
Cheap Contact Lenses Online - Compare Prices, Get Advice and Buy Cheap Contact Lenses
Today I was visiting a new optician’s, recently opened in Covent Garden.
They are selling some new and I have been helping them with consultancy services.
Now I’m back home and I’ve written my thoughts on inserting contacts the easy way.
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If you are new to contact lenses, there are 2 things that you will need to overcome – putting your contacts in and taking them out.
Even though you may have got in some practice with your doctor during your fitting exam, you’ll find things to be totally different once you step in front of your mirror at home and try to do it by yourself.
The first thing you’ll notice is that it can be tricky to put your contacts in.
If you are putting them in for the first time, it can be a little tricky getting them in your eye.
With a few days or a few weeks to practice, you’ll be more than comfortable with your lenses.
Always keep in mind that no one is perfect, it takes all of us time to get good at it.
Below, are a few tips that will help you with inserting and removing your contacts.
Putting your contacts in
Before you put your hands on your contacts, you should make sure that you clean your hands thoroughly, and that you dry them off.
Once your hands are clean, sit the contact lens on your index finger.
Next, place a drop of
in the centre of the lens.
Now, use your other hand and pull down your lower eye lid with your thumb then look up with the eye you will be inserting the contact lens into.
Take your index finger with the contact on it and place it into your eye.
Don’t close your eye immediately, rather leave it open a few seconds to let the contact settle.
After a few seconds, close your eye and your contact should be perfectly in place.
If it feels uncomfortable, take it out and try again.
It may take you a few tries, although the more you put them in the better you’ll get at it.
Taking your contacts out
Same as before, you want to make sure that your hands are clean and dry.
When you are ready to take them out, look up with your eye then use your fingers to grab the contact by the sides and pull it out.
You can normally get it out on the first try, with a little practice.
Once the contact is out, blink a few times to clear your eyes.
If it doesn’t want to come out, put some drops in your eye to moisten it up, then try again.
Contact lenses are a great innovation to vision correction, and they are easier to use than most people may think.
Once you have worn contacts for a few days or a few weeks, you’ll find that it becomes second nature to put them in and take them out.
Once you have got the hang of it, you’ll be able to put them in and remove them in a matter of seconds.
New expert advice onnext week, when I write my post.
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&&Posted by
at 5:05 am
Those of you who are looking for a wild, yet unique look would fall in love with the many designs of odd and crazy contact lenses.
These contacts will give you a weird and unique look, depending on what you select.
They are used in Hollywood in many movies, including horror movies to give the killers a strange and sadistic look.
Crazy contact lenses won’t
&&Posted by
at 1:44 am
There are some people out there who wonder why people spend money on expensive contact lenses or expensive glasses.
If you’ve never worn glasses or contacts, then chances are that you have really good vision.
On the other hand, those that don’t have really good vision will need to get either contact lenses or glasses in order to have near perfect vision.
Lense Types
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