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小宝:关于13种情景的英语词汇、语句、俚语、对话,这里一一收齐了...这篇很适合孩子学英语各方面的突破。后面还会继续给大家带来更多。喜欢的话就收藏了吧!(单击图片可放大)㈠看图学英语—Living room(单击图片可放大)相关词汇:1. clock 时钟2. bookshelf 书架3. TV 电视机4. videotape 录影带5. speaker 喇叭6. TV stand 电视柜7. DVD (digital versatile disk) player 数位影音光碟机8. VHS player 录影机9. stereo system 立体音响10. magazine rack 杂志架11. magazine 杂志12. floor lamp 立灯13. sofa 沙发14. cushion 靠垫;坐垫15. picture 书16. potted plant 盆栽17. armchair 扶手椅18. coffee table 茶几19. newspaper 报纸20. rug 地毯21. remote control 遥控器相关用语 1. What's on? 现在在演什么? 2. Could you pass me the remote? 可以请你把遙控器拿给我吗? 3. Pass me a cushion, please. 请递给我一个靠垫。 4. Keep your feet off the sofa. 脚不要放在沙发上。 5. This is boring -- change the channel. 这节目好无聊啊──转台吧。 6. Have you seen this movie? 你看过这部电影吗? 7. Don't tell me the ending. 不要告诉我结局。 8. Who stars in this? 这是谁主演的? 9. Is this a repeat? 这是重播的吗? 10. Is this live? 这是现场直播的吗? 11. There are no subtitles! 没有字幕! 12. Turn it up a bit, please. 请大声一点。 13. Would you like a snack? 要来点小点心吗?俚語
Slang couch potato 电视迷(couch︰沙发或长椅) the box 电视(口语用法;因为电视的外观方正像盒子一样) the tube 电视(口语用法;tube原指电视的映像管) chill out 放轻松(chill︰寒冷) kick back 完全放松 a quite night at home 宁靜的居家夜晚 make yourself at home 不要拘束(就像在自己家一样) 成語 Idioms pull the rug out from under (someone's) feet 破坏(某人)的计划
pull 当动词是「拉;扯」的意思。rug 是「地毯;门毯」。字面上看来就是从某人的脚下把地毯抽掉,想当然耳,某人一定会因为站不稳而跌倒。 后来用在「停止某人原有的支援或资源,而且通常是突然停止」,也就是「破坏(某人)的计划」的意思。 My company pulled the rug out from under my feet when it cut the entire budget for my project.
公司刪除我整个计划的预算简直就是在破坏我的计划嘛。会话练习 John: What are you doing tonight? 约翰︰ 你今天晚上要做什么? Mary: Oh, not much. I was thinking of spending a quiet night at home watching TV. 玛丽︰ 喔,没什么。我想要在家里看电视,享受一个宁静的夜晚。 John: Is there anything good on TV tonight? 约翰︰ 今晚有什么好看的电视节目吗? Mary: There's a great movie on channel seven.玛丽︰ 第七台有一部很棒的电影。 John: Really? What time does it start? 约翰︰ 真的?几点开始? Mary: Nine. Why don't you come over and watch it with my roommates and me? 玛丽︰ 九点。 你何不过来和我还有我的室友一起看? ㈡看图学英语—Kitchen stove(单击图片可放大)相关词汇:1、steam 蒸2、pan fry 煎,炒3、deep fry 油炸4、microwave 微波炉5、boil 煮6、bake 烘烤7、What's cooking? 在煮什么东西8、Something is cooking. 锅子里在煮东西9、Mmm, smells good. 恩,闻起来很香10、What are you making? 你在做什么料理11、Let's eat in tonight. 我们晚上就在家里吃吧12、He can't cook. 他不会作饭13、He's a fantastic cook. 他煮东西一流14、Be careful, that's hot! 小心,烫哦15、Don't touch that. 别碰那个16、Here, taste this. 来,尝尝这个17、Oh no, I burnt the food! 糟糕,我把食物烧焦了18、It's almost ready. 