求解一元一次方程这篇英语写作有什么语法错误 求帮忙改正

2.1 语法混乱
2.2 选词不当
(1)例如颜色词红色。在中国,它象征了吉祥、喜庆、热烈、欢乐等文化内涵。过新年时,门上贴红对联,门前挂红灯笼;结婚时,新人穿大红衣服、屋里贴大红喜字;新生婴儿降生时,主人会请大家吃红鸡蛋。红色也象征着美丽、漂亮,如女子盛装叫&红妆&,女子美丽的容颜叫&红颜&。红色还有消灾避邪、好运之说。如本命年穿红衣服,系红腰带。然而英语里的红色则多有其他方面的意思,如red ruin火灾,red ink不是红墨水而是财政赤字。另外中国人俗称的红娘被称作go&between而不是red girl,红茶是black tea而不是red tea, 眼圈红了是her eyes became moist而不是be&came red,汉语的&红眼病&表示嫉妒之意,译为green eyed而不是red eye,红豆在汉语里表示爱情,译成love pea西方人就比较容易理解了,如果译成red pea只会让人想到红色的豆子。另外外国人结婚穿白、葬礼着黑和中国人的红白喜事也截然不同。
(2)例如&龙&。汉语文化中, &龙&是神圣的、权威的、帝王的象征,它给人们带来希望和光明,因此我们常有&望子成龙&一说。其它带&龙& 的词语还有&鲤鱼跳龙门&,&乘龙快婿&, &龙马精神& 等。而西方人却认为drag&on(龙)是一条拖着长尾巴,满身长鳞,口中喷火,有双翼的巨大蜥蜴,在人们心目中是可怕的、凶恶的象征。所以我们在说&亚洲四小龙& 时,应将其译为four tigers而不是four dragons。
(3)例如许多同义词的译法。汉语中我们常说下大雨,大山,大人物等,而在英语中我们不能简单的用一个big来翻译,而应根据所修饰的不同对象选用不同词语。如以上词语应翻译成heavy rain,huge mountain,great person.汉语中的青丝,青山绿水,青天也应相应的译为black hair,greenmountain and water,blue sky.
2.3 句型单一
2.4 习语翻译不当
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改正英语语法常见错误 来提升雅思写作成绩
主谓宾(或其中的部门语素)搭配不当是中国考生在写作训练中泛起的很典型错误。我们举小作文的常见表达方式为例:当主语是percentage/proportion of...时,谓语通常都是is;而当用the number of ... 做主语时,谓语则采用表示“占据,据有”的词take up、make up、cover等等。有些考生在学习的时候对此很明确,但实际到自己需要书写时往往会健忘详细的要求。
例句一:In the modern society has a lot of influence on the way people manipulate telecommunication equipments. 题目:“In the modern society”是状语成分,不能作为主语,假如想留存状语成分,那么必需要在society和has之间添加一个主语才可以。
例句二:The cell phones in the modern society have used the latest functions to promote the communication efficiency. 题目:手机不能够使用最新技术来进步沟通效率,主谓宾的搭配不恰当。
例句:The government measures, which has negative influence on corporate employees, also poses as a threat to the benefit of the employers. 这个长句看起来结构很准确,但较难发现主语和谓语的单复数搭配不当,因此建议泛博考生在写句子的时候就把需要留意的语法点想清晰,也省却自己检查时的麻烦。
急求 谢谢了
改6个错误的 追加100分Ladies and gentlemenWelecome to our school All of our school student are happy to see you can visit our school .We think if you visit our school,we can learn more about American and what is American school like.Our teachers can learn how to teach students in America so that we canmake our class more and more better .On the other hand,our school is beautiful.We hope we can make friends of each other.We also hope you can have a good time in ChinaAt the end of your visit,we hope you 怠浮壁荷撰沽辩泰菠骏can give vauaable suggestions for us.That's all thank you
1、Welecome 拼写错误 2、Welecome to our school All of our school stude怠浮壁荷撰沽辩泰菠骏nt 句中没有标点,其中student应该是复数 3、and what is American school like改为and what American school is like 4、canmake our class more and more better 改为canmake our class better 5、We hope we can make friends of each other改为We hope we can make friends with each other 6、,we hope you can give vauaable suggestions for us. 其中的vauaable 拼写错误,是valuable,give valuable suggestions to us.
our school student 改为us shcool students we think if you visit our school, we can ...改为 Your visit to our school make us learn more about American and Americ怠浮壁荷撰沽辩泰菠骏an school. more and more better 改为 much better make friends of each other 改为make friends with each other. give vauaable suggestions for us 改为give some valuable suggestions to us 最有一句话应写成。 That's all. Thank you.
