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宿舍规章宿舍规章制度入住时会发一本手册,宿管老师也会给新生一个月左右的适应时间。宿管老师目前是4个,老大是尤老师和张老师。只要你遵守基本的规章制度不出格,老师会对你很仁慈的(老师们真心很好)。  生活用品之类的都是自己准备。床上用品(床垫、床单、凉席、被子、枕头、蚊帐等)、洗漱用品(毛巾、牙刷、牙膏、杯子、洗面奶、肥皂、洗衣液、沐浴露、洗头膏等)、脸盆2个、生活用品(纸巾、女生用品、抹布、水杯、闹钟、电吹风、拖鞋等)、学习用品(笔、书),还有各类零食什么的。鉴于学校这个地理位置,步行范围内的都是便利店,但价格肯定高。  学长还有一点需要特别提醒,一定要准备一个应急灯!因为寝室晚上十点半就断电了,新生刚进高中可能不适应或者做作业动作慢,这个灯的用处就很大了。或者可以直接买一个两用的台灯,这种大家随意挑选,质量稍微好点就行了。 学生社团  向明学生会绝对是一个锻炼个人能力和素质的好地方。每年在团代会后会有学生会干事的招募活动,有想法的新生要去尝试哦,不管你从前有木有过学生活动的经历,都可以加入学生会的大家庭。报名后学生会会组织面试,而后最终确定干事名单。印象中我记得每年招募的干事基本可以占到一个年级的五分之一了,所以成功几率还是很大的,一年后的竞选候选人大多都是在干事里面产生的。
社团活动  向明社团数不胜数,就不在此一一列举了。每年社团招新时间基本在开学第二周,各类社团在西部操场摆摊招人,盛况空前,大家挑自己感兴趣的去就好。
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<em id="authorposton16-5-21 22:31
邹邹是我 发表于
向明中学是沪上百年名校,上海市重点中学,首批市实验性、示范性高级中学。由著名爱国教育家马相伯 ...真详细,就是我们没考虑向明
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<em id="authorposton16-5-16 16:40
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dongdong1968 发表于
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<em id="authorposton16-5-21 23:16
导读:随着人们生活水平的提高,越来越多的家庭拥有轿车,但是这也引起了一些问题。 低碳生活(low carbon living),正是指减少生活作息时所耗用的能量,从而减低碳,特别是二氧化碳的排放。对于我们来说,低碳生活是一种态度,而非能力。
Task:&&What are the&&benefits of&&cycling?
Nowadays, our life is becoming more and more comfortable. More and more families have their own cars. However, an increasing number of cars result in many problems. They not only cause traffic jams, but also produce lots of waste gases, which pollute the air. Too many cars are making our lives inconvenient. So what's the best form of transportation in terms of low carbon living?
& && &&&In my opinion, the best form of transportation in our city is cycling. Firstly, cycling is an environmental-friendly action, which will not pollute air or do harm
to the environment. Besides, cycling will save a lot of energy. Secondly, it is a much safer means of transportation compared with other forms of transportation and will not lead to traffic jams.&&Last but not least, we can go wherever and whenever we like without waiting.&&There is no doubt that cycling is a convenient means of transportation.
& && &&&In a word, cycling does good to the environment and is a cheap and convenient way for us in our daily activities.
Task: Do you think it necessary for students
& && && & to drive to school?
Each year universities and colleges across the country are seeing more students arriving for the new school year along with their own private cars. Students driving to school is common and well accepted in some foreign countries, but the growing trend in China is causing controversy.
& &&&Some people express concern about the trend. They think some students drive just to show off and that more students driving to school encourages a culture of luxury consumption on campus. What's worse, they race
on the roads in campus, and because of their lack of experience they are dangerous. On the other hand, some people don't seem to be against this trend, they think it is necessary to master the skill of driving, but more importantly,&&students should learn how to earn what they want by themselves, not always&&depend on parents.
导读:随着网络的不断发展,传统的学习模式势必受到冲击,各种新的学习模式如潮水般涌现,其中最具有冲击力的便是在线学习(online learning)。这种全新的学习方式以其轻松便捷,资源丰富等优势而备受青睐。
Task: What are the disadvantages of online learning?
As we all know, learning is a continuous process and online learning is the perfect medium which provide right platform for everybody to fulfill one desire of learning through the various stages of life. The only difference between the formal teaching process and online learning education is the medium through which they are imparted.&&Online learning education provides one with convenience and flexibility where one can choose the time and place of receiving education as per one convenience.
Online learning education is not everyone piece of cake and it requires sheer commitment and dedication from students in order to attain its objective. To effectively benefit from an online learning education one has to be disciplined, motivated and organized in his approach and learning&&process. There is not a regular teacher involved in this process to keep an eye on the students so the students themselves should be responsible enough to finish their task timely.&&
Task: What benefits does playing yoga have?
As our knowledge of health and fitness increases, people are becoming more and more interested in not only taking care of themselves physically, but mentally and spiritually as well.&&As a result, many are turning to more complete approaches to health, including less mainstream fitness methods such as yoga.
& && &Yoga's origins lie in Hindu philosophy, which was developed thousands of years ago in India. Today, yoga is a system of movements and meditation that emphasizes physical control and discipline as a way to achieve a state of spiritual knowledge. Yoga's ideal state
of knowledge is reached after a person has gone through eight different stages. For a practitioner of yoga, or “yogi” the progression through these stages is a movement from the physical toward a perfect mental state.
