
Pardanthus sinensis Ker.怎么翻译及发音
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简明英汉词典carpet[5kB:pit]n.地毯美国传统词典[双解]carpetcar.petAHD:[k?r“p1t] D.J.[6k$8pit]K.K.[6k$p!t]n.(名词)(1)A thick, heavy covering for a floor, usually made of woven wool a rug.地毯:地板上的厚重的覆盖物,通常用织成的羊毛或合成纤维做成;皮毛地毯(2)The fabric used for this floor covering.地毯织料:用来织地毯的织物(3)A surface or surface covering that is similar to a rug:地毯状物:类似于地毯的表面或表层覆盖物:a carpet of leaves and pine needles on the forest floor.森林覆被上一层厚厚的落叶和松针及物动词),, car.petsTo cover with or as if with a carpet:铺地毯:在…铺上地毯或地毯状物: snow that carpeted the sidewalks.在楼梯上铺地毯;覆盖在人行道上的雪习惯用语on the carpet(1)In a position of being reprimanded by one in authority:被训斥:处于被一权威人士训斥的状况:was called on the carpet for cheating.因蒙骗被叫去训斥(2)Under discussion or consideration:在讨论中,在考虑中:Several important matters will be on the carpet at today's meeting.几个重要的问题要求在今天的会议上讨论语源(1)Middle English 中古英语 (2)from Old French carpite 源自 古法语 carpite (3)from Medieval Latin carpoa 源自 中世纪拉丁语 carpoa (4)from Old Italian carpita 源自 古意大利语 carpita (5)from carpire [to pluck] 源自 carpire [拔,摘,采] (6)from Latin carpere * see kerp- 源自 拉丁语 carpere *参见 kerp- 现代英汉词典carpet[5kB:pIt]n.(1)地毯;毡毯(2)似地毯一类的覆盖物词性变化carpetvt.(1)铺地毯(2)申斥;训斥;责备He was carpeted for bad work.他因工作不好而受到训斥。现代英汉综合大辞典carpet[5kB:pit]n.(1)地毯, 毛毯, 绒毯, 毡毯(2)类似地毯之类的覆盖物(3)【军】毯式轰炸(4)【建】磨耗层(5)(雷达)电子干扰仪, 航空干扰发射机 a carpet of moss [grass]一厚层苔藓[草]词性变化carpet[5kB:pit]vt.(1)在... 上铺地毯(2)把...叫到室内训斥(3)地毯式轰炸(4)把(花草等)复盖在...上ground carpeted with fallen leaves复盖着落叶的地面We are going to carpet the stairs.我们打算把楼梯铺上地毯。The valley is carpeted with cherry blossoms.山谷一片樱花。carpet[5kB:pit]adj.好逸恶劳的, 不出家门的We are no carpet soldiers, but courageous troops.我们不是少爷兵, 而是英勇善战的勇士。继承用法carpet-arean.室内面积carpetbagn.毯制旅行手提包词性变化carpet[5kB:pit]adj.投机取巧的vi.[美俚]投机取巧carpet-baggern.(1)[美]南北战争后(只带一个旅行袋)去南方投机钻营的北方人(2)[英]不受欢迎的外来政客[候选人等]carpetweed[`kB:pItwi:d]n.【植】毡草(产于北美)carpetingn.地毯料子; 毡布, 地毯carpetlessadj.习惯用语bring sb. on the carpet挨骂, 听"训", 被(主人等)申斥call sb. on the carpet挨骂, 听"训", 被(主人等)申斥have sb. on the carpet挨骂, 听"训", 被(主人等)申斥come on the carpet提出来研究讨论be brought on the carpet提出来研究讨论magic carpet魔毯(原出《一千零一夜》)on the carpet(1)在审议中, 在研究中, 在考虑中(2)[口](仆役、下级等)被叫去, 被训斥red carpet红地毯, [喻]隆重地接待roll out the red carpet for sb.展开红地毯, 隆重地接待shove sth. under the carpet把...事情掩盖起来step off the carpet[美俚]结婚walk the carpet(1)被主人叫去训斥(2)抚慰(with)特殊用法acoustic carpet隔声绒毯Axminster carpet阿克明斯特地毯bomb carpet【军】面积轰炸散布面Kidder ingrain carpet基德无绒头地毯plain carpet素色地毯pollution carpet【生态】污染毡状层rubber carpet橡胶铺垫scotch carpet苏格兰地毯sonic boom carpet声震层carpet of tobacco烟丝薄层用法词典carpet来自古法语 carpite 地毯英文相关词典carpetmat&&&&rug&&&&[七国语言]英汉建筑大词典carpet地毯[七国语言]英汉轻工业大词典carpet地毯美国传统词典carpetcar.petAHD:[k?r“p1t] D.J.[6k$8pit]K.K.[6k$p!t]n.(1)A thick, heavy covering for a floor, usually made of woven wool a rug.(2)The fabric used for this floor covering.(3)A surface or surface covering that is similar to a rug:a carpet of leaves and pine needles on the forest,, car.petsTo cover with or as if with a carpet: snow that carpeted the sidewalks.习惯用语on the carpet(1)In a position of being reprimanded by one in authority:was called on the carpet for cheating.(2)Under discussion or consideration:Several important matters will be on the carpet at today's meeting.语源(1)Middle English (2)from Old French carpite (3)from Medieval Latin carpoa (4)from Old Italian carpita (5)from carpire [to pluck] (6)from Latin carpere * see kerp- 英汉船舶大词典carpet n.地毯,雷达电子干扰仪;n.铺底毯 英汉电信大词典carpet n.干扰发射同;n.雷达电子干扰仪系统 英汉纺织大词典carpet n.地毯 英汉航海大词典carpet n.地毯,磨耗层 英汉航空大词典carpet n.地毯,罩;n.面积轰炸,地毯式轰炸 英汉化学大词典carpet n.地毯,毡层,毡毯,毡纸,铺地毯,铺上一层,电子干扰仪;vt.铺毡,地毯式轰炸 英汉海运大词典carpet 地毯 英汉进出口商品词汇大全carpet 地毯 英汉计算机大词典carpet n.毡层(包围,地毯式轰炸;vt.铺毡(地毯式轰炸) 英汉机械大词典carpet n.毯 英汉建筑大词典carpet n.地毯 英汉汽车大词典carpet n.车身内部被覆物 英汉中医大词典carpet n.地毯,地毯一样的覆盖物
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