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日 19:28:55
Hearing Begins for 5 Suspected 9/11 Co-Conspirators at Guantanamo美国军方开始审判五名九一一恐嫌   Six-and-a-half years after the September 11 terror attacks, the accused mastermind and four other co-conspirators are facing a war-crimes tribunal at the U.S. detention center at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. The arraignment of Khalid Sheikh Mohammed and the four others is the highest-profile test yet of the controversial tribunal system, which is under review by the U.S. Supreme Court. All five men face the death penalty if convicted. 恐怖袭击已经过去六年半了。这个星期四,美国军方将在古巴关塔那湾的拘押中心审判被指控参与策划那次恐怖袭击事件的五名嫌疑犯。美国最高法院正在对有争议的审判方式进行研究和审查。将要受到审判的这五个人有可能被判处死刑。The defendants will face a military judge for the first time Thursday to hear the charges against them formally . They will have the opportunity to enter a plea and may also be allowed to speak to the court about other issues, such as the conditions of their detention and interrogation. Charges against a sixth detainee were withdrawn last month without explanation, but experts note he has claimed some of the evidence against him was obtained through torture. 上述五名被告星期四将首次面对军事法官,并聆听检方正式宣读对他们的指控。他们会有机会为自己作有罪或无罪申辩,同时也可能会被允许就拘押和审判条件等其他问题,向法庭发表观点。上个月,在没有任何解释的情况下,对第六名嫌疑人的指控被收回。不过专家指出,这位嫌疑人宣称有些罪是通过虐待获取的。This will be the first public appearance for the five men, who have been held by the U.S. government for years, first in secret CIA prisons and now at Guantanamo. Reporters, lawyers and human rights activists will be allowed to watch the hearing, but no sound,
or pictures will be made public. In addition, sound from the hearing will be delayed several seconds to enable military officials to turn it off if someone reveals secret information. 这将是五名嫌疑人首次公开露面。在此之前,他们被美国政府关押了多年,先是在中央情报局的监狱,后来又到了关塔那湾。记者、律师、以及人权活动人士将被允许聆听审判,但是声音、图像、照片不会对外公布。除此之外,审判期间,说话的声音会推迟几秒钟以后才可以被在场人士听到,这样的话,假如有谁谈到机密,军方官员可以把声音关掉。The process for trying the men before what are called Military Commissions was created specifically for detainees in the war on terrorism. But the original system was struck down by the U.S. Supreme Court, and the court is now considering a case which could invalidate the revised process. Still, the senior military officer responsible for the process, Brigadier General Thomas Hartmann says the defense department is adding dozens of staff members to his team in an effort to move forward with arraignments and trials as quickly as possible.  把这些嫌疑犯交由军事特别委员会来审判是特别为在反恐战争中拘押的人士而设置的程序。但是最初设置的程序被美国联邦最高法院所否决。最高法院目前正在审理一个案子,这个案子有可能会让修正过的程序也被否决。尽管如此,为这一程序负责的军方高级官员哈特曼准将表示,国防部正在为他所在的团队增加人员,目的是让提审和审判尽快进行。Speaking to reporters here Wednesday evening, General Hartmann addressed one of the main controversies surrounding the process, the use of secret evidence. 哈特曼将军星期三晚间在与媒体见面时谈到了整个审讯过程当中颇为引起争议的一个问题,那就是保密据问题。"Every piece of evidence, classified or not that goes to the finder of fact will be subject to review, cross examination, challenge and understanding by the accused and his counsel," he said. 他说:“每一条被送交据核查人员那里的据,不管是属于机密的,或者不是属于机密的,都要经过审核,辩驳,并且还要经过被告及其辩护律师的挑战和谅解。”The 'finder of fact' will be a military jury. General Hartman's statement raises the possibility that secret evidence could be revealed to al-Qaida members but not to the public, but that would likely only happen much later in the process. In these commission trials, the defendants are prosecuted, judged and represented by U.S. military lawyers, but private lawyers have volunteered to be part of the defense team. 判定事实指的是军事陪审团。哈特曼将军的上述讲话指出这种可能,那就是,保密据有可能透露给基地恐怖组织成员,但没有对外公布,但是这只可能会在整个程序的后期。在军事委员会主持的审判过程中,受审一方的审判、裁决以及代理全都由美国军方的律师来承担,但是也有非军方领域的律师自愿报名为被告进行辩护。