
豆类总产量与豆类总产量预测拟合,图4-2- 5
5678910 图4-2- 5 五、模型评价 5.1问题一
层次分析法将某些定性的量作比较接近实际定量化处理,并对人的思维过程进行了加工处理,是一套系统分析问题的方法,较有说服依据。但它在很大程度上依赖于人们的经验,主观因素的影响很大,它至多只能排除思维过程中的严重非一致性,却无法排除决策者个人可能存在的严重片面性。且比较、判断过程较为粗糙,不能用于精度要求较高的决策问题。 5.2问题二
灰色理论认为一切随机量都是在一定范围内、一定时间段上变化的灰色量及灰色过程. 数据处理不去寻找其统计规律和概率分布, 而是对原始数据作一定处理后, 使其成为有规律的时间序列数据, 在此基础上建立数学模型。本文模型应用此思想对粮食总产量进行预测,计算过程中绝对残差较大,模型的精度不够,应对其修正。
14 年份 粮食自给率 耕地面积 农业用水 农业人口的数量 08 11 100% 100% 100% 99.60% 99.10% 97.70%
9.51 3.11 2.35
(数据来自于《中国农村贫困检测报告2010》、如何看待中国粮食自给率――访姜长云、中国统计局) 粮食自给率1...35x 104耕地面积1.21.2农业用水77.5农业人口数目6.02012 图6-1
根据模型一的求解结果,对我国未来农业发展影响最大的因素为缺水,地少,然后分别为仍有两亿人口的粮食不能自给,农村贫困人口生活问题和农转非,城市化建设。由图6- 1可以看出,由于粮食自给率逐年降低、耕地面积从2008年到2010年大幅度减少、农业用水量子2009年也呈减少趋势、农业人口数更是大幅度逐年减少,这些问题直接使得,我国面临的粮食供求总量日趋紧张的问题,而且我国粮食供求的结构性矛盾非常突出,同时影响到未来我国农业的发展。 虽然近年来我国城市建设取得了较大的成就,但农村的建设却呈现萎缩的趋势,农民的生活水平得不到提高,农村大部分农民都到城市里打工,导致农村劳动力缺少,并且现在的农业科技水平不是很高,用于农村建设的投入资金也稍显不足,但经济全球化是不可阻挡的国际局势,所以为了加快我国农村建设水平,该加强灌溉工程、设立法律严禁非法占用耕地、使农村土地向种田大户集中,增加农业的现代技术投入、大力培养农业技术推广人才,且加大农业投资,进而逐一解决影响我国农业发展的因素。
15 从模型二中可知我国的主要粮食作物分为谷物、小麦、玉米、豆类,由错误!未找到引用源。可知近十年来我国粮食产量都有上升趋势,但上升幅度并不大。由错误!未找到引用源。、错误!未找到引用源。、错误!未找到引用源。看出谷物、小麦、玉米的增长趋势相比最明显,由图4-2- 5可看出,豆类呈负增长趋势。前面提到由于经济全球化发展,国际市场压制了我国农业的发展。值得注意的是,粮食生产所依赖的耕地资源逐年较少明显,并且绝大多数减少的是粮食播种面积。中国粮食作物生产布局逐步向耕地资源相对丰富,农民非农就业机会较少、生产经济效益比较高的北、中部地区转移或集中。 其中,谷物生产东北区“增加”受灌溉条件改善、经济效益优势及技术进步影响,华东、华南区布局“缩减”受自然灾害及城镇化发展影响。小麦生产华北、华中区布局“扩大”受人均耕地规模扩大、灌溉条件改善及技术进步影响,东北、西南、华东区布局“缩减”受自然灾害及非农产业发展影响。玉米生产华北、东北区布局“保持稳定”受人均耕地规模扩大、市场需求增加、运输条件改善及政策的影响,西南布局“缩减”受自然灾害的影响[6]。粮食作物中豆类被视为可有可无的次要作物,生产面积受到限制,种于零星杂地,管理粗放,产量不高,以致于产量逐年降低。所以要在保证其他粮食作物稳定增长的前提下,加大豆类的种植面积、科研投入,引进国内外高层次人才、先进育种技术、育种材料和关键设备。以提高我国农作物的国际竞争力,加快我国农业的发展。 七、我国农业未来发展方向的分析报告 国以农为本,农以种为先。改革开放特别是进入新世纪以来,我国农作物种业实现了由计划供种向市场化经营的根本行转变,取得了巨大成绩,为提高农业综合生产能力、保障农产品有效供给和促进农民增收作出了重要贡献,特别是为近年来实现粮食生产“九连增”发挥了重要作用,为促进我国农业长期稳发展、保障国家粮食安全做出了贡献。 但粮食“九连增”已经成为过去,今后十年,既是我国粮食生产发展的战略关键时期,也是站在历史新起点上的艰难爬坡时期。在过去9年里虽然我国的耕地面积增加1.78亿亩,但仍靠进口粮食养活了1.9亿中国人。这说明我国农业发展仍然存在如下几点问题: 1、仍有2亿人口粮食不能自给。中国粮食自给率已经跌破90%。现在进口越来越多,主要原因不是我们的粮食生产出了问题。第一是国外的粮食便宜30%。另外一个原因,中国人的食物结构在过去20年发生了巨大变化。
2、农业资源短缺,资源利用率低。我国人口基数大,人均耕地资源、草地资源、水资源等占有少量,均只相当于世界水平的40%左右。 3、农村贫困是人口数多。农民整体素质相对较低,使得农业推广技术过程较慢,只是更新速度较慢,甚至更低,从而限制了农业技术的推广效率。 4、农转非、城市化建设。随着工业化和城市化的快速发展,非农建设占用农业耕地的现象突出。同事越来越多的农民涌向城镇,使得部分耕地荒废。 因此为更好更快实现我国农业发展,党的十八大提出“解决好农业农村农民问题是全党工作重中之重??”,报告中高度重视“三农”工作,专题阐述了“推动城乡发展一体化”,提出了关于“三农”工作的总体要求和重点任务,这些新论断、新要求发展了党关于“三农”工作的指导思想与政策理念,是当前和今后一个时期我们做好农业农村经济工作的指导思想和行动指南,必将引领农业[7]农村发展开创崭新局面。所以为响应十八大号召坚持走中国特色农业现代化道 16 路,要从以下几个方面着手:
