。
MPA是公共管理硕士(Maste of Pulic Administation)的英文缩写。作为一种专业学位,MPA最早是在美国发展起来的。现在,它已经在欧美及亚洲的许多国家和地区流行开来,它在国外的地位可与工商管理硕士(MBA)的地位等量齐观。国外的MPA教育尽管模式多样,但在总体上以招收政府部门及非政府部门的在职人员为主。MPA是一种应用性而非学术性的研究生学位,毕业生主要是到政府部门及非政府的民间公共服务机构从事管理工作。
MPA是公共管理硕士(Maste of Pulic Administation)的英文缩写。作为...
MBA,英文全称为Maste of Business Administation,中文是工商管理硕士。MBA相关信息自1908年首创于哈佛商学院(HBS),旨在培养高层次管理人才,即企业管理决策层人才,是既有市场实践经验,又有商业管理理论的职业管理人员。
MPA是公共管理硕士(Maste of Pulic Administation)的英文缩写。作为一种专业学位,MPA最早是在美国发展起来的。现在,它已经在欧美及亚洲的许多国家和地区流行开来,它在国外的地位可与工商管理硕士(MBA)的地位等量齐观。国外的MPA教育尽管模式多样,但在总体上以招收政府部门及非政府部门的在职人员为主。MPA是一种应用性而非学术性的研究生学位,毕业生主要是到政府部门及非政府的民间公共服务机构从事管理工作。
是的。 MPA的双证班从2010年开始在全国试行,考试大纲与MBA、MPAcc完全一致,试卷也是同一份。考试时间皆为每年1月份,与普通研究生考试同一个时间。
MBA全称Master of Business Administration
MBA全称Master of Business Administration。它源...
答: 19的年,一艘巨大的"士星V"火箭将H名美国宇航员送上月球,其中有两名登陆月面。过了没多久,另外的火箭将他们安全地送回地球。这项起源于将近8个世纪之前的中国的古...
答: 加盟粉婆婆土豆粉后,可以免费学习技术,还有技术老师亲自指导。直到学会为止。
答: 考研的科目是不同的,看你选择什么学校,
答: 看哪个专业了。毕竟是名校,所以生物教学质量也不错。举例说,微生物学山东大学、复旦、武大见长,细胞生物北大、山大、兰大见长。
大家还关注mpa基本解释abbr.maritime patrol aircraft 海上巡逻飞机;multiple product (television) announcement 多个产品的电视发布mpa的用法和例句提示:点击例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释In a uk legal first , the motion picture association ( mpa ) has applied for an injunction forcing bt to cut off access for its customers to newzbin .作为英国法律的首个案例,英国电影协会(mpa)已经向法院提交了禁制令的申请,禁制令要求英国电信集团(bt)屏蔽客户对newzbin网站的访问。Maximum working pressure of 69 mpa or greater .最大工作压力等于或大于69兆帕。Comparatively speaking , mpa in china is a little bitter later than other professional degrees , but the development speed is so fast .相对于其它专业学位,我国的公共管理硕士专业学位引进的时间比较晚,但是发展速度很快。" Many asian pay-tv operators are either in the middle or on the cusp of a high-growth phase similar to the one that accelerated both public and private market valuations for cable operators in north america between 1997 and 2005 , " said vivek couto , mpa executive director .mpa执行董事维韦克库托(vivekcouto)表示:“许多亚洲付费电视运营商要么处在高速增长阶段的中间,要么处于该阶段的顶峰,这与1997年至2005年间推升北美有线电视运营商公开与非公开市场估值的阶段类似。”Mpa described pay-tv profits growth in china , india and indonesia as " explosive " with the more mature markets such as australia , malaysia and south korea expected to post steady double-digit growth .mpa称,中国大陆、印度和印度尼西亚付费电视利润将呈现“爆炸性”增长,而澳大利亚、马来西亚和韩国等更成熟市场的利润预计将以两位数的速度稳定增长。
MPA是什么意思 MPA在线翻译 MPA什么意思 MPA的意思 MPA的翻译 MPA的解释 MPA的发音 MPA的同义词 MPA的反义词 MPA的例句 MPA的相关词组
