用 (简单是) 造句,关于自然的不同意思造句

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表哥在美国求职时,曾遇到这样一个面试题:请用“快乐”造一个句子。这太简单了,表哥脱口而出:“我们很快乐!”考官没有微笑点头,他问:“你怎么知道我很快乐?”   我们从小都习惯用“我们”造句,而且不觉得有什么不对,但那个美国人就钻牛角尖似地指出,你不诚实。在他看来,面谈的上策是诚实,而最诚实的做法,就是说出你自己的感受,自然表哥失去了那份肥差。   后来又去另一家大公司寻找位置,一连闯过好几关,终于到了与总裁面谈的最后一关。   那天,总裁请他坐在面对他桌子角的一张很低的沙发上,眼睛平视过去,竟然仅及总裁的鞋尖,更糟的是他坐的位子角度,迎向他目光的是一整排的灯光。   这时,表哥感到不适,眼睛会不停地眨,有种在禁闭室里录口供的感觉。当即,他站了起来,客气地向总裁表达自己不舒服的感受,希望换一个位置。总裁觉得奇怪,问其他考生不是都好好的,你为什么敢提出这样一个要求?   “吃一堑长一智”,的表哥微笑地回答:“因为我和他们不卜样。”总裁很高兴地站了起来,径直走向表哥,拍拍他的肩说:“年轻人,你通过了。”   是的,每个人都有一张王牌,那就是你自己;最简单也是最有效的出牌方式,就是用“我”造句。。。
想起了上小学的时候,有这么一个题目 用“非常”造句,班里的一个同学既然造了这么一个句子------老师让我们用非常造句
为兴趣而生,贴吧更懂你。或此页面上的内容需要较新版本的 Adobe Flash Player。
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发布时间: 17:05:18来源:互联网
用produce造句.用widely造句为方便同学们学习,现将张培老师的英语上课课件分享给大家。注意:此课程适用于2015哈工大、山大考研学员。用produce造句.用widely造句由于文章比较长,为方便阅读,可以点击右上角的按钮,发送邮件至个人邮箱,然后下载内容进行复习。it is widelyit is widely1--2--1---2014 in vain 2---测试 23---science and technology would cureall the ills of humanity. ( 2013)简单词汇sound ---&sound development ofeconomy ---健康的environmentally sound society / = green society ----I am at home in English writing. be at home in sth 3&be good at / good&bad / I think ..I am a good student .I am a top student.input ---output&精讲核心词汇---高频---用法多---难度大2---深度剖析词汇的复习误区。3---掌握词汇的考点4---打通词汇在各个题型中的考法cloze&reading& Writing按照频率按照题型home market =domestic market=internal market &&闪光点---20---10&context / illness problem ill --- n /a/ ill impact --- writing have ill impact on sb /运用--得分--深入--2014--简单--标准化阅读---4篇传统阅读40--&难点1--词汇--5500---5498---depth ---难点2---选项的设置2011---7& sit for the bar / the bar ---美国的律师界bar ---v. &&bar sb ___ doing sth / from ---keep / stop / prevent / protect / shield / safeguard / guard / ban / prohibit/ from--- &&&&come from / date from / stem from/ result from . arise from ./ evolvefrom---evolution 随着经济的发展,as the economy evolves /advances/surges at an incredible pace, with the development of economy , &&/ originate from / derive from / original / origin --___ painting / original .. crude / raw raw materials crude oil --crude / 2--归类---主线&&sit for the exam attend / take &&law school / school --- business school ...graduate school / ---&attending graduate school pays. &a school offish ---a school of 一群feed 喂 2007 Text 1&&sth / doing sth pays. --in the course of preparing for the coming test, industry pays. 勤奋industry ----industrious / industrial ---education pays. 0基本功---&&&&&&&a panel of 专家组一组---panel discussion 中国--- In China / in the Chineselandscape,/& in china /Japan/ japan/ prominent =outstanding /famous =distinguished =famed=celebrated// put forward / a string of =a series of =a range of =atrain of =a succession of 扩展---succeed 语境--库克/ success / successor /successive / succession / successful / 辨析--&/ novel idea/ 新奇的新颖的 造句---相关部门应该采取一系列有效而具体的措施来扭转这个不好的趋势。-----departments /parties concerned / involved are supposedto do effective and concrete moves to reverse /turn back ___ trend. /an ill /拆分---dead president / 语言---约定俗成2000--- we are running in the red. --bed / red be in the red / 赤字run ---&&&be in the black governments at all levels should take effectivemeasures to pull our economy out of the red / the recession 外刊--同源HSk ---汉语托福QS&mouse potato ---网虫浮躁physical condition 身体状况---背physical condition / physicalbooks / 实体的------paperless books will not take the place of physicalbooks in the years ahead, &/ physical store---online store ---virtualstore / &,/ physicalscience / 自然科学---abandon oneself to ---abandon A ___ B /for -----为了I am for novel idea / be for ---支持赞成--2001--- abandon A for B ---- abandon A in favor of B变形--细--abandon --- forsake A for B stress A __ B over ---超过&&impressive( 出色的) English muscle gives me anedge over my peers. / advantage - a host of problems impressivelystand out.