1、提高品种选育水平与良种供应能力。提高如超级杂交水稻、紧凑型玉米、优质专用小麦等有突破性的优良品种的覆盖率;建立良种繁育基地。从而提高粮食的质量与产量,旨在达到2006年前我国粮食净出口状态。 2、保证粮食播种面积与加强灌溉工程。首先,严格控制非农占地,保护优质耕地,通过研究和发展间作套种模式,增加单位播种面积和空间的利用率,提高耕地的利用效率。其次,大力推进节水灌溉和田间配套工程的建设。 3、提高科研转化率,促进农业效益。是农业推广部门与农业科研高校紧密结合,定期指派推广人员下基层,收集农民遇到的困难,集合实际搞科研,增加科研转换率,使生产就测不盲目,实现农产品价值,提高农业效益。 4、减少城市化的负面影响。在城镇化过程中,使农村土地向种田大户集中,增加农业的现代技术投入,使中国耕地在数量不断减少的情况下能够保持粮食增产来满足仁路口增长的需要。 农业是经济发展、社会安定、国家自立的基础。要立足中国的基本国情来认识农业发展问题的重要性与紧迫性,并采取有力的措施予以保护和支持, 从而更早实现十八大报告中明确“到2020年要实现城乡居民人均收入比2010年翻一番”的量化指标。实现这个温暖人心的目标,意味着群众将得到更多实惠,意味着百姓的钱袋子将更鼓,生活将更加富足、更有质量,更意味着“中国梦”的实现。
[1]冯华.2012年中国经济白皮书[N],人民日报, [2]杨振宁 朱镇斌.我国农业经济发展影响因素的实证研究-基于典型相关模型的计量分析//wenku.//view/7a5e.html
[3]杨远新 刘安芳.浅论我国农业与农村的现状和未来的发展战略――走中国特色的农业发展道路[J],重庆职业技术学院报,):66-69 [4] 邢可霞 王青力.建设生态文明与中国农业未来发展――兼论如何实现中国农业的又好又快发展[J],农业环境与发展,-15 [5]魏书光.进口粮食养活了1.9亿中国人[N],中国网,
[6]杨春.中国主要粮食作物生产布局变迁及区位优化研究[D],浙江大学博士学位论文 2009:Ⅰ-Ⅱ
[7]宁启文.全面贯彻落实党的十八大精神 不断开创农业农村经济工作新局面,
九、附录 附录一:模型二代码 y=[04.2 70.9 47.7 57120.8];
%粮食总产量原始数据 n=length(y); D=y*[0;ones(n-1,1)];
yy=ones(n,1); yy(1)=y(1); for i=2:n
end B=ones(n-1,2); for i=1:(n-1)
%数据矩阵 end BT=B'; for i=1:(n-1)
%z(1),(1)在z的上方 end
C=ones(1,n-1)*z; E=y*[0;z]; F=z'*z; for j=1:n-1
%数据向量 end YN=YN'; A=inv(BT*B)*BT*YN; a=A(1);
%发展系数 u=A(2);
%灰作用量 t=u/a; t_test=3;
%预测的个数 i=1:t_test+n; yys(i+1)=(y(1)-t).*exp(-a.*i)+t;
%白化响应式 yys(1)=y(1);
%生成序列的估计值 xxs(i+1)=yys(i+1)-yys(i) xxs(1)=y(1)
Det(i)=abs(xxs(i)-y(i))/y(i) end DET=Det*ones(n,1)/n for j=n+t_test:-1:2
%生成序列估计值残差 end
error(i)=xxs(i)-y(i); %计算残差
x=1:n; xs=2:n+t_ yn=ys(2:n+t_test); plot(x,y,'^r',xs,yn,'*-b'); disp(['预测值为: ',num2str(xxs(1:n+t_test))]);
%所有的估计值 同理求水稻小麦玉米豆类只是原始数据不同,其原始数据如下: y=[71.8 89.6 76.1 20100.1];%水稻总产量 y=[46.6 46.4 18.1 11740.1];%小麦总产量 y=[60.3 91.4 24.5 19278.1];%玉米总产量 y=[3.7 3.3 6.5 1908.4];%豆类总产量 附录二:图6-1代码 x=[08 11];%x为年份 x1=[1 1 1 0.996 0.991 0.977];%x1为粮食自给率 x2=[
];%x2为耕地面积 x3=[9.51 3.11 2.35];%x3为农业用水 x4=[
];%x4为农业人口数目 %在一个图形窗口绘制四个子图,排列方式为两行两列 %在一行一列的位置用蓝线画x1,标题\粮食自给率\subplot(2,2,1),plot(x,x1); title('粮食自给率') %在一行二列的位置用蓝线画x2,标题\耕地面积\subplot(2,2,2),plot(x,x2); title('耕地面积') %在二行一列的位置用红星画x3,标题\农业用水\subplot(2,2,3),plot(x,x3,'r*'); title('农业用水') %在二行二列的位置用红色:画x4,标题\农业人口数目\subplot(2,2,4),plot(x,x4,'r:'); title('农业人口数目')
