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摘 要 目的:调查泰国暖武里府Kret岛4个村的登革热媒介分布情况。方法:捕捉居民室内及室外50m范围内所有积水容器的蚊幼虫,鉴定种类,分类统计指数。结果:从52个阳性容器中收集全部蚊幼虫计148条,从27户居民室内捕获成蚊42只,均为埃及伊蚊。调查居民271户计2 492个积水容器,查到该蚊的积水容器532个,容器指数及布雷图指数分别为21.35和196.31。积水容器中,以饮水缸数量最少,仅占7.26%;其阳性容器数占总阳性数的2.07%。非饮水容 器中,以洗用水缸数量最多,占59.33%;其阳性容器数占总阳性数的44.5%。防制措施:对数量最大、以长期储水为目的的洗用水缸,以投放B.t.i.H-14缓释剂为主;对少量使用频繁、经常加(换)水的饮水缸及洗用水缸,以投放食蚊鱼类为主,辅以B.t.i.H-14缓释剂;对厕所用水池及小型积水容器,如花盘(托)、防蚁碗、小坛罐等,以投放1%双硫磷砂粒剂为主;同时开展健康教育。结论:实施上述措施,可有效控制埃及伊蚊,预防登革热的流行。  关键词 登革热  媒介  埃及伊蚊
Study on Aedes aegypti Control on Koh Kret Islet,Nonthaburi Province,ThailandI.Baseline Survey and Control StrategyHuang Jian-ren*  Li Zhi-jun  A.Tawatsin  et al(*Guangxi Health and Anti-epidemic Center,Nanning 530021,P.R.China)
  Abstract The paper reported the survey results of dengue vectors and their distribution in Koh Kret Islet,Nonthaburi Province,Thailand in April 1997.Identification was made on 42 adult mosquitoes caught from 27 houses and 148 mosquito larvae collected from 52 positive water containers.All of them were Aedes aegypti.Larval survey was carried out in 271 houses.Of 2492 water containers,532 were positive with Aedes aegypti larvae.Among different kinds of water containers,the unmber of drinking water jars possessed the least number,accounting for 7.26% of total containers.Its positive number was 2.07% of total positive number.In non-drinking water containers,the number of jars to store water for daily use was the most,accounting for 59.33% of the total.Its positive number accounted for 44.5% of the total positive number.Different treatment measures were suggested for different kind of water containers.Applying B.t.i.H-14 slow release tablets should be the major measure for daily using water jars which take the major part of water containers and whose function is to store water.However,for a few water jars which will be refilled or changed frequently,stocking larvae eating fish combining with applying B.t.i.H-14 should be the major method.For water tanks in toilets as well as small water containers,viz.vases and holders,ant traps,bottles,tins,etc.,using 1% abate sand granule should be the major measure.  Key words Dengue fever  Vector  Aedes aegypti  近年来,登革热在东南亚地区连年肆疟〔1〕。泰国自1989年以来每年的发病数都在41 000例(1992年)以上,其中1991年发病数达111 116例,至1995年发病数仍达60 559例,病死率达0.3~0.8/10万〔2〕。调查证实,埃及伊蚊是泰国登革热的主要媒介,在一些地区甚至是唯一媒介〔3,4〕。为进一步探索在泰国控制埃及伊蚊的途径,根据我站和泰国医学科学院合作研究协议,从1997年4月份起在曼谷郊区的暖武里府Kret岛建立合作研究现场试点。本文为第一阶段工作报告。1 研究基地概况  Kret岛位于曼谷郊区,由一段弯曲的湄南河和一条人工运河切割而成。面积4.12(km)2,四周与城区隔河相距500~800m。岛上共有7个村庄(编号为1~7村)、5个寺庙、3所小学和2所卫生站,共有居民家庭1 114户6 078人口。岛的形状呈椭圆形,长约3km,宽1~2km,居民住区分布在岛的四周近河地带,中间为果园和树林,园林区长宽均在1km左右。岛上气候炎热,年平均温度在25℃以上,年降雨量在2 000mm以上。岛上居民大多从事商业、小手工业或渔业,家庭积水容器较多,平均每户人家拥有9.2个。1995年该岛曾发生登革热流行。我们在岛上从52个阳性容器中收集全部幼虫148条作种类鉴定,均为埃及伊蚊。从27户居民室内人工捕获成蚊42只,经鉴定也全部是埃及伊蚊。2 材料与方法  为了便于分设处理区和对照区,选择环岛连片村庄Tha Nani(5)村、Sao Thong Taung(6)村、Aum Kret(7)村及与这3个村对面距离约1km、前后相对独立的Sakul(2)村作基础调查。工作人员分成两组,用手电检查每户室内及室外50m范围内所有积水容器,发现蚊幼虫用吸蚊管吸出,鉴定种类,并按积水容器分类统计指数。3 结果与分析  在4个村共调查居民家庭271户,有各类积水容器2492个,发现有埃及伊蚊的阳性户165户,阳性容器532个,其容器指数及布雷图指数分别为21.35和196.31(表1)。  岛上积水容器主要为两大类,即饮水容器和非饮水容器(表2)。
表1 泰国Kret岛埃及伊蚊密度调查  (~25)
  注:2 Salakul N5 Tha N6 Sao Thong T7 Aum K下同
表2 埃及伊蚊在不同类型积水容器分布情况(Koh Kret ~25)
  在饮水容器中,由于当地居民饮用水主要购买由专业公司统一生产供应的20kg小口瓶装水,比较清洁卫生,这一类饮水容器一般不会有蚊子滋生;只有少数用水量较大的饮食服务行业用水缸盛装,但这类容器数量少,只占总积水容器数的7.26%,而且这类容器一般都盖得很严,蚊幼阳性率较低,阳性数只占总阳性数的2.07%。由于这类容器使用、加水较频繁,在防制上若用B.t.i.H-14或双硫磷砂粒剂,浓度易被冲稀而影响效果;对这类容器应以放养食蚊鱼类为主,辅以B.t.i.H-14缓释剂。当地一种观赏鱼种网斑花鱼 将(Poceilia reticalata),个体小(约0.5~1g重),但主动攻击和吞食蚊幼能力很强〔5〕,且鱼源多,可以就地取材,每缸可投放1~2尾,发现缺鱼及时补上。  在非饮水容器中,以洗物用的日用水缸数量最多。这些水缸一般也都有盖,蚊幼阳性率仅16.05%。但由于水缸数量多,占总容器数的59.23%,其阳性数占总阳性数的比例也高达44.55%,是防制蚊幼工作的重点,以投放B.t.i.H-14缓释剂为主(当地产品每片含量60万单位,每月投放1次,每次每缸投1~2片)〔6〕。对厕所水池及一些小型积水容器,如花盘(托)、防蚁碗、小坛罐等,应以投放1%双硫磷砂粒剂为主(当地产1%双硫磷砂粒剂对蚊幼可维持3个月的效果,使用浓度为1ppm)〔7〕。  健康教育是控制埃及伊蚊的一项不可缺少的长期措施。调查显示当地群众的卫生意识一般较强,工作人员向他们讲解并发送登革热及埃及伊蚊防制宣传小册子和一些防护用品时,很受欢迎。只要把道理讲清,上述几项具体措施群众都能接受,有的还主动配合,要求工作人员把鱼和药品投放在自家水缸内。因此,健康宣传教育是保证技术措施得以落实的关键,应长期坚持。
