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◎译  名 坏老师/霸凌女教师(台)/Miss爱教坏(港)◎片  名 Bad Teacher◎年  代 2011◎国  家 美国◎类  别 喜剧◎语  言 英语◎字  幕 中文◎IMDB评分 5.7/10 (99,720 users)◎IMDB链接 /title/tt1284575/◎文件格式 X264 + AC3◎视频尺寸 1152 x 624◎文件大小 1.37G◎片  长 97 Mins◎导  演
杰克·卡斯丹 Jake Kasdan◎主  演 卡梅隆·迪亚茨 Cameron Diaz ....Elizabeth Halsey      贾斯汀·丁伯莱克 Justin Timberlake ....Scott Delacorte      露茜·彭奇 Lucy Punch ....Amy Squirrel      杰森·席格尔 Jason Segel ....Russell Gettis      菲利斯·史密斯 Phyllis Smith ....Lynn Davies      约翰·迈克尔·辛吉斯 John Michael Higgins ....Principal Wally Snur      Dave Allen ....Sandy Pinkus (as Dave 'Gruber' Allen)      Jillian Armenante ....Ms. Pavicic      Matthew J. Evans ....Garrett Tiara      Kaitlyn Dever ....Sasha Abernathy      Kathryn Newton ....Chase Rubin-Rossi      Igal Benyair ....Arkady      Aja Bair ....Devon      Andra Nechita ....Gaby      Noah Munck ....Tristan      Finneas O'Connell ....Spencer / Twilight      Daniel Castro ....Rodrigo (Acne Kid)      Adrian Kali Turner ....Shawn      艾瑞克·斯通斯崔特 Eric Stonestreet ....Kirk      汤玛斯·蓝诺 Thomas Lennon ....Carl Halabi      Paul Bates ....School Superintendent      Jeff Judah ....Janitor      奈特·法松 Nat Faxon ....Mark      Stephanie Faracy ....Mrs. Pubich      大卫·佩默 David Paymer ....Doctor Vogel      Alanna Ubach ....Angela      Christine Smith ....Danni      保罗·费格 Paul Feig ....Dad at Carwash      Deirdre Lovejoy ....Sasha's Mother      Melvin Mar ....Male Teacher (Bathroom)      Rose Abdoo ....School Secretary      Jerry Lambert ....Morgan's Dad      Jennifer Irwin ....Chase's Mom      Christopher Rockwel ....Chase's Dad (as Christopher Rockwell)      David Doty ....Armando the Homeless Guy      莫莉·香侬 Molly Shannon ....Melody (Garrett's Mom)      瑞克·欧弗顿 Rick Overton ....Philip      Danny Trap ....Cowboy at Palace      马特·贝瑟 Matt Besser ....Abraham Lincoln (Tour Guide)      李·爱森伯格 Lee Eisenberg ....Blacksmith (Re-Enactor)      Bruno Gioiello ....Police Officer      Jordan Van Vranken ....Crying Girl      Noah Dahl ....Dim Looking Boy      Jennifer Holloway ....Sheila      Laurie Landry ....Ms. Landry      Jillana Laufer ....Teacher      Keith Middlebrook ....Mr. Vanderbilt      Bridget Shergalis ....Cara  《坏老师》讲述一个女老师(卡梅隆·迪亚兹饰演)的故事。这名老师在被男朋友抛弃之后看上了学校的模特老师(贾斯汀·丁伯莱克饰演),与模特老师的女友展开了激烈的求偶争夺战。  