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The Goldilocks principle states that in a given sample, there may be entities belonging to extremes, but there will always be an entity belonging to the average. Or in other words, in a sample, there will always be a U-shaped distribution. When the effects of the principle are observed, it is known as the Goldilocks effect.
The Goldilocks principle is derived from a children's story "" in which a little girl named Goldilocks finds a house owned by three bears. Each bear has its own preference of food and beds. After testing all three examples of both items, Goldilocks determines that one of them is always too much in one extreme (too hot or too large), one is too much in the opposite extreme (too cold or too small), and one is "just right".
The Goldilocks principle is applied across many disciplines, particularly , ,
An animation used to study the Goldilocks effect in visual attention of infants
and , the Goldilocks effect or principle refers to an 's preference to attend to events which are neither too simple nor too complex according to their current representation of the world. This effect was observed in infants, who are less likely to look away from a visual sequence when the current event is moderately probable, as measured by an idealized learning model.
In , the Goldilocks zone refers to the
around a . The
uses the Goldilocks principle in the argument that a
must neither be too far away from, nor too close to a
to support , while either extreme would result in a planet incapable of supporting life. Such a planet is colloquially called a "Goldilocks Planet".
In , it can refer to a drug that can hold both antagonist (inhibitory) and agonist (excitatory) properties. For example, the antipsychotic Aripirazole causes antagonism of Dopamine D2 receptors in areas such as the Mesolimbic area of the brain (which show increased dopamine activity in psychosis), but also agonism of Dopamine receptors in areas of dopamine hypoactivity, such as the mesocortical area.
sustains moderate economic growth and low , which allows a market-friendly . A Goldilocks market occurs when the price of
sits between a
is a marketing strategy that, although not directly related to the Goldilocks principle, uses
to offer three versions of a product to corner different parts of the market: a high-end version, a middle version and a low-end version.
In , the Goldilocks principle describes the amount, type and detail of communication necessary in a system to maximize effectiveness while minimizing redundancy and excessive scope on the "too much" side and avoiding incomplete or inaccurate communication on the "too little" side.
Martin, S J (Aug 2011). . Autophagy. 7 (8): 922–3. :.   2012.
Muir, Hazel (25 April 2007). . New Scientist.
. . 31 August 2005.
: Hidden categories:goldilocks基本解释n.金发姑娘,金凤花变化形式易混淆的单词Goldilocksgoldilocks的用法和例句A little girl named goldilocks lived in the village .一个叫金发姑娘的小女孩住在这个村庄里。Goldilocks walked in the forest and picked some flowers .金凤花姑娘走进森林,采了些花。We have been living in extraordinary times in a global " goldilocks " economy not too hot , not too cold .我们生活在一个特殊时期,全球均处于“金头发”经济(goldilockseconomy)之中既不过热,也不过冷。Goldilocks was eight years old now .现在戈笛洛克斯八岁了。So how exactly would the goldilocks fabric work ?那么这种不冷不热的材料是如何发挥作用的呢?goldilocks相邻词汇
中文热门查询The Goldilocks Effect
Goldilocks Effect
principle theme of "The Goldilocks Effect" is that of an evolutionary
continuum extending from the formation of stars from just
hydrogen, right through the generation of the chemical elements, the
formation of solar systems, the initiation and development of biology
(and concurrent geology) to the
establishment of human imagination, which provides the medium for the
clearly seen current phase, the evolution of technology.
is a strong directionality throughout these observed aspects of nature.
Despite the fact that chance is undeniably a key factor in
driving these natural processes, there is also a high degree of
inevitability in gross outcomes, which is particularly evidenced by the
various "just right" considerations of chemistry. &It is these
which inspire the book's title.
important sub-topic is that of learning the knack of viewing our
species and, in particular, our minds, in a truly objective way.
become aware of ourselves as societies of cells, or as swarms, rather
than adopting the self-centred introspective mind-sets that we are so
By this means we are able to pin down our special quality, imagination,
the ability to make extraordinarily complex maps of the external
environment within our minds.