& && & Recent decades have seen yoga gain widespread acceptance as a method of staying in shape, as well as a way of handling stress. Pop singer Madonna and supermodel Christy Turlington are just two of the many celebrities known to be strong advocates of yoga.
导读:随着科学技术的发展,records, cassettes已渐渐过时,取而代之的是iPod,只要你喜欢,戴上iPod耳机,你就可以随时随地欣赏到无数的美妙歌曲。
Task: Are iPods changing the way we listen to music?
They're everywhere, and not only are they everywhere, they look cool too. An iPod lets you put 10,000 songs inside something the size of a pack of cigarettes. Gone are the heavy, fragile CD cases and the Discman that skips after each step.
& && & Is the iPod changing the way we listen to music? Undeniably. With an iPod,we can take our music anywhere. Now we can carry our entire collections everywhere we go. It can play mixes at parties. Don't like a particular song on an album? Delete it.&&
Thanks to the iPod, music has become an even bigger part of our lives because now it's just a click away, and it's exactly how we want it.
& && & Apart from the possibility of our entire collections being with us at all times, the iPod's capabilities have done something even better.&&By being able to store over 700 albums, the iPod is encouraging us to try types of music we might not have listened to before. When turning a CD to an iPod takes a short few minutes, what's there to lose?
Task: Why is it necessary for us to read?
I have often pondered the mysteries of reading, but you don't realize the advantages until you actually began reading. Books can transport you to different places, worlds, times, people anywhere you can imagine without leaving your own room. Reading gives us some places to go when we have to stay where we are. Picking up a book is like picking up a world that is waiting to be explored whether fiction or fact. They can take your way from them in goldfield and make you a part of their
environment. They can scare the wits out of you, make you cry, make you laugh.&&The more pages you read, the harder it is to shut the book. I read because it is something that passes the time peacefully and alleviates ignorance. Reading for fun is normal. It improves a person's imagination, vocabulary and knowledge without the person even knowing it.
Task:What problems do the Haipiao face if they choose to stay abroad?
‘Nomads’ seeking firm future
& && &&&Haipiao, a word used to describe young people moving to Shanghai for versatile lives(多元化生活), now has a new interpretation: Chinese striving in a foreign country facing an uncertain future. Their nomadic(漂泊动荡的)lifestyle is encouraged by revised visa policies and their desire to develop themselves, usually free from social expectations back in China.
& && &&&A MyCOS survey, among 5,126 college graduates who chose to undertake further study abroad in 2009, found that 43 percent of them planned to stay abroad
after graduation, while 31 percent chose to return to China. The rest were not sure what to do.
& &&&Those choosing to stay in a foreign country cannot escape the challenges which face all new graduates, especially when many foreign countries are still struggling with recession(经济衰退)and increasing unemployment rates. Moreover, as foreigners, they have to deal with issues such as visas, cultural differences, and finally to decide when their nomadic existence is going to end.
Task: Is it necessary for young people to package themselves by making up?
Packaging a person
& && &&&A person, like a commodity, needs packaging. But going too far is absolutely undesirable. A little exaggeration(夸张), however, does no harm when it shows the person's unique qualities to their advantage. To display personal charm in a casual and natural way, it is important for one to have a clear knowledge of oneself. A master packager knows how to integrate(使结合)art and nature without any traces of embellishment(装饰), so that the person so packaged is no commodity but a human being, lively and lovely.
A young person, especially a female, radiant(光芒四射的)with beauty and full of life, has all the favor granted by God. Any attempt to make up would be self-defeating. Packaging for the middle-aged is primarily to conceal the furrows ploughed by time. Elderly people are beautiful if their river of life has been, through plains, mountains and jungles, running its course as it should.&&There is no need to resort to hair-dyeing — the snow-capped mountain itself is a beautiful scene of fairyland.
As long as one finds where one stands, one knows how to package oneself, just as a commodity establishes its brand by the right packaging.
导读:在中国有这样一群人,人们习惯称他们为“农民工(migrant workers)”。 他们背井离乡,工作艰苦,却收入微薄。 而就在上周,这个昔日默默无闻的群体却成为《时代》杂志评选出的2009年度人物。中国不断创造发展神话,在世界经济复苏中扮演着重要角色,庞大的农民工团体功不可没。
Task: Why is it necessary for us to read?
Time honors the ‘Chinese migrant workers'
& &&&In China, they are known as nongmingong, meaning “farmers-turned-workers”, a term that likely means more in Chinese than it does in English.
& && &And now this important segment(部分)of the Chinese workforce have come to world prominence(声望), thanks to Time magazine naming them runners-up to Ben Bernanke in its latest Person of the Year awards. The fact that the nongmingong were singled out shows their importance on the global stage.
Leaving behind families and homes to migrate to China's cities, they take on largely manual work and are among the country's lowest-paid workers. They often go about their work in relative obscurity(不出名), despite numbering around 200 million.
& && &This year, China's year-on-year Gross Domestic Product (GDP)growth is set to exceed 8 percent. The growth rate means it will contribute about 20 percent of this year's global economic growth. Analysts(分析人士)said the country's nongmingong were an important part of the economic miracle in recent years.
Task:What advantages can expressing our gratitude bring us?
In our life, we have rarely expressed our gratitude to the one who'd lived those years with us. In fact, we don't have to wait for anniversaries to thank the ones closest to us — the ones so easily overlooked. If I have learned anything about giving thanks, it is this: give it now! While your feeling of appreciation is alive and sincere, act on it. Saying thanks is such an easy way to add to the world's happiness.