Welecome——welcomestudent ——studentsAmerican——Americamore and more better——better and bettervauaable ——valuablefor——to
Do you know what's my room like? Let me tell you!
This is my room. This is a pink curtain. It's on the door. This is my desk. It's on the floor. This is my bed. It's next to the plant. These are my photos. They are on the wall. Oh, I have a basketball. It's under the bed. Where is my alarm clock? It is on the drawer. Look! My bag is on the chair. Now,let's take a look here: There is the window. There are some beautiful decrations on it.
This is my room. My room was really beautiful! Do you like it?
提问者 的感言:我就是初一的!谢谢
其他回答 (5)
Know how my room? Let me tell you!
Here is my room. This is the pink of the court, it hung on the gate. This is my desk, it on the floor. And this is my bed in plants, it. These are my photos, they are on the wall. Yes, I have a basketball, it under the bed. My mind is? It is in the drawer. Look! My bag on the chair. See here, this is the window on some accessories, gorgeous!
This is my room, very beautiful room! Do you like?
Do you know how my room? Let me tell you!
Here is my room. This is the pink of the court, it hung on the floor. This is my desk,they are on the floor. And this is my bed in plants, it. These are my photos, they are on the wall. Yes, I have a basketball under the bed. My mind is? It is in the drawer. Look! My bag is on the chair. See here, this is the window on some accessories, gorgeous!
This is my room,a very beautiful room! Do you like it?
You know my room what kind of?Let I to tell you!
It is my room here.This be the door screen of pink and it hang on the door.This be my desk and it is on the floor.Returning to have this is my bed, it is in the plant of flank.These be my photograph and they are on the wall noodles.Rightness, I still have a basketball and it is under the bed.Which in my brain?It is on the drawer.See!My schoolbag is on the chair.See again here, this be the window, top hanged some decorations, nice-looking!
This be my room, very beautiful room!Do you like?
You know my room is what it? Let me tell you!
This is my room. This is a pink curtain, which hung on the door. This is my desk, on the floor. This is also my bed, it's next to the plant. These are my photos on their walls. Yes, I have a basketball, which under the bed. My brain, where it? It in the top drawer. Look! My bag in the chair. Let us take a look here, this is the windows, hanging above a number of accessories, very good-looking!
This is my room, the room was beautiful! You like it?
Do you know what my room is like? Let me tell you about it!
This is my room.There is a pink curtain hold on the door. And my desk is on the floor.This is my bed. It's next to a plant. I also have some photos,they are on the wall. Oh,I have a basketball, it's under the bed. Where is my alarm clock?Do you know? It's on the drawer.Look!My schoolbag is on the chair. Now ,look here, There is a window here.There are some decrations on it.They are so beautiful .I like them very much.
This is my room,it's very beauful,right?Do you like it?
一篇50分1.印度斗鸡野蛮拒赛 将主人割喉杀死(翻译个也可,另取个题目更可)
Have you ever heard that a man was【had been】killed by a bird? Maybe it sounds unimportant, but it really happend this winter.In india, a frighting bird killed its owner with razor blades attached to its legs for the cruel sport of cockfighting.Generally speaking, roosters are used to an hour-long break between bouts. However, the dead, Singrai Soren, was forcing the rooster to fight again after just a small time, after it has completed another flight. The rooster tried to get away from the ring several times, but Soren pushed it into the ring repeatedly. This upset it and it attacked Soren.It is just【an】interesting news.【The man was killed by the frighting bird.】 But the news【make】us an inportant lesson. Every animal【s】has【人权】 ,include a little bird. The earth isn't just belong【to】people. It should belong【to】every【life】living in the earth. If a person do as the man【in】this news, the person would be punish as the man,too.2.1. This city is the second largest city of the country.It will be the host city for the 2016 Summer Olympics.The Carnival(狂欢节) is the most famous festival in the city.There is a beach called Copacabana.2. This city is called Rio de Janeiro.3. Rio de Janeiro is in the southwestern area of Brazil. It is the capital city of the State of Rio de Janeiro, the second largest city of Brazil. The city was the capital of Brazil for nearly two centuries, from 1763 to 1822. It was also the former capital of the Portuguese Empire from 1808 to 1821. Commonly known as just Rio, the city is also nicknamed &The Marvelous(不可思议的)City&.4.The Brasilia Carnival is a marvelous festival. It is the biggest carnival in the world.