快好了19、It just needs a few more minutes. 再几分钟就行了20、Turn on the oven. 把炉子打开21、Turn down the gas. 把煤气关小点22、I'm making casserole for dinner tonight. 我在煮晚上要吃的火锅俚语Slang1、Whip something up 速成一盘菜2、Throw something together 拼拼凑凑一锅3、Make a mean hamburger 做一个很棒的汉堡4、Slave over the stove 在厨房忙着成语IdiomsCook up ( something ) 构思,策划cook up 原指把东西加热煮熟以便食用,所以形容一个人正在cook up something即表示着这个人正在计划构思着某件事He's cooking up a way to make some extra money.他正在构思着赚外快的方法Dialogue oneJim: What are you cooking? 吉姆,你正在煮什么?Lara: It's a surprise. 萨拉,这是个秘密Jim: Well, it sure smells good. You really know how to cook. 吉姆,恩,闻起来很香,你很会煮东西哦Lara: Thanks, Jim. Cooking is something I've enjoyed doing since I was young. 萨拉,谢谢,吉姆.我从小就喜欢煮东西Jim: So, can I taste the surprise yet? 吉姆,那,我可以尝尝这个秘密了吗?Lara: It'll be ready in a few minutes. Go sit down! 萨拉,再几分钟就好了,你去坐好啦。㈢看图学英语 Fast food相关词汇:1.ice coffee 冰咖啡2.orange juice 柳橙汁3.bag 袋子4.hamburger 汉堡5.tray 托盘6.napkin 餐巾纸7.soft drink 汽水8.mustard 芥末9.mayonnaise 美乃滋10.ketchup 蕃茄酱11.straw 吸管12.ice 冰块13.French fries 薯条14.change 零钱15.receipt 收据16.counter 柜台17.cash register 收银机18.coupon 折价券相关用语 1.burger 汉堡 2.cheeseburger 起司汉堡 3.fries 薯条 4.Next please! 下一位! 5.Is this seat taken? 这个位置有人坐吗? 6.Let's sit over here! 我们坐这里吧! 7.These fries are cold! 这些薯条凉掉了! 8.This soda is flat! 这杯汽水没汽了! 9.I didn't order this. 我没有点这个。 10.(Is that for) here or to go? 內用还是外带? 11.Is that everything? 这样就好了吗? 12.Small, medium, or large? 小的、中的还是大的? 13.Excuse me, where's the restroom? 抱歉,请问洗手间在哪里? 14.Would you like fries with your order? 你点的餐要加薯条吗? 俚語
Slang This is great! 这太棒了! That's a rip off! 那简直是坑人嘛! I could kill for a burger. 我非常想吃一个汉堡。(原来字面上的意思是︰我可以为了一个汉堡杀人) Let's grab a burger. 我们吃个汉堡吧。 I've got the munchies! 我嘴馋!(munch︰咀嚼) 成語 Idioms To bite one's tongue (某人)不要說話;某人(保持缄默)
这个成语也可以写成 hold one's tongue 「控制住(某人的)舌头」,亦即「保持沉默」。而原来bite 这个字当动词,是将舌头放在牙齿中间,以防说出一些会让人后悔的事。 You better bite your tongue and not say a word of this to anyone! 你最好保持緘默,而且对任何人一个字也不要说!Dialogue 1.Jane is about to order at a fast food restaurant. 珍在速食店里准备点餐。
Clerk: Welcome to Burger Barn. Can I take your order? 店员︰ 欢迎光临汉堡屋。我能为您点餐吗? Jane: Mmm. Can I have a cheeseburger please? And... an orange juice. 珍︰ 嗯。 可以给我一个起司汉堡吗?还有……一杯柳橙汁。 Clerk:Small, medium or large? 店员︰ 小的、中的还是大的? Jane: Large please. Oh! Can I have some fries with that? 珍︰请給我大的。喔!我可以要一点薯条吗? Clerk:Sure. Just a moment please. 店员︰ 当然可以。请稍候。㈣看图学英语-ComputerComputer相关用语1、file attachment 附件2、screen saver 荧幕保护装置3、program 程序4、Internet 互联网5、intranet 内部网6、instant messaging 即时讯息7、chat对谈8、chat room聊天室9、World Wide Web 万维网10、My computer keeps crashing.