Saying thanks&&not only brightens someone else's world, but brightens yours. If you're feeling left out, unloved or unappreciated, try reaching out to others. It may be just the medicine you need.
& && &&&Of course, there are times when you can't express gratitude immediately. In that case don't let embarrassment sink you into silence — speak up the first time you have the chance.
Task: How do you think of success?
Foolish people with all their other thoughts,
Have this one too:They are always getting ready
To live, but never living.
& && & Your success will start when you begin to pursue it. To reach your goal or to attain success, you don't need to know all of the answers in advance. You just need to have a clear idea of what your goal is. Don't procrastinate(拖延) when faced with difficult problems. Break your problems into parts, and handle one part at a time. Develop tendencies toward taking action. You can make something happen right now. Divide your big
plan into small steps and take that first step right away.
& && &&&Everyone who ever got where they are had to begin where they were. Your big opportunity is where you&&are right now.
& && &&&A journey of a thousand miles begins with one step. Take it.
Task:Do you know how to live a healthy life?
How to live a healthy life
& && & Nowadays, it is a fashion to eat healthy food, such as organically-grown food, and do exercises to keep healthy. In brief, people are trying to live a healthy life. But what should be done to live a healthy life? Different people have different ideas.
& && &&&Someone says to live a healthy life is to have a strong body. Some people think keeping psychologically healthy is very important. In my view, it's essential to keep physically and psychologically
& && & To keep physically healthy, you should do sports like running, playing basketball, etc. Today more and more people go to the fitness centers. There are some popular ways of fitness like yoga. In this way, we can have a strong body. More importantly, to keep psychologically healthy, you should have a good attitude towards people around you. We often say: “Attitude is everything.” It means good attitude leads to a good mood. In this way we can keep psychologically healthy.
In a word, to live a healthy life is a comprehensive project in a way. We should keep healthy both psychologically and physically.
Task:What can we do to protect the earth from being
& && && && &bad to worse?
Global warming is a growing problem in the world. Melting ice-caps in the Arctic and Antarctica, rising temperatures across the continents, increasing number of typhoons and tropical storms are just some of the effects of global warming.
& && &&&It must be realised that humans activities are the causes of global warming. It is therefore our duty to save the earth. We can begin by minimizing the amount of carbon dioxide by taking public transport instead of driving and using energy-efficient electrical appliances. Besides, the government can probably limit
the number of cars allowed on the roads by imposing fines on offenders and improving public transport systems. More trees can be planted too. Education to protect the environment should also be planned. Countries around the world can hold meetings and conferences and decide the steps to take to limit the CO2 levels. Economic sanctions can also be imposed on countries that have violated the rules. The Kyoto Protocol is one such example.
& && & It is important to cure the world, for the sake of ourselves and our descendants. We have to take action now.
十四 The power of nature
导读:海啸,地震,干旱,泥石流,台风……,地球母亲一次又一次的向人类发出警示: 人类应该为自己的行为负责!
Task: Let's take action!
Man and nature
& && &It is believed that humans are the real offenders of natural disasters. People, though the victims in these natural events, pays for the debt that their excessive development has brought about. Natural disasters can be prevented, but the dreadful injury on people can hardly be healed. Judging from these disasters, can we come to a conclusion that today's topic should not be the summary of yesterday's lessons, but a foresight on what will happen in the future.
& && &Now, we have three missions to undertake. It is
necessary to break away from the stereotype that we are used to: embark on solving the problem the time it occurs. Then, redesign our assignment to make it more sustainable and environmentally friendly. Last and the most important, every country, both the developing and the developed ones, should get rid of their bad pattern of development and facilitate collaboration as one power to solve the natural problems.
导读:常言道,人生七十古来稀,在中国,随着生活质量的提高和医疗保障的健全,活到70岁已不算新鲜事,但新的社会问题——空巢(empty nest)现象也随之出现。中国人开始惧怕变老。
Task:What do you know about the social problem — aging?
Fear aging process
& && &According to a new global survey among 12,262 people in 12 countries about their attitudes toward aging, 28 percent of the Chinese polled said they feel depressed when they think about getting old. People in China are among the most fearful of getting old. About 30 percent of Chinese respondents said they worry about who will look after them in later years, while 91 percent agreed the government of the world's most populous nation should improve care for the elderly. However, people in
China think about their future earlier. About one third of Chinese respondents — more than double the global average — said they have put money aside for retirement, while 46 percent have taken out insurance, the poll showed. (121 words)
Future mail business taking off in China
导读:一种新型“慢递”(future mail)已经来到我们的身边,与高效的特快专递不同的是,这种邮件因为它的慢而珍贵。邮件保存的越久,其费用越高。此“慢递邮”究竟为何物?人们对它又是何种态度?它对人们又产生何种作用?
Task:What do you think about the future mail?
While express mail represents efficiency and speed and is prevalent in China, there is another type of mail emerging&&as a new business: “future mail”. It makes people slow down and let them understand the meaning of ‘time’ in another way. Future mail letters are reminders of and catalysts for affection, friendship and love. People express their thoughts about their current life and their expectations for the future to encourage themselves to face up to the challenges of life with courage. Most people put their hopes and
wishes in the letter so they can experience the connection between the past and the present while they receive the letter. Most of the business's customers are college students and young white-collar workers. Through the service, they might have a new vent for their pent-up feelings.
十八 life in the future
Task:What do you think about the low-carbon way of life?
