请问哪一个说法正确? Sales director.js 或 director.js of sales

Sales Director: Job Description &...
Sales directors lead and direct sales teams to improve performance and achieve sales goals. They develop strategic plans, prepare budgets, and coordinate sales training programs. A bachelor's degree in business or a related field is typically required.
Sales directors look for ways to increase an organization's revenue and sales. They can work for a wide range of organizations, from marketing firms to wholesale dealers. Although some sales directors may have worked their way up to the position without completing any postsecondary education programs, most have earned at least a bachelor's degree.
Required Education
Bachelor's degree in business, marketing, or a related field is a typical requirement, though significant work experience may be substituted for postsecondary education
Other Requirements
Candidates must be trained to become familiarized with products
Projected Job Growth ()*
5% for all sales managers
Median Salary (2015)*
$113,860 for all sales managers
Source: *U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics
Job Description of a
Sales directors review strategies to increase revenue, often beginning by researching new markets or assigning other professionals to conduct studies of products and consumers. They can then use this information to create sales territories and train associates to sell products and services. Once sales representatives have been properly trained, sales directors may assign them to territories and set sales goals.
Sales directors are also responsible for ove they frequently evaluate sales reports, often looking to capitalize on a particular product or service in the marketplace. Other director duties include meeting with operational and sourcing departments to streamline business procedures and increase efficiency.
Employment Requirements
A bachelor's degree in a field like business administration or marketing is a typical requirement for a career in . Courses that are helpful for would-be sales directors include economics, marketing, and statistics. Some degree programs also require students to complete a professional internship.
Enter the Workforce
Most college graduates enter the workplace as sales representatives or management trainees. During their first several years, new hires become familiarized with products and operational systems. For example, recruits may be required to participate in product training meetings or sales skills seminars. Firms may also assign prospective candidates to a rotation in which they can gain insight in several departments of the firm, such as credit or operations.
Advanced Degree Programs
An advanced degree like a Master of Business Administration (MBA) may enhance employment opportunities. These one- to two-year programs explore concepts in strategic operations and sales management. Students may also work one-on-one with outside companies, gaining experience working with upper management and setting sales goals. MBA graduates may still need some on-the-job training in order to become sales directors.
The Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS, www.bls.gov) projected that employment of sales managers, including sales directors, would grow by approximately 5% between 2014 and 2024. Additionally, the BLS reported in May 2015 that the median annual salary earned by sales managers was $113,860, with the highest average salaries found in New York, Delaware, Massachusetts, New Jersey, and Virginia.
Sales directors increase sales revenue in a company by providing team leadership and guidance. They research new markets, streamline processes, and manage team performance to achieve goals. A bachelor's degree is usually required, but some companies will substitute work experience for postsecondary education.
Sales Operations Guide
School locations:
Online Learning
MBA Dual Concentration in Business Mgmt & Project Mgmt
MBA Dual Concentration: HR & Project Mgmt.
MBA Dual Concentration: BS Mgmt. &
Associate of Science - Business Studies
What is your highest level of education?
Select One...
High School
Home Schooled
Some College/CEGEP
College Diploma
Associate Degree
Bachelor Degree
Graduate Degree
No HS Diploma or GED
School locations:
Online Learning
Doctor of Business Administration
MBA - Marketing
BSBA - Marketing
BS - Business Administration
BSBA - International Management
BSBA - Management
AS - Business
Graduate Certificate - Marketing
Certificate - Marketing
Certificate - International Management
Certificate - Management
What is your highest level of education completed?
Select One...
High School diploma/GED
No High School Degree/GED
Master's degree applicants must have a bachelor's or higher.
School locations:
Online Learning
What is your highest level of education?
Select One...
Some High School
High School or GED
0-30 credits completed (Freshman)
31-60 credits completed (Sophomore)
61-90 credits completed (Junior)
91+ credit completed (Senior)
Associate of Applied Science
Associate of Arts or Science
Associate of General Studies
Bachelor's Degree
Master's Degree
Doctoral Degree
🌟 Graduate faster & save money with
School locations:
Online Learning
What is your highest level of education completed?