At the time, the whole city turned out to celebrate the festival irrespective(不顾的) of race, color, creed or sex.5. There is also another exciting event about sports---the 31st Olympic Games.It is the first time that the Olympic Game will be held in South America.6. Rio is also famous for the Copacabana beach.There is a story talk about the Rio’s Copacabana beach. A reach man asked a tramp(流浪汉):“What a lovely day! Why don’t you go fishing on the sea?”T” Why should I go fishing?”T” Going fishing can make money.”T” Why should I make money?”T”If you have a lot of money, you can buy a lot of things.”T” What can I do after I have bought a lot of things?”T”When you have everything that you need, you can bask in the sun here comfortably.”At the words, the tramp turned ” Am not I lying comfortably here having a sun bath?”Maybe it is just a joke. But it is the Cariocan’s (里约热内卢人) the attitude: relaxed, lazily and enjoying themselves.7. That’s all. Thanks for listening.
Have you ever heard that a man was[had been]killed by a bird? Maybe it sounds unimportant, but it really happend this winter.n india, a frighting bird killed its owner with razor blades attached to its legs for the cruel sport of cockfighting.enerally speaking, roosters are used to an hour-long break between bouts. However, the dead, Singrai Soren, was forcing the rooster to fight again after just a small time, after it has completed another flight. The rooster tried to get away from the ring severa
2.1. This city is the second largest city of the country.t will be the host city for the 2016 Summer Olympics.he Carnival (carnival) is the most famous festival in the city.here is a beach called Copacabana.. This city is called Rio de Janeiro.. Rio de Janeiro is in the southwestern area of Brazil. It is the capital city of the State of Rio de Janeiro, the second largest city of Brazil. The city was the capital of Brazil for nearly two centuries, from 1763 to 1822. It was also the former capital
It is just interesting news (news不可数名词).The man was killed by the frighting bird.(这句话有点多余) But the news taught us an important lesson. Every animal has its own right ,include a little bird. The earth doesn't just belong topeople. It should belong to every life living on the earth. If a person does not respect others, he might get punished.
第一个故事很有意思。但改动稍多点(粗体字)。其他的改动较少。供您参考。Refusing taking part in the contest, a gamecock in India kills its owner
Have you ever heard that a man is killed by a bird? Maybe it sounds unbelievable, but it really happened this winter.In India, a fighting bird killed its owner with razor blades attached to its legs for the cruel sport of cockfighting.Generally speaking, roosters are used to have an hour-long break between bouts. However, the dead, Singrai Soren, was forcing the rooster to fight again after just a small time, after it had completed another flight. The rooster tried to get away from the ring several times, but Soren pushed it into the ring repeatedly. This upset it and it attacked Soren.It is just a piece of interesting news. The man was killed by the fighting bird.】 The news gives us an important lesson. Every animal has its own right, including a little bird. The earth does not just belong to human. It also belongs to every living being on the earth. If a person does what the man in this news did, then the person would get the punishment as the man received.2.1. This city is the country’s second largest It will be the host city for the 2016 Summer Olympics.The Carnival is the most famous festival in the city.There is a beach called Copacabana.2. This city is called Rio de Janeiro.3. Rio de Janeiro is in the southwestern area of Brazil. It is the capital city of the State of Rio de Janeiro, and the second largest city of Brazil. The city has been the capital of Brazil for nearly two centuries from 1763 to 1822. It was also the former capital of the Portuguese Empire from 1808 to 1821. Commonly known as just Rio, the city is also nicknamed &The Marvelous City&.4. The Brasilia Carnival is a marvelous festival. It is the biggest carnival in the world. At the time, the whole city turns out to celebrate the festival irrespective of race, color, creed or sex.5. There is also another exciting event about sports---the 31st Olympic Games.It will be the first time that the Olympic Game is held in South America.6. Rio is also famous for the Copacabana beach.There is a story about the Rio’s Copacabana beach. A reach man asked a tramp, “What a lovely day! Why don’t you go fishing on the sea?”The tramp said, “Why should I go fishing?”The reach man said, “Going fishing can make money.”The tramp said, “Why should I make money?”The reach man said, “If you have a lot of money, you can buy a lot of things.”The tramp said, “What can I do after I have bought a lot of things?”The reach man said, “When you have everything that you need, you can bask in the sun here comfortably.”At the words, the tramp turned over lazily and said, “Am not I lying comfortably here having a sun bath?”Maybe it is just a joke. But it is Cariocan’s attitude: being relaxed lazily and enjoying themselves.7. That’s all. Thanks for listening.


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