As people are the major source of greenhouse gas emissions, changing our behavior is crucial to tackling climate change. In China, as the awareness of climate change improves, realizing a low-carbon way of living, also known as reducing your carbon footprint, is a growing trend among young people. A recent survey shows an average 78 percent of all 17 thousand people questioned have developed environmentally friendly habits in their daily lives. They are doing
things such as taking reusable shopping bags to the store and setting the air conditioner at a temperature above 26 degree Celsius. Experts say a smaller carbon footprint can be created through changes in many aspects of our lives and more could be done to build China into a low-carbon society.
Task:What is the real post-90s in your eyes?
Lazy, confused, selfish, are all labels that have been given to China's so-called post-90s generation. Considered a wild card generation, they are very aggressive and outward looking and are pretty confident because they never felt hardship. The youth are also the first generation that has grown up with the Internet where they have the chance to be individuals and feel independent. They hang out on Chinese social networks, like Renren, post comments on micro-
blogs as well as use Qzone. In the virtual world, they learn how to be leaders, to solve interpersonal conflicts. These online activities make them more mature, give them more options and enlarge their visions. What impact will the post 90s have in China in the future as they mature into adults?
Let us take a moment of the time just to sing high praise and show appreciation to the person called mom though some may not say it openly to their mother. There's no substitute for her. Cherish every single moment. Though at times she may not be the best of friends, may not agree to our thoughts, she is still your mother!!! She will be there for you…to listen to your woes, your frustrations, etc. Ask yourself…have you put aside enough time for her, to listen to her “blues” of working in the kitchen, her tiredness? Be
tactful(得体的), loving and still show her due respect though you may have a different view from hers. Once gone, only fond memories of the past and also regrets will be left.
The development of agriculture and the balance between food and population are China's fundamental economic problems. The classical histories praise emperors for devotion to agriculture and much of China's modern history is the story of the unfolding struggle to feed a peasant population, which has been growing steadily.
& && &Today, although agriculture accounts for only a quarter of the Gross National Product, it is still the main determinant of the standard of living and the principal occupation of at least 70 percent of population.
Agriculture also determines the progress of industry because industry needs both agricultural raw materials and food for its work force. The failure of agriculture to supply raw materials and food halted and later reversed the industrial progress of the 1950's. After 1960 new emphasis was placed on agriculture, and the slogan “Agriculture is the foundation of the economy” has remained a central Chinese economic policy ever since.
& &&&In addition to the direct links between agriculture and industry, there is an indirect link due to the
relationship between agriculture and foreign trade. Many of China's exports are either agricultural raw materials or consumer goods based on them. Flourishing agriculture, therefore, promotes exports.
The origin of Valentine's Day
——By Dustin
& && & The origin of Valentine's Day couldn't be proved historically, and here is one of the stories.
& && & Saint Valentine is the name of a great priest during the reign(统治)of Emperor Claudius. At that time Emperor Claudius found it difficult to get soldiers. He believed the reason was that Roman men did not want to leave their wives or families, so he declared that no more marriages could be performed and all engagements(婚约)were cancelled(取消).
Valentine thought this to be unfair and secretly married several couples, for which finally he was put in prison. There he cured a jailer's(狱卒)blind daughter, which made Claudius angry and he was executed(处死)on February 14, 270 AD. Before his execution, he sent her a note saying, “From your Valentine”. The phrase is still widely used on Valentine's Day today.
& && &In 496 AD, Pope Gelasius declared(宣告)February 14 the Valentine's Day, a day for celebrating love, in the name of St. Valentine. But it was not until 1537 that St.
Valentine's day became an official holiday by England's King Henry Ⅷ. It was another century and a half before religious cards became non-religious cards to reflect the change in the holiday.
& && &From then on, in memory of Saint Valentine, every year on February 14th is Valentine's Day, a day for celebrating love.
Unit 2 Healthy eating
Do you know the motto “I'm lovin' it”? What do you think Yao Ming is loving? Does he often go to McDonald's? What kind of food do you know McDonald's serve? Are you loving the food above? But I am not, because I know most of the food that is served is junk food, like fried chicken, chocolates, ice-cream, sugar, chips, …. Can you list some more out? Of course, there are some that are healthy food, such as fruits, vegetables, fish, meat, noodles, dumplings,…
& && & What will happen to you if you don't eat a balanced diet? So we should know something about a balanced
What's a balanced diet?
& && & A balanced diet is very important for everyone. Everybody has to eat, but do you eat a healthy diet?
& && & In the modern times, more and more children like to eat ice-cream and chocolate, they think these foods are good to eat. In fact, the more you eat, the fatter you are. Now let me tell you the proper eating. First, we must eat rice every day. Because it can give us energy, and we also eat bread, noodles and spaghetti that contain fat and they are energy foods. Second, we must
eat the food that give us fiber for digestion and health, such as beans, cucumbers, cabbage and so on. After dinner, we can eat fruits like apples, pears, lemons, oranges and so on. Sometimes, we may eat some eggs, fish, meat, and drink milk. These foods are to help grow our bone sand muscles. Finally, don't forget to drink much water. Six to eight glasses of water every day will be proper, including soup, juice and milk.
& & If you do what I say, I think you will be healthy. You should know: Health is life and the first wealth is health.
二十四 The Million Pound Bank Note
导读:Mark Twain是美国最伟大的作家之一,以他的智慧和机智闻名于世。从他的作品以及他自己对The Adventures of Tom Sawyer(《汤姆o索亚历险记》)的诠释中,可以了解到其写作的独特风格。通过对《百万英镑》的阅读,你就可以看出资本主义国家尔虞我诈,拜金主义的丑恶形象。
你知道英语谚语中的Money can make a mare to go 是什么意思吗?