19 三亿文库包含各类专业文献、各类资格考试、专业论文、应用写作文书、生活休闲娱乐、高等教育、幼儿教育、小学教育、A题20等内容。 
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& 题目详情
1.________ 2.________ 3.________ 4.________
5.Why does Helen come to the man's house?
A.To ask for help. B.To say“hello”. C.To visit her friend.
6.Where are they talking?
A.In a restaurant. B.At home. C.In the street.
7.Which is true about Daniel?
A.He is a chid.
B.He thinks the novel is boring.
C.He likes the novel very much.
8.What pet did the man buy?
9.When did Peter learn to use chopsticks(筷子)?
A.Before he came to the UK.
B.Before he came to China.
C.After he came to China.
10.What is Tom like?
A.He is easy-going.
B.He is humorous.
C.He is helpful.
11.How much money did Victor get in his dream?
A.$1,000,000 B.$100,000 C.¥1,000,000
12.What did Victor decide to do with the money in his dream?
A.Buy a car. B.Go travelling. C.Raise money for charity.
13.What's the relationship between the speakers?
A.Husband and wife.
B.Father and daughter.
C.Mother and son.
14.Where are they living now?
A.In a big house with a garden.
B.In a small flat without a balcony.
C.In a small flat with a balcony.
15.Who is Mr Johnson?
A.Millie's history teacher.
B.Millie's doctor.
C.Millie's geography teacher.
16.What will Millie do on Saturday?
A.Go climbing.
B.Take an exam.
C.Stay at home and study.
17.Which season is it?
A.Spring. B.Summer. C.Autumn.
18.How did Philip go home yesterday evening?
A.By bus. B.By bike. C.On foot.
19.What did the aliens look like?
20.Which sentence is RIGHT?
A.The spacecraft was orange and green.
B.Philip took some pictures of the aliens with his camera.
C.Philip's friends thought that his story was hard to believe.
  1.I really like this clock.Where did you buy it?
  2.We should plant more trees to protect the environment.
  3.Look, there is an“i”in the sign.It means information, I think.
  4.I love to surf the Internet and send e-mails to my friends.It can be great fun!
  W:Good morning.
  M:Good morning.
  W:I've come over to say“hello”.My family has just moved into the house next door.
  M:Great!Nice to meet you, Miss…
  W:Call me Helen.
  M:Well, that was a wonderful meal!