& 写作---词汇学习的五大原则精读--- extensive reading& intensive reading / hyper-intensive reading--精细哈工大飞信山大飞信tight / mean ---名词,动词,形容词,副词---、&&___ budget / cut /reduce / shrink /cut back / scaledown / trim / slash /tight / ----tighten ____ control over the press / (2001 cloze _tighten / fasten 加紧抽象名词fasten ---加紧---具体名词---& fasten seat belt tighten ---具体名词,抽象名词tighten one's belt 2004 reading ---do some belt-tightening tighten + 抽象handsomemean ---v. mean value 吝啬的--- meanness even number ---odd number ---odd , low-level staff / odd workers / staff ---temporary workers / disposable workers private school /--independent college 独立学院-----&&across the nation-----写作--、allover across / around the society / around the globe /throughout / worldwide / globally / 英文表达的多元化--避免重复--&swell / 膨胀swelling population population expansion 教师下岗---预算缩减---教室规模膨胀?40& 40 合班阅读---方法undermine --削弱decades-long push / 努力---想法---现实?主题---越来越大&&over the past two years, &时间---举例2005 ,& 2010。。。主题---举例----8---40 ---&fit morestudents in classrooms. / fit 容纳&&the increases / ---定冠词---指代&it . this& that . those / them& so...reverse a trend = turn back embrace research finding / y拥抱-----欣然接受---embrace tough challenge / finding that smaller classes foster higher achievement. 微信公众平台weihaigaolian不能上清明节课的同学,发送姓名至微信号&&&---物质条件---0&&&former / ex-president 美钞词汇--一定要语境--& 搭配句子段落文章用法--7--- 04-- 00 98 1980---1998经济学人-- 20经济学人中文网---普特听力---新闻周刊team up to /携起手来做某事---input ----joint venture do/ get / make make/drive/drive up common /shared /joint /combined effortsto do sth --let's join our forces / hands to do sth take on / 承担---对抗--fit/ embrace fast-growing ------in the fast-growing society, / &&in the increasingly competitive society, --in the contemporarysociety, ----2013Steve Jobs/ the late Apple's co-founder, 多样化attempt to do sth ---try to do sth try one's best &do all in one's powerto do sth /in an attempt to&/ =in order to / to = in an effort to =for the sake of = for the purposeof regain leading positionin the sector / =smartphone market public servant &play a ____role in / --重要的 significant /vital ---关键的---critical /crucial / key think critically /critically injured = seriously = badly = severely = gravely &---主导的 leading /dominate ---dominant ---dominating dominance -- predominance 2007---dominating factors &---&&不可或缺的indispensable ---决定性的 /decisive ---词性---2012---optimistic/optimism / optimistic state ofmind / frame of mind / mentality/ attitude/ positive/ active &is very important to us. optimism is of intense / supremesignificance to us..---optimism matters /counts muchto us. ---the significance of optimism cannot be over -emphasized. &&&migrant workers ---民工---mingong/ mingongs ---2010---hotpot -- huoguo /2011--小作文---推荐信电影名称---让子弹飞--2012 &&2013 --- 真实性production might=productivity flock to =flood into=surge into =pour into =sweep into =swarm into / 2014economic reform/ late&&&经济类---经济改革---经济危机economic crisis -economic turmoil ---经济周期--economic cycle / marketcycle ---经济圈---economic circle --- field / community &&European communityEuropean Union &native forest community health care communityinternational community ---international society --语境&&一体化--human-machine integration &---&&&&&&经济繁荣economic boom / booming economy economic prosperity --经济衰退economic recession economic slowdown economic slide economic downturn slowing economy softening economy --经济萧条economic depression the Great Depression 03----经济复苏economic recovery economic revival / revive--- viv ---生命lifesurvive ---survivor vivid ----相关性----经济泡沫--economic bubble left-behind children 教育unfair &fight to 致力于、fight against &/ control inflation deflation---interest rate / exchange rate / crack down on 打击=curb/ property speculators 房地产投机商--property price=home price=house price --property / properties 性质属性--property. n 资产;财产;房地产;(pl) 性质,属性security / securities social security securities firm 证券ground / grounds &地面----理由&根据in the long ___ / run / term / range in a different ___ / way manner / fashion 区分度 170---1000.33---0.55English Testing --考点84---11--2&--2010--- 4 --4原命题组2007---上海第二军医大学---冯小诗教授考点&&speculate --多义投机&/in the years ahead.= in the years to come== in the days ahead =in the foreseeablefuture / eye-catching /=in the not-too-distant future /造句--- 各级政府应该采取及时的措施来打击制造假冒伪劣商品的人。