Mark Twain, an American writer, novelist and humorist, published more than 30 books, hundreds of short stories and essays and gave lecture tours around the world throughout his career. During his whole life, Mark Twain carried on many kinds of jobs. From 1864, he became a reporter and travelled in
Europe. By the end of his life in 1910, he had become known as the perfect example of American author.
& && & Behind the mask of humour and satire(讽刺), his writing often criticized(批评,抨击) social morals, politics and human nature, making his literature a unique(独特的)reflection(反映)of the American experience in the latter part of the nineteenth century.
The writer's introduction to The Adventures of Tom Sawyer (1876)
& && & Most of the adventures recorded in this
one or two were experiences of my own, the rest those of boys who were schoolmates of mine. Huck Fin Tom Sawyer also, but not from an individual — he is a combination of the three boys whom I knew.
& && & Although my book is intended mainly for the entertainment of boys and girls, I hope it will not be shocked by men and women, for part of my plan has
been to try to pleasantly remind adults of what they once were themselves, and of how they felt and thought and talked, and what strange adventures they sometimes took&&part&&in.
二十五 Cultural relics
导读:世界遗产,承袭千古文化,映衬辉煌过去,带给今人无比之荣耀。 她是开放,让世人一饱眼福,还是尘封加以保存?
Should Cultural Relics Be Open?
Nowadays, some people hold the opinion that cultural relics should be open to the public. But others have a negative attitude. As far as I am concerned, I agree that opening the cultural relics is a good idea. My arguments for this point are listed as follows.
& &&&First of all, opening cultural relics is a good way for people to understand Chinese history, traditional culture, customs and building styles. It is possible to promote the communication, cooperation, friendship, and respect between Chinese and different people from all over the world.
Secondly, opening cultural relics can have special education functions. It can teach young children the
Chinese history, and teach them to love their motherland. What's more, it is a good means for young students to develop noble character and good qualities.
& &&&Thirdly, opening cultural relics can do good to the local tourism. People can benefit from traveling and it will greatly speed up the local economy.
& && &However, opening cultural relics has some disadvantages, one major reason is that so many tourists visit the places of interest can damage the cultural relics, even completely destroy some. In order to earn more money, the local people pay little attention to the relic protection.
& &&&In summary, I am for the idea that cultural relics should be opened to the public, but they must be opened under the proper protections.
& && && && && && && && && && && && && && &&&
二十六 The Olympic Games
What have you learnt from Five Core values of the Outward Bound Program?
Outward Bound was founded in the North Sea during World War Ⅱ to provide young sailors with the experiences and skills necessary to survive at sea and to give young seamen the ability to survive difficult conditions at sea by teaching confidence and determination.
& && &Today, Outward Bound has developed into an organization which teaches interpersonal skills, wilderness survival skills and leadership skills through courses from one week to one semester. A program has also been developed to influence school courses
and bring Outward Bound attitudes into the classroom.
& &&&Five Core values the Outward Bound Program
& &&&Adventure & Challenge
& &&&The adventure and challenge of an Outward Bound Wilderness expedition teaches you the skills that great leaders depend on. Explore your potential.
& && &Learning by Doing
& && &Every day you will be learning by doing, gaining&&skillsand taking pride in your work and pushing yourself to reach your goals. Your growing skills will result in growing confidence.
Compassion & Service
& &&&A shared compassion will develop between you and your courses partners as you face and succeed in dealing with the challenges of wilderness living. Working together towards common goals builds life skills such as communication, problem solving, and the ability to accept our differences and at last gets a true sense of teamwork.
& && &Character Development
& && &Character development starts from pushing yourself and testing your limits to be successful in the challenges
presented while on course. You will be given time to reflect on these experiences while still in the wilderness. By seeing your achievements again, you will grow as an individual as you realize your true potential.
& && &Inclusion & Diversity
& && &Welcoming and respecting differences strengthens the richness of ideas brought to bear on challenge and learning. The experience of Outward Bound is more powerful when it takes place in the company of others as different as the society which we live.
So what is the function of an English teacher in the digital age?
The function of a English teacher in general is to communicate to students the concepts and skills necessary to function well in situations which involve reading, writing, speaking, listening, and social skills. More and more English students worldwide will be able to interact with language teaching videos and virtual worlds which will bring them to a relatively high level of proficiency, especially since other people will be running around through these virtual worlds as well, talking to each other, getting help from each other, and practicing language functions in contextual
situations. This means that high quality computer language instruction will be free for anyone who has a fast enough Internet connection.
& &&&My point in this article is that if you are an English teacher, you need to get more and more involved with computers in order to continue to improve your teaching skills. The following are my suggestions for English teachers in order to prepare themselves for the digital age (ranked in order of importance):
& &&&1. Get access to a computer with an Internet connection.
2. Learn how to search for information on the World Wide Web.
& & 3. Learn how to send and receive E-mail.
& & 4. Learn how to join and participate in new groups, and find colleagues with similar interests.
& & 5. Learn how to attach documents and other files to E-mail.
& & 6. Learn how to create, publish, and update a home page.
& & 7. Learn how to type with both hands without looking at the keyboard.
& && && && && && && && && && & —From: english-teachers. htm
二十八 Wildlife Protection
With rapid extinction of many wild species, more and more people come to realize the great significance of wildlife protection.
& && &We have to understand the problem in a new light that we protect ourselves through protecting wildlife. On the one hand, any species of wildlife, as a critical joint of the ecological chain, helps to establish the ecological balance. If one species becomes extinct, it will disappear forever. What is more, it will inevitably result in the extinction of a chain of wildlife and the disruption of the ecological balance. Unpredictable disasters may occur.