Activists like Joanne Mariner of Human Rights Watch are not convinced that this process will be fair, as General Hartmann says it will. They say the military process does not sufficiently protect the defendants' rights, particularly regarding evidence obtained through mistreatment. General Hartmann says that decision will be made by the military judge in each instance. 一些人权活动人士,比如像人权观察组织的乔安娜.马里纳,都不认为整个审判程序会像哈特曼将军说的那样会是公正的。他们说,军事审判过程不会充分保障被告的权力,尤其是涉及到通过虐待的方式获得的信息。哈特曼将军说,军方法官要根据每个具体案例的情况做出决定。Mariner, who will be an observer at Thursday's hearing, says the relatives of the nearly three thousand victims of the attacks, and the public at large, deserve a more reliable process, like the regular U.S. federal courts. 马里纳女士将以观察员身份出席星期四的审讯听,她说,出于对9/11事件中将近三千名死难者的家属以及美国的公众的考虑,应该有一个更可靠的审理过程,比如像美国普通的联邦法庭那样。"A case as important as the September 11th terrorist attacks on the ed States should be tried fairly in federal court so that the result is some kind of finality in which both the U.S. public and the world can recognize that the result of the trial is reliable and credible," said Mariner.  她说:“像9/11恐怖袭击事件这么重要的案子应该经由联邦法庭公正地审理,以便最终的结局能够让美国公众以及全世界都感到是公正可信的。”The Bush administration is opposed to using federal courts to try the terrorism suspects, in part because of the secret evidence. 布什政府反对经由联邦法庭系统来审判恐怖分子嫌疑人,原因之一即是出于秘密据的考虑。The best-known of the men going on trial Thursday is Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, known as the mastermind of the September 11th attacks. His alleged co-conspirators are Ramzi Binalshibh, Walid Muhammed 'Attash, Ali Abdul Aziz Ali and Mustafa al Hawsawi. Charges against Mohammed al Kahtani were dropped, but officials say they may be reinstated later. He is believed to have planned to be one of the September 11 hijackers. 即将被审判的五名被告当中,最出名的恐怕要算是哈立德.谢赫.穆罕默德,他是众所周知的9/11恐怖袭击事件策划人。被指控与他一道策划恐怖袭击的还有拉姆齐.比纳尔谢赫、 瓦利德.穆罕默德.阿他什、 阿里.阿卜杜勒.阿齐兹和穆斯塔法.阿勒-哈萨维。对穆罕默德.阿尔.卡塔尼的指控被取消了,但是有关官员说,那些指控以后还有可能重新被提出。据信,他是计划中9/11事件中的一个飞机劫持者。The arraignment will take place in a specially built building on this U.S. Naval Base, not far from the detention center where 275 detainees are held. Several others have also been charged and their trials are proceeding. Officials expect to charge and try more of the detainees, but some have been approved for release and others may remain in custody without being charged. These five detainees could face the death penalty if they are convicted, but if any of them is acquitted he could still be kept in custody as an enemy combatant. 假如被判定有罪的话,以上五名嫌疑人有可能会被判处死刑。假如他们其中哪一位被判无罪的话,他仍有可能作为敌方战斗人员被继续拘留下去。Both President Bush and Defense Secretary Robert Gates have said they would like to close the Guantanamo detention center, but Secretary Gates acknowledged recently that he has not made much progress toward finding an alternative way to deal with the terrorism suspects held here.  布什总统和美国国防部长盖茨都曾表示,希望关闭关塔那湾的拘押中心。但是,盖茨最近承认说,至今还没有找到一个更好的渠道,来审理拘押在关塔那湾的恐怖活动嫌疑分子。68贵阳市息烽县人民医院体检中心电话
贵阳天伦不孕医院在线Iraq: The Defining Difference Between McCain, Obama美国总统候选人激烈辩论伊战问题  The war in Iraq continues to be a sharp point of difference between the two presumptive U.S. presidential nominees, Democrat Barack Obama and Republican John McCain. 在即将成为美国总统候选人的美国民主党的巴拉克.奥巴马和共和党的约翰.麦凯恩之间,伊拉克战争仍然是突出的分歧。各界一直在关注在竞选活动中这两个人之间的辩论。Campaigning in New Jersey, Senator McCain said voters in this election face a stark choice on the war in Iraq. 参议员麦凯恩在新泽西州竞选时说,选民在今年总统选举中将不得不在伊拉克问题上作出明确选择。McCain says the ed States is winning in Iraq, and he strongly opposes Senator Obama's plan to begin troop withdrawals shortly after taking office. 麦凯恩说,美国正在伊拉克赢得胜利,他强烈反对奥巴马参议员计划在上台后不久就从伊拉克撤军。"He said the surge could not work and would not work, and to this day, to this very day, Senator Obama refuses to acknowledge that we are winning in Iraq," he said. "He refuses. He called it spin. Is General Petraeus spinning the American people? I do not think so. I do not think so." 麦凯恩说:“他说增兵计划不起作用,也不会起作用。到今天为止,直到今天,奥巴马参议员还拒绝承认我们正在伊拉克赢得胜利。他拒绝承认。他把这叫‘忽悠’。彼德雷乌斯将军在‘忽悠’美国人民吗?我认为不是这样,我不这样认为。”