Select One...
High school diploma
Some college (1-19 Semester Credits)
Some college (20 or more Semester Credits)
Associate's degree
Bachelor's degree
Post-graduate study
Master's degree
Doctoral degree
Still in high school
Doctorate degree applicants must have a Masters degree
School locations:
Online Learning
DBA in General Business
MBA in General Business
Master of Business Administration - Strategic Management
What is your highest level of education?
Select One...
HS Diploma/GED
Some College
Associate's Degree
Bachelor's Degree
Master's Degree
Doctoral Degree
Have not yet earned HS Diploma or GED
School locations:
Online Learning
Associate's - Business
Business Administration
What is your highest level of education completed?
Select One...
High School
No High School Degree/GED
School locations:
Online Learning
Associate of Arts in Business Administration
What is your highest level of education?
Select One...
High School Diploma
Some College
Associate's Degree
Bachelor's Degree
Master's Degree
No HS Diploma/No GED
School locations:
Online Learning
Diploma Program - Sales Professional
Certification - Sales Professional
Diploma Program - Customer Service Professional
Certification - Customer Service Professional
What is your highest level of education completed?
Select One...
No HS Diploma/GED
Some College
School locations:
Online Learning
MBA in Music Business
MBA in Internet Marketing
International MBA in Internet Marketing
BS Retailing
BBA Business Administration (FUA)
AS in Marketing
AS in Business Administration
What is your highest level of education?
Select One...
High School Diploma or G.E.D.
Associate Degree
Bachelor Degree
Masters Degree
Doctorate Degree
Not yet graduated
School locations:
Online Learning
Doctor of Management (DM) - General Concentration (Executive Format)
Bachelor of Science in Business Administration - Marketing
Bachelor of Science in Business Administration
Digital Marketing
Bachelor of Science in Business Administration - Management
Bachelor of Science in Business Administration - Organizational Behavior
Bachelor of Science in Business Administration - Business Development
Bachelor of Science in Business Administration - General
Associate of Science in Business Administration
What is your highest level of education?
Select One...
High School Diploma
Some College
Associate's Degree
Bachelor's Degree
Master's Degree
No HS Diploma/No GED
MBA Dual Concentration in Business Mgmt & Project Mgmt
MBA Dual Concentration: HR & Project Mgmt.
MBA Dual Concentration: BS Mgmt. &
Associate of Science - Business Studies
What is your highest level of education?
Select One...
High School
Home Schooled
Some College/CEGEP
College Diploma
Associate Degree
Bachelor Degree
Graduate Degree
No HS Diploma or GED
MBA - Marketing
BSBA - Marketing
BS - Business Administration
BSBA - International Management
BSBA - Management
AS - Business
Graduate Certificate - Marketing
Certificate - Marketing
Certificate - International Management
Certificate - Management
What is your highest level of education completed?
Select One...
High School diploma/GED
No High School Degree/GED
What is your highest level of education?
Select One...
Some High School
High School or GED
0-30 credits completed (Freshman)
31-60 credits completed (Sophomore)
61-90 credits completed (Junior)
91+ credit completed (Senior)
Associate of Applied Science
Associate of Arts or Science
Associate of General Studies
Bachelor's Degree
Master's Degree
Doctoral Degree
What is your highest level of education completed?
Select One...
High school diploma
Some college (1-19 Semester Credits)
Some college (20 or more Semester Credits)
Associate's degree
Bachelor's degree
Post-graduate study
Master's degree
Doctoral degree
Still in high school
DBA in General Business
MBA in General Business
Master of Business Administration - Strategic Management
What is your highest level of education?
Select One...
HS Diploma/GED
Some College
Associate's Degree
Bachelor's Degree
Master's Degree
Doctoral Degree
Have not yet earned HS Diploma or GED
Business Administration
What is your highest level of education completed?