On the other hand, with the development of modern science and technology, man is just beginning to learn about wildlife. For example, if wild rubber trees had been extinct two centuries ago, there would be no auto industry today. Moreover wildlife preserves unknown genetic codes, which may turn out to be a vital importance and free human beings from fatal diseases and natural disasters in the future.
& && & It is imperative for us to protect wildlife right now before it is too late, because man has already polluted the environment seriously and threaten the existence of many wild species. Let's take action to protect wildlife. Learning to live in harmony with all wildlife is part of modern civilization.
二十九 Music
Life without music is like a cold winter without sunshine. Music plays a very important&&part in our life.
& && &We can take music as a lifetime friend. When we feel sad, it can make us warm and comfortable. When we get angry, it can make us calm down. When we come back from school, music can drive tiredness away.
& && &There're many kinds of music such as classical music, pop music, country music, Western music jazz. Different people like different music.
For example, some people like country music because it is simple. But most of young people like rock 'n' roll because it's very exciting. And some old men like classical music very much.
& &&&I do enjoy music very much. I always listen to music. Music bring me into a different world. The feeling is beyond words. It has an important part in my life. I can hardly imagine what life would be without music.
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& & 晚上好!我是吕老师,下面我为大家分享一下英语作文资料,希望大家喜欢,因为无法将资料附上去,只好将资料粘贴出来,希望大家理解,祝大家开心每一天~
导读:随着人们生活水平的提高,越来越多的家庭拥有轿车,但是这也引起了一些问题. 低碳生活(low carbon living),正是指减少生活作息时所耗用的能量,从而减低碳,特别是二氧化碳的排放.对于我们来说,低碳生活是一种态度,而非能力.
Task:&&What are the&&benefits of&&cycling?
Nowadays, our life is becoming more and more comfortable. More and more families have their own cars. However, an increasing number of cars result in many problems. They not only cause traffic jams, but also produce lots of waste gases, which pollute the air. Too many cars are making our lives inconvenient. So what\'s the best form of transportation in terms of low carbon living?
& && &&&In my opinion, the best form of transportation in our city is cycling. Firstly, cycling is an environmental-friendly action, which will not pollute air or do harm
to the environment. Besides, cycling will save a lot of energy. Secondly, it is a much safer means of transportation compared with other forms of transportation and will not lead to traffic jams.&&Last but not least, we can go wherever and whenever we like without waiting.&&There is no doubt that cycling is a convenient means of transportation.
& && &&&In a word, cycling does good to the environment and is a cheap and convenient way for us in our daily activities.
Task: Do you think it necessary for students
& && && & to drive to school?
Each year universities and colleges across the country are seeing more students arriving for the new school year along with their own private cars. Students driving to school is common and well accepted in some foreign countries, but the growing trend in China is causing controversy.
& &&&Some people express concern about the trend. They think some students drive just to show off and that more students driving to school encourages a culture of luxury consumption on campus. What\'s worse, they race
on the roads in campus, and because of their lack of experience they are dangerous. On the other hand, some people don\'t seem to be against this trend, they think it is necessary to master the skill of driving, but more importantly,&&students should learn how to earn what they want by themselves, not always&&depend on parents.
导读:随着网络的不断发展,传统的学习模式势必受到冲击,各种新的学习模式如潮水般涌现,其中最具有冲击力的便是在线学习(online learning).这种全新的学习方式以其轻松便捷,资源丰富等优势而备受青睐.
Task: What are the disadvantages of online learning?
As we all know, learning is a continuous process and online learning is the perfect medium which provide right platform for everybody to fulfill one desire of learning through the various stages of life. The only difference between the formal teaching process and online learning education is the medium through which they are imparted.&&Online learning education provides one with convenience and flexibility where one can choose the time and place of receiving education as per one convenience.
Online learning education is not everyone piece of cake and it requires sheer commitment and dedication from students in order to attain its objective. To effectively benefit from an online learning education one has to be disciplined, motivated and organized in his approach and learning&&process. There is not a regular teacher involved in this process to keep an eye on the students so the students themselves should be responsible enough to finish their task timely.&&
Task: What benefits does playing yoga have?
As our knowledge of health and fitness increases, people are becoming more and more interested in not only taking care of themselves physically, but mentally and spiritually as well.&&As a result, many are turning to more complete approaches to health, including less mainstream fitness methods such as yoga.
& && &Yoga\'s origins lie in Hindu philosophy, which was developed thousands of years ago in India. Today, yoga is a system of movements and meditation that emphasizes physical control and discipline as a way to achieve a state of spiritual knowledge. Yoga\'s ideal state
of knowledge is reached after a person has gone through eight different stages. For a practitioner of yoga, or “yogi” the progression through these stages is a movement from the physical toward a perfect mental state.
& && & Recent decades have seen yoga gain widespread acceptance as a method of staying in shape, as well as a way of handling stress. Pop singer Madonna and supermodel Christy Turlington are just two of the many celebrities known to be&&advocates of yoga.
导读:随着科学技术的发展,records, cassettes已渐渐过时,取而代之的是iPod,只要你喜欢,戴上iPod耳机,你就可以随时随地欣赏到无数的美妙歌曲.
Task: Are iPods changing the way we listen to music?
They\'re everywhere, and not only are they everywhere, they look cool too. An iPod lets you put 10,000 songs inside something the size of a pack of cigarettes. Gone are the heavy, fragile CD cases and the Discman that skips after each step.