Obama was on the campaign trail Friday in Ohio, usually a key swing state in presidential elections. 奥巴马星期五在俄亥俄州竞选。这个很关键的州在总统选举中经常是一个“左右摇摆的州”。Obama restated his opposition to the war in Iraq after a voter asked him why the U.S. image abroad has sharply declined in recent years. 当一位选民问奥巴马,为什么最近几年美国在国外的形像急剧恶化时,奥巴马重申自己反对伊拉克战争。"Everybody supported us after 9/11. Everybody supported us going into Afghanistan. Right? It was not until we decided to go into Iraq, without listening to other countries who warned us that it might be a mistake, and George Bush basically ignored world opinion and the facts that there was no connection between 9/11 and Iraq, that is when world opinion plummeted," he said. 他说:“9/11恐怖袭击后,大家都持我们。大家都持我们出兵阿富汗,对不对?直到我们出兵伊拉克,大家才不持我们。当时别的国家警告我们说,这可能是个错误,我们不听。布什基本上是对全世界的意见置之不理,对9/11事件和伊拉克没有联系这个事实视若罔闻。正是在那个时候,世界舆论急剧下跌。”The latest campaign jabs on Iraq come at the end of a week of back and forth volleys on the war, which is likely to be a key issue in the November election, along with the weakening U.S. economy. 一个星期以来,这两个人在伊拉克问题上一直相互攻击,这次是最新的一次。伊拉克问题,以及美国正在衰退的经济很可能成为11月总统选举的重要问题,很可能成为今年总统选举辩论的焦点。"McCain is betting that the American people will be persuaded, ultimately, that no matter how angry they seem to be about what is going on in Iraq, we cannot afford to lose," said Tom DeFrank of the New York Daily News and a frequent guest on VOA's Issues in the News program. "And, I think that Obama is taking the position that we will not lose, but we do not need to have as many troops there as we do at the moment, and with three-quarters of the American people opposed to the war in Iraq, I think that is an issue that works for Obama better than it does for McCain."Iraq and the economy will likely be the focus of presidential debates later this year, but how many debates are held remains an open question. 但是目前还不太清楚两个人会举行几场辩论。In recent elections, the two major party contenders have taken part in three nationally televised debates, while their vice presidential running mates debate once. 在前几次总统选举中,这两个主要政党的总统候选人通常进行三次全国范围的电视辩论,他们的副总统竞选夥伴要进行一次辩论。Senator McCain has proposed an additional series of 10 town hall meetings in which he and Senator Obama would appear together to answer questions from voters. 麦凯恩参议员建议双方在上述基础上再增加10次市政会议的碰面机会。届时,他和奥巴马参议员共同出席,回答选民的提问。But the Obama campaign has rejected that idea. An Obama spokesman said the presumed Democratic candidate would be willing to take part in one town hall event with McCain and one foreign policy debate, in addition to the three nationally televised debates scheduled between late September and mid-October. 但是奥巴马参议员的竞选班底拒绝了这个意见。奥巴马的一位发言人说,除了安排在9月底和10月中旬的三次全国电视辩论外,奥巴马愿意与麦凯恩共同出席一次市政会议,并进行一次外交政策辩论。12贵州省南岳医院做结扎复通
Negotiation on customs cleatance通关协商A: Shall we get down to the problem of customs clearance now?A: 我们谈一谈通关的问题吧。B: OK. According to the terms in our contract, you have to take charge of all the stuff in customs clearance.B: 好的。根据合同,通关事宜是由你方负责。A: We get it. But in this project, we have some difficulty and obstacle in clearing customs.A: 我们知道。但是在这项工程上,我们在通关问题上有一些困难和障碍。B: If so, we can have a discussion so as to have the problem solved.B: 如果这样的话我们可以讨论与一下该如何来解决这个问题。A: Thanks for your understanding. As you know, we are not quite familiar with the procedures of customs clearance here and this will waste a lot of time and energy. And I believe you can see that the low efficiency due to the unfamiliarity will lead to the loss to both sides.A: 非常感谢您的通情达理。你们也知道,我们对这里的通关手续不是很了解,因此也就会造成大量时间和精力的浪费。我想你方也知道这样的低效率会造成我们双方的损失。B: Thats true. What can we do to help?B: 确实是这样。我们能帮上什么忙?A: Were grateful that you said that. Would you please assign someone who is familiar with the clearing procedure to work it out together with us?A: 非常感谢您能这样。你方可不可以派一个熟悉通关手续的员工来帮忙我们共同完成通关手续呢?B: All right. Sounds acceptable. Lets do it.B: 可以,能够接受。那就这样办吧。A: Thanks.A: 非常感谢。 /141贵阳市金阳医院封闭抗体免疫治疗
