中翻英翻译价格 就开始做家务

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She sometimes helped with household chores at home
Sometimes she helped on the home to do housework
She sometimes helps at home doing housework
She sometimes helps at home doing housework
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G​o​ ​f​o​r​ ​i​t​ ​八​年​级​ ​下​册​ ​课​文a​ ​和​ b​ ​全​部​翻​译
你可能喜欢The summer holiday is coming soon.I have made a plan about it. First, I will keep doing First, I will keep doing exercises.Make yourself healthier over.and I will help my parents do housework.I will relax myself during the summer holiday.Finally,I will go travelling with my parents.I will enjoy myse的翻译:暑假即将召开。我有了一个计划,这件事。首先,我会继续做的第一次,会继续做练习。使自己更健康的 over.and,我会帮助父母做家务。在暑假期间,我会放松自己。最后,我将和父母一起去旅行。我会享受 myself.is 好田。 什么意思?中文翻译英文,英文翻译中文,怎么说?
The summer holiday is coming soon.I have made a plan about it. First, I will keep doing First, I will keep doing exercises.Make yourself healthier over.and I will help my parents do housework.I will relax myself during the summer holiday.Finally,I will go travelling with my parents.I will enjoy myse
暑假来临soon.i已作出计划。首先,我将继续这样做首先,我会继续做exercises.make自己的健康,我会帮助我的父母做housework.i会放松自己在暑假期间holiday.finally over.and,我会去我parents.i会享受旅游myself.is好田。
暑假即将召开。我有了一个计划,这件事。首先,我会继续做的第一次,会继续做练习。使自己更健康的 over.and,我会帮助父母做家务。在暑假期间,我会放松自己。最后,我将和父母一起去旅行。我会享受 myself.is 好田。
暑假很快来临。我做了一个计划对此。 首先,我将继续首先做,我将继续做锻炼。做自己我将帮助我的父母做家事的更加健康的over.and。在暑假期间,我将放松自己。终于,我将去旅行与我的父母。我将享用myself.is好tian。
在夏季公众假期是很快来。我作了一个计划。 第一,我将首先,我会继续做运动使自己更健康________,我会帮助我的父母做家事。我会在暑假期间放松自己。最后,我会去旅行,我的父母我将享有自己是善田。
暑假即将召开。我有了一个计划,这件事。首先,我会继续做的第一次,会继续做练习。使自己更健康的 over.and,我会帮助父母做家务。在暑假期间,我会放松自己。最后,我将和父母一起去旅行。我会享受 myself.is 好田。英语翻译现在许多中学生几乎不做家务,对此,老师和部分家长持不同的观点.请根据下列提示,用英语写一篇约120的短文.部分家长的观点——不该做家务——1、年纪还小,不必做家务 2、怕影响孩子的学习 3、只要学_百度作业帮
英语翻译现在许多中学生几乎不做家务,对此,老师和部分家长持不同的观点.请根据下列提示,用英语写一篇约120的短文.部分家长的观点——不该做家务——1、年纪还小,不必做家务 2、怕影响孩子的学习 3、只要学
现在许多中学生几乎不做家务,对此,老师和部分家长持不同的观点.请根据下列提示,用英语写一篇约120的短文.部分家长的观点——不该做家务——1、年纪还小,不必做家务 2、怕影响孩子的学习 3、只要学习好了,不做家务也没关系老师的观点——应该做家务——1、可以培养中学生热爱劳动的好习惯 2、可以培养他们独立生活的能力 3、可以使他们更好地了解生活注意哦,我是高一滴,别拿大学英语给我翻译了……意思是说单词别太高级~
nowadays,students are not doing the housework as before any longer. the points of teachers and parents are varied from each other.some parents think it's not necessary for a kid to do the housework. the young age, the influence on their study is the main ones. what's more, some of them considered it more important to study rather than doing housework.meanwhile, teachers are holding the opposite view.doing housework may bring them the good habit of doing cleaning, as well as their ability to live alone. and sometimes doing it may let them have a better understanding of life.in my point, we should do some housework in order to keep our mood and body in a clean and healthy state.
【网络综合 - 英文写作翻译】 Should Students Do Some HousewoPk?(学生是否应做家务)  1.有的家长认为学生应该做家务;  2.有的家长认为学生不应该做家务;  3.我的想法。  [写作导航]主张孩子应做家务的家长认为做家务可促进智力发展;另一些家长却持相反意见,认为学习是最重要的,做家务耗时费力;然而,“我”却认为学生应适当做些家务,因为这可使他们有责任感,承担起家庭一员应尽的义务;还可使他们更好地理解父母持家的辛苦,同时做家务也是一种体力活,可在学习之余放松身心。  [范文] Some parents think that it is necessary and sometimes important for students to do some housework. Housework is a kind of physical exercise necessary for mental development. Other parents, however, think that it is study that is of extreme importance to students. Priority shou[d first and foremost be given to study both at school and at home. Hence students should be exempt from any tedious and time-consuming housework.  I think students should share some housework with their parents. The reasons are as follows. First, doing some housework can enable the students to have some sense of responsibility. There is a lot of housework in each family. As a member of the family, each one should do his or her share. Since a student is a member of the family, undoubtedly, he is of no exception. In the second place, doing some housework can give the student opportunities to get to know his parents better. By doing housework, a student will know how hard it is for his parents to go to work everyday while raising a  family. He will make even greater efforts in his study later on. Finally, doing some housework can give the student a chance to do some physicalexercises. Since the student has to sit studying most of the time, this is certainly beneficial to his health.  In light of the above, I strongly recommend that those who are not in the habit of doing housework start doing some right now. Your parents will be pleased and you will learn something from it.}


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