我的电脑一直开机11、You'll have to restart it. 你需要重新启动12、Can you print this for me? 你能帮我把这个打印一下吗?13、What's your password? 密码是什么?14、Can I have a hard copy of this?我可以印一份给我吗?15、I want to check my E-mail.我想看一下我的email16、Can you send me a file?你能给我传一份文件吗?17、Where do you want this saved? 你想把这个存放在哪里?18、You'll have to resend it.你必须重新传送一次19、Do you like surfing the Net? 你喜欢网际漫游吗?俚语Slang1、He's a real computer geek. 他是个电脑狂2、He's a hacker. 他是个电脑黑客3、Flaming!纵火(指在网络传送和发表人身攻击的信息)4、Shouting!大叫(指在网络张贴大写的讯息) 5、SPAM垃圾邮件6、Virus病毒成语 Idiomsbug 误差,毛病。bug原意是虫,用在生物学上表示病菌,在机器上表示故障,缺陷;用在电脑上表示程序的误差,瑕疵This computer program is terrible! It has way too many bugs!这个电脑程序好烂哦,它有好多问题!Dialogue oneMary: Well, it was nice meeting you Jim. Do you have an E-mail address?玛丽:很高兴见到你,吉米,你有电子邮箱吗?Jim: Sure, I'll write it down for you ... here you are.吉姆:当然,我写给你,给....Mary: Thanks a lot. I'll send you an E-mail when I get backtoLondon.玛丽:多谢,我回伦敦后会给你写封emailJim: That would be great! Oh, and don't forget to mail me a picture!吉姆:太好了,哦,别忘了给我寄张照片哦㈤ 看图学英语——ShowerShower相关用语1、Ouch! This water's hot!噢,这水好烫2、Go take a shower.去冲澡3、Go take a cold shower. 去冲个冷水澡4、I'll just take a quick shower.我很快洗个澡5、I really need a shower.我真的需要冲个澡6、We're out of shampoo!??洗发用完了7、Don't use all the hot water!不要把热水都用完了8、It's about time!是时候了9、Could I borrow a towel?我可以借条毛巾吗?10、A shower would be nice.洗个澡应该满舒服的俚语Slang1、I'll be out in a jiffy. 我一会儿就出去了2、There's soap in my eyes! 肥皂跑到我的眼睛里了3、You've been in there for ages! 你待在那里已经很久了成语:Idiomsas clean as a whistle干干净净的,清清白白的象哨子一样干净,从字面不容易看出他的意思.这个成语的来源已经有点模糊,有种说法是clean?是clear的笔误,意思是清清楚楚的,到今天?as clean as a whistle主要作非常整洁的解释Wow, look at Andy! He's as clean as a whistle!哇,你看安迪,他真干净Dialogue oneKyle: Judy? Nicky is on the phone.凯尔:朱蒂,尼可打电话过来了Judy: Oh, I'm just getting out of the shower.朱蒂,哦,我正要从沐浴间出来Kyle: Should I tell her you'll call her back?凯尔,要不要我告诉她你等会回她电话Judy: Yeah, tell her I'll call her back in about ten minutes.朱蒂,好,告诉她我10分钟后给她回㈥看图学英语——ToiletToilet相关用语1、I need to use the toilet (bathroom).我想要上厕所。2、Someone's using the toilet (bathroom).有人正在用厕所。3、Someone's in the bathroom.厕所有人。4、Where is the bathroom?厕所在哪里?5、The toilet is too dirty!厕所太脏了!6、Flush the toilet.冲厕所。7、Clean the toilet.清洗厕所。8、The toilet won't flush.这马桶不能冲水。9、The toilet is clogged up.这马桶塞住了。10、The toilet is plugged up.?这马桶阻塞了。