贵州天伦医院男科3 索赔原因3句英文任你选Have you found the cause of the breakfast?你们找到了破损的原因吗?It is obvious that it was due to careless packing.很明显包装太马虎了。Well let you know when we find out the reason.我们查明原因后会通知贵方。半个句型要记牢find out(找出,查明,发现)Tip:find out表示查明(真相等);查出……的罪行;揭发出;使受惩罚(或报应),如:查明(真相等): Ill find out her secret. (我要弄清她的秘密。), All you have to do is to find out the KEY to escape. (你所要做的就是找到藏在某个馒头里的钥匙然后逃跑。)另外还有;对(某弱处)起作用;的意思,如: This cold weather finds out my old wound.这个寒冷的天气使我的老伤发作了。 /153
Zimbabwe Leaders Sign Power-Sharing Deal津两派分权 反对党人当正副总理   Zimbabwe's President Robert Mugabe and opposition leader Morgan Tsvangirai have signed a power sharing agreement aimed at ending the country's lengthy political crisis. The agreement was reached after weeks of bargaining mediated by South Africa. 津巴布韦总统穆加贝和反对党领导人茨万吉拉伊签署了旨在结束津巴布韦旷日持久政治危机的权力分享协议。这个协议是在南非的斡旋下,经过几星期的谈判达成的。South African President Thabo Mbeki announced late Thursday night that Zimbabwean President Robert Mugabe and leaders of the opposition had agreed to share power in a unity government. 南非总统姆贝基星期四夜间宣布,津巴布韦总统穆加贝和反对党领导人已经同意在团结政府中分享权力。"An agreement has been reached about all of the matters that served on the agenda of those negotiations. There will be a formal signing ceremony on Monday," he said. 姆贝基说:“双方已经就那些谈判议事日程上的各个项目达成了协议。星期一将举行正式签署仪式。”Mr. Mbeki said all the leaders had agreed to the accord which was described as signaling a new dawn for the country. 姆贝基说,所有的领导人都同意了这份协议,人们把这项协议称为津巴布韦黎明的曙光。Details are to be announced Monday but sources said that under the agreement, Mr. Mugabe's ZANU-PF party is to hold 15 ministerial portfolios. The opposition Movement for Democratic Change led by Morgan Tsvangirai is to receive 13 ministries. And a smaller opposition faction led by Arthur Mutambara is to hold three posts. 星期一将宣布协议的具体细节,但是消息来源说,根据协议,穆加贝的政党将保持15个部长职位,茨万吉拉伊领导的反对党争取民主变革运动则掌管13个政府部门,穆坦巴拉领导的较小的反对派将控制3个部门。Mr. Mugabe is to continue as head-of-state while Tsvangirai is to occupy the newly created post of prime minister. The opposition will also occupy two newly created posts of deputy prime minister. 穆加贝将继续担任国家元首,茨万吉拉伊将担任新设立的总理。反对党还将拥有两个新设立的副总理职位。Reaction in the Zimbabwean capital, Harare, was cautious. A man who would not give his name expressed doubts over whether the long-time rivals would be able to govern together."We were waiting for quite some time actually for the deal to be successful but I am very skeptical about the outcome of the deal," he said.One of the estimated three million Zimbabwean refugees who have fled to South Africa, Farai Ndlovu, was more positive."That joint venture is very good, what is needed is just to have the consensus relations between these two guys. But otherwise everything will be fine," said Ndlovu.But fellow Johannesburg immigrant, Archie Tapera, welcomed the accord."I think it's a positive thing, one of the major achievements in the history of Zimbabwe," said Tapera.The agreement ends months of uncertainty after the opposition won a majority in parliamentary elections last March and Tsvangirai defeated Mr. Mugabe in the first round of the presidential vote. 反对党在今年3月的议会选举中赢得多数席位,而且茨万吉拉伊在第一轮总统大选中击败了穆加贝,津巴布韦随即动荡不安。这一协议结束了几个月来的不安定局面。However, Mr. Mugabe won the runoff election after Tsvangirai withdrew citing a campaign of state-sponsored violence in which more than 100 activists were killed. 但是茨万吉拉伊后来表示政府持暴力活动,因此他决定退出总统大选的决选,穆加贝赢得了决选。Leaders hope the unity government will be able to stabilize Zimbabwe's economy, characterized by hyper-inflation and 80 percent unemployment. And they hope it will attract billions of dollars worth of reconstruction aid that have been promised by the international community. 各位领导人都希望团结政府能够稳定津巴布韦的经济,津巴布韦目前有超高的通货膨胀率和80%的失业率。他们希望津巴布韦能引进国际社会承诺的数十亿美元的重建援助资金。31贵阳医学院第三附属医院孕检多少钱贵州天伦医院程车路线
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