作者单位:1 广西壮族自治区卫生防疫站(南宁 530021);2 泰国卫生部医学科学院
参 考 文 献
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Rats ginakhavs, vegar nakhav
Mikhail Edisherovich Chiaureli (Micheil Chiaureli) was born on February 6, 1894, in Tiflis, Russian Empire (now Tbilisi, Georgia). In 1916 he graduated from the School of Painting and Sculpture in Tbilisi. Young Chiaureli made his acting debut on stage as an amateur in 1910. In 1914 he married actress Veriko Andjaparidze, they had two sons and a daughter, named Sofiko Chiaureli. In
he took part in organizing the Revolutionary Theatre of Satire in Tbilisi. From
he lived in Germany and worked as a sculptor and continued his career as a sculptor and artist after his return to Tbilisi in 1924. From
he was an actor and director of Krasny Proletkult Theatre in Tbilisi. From
Chiaureli was Artistic Director of Georgian Theatre of Musical Comedy.His film career began in 1921 with a leading role in the silent film 'Arsena Jorjiashvili' (1921). He continued playing leading and supporting roles in silent films during the 1920's. 1928 Chiaureli became a film director at Goskinprom studio (Sakhkinmretsvi, then renamed Tbilisi Kinostudia). His silent film 'Khabarda' (1931) became a popular comedy and won critical acclaim. Chiaureli made the first sound film in Georgia, 'Ukanaskneli Maskaradi' (The Last Masquerade 1934). He turned to historic films during the 1930's and 1940's under the dictatorship of Joseph Stalin. His political film 'Velikoe Zarevo' (They Wanted Peace 1938) was a typical Soviet propaganda film, for which Chiaureli received his first Stalin's Prize. Chiaureli made a two-part biopic about Georgian national hero Didi Mouravi (Great Mouravi) Giorgi Saakadze covering the history of the 16th and 17th century Georgia, and was awarded two Stalin's Prizes.Joseph Stalin made Chiaureli his personal friend and a regular guest at private parties in Kremlin and at Stalin's Dacha near Moscow. Stalin used Chiaureli's talent to make films in the line of Soviet propaganda. Chiaureli had to serve the leader. He embellished the image of Stalin by using a tall and handsome actor Mikheil Gelovani in the role of Stalin. Stalin liked the embellishments and personally approved actor Mikheil Gelovani, who depicted Stalin in all Chiaureli's films. He depicted Stalin as an Almighty leader of great wisdom and limitless power in several propaganda films. However, he made a diligent effort as director of 'The Fall of Berlin' and 'The Battle of Berlin' (1949) and was awarded the Crystal Globe at Karlovy Vary, and was again awarded the Stalin's Prize in 1950.After the death of Stalin, Chiaureli lost much of his clout in Moscow and fell out of favor with Nikita Khrushchev. Chiaureli was removed to Sverdlovsk and was placed at the Sverdlovsk Film Studio. There he was limited to low-budget films and had little or no success. He moved back to his hometown Tbilisi in 1957 and made several films starring his wife Veriko Andjaparidze and his daughter Sofiko Chiaureli. His last feature film was nostalgic and pholosophical 'Rats ginakhavs, vegar nakhav' (aka.. Inye nynche vremena or You Cannot See What I Had Seen. 1965). Chiaureli turned to animation during the last decade of his life. His sarcastic cartoon 'Rogor damarkhes tagvebna kata' (aka.. Kak myshi kota khoronili or "How mice buried the cat" 1969) was based on a satirical painting about the funeral of Tsar Peter the Great, alluding to politics around the death of Stalin. Micheil Chiaureli died on October 31, 1974, in Tbilisi, Georgia.
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张钰上钢琴大师Eteri Andjaparidze的大师课,Eteri Andjaparidze是第五届国际莫斯科柴可夫斯基大赛第四名,同时也是最年轻的参赛者;她是首位获得蒙特利尔国际钢琴竞赛头等奖的苏维埃钢琴家。


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