Select One...
High School
No High School Degree/GED
Associate of Arts in Business Administration
What is your highest level of education?
Select One...
High School Diploma
Some College
Associate's Degree
Bachelor's Degree
Master's Degree
No HS Diploma/No GED
Diploma Program - Sales Professional
Certification - Sales Professional
Diploma Program - Customer Service Professional
Certification - Customer Service Professional
What is your highest level of education completed?
Select One...
No HS Diploma/GED
Some College
MBA in Internet Marketing
International MBA in Internet Marketing
BS Retailing
BBA Business Administration (FUA)
AS in Marketing
AS in Business Administration
What is your highest level of education?
Select One...
High School Diploma or G.E.D.
Associate Degree
Bachelor Degree
Masters Degree
Doctorate Degree
Not yet graduated
Bachelor of Science in Business Administration - Marketing
Bachelor of Science in Business Administration
Digital Marketing
Bachelor of Science in Business Administration - Management
Bachelor of Science in Business Administration - Organizational Behavior
Bachelor of Science in Business Administration - Business Development
Bachelor of Science in Business Administration - General
Associate of Science in Business Administration
What is your highest level of education?
Select One...
High School Diploma
Some College
Associate's Degree
Bachelor's Degree
Master's Degree
No HS Diploma/No GED
Source: Bureau of Labor Statistics英语 精通 普通话 熟练
MAJOR FUNCTION 主要职能 :Drive the company revenue through setting up of marketing and sales strategies and follow through on the execution of such strategies.通过制定有效的市场销售策略,加以贯彻执行来实现公司的营销目标。MAJOR RESPONSIBILITIES 任概要 :Oversee the operation of Sales.
Set up overall strategies for sales, promotions and advertising.
Ensure that all strategies are set up in line with the positioning of the company’s guidelines.根据公司准则,全面负责制定销售策略,宣传计划,同时确保行之有效的执行。SPECIFIC DUTIES 工作任 :1. Sales Activities
销售活动a. Participate in sales activities by conducting sales calls and meeting with current customers to strengthen relationship with customers, obtain market information and customers’ feedback.通过拜访客户,会现有客户,及时取得客人的意见和反馈,最终加强公司与客户之间的关系。b. Oversee the planning of all sales activities to make sure that there is appropriate sales coverage and effective customer service at all times.制定有效的销售活动计划,并且确保计划能够持续不断,合理有效的贯彻到客户的服务中。c. Ensure all enquires received at sales offices are handled promptly and efficiently.确保销售部门快速,高效地处理解决客户所有的要求以及询问。d. To make certain that the sales team is constantly soliciting new business opportunities and obtaining sales leads through various sources such as newspaper, internet, TV etc.带领整个销售团队通过报刊,杂志,网络等媒介持续不断的开发新的客源。e. To monitor the quantity of sales activities to make sure that all sales associates are conducting sales activities according the set guidelines in number of sales activities per day and call volume etc.通过有效的监督和管理,保证每个销售人员能够根据指定的销售计划和指示,每天执行一定数量的有效销售活动。2. Account Management (客户管理)To ensure that all information related to all accounts are recorded in and filed accordingly, and the accuracy of information in the systems is maintained at all times.确保所有与客户有关的信息,能够准确的输入相关的系统和文件并且一直加以维护信息的准确度。a. Conduct account review and account audit to check on the information obtained for each of the accounts.不断的回顾,审核每条新获得的客户信息。b. Review Call Reports to ensure that all accounts are properly managed.审核所有的客户访问报告以确保所有的客户被合理的管理。c. Ensure that sales call plan is set up by all sales associates and the plan is efficiently used.确保销售人员能够有效的制定并且执行销售访客计划。d. To ensure that sales targets are set up for all sales associates.为销售人员制定销售目标。3. Sales Strategy Planning (销售策略计划制定)a. Conduct weekly Sales Strategy Meeting to ensure all participants are sharing information on competitors’ activities, customer feedback and other market intelligence.主持每周的销售策略会议,带领整个团队分享竞争对手的动态,客户的反馈以及市场的信息。b. To lead the Sales Strategy team in setting up pricing and positioning for all market segments and the pricing.针对市场的不同划分,进行市场定位并制定价格。c. Regularly review the effectiveness of the Sales Strategy and make recommendations for changes if required.有规律的回顾销售策略的有效性,及时的做出有必要的更改。4. Train and develop all sales associates培养销售团队a. Coach and counsel all associates to ensure timely rectification of performance.