Similarly our sense of agency, consciousness, call it what you will,
can be ascribed to an essentially navigational function which has
evolved, of necessity, to cope wth our unusually high degree of
interaction with our environment.
evolutionary patterns we observe can be meaningfully projected into the
future and the vector points strongly towards what is now the
internet replacing biology as the next phase of the on-going life
process. &This aspect is of considerable practical importance
it impacts crucially upon the very survival of humankind.
the years that have passed since the publication of "Unusual
Perspectives" there has arisen a greatly increased& awareness
of these all-pervasive
manifestations of nature's wonderful machinery.
From fields as disparate as archeology (Timothy Taylor), mineralogy,
M Hazen) and psychology (Wasserman and Blumberg) and ecology (Sterner
and Elser)
Petroski, Professor of engineering and history has, in fact, been
nibbling away at the aspect of the evolution of ideas
over many years.
As, even earlier, had George Basalla, and in a rather different
contexts, the gene
ethologist Richard Dawkins.
writers Kevin Kelly and Steven
Johnson, both of whom have been& heavily involved with Wired
magazine and related projects, have also independently joined the fray
with the more widely based new releases "What Technology Wants"
and&&"Where Good Ideas Come From: The Natural History
of Innovation"
these contributions form a patchwork representing parts of the
evolutionary spectrum, according to the area of specialisation, none of
the proponents are sufficiently bold (or foolhardy) as to yet attempt a
seamless integration of these segments over the whole gamut of observed
natural processes such as is provided here.
The closest I have encountered so far is "The Chemistry of Evolution"
by Williams & Frausto da Silva. This excellent work extends and
emphasises points made in "Unusual Perspectives" regarding the critical
qualities of the chemical elements which make biology possible. It also
makes the connection from stellar beginnings through to biology and to
the specialised nervous system& of our species, although the
authors stop short of fully attributing a contiguous evolution of
technology to the process. &
lessons have been learned from feed-back on "Unusual Perspectives". It
be seriously misinterpreted if skimmed (and some find it to be a hard
So in "The Goldilocks Effect" I have tried to provide an account that,
as far as is practicable:&
Is more concise.
Adheres more closely to the main
evolutionary theme.
Avoids unnecessary diversions
and distractions
Outlines the very basic features
of the sciences which provide its framework.
Explicitly rejects any religious
or other superstitious interpretations.
The paperback version can be purchased on-line using your credit card
or PayPal.
The price of NZD 19.90 at present includes free shipping
click on the Buy Now button below to purchase.
The free E-book edition of&"Unusual Perspectives" is still
available for downloadGoldilocks【金凤花姑娘】的这个单词怎么读要有播放器,要听到怎么读,不要音标
/learn/e723bac64dd42268f2ffa038c9627c59/ 翻译有读音的
扫描下载二维码这些英语怎么读啊?(用字或拼音代替)要能拼出来(音标也行)Goldilocks discovered without chair soft complained upstairs grabbed sighed growled cried forgive和forgave sneaking可能有点多 哪个懂外语的就帮帮我把!(注明意思)答好了我把我776分全部给大家
Goldilocks 钩地拉可思 discovered 迪斯 卡 我儿 without 伟日 奥特 chair 切儿 soft 少fu 特 complained 康木 普林 的 upstairs 啊普 思戴尔 思 grabbed 哥 ruai 不得 sighed 赛ei 的 growled 哥ruai哦的 cried 可ruai儿的 forgive 否 给屋 forgave 否 gei 屋 sneaking 思内king这样好费劲 其实你可以用电子词典查一下发音或是去网上看看 这样对发音不太好的~
Goldilocks ['ɡəuldi͵lɔks]discovered[dis'kʌvəd]without[wi&'aut]chair[t∫εə]soft[sɔft]complained [kəm'pleind]upstairs ['ʌp's...
您好Goldilocks ['ɡəuldi͵lɔks] discovered[dis'kʌvəd] without[wi&'aut] chair[t∫εə] soft[sɔft] complained [kəm'pleind] upstair...


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