俚语?Slang1、the john 厕所2、the throne 马桶3、the can 马桶4、the pot 马桶成语 Idioms go down the toilet 付诸东流,白费All my work for the past year just went down the toilet when I was told that my project was cancelled.我一年的工作都付诸东流,就在被告知我的专案被取消时。Dialogue oneMay: Excuse me, sir. Where is the bathroom?梅:先生,很抱歉,请问洗手间在哪里Man: Right over there, but, there's someone using it right now.先生:就在那边,但是现在有人正在用May: Is there another toilet I can use?梅:还有别间可以用吗?Man: There's one up the stairs but it's broken and won't flush. There's a public bathroom just outside and to your left.先生:楼上有一间,但坏了不能冲水。出去后左手边有一间公共厕所。May: Thank you.梅:谢谢㈦看图学英语——Refrigerator相关用语:1、Raid the fridge.搜刮冰箱2、Refrigerate after opening.打开后需要冷藏3、Is there any ice in the fridge?冰箱有碎冰吗?4、Should we keep this in the fridge or freezer?我们应该把这个防在冷藏室还是冷冻室?5、We need to defrost the freezer.我们需要给冷冻室除霜6、Is it cold yet?这个冷冻了吗?7、This fridge needs cleaning.这冰箱需要清洗8、Do you want some iced tea??你想要一些冰茶吗?9、Put these eggs in the fridge.把这些鸡蛋放在冰箱里10、Turn down the thermostat.把温度调高(turn down是关下,调低的意思,但用在温度的控制上turn down the thermostat是把温度调高的意思)11、Would you like ice in your drink?需要在饮料里加冰块吗?俚语Slang1、It's freezing in here!这儿好冷2、She gave me the cold shoulder!她对我很冷淡3、Let's chill out for a while.让我们冷静一会儿4、Put a jacket on or you'll get a chill.把夹克穿上,要不你会感冒的5、He's really cool.他真的好酷6、It's chilly outside.外面冷死了成语 Idiomstread on thin ice 如履薄冰。tread是走,踩的意思;thin ice指春天快要融化的冰;在如此薄的冰上行走,提心吊胆,随时担心会不会掉下去,所以treading on the ice翻译成如履薄冰You really are treading on thin ice. If you continue to come in late for work, you'll lose your job!你现在处境真的很危险,如果你继续上班迟到的话,你会失去你的工作Dialogue oneJill: Would you like something to drink?吉儿,你要喝点什么吗?Bob: Yeah, I'm thirsty. Something coldwould be nice.鲍勃,是,我真的口渴了,来点冰的Jill: There's some iced tea in the fridge and I just bought some orangejuice but it's not cold yet. 吉儿,冰箱里有冰茶,另外我刚买了一些柳橙汁,不过还不冰Bob: Iced tea would be great.鲍勃,冰茶就好㈧看图学英语-plane相关词汇:1. carry-on bag 隨身行李2. overhead compartment 舱顶置物箱3. window seat 靠窗的座位4. declaration form 出入境申报单5. blanket 毛毯6. seat pocket(椅背)置物袋7. seatbelt 安全带8. tray 折叠餐桌 9. buckle (安全带)带扣10.passport 护照11.boarding pass 登机证 12.footrest 踏脚处13.headrest 靠头处14.aisle seat 靠走道的座位15.pillow 枕头16.headphones 耳机17.console 扶手上的按鈕盤18.armrest 扶手相关用语1.airport 机场2.runway 跑道3.taxi 计程车4.Would you like tea or coffee?您要茶还是咖啡?5.Can I have a blanket please?可以给我一条毛毯吗?6.When's dinner being served?什么时候开始用晚餐?7.We will be experiencing some turbulence.我们将经过一阵乱流。8.We'll be taking off shortly.我们即将起飞。9.Please remain seated until the plane comes to a complete standstill.