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BBC One - Doctor Who
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An exclusive scene from a future episode of Doctor Who...
Doctor Who
Adventures in Space and Time.
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We go behind the scenes on Pearl Mackie's first day on Doctor Who.
Watch Pearl Mackie, the new Doctor Who companion, meet her first Dalek.
Things you need to know about the new companion…
Rachel Talalay tells us how the Doctor’s freefall scene in Heaven Sent was created…
BBC Three announce cast for Doctor Who spin off - Class.
Michael Pickwoad takes us through the process of creating the ‘Space Hearse’.
Pearl Mackie gives her first ever interview as the Doctor's new companion.
Click on the image above to catch up on the stuff you might have missed!
Get the latest Doctor Who news and discover more shows with the BBC’s email newsletter.
Learn about making TV through the world of Doctor Who…
Play or create some fantastic Who games!What You Can Do | Climate Change | US EPA
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What You Can Do
What You Can Do
Driving a car, using electricity to light and heat your home, and throwing away garbage all lead to greenhouse gas emissions. You can reduce emissions through simple actions like changing a light bulb, powering down electronics, using less water, and recycling. This site provides more than 25 easy steps you can take at , , the , and
to protect the climate, reduce air pollution, and save money. Take action today! Small steps add up, if we all do our part.
Making a few small changes in your home and yard reduces greenhouse gas emissions and saves you money. Explore nine simple steps you can take around the house and yard to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
Burning gasoline and other fossil fuels releases carbon dioxide (CO2) and contributes to climate change. Take action to reduce your vehicle emissions, reduce the nation's dependence on oil and save money by following the tips on this page.
Business and home offices use a significant amount of electricity for heating and cooling, lighting, and operating equipment. Here are four easy ways to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and help make the air cleaner.
Students, educators, and school administrators can all play a role in reducing greenhouse gas emissions. Here is a directory of some educational and action planning resources to help you.
Did You Know?
to estimate your household's annual emissions and find ways you can cut emissions.
Detailed information and resources are also available for
interested in reducing greenhouse gas emissions.Home - What Design Can Do
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