& && & Is the iPod changing the way we listen to music? Undeniably. With an iPod,we can take our music anywhere. Now we can carry our entire collections everywhere we go. It can play mixes at parties. Don\'t like a particular song on an album? Delete it.&&
Thanks to the iPod, music has become an even bigger part of our lives because now it\'s just a click away, and it\'s exactly how we want it.
& && & Apart from the possibility of our entire collections being with us at all times, the iPod\'s capabilities have done something even better.&&By being able to store over 700 albums, the iPod is encouraging us to try types of music we might not have listened to before. When turning a CD to an iPod takes a short few minutes, what\'s there to lose?
Task: Why is it necessary for us to read?
I have often pondered the mysteries of reading, but you don\'t realize the advantages until you actually began reading. Books can transport you to different places, worlds, times, people anywhere you can imagine without leaving your own room. Reading gives us some places to go when we have to stay where we are. Picking up a book is like picking up a world that is waiting to be explored whether fiction or fact. They can take your way from them in goldfield and make you a part of their
environment. They can scare the wits out of you, make you cry, make you laugh.&&The more pages you read, the harder it is to shut the book. I read because it is something that passes the time peacefully and alleviates ignorance. Reading for fun is normal. It improves a person\'s imagination, vocabulary and knowledge without the person even knowing it.
Task:What problems do the Haipiao face if they choose to stay abroad?
‘Nomads’ seeking firm future
& && &&&Haipiao, a word used to describe young people moving to Shanghai for versatile lives(多元化生活), now has a new interpretation: Chinese striving in a foreign country facing an uncertain future. Their nomadic(漂泊动荡的)lifestyle is encouraged by revised visa policies and their desire to develop themselves, usually free from social expectations back in China.
& && &&&A MyCOS survey, among 5,126 college graduates who chose to undertake further study abroad in 2009, found that 43 percent of them planned to stay abroad
after graduation, while 31 percent chose to return to China. The rest were not sure what to do.
& &&&Those choosing to stay in a foreign country cannot escape the challenges which face all new graduates, especially when many foreign countries are still struggling with recession(经济衰退)and increasing unemployment rates. Moreover, as foreigners, they have to deal with issues such as visas, cultural differences, and finally to decide when their nomadic existence is going to end.
Task: Is it necessary for young people to package themselves by making up?
Packaging a person
& && &&&A person, like a commodity, needs packaging. But going too far is absolutely undesirable. A little exaggeration(夸张), however, does no harm when it shows the person\'s unique qualities to their advantage. To display personal charm in a casual and natural way, it is important for one to have a clear knowledge of oneself. A master packager knows how to integrate(使结合)art and nature without any traces of embellishment(装饰), so that the person so packaged is no commodity but a human being, lively and lovely.
A young person, especially a female, radiant(光芒四射的)with beauty and full of life, has all the favor granted by God. Any attempt to make up would be self-defeating. Packaging for the middle-aged is primarily to conceal the furrows ploughed by time. Elderly people are beautiful if their river of life has been, through plains, mountains and jungles, running its course as it should.&&There is no need to resort to hair-dyeing — the snow-capped mountain itself is a beautiful scene of fairyland.
As long as one finds where one stands, one knows how to package oneself, just as a commodity establishes its brand by the right packaging.
导读:在中国有这样一群人,人们习惯称他们为“农民工(migrant workers)”. 他们背井离乡,工作艰苦,却收入微薄. 而就在上周,这个昔日默默无闻的群体却成为《时代》杂志评选出的2009年度人物.中国不断创造发展神话,在世界经济复苏中扮演着重要角色,庞大的农民工团体功不可没.
Task: Why is it necessary for us to read?
Time honors the ‘Chinese migrant workers\'
& &&&In China, they are known as nongmingong, meaning “farmers-turned-workers”, a term that likely means more in Chinese than it does in English.
& && &And now this important segment(部分)of the Chinese workforce have come to world prominence(声望), thanks to Time magazine naming them runners-up to Ben Bernanke in its latest Person of the Year awards. The fact that the nongmingong were singled out shows their importance on the global stage.
Leaving behind families and homes to migrate to China\'s cities, they take on largely manual work and are among the country\'s lowest-paid workers. They often go about their work in relative obscurity(不出名), despite numbering around 200 million.
& && &This year, China\'s year-on-year Gross Domestic Product (GDP)growth is set to exceed 8 percent. The growth rate means it will contribute about 20 percent of this year\'s global economic growth. Analysts(分析人士)said the country\'s nongmingong were an important part of the economic miracle in recent years.
Task:What advantages can expressing our gratitude bring us?
In our life, we have rarely expressed our gratitude to the one who\'d lived those years with us. In fact, we don\'t have to wait for anniversaries to thank the ones closest to us — the ones so easily overlooked. If I have learned anything about giving thanks, it is this: give it now! While your feeling of appreciation is alive and sincere, act on it. Saying thanks is such an easy way to add to the world\'s happiness.
Saying thanks&&not only brightens someone else\'s world, but brightens yours. If you\'re feeling left out, unloved or unappreciated, try reaching out to others. It may be just the medicine you need.
& && &&&Of course, there are times when you can\'t express gratitude immediately. In that case don\'t let embarrassment sink you into silence — speak up the first time you have the chance.
Task: How do you think of success?
Foolish people with all their other thoughts,
Have this one too:They are always getting ready
To live, but never living.