MPAMPA 基本解释abbr.Master of Public Administration 公共管理硕士911查询·英语单词MPA 网络解释1. 1. 用:A9.10临界压力在临界温度时使气体液体所需要的最小压力,用(MPa)表示[C]. A9.11辛醇/水分配系数是用来预计一种化学品在土壤中的吸附性、生物吸收、辛脂性储存和生物富集的重要参数. 当一种化学品溶解在辛醇/水的混合物中时,2. 杂志出版人协会:当读者被要求列举出10页他们所喜欢杂志的最佳版面时,其中3页是广告页. MRI数据公司说,消费者相信杂志广告,并认为杂志广告是有价值的. 美国西北大学对杂志阅读体验的研究进一步证明了这些结论. (来源:美国杂志出版人协会(MPA)年报 编译:陈韬羽)3. MPA的翻译3. 主肺动脉:方法:对68例心脏外科手术患者根据疾病类型进行分组,采用心脏彩色多普勒超声心动图仪测量右心室流出道(RVOT)、左心室后壁厚度(LVPW)、右心室前后径(RV)及主肺动脉(MPA)、主动脉内径(AOD)、左心室舒张末期内径(LVDd)、左心室收缩末期内径(LVDs)、左房内径(LAD)等指标,4. mpa:master of p 公共管理硕士5. mpa:microsof 微软产品激活6. mpa:management parti 管理层参与收购7. MPA7. mpa: 人力飞机MPA 双语例句1. 911查询·英语单词1. Three ways of reservoir precipitates removal and prevention in water injection wells and oil production wells(OPWs are developed to slove severe scaling problems in peripheral low permeable oil fields of Daqing.&&&&注水井清垢解堵剂是侧重解无机垢堵塞的多功能综合解堵酸液,对碳酸盐垢的溶解率达98.57%,对储层岩心的溶蚀率为13.85%,在外围各油田160口井应用,成功率96%,有效期1年以上,单井平均日增注44 m3,注水压力平均降低0.7 MPa。2. In the condition of 1 MPa O_2 and 413 K for 4 h, the conversion of cyclohexane is 16.9%, and the total selectivity of cyclohexanol and cyclohexanone is 93%.&&&&在该反应条件下,环己烷的转化率为16.9%,环己酮和环己醇的总选择性为93%。3. The determination methods of abrasion and bulk crushing strength are applied in this thesis.&&&&以粒度为100-200目椰壳活性炭粉末为原料,在添加粘结剂(15%羧甲基纤维素)以及40MPa压力的条件下,可以得到一定形状和强度的成型活性炭。4. 4. Also, the lowest 28 days compressive strength of solidified waste form is 45.6 MPa, and...&&&&碱矿渣复合水泥凝结迅速,克服了焚烧灰中某些成分对水化造成的不利影响。5. 5. As the mass fraction of CaP was 7.0%, the mechanics properties of hybrid membrane were optimum with the tensile strength of 54.42 MPa, the elasticity modulus of 4045.72 MPa and the extension rate at break of 4.85%.&&&&当磷钙的质量分数为7.0%时,杂化膜的力学性能最佳,其拉伸强度为54.42MPa、弹性模量为4045.72MPa、断裂伸长率为4.85%。6. 6. Water pressure test shows that the welding seam is fine and close and no leaking induces at 70MPa pump pressu...&&&&水压试验表明,用真空扩散焊接制造的水平射流钻头焊缝致密性好,在70MPa压力下无泄漏。7. Objective: To observe the curative effects of MPA in treating colporrhagia after medicinal abortion.&&&&目的:观察安宫黄体酮对药物流产后阴道出血的疗效。8. In particular, is an advanced electromagnetic properties testing equipment, high pressure (52 MPa) UHP (100 MPa) hydraulic resistance testing devices, and complete a comprehensive magnet type testing equipment to enable enterprises to design, manufacture, testing the three links, formed a reliable quality Security system.&&&&尤其是先进的电磁特性测试仪器、高压(52MPa)超高压(100MPa耐油压测试装置、以及电磁铁完整的全面型式试验设备,使企业从设计、制造、检测三大环节上形成了可靠的质量保障体系。9. 9. When the frequency is 15Hz and number of ampere turns is 20kA·turn, relative intracrytalline solubility of alloy elements (for Zn, Mg and Cu the solubility are 68.8%, 76.0% and 45.0%, respectively) when the frequency is 15Hz and number of ampere turns is 20kA·turn, Vicker hardness is the highest of Hv160; when the frequency is 25Hz and number of ampere turns is 20kA·turn, ultimate tensile strength is the highest of 324MPa.