To make sure of disciplinary actions if required aim to assist associates in improving their performance.定期的指导评估销售人员以确保及时地提高工作表现,并帮助销售人员能够不断的自我提高,发展。b. To make sure that there is a SMART development plan for each associate to fortify strengths and overcome weaknesses. (SMART = Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic and Timely)为每个销售人员根据“SMART”制定个人发展的计划,帮助每个销售人 员的扬长避短 (SMART = 特殊的,可量的, 可达的,可实现的和时效的) 。c. To ensure that there are guidelines and expectation set up for each associate and follow up on the progress            为每个销售人员建立工作指导方针以及期望达到的表现水平,鼓励员工不断进步。d. Ensure that Director of Sales and Sales Manager conduct on the job training to all associates by arranging joint calls with sales associates and review with them their performance regularly.确保销售总监和经理通过参与客户拜访,让销售人员获得工作上的培训,同时有规律的评估销售人员的工作表现。e. To monitor the sales activities and make certain that all sales associates are conducting business according to the company set guidelines.确保所有的销售人员依照公司设定的指导方针进行销售活动。f. Conduct regular performance review for all managers and keep written record for future follow up.定期的评估销售经理的工作表现,并书面记录存档。5. Prepare periodic reports (准备周期报告)a. Prepare periodic reports for record of sales activities and market analysis. 准备销售活动和市场分析的周期报告。b. Prepare monthly reports and ad hoc reports as required by GMO.为总经理办公室准备月度的报告和适时的报告。6. Public Relations (公共关系)a. Oversee the Public Relations operation and be sure that the day-to-day operation is managed efficiently.全面监督公共关系部门的运作,确保每天的工作流程得到有效的管理。b. Assist PR Manager in planning and executing all company advertising, database management, company collaterals production.协助公共关系经理计划执行所有公司的广告,数据库管理和宣传资料制作。c. Ensure that exposure of the company is maximized at all times through working closely with media and making good use of all company Resources.充分合理运用公司资源,通过与媒体保持良好的合作关系使公司得到充分的宣传。d. Conduct media calls to build relationship with the editors and reporters.通过拜访媒体与媒介记者,报刊编辑建立保持良好的合作关系。e. To monitor the preparation and distribution of all press release.监督所有新闻稿的准备与发行工作。f. Ensure all promotional materials and advertising are done according to the corporate guidelines.确保所有的促销及广告推广内容符合酒店的指导方针。7. Business / Marketing Plan (商业/市场计划)a. Preparation of Business / Marketing Plan and to ensure that all strategies are backed up with appropriate tactics.准备有效的商业/市场计划,并确保所有的商业战略采用了适用的策略。b. Produce periodic action plan based on the Business Plan and ensure that the sales team is conducting business according to the set objectives.根据既定的商业计划,制定定期的销售活动,确保整个团队致力于完成销售目标。8. Office Etiquette & Business Ethics (办公室礼仪与商业道德)a. Ensure that all sales associates are properly dressed in uniform or business attire and the general appearance are according to the company standard.