  W:Lovely, I enjoy eating out.Waiter, come here please.
  W:What are you doing, Daniel?
  M:I'm reading this novel.It's really exciting.I can hardly put it down!
  W:Shame on you, it's written for children.
  M:But adults like me enjoy it too.
  M:Look, I've bought some goldfish.How beautiful they are!
  W:Yeah, but you've got some at home, haven't you?
  M:Well, we had some, but they all died yesterday.
  W:Oh, Peter, what a surprise!You use chopsticks so well!
  M:People here in China always ask me if I can use chopsticks.It's not hard.In fact I could use them before I came to China.We have a few Chinese restaurants in the UK, you know.They are really very popular.
  W:Tom, you look funny today!Ah, your shirt.Where did you get this ugly shirt?
  M:Well, it was a present from my grandma.She said it was the most beautiful shirt in the world.What could I say?
  W:Why didn't you wear your own T-shirt?
  M:That's the thing.I don't want to hurt her feelings so I just said I loved it.And she insisted on making me wear it the whole day!
  M:Anna, I had a strange dream last night.
  W:Really, Victor?What is it?
  M:Someone gave me one million dollars.
  W:One million dollars?Well, what did you do with it?
  M:I was thinking about it the whole night.I need a car.I want to go travelling.Then I decided to raise money for charity.
  W:I never knew you were so kind.Did you donate all the money?
  M:No.I was laughing aloud, and then I woke up.
  W:Our flat is too small, dear.
  M:Yeah, I know, but it's in the middle of the city center.
  W:Well, I want to live in a big house with a garden.So I can sit in it and relax.And our son can play ball games there, not in the bedroom.
  M:You talk about sitting in the garden, but now, we haven't even got a balcony!We must work hard, dear.
  M:What about your history class this afternoon, Millie?
  W:We were supposed to have a history class, but Mr Johnson was iii in hospital.So we had a geography class instead.
  M:Your mother and I will go climbing on Saturday.Will you join us?
  W:I'd like to, but I have to take an exam on Sunday.I think I'd better stay at home and study.By the way, will you go climbing in the mountains?
  M:Yes, why?
  W:I know it's summer but it can get quite cold in the mountains even in June, so bring a coat with you.You'll need one in the early morning.
  M:OK, we will.
  An amazing thing happened to Philip yesterday evening.He was walking alone on his way home.Suddenly he saw a lightning in the sky.Then a spacecraft appeared-at least he thought it was a spacecraft.It was orange and white and it was coming closer and closer.Then it stopped a few meters above the ground.He saw two green people inside.They had big ears and small eyes but had no hair.Philip thought they were aliens.He had a camera with him, but he was so shocked that he forgot to take it out.Then he began to feel weak and fell to the ground.An hour later he woke up.He found himself lying on the grass in front of his house.He couldn't explain how he got there.Of course he told his friends about this strange experience.All of them said it was hard to believe.
第一节 听下面五段对话。每段对话后一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳答案,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你将有5秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话读两遍。
1.What are they going to play together?
B.Computer games.
2.Why was the woman at home on vacation?
A.She studied for her exames.
B.She went to the movies.
C.She swam.
3.How many times does the woman take a bus to get to school?
A.Three times.
4.When does the train run once half an hour?
A.On Sunday.
B.On Saturday.
C.On Friday
5.What did the woman use to play?
A.The piano.
B.The guitar.
C.The violin.
第二节 听下面一段对话,回答第6至10五个小题。现在你有20秒钟时间阅读这五个小题。该对话读两遍。
6.When were potato chips invented?
A.In 1853
B.In 1850.
C.In 1835.
7.Who invented the potato chips?
A.A customer.
B.A chef.
C.A boss.
8.Why was the plate of fried chips sent back?
A.They were crispy.
B.They were cut thin.
C.They were cut too thick.
9.What did people think of the thinly, sliced, salty chips?
A.They liked them very much.
B.They no longer ate them.
C.They hated them.
10.What is the passage talking about?
A.A car accident.
B.The way of cooking potato chips.
C.The invention of potato chips.
第三节 听下面一段短文,回答第11至15五个小题。现在你有20秒钟时间阅读这五个小题。该短文读两遍。
11.What does the speaker want to be before he learns English?
A.A tour guide.
B.A flight attendant.
C.A teacher.
12.How many times has the speaker been to English-speaking countries?
13.How does he improve his English?
A.By reading at the school.
B.By speaking at the school.
C.By taking lessons at the school.
14.How long has the speaker been studying English?
A.Two years.
B.A year.
C.A month.
15.How does the speaker like the Hilltop Language School?