飞机完全停妥前请留在座位上。10.How long is the flight?航程有多久?11.Could you put your seat up please?麻烦您竖直椅背好吗?俚語 SlangI've got jet lag!我有时差!I'm still onTokyotime!我还在过东京的时间!We should send out flyers!我们应该去发传单的!Check out that car -- it's flying!你看那辆车--超快的! 成語 Idiomsflying by the seat of one's pants 想到什么就做什么这句成语原来是用在形容一个飞机驾驶员,在驾驶飞机时不参考前人的经验或遵照指示,反而凭着自己个人的感觉去驾驶。后来被引用为一个人做事沒有计划,想到什么就做什么。 Ricky never has anything planned out. He's always flying by the seat of his pants !瑞奇从不对任何事作计划。他总是想到什么就做什么!对话练习 Dialogue1 A flight attendant is dealing with a passenger. 一位空服员正在和一位旅客交谈Passenger: Excuse me. May I have some water please? 旅客︰不好意思。可以给我一杯水吗?Attendant: Yes sir -- just a moment.空服员︰好的,马上来。 Passenger: Oh! And can I have a blanket too.旅客︰喔!也请給我一条毛毯。Attendant:There's a blanket on the seat.空服员︰座位上有毛毯。Passenger: Oh sorry. I didn't see it.旅客︰喔,抱歉。我沒看到。㈨看图学英语--Office Desk相关词汇:1. calendar 月历;桌历2. pencil 铅笔3. pen 笔4. pencil holder 笔筒5. glue 胶水6. stapler订书机7. staples 订书针8. White-Out 修正液9. phone 电话10. Post-it Notes 便条紙;便利贴11. computer 电脑12. mug 马克杯13. file tray 公文架14. eraser 橡皮擦15. tacks 大头针16. file folder 档案夹17. magnet 磁铁18. hole puncher 打孔机19. paperclip 回文针20. paper 纸21. notepad 记事本22. desk 桌子;桌面相关用语1.Is anybody using this desk? 有人在用这张桌子吗? 2.There's a call for you! 有一通你的电话! 3.What's your extension number? 你的分机号码是几号? 4.Which desk is yours? 你的桌子是哪一张? 5.I have to tidy my desk. 我必须清理一下我的桌面。 6.My desk is a mess. 我的桌面一团乱。 7.Should I shutdown this computer? 我应该把这台电脑开机吗?8.Can I take a message? 我可以帮你留话吗? 9.Whose desk is this? 这是谁的桌子? 10.This chair isn't very comfortable. 这张椅子坐起来不是很舒服。 11.He's working overtime. 他在加班。 12.I'm new here. 我是新来的。 俚語 Slang Show somebody the ropes. 让某人了解状况;带某人认识环境 My boss is a slave driver. 我的老板是暴君。(slave driver︰奴役别人的人) Hand in my notice. 第上我的辞呈。 Get the boot.被开除。 Get fired. 被炒魷魚。 Get off work. 下班。 Finish early. 提早下班。 成語 Idioms on the ball能干的;机警的;效率高的 这句成语来自棒球场上,打击者必須全神貫注于投手投出的球(keep his eyes on the ball),才能随时做出反应。后来就被引申为「机灵的;反应快的」,也有「很能干的」的意思。
That new secretary is really on the ball. I think she'll get promoted soon. 那位新的秘书真的很能干。我想她很快就可以得到升迁。 会话练习Dialogue 1. Troy: Hi there! Are you new here? 特洛伊︰嗨,你好!你是新来的嗎? June: Yeah, this is my first day on the job! 朱恩︰是啊,这是我第一天到这个工作。 Troy: My name's Troy Jenkins. Pleased to meet you. 特洛伊︰我叫做特洛伊简金思。很高兴认识你。 June: I'm June. June Simmons. Where do you sit? 朱恩︰我是朱恩,朱恩西门斯。你坐在哪里? Troy: Right here next to you. If you have any questions about anything, just ask. 