卡梅隆·迪亚茨扮演的伊丽莎白是一个“非主流”的老师,她视学生的答卷为粪土,但是却从来不给学生F;她酗酒、好色、出言不逊、犬儒主义,而且还很狂妄和自大。她常常自诩为是大美女,但却在结婚前夜被自己的未婚夫抛弃;她流连于夜店和声色场所,但却对婚姻和家庭充满了渴望。  不过她渴望的婚姻却并不是那种相夫教子的生活,在她看来,结婚不过是可以为自己带来一张永久饭票,好让自己摆脱无聊、世俗的生活,每天好睡到自然醒,然后出去云雨一番。可是现在,这个心比天高,命比纸薄的大龄剩女却只有窝在一间小学校里教书。在学校里,她四处寻觅着自己下手的目标,她相中了帅气、潇洒而且经济实力颇为雄厚的斯考特。在拐弯抹角地一番客套之后,她得知斯考特还没有结婚,但是有了一个女朋友。斯考特把自己女友的照片给伊丽莎白看,伊丽莎白发现他的女友是巨乳妹妹。女为悦己者容,伊丽莎白为了投其所好,决定去做隆胸手术。可是上课的那点课时费实在少得可怜,于是她便打扮成性感美女,跑到街头为人擦车。这种“出卖色相”的买卖为她在短时间内赚到了不少金钱,却也给她引来了麻烦--学校里的一个呆头呆脑的体育老师看上了她,并向他展开了穷追猛打的追求。与此同时,校园中另一个精力充沛的美女老师艾米也看中了斯科特。看上去伊丽莎白的“爱情事业”已然陷入僵局。  这种复杂的、多变的、折磨人的情感关系显然是出乎伊丽莎白预料的。她深陷其中无法自拔。看上去游戏人生的人,最终会被人生游戏。那么,伊丽莎白能在这种情感的漩涡和冲突中学会什么呢?比较有趣,充满了点子的一部喜剧。                ——《芝加哥论坛报》卡梅隆·迪亚茨的确是适合出演这样的喜剧,角色与她本人的气质很搭。——《芝加哥太阳时报》我觉得除了教师公会之外的其他人都会喜欢这部电影。        ——《好莱坞报道》  本中,卡梅隆·迪亚茨可谓是重操旧业,她扮演了一个疯疯癫癫的喜剧角色,而且这个角色都片中还带有很多成人级的内容。这对于她来说既是轻车熟路,又是颇为简单的。毕竟从二十年前出道以来,她的大多数角色都是卖弄性感、风骚、身段的喜剧角色。对于本片中,一样要卖露性感,靠男人生活的伊丽莎白这个角色,迪亚茨说:“可能会有人讨厌这个角色,但是我不会,因为我不是个女权主义者。再说,这样的角色一样会有很多人喜欢,我自然不会去反对什么。我在拿到第一稿的剧本的时候,就基本决定要出演这个角色了,因为在影片中,这个角色并不是我们想象的那种无所事事,像寄生虫一样的拜金女,而是很懂得自食其力的当代女性。而且她的性格和对人生的感悟在影片的后半段对观众还会很有启发性的意义,所以我认为这个角色还是值得一试的。她的身上充满了矛盾、充满了冲突,这些内容都是我们在平时的生活中会碰到的,这种现实意义也是我很喜欢的。”  在影片中扮演被迪亚茨“看中”的金龟婿的演员是年轻的后起之秀贾斯汀·丁伯莱克。在数年前,他和比他大整整9岁的迪亚茨有过一段并不成功的姐弟恋。此次在电影中,两人再度扮演“准情侣”,二人是不是会有尴尬呢?对于此,迪亚茨说:“并不会有什么尴尬或者是不快。毕竟我们都是职业演员,而且他也用自己的表现和实力证明了自己是一个不错的演员。我们很熟悉对方,所以在拍摄的过程中会有很多的默契和心照不宣的时刻。他的表演很出色,和他合作,感觉很好。”对于这个问题,贾斯汀·丁伯莱克这么回答:“能在一起合作,我们都很开心,因为我们对幽默、喜剧,所见略同。我们是很好的朋友,迪亚茨又是这么著名的喜剧演员,能和她合作我觉得很荣幸。”  导演杰克·卡斯丹很看好这两个人的合作,因为除了两位明星自身的票房号召力之外,以前的种种绯闻也是票房的筹码。卡斯丹说:“我很喜欢这两个演员,他们都是极为聪明的人。和他们合作很简单也很轻松,因为这两个人之间有一种天然的默契。可以说这种默契给我的指导带来了很大的好处,很多镜头和桥段,不需要我的太多指导,他们会很轻松地将我需要的感觉表现出来。”  本片导演杰克·卡斯丹是一个“专门”拍摄R级喜剧的行家。在他的大银幕生涯中,除了《橘子郡男孩》一片是PG13级电影之外,其他的数部喜剧都是R级电影。不消说,这些电影中充满了对性的揶揄和男女之事的暗喻。这部《坏老师》一样是一部R级喜剧,而且杰克·卡斯丹这次专门把目光聚集在了女性和男性的“两性关系”上。在影片中,女性的“胸器”,男人的性激素、做全职太太的拜金思想和爱情争夺战被卡斯丹大加渲染,而且伊丽莎白这个角色,还明显地带有登徒子和拜金女的色彩。对于此,卡斯丹说:“我觉得这么一个故事背景和人物设置比较符合现代社会中的一部分价值观,而且我的主要观众群是年轻的男性,这样的故事更容易让他们产生兴趣。其实我和编剧并没有想要批判什么社会现象,只是我们塑造了这么一个人物,有着这么一种性格,发展出了这么一种故事而已。至于故事有什么意义,并不是我们关心的内容。我的任务就是要把这个故事拍摄得好玩、好笑,就可以了。”  和这么一个颇有个性的导演合作,迪亚茨说自己“很过瘾”。她说:“卡斯丹是一个无所畏惧的导演,在他的面前几乎没有任何障碍,他很懂得如何把一部电影做到极致并且让演员去表演出他需要的状态。有的时候,他会提出一些超过剧本的苛刻要求,然后他会和我们协商并作出一点妥协,这样,他就能得到自己想要的结果,而我们也能在和导演讨价还价的过程中达到自己的目的。他是一个很有趣的家伙,每天都会在片场为我们带来很多很多的欢乐。而且在拍摄过程中,他会说一些笑话,调节现场的气氛。”