1.Where is Bob from?
2.What are they talking about?
A.The time.
B.The weather.
C.The date.
3.What does Sam have to do after meals?
A.wash all his clothes
B.wash all the plates
C.clean the house
4.How will the man go to Beijing?
A.By plane.
B.By ship.
C.By train.
5.Maria didn't go to school because she had to ________.
A.clean the room
B.do some shopping
C.1ook after her mother
6.Where are they talking?
A.In the office.
B.In a supermarket.
C.In the classroom.
7.What would the man like?
C.Green tea.
8.Where did the young man go for the roses?
A.In the street.
B.In a flower shop.
C.At the market.
9.When were the roses sent to the girl?
A.On the girl's birthday.
B.On Sunday morning.
C.On the evening before the girl's birthday.
10.Why did the shopkeeper send ten more roses to the girl?
A.Because he loved the girl.
B.Because he made a mistake.
C.Because he wanted to thank the young man.
11.Where are they talking now?
A.In a clothing shop.
B.In a fruit shop.
C.In a post office.
12.What does the man want to buy?
A.Fruit and drink.
B.Stamps and an envelope.
C.A Jacket and a sweater.
13.How does the man look?
A.He looks quite short and thin.
B.He looks very tall and fat.
C.He looks very slim.
14.What place does the story happen in?
A.the United States.
B.the United Kingdom.
15.Why did the speaker go to a language school every day?
A.He was studying English language.
B.He knew little about English.
C.He wanted to make more foreign friends.
第一节 听下面五段对话,每段对话后有一小个题从题中听给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳答案。听完每段对话后,你将有5秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话读两遍。
1.Where is the supermarket?
A.Beside the library and the restaurant.
B.In front of the library and the restaurant.
C.Between the restaurant and the library.
2.What does Peter's sister want to be when she leaves school?
A.A student.
B.A shop assistant.
C.A shop manager.
3.What should Bill do tonight?
A.Watch TV.
B.See a film
C.Stop relaxing.
4, How long does it take Tom to go to the park?
A.Ten minutes.
B.Twenty-five minutes.
C.Eleven minutes.
5.When was John going to Marcia's house?
A.On Friday night
B.On Friday morning.
C.On Friday afternoon.
第二节 听下面一段对话,回答第6至10五个小题。现在你有20分钟时间阅读这五个小题。该对话读两遍。
6.How many times has Marry been to the aquarium?
7.Where have both of them been?
A.They have been to the theater.
B.They have been to the zoo.
C.They have been to the Museum.
8.When did Mary go to the theater?
A.The day before yesterday.
B.This morning.
9.Why did Peter go to the museum?
A.To visit an ancient scarf.
B.To buy an ancient shirt.
C.To visit an ancient ship.
10.When will they go to the East Lake?
A.This afternoon.
C.The day after tomorrow
第三节 听下面一段对话。回答第11至15五个小题。现在你有20分钟时间阅读这五个小题。该短文读两遍。
11.What did the story-teller see in a tree on the way to school?
A.A little monkey.
B.A little cat.
C.A large monkey.
12.Who shouted at the story-teller?
A.A policeman.
B.A woman.
C.A large man.
13.Who called the newspaper?
A.The story-teller.
B.A woman.
C.A man.
14.What did the policeman think of the story-teller?
15.Why did the newspaper reporter take a photo of the story-teller?
A.To put in the newspaper.
B.To put in the book.
C.To sell in the market.
第四节 听下面一段短文,根据所听内容完成下面表格(每空一词)。
1.How's the weather now?
2.What does the woman think of the movie?
3.What are they going to do?
A.To go hiking
B.To go swimming
C.To go shopping
4.How will the woman to the Forest Park?
A.By taxi
C.By bike
5.Where are they talking?
A.In the classroom
B.In a restaurant
C.In a post office
6.Who's answering the phone?
7.How long has Jim been out?
A.For a quarter.
B.For half an hour.
C.For an hour.
8.Why is Jim out?
A.Because he wants to see a doctor.
B.Because he wants to get some drinks
C.Because he wants to meet his friend
9.What season is it now?
10.What's the woman going to do?
A.To buy a present
B.To walk her dog
C.To visit her father.
11.How old is Billy?
A.13 years old
B.14 years old
C.15 years old.
12.What do people think of Billy's job?
A.Just so so
13.What prize does Billy want?
A.A new CD
B.New clothes
C.A new bicycle
14.Who are the two speakers?
A.Mother and son
B.Father and daughter
C.Brother and sister.
15.Whose turn is it to clean the car?
16.________ 17.________ 18.________ 19.________ 20.________


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