特洛伊︰就坐你旁边。如果你对任何事情有任何问題,就问我。㈩看图学英语—Motor相关用语1、My scooter won't start.我的机车发动不了2、Can you give me a ride? 你可以载我一程吗?3、Jump on!上车4、Can you drop me off at the corner?你可以让我在拐角下车吗?5、Slow down!骑慢点6、Step on it!快一点7、I'm almost out of gas.我的汽油快用完了8、Is there a gas station near here?附近有加油站吗?9、Don't forget to lock your scooter.别忘了锁你的机车10、Pull over here a minute.把车停到路边一下11、Can you change the oil please?你能帮我换油吗?12、Fill her up please!请把油加满13、Watch out for the potholes!小心地上的坑洞14、Where did you park?你的车停哪里15、Drive carefully.小心驾驶16、My scooter was towed!我的机车被拖吊了俚语 Slang1、Road hog 挡路的自私驾驶2、Take your time!慢慢来3、Road warrior 横冲直撞的驾驶4、Speed trap 自动测速的照相机5、A crazy driver 疯狂的驾驶6、Maniac 疯子成语 IdiomsDrive someone crazy 使发疯,惹恼某人;drive有迫使某人处于某种状态或不情愿地做某事的意思;drive someone crazy :强迫某人处于快发疯的状态,也有惹恼某人的意思Stephanie's music drives her mother crazy.Stephanie的音乐快把他妈妈逼疯了.Dialogue oneBetty: Hey Steve, can you give me a lift to the university?贝帝:嘿,史蒂夫,你可以顺便载我到学校吗?Steve: No pro blem. We're very close to it now. 史蒂夫,没问题,那里离我们不远Betty: Great! You can just drop me off at this corner. 贝帝,太好了,你在这个转角让我下车就好Steve: OK. Here you go. 史蒂夫,好,到了Betty: Thanks! See you later! 贝帝,谢了,呆会见⑾看图学英语-Mid-AutumnMid-Autumn相关用语1、Ouch! That's hot!哇塞,太热了2、Are the sausages ready yet?香肠好了吗3、rare生的4、medium?半生不熟5、well-done?全熟6、The flames are too high!?火太旺了7、Put the cover on!盖上盖子8、Help yourself!??请自便9、Is it hot enough yet?够热了吗?俚语Slang1、burnt to a frazzle烤焦了2、I'm getting eaten alive.我快要被生吞活剥了3、I'm a bit of a night owl.我是有点夜猫子的人4、He drinks like a fish!他大口大口豪饮成语Idioms
once in a blue moon 难得有一次,稀有 关于blue moon的定义,在古老的说法中是指,有四次满月的一季里,第三次满月.因为在年历上会以颜色标记,所以因此得名.这在当时认为是久久才发生一次的现象,后来就被广泛引申为罕见稀有了.How often do you drink beer?你多久喝一次啤酒Oh -- once in a blue moon!哦,我难得喝一次Dialogue oneTroy is serving up food at his friend's barbecue特洛伊在他朋友的烤肉宴上帮忙端盘子Troy: How would you like your steak Lilly?特洛伊,李丽,你的牛排要几分熟Lilly: Well done please. And make sure there's no blood!李丽,请给我全熟的,而且要确定不带血的Troy: Don't worry. One s teak, well done, coming right up! Why don't you have a sausage while you wait? 特洛伊,别担心.一块排骨,全熟的,来了!要不要边等边来块香肠.Lilly: Oh no thank you. I'm on a diet and sausages are very fattening.李丽,不,谢谢,我正在节食,而且香肠太油Troy: Tell me about it!特洛伊,那还用说⑿看图学英语——感恩节thanksgiving dinner相关词汇1.sweet potato 地瓜;蕃薯2. pumpkin pie 南瓜派3. apple pie 苹果派4. cauliflower 白色花椰菜5. broccoli 绿色花椰菜6. eggnog 一种用鸡蛋、牛奶或奶油、香草精及糖混合打成的饮料7. yam 洋芋8. carving knife 大型的刀(专门用来切割肉类)9. turkey 火鸡10. two-pronged fork 双尖叉头调理叉11. cranberry sauce 蔓越莓酱;野莓酱12. olives 橄榄13. gravy 肉汤;肉汁14. biscuits 饼干;小点心15. muffins 发糕16. stuffing 填塞料;用来填充火鸡的材料17. ham 火腿相关用语 1. white meat (火鸡)胸肉 2. dark meat (火鸡)腿肉 3. What's for dessert? 