谈及拍摄这么一部喜剧,贾斯汀·丁伯莱克说:“其实迪亚茨才是这部电影的主角,所有的笑料、笑点和影片的主题都是从她的角色上传递出来的,而我不过是陪衬她的一个配角。导演杰克·卡斯丹是一个很有执行力和感染力的人,其他的几位演员也很有趣,与这么一个强大的演员阵容合作,的确令人怀念。”  除了迪亚茨和丁伯莱克,影片的另外两位主演,露茜·彭奇和杰森·席格尔也都可以算得上是“笑匠级”的人物。和他们一起合作,卡斯丹感到“很愉快”。他说:“他们都是很有趣的人,每天在片场拍戏的时候都会充满了笑声,所以电影拍摄得很顺利。演员们都很会调节气氛,而且他们也很和善,很会与人相处。”·在影片演对手戏的卡梅隆·迪亚茨和贾斯汀·丁伯莱克曾是一对姐弟恋的情侣。·布莱德利·库珀曾经有希望在影片中扮演一个角色,可是未能成行。一篇题为“My English Teacher”的英语作文 提示:Name:Mr.King Age:31 Years of teaching:10 Hobby:...一篇题为“My English Teacher”的英语作文提示:Name:Mr.KingAge:31Years of teaching:10Hobby:playing sports,watching TV,reading,_百度作业帮
一篇题为“My English Teacher”的英语作文 提示:Name:Mr.King Age:31 Years of teaching:10 Hobby:...一篇题为“My English Teacher”的英语作文提示:Name:Mr.KingAge:31Years of teaching:10Hobby:playing sports,watching TV,reading,
一篇题为“My English Teacher”的英语作文 提示:Name:Mr.King Age:31 Years of teaching:10 Hobby:...一篇题为“My English Teacher”的英语作文提示:Name:Mr.KingAge:31Years of teaching:10Hobby:playing sports,watching TV,reading,...Relation with his students:strict,kind,patidnt,...评论:teacher,friend字数要求:100词左右
(括号里可更换你自己的内容)My English TeacherMr.King is my English teacher from (England/America/Australia).Although he is only 31 years old,he has been a teacher for 10 years.He started teaching English in our school (in 2010 or 2 years ago).Everyone in my class loves him because he is a great teacher.He can be very strict when he teaches in the classroom.But he is also very kind and patient with his students.He cares about us and always makes sure that everyone in his class is getting the best learning experience.Outside the classroom,Mr.King likes to play sports.He often goes to the park after school to play (basketball/soccer) with kids from the neighborhood.After a long day of teaching,he likes to watch TV and read at night.We are so grateful to have such a wonderful teacher like Mr.King who is our teacher as well as our friend.** 猫迷英语专家团提供【Real.American.English.】
Mr. Den is my English teacher from Australia. He is 31 years old who has been a teacher English for 10 years. With his well experienced teaching method, everyone, in my class, loves and enjoys the per...
i have a 31-year-old English teacher named Mr .King .She has taught English for 10 years.She is fond of playing sports,watching Tv ,reading and so on .As for us, She is strict,but sometimes kind .She ...