&&&&频率为15Hz,安匝数为20kA·turn时,Zn、Mg和Cu元素相对溶质固溶百分数最高,分别为68.8%、76.0%和45.0%;频率为15Hz,安匝数为20kA·turn时,锭坯维氏硬度最高为Hv160;频率为25Hz,安匝数为20kA·turn时,抗拉强度最高为324MPa。10. The results show that the density of glass, glass transition temperature and thermal expansion coefficient increase with the increase of yttria content, and the chemical durability decreases with the increase of yttria content. The bend strength of glass increases from 53.52 MPa to 109.65 MPa when 1.80% Y2O3 is added into glass. However, with the content of yttria further increases to 6.84%, the bend strength is suspended about 110 MPa. Y2O3 acting as network modifies in the structure and makes the island-shape network unit repolymerization by the bonding of Ge-O-Y because of the decrease of non-bridge oxygens and strengthening of glass network structure.&&&&结果表明:该系统玻璃的密度、玻璃转变温度和热膨胀系数随氧化钇含量的增加而升高,玻璃的化学稳定性随氧化钇含量的增加而下降;在玻璃中加入1.80%氧化钇后,玻璃的抗弯强度值由53.52 MPa增至109.65 MPa;继续增大氧化钇的含量至6.84%时,玻璃的抗弯强度维持在110 MPa左右;氧化钇的加入减少玻璃网络结构中非桥氧数量,使孤立的岛状网络单元重新聚合,增强玻璃的网络结构。11. A high temperature and high pressure falling ball viscosimeter is designed and constructed with its main elements described in brief and calibrated by using ethyleneglycol, propyleneglycol, glycerine, and others to give determinations of viscosity with ralative error %.&&&&&&在温度分别为40℃、50℃、60℃、70℃、80℃,流体静压力分别为0.1、1、5、10、15、20MPa,含水率分别为0%、10%、20%、30%、50%、70%、90%的条件下,测定了新疆塔河油田高粘重质原油(含蜡4.14%,密度0.9586g/cm3)及其水乳状液的粘度,共计得到了210个粘度数据并列表给出。12. All of the above products are 1.5 mm wallthickness, andin the factory after three 0.6 MPa pressure test, double-coating!&&&&&&以上所有产品的壁厚均为1.5mm,并且在出厂前经过三次0.6MPa打压试验、双防腐层!13. The result showed that the sample of brick-tea was burned in the oxygen bomb with 3 MPa purity oxygen, then absorbing the ash with deionization water, the content of total fluoride was determined directly by means of fluoride ion additive selective electrode under pH5.6 and the concentration of sodium citrate dihydrate in TISAB is&&&&&&结果表明:用充氧3 MPa的氧弹燃烧分解样品,去离子水吸收燃烧产物,吸收液加入含柠檬酸钠浓度为110.0 g/L、pH5.6的TISAB,然后用标准加入氟离子选择性电极法测定氟含量;回收率为95.88%~101.0%,相对标准偏差为0.75%~1.25%,测定国家茶叶标准物质氟含量与标示值相符。14. And the countercharge bring a case to court that fast thunder company already raised to be aimed at MPA respect.&&&&&&而迅雷公司则已提起了针对MPA方面的反诉讼。15. 15. Additional all, current, fast thunder company had raised to be aimed at the countercharge bring a case to court of MPA respect.&&&&&&另悉,现在,迅雷公司则已经提起了针对MPA方面的反诉讼。16. Taking tri-objective optimization of Baihetan arch dam shape design as example the results show that the dam volume decreased by 16.412 imes 10^4m3 which is 2.38%; and the maximum tensile principal stress decreased by 0.036MPa which is 0.31%; the strain energy of dam decreased by 0.167GJ which is 4.47%; these prove that the method is effective.