-----governments at all levels should do timely/immediate moves to crack down on people / folks /figures who produce fake and inferior goods / products/ items / stuffs / articles .explosive articles /---accessible toilet /figure 的考点---public figure / figures/data indicate that / shapeone's figure / /// --年轻人应该在与这个不好的趋势做斗争方面起领导作用。--- young folks /young figures / young adults /&young guys play / take a leading role in fightingagainst this ill trend / ill=evil =unfavorable =undesirable head home --- 简单地道cut heads &&indentured 有合约在身的;plight / mentally challenged/ physically challenged / the physically challenged 2008--thedisabled / disabled people the handicapped &/ trigger/spark /spur /stir up concerns / across thenation / 2005---the plight of senior citizens is triggering widespread and mountingconcerns across the nation. ---思维--为我所用--mounting examples show that --young folks in mounting numbers /an increasing number of / &&&Dear Sir, &&---immediate moves / immediate relatives immediate impact --在未来--写作用in the future / in the near future --- in the comingyears &&&生产---n / 力量&let zidan fly / let zidans fly / let bull fly zhaoshiguer the Orphan of Zhao/ 写作--水平和能力的集中体现30--10--8 520--11 15--17满分作文---高分作文优秀范文migrant --&修饰-----&&found / co-co- / con / com / cor / combine / company / cooperation - coordination /colleague ----late father ---late + 人&&&-reading and writing mutually reinforce. &造句---在当今社会,越来越多的老年人受到他们成年子女的虐待。in the contemporary society , an increasing number ofsenior citizens are abused /ill-treated by their ___ kids. adult / /grown-upstockholder /test-takerdegree-holder time-consuming /abuse --ab- / abnormal acts /use--/ abuse / used second-hand / disuse / misuse / misfortune ban---temporary ---temporarily &___ comments /make post / remark post---前缀post-war / post-modern / pre-post--名词职位=position____ post /bare / hollow / blank /vacant / &margin 优势narrow 后置定语---动名词--过去分词---从句---不定式---介词或介词短语---形容词trend not uncommon circulate ---循环传播circulating Newspaper circulation production ----writing ---Sina Weibo, ....subtle difference deal with / cope with ____ the problem successfully.英英life-long education &&&&Inflation is far lessof a threat than a deepening recession. less A than B ---比较结构not least because ---尤其是因为定语从句------后置定语---并列结构heated issue ---hot topic --- hot button /social focus/ preservative --preservemake headline ---丑闻---“门”water Gate --- 拉链门--专注--快乐考研stand out ---&&&ink a bill bill--账单let's split a bill AAink---形象化shoulder the responsibility shoulder the cost /flood into / pool the data / poolall resources/ 收集汇集inject money into impose ...on ---in the course of preparing for the postgraduate entrance examination, my parents impose unbearable stress on me. ---&&power ---abuse one's power / power plant / power the auto / power shortage/ car dump--- 倾销immunity --法律--immune &---be powered by car / auto / automobile / vehicle / motor / motorcar...&&more A than B more than&& 变形I am more thandelighted to invite a panel of scientists to attend this meeting. &bidding to/ in an attempt to &/ differentiate/ increasingly competitive / launch / introduce/ unveil tablet / run 4G---recall cars &&造句---为了在日益竞争激烈的就业市场上突出自己,大多数大学生计划在毕业后攻读硕士学位。bidding to differentiate themselves in this / theincreasingly competitive job market, &the bulk of / the majority of college students intendto //are scheduled to ___ master degree after graduation. / pursue Darwinis a good observer,....... 服务器on the other hand, --&---达尔文、达耳文---、大卫、&&&&develop anti-virus software &&&&1---按照重要性顺序排列2---六大考点会交叉出现heavy / heavy rain / heavy smokers / heavy news / heavy metal / 4news coverage / coverthe news 模拟题---精读--- 1--2014-- 5---8---22---深度---82---500---5重大新闻--heavy .breaking news / explosivenews / develop/cultivate the habit / develop/catchthe disease / develop the software / develop the market / tap /exploit mental disorder free---a. ---v. about / some / the estimated /roughly buy ---购买--____ buying power huge/substantial / considerable /enormous /handsome &for all handsome benefits of cloudcomputing, it has a wealth of potential risks.------writing ---利弊共存double-edged sword every coin has two sides. every corn has two sides every side has two corns I am at a loss over words. / I am speechless. in my opinion / as far as... 160--&&&&for all handsome benefits of ___ 主题词,ithas a wealth of potential risks. --benefits and risks. merits and demerits. grave ---a.