点心是什么? 4. That's enough for me thanks! 那样就够了,谢谢! 5. Could you pass the gravy, please? 请把肉汤传过来,好吗? 6. If I eat any more, I'll explode! 如果我再吃就要撑破肚皮了! 7. Mind your manners, uncle Bob! 注意你的餐桌礼仪,鲍勃叔叔! 8. Will you say grace? 你要作饭前祷告吗? 9. These biscuits are yummy! 这些小点心好好吃! 10. Stop stuffing your face -- eat slowly! 不要狼吞虎咽──吃慢一点! 11. Don't speak with your mouth full! 嘴里有食物不要说话! 12. Who's in charge of carving the turkey? 谁要切火鸡? 俚語 Slang I could eat a horse!我饿坏了!(我可以吃下一匹马!) What a turkey! 太逊了!(turkey:傻瓜;笨蛋) I'm stuffed! 我吃饱了! Thank goodness! 谢天谢地! Many thanks! 多谢了!非常感谢! It's a bit stuffy in here! 这里有点闷! 成语 Idioms a bird's-eye view 鸟瞰;俯视 bird's-eye 是形容詞,「鸟瞰的;概览的」的意思。这句成语字面上的意思是「从鸟的眼睛看到的景色」,也就是中文的「鸟瞰;俯视」的意思。 When we flew over Paris, we had a bird's-eye view of the city. 当我们飞越巴黎上空,我们鸟瞰整个城市。 会话练习 Dialogue 1. Sam: Oh, mom. I just love your turkey dinners! This meal is delicious! 山姆︰ 哦,妈。我真是爱死了你做的火鸡大餐!太好吃了! Mom: I'm glad you like it. Would you like some more potatoes? 妈妈︰ 真高兴你喜欢。你还要再吃一店马铃薯吗? Sam: No thanks. If I eat any more, I'll explode! 山姆︰ 不了,谢谢。如果我再吃就要撑破肚皮了! Mom: Oh come on, you can manage some more! 妈妈︰ 喔,没关系啦,你还可以再多吃一点! Sam: Well, OK! 山姆︰ 嗯,好吧!⒀看图学英语 Halloween相关词汇1. ghost鬼魂2. witch巫婆3. zombie僵尸4. pumpkin南瓜5. knife刀6. frying pan平底锅7. pumpkin seeds南瓜种子8. candle蜡烛9. lightning闪电10. black cat黑猫11. haunted house鬼屋12. fog雾13. owl猫头鹰14. graveyard墓园15. candy糖果16. jack-o'-lantern(雕刻人面的)空心南瓜灯相关用语1.carve雕刻2.eerie怪诞的;奇异的3.spooky幽灵似的(spook︰幽灵)4.scary吓人的;恐怖的5.trick-or-treat!不给糖,就完蛋!(万圣节时,孩子们挨家挨户跟邻居要糖吃)6.trick-or-treaters玩「不给糖,就完蛋」游戏的人7.goblin小妖怪8.costume特殊的服装(通常是演戏或化装舞会中穿的服裝) 成语 Idiomscat got your tongue 哑口无言(你的舌头被猫拿走了)字面上看来是「你的舌头被猫拿走了」,而沒有了舌头,当然就无法说话,哑口无言了。原来主要是用在小孩子做错事而不敢说;现在已经通用在要求別人说话或发表意见,不要保持沉默。通常这句成语会以问句的形式表达。Why don't you say anything? Has the cat got your tongue?你怎么一句话都不说?猫把你的舌头拿走啦?对话练习Dialogue 1.Joey:Hey Sara! Halloween is coming up! Let's go trick-or-treating together!乔伊︰嘿,莎拉!万圣节到了耶!我们一起去玩「不给糖,就完蛋」的游戏吧!Sara: OK! What kind of costume are you going to wear?莎拉︰好啊!你要装扮成什么? Joey:I'm going to be a ghost! How about you?乔伊︰我要装成鬼!你呢?Sara:I think I'll dress up as a witch. Hey, let's go carve a jack-o'-lantern!莎拉︰我想我会扮成巫婆。嘿,我们来雕刻一个空心南瓜灯吧!文章|来源于择学堂编辑|S妈免费领取:儿童学英语视频音频、电子中英文绘本、童谣等大量资料!(戳阅读原文)


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