确保所有销售人员的仪容仪表,着装都符合公司的标准。b. Make certain that all sales associates are conducting business accordingly to the company guidelines and local law.确保所有销售人员都能够按照公司的方针以及本地法律来执行商业销售活动。c. In charge of the overall conduct of the sales team such as telephone handling, punctuality, compliance to the company rules and regulations.负责管理销售团队的全面工作,例如电话礼仪,是否按时到岗,遵守公司的规章制度。9. Coordination with other departments and session (与其他部门的协调)a. To ensure a smooth liaison between Sales and Marketing with all other departments.确保市场销售团队和其他部门的协调。b. To take the initiative to act on any conflict or problems in a constructive manner.主动解决矛盾或问题,给予建设性的建议。JOB SPECIFICATION位要求 :Profile of Competency工作能力:? Minimum 8 years work experience in the sales & marketing from a sizeable international organization with at least 3 years at Director of Sales & Marketing position or above. 至少8年大型国际企业销售工作经验,并至少3年担 任销售总监职位? Capable in managing several teams and to drive results through effective supervision and motivation.          能够管理不同的团队,给予有效的管理和鼓励,带领团队完成目标。? Ability to set up sales strategies and tactics and make adjustment according to different business situations.      能够设定商业战略,并根据市场的变化加以及时的调整。? Good interpersonal skills and listening skills.      善于调节人际关系,具有良好的聆听技巧。? Ability to handle and manage different business situations and act on problems according to the set guidelines.      能够掌控不同的市场情况,并在公司设定的条件下及时有效解决问题。? Ability to communicate effectively with various level of management and associates      能够和不同阶级的员工以及管理层有效地沟通。? Ability to provide direction and training to associates and evaluate their performance.      能够指导,培训员工,并对员工的工作表现进行评估。? Able to develop associates and maximize the performance of the team.      能够培养发展员工的潜力,最大化团队的业绩。Language Z言能力: ? High proficiency in written and spoken English and Mandarin.     具备熟练的英语,中文口语书写能力Education 教育: ? Good general education, preferably University graduates.   良好的教育背景,本科学历优先此岗位base在上海,需要出差,***。
上海瑞慕项目管理有限公司(RIMUS)瑞慕服务始于2008年,集团创始于2013年,由多位警界、安防与高端涉外服务领域资深人士共同创立,旨在利用国际先进的管理型安全服务理念,保障客户的各项商业行为顺利圆满开展。秉承洞悉国内外企业客户商业行为风险管控的安全服务需求,融合大中华区的社会人文与商业评况,为商业行为提供专属的、多地多项目的项目制管理和安全服务,并提供持续性稳定的服务保障体系。依托服务于高端及涉外客户之睿智型安全需求的项目管理公司为主体,在大中华区各主要商业发达城市创立自主经营且合法持牌的专业保安公司,同时与遍布全国各省市的几十家专业安全服务公司达成顾问管理的战略合作,成功部署了覆盖全国、100%落地持牌的服务供应网络,搭建起多种类服务、标准化统一管理的服务体系。瑞慕集团以此承诺专业策划、科学管理、贴心服务的服务理念。RIMUS为员工提供:完善合法的社会保险缴纳体系;交通便利的工作地点;优雅舒适的工作环境;全面合法的休假制度;人均一份的商业保险;全面系统的在职培训;每年一次的调薪计划;定期的免费身体检查;人均一份的假日福利。我公司地处上海市繁华地带,毗邻滨江、正大乐城等中心地标,交通便利,主要交通有地铁7号线、12号线龙华中路站(7号出口)可达。为配合公司业务的进一步发展, 现诚聘有志之士加入。一经录用,公司将提供安全、和谐、舒适的工作环境、良好的职业发展空间和极具竞争力的薪酬有意者请将个人简历、相关学历证书复印件及近照提供给我们(请注明应聘岗位)。期待您的加盟!.cn/(非约勿访!)
* 提醒:用人单位招聘人才,以任何名义向应聘者收取费用都属于违法(如体检费、兼职淘宝刷钻等),请应聘者提高警惕!
500000+ /年


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