My English Teacher
We have many English teachers, but I think my English teacher is the most special. He is Mr. King, his 31-year-old ...
My English Teacher
Mr. king is our English teacher . he is 31 years old . He became a teacher 10 years ago .
He likes playing sports , so he is very strong . He likes reading an...King: Student feedback could be part of teacher evaluationsGet the news
King: Student feedback could be part of teacher evaluationsState education commissioner suggests there might be other tools, including student feedback, which could broaden the teacher-evaluation process.Post to FacebookKing: Student feedback could be part of teacher evaluations 

 State education commissioner suggests there might be other tools, including student feedback, which could broaden the teacher-evaluation process.

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King: Student feedback could be part of teacher evaluations
Swapna Venugopal Ramaswamy, The Journal News
State Education Commissioner John King acknowledges his introduction by fourth-grade teacher Barbara Parmly at Putnam Valley Elementary School on Monday. He was visiting classrooms and meeting with teachers to observe and recognize their work on the Common Core standards.(Photo: Joe Larese/The Journal News)CONNECT
TWEETEMAILMOREState Education Commissioner John King said Monday that the classroom observation portion of the teacher evaluation system would be a "central issue" for discussion in the Legislature as the state attempts to strengthen the process.King, on a visit himself to observe classrooms at Putnam Valley Elementary School, said it was important to have multiple measures so the observations include evidence of student learning. He suggested there might be other tools, including student feedback, which could be introduced to broaden the evaluations.."There are districts around the state that are piloting the use of surveys and asking for feedback from students and parents about teacher performance," he said. "As the evaluation system progresses, it will continue to evolve over time."
New York State Education Commissioner John King spoke about subjectivity in teacher evaluations during a visit to Putnam Valley Elementary School. (Video by Swapna Venugopal/The Journal News)
Currently, the Little Falls school district in Herkimer County and some schools in New York City use feedback from students on teacher evaluations, according to the state Education Department.The Journal News in September in classroom observations to prevent "effective" teachers from getting a lower ratings. Three weeks after the story was published, the Lower Hudson Council of School Superintendents that said the state formula forces school districts to inflate classroom-observation ratings so teachers do not get poor overall scores.The scoring categorizes teachers as "highly effective," "effective," "developing" and "ineffective." According to earlier plans, tenured educators who received two consecutive "ineffective" ratings were supposed to be subject to an expedited hearing process that could lead to termination.Under the state evaluation system, overall teacher grades are based 60 percent on classroom observation, 20 percent on how students' progress on state tests or other measures, and 20 percent on locally determined assessments.In Scarsdale, regarded as one of the best school systems in the country, no teacher has been rated "highly effective" . It is the only district in the Lower Hudson Valley with that strict an evaluation. In Pleasantville, 99 percent of the teachers are rated as "highly effective" in the same category.The 2012-13 school year was the first time that state English language arts and math tests for grades 3-8 were aligned with the Common Core, and showed poor test results. Only 31 percent of New York's students were proficient. But 91.5 percent of the teachers statewide were rated either "effective" or "highly effective' during the same period. .Asked if the state had any plans to correct what administrators have been calling a "flawed" model, King said Gov. Andrew Cuomo was looking at ways to further strengthen the process and that the introduction of the new evaluation system was resulting in change.King, accompanied by Regent Harry Phillips III, stopped by in every classroom in a whirlwind tour of the school Monday. He said he was encouraged by the work being done by students and praised the administration's commitment to professional development of its staff and to implementing the Common Core standards."I have seen students who are thoughtfully reading challenging text, who are discussing with their classmates and teachers evidence in those texts to support their ideas," he said. "All the kinds of skills students need to develop when they graduate from high school."Principal Margaret Podesta said she was pleased to have King see his work (in support of Common Core) in action."The teachers here are extraordinary," she said. "They have worked hard updating the curriculum and aligning the ELA and math to the Common Core standards."Twitter: CONNECT
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