& 严重的&&&&account ---for sb ___ / assume / hold / maintain / insist / deem /contend / ...some ---3assume the responsibility. address/tackle /fix/smooth over the problem / addresssb / &address/deliver a lecture acute --人---聪明的睿智的acute disease /chronic acute / cute cute=love/ lovelylovely child /love child conduct a survey conduct --- n& 行为apparent home ___ /instrument / equipment &rage ----路怒---cloud one's reputation ---形象化---spark debate / trigger / spur / fuel 3--4 与时俱进google ---n..v AI---&CIA agency 情报--information UFO--- unknown flying object unidentified / identify ---MBA---master of business administration ---marriage but alone ---mentally below average BMW --- bring more women ATM 阿童木---奥特曼ruling class ---crude oil / crude / heavy industry / shrink &相互组合say +/ ,say, --- 例如&研究对象---实验对象weather bad times 造句---我们大学生非常乐意帮助残疾人度过难关。we college students are more than willing to help /assist the physically challenged weather bad times. &pose a grave threat to sb / sth 空气污染对我们的身心健康构成了严重的威胁。---air pollution poses a grave threat to our physical andmental /psychological health/fitness /wellbeing. 名词,动词,形容词,副词,介词--noun-based learning 1---体现在对文章主题的把握。2---体现在传统阅读理解的解题。---有机联系3---体现在作文高分上。&&green environment /society ---pollution-free / environmentally sound/eco-friendly --5--2003---spoil how to plant trees 0浙江上海--20--苏州大学---南京江南大学---南京3&& 12& 1553--19---网络-----Internet /net /web /www/ network / cyber / cyberspace / the virtualworld / the electronic world /. the interconnected world / the wired world /online world / cell phone / mobile phone / handset /hand-held phone/wireless phone / portable phone ---portable computer merge ---&&&&there are a wealth of / a host of drivingforces/factors /elements /shaping factors giving rise to the trend. /a host of driving forces are at play / at work behindthis trend. //&&the trend is attributed to a host of drivingforces.---food safety has become /emerged as / grown into asocial focus, sparking mounting and widespread concerns. &&undoubtedly, / unquestionably, / there is no/littledoubt that ---it is beyond disputethat online shopping has produced / exerted /yielded / generated widespread/wide-ranging and profound /far-reaching/ deep-going impact on our daily life. when it comes to this issue , opinions vary. /differ./ opinions are far from equal. ---we are divided. ---we are split. ---&&the Internet cuts both ways. = the Internet has both bright and dark sides. =the Internet has fed positively and negatively intoour ordinary life. &do belt-tightening &folks are increasingly aware of /are increasingly consciousof the intense /supreme significance of obeying /observing / abide by / conformto / stick to / adhere to / comply with public morality. ---&public morality /mortality moral / mortal &/ traditional core values / moral decline / Chinais witnessing sharpdecline in moral values. &&sharp rise / sharp decline / sharp increase / sharpcontrast / sharp difference . folks are increasingly aware of the supremesignificance of ___ 主题词。&&____/taking / holding /keeping/maintaining optimism /optimistic attitude counts much. /matters much. a host of high-achievers /top-performers attribute/ascribe/owe/credit their ____success to it. earn credits / unparalleled / parallel be parallel to / it is widely accepted that / it is widely acknowledgedthat cooperation pays. / pays off . it pays to do sth &&&according to a latest survey conducted by Sina Weibo,the Chinese counterpart of Twitter, the vast /overwhelming majorityof folks support / back boycotting ...dating shows --- / / &in current stage , protecting environment tops/is on the top of / at the top of &our priorities. / schedules /agendas/timetables priority ---&stage ---stage a campaign =launch / initiate / initially, counterpart / counter OTC--over the counter &&IM--Instant Messaging即时通讯--- QQ--OICQ Oh, I seek you ICQ-- / / / / cloned products / &been widely


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