& && & Your success will start when you begin to pursue it. To reach your goal or to attain success, you don\'t need to know all of the answers in advance. You just need to have a clear idea of what your goal is. Don\'t procrastinate(拖延) when faced with difficult problems. Break your problems into parts, and handle one part at a time. Develop tendencies toward taking action. You can make something happen right now. Divide your big
plan into small steps and take that first step right away.
& && &&&Everyone who ever got where they are had to begin where they were. Your big opportunity is where you&&are right now.
& && &&&A journey of a thousand miles begins with one step. Take it.
Task:Do you know how to live a healthy life?
How to live a healthy life
& && & Nowadays, it is a fashion to eat healthy food, such as organically-grown food, and do exercises to keep healthy. In brief, people are trying to live a healthy life. But what should be done to live a healthy life? Different people have different ideas.
& && &&&Someone says to live a healthy life is to have a&&body. Some people think keeping psychologically healthy is very important. In my view, it\'s essential to keep physically and psychologically
& && & To keep physically healthy, you should do sports like running, playing basketball, etc. Today more and more people go to the fitness centers. There are some popular ways of fitness like yoga. In this way, we can have a&&body. More importantly, to keep psychologically healthy, you should have a good attitude towards people around you. We often say: “Attitude is everything.” It means good attitude leads to a good mood. In this way we can keep psychologically healthy.
In a word, to live a healthy life is a comprehensive project in a way. We should keep healthy both psychologically and physically.
Task:What can we do to protect the earth from being
& && && && &bad to worse?
Global warming is a growing problem in the world. Melting ice-caps in the Arctic and Antarctica, rising temperatures across the continents, increasing number of typhoons and tropical storms are just some of the effects of global warming.
& && &&&It must be realised that humans activities are the causes of global warming. It is therefore our duty to save the earth. We can begin by minimizing the amount of carbon dioxide by taking public transport instead of driving and using energy-efficient electrical appliances. Besides, the government can probably limit
the number of cars allowed on the roads by imposing fines on offenders and improving public transport systems. More trees can be planted too. Education to protect the environment should also be planned. Countries around the world can hold meetings and conferences and decide the steps to take to limit the CO2 levels. Economic sanctions can also be imposed on countries that have violated the rules. The Kyoto Protocol is one such example.
& && & It is important to cure the world, for the sake of ourselves and our descendants. We have to take action now.
十四 The power of nature
导读:海啸,地震,干旱,泥石流,台风……,地球母亲一次又一次的向人类发出警示: 人类应该为自己的行为负责!
Task: Let\'s take action!
Man and nature
& && &It is believed that humans are the real offenders of natural disasters. People, though the victims in these natural events, pays for the debt that their excessive development has brought about. Natural disasters can be prevented, but the dreadful injury on people can hardly be healed. Judging from these disasters, can we come to a conclusion that today\'s topic should not be the summary of yesterday\'s lessons, but a foresight on what will happen in the future.
& && &Now, we have three missions to undertake. It is
necessary to break away from the stereotype that we are used to: embark on solving the problem the time it occurs. Then, redesign our assignment to make it more sustainable and environmentally friendly. Last and the most important, every country, both the developing and the developed ones, should get rid of their bad pattern of development and facilitate collaboration as one power to solve the natural problems.
导读:常言道,人生七十古来稀,在中国,随着生活质量的提高和医疗保障的健全,活到70岁已不算新鲜事,但新的社会问题——空巢(empty nest)现象也随之出现.中国人开始惧怕变老.
Task:What do you know about the social problem — aging?
Fear aging process
& && &According to a new global survey among 12,262 people in 12 countries about their attitudes toward aging, 28 percent of the Chinese polled said they feel depressed when they think about getting old. People in China are among the most fearful of getting old. About 30 percent of Chinese respondents said they worry about who will look after them in later years, while 91 percent agreed the government of the world\'s most populous nation should improve care for the elderly. However, people in
China think about their future earlier. About one third of Chinese respondents — more than double the global average — said they have put money aside for retirement, while 46 percent have taken out insurance, the poll showed. (121 words)
Future mail business taking off in China
导读:一种新型“慢递”(future mail)已经来到我们的身边,与高效的特快专递不同的是,这种邮件因为它的慢而珍贵.邮件保存的越久,其费用越高.此“慢递邮”究竟为何物?人们对它又是何种态度?它对人们又产生何种作用?
Task:What do you think about the future mail?
While express mail represents efficiency and speed and is prevalent in China, there is another type of mail emerging&&as a new business: “future mail”. It makes people slow down and let them understand the meaning of ‘time’ in another way. Future mail letters are reminders of and catalysts for affection, friendship and love. People express their thoughts about their current life and their expectations for the future to encourage themselves to face up to the challenges of life with courage. Most people put their hopes and
wishes in the letter so they can experience the connection between the past and the present while they receive the letter. Most of the business\'s customers are college students and young white-collar workers. Through the service, they might have a new vent for their pent-up feelings.
十八 life in the future
Task:What do you think about the low-carbon way of life?
As people are the major source of greenhouse gas emissions, changing our behavior is crucial to tackling climate change. In China, as the awareness of climate change improves, realizing a low-carbon way of living, also known as reducing your carbon footprint, is a growing trend among young people. A recent survey shows an average 78 percent of all 17 thousand people questioned have developed environmentally friendly habits in their daily lives. They are doing
things such as taking reusable shopping bags to the store and setting the air conditioner at a temperature above 26 degree Celsius. Experts say a smaller carbon footprint can be created through changes in many aspects of our lives and more could be done to build China into a low-carbon society.


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