&&&&&&以白鹤滩拱坝体型的三目标优化设计为例,设计结果显示坝体体积方量减少了16.412万方,或2.38%;最大主拉应力降低了0.036MPa,或0.31%;整体应变能下降了0.167GJ 或4.47%体现了基于混合行为博弈方式的多目标仿生设计方法的有效性。17. The relation between sintered density and proceeding conditions was studied.&&&&&&找出最适宜的生坯成型压力是300 MPa,最佳温度是1 300 ℃,最佳烧结恒温时间是4 h。18. The optimum size of strands was 110~120mm in length and 0.6~0.8mm in thickness. 4. The effects of hot pressing temperature, hot pressing pressure and hot pressing time on the properties of BOSB were discussed in the study. When the temperature reached to 160℃, the panel had the most superior properties. Otherwise, it would decline. BOSB showed inferior properties as the pressure was lower (e. g. 2.1 or 2.3 MPa). In the case of higher pressing pressure, the panel properties were improved with increasing panel density.&&&&&&研究了热压温度、热压压力及热压时间等热压工艺参数对BOSB性能指标的影响,通过分析得出:(1)当热压温度为160℃时试板的性能指标最好,温度过高或过低均会使BOSB板材性能指标呈一定程度的下降;(2)当热压压力较低(2.1、2.3MPa)时,BOSB力学性能指标均较差;随热压压力的增加,BOSB板材力学性能指标明显提高,但板材密度也随之提高,致使板材原料消耗增加,成本上升。19. The compressive strength reached 4MPa without crosslinking agent when the content of polymeric monomer was 10%.&&&&&&制备了一种高性能的水溶性衣康酸环氧酯树脂灌浆材料。20. Field use proves the automatic control sand blender has good performance.&&&&&&生产的2台自动控制混砂车现场应用情况良好,已完成压裂作业500多井次,最大井深3 600m,最高压力90MPa。MPA 单语例句1. Yang's winning production earns her a trip to Hollywood to visit the MPA Head Office and member company film studios.2. Under the agreement the websites promised to remove any programs illegally uploaded by users upon being notified by MPA and its member companies.3. MPA's Port Operations Control Center has issued navigational broadcasts to ships transiting the TSS to keep clear of the anchored vessels.4. It brought KaDe Club not only more and more customers but also the MPA.5. MPA also activated oil spill response companies which have deployed three craft equipped with oil spill equipment.6. The sample survey was carried independently by the MPA in 40 video disc retailing outlets in the cities.7. The MPA said that it is working with relevant government agencies and the ship owner, and is monitoring the situation closely.8. The Chinese staff will also be visiting the facilities of MPA such as the Port Operations Control Center and the Integrated Simulation Center.9. The bedrock of the dam site is sound and intact granite with 100 MPa of compressive strength.MPA是什么意思,MPA在线翻译,MPA什么意思,MPA的意思,MPA的翻译,MPA的解释,MPA的发音,MPA的同义词,MPA的反义词,MPA的例句,MPA的相关词组,MPA意思是什么,MPA怎么翻译,单词MPA是什么意